Download - Diocese of Canterbury€¦ · Web view1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge

Page 1: Diocese of Canterbury€¦ · Web view1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge

Fresh Approach Collective Worship Planning

Year B Term 5 ‘The darkest hours are just before dawn’

(An English proverb)

This special edition of the termly collective worship plans has been written in a simple form to allow the suggestions to be adapted to suit your school context. Feel free to tweak and change them as you see fit. They have been deliberately written to focus your families on finding joy and hope in what is a very strange and dark time.

It has been wonderful to see how many of you have been creating worship ideas and prayers for your families to use at home. Thank you, because hearing how families have engaged with these as an important part of their daily routine has warmed my heart.

I hope that these thoughts support you as school families to continue worshipping in whatever context you find yourself.God bless,Rebecca

‘I pray that you will be strengthened with his glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need. May you be filled with joy.’ AmenColossians 1: 11

Worship wherever you areLive the Rainbow

Give thanks Celebrate Spring

Week 1 Bring happinessOffer forgivenessCelebrate family

Week 2 Be the hopeBuild friendshipsCelebrate VE day

Week 3 Seek joyCreate laughter Celebrate The NHS

Week 4 Find your kindnessSearch for beautyCelebrate creativity

Week 5 Share loveChoose peaceCelebrate learning

Page 2: Diocese of Canterbury€¦ · Web view1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge

Collective Worship Plan – Year B Term 5Please note: These are just ideas to support your own planning – please change, adapt and tweak for your school and children. You do not have to follow these plans exactly as they have been written. Please ensure you watch any video clips to ensure they are suitable for your context, and be aware of any copyright relating to resources/links.

R. Swansbury The Diocese of Canterbury

Page 3: Diocese of Canterbury€¦ · Web view1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge

Collective Worship Plan – Year B Term 5Please note: These are just ideas to support your own planning – please change, adapt and tweak for your school and children. You do not have to follow these plans exactly as they have been written. Please ensure you watch any video clips to ensure they are suitable for your context, and be aware of any copyright relating to resources/links.

R. Swansbury The Diocese of Canterbury

The Rainbow Children

The history books will talk of now,That time the world stood still.When every family stayed at home,Waved out from windowsills-At those they loved but could not hold,Because they loved them so.Yet, whilst they did they noticed all the flowers start to grow.

The sun came out, they can recall,And windows, rainbows filled.They kicked a football in their yards,Until the night drew in.They walked each day but not too close,That time the world stood still.When people walked straight down the roads,That once the cars did fill.

They saw that people became ill,They knew the world was scared.But whilst the world stood still they saw,How much the whole world cared.

They clapped on Thursdays from their doors,They cheered for the brave.For people who would risk their lives,So others could be saved.

The schools closed down, they missed their friends,They missed their teachers so.Their Mams and Dads helped with their work,They helped their minds to grow.The parents used to worry that,As schools were put on hold,Their children wouldn’t have the tools,They’d need as they grew old.

But history books will talk of them,Now adults, fully grown.Those little boys and girls back then,The ones who stayed at home.They’ll tell you that they fixed this world,Of all they would fulfil.The RAINBOW children building dreams,They’d dreamed whilst time stood still

Gemma Peacock

Page 4: Diocese of Canterbury€¦ · Web view1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge

Collective Worship Plan – Year B Term 5Please note: These are just ideas to support your own planning – please change, adapt and tweak for your school and children. You do not have to follow these plans exactly as they have been written. Please ensure you watch any video clips to ensure they are suitable for your context, and be aware of any copyright relating to resources/links.

Worship wherever you are – Live the RainbowLi



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our Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


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Thursday: Celebrate Easter Look at this painting, which is called The Empty Tomb by Nebiyu Assefa. What can you see, what do you notice? Read the story below together. This is the story that Christians remember on Easter Sunday. At first, Mary didn’t recognise Jesus. Why do you think this could have been?

Hands always play an important part in Nebiyu’s art. What do you notice about Jesus’ hands and feet in this picture? Why do you think it might have been important for Mary to see these?

I wonder what you did to celebrate Easter? Did you get an Easter egg? An Easter egg can remind us of the empty tomb, Jesus didn’t stay dead, he came back to life. Christians celebrate this joy at Easter time.

I wonder what Easter means to you? I wonder how you could continue celebrate the joy of Easter Sunday?

Celebrate SpringI wonder what you can see out of your windows?Can you see signs of spring? Can you hear the birds, see the sun shining?

I wonder what you want to give thanks for today?For spring, for sunshine or for your family and friends? Give thanks to God now for these things.

R. Swansbury The Diocese of Canterbury

The Story: On the third day after Jesus had been crucified and whilst it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the garden tomb where Jesus had been laid. As she drew nearer, she noticed, with alarm, that the huge stone that had been in front of the entrance had been rolled away! Bewildered, Mary raced back to the disciples who immediately returned with her to see for themselves. It was true, the tomb was empty and Jesus’ body was no longer there! Shocked and confused but realising there was nothing to be done, the men went home again but Mary stayed. She had never felt more alone and she wept bitterly. Bending over once more, Mary looked into the cave. To her amazement, she saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been. “Why are you crying?” they asked.“They have taken my Lord away” she said “and I don’t know where they have put him.” At this moment, Mary turned and saw Jesus standing there. At first, she did not recognise him but then he spoke her name, “Mary”. Her face lit up, her tears turned to joy and her heart was ready to burst. She had seen him with her own eyes, Jesus was alive!

Taken from Used with permission

Page 5: Diocese of Canterbury€¦ · Web view1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge

Collective Worship Plan – Year B Term 5Please note: These are just ideas to support your own planning – please change, adapt and tweak for your school and children. You do not have to follow these plans exactly as they have been written. Please ensure you watch any video clips to ensure they are suitable for your context, and be aware of any copyright relating to resources/links.


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Give thanksI wonder what you are thankful for today?

Many people in the world are feeling very sad and worried about the Corona virus. I wonder how you are feeling about it? It is ok to feel sad and worried. Talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling. It is good to share your feelings with others.Something you can do when you are feeling sad or worried is to remember all the things you have in your life that you are thankful for. It can help you to feel less upset or anxious. Try it!

I wonder how many things you are thankful for? How many can you name in 1 minute? Your family, your house, your friends, the food you have eaten, the bed you slept it, your toys …..

What else can you think of?As you think about these things, you might like to say a thank you prayer to God.

Psalm 107:1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Christians use this verse to remind them to thank God for all he has given to them. It also reminds them that God’s love will never end or go away. I wonder how knowing this makes you feel?

Be generous

Across the country, there have been many acts of generosity, with people going above and beyond to help others: delivering shopping or medicines, speaking to people who are lonely or volunteering to work in our hospitals and schools. I wonder if you have seen people being generous where you live? I wonder - do you think you can only be generous with money or with things?How else could you be generous?

Can you be generous with your time? What might this look like?Could you spend time with a younger brother or sister and read to them?Could you make cards to cheer up people who are lonely?Could you smile at people who live near you?

2 Corinthians 9: 11You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion.

The Bible encourages Christians to be generous and that God will help them and provide all they need to do this. Ask God to help you be generous. I wonder what idea God might inspire you with to help you be generous.

Offer forgivenessDo you find it easy to forgive people? It can be really hard, especially if that person has deeply hurt your feelings.

I wonder how many times people have forgiven you? How does being forgiven make you feel?

Ephesians 4:3232 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

What does this verse teach Christians about how to treat others? I wonder what this verse might make you think about?

I wonder if you offer forgiveness to others?

The Lord’s Prayer says…‘Forgive us our sins, as we forgive others.’

In a time of quiet, think about what you need to say sorry for and those you need to forgive. Ask God to help you offer forgiveness to others.

Offer forgiveness

Have a look at this picture. What do you think is happening in this picture? How does it make you feel?The picture is called ‘Forgiven’ Why do you think the artist chose an image like this to represent forgiveness? What does it tell you about forgiveness?

Matthew 18:21 (MSG)“Master, how many times do I forgive a brother or sister who hurts me? Seven?”22 Jesus replied, “Seven! Hardly. Try seventy times seven.

I wonder why Jesus told his disciples and followers to forgive people 70x7 times? How important do you think forgiveness is to God? Thank God today for his forgiveness.

Celebrate family I wonder who is in your family?Families come in all different shapes and sizes. Close your eyes and imagine each of them. As you think about each member of your family, thank God for them. 1 Thessalonians 1:2“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.”

The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge something (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.’

I wonder how you could celebrate your family today?We can’t have social gatherings at the moment, but could you do something practical or write a letter to a family member you can’t visit?

R. Swansbury The Diocese of Canterbury

Page 6: Diocese of Canterbury€¦ · Web view1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge

Collective Worship Plan – Year B Term 5Please note: These are just ideas to support your own planning – please change, adapt and tweak for your school and children. You do not have to follow these plans exactly as they have been written. Please ensure you watch any video clips to ensure they are suitable for your context, and be aware of any copyright relating to resources/links.


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Build friendships

What sort of friend are you? Do you stick by your friends?Do you sometimes get distracted and end up not spending enough time with your friends?I wonder if you are a true friend?

Proverbs 18:24Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.

The Bible encourages people to stick by others and care for them as you would your family.

Philippians 2:4 (Good News Translation)‘And look out for one another's interests, not just for your own’.

I wonder how you could be a friend who looks out for the interests of others?

. Build friendships

Think about your friends - do they go to your school, football club, brownies?Do you have a picture of them? If not, imagine them in your head.As you think about each friend, think about one thing you really like about them.I wonder what they might say about you?As you hold the picture in your hand or head, thank God for each of your friends. I wonder how you could build stronger friendships?Why don’t you try and get in contact with some of your friends? Could you send them a letter to tell them how much you appreciate their friendship?

Be the hopeI wonder what you think of when you hear the word hope? Dictionary definition: A feeling of expectation and desire for something to happen.

Hebrews 11:1 (The Passion Translation))‘Faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation we need.’

The Bible reminds Christians to put their hope in God, who doesn’t change or go away. God provides the hopeful foundations they need to stay strong when things get difficult.

I wonder what you are hopeful for?

I wonder how you can be the hope? I wonder if you could be the strong foundations for someone else by being hopeful about a situation? Could you give some encouraging words or remain positive even if it is difficult?

Pray today for those who need hope, ask God to give them strength and joy and hope for the future.

Celebrate VE Day You might like to watch the first 1:30 of this video clip. It shows Winston Churchill’s address to the public following victory in Europe. You could also show a clip of the crowds cheering and celebrating the end of the war.

To celebrate the end of the war, communities came together and had parties in the street. They made bunting to decorate the street. Could you create some prayer bunting? Invite others to write prayers or reflections focused on: Giving thanks for all those who served. Comfort for those who remember hard

and difficult times during WW2. For those who lost loved ones. Giving thanks for the victory and peace

that came with the end of the war. Praying for continued peace in our


I wonder if communities will celebrate like this at the end of the lockdown period?

Celebrating 75 years since Victory in Europe was proclaimed.

VE Day Bank holiday

“On this day, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day. We give thanks for all who played their part in achieving victory in the Second World War.We remember with sorrow all those who were killed and whose lives were changed forever. “ Taken from the 70th VE remembrance service. You might like to listen to the Andrew’s Sisters. Wave your flags and bunting as a sign that you have given your prayers and thoughts to God.

R. Swansbury The Diocese of Canterbury

Page 7: Diocese of Canterbury€¦ · Web view1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge

Collective Worship Plan – Year B Term 5Please note: These are just ideas to support your own planning – please change, adapt and tweak for your school and children. You do not have to follow these plans exactly as they have been written. Please ensure you watch any video clips to ensure they are suitable for your context, and be aware of any copyright relating to resources/links.


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Seek joyWhat do you think the word joy means? Joy: great happiness or someone or something that brings you great happiness.I wonder what brings you joy?

Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)‘For the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Christians find their strength in God, and it is this strength that brings them joy, or great happiness. Knowing they can trust and lean on God for help, guidance, love and support brings them joy.

I wonder who brings you joy? I wonder how you bring joy to others?

I wonder how you can be joyful today and share joy with others?I wonder if you could have a little party at home, play some party games or dance to some music?

Psalm 95 1-2Come, let us praise the Lord! Let us sing for joy to God, who protects us!2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving and sing joyful songs of praise.

Seek joy

Do you ever feel like leaping with joy like the person in the picture? I wonder if you ever have leapt with joy? Many people in the Bible leapt with joy after meeting and being healed by Jesus. Think about a time when you have been really joyful and happy. What made it such a joyful time?

Some families are making lists of things that bring them joy, things that they want to do when lockdown is over. What things would you put in your jar?Why don’t you start one with your family?

This Bible verse is often said as a prayer over people. I wonder who might need God to fill them with joy today. Talk to God and ask him to fill those you are thinking about with joy and peace. Romans 15:13May God, the source of hope, fill you with all joy and peace.

Find your kindness Ruth 2

There is a story in the Old Testament about a lady called Ruth. When she arrived in Bethlehem with her mother in law, Naomi, they didn’t have any money or food to eat. Boaz took pity on Ruth and allowed her to gather up the corn that was left after the field had been harvested. He also gave her food and drink during the day. This changed Ruth’s life and enabled her to feed herself and her mother in law. Boaz didn’t need to do this, but he was a kind man and knew he could help and make a difference in the lives of those who didn’t have any food. He knew it was right to be kind and help others.

I wonder if you are always kind? I wonder what you could do to follow the example of Boaz?

I wonder what you think it means to find your kindness? Do you think our kindness disappears sometimes? I wonder if sometimes we choose to not be kind? It might be that we are embarrassed or don’t want to get involved in a situation.

Whenever you feel like not being kind, remember to find your kindness deep inside. Ask God to help you to be kind even when it is difficult. Dear God, I want to be kind. Help me to be kind even when I don’t feel like it or when I don’t think the other person deserves it. Amen.

Find your kindnessNehemiah 8:10 (NIV)“Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and share and send some to those who have nothing prepared.”

What does this Bible passage tell Christians to do? Is this an example of being kind?

Why do you think it is important to choose kindness? I wonder how our world would change if everyone chose kindness?

What could you do today to be kind to others?

Dear God, please show me if one of my family members (or friends) need me to be extra kind to them today. Thank you. Amen.

Celebrate the NHS

I wonder if you have gone out with your families on Thursday evenings to clap for the NHS and other key workers?Our country is so grateful for all the NHS has done to take care of those who are unwell. Many doctors and nurses have had to make huge sacrifices to care for the sick.

Dear God, we thank you for all the doctors and nurses who have given their time and energy to take care of all those who are unwell. We ask that you protect each of them and their families and fill them with your strength. Amen.

R. Swansbury The Diocese of Canterbury

Page 8: Diocese of Canterbury€¦ · Web view1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge

Collective Worship Plan – Year B Term 5Please note: These are just ideas to support your own planning – please change, adapt and tweak for your school and children. You do not have to follow these plans exactly as they have been written. Please ensure you watch any video clips to ensure they are suitable for your context, and be aware of any copyright relating to resources/links.


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Create laughter

Today’s story comes from the Old Testament and is about a lady called Sarah who was married to Abraham. They didn’t have any children, even though God had promised that they would be part of a huge family. This made them really sad. One day, some people visited Abraham and Sarah and said, next year you will have a child. They couldn’t believe that God would give them a child when they were so old. Their son Isaac was born the following year. This is what Sarah said …Genesis 21:6Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.”

The name Isaac means laughter! Sarah laughed and laughed when she heard that she would have a baby when she was so old. She was so happy she wanted everyone else to laugh with her.

I wonder - do you make people laugh? People say that laughter is the best medicine for when you are feeling sad. I wonder what you could do to make people laugh today?

Thank you, God, that you love laughter, help me to use laughter to bring a smile to someone’s face. Amen

Create laughterEcclesiastes 3:4There is a time for everything …‘ a time to weep and a time to laugh,’

This Bible text comes from a famous passage called ‘A time for everything’ It describes how in life there is a place for everything; for hate, for love, for mourning, for wars and for peace.

You might know people who are crying because they are sad, this is ok. We all need to cry and be sad sometimes.

You might know some people who are laughing because someone they know has got better or because they can visit family again.

I wonder how you are feeling today?

I wonder how you can create laughter today to support someone who is sad. It doesn’t need to be a joke, but it could be that you share a memory about the person they are sad about, or find some pictures to remember happier times. Bringing a smile to someone’s face is really important. Keep laughing and keep remembering.

Search for beautyGenesis 1:31‘God saw all that he had made and it was good’ God saw the beauty in all that he had created. I wonder where you see beauty in creation?

Beauty is all around us. Have you heard the birds singing more loudly or seen animals in your gardens? Many wild animals have been wandering into towns as there aren’t many cars driving around. I wonder if you have seen this where you live?This is beautiful.

Look around your house, your garden and out of your windows. Where can you see beauty? Thank God for creation and for all the things that are beautiful for us to see and hear.

Share what you have seen with someone else. Tell them why you think it is beautiful.

Search for beauty

Read this Bible passage. How does the Bible describe beauty? Where does real beauty come from?

God sees beauty from the inside – in how you act, behave, speak and treat others. I wonder who you know who is beautiful on the inside? Why are they beautiful?Thank God for their beauty and for who they are.

Remember we are all beautiful - we just have to make sure that we shine our beauty out for all to see.

Celebrate creativity

How many of you have been working on creative projects at home? -Lego models, making cakes, painting pictures or cards, creating rainbows or writing stories, songs or poems?

Exodus 35:35 He’s gifted them with the know-how needed for carving, designing, weaving, and embroidering in blue, purple, and scarlet fabrics, and in fine linen. They can make anything and design anything.”

God created people to be creative. I wonder how you could celebrate being creative today?

I wonder how you could create a prayer of thanks today without using words?

R. Swansbury The Diocese of Canterbury

Page 9: Diocese of Canterbury€¦ · Web view1 Thessalonians 1:2 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers The word celebrate means to ‘acknowledge

Collective Worship Plan – Year B Term 5Please note: These are just ideas to support your own planning – please change, adapt and tweak for your school and children. You do not have to follow these plans exactly as they have been written. Please ensure you watch any video clips to ensure they are suitable for your context, and be aware of any copyright relating to resources/links.


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Share loveI wonder how you would describe love?

1 Corinthians 13:4-64 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. 5 Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not become angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. 6 Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices over the truth. 7 Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always continues strong.

This is a very famous passage about love. It is often read at weddings. I wonder why it is read for this occasion?

What does this Bible passage teach you about what love could look like? Do you agree with what the Bible says? Where have you seen love like this?

There are different types of love, it doesn’t always have to be romantic - it can be love shared between friends, family members or even pets!

I wonder how you could share love in a practical way by being patient and kind or forgiving? Or not being rude or selfish?

Ask God to help you to give and share love with others.

Share love1 John 3:18Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

This verse tells Christians to love others with our words and speech, but also through all of our actions.I wonder how we can love people through our actions?

Reflect on things you might have been doing over the past few weeks at home and in your community to share love. Keep sharing love with those who need it most.

Thank you, God, for all those who share love with me. Help me, God, to share love through my actions to those living with or near me. Thank you for all the people in this country who have shared love in practical ways through their time, service or generosity. Amen.

Choose peace‘Blessed are the peacemakers’

I wonder if your house has been a place of peace over the past few months? I wonder if it has been difficult all living together during the lockdown period?

I wonder if you are a peacemaker? Are you someone who tries to bring peace to a difficult or angry situation?Or is the peacemaker another member of your family?

I wonder why God wanted people to be peace makers – people who calm and bring an end to situations of tension or unrest? Pray for all those who are working to bring peace to our world.

I wonder how you could use this verse to help you and your house be more peaceful?

James 1:19Take heart; be quick to listen, but slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

Choose peaceJohn 14:27 (International Children’s Bible)27 “I leave you peace. My peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don’t let your hearts be troubled. Don’t be afraid.”

God promises to leave his peace with his people so they don’t need to be afraid or worried.

I wonder if you are worried about anything at the moment?

1 Peter 5: 7Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.

The Bible reminds Christians to leave all their worries with God by talking and praying to him.

You might like to spend some time quietly reflecting and talking to God about the things you are worried about.

John 14:27 (International Children’s Bible)27 “I leave you peace. My peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don’t let your hearts be troubled. Don’t be afraid.”

Remember this verse as you pray. God promises his peace in times of trouble and worry.

Celebrate learning

It has been very strange not being in school. I wonder how many new things you have learnt whilst you have been at home?Cooking, reading different books, how to use the hoover?!

Learning can be done anywhere at any time in life. There is always something to be learned.

Proverbs 4:13 (GNT)Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life—guard it well.

Thank you, God, for my brain and how it helps me to learn.Thank you, God, for my teachers and for school and for all those who have helped me to learn at home. Amen

R. Swansbury The Diocese of Canterbury