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DigitasLBi’s CES 2017 Top Ten Toys + Trends Inspired by and designed for you. Our logical takeaways and insights from the past week. CES 2017 marked the 50th anniversary of the world’s largest consumer technology conference. Over 175,000 people attended, from over 150 countries.

Our tech experts roamed over 2.6 million square feet of exhibit space and investigated the 3,800+ exhibiting companies to compile a list of the Top Ten Toys and Trends at CES 2017.

As your agency partner, we bring the exhausting and exhilarating CES floor direct to you. Here’s what rose above the rest and a blend of the CES stuff that wow’d, woo’d and are worthy of watching.

Here’s to more innovation and exploration in 2017.

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2. Jibo, Denso, Qihan, Woobo & Buddy1. Signature OLED TV W by LG

We all remember the push to make our cell phones thinner and lighter every year, it seems like LG felt that desk standing TVs were so 2016 and gave us a 2.57mm thick (for reference, your new iPhone 7 is 7.1mm — or almost three times as thick) stunning 4K TV in the LG Signature OLED TV W, that is so light that you can hang it on the wall like any picture with magnets, and the operating system sits inside a sound box that is connected via a practically invisible single cable.

Runner-up: Even thinner than the LG TV is no screen at all. This Sony 4K laser projector sits six inches from the wall and produces a bright 120-inch image.

This is a bit dependent on your needs, but it is clear that a personal Robot is a must in 2017. The options are almost endless, but some of our favorites include Jibo, the “world’s first social robot for the home”, the Denso Robotics cafe, which pours you a perfect cappuccino with the elegance of a master barista, a set of synchronized dancing robots from Qihan, Woobo who is cuddly and is educational for kids, or Buddy, who just wants to be your friend.

Left to right: Jibo, Denso Robotics Cafe, Qihan, Woobo, Buddy

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4. Laundroid by Seven Dreamers

While we all wish our laundry would just magically do itself, this looks to get us past the most painful part. Laundroid is an appliance that takes your clothes, analyzes what they are, and returns them into their proper folded position. From there it’s still up to you to return them to your dresser, but at least the hard part is over. If you’re itching like us to rid yourself of this chore, you still have to wait a bit until the product is generally available. It is anticipated around March or April this year. Also, socks interestingly, are still on you to fold.

3. Sleep Number 360™ by Sleep Number

Bed would not have been our first place to look for technology innovation, but after resting for a few minutes on the Sleep Number 360 bed, we might just be converts. This surprisingly normal looking bed is full of sensors and intelligence that measures you, your body position, your sleep, and the temperature around you and works to customize the bed and the room to what is most sleep enhancing for you. This includes warming up your feet (apparently, warm feet help people go to sleep) as well as our favorite function, that it automatically makes an adjustment when it detects snoring, to help you breath better.

Runner-up: You have to place clothes carefully onto the Foldimate, but for an estimated $700 it does a similar job in less space compared to the Laundroid

Runner-up: For $200 on Kickstarter ($300 estimated retail) you can retrofit your own bed with smart technology by picking up the Zeeq smart pillow.

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6. Hypersuit VR Experience Rig

Sitting in a chair or standing is kind of taking away from the experience when we get into the latest VR experience, so fortunately there is a solution. With the Hypersuit VR rig, we can fly through experiences, control them with our body movement and look stylish doing so.

5. Zera Food Recycler by Whirlpool

The average family throws away about 400 lbs. of food waste every year. Fortunately Whirlpool has created a new device for us, to turn this into valuable compost to feed our garden rather than go into the landfill. Just put food waste into the Zera throughout the week and at the end of the week, run it and within 24 hours you get a neat little pile of clean compost. Now I know what you’re thinking, this must smell terrible. Fortunately Whirlpool has you covered and you will be surprised to hear that it is indeed odorless.

Runner-up: Cerevo’s Taclim shoes give you the feel of walking through different terrain in your ground-based VR experience.

CES 2017 Innovation Winner

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7. Prosthesis Exoskeleton by Furrion

If you are looking to make a statement or needed to reach that thing on top of your house, this may be just what you need. The Furrion Prosthesis is a 14 feet by 16 feet exoskeleton that weighs in at a nimble 3.5 tons. That said, controlled by your body movements it can run at speeds up to 21 mph and jump 10 feet high in the air. This will definitely win that halloween costume contest or settle who can run fastest among your friends.

Runner-up: Hyundai’s HUMA exoskeletons provide life-changing mobility for people with nerve injuries.

8. Solar Paper by Yolk

Solar Paper is finally relieving us from carrying those heavy extra batteries. Running out of juice on our cell phone while we’re jamming out or catching up on the latest snapchat is quite annoying. Solar Paper lets us charge up anywhere we can find light and doubles as a bookmark in the latest novel we are reading. The best part is, it’s already available and it can be expanded for additional charging capacity.

Runner-up: The ZapGo case accepts a full iPhone charge in 5–10 minutes and then charges the phone as you go about your day.

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10. Care Patch by Protontek

If you’ve ever had to look after a sick child you’ll have felt the conflict between keeping an eye on their temperature and letting them rest. Last year Temptraq demonstrated a disposable Bluetooth thermometer that sticks under a child’s arm and gives a continuous reading of temperature for 24 hours. It’s a great product, but at $20 and up per use it’s pricey. This year, Protontek showed the $45 Care Patch which provides similar functionality but can be recharged and reused many times.

9. Hover Camera by Zero Zero Robotics

With its carbon fiber shell, enclosed propellers and compact book-like dimensions, the Hover Camera shows how the drone market is maturing. It is tuned for a specific purpose: take it out of your bag, open it, switch it on and leave it hanging in the air. It will follow you to automatically in various ways to take pictures or film you. This is not about flying: this is about getting a job done.

Runner-up: Elanview’s Air Selfie is a smaller and cheaper version with the same idea

Runner-up:Temptraq’s one-use stickers are lighter but pricier. They last up to 72h.

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2. Robots

From utility to entertainment - there’s a robot for that. While we don’t see everybody racing out to robotify their life quite yet, there were many indicators of useful and thought provoking applications. We can see robots expanding upon the role of the Roomba and handling tasks such as mowing the lawn or folding your clothes. In addition there are several use cases for utility robots in areas such as airports or other public places for wayfinding and information purposes. Lastly there are interesting educational and toy applications emerging that we can see evolve into educational tools or to support individuals with disabilities or other special needs. The role of the humanoid robot a la “Ex Machina” or the TV show “Humans” is still a bit in the future, but there are compelling applications where robots can help make our lives easier and more pleasant.

1. Intelligent Life

Whether you use the Jetsons or Star Trek as your inspiration, it’s no question that we’ve made great strides towards realizing some of the once far fetched ideas of intelligent systems in our daily lives. The pervasiveness of digital assistant systems (Amazon Alexa, Siri, Google, Microsoft Cortana) and the increasing integration of these systems with a wide variety of services and products is beginning a slow convergence into a truly intelligent platform. This promises a future where artificial intelligence learns about every aspect of our likes, preferences, and behaviors and can use this information to serve as an intelligent assistant to us, that at times may even seem like it knows us better than we know ourselves. This is certainly still in its infancy, but building on last year’s Alexa splash, this was the major theme and a strong trend underlying all of CES.

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4. Mothers & Babies

Baby tech has certainly existed in the past, but it came into its own this year along with women’s tech - mostly a newcomer as a category. There is an exciting array of products to help monitor and quantify a baby’s growth journey as well as coach parents and babies along the way. However, it was the arrival of women’s technology that really lifted this category, with the most notable product being the WIllow Breast pump that creates a more comfortable wearable that is intelligent, adaptable to varying levels of milk production, is easy to clean, well designed, and integrates with an app to help you track the breast milk’s age.

3. Health & Fitness

This year a key theme in a lot of tech and gadgetry is recognition that a gadget for the gadget’s sake is not long-term viable. As such, there is a strong push towards solving real problems and creating compelling use cases. This is very pronounced in the health and fitness space, where sensors and technology have become very focused on providing relevant and actionable information. For example, Under Armour displayed both a set of PJs that help athletes fall asleep faster and recover better, as well as running shoes that can measure fatigue level and coach the wearer on the intensity of workout that is most beneficial given their current condition. Other examples include a wearable to monitor BAC, a digestive tracker to help you identify which foods might be causing you issues, or multiple tooth brushes that help you insure good brushing technique or help kids learn how to brush their teeth while making it fun to do so.

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6. VR & AR Are Growing Up

We all now know about the headlining products such, as the HTC Vive, the Oculus, Samsung’s Gear and Microsoft’s Hololens, and we all spent some amount of time in the discovery phase of how to meaningfully apply these products. At CES 2017, this seems to crystalize quite a bit and display some trends for both technologies. We are seeing predominant use of VR in gaming and marketing experience use cases. This is amplified by the arrival of supporting equipment such as shoes and gloves that transmit haptic feedback to the user, and immersive rigs such as the Hypersuit VR to support flying, or Samsung’s gaming rigs for single and multi-player experiences. Conversely, AR seemed a bit more “serious” and utility focused with numerous examples of industrial and medical use cases. A good example of this is the Daqri smart helmet, that is ruggedized for construction applications, with features beyond the regular set of AR setup tools such as IR and thermal cameras to help analyze and provide data in industrial and construction environments.

5. Autonomous Vehicles

While certainly not a newcomer, it is clear that this is not a fad that will go away. Every car manufacturer displayed some form of autonomous vehicles in addition to retrofit options by various third parties. There is much exploration of various modes of autonomy to come, as well as what they will do to the car and other vehicles as transportation mediums and short term habitats. With Uber, Google, Daimler, and many more running tests of autonomous vehicle application in person and goods transports, and strong data that supports the computer to be a safer operator than a human, there is an obvious trend to shift driving responsibility away from a human driver, allowing an always-awake and always learning machine to gradually take over driving tasks from a human.

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8. Connected Everything

If are looking at it, chances are there is a connected version of it this year. The list includes seemingly everything from beds and pillows, stand lamps, drug dispensers, appliances, clothing, and many more. While many examples are still working out the details of what is relevant and useful, this trend opens the door to a large number of sensors that can contribute to a more intelligent world around us in the long run.

7. Environmental Tech

This was an interesting trend that is emerging stronger this year. This includes both technology to be more environmentally friendly, as well as tools to monitor the environment for personal health and safety reasons. Examples include a personal air quality monitor, clothing that detects and measure sun exposure, a water filtration system that measures water purity and adjusts the filtration method accordingly, commercial window film that doubles as a solar cell, window blinds that double as solar panels or paper thin solar panels to charge your mobile devices.

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10. Emotion

Detecting human emotion and responding to it has been an academic discipline — affective computing — for two decades. Over the last couple of years it has been applied to marketing as a data source: tracking people’s reactions to content, for example. On the show floor were many examples of products that apply this technology directly by interacting with consumers, watching for emotion and deliberately reacting to create emotional responses. The Feel bracelet is a wearable that tracks your emotions much like traditional fitness wearables track steps. Digital Strom uses emotion analysis to help your home be responsive to the moods of its occupants. The many companion robots on show use anthropomorphic tricks to create emotional responses, such as relieving loneliness or calming anxiety. Most ambitiously, Toyota’s Concept-[愛]i vision presented the future car as an active member of the family, getting to know family members and establishing bonds with them over time.

9. Beyond Pixels

Our world in the past few decades has been dominated by pixels. From traditional desktop computing into mobile and apps, we have been glued to some form of screen for many years while watching the screens and device capabilities evolve. At the point where the mobile phone is at the center of every life, we are seeing a trend that is beginning to take us beyond pixels on the screen into experiences that we can interact with via voice, gestures, actions, or simply by our presence. While we’re certainly not ready to write off the mobile phone, it will be critical for marketers and product companies to pay close attention to these new user experiences and interaction modalities to stay with consumer expectations and preferences.

Feel Bracelet Digital Strom Toyota’s Concept-[愛]i vision

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2017 CES Editorial Snapshots

Agency POVs on the not-to-be-missed trends and wows at CES 2017, as featured on theDOSE, our agency publishing desk.

Jill Kelly (CMO, N.A.) on Amazon Alexa, arguably the most-talked about product that wasn’t there.

Jill Sherman (SVP, Social Strategy, Social Practice Lead, N.A.) on Generation Z and moving beyond performance.

Scott Donaton (Chief Content Officer) on whether must-attend events are actually something you must-attend.

Paolo Yuvienco (Global CTO) shares actionable steps brands should take coming out of CES 2017.

John Stewart (SVP, DNA [Data & Analysis]) on the abundance of data, and its uses as seen at CES 2017.

Adam Buhler (VP/Group Architect, Creative Technology & Innovation) on the IoT through the prism of CES 2017.

Keith Soljacich (VP/Director, Technology) on VR becoming bigger - and smaller - in 2017.