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DOI: 10.1126/science.1238187, 1434 (2013);340 Science

et al.Dimas G. de OteyzaChemical ReactionsDirect Imaging of Covalent Bond Structure in Single-Molecule

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Page 2: Direct Imaging of Covalent Bond Structure in Single-Molecule

As observed in FMO, coherences between sin-gly excited electronic states persist longer thanthe coherences between the ground state and theindividual excited states by an order of magni-tude (28), suggesting that the energetic fluctua-tions responsible for dephasing each exciton arecorrelated.

A similar pattern is observed in the powerspectrum of the trace taken from the spectra ofdimer AC. Here, the prominent 693 cm−1 peak inthe transform is absent from the transform fromthe control experiments. Although a nearby fea-ture appears in the power spectrum from the cor-responding mixture of monomers (fig. S4), thisfeature is below the noise floor of the transform,which we define as 1.5 times the mean valueof the spectrum. The energy gap inferred fromthe monomers A′ and C′ absorption maxima is705 cm−1 (Fig. 4, solid magenta line), whichagain is in excellent agreement with the beatfrequency observed in the 2D spectra. This meth-od of estimating the energy gap between excitedstates inherently neglects any shifts that may oc-cur because of coupling between electronic states.The fit to this trace gives a frequency of 703 T10 cm−1, and the dephasing time obtained fromthe linewidth of the peak in the power spectrumis 60 fs. Last, the power spectrum of dimer BCshows a strong peak at 199 cm−1, which the fit tothe trace refines to 195 T 4 cm−1, again matchingthe inferred energy gap of 201 cm−1. The de-phasing time for this peak is also 60 fs.

The time traces of the off-diagonal featuresin the spectra of the dimers exhibit oscillatorybehavior associated with coherent evolution atfrequencies corresponding to the respective tran-sition energy gaps, whereas traces taken at iden-tical spectral coordinates in the spectra of thecorresponding monomers demonstrate only vi-brational oscillations. This disparity allows usto assign these quantum beats to coherences be-tween the electronic excited states of the dimers.The synthetic ease with which we control the en-ergy gap between the monomers allows us tofollow the frequency of the beating signal betweenthree different dimers, further demonstrating theelectronic nature of these oscillations.

By replicating in a simple synthetic systemthe long-lived electronic coherence observed inbiological systems, we confirm the generality ofthis phenomenon and introduce a framework fordissecting the complex information contained in2D spectra of natural multichromophoric sys-tems. In creating the first model system for sucheffects, we have identified that proximity, fixedorientation, and electronic coupling are sufficientto support persistent coherence. This system willallow complementary experimental and theoret-ical approaches to fully understand the role ofquantum coherence in chemical dynamics. Fur-thermore, this work lays the groundwork for thedevelopment of artificial energy-transfer devicesthat exploit the improved transfer efficiency ob-tained from the synergy between coherent andincoherent dynamics.

References and Notes1. G. S. Engel et al., Nature 446, 782 (2007).2. T. R. Calhoun et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 16291

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28. D. Hayes et al., New J. Phys. 12, 065042 (2010).29. J. R. Caram, A. F. Fidler, G. S. Engel, J. Chem. Phys. 137,

024507 (2012).30. R. W. Wood, G. Collins, Phys. Rev. 42, 386 (1932).

Acknowledgments: Details of the synthesis, spectroscopy,and data analysis are included in the supplementary materials.The authors would like to thank the NSF Materials Researchand Engineering Center (grant DMR 08-02054), Air ForceOffice of Scientific Research (grant FA9550-09-1-0117),Defense Threat Reduction Agency (HDTRA1-10-1-0091P00002), the Defense Advanced Research Projects AgencyQuBE program (grant N66001-10-1-4060), and the SearleFoundation for supporting this work. D.H. thanks the NSFGraduate Research Fellowship Program program for funding.The mass spectrometry facility used for this work issupported by NSF grant CHE-1048528. The authors gratefullyacknowledge the experimental efforts of R. McGillicuddy,P. Dahlberg, K. A. Fransted, T. Jarvis, and C. J. Qin and thankS. Viswanathan and A. Fidler for useful discussions.

Supplementary and MethodsFigs. S1 to S5References (31–33)

10 December 2012; accepted 2 April 2013Published online 18 April 2013;10.1126/science.1233828

Direct Imaging of Covalent BondStructure in Single-MoleculeChemical ReactionsDimas G. de Oteyza,1,2* Patrick Gorman,3* Yen-Chia Chen,1,4* Sebastian Wickenburg,1,4

Alexander Riss,1 Duncan J. Mowbray,5,6 Grisha Etkin,3 Zahra Pedramrazi,1 Hsin-Zon Tsai,1

Angel Rubio,2,5,6 Michael F. Crommie,1,4† Felix R. Fischer3,4†

Observing the intricate chemical transformation of an individual molecule as it undergoes acomplex reaction is a long-standing challenge in molecular imaging. Advances in scanning probemicroscopy now provide the tools to visualize not only the frontier orbitals of chemicalreaction partners and products, but their internal covalent bond configurations as well. Weused noncontact atomic force microscopy to investigate reaction-induced changes in the detailedinternal bond structure of individual oligo-(phenylene-1,2-ethynylenes) on a (100) orientedsilver surface as they underwent a series of cyclization processes. Our images reveal the complexsurface reaction mechanisms underlying thermally induced cyclization cascades of enediynes.Calculations using ab initio density functional theory provide additional support for the proposedreaction pathways.

Understanding the microscopic rearrange-ments of matter that occur during chem-ical reactions is of great importance for

catalytic mechanisms and may lead to greaterefficiencies in industrially relevant processes(1, 2). However, traditional chemical structurecharacterization methods are typically limited to

ensemble techniques where different molecularstructures, if present, are convolved in each mea-surement (3). This limitation complicates the de-termination of final chemical products, and often itrenders such identification impossible for productspresent only in small amounts. Single-moleculecharacterization techniques such as scanning tun-

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neling microscopy (STM) (4, 5) potentially pro-vide a means for surpassing these limitations.Structural identification using STM, however, islimited by the microscopic contrast arising fromthe electronic local density of states (LDOS), whichis not always easily related to chemical struc-ture. Another important subnanometer-resolvedtechnique is transmission electron microscopy(TEM). Here, however, the high-energy electronbeam is often too destructive for organic moleculeimaging. Recent advances in tuning fork–basednoncontact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM)provide a method capable of nondestructive sub-nanometer spatial resolution (6–10). Single-molecule images obtained with this techniqueare reminiscent of wire-frame chemical structuresand even allow differences in chemical bondorder to be identified (10). Here we show that itis possible to resolve with nc-AFM the intramo-lecular structural changes and bond rearrangementsassociated with complex surface-supported cy-clization cascades, thereby revealing the micro-scopic processes involved in chemical reactionpathways.

Intramolecular structural characterization wasperformed on the products of a thermally inducedenediyne cyclization of 1,2-bis((2-ethynylphenyl)ethynyl)benzene (1). Enediynes exhibit a variety ofradical cyclization processes known to competewith traditional Bergman cyclizations (11, 12),thus often rendering numerous products with com-plex structures that are difficult to characterize usingensemble techniques (13). To directly image theseproducts with subnanometer spatial resolution, wethermally activated the cyclization reaction on anatomically clean metallic surface under ultrahighvacuum (UHV). We used STM and nc-AFM toprobe both the reactant and final products at thesingle-molecule level. Our images reveal how thethermally induced complex bond rearrangementof 1 resulted in a variety of unexpected products,from which we have obtained a detailed mecha-nistic picture—corroborated by ab initio densityfunctional theory (DFT) calculations—of the cy-clization processes.

We synthesized 1,2-bis((2-ethynylphenyl)ethynyl)benzene (1) through iterative Sonogashira cross-coupling reactions (scheme S1) (14). We depos-ited 1 from a Knudsen cell onto a Ag(100) surfaceheld at room temperature under UHV. Molecule-decorated samples were transferred to a cryogenicimaging stage (T ≤ 7 K) before and after under-

going a thermal annealing step. Cryogenic imagingwas performed both in a home-built T = 7 K scan-ning tunnelingmicroscope and in a qPlus-equipped(15, 16) commercial Omicron LT-STM/AFM atT = 4 K. nc-AFM images were recorded bymeasuring the frequency shift of the qPlus res-onator while scanning over the sample surface inconstant-height mode. For nc-AFMmeasurements,the apex of the tip was first functionalized with asingle CO molecule (6). To assess the reactionpathway energetics, we performed ab initio DFTcalculations within the local density approxima-tion (17) using the GPAW (Grid-based ProjectorAugmented Wavefunction) code (18, 19).

Figure 1A shows a representative STM imageof 1 on Ag(100) before undergoing thermal an-nealing. The adsorbed molecules each exhibitedthree maxima in their LDOS at positions sugges-tive of the phenyl rings in 1 (Fig. 1A). Annealingthe molecule-decorated Ag surface up to 80°C leftthe structure of the molecules unchanged. Anneal-ing the sample at T ≥ 90°C, however, induced achemical transformation of 1 into distinctively dif-ferent molecular products (some molecular de-sorption was observed). Figure 1B shows an STMimage of the surface after annealing at 145°Cfor 1 min. Two of the reaction products can beseen in this image, labeled as 2 and 3. The structuresof the products are unambiguously distinguishablefrom one another and from the starting material1, as shown in the close-up STM images of themost common products 2, 3, and 4 in Fig. 2, Bto D. The observed product ratios are 2:3:4 =(51 T 7%):(28 T 5%):(7 T 3%), with the remainingproducts comprising other minority monomers aswell as fused oligomers (fig. S2) (14).

Detailed subnanometer-resolved structureand bond conformations of the molecular reac-tant 1 and products (2, 3, and 4) were obtainedby performing nc-AFM measurements of themolecule-decorated sample both before and afterannealing at T ≥ 90°C. Figure 2E shows a nc-AFM image of 1 before annealing. In contrast tothe STM image (Fig. 2A) of 1, which reflects thediffuse electronic LDOS of the molecule, theAFM image reveals the highly spatially resolved

internal bond structure. A dark halo observed alongthe periphery of the molecule is associated withlong-range electrostatic and van der Waals inter-actions (6, 20). The detailed intramolecular contrastarises from short-ranged Pauli repulsion, which ismaximized in the regions of highest electrondensity (20). These regions include the atomicpositions and the covalent bonds. Even subtledifferences in the electron density attributed tospecific bond orders can be distinguished (10), asevidenced by the enhanced contrast at the positionsof the triple bonds within 1. This effect is to bedistinguished from the enhanced contrast observedalong the periphery of themolecule,where spuriouseffects (e.g., because of a smaller van der Waalsbackground, enhanced electron density at theboundaries of the delocalized p-electron system,andmolecular deviations fromplanarity) generallyinfluence the contrast (10, 20).

Figure 2, F to H, shows subnanometer-resolved nc-AFM images of reaction products2, 3, and 4 that were observed after annealing thesample atT > 90°C. The structure of these productsremained unaltered even after further annealing totemperatures within the probed range from 90°to 150°C (150°C was the maximum annealingtemperature explored in this study). The nc-AFMimages reveal structural patterns of annulated six-,five-, and four-membered rings. The inferredmolecular structures are shown in Fig. 2, J to L.Internal bond lengths measured by nc-AFM havepreviously been shown to correlate with Paulingbond order (10), but with deviations occurring neara molecule’s periphery, as described above. As aresult, we could extract clear bonding geometriesfor the products (Fig. 2, J toL), but not their detailedbond order. The subtle radial streaking extendingfrom the peripheral carbon atoms suggests that thevalences of the carbon atoms are terminated byhydrogen (20). This is in agreement with molecularmass conservation for all proposed product struc-tures and indicates that the chemical reactionsleading to products 2, 3, and 4 are exclusivelyisomerization processes (21).

Our ability to directly visualize the bond ge-ometry of the reaction products (Fig. 2, F to H)

1Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA94720, USA. 2Centro de Física de Materiales CSIC/UPV-EHU-Materials Physics Center, Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 5, E-20018San Sebastián, Spain. 3Department of Chemistry, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 4Materials Sciences Di-vision, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA94720, USA. 5Donostia International Physics Center, PaseoManuel de Lardizabal 4, E-20018 San Sebastián, Spain. 6Nano-Bio Spectroscopy Group and ETSF Scientific Development Center,Dpto. de Física deMateriales, Universidaddel País VascoUPV/EHU,Avenida de Tolosa 72, E-20018 San Sebastián, Spain.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.†Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected](M.F.C.); [email protected] (F.R.F.)


T > 90°C

A B Ag(100)




Fig. 1. STM images of a reactant-decorated Ag(100) surface before and after thermally inducedcyclization reactions. (A) Constant-current STM image of 1 as deposited on Ag(100) (I= 25 pA, V= 0.1 V,T = 7 K). A model of the molecular structure is overlaid on a close-up STM image. (B) STM image of products 2and 3 on the surface shown in (A) after annealing at T = 145°C for 1 min (I = 45 pA, V = 0.1 V, T = 7 K). SCIENCE VOL 340 21 JUNE 2013 1435
















Page 4: Direct Imaging of Covalent Bond Structure in Single-Molecule

provides insight into the detailed thermal reactionmechanisms that convert 1 into the products. Welimit our discussion to the reaction pathwaysleading from 1 to the two most abundantproducts, 2 and 3. The reactivity of oligo-1,2-diethynylbenzene 1 can be rationalized by treatingthe 1,2-diethynylbenzene subunits as independentbut overlapping enediyne systems that are eithersubstituted by two phenyl rings for the centralenediyne, or by one phenyl ring and one hydrogenatom in the terminal segments. This treatmentsuggests three potential cyclizations along thereaction pathway (resulting in six-, five-, or four-membered rings) (22), in addition to other possibleisomerization processes such as [1,2]-radical shiftsor bond rotations that have been observed inrelated systems (23). Combinations of these pro-cesses leading to the products in a minimal numberof steps were explored and analyzed using DFTcalculations (14).

We started by calculating the total energy of asingle adsorbed molecule of the reactant 1 on aAg(100) surface. Activation barriers and theenergy of metastable intermediates were calcu-lated (including molecule-surface interactions)for a variety of isomeric structures along thereaction pathway leading toward the products 2and 3. Our observations that the structure ofreactants on Ag(100) remains unchanged for T <90°C and that no reaction intermediates can bedetected among the products indicate that theinitial enediyne cyclization is associated with anotable activation barrier that represents the rate-determining step in the reaction. In agreement with

experiments, DFTcalculations predict an initial highbarrier for the first cyclization reactions, followedby a series of lower barriers associated with sub-sequent bond rotations and hydrogen shifts.

Figure 3A shows the reaction pathway deter-mined for the transformation of 1 into product 2.The rate-determining activation barrier is asso-ciated with a C1–C6 Bergman cyclization of aterminal enediyne coupled with a C1–C5 cy-clization of the internal enediyne segment to givethe intermediate diradical Int1 in an overallexothermic process (–60.8 kcal mol–1). Rotationof the third enediyne subunit around a doublebond, followed by the C1–C5 cyclization of thefulvene radical with the remaining triple bond,leads to Int2. The rotation around the exocyclicdouble bond is hindered by the Ag surface andrequires the breaking of the bond between theunsaturated valence on the sp2 carbon atom andthe Ag. Yet the activation barrier associated withthis process does not exceed the energy of thestarting material used as a reference. The for-mation of three new carbon-carbon bonds and theextended aromatic conjugation stabilize Int2 by–123.9 kcal mol–1 relative to 1. Finally, a se-quence of radical [1,2]- and [1,3]-hydrogen shiftsfollowed by a C1–C6 cyclization leads from Int2directly to the dibenzofulvalene 2. Our calcu-lations indicate that the substantial activationbarriers generally associated with radical hydro-gen shifts in the gas phase (50 to 60 kcal mol–1)(24, 25) are lowered through the stabilizing effectof the Ag atoms on the surface, and thus they donot represent a rate-limiting process (Fig. 3A).

The reaction sequence toward 3 is illustratedin Fig. 3B. The rate-determining first step in-volves two C1–C5 cyclizations of the stericallyless hindered terminal enediynes to yield benzo-fulvene diradicals. The radicals localized on theexocyclic double bonds subsequently recombinein a formal C1–C4 cyclization to yield the four-membered ring in the transient intermediatetInt1. This process involves the formation ofthree new carbon-carbon bonds, yet it lacks thearomatic stabilization associated with the for-mation of the naphthyl fragment in Int2 and isconsequently less exothermic (–60.7 kcal mol–1).A sequence of bond rotations transforms tInt1via Int3 into tInt2. Alignment of the unsatu-rated carbon valences in diradical tInt1 withunderlying Ag atoms maximizes the interactionwith the substrate and induces a highly non-planar arrangement, thereby making subsequentrotations essentially barrierless. [1,2]-Hydrogenshifts and a formal C1–C6 cyclization yield thebiphenylene 3.

Both reaction pathways toward 2 and 3 in-volve C1–C5 enediyne cyclizations. These aregenerally energetically less favorable relative tothe preferred C1–C6 Bergman cyclizations (22),but factors such as the steric congestion inducedby substituents on the alkynes (12, 22), the pres-ence of metal catalysts (26), or single-electronreductions of enediynes (27, 28) have been shownto sway the balance toward C1–C5 cyclizationsyielding benzofulvene diradicals. All three ofthese factors apply to the present case of thethermally induced cyclization of 1 on Ag(100)

Fig. 2. Comparison of STM im-ages, nc-AFM images, and struc-tures for molecular reactant andproducts. (A) STM image of 1 onAg(100) before annealing. (B toD) STM images of individual products2, 3, and 4 on Ag(100) after an-nealing at T > 90°C (I = 10 pA,V = –0.2 V, T = 4 K). (E) nc-AFMimage of the same molecule (reac-tant 1) depicted in (A). (F to H)nc-AFM images of the samemolecules(products 2, 3, and 4) depicted in(B) to (D). nc-AFM images were ob-tained at sample bias V = –0.2 V(qPlus sensor resonance frequency =29.73 kHz, nominal spring constant =1800 N/m, Q-value = 90,000, os-cillation amplitude = 60 pm). (Ito L) Schematic representation ofthe molecular structure of reac-tant 1 and products 2, 3, and 4.All images were acquired with aCO-modified tip.


–1.2Hz 1.9Hz

Reactant 1


–1.9Hz 3.0Hz

Product 2


–1.2Hz 3.5Hz

Product 3


–1.2Hz 3.8Hz

Product 4

T > 90°C





C26H14 C26H14 C26H14 C26H14



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[e.g., bulky phenyl substituent on C1 and C6, ametallic substrate, and a charge transfer of 0.5electrons from the substrate to 1 (14)], thusfacilitating the C1–C5 cyclizations. The preciseorder of the low-energy processes (such as theInt3-tInt2 rotation and the tInt2-3 [1,2]-hydrogenshifts) following the rate-limiting initial cycliza-tions cannot be strictly determined experimen-tally. However, the sequence does not change theoverall reaction kinetics and thermodynamicsdiscussed above. Our bond-resolved single-moleculeimaging thus allows us to extract an exhaustivepicture and unparalleled insight into the chem-istry involved in complex enediyne cyclization

cascades on Ag(100) surfaces. This detailed mech-anistic understanding in turn guides the design ofprecursors for the rational synthesis of functionalsurface-supported molecular architectures.

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Acknowledgments: Supported by the Office of NavalResearch BRC Program (molecular synthesis, characterization,and STM imaging); the Helios Solar Energy ResearchCenter supported by the Office of Science, Office of BasicEnergy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy under contractDE-AC02-05CH11231 (STM and nc-AFM instrumentation de-velopment, AFM operation); NSF grant DMR-1206512 (imageanalysis); and European Research Council advanced grantDYNamo ERC-2010-AdG-267374 (ab initio calculations).Computing time was provided by the Barcelona Super-computing Center “Red Española de Supercomputacion.”D.G.d.O. acknowledges fellowship support by the EuropeanUnion under FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IOF-271909, A.R. by AustrianScience Fund (FWF) grant J3026-N16, and D.J.M. by theSpanish “Juan de la Cierva” program ( JCI-2010-08156).The data presented in the manuscript are tabulated in themain paper and in the supplementary materials. The authorsdeclare no conflicts of interest.

Supplementary and MethodsSupplementary TextFigs. S1 to S3Scheme S1Table S1References (29–34)

22 March 2013; accepted 3 May 2013Published online 30 May 2013;10.1126/science.1238187

Int1 Int21 2

tInt1 Int31 3tInt2










y [k

cal m


1 ]






y [k

cal m


1 ]


ergy [eV






ergy [eV


Fig. 3. Reaction pathways and their associated energies as calculated by DFT. (A) Proposedpathway for the cyclization of reactant 1 into product 2 on Ag(100). (B) Proposed pathway for thecyclization of reactant 1 into product 3 on Ag(100). Energies for 1, 2, and 3 (end point solid circles),for the intermediates Int1, Int2, Int3, tInt1, and tInt2 (intermediate solid circles), and for thereaction barriers (open circles) were calculated using ab initio DFT theory (14). Ball-and-stick modelsshow the nonplanar structure of intermediates. The symbol ‡ indicates the rate-determiningtransition state; the red line is the reference energy of 1 on Ag(100). SCIENCE VOL 340 21 JUNE 2013 1437














