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Page 1: Diocesan Development Drive
Page 2: Diocesan Development Drive

“Many Members Working Toward One Community”

“Muchos Miembros Trabajando Hacia una Sola Comunidad”

Weekly Income for the

Weekend of September 25 - 26

Parishioner Contribution $ 4,622.00

Online Giving $ 427.41

Church Renovation $ 749.00

Online Giving Renovations $ 116.00

DDD Collection $ 1,163.00

OLG Priest Retirement $ 5.00

TOTAL $ 7,082.41

Parish Goal $ 12,000.00

5:30pm $ 461.00

7:00pm $ 580.00

8:30am $1,016.00

10:00 am $ 943.00

11:30 am $ 537.00

1:00 pm $1,085.00

Diocesan Development Drive

Goal $70,000.00

Paid to date $48,648.00

Need to pay $21,352.00

Thank you for sharing what God has

given you with our Parish.

Gracias por compartir lo que Dios le ha

dado con nuestra parroquia.

Saint Joseph Parish would like to thank the 87 families

who are currently giving electronically. You may not

see these fellow parishioners place an envelope in the bas-

ket every week, but their consistent giving does not go un-

noticed in our parish office. Each month our parish re-

ceives a steady and predictable stream of income from

those donors who have made the commitment to give to

God first by having a designated contribution automatically

transferred to our parish through our Online Giving Pro-

gram If you would like to learn more about this easy, safe

and secure way of giving, please contact Judy at the parish

office or check out our website at St.

Thank you again for your generous support.



5:30PM (English) OH � Aurora Reyes—

Special Intentions for all Students and Staff of

Ogden School District

7:00PM (Español) OH � Consuelo Vieyra

SUNDAY 10/03

8:30AM (English) OH Wedding Anniversary of

Domingo & Silvia Salazar

Jose Luis & Silvia Carranza

10:00AM (Español) OH � Luis Abrego —

11:30AM (English) JS �Marian Ruth Christensen


Special Intentions for the Unbound Community

1:00 PM (Español) JS � Eligio Valencia —

Intenciones de Familia Cuevas & Celis

MONDAY 10/04

8:30AM (English) JS � Dennis Schock —

� Souls in Purgatory —


8:30AM (English) OH � Michael Grinnell —

7:00PM (Español) OH � Fernando Vazquez —

For the Intentions of Adan Aparicio


8:30AM (English) OH For the Intentions of

Maria Parrilla —

For the Intentions of Pat, Brian and Bill —


8:30AM (English) JS For the intentions of

Adan Aparicio

7:00PM (Español) JS � Ernestina Ponce

Por las intenciones de Fam. Nuñez Pulido

FRIDAY 10/08

8:30AM (English) JS � Deacon Dan Essary —

� Victor Dominguez —


5:30PM (English) Cyndi Chamberlain (Intentions)

3:00 pm to 8:00 pm Intercultural Marian Celebration

Celebración Intercultural Mariana


OH - Fr. Oscar Hernandez

JS - Fr. Joshua Santos

HSch - Dcn. Howard Schuyler

Hmor - Dcn. Honorio Moreno

*The Priest Schedule is subject to change.

Please Pray for Our Clergy each day

Sunday, Oct. 3 Pope Francis

Monday, Oct 4 Rev. Omar Ontiveros

Tuesday, Oct. 5 Seminarian Anthony Shumway

Wednesday, Oct. 6 Rev. Oscar Picos

Thursday, Oct 7 Sister Marie Rosa Vu OCD

Friday, Oct. 8 Deacon Hector Mota

Saturday, Oct. 9 Sister Genevra Rolf

Page 3: Diocesan Development Drive



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Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, “It takes three to make love,

not two: you, your spouse, and God.” Apart from the incar-

nation of God in Jesus Christ, nothing speaks better of

God’s incarnate love than marriage. God designed it this

way. We place great value on love and rightly so. What we

fail to realize, however, is that love, its very presence and

place in our lives, is not simply part of the human package

deal. Love comes from God. It is one of God’s greatest gifts

to human beings. When we begin to realize that our very

ability to love is sacred, it changes up how we see the es-

sence of life, and purpose and sanctity of marriage.

God is love. It stands to reason then that if we follow the

path of unconditional, self-emptying love we will then stum-

ble upon God. It is precisely this intimate wedding of God

with love that gives such eloquence and honor to the love

between husband and wife. As a living sign of Christ’s love

for the Church and for humanity, husbands and wives

speak volumes of God’s unconditional incarnate love for all

of his children! The Divine power that brings unity and life

to marriage is so strong that once joined, it really cannot be


Admittedly, marriage covenants can be extremely difficult

to negotiate and, at times, very painful to experience. God’s

perfect divinity always meets our broken and imperfect hu-

manity. God is okay with this setup as he created it this

way. Our loving is never as unconditional as God’s and

often tainted by our own imperfections, needs, memories,

hurts, sinfulness, and weakness. All of this baggage nega-

tively impacts even the most well-intentioned marriages,

causing them to be hurtful and empty. We are love works in

progress. God can succeed in perfecting our love only if we

keep our eyes fixed on him as the source of that love.

That’s why marriage is always about three and not just two.

The Divine intimacy at the heart of marriage is what can

make them celebrations of great union and happiness.

Couples who are still madly in love with each other after

many years, still looking at each other with that timeless

twinkle in their eyes, best tell the story of God’s oneness

with humanity. Honor, celebrate, and support those who

have accepted a vocation to marriage. Living in a world that

easily pulls relationships apart, may they find hope and in-

spiration from their faith companions who are on the same






Hoy el contenido de las lecturas enfatiza tres temas: matri-

monio, divorcio y fidelidad. Toda la liturgia de la Palabra se

desarrolla en torno a esta delicada situación: el matrimonio

que no es desechable ni fácil de cambiar. Muy a pesar de

que en ocasiones se piensa que es cosa del pasado. El

tema que es muy delicado lo aborda el mismo Jesús en el

Evangelio, y lo clarifica aún más a sus discípulos en priva-

do, para que no exista duda. “Lo que Dios ha unido, que el

hombre no lo separe” (Mateo 10:9). El énfasis debe estar

en la fidelidad del uno para con el otro.

Lo que Dios unió, que no lo separe el hombre. Ni los pa-

dres de familia que están en contra del matrimonio de su

hija o hijo. Ni las desavenencias de los conyugues en la

vida de todos los días. Ni la falta de amor y diálogo en el

matrimonio y la familia en general. Ni los amigos del espo-

so ni las amigas de ella. Nadie lo puede hacer porque, sen-

cillamente, es un Sacramento instituido por Dios. El papa

Francisco nos dice lo siguiente al respecto: “En el proyecto

originario del Creador, se trata de un hombre y una mujer

llamados a reconocerse, a completarse, a ayudarse mutua-

mente en el matrimonio. Esta enseñanza de Jesús es muy

clara y defiende la dignidad del matrimonio como una unión

de amor que implica fidelidad. (Octubre 7- 2018). “Por eso

dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre para unirse con

su esposa, y los dos serán una sola carne”. (Mateo 10:7).

Que al participar en esta Eucaristía dominical nos ayude a

crecer en fidelidad para ser ejemplo de vida a los que nos

rodean, especialmente en casa.



Para las personas que deseen bautizar a sus niños en el

mes de noviembre. Les pedimos que pasen a la oficina

para registrarse, deben presentar, copia del acta de naci-

miento del menor, las constancias de los sacramentos de

los padrinos y el costo del registro. Las fechas disponibles


Pláticas Celebración

Octubre 23 Noviembre 6

Noviembre 6 Noviembre 20

Recuerden que durante Adviento no se celebran bautis-

mos. Para información adicional llame por favor a la oficina

al 801 399 5627.

Page 4: Diocesan Development Drive

Green Tip: Electrical outlets, especially on outside

walls, and light fixtures are prime places for cold air to leak

into your home. Add foam gaskets behind covers and

switch plates, and use safety plugs in unused outlets. Be-

fore doing this, be sure to shut off the power at the fuse

box or circuit panel.

Religious Education Classes will begin

Sunday, October 3rd, 9:30 am - 11:00 am

Domingo 3 de octubre de 9:30 am a 11:00 am

Spanish Classes / Clases en Español

Tuesday, October 5th, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Martes 5 de octubre de 5:30 pm a 7:00 pm

English Classes / Clases en Inglés

Wednesday, October 6th, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Miércoles 6 de Octubre de 5:30 pm a 7:00 pm

Spanish Classes / Clases en Español

Please plan to arrive at least 10 minutes before to

verify your child’s name is on the list and for

temperature reading.

Parents will not be allowed in the building.

For the safety of our students

Masks are Mandatory.

Planeen, por favor, llegar al menos 10 minutos antes de

la hora de entrada para verificar que el nombre de su

niño (a) esté en la lista, y para chequear la temperatura

de los estudiantes.

No se permitirá el ingreso de los padres de familia al

edificio. Para la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes,

!El uso de la mascarilla es obligatorio!


Intercultural Marian


Come and let us celebrate together!

Saturday, October 9th

3:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Among the plans for the celebration is the recitation of

the Holy Rosary in the different languages that the

Catholics of the diocese speak. All children and adults

are invited to dress in the traditional costumes of their

countries of origin.

Celebración Intercultural Mariana.

¡Vengan y Celebremos Juntos!

Sábado 9 de octubre de

3:00 pm - 8:00pm

Entre los planes para la celebración está la recitación

del Santo Rosario en los diferentes lenguajes que los

Católicos de la diócesis hablan. Se invita a todos los

niños y adultos a vestirse con los trajes tradicionales de

sus países de origen.

¿Por qué los Católicos re-

zamos el Rosario?

Los Católicos rezamos el Santo

Rosario porque es una oración

a Dios, a través de su madre,


El Rosario es una oración de medi-

taciones, no sólo una repetición de las

mismas oraciones. Meditación para los

Católicos es diferente a otras religiones. La mayoría de la

gente piensa en la meditación de la mente clara o la medi-

tación consciente, pero para los Católicos es activa y re-

flexiva. Mientras rezamos el Rosario, los Católicos re-

flexionamos sobe los misterios de Jesucristo. Esta reflex-

ión nos acerca a los sufrimientos de Cristo, a su dolor, a

sus alegrías, a sus enseñanzas y a su Gloria. El Rosario es

una oración muy poderosa y debe rezarse cada día.

Recemos el Santo Rosario por nuestros

Why do Catholics pray the


Catholics pray the rosary because it’s a powerful prayer

to God, through His mother, Mary.

The Rosary is a meditation not just a repetition of the same

prayers. Meditation for Catholics is different than other

religions. Most people think of meditation of a clear mind

or conscious but Catholic meditation is active and reflec-

tive. While praying the rosary Catholics reflect on the mys-

teries of Jesus Christ. This reflection brings us closer to

Christ’s suffering and sorrow, joys, teachings and glo-

ry. The Rosary is an extremely powerful prayer and

should be prayed daily.

Please pray a Rosary for our Priests today.

Page 5: Diocesan Development Drive

Adoration Chapel Candle &

Sanctuary Candle

10/07/2021 - 10/14/2021

For the Intentions of

Familia Nuñez Pulido

The Militia of the Immaculata (M.I.) will host "A Holy

Hour for Life" at St. Mary Catholic Church, 4050

South 3900 West, West Haven, UT on Sunday, Octo-

ber 17th. Followed by refreshments in the social cen-

ter, the event will take place immediately after the

noon Spanish Mass until three o'clock. All are wel-

come. For more information, please con-

tact [email protected]. St. Maximilian Kolbe,

patron of the pro-life movement, pray for us.

Respect For Life Month is October

Each October the Church in the United States celebrates

Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is ob-

served as Respect Life Sunday. As Catholics, we are called

to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnera-

ble, from the beginning of life to its end, and at every point

in between. During the month of October, the Church asks

us to reflect more deeply on the dignity of every human life.

There will be more information on these issues (abortion,

end of life issues, assisted suicide, etc) in future bulletins.

Pray, think, and take action on what you can do to respect

All life. ‘Christ our hope in every season of Life.

El Mes del Respeto por la Vida es

en octubre

Cada octubre, la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos cele-

bra el Mes del Respeto a la Vida y el primer domingo

de octubre se observa como Domingo del Respeto a

la Vida. Como católicos, todos estamos llamados a

apreciar, defender y proteger a los más vulnerables,

desde el comienzo de la vida hasta el final, y en to-

dos los puntos intermedios. Durante el mes de oc-

tubre, la Iglesia nos pide que reflexionemos más pro-

fundamente sobre la dignidad de toda vida humana.

Habrá más información sobre estos temas (aborto,

temas relacionados con el final de la vida, suicidio

asistido, etc.) en futuros boletines. Ore, piense y

actúe sobre lo que puede hacer para respetar toda la

vida. "Cristo, nuestra esperanza en todos los tiempos

de la vida.

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Page 6: Diocesan Development Drive

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