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Digital Marketing Glossary Of Terms

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Above  The  Fold  -­‐  An  are  of  a  web  page  which  is  viewable  without  the  visitor  having  to  scroll.  Generally  ad  space  in  this  area  o:en  carries  a  higher  rate  as  it’s  more  likely  to  be  viewed  by  the  visitor.    

!Absolute  Link  –  A  link  showing  the  complete  URL  of  the  page  being  linked  at.  

!301  =  Moved  Permanently  –  A  permanent  server  redirect  which  indicates  that  a  file  or  web  page  has  been  moved  permanently  to  a  different  locaEon.    

!302  =  Found  –  A  server  redirect  indicaEng  that  the  file  has  been  found  but  it  is  located  on  a  different  URL.    

!404  =  Not  Found  –  It  indicates  that  the  server  is  not  able  to  locate  the  requested  URL.  

!AdWords   –   A   contextual   Pay   Per   Click   (PPC)   adverEsing   program   by   Google.   It   is   the   most   common   online  adverEsing  program.  

!Affiliate  –  A  website  that  markets  brands,  products,  and  services  offered  by  other  websites  or  online  businesses  in  exchange  for  a  commission  or  payout.  

!AJAX  =  Asynchronous   JavaScript  and  XML  –  A  program   that  allows  a  web  page   to   request  data   from  a   server  without  the  need  to  load  a  new  page.  


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AJAX  =  Asynchronous   JavaScript  and  XML  –  A  program   that  allows  a  web  page   to   request  data   from  a   server  without  the  need  to  load  a  new  page.    

!ALT  Attribute  –  A  text  equivalent  of  an  image.  Most  search  engines  can’t  read  through  an  image  so  an  image  ALT  attribute  tells  the  search  engines  what  the  image  is  about.  

!Analytics  –  A  program  that  allows  webmasters  to  track  site  statistics  like  page  views,  user  paths,  and  conversion  of  website  by  interpreting  the  log  files  or  by  including  a  JavaScript  tracking  code  on  the  site.  

!Animated  GIF  -­‐  This  is  an  animation  that  combines  multiple  images  (or  layers)  into  one  file  in  order  to  create  the  impression  that  there  is  movement.    

!Anchor  Text  –  The  visible  text  of  a  link  that  users  can  click  to  follow  the  link.  In  case  of  images,  the  alt  attribute  can  act  as  the  anchor  text.  

!Affiliate  Marketing  –  A  program  that  allows  merchants  to  multiply  their  target  market  scope  by  paying  affiliates  on  a  Cost  Per  Action  (CPA)  basis.  This  payment  scheme  pays  affiliates  only  if  visitors  complete  an  action.  

!API   =   Application   Program   Interface   –   A   program   used   to   get   into   software   functions   through   a   series   of  conventions  or  routines.  


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ASP  =  Active  Server  Pages  –  A  dynamic  programming  language  from  Microsoft.  

!Authority  –  The  capacity  of  a  page  or  URL  to  rank  well  on  the  major  search  engines.  It  also  refers  to  the  amount  of  trust  that  a  page  or  URL  is  attributed  with  for  a  specific  search  term.  There  are  different  elements  that  affect  authority:  link  equity,  age,  traffic,  site  history,  and  unique  content.  

!Algorithm   –  A   programming   rule   used   by   search   engines   in   indexing   content,   ranking  websites,  and  displaying  results  for  every  search  query.  

!Authority   Site   –   A   highly   trusted   website   with   numerous   incoming   links   from   expert   sites.   It  usually  has  high  PageRank  and  better  search  result  placement.  

!ALT   Tags   –   An   alternate   text   used  with   a   web   page   graphic.   It   gets   displayed  when   the  mouse  cursor  hovers  over  the  graphic.  It  tells  what  the  graphic  is  about  and  is  usually  optimised.  

!Automated   Submission   –   The   use   of   automated   software   to   submit   web   pages,   URLs,   and  domains  to  the  search  engines,  websites,  and  directories.  

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B2B  –  Business  to  Business  

!B2C  –  Business  to  Consumer  

!Backlink  =  Incoming  Links,  Inbound  Links  –  Any  link  from  an  external  web  page  or  URL  pointing  to  a  site’s  page  or  URL.  

!Bait  And  Switch  –  A  marketing  technique  that  uses  a  single  URL  but  provides  one  page  to  a  search  engine  or  directory  and  another  page  to  an  online  user.  It  optimises  a  page  for  the  search  engines  and   directories   but   replaces   it   with   the   regular   page   after   it   has   been   indexed   or   has   gained  authority.  This  is  usually  considered  as  a  black  hat  technique.  

!Banned  –  A  search  engine  has  blocked  a  site  from  appearing  on  its  search  results  pages.  

!Behavioural  Targeting  –  An  ad  targeting  technique  that  is  grounded  on  past  user  experience.  

!Banner  Ad  –  An  advertising  graphic   image  that  can  be  placed  anywhere  on  a  web  page.  The  size  varies  but  standard  banner  ad  is  468  X  60  pixels.  !

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Beacon  –  A  line  of  code  that  tracks  site  visitors’  actions.  The  code  is  placed  in  an  ad  or  on  a  web  page.  

!Bidding  –  Placing  an  amount  that  advertisers  are  willing  to  pay  on  a  Pay  Per  Click  (PPC)  search  engine.  

!Black  Hat   SEO   –   Search  Engine  Optimisation   techniques   that   are   generally   in   contradiction   to  search   engine   guidelines   such   as   the  Google  Webmaster  Guidelines.   It   optimises   the  website  merely  for  the  search  engines  and  without  improving  user  experience.  

!Blog  –  Also  referred  to  as  “weblog”,  this  is  a  recurrently  updated  journal  or  diary.  It  provides  a  feed  and  allows  user  interaction.  

!Bot  =  Robot,  Spider,  Crawler  –  A  program  that  is  used  by  the  search  engines  to  find  and  index  web  pages.    

!Blogroll  –  A  list  of  links  and  blogs  found  on  a  blog  page.  


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!Bounce  Rate  –  The  percentage  of  online  users  who  visited  a  page  or  site  and  then  leave  without  visiting  the  other  pages.  

!Broad  Match  –  Matching  of  keywords  in  any  order  to  a  search  listing  or  advertisement.  

!Button  -­‐  A  graphic  that  can  be  clicked  and  takes  the  online  user  to  a  different  page  or  URL.  

!Broken  Link  –  A  link  that  is  not  working  and  does  not  lead  the  user  to  the  requested  URL  or  page.  

!Browser   –   A   program   that   is   used   to   display   HTML   files   and   is   used   to   navigate   the   World   Wide   Web  (WWW).  


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Cache  –  Copy  of  a  web  page  that  is  stored  within  a  search  engine’s  database.  

!CTA   =   Call   To   Action   –   Words   that   are   used   to   persuade   online   users   to   complete   an  action.  This  is  normally  used  in  online  advertising.  

!CGI   =   Common  Gateway   Interface   –   A   software   used   between   a  web   server   and   other  software  running  on  that  server.   It   improves   interactivity  of  a  website.   It   tells   the  search  engine  spiders  that  the  pages  are  dynamic.  

!Click  Fraud  –  Fraudulent  clicks  on  a  Pay  Per  Click  (PPC)  advertisement  for  the  purpose  of  increasing  profit.    

!Clickthrough  –  The  act  of  clicking  on  an  online  ad  and  reaching  another  page  or  URL.  

!CTR  =  Clickthrough  Rate  –  The  percentage  of  online  users  who  viewed  and  clicked  on  an  ad  or  search  engine  listing.  

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Cloaking  –  A  technique  that  displays  to  search  engine  spiders  a  content  different  from  what  online  users  see.  It  is  a  bait  and  switch  technique.  

!CMS   =   Content   Management   System   –   A   program   that   is   used   for   content   creation.   It   is  preferred  because  of  its  simplicity  and  it  has  eliminated  the  need  for  complicated  codings.  

!Content   Integration   –   Using   content   as   an   advertising   form   or   inserting   ads   within   the  content.  It  is  also  referred  to  as  web  advertorial  or  sponsored  content.  

!Comment  Spam  –   Posting  unconnected   comments  on  blogs   and   forums   for   the  purpose  of  accumulating  a  large  number  of  inbound  links.    

!Contextual   Advertising   –   A   program   that   generates   advertisements   which   are   related   to   a  web  page  content.  

!Content  =  Web  Text,  Web  Copy  –   Informative  part  of   a  web  page.   Its  purpose   is   to  deliver  valuable   information   that   is   of   interest   to   online   users.   The   search   engines   highly   value  quality  content.  

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Conversion  –  Converting  a  site  visitor  into  a  customer.  Forms  of  conversion  include  clicks,  sign  ups,  and  purchase.  

!Conversion  Rate  –  The  percentage  of  site  visitors  who  are  converted  into  customers.  

!Cookie  –  Information  that  is  stored  in  an  online  user’s  computer  through  the  web  server.  

!CPA  =  Cost  Per  Action  –  The  cost  an  advertiser  has  to  pay  for  every  action.  This  is  also  known  as  Cost  Per  Conversion  

!CPC  =  Cost  Per  Click  –  The  cost  an  advertiser  has  to  pay  for  ever  click  to  a  link  that  leads  to  the  landing  page.  

!CPM  =  Cost  Per  Thousand  Ad  Impressions  –  The  cost  an  advertiser  has  to  pay  for  every  one  thousand  ad  impressions.  

!CPL  =  Cost  Per  Lead  –   The  cost  an  advertiser  has   to  pay   for  every  new   leads  generated  by  an  ad  or  listing.  


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CPS  =  Cost  Per  Sale  –  The  cost  an  advertiser  has  to  pay  for  the  number  of  sales  transactions  that  the  ad  generates.  

!Counter  –  A  program  that  tracks  the  number  of  web  page  impressions.  

!Crawler   =   Spider,   Bot   –  A   program   that   finds   and   indexes   web   pages   throughout   the  World  Wide  Web  (WWW).  

!CSS  =  Cascading  Style  Sheets  –  A  program  that  is  used  to  design  web  pages  and  documents.    


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Directory  –  A  site  that  contains  a  list  of  websites  arranged  according  to  categories.  


Dead  Link  –  A  link  that  is  no  longer  working.  


Deep  Link  –  A  link  that  is  directed  to  an  internal  page  or  URL  in  a  website.    


DMOZ  =  The  Open  Directory  Project   –   The   largest  human  edited  directory  online.   It   is  managed  and  owned  by  AOL.  


DNS  =  Domain  Name  Server,  Domain  Name  System  –  A  naming  system  that   is  used   to  resolve  a  domain  name  to  a  particular  TCP/IP  address.  


Doorway  Page  =  Gateway  Page,  Bridge  Page  –  A  page   that   is   intended   to   rank  high  on  certain  search  terms  using  keyword  rich  copy  and  it  leads  to  the  website  or  landing  page.  


Dynamic  Content  –  Content  that  use  a  dynamic  language  like  PHP.  It  changes  over  time.  

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Ecommerce  Sites  –  Websites  that  are  devoted  for  retails  sales.  


Error   Page   –   A   web   page   that   is   displayed   when   a   page   or   file   requested   is   not  found.  


Entry  Page  –  The  web  page  by  which  an  online  user  has  entered  a  website.  


Everflux  –  The  process  of  updating  the  search  indexes.  


External  Link  –  A  link  in  a  web  page  that  points  to  another  domain  or  website.  

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Feed   –   Program   that   allows   users   to   subscribe   to   content   update   notifications   through   RSS   or   XML.   It  delivers  content  to  users.  

!FFA  =  Free  For  All  –  A  web  page  or  website  that  has   little  valuable  content  and  with  a   large  number  of  outgoing  links.    

!Flash   -­‐   Vector   graphics-­‐based   animation   software   that   web   designers   employ   to   embed   interactive  multimedia  into  web  pages.  

!Frames  –  A  web  page  design  wherein  multiple  small  pages  are  displayed  on  a  single  screen,  each  within  its  own  frame.  

!Frequency   Cap   -­‐   This   is   a   limit   on   the   number   of   times   that   is   imposed,   in   order   for   an   online  advertisement    to  be  displayed  to  a  visitor.  

!Flux  –  The  rearrangement  of  the  search  engine  positions  due  to  the  updates  done  by  the  search  engines.  

!FTP   =   File   Transfer   Protocol   –   A   protocol   used   for   transferring   files   between   computers.   Most   CMS  platforms  has  FTP  capability.  

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GAP   =   Google   Advertising   Professional   –   A   program   that   helps   identify   and   qualify   proficient  AdWords  marketers.  It  allows  marketers  to  manage  several  Google  AdWords  clients.  

!Geo-­‐Targeting  –  An  advertising  strategy  that  targets  a  distinctive  geographic  location  like  country,  state,  city,  or  suburb.  

!Google  –  The  leading  search  engine  in  terms  of  its  market  share.  It  was  founded  by  Larry  Page  and  Sergey  Brin  in  1998.  It  analyses  linkage  data  through  PageRank.  

!Google  AdSense  –  Paid  advertising  option  that  allows  webmasters  to  place  ads  on  their  websites.  

!Google  Analytics  –  A  free  tool  that  allows  webmasters  to  track  site  activities  like  visits,  page  views,  bounce  rates,  duration  of  visits,  and  more.  It  is  also  used  to  track  AdSense  traffic.  

!Google   Dance   –   The   adjustment   in   the   search   engine   results   pages   due   to   an   update   in   the  algorithm  used  by  Google  to  rank  websites.  

!Google  Bowling  -­‐  A  strategy  that  hurts  competitor  sites  by  building  low  quality  incoming  links  for  them.    

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Google  Checkout  –  An  online  payment  processing  system  by  Google  that  is  less  complicated  to  use.  

!Google   Keyword   Tool   –   A   webmaster   tool   that   provides   advertisers   with   estimates   of   the  competition  for  a  particular  keyword.  It  also  gives  recommendations  for  related  keywords.  

!Google   OneBox   –   The   area   at   the   top   of   the   organic   search   results   that   displays   vertical   search  results  from  Google  Base,  Google  News,  and  other  vertical  search  services.  

!Google  Sitemaps  –  A  webmaster  tool  which  helps  ensure  that  Google  indexes  all  pages  and  content  of  the  website.  

!Google  Supplemental  Index  –  The  secondary  database  where  Google  keeps  the  pages  that  have  low  trust  score.  

!Google   Trends   –   A  webmaster   tool   that   shows   the   changes   in   the   search   volume   of   a   particular  keyword  or  search  term.  

!Grey  Hat  SEO  =  Search  Engine  Optimisation  –  A  marketing  strategy  that  combines  both  white  hat  SEO  and  black  hat  SEO  techniques.  

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Hallway  Page  –  An  optimised  index  page  that  search  engine  spiders  can  visit.  Once  indexed,  the  spiders  should  also  follow  the  other  links  on  that  page.  

!Headings  –  An  HTML  tag  that  describes  the  subject  of  a  particular  section.  It  is  also  used  to  signal  a  new  section.  It  is  considered  to  be  more  important  than  the  other  parts  of  the  content.  

!Hidden  Text  –  A  practice  used  by  some  webmasters  to  optimise  a  page  with  keywords  that  online  users  can’t  see.  The  hidden  keywords  are  solely  for  the  search  engine  spiders.  

!Hits  –  It  is  generated  when  a  file,  document,  or  graphics  have  been  downloaded  or  sent  from  a  web  server.  

!Homepage  –   The  main  page  or   cover  of   a  website.   It   contains   information   about   the   general   objective  of   the  website.  It  has  an  index  of  navigation  that  online  users  can  utilize  to  get  around  the  website.  

!HTML  =  HyperText  Markup  Language  –  A  programming  language  that  is  used  to  make  web  pages  for  the  World  Wide  Web  (WWW).  

!HTTP  =  HyperText   Transfer  Protocol   -­‐  Used   to   communicate  between  browsers   and  web   servers.   It   is   used   to  transfer  data  from  the  server  to  the  browser.  

!Hub  –  Also  referred  to  as  Expert  Page.  A  page  with  high  trust  score  because  of  its  high  quality  content  that  links  to  trusted  pages  in  the  topical  community.  

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Impression  =  Page  View  –  Generated  when  an  online  user  views  a  page.  

!Inbound  Link  =  Incoming  Link,  Inlink  –  A  link  from  another  website  that  points  to  your  website  or  web  page.  It  is  considered  as  a  vote  to  a  website.  

!Index  –  The  database  where   the  search  engines  store  data   from  every  web  page  visited  by   the  spiders.  This   is  where  the  search  engines  generate  the  results  from  for  every  search  query  made  by  online  users.  

!Internal  Link  –  A  link  from  a  web  page  pointing  to  another  web  page  within  the  same  website.  

!Indexed  Pages  –  Pages  that  have  been  visited  and  indexed  by  the  search  engine  spiders.  

!Internet  =  Net  –  A  reachable  worldwide  network  used  to  send  and  receive  information  online.  

!IP  Address  =  Internet  Protocol  Address  –  A  four  part  series  of  numbers  separated  by  dots  which  hosts  websites.  It  identifies  the  sender  and  receiver  of  data  in  the  network.  It  can  be  static  or  dynamic.  

!ISP  =  Internet  Service  Provider  –  Provides  services  like  internet,  email,  site  or  domain  hosting,  and  domain  name  registration.  

!JavaScript  –  A  scripting  language  that  allows  dynamic  features  to  be  added  to  HTML  documents  or  files.  !

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Keyword  –  A  word  or  phrase  that  is  used  by  an  online  user  when  searching  for  information,  products,  or  services  online.  

!Keyword  Density  –  Percentage  of  keyword  or  keyword  phrase  that  appears  on  a  web  page.    

!Keyword  Matching  –  The  process  of  matching  ads  and  content  with  the  online  users’  search  query.  

!Keyword   Cannibalisation   –   Excessive   use   of   similar   keyword   or   keyword   phrase   on   the   web   pages   throughout   the  website.  

!Keyword  Popularity  –  The  number  of  times  a  keyword  or  keyword  phrase  has  been  used  as  a  search  term  over  a  period  of  time.  

!Keyword  Prominence  –  The  placement  of  a  keyword  or  keyword  phrase  in  a  web  page.  Higher  placement  is  considered  more  prominent.  

!Keyword  Research  –  The  process  of  sourcing  out  words  and  phrases  that  the  potential  target  market  will  most  likely  use  when  searching  for  the  information,  products,  or  services  offered  by  a  particular  website.  

!Keyword  Stuffing  –  The  act  of  over  optimising  a  web  page  by  adding  excessive  amount  of  keywords  and  key  phrases.  

!Keyword  Research  Tools  –  Webmaster  tools  that  are  relevant  in  building  keyword  list  based  on  keyword  search  volumes,  search  trend,  bids,  and  website  content.  !

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Landing   Page   –   The   page   that   an   online   user   lands   on   after   clicking   on   a   link   from   the   search   results,   online  advertisement,  or  other  web  pages.  

!Link  –  A  hyperlinked  citation  from  a  web  page  or  document  pointing  to  another  page.  It  is  considered  as  a  trust  vote  to  a  web  page.  

!Link  Bait  –  A  web  page  that  is  designed  and  optimised  for  the  purpose  of  drawing  incoming  links.  

!Link  Building  –  A  marketing  strategy  that  aims  to  build  a  number  of  high  quality  incoming  links  to  a  web  page  or  website.  

!Link  Burst  –  An  abrupt  increase  in  the  number  of  incoming  links  pointing  to  a  particular  web  page  or  website.  

!Link  Exchange  =  Reciprocal  Linking  –  A  scheme  that  allows  webmasters  to  link  to  other  websites  in  exchange  for  an  incoming  link.  

!Link  Farm  –  Group  of  websites  that  exchange  links  among  each  other.  

!Link  Popularity  –  Determined  by  the  number  of  incoming  links  pointing  to  a  web  page  or  website.  

!Long  Tail  –  An  extensive  and  more  specific  keyword  or  keyword  phrase.  !

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Meta  Description  –  A  tag  that  describes  the  content  of  the  page.  It  is  usually  composed  of  a  sentence  or  two.  


Meta   Keywords   –   A   tag   that   is   used   to   highlight   the   keywords   and   keyword   phrases  relevant  to  the  page.  


Meta  Search  –  Search  engine  that  generates  its  result  by  pulling  top  ranked  results  from  other  search  engines.  


Meta  Tags  –  Refer  to  Meta  descriptions  and  Meta  keywords.  They  are  placed  in  the  HTML  that  is  not  visible  to  online  users.  


MFA   =   Made   For   Advertisements   –   Websites   that   are   explicitly   designed   to   cater   to  advertisements.    


Mirror  Site  –  A  website  that  is  similar  to  another  website  but  on  a  different  web  address.  

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Navigation  Bar  –  Icons  that  direct  the  spiders  and  online  users  to  the  different  pages  in  the  website.  

!Niche  –  A  specific  theme  or  subject  that  a  website  is  created  for.  

!Nofollow  –   A   command  used   to   tell   the   search  engine   spiders  not   to   follow  a   link.   This  prevents   the   link  from  sharing  link  authority.  

!Non  Reciprocal  Link  –  A  link  that  is  given  to  a  web  page  or  website  without  requiring  a  link  in  return.  

!Open  Rate  -­‐  A  term  used  to  determine  the  ratio  of  people  who  opened  your  email  against  the  total  number  of  people  with  whom  it  was  sent  to.    

!Opt-­‐In  List  -­‐  Email  marketers  have  databases  of  subscribers  that  contain  specific  information  such  as  email  addresses,  names  etc.  Such  a  list  is  deemed  to  be  an  Opt-­‐In  list  as  receivers  can  choose  whether  to  remain  included  or  not  (as  opposed  to  Spam  where  there  is  little  choice)  

!Outbound  Link  =  Outgoing  Link  –  A  link  that  points  to  a  web  page  on  a  different  website.  

!Organic   Listings   -­‐   Also   known   as   Natural   or   Unpaid   listings   are   the   representation   of   where   a   particular  website  is  ranked  within  the  search  engine  depending  on  the  search  term  used.    

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PageRank   –   A   value   ranging   from   0   to   10  which   is   used   to   rank  websites   based   on   different   factors  included  in  the  Google  Algorithm.  

!Paid  Search  -­‐  Paid  search  is  a  form  of  advertising  that  targets  users  with  content  based  on  the  relevancy  of   their   search   term   inputted   into   the  search  engine.  The  adverts  are  selected  by  automated  systems  based  on  a  number  of  different  factors  and  metrics.    

!PFI  =  Pay  For  Inclusion  –  A  scheme  that  allows  websites  or  search  engines  to  charge  a  fee  for  inclusion  in  the  search  engine,  website,  or  directory.  

!PFP  =  Pay  For  Performance  –  A  pricing  model  where  affiliates  are  paid  based  on  sales  delivered  or  when  certain  actions  are  performed.  

!PHP  =  PHP  Hypertext  Preprocessor  –  A  scripting  language  used  in  adding  interactivity  to  web  pages.  

!PPC  =  Pay  Per  Click  –  A  pricing  model  where  advertisers  pay  for  every  click  generated  by  an  ad  or  listing.  

!PPP  =  Pay  Per  Post  –  A  pricing  model  wherein  content  creators  and  bloggers  are  paid  by  advertisers  for  posting  relevant  content.  

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Quality  Content  –  Useful  content  that  is  considered  as  link  worthy.  

!Quality  Link  –  A  link  from  a  high  quality  and  trusted  source.  

!Query  –  An  inquiry  made  by  an  online  user  on  the  search  engines  using  a  keyword  or  keyword  phrase.  

!Reciprocal  Link  –  A    link  given  to  a  web  page  or  website  in  exchange  of  a  return  link.  

!Redirect  –  A  way  of  telling  the  search  engines  and  browsers  that  a  specific  web  page  has  been  moved  or  deleted.  It  usually  takes  the  online  user  to  an  alternative  web  page.    

!Reinclusion  –  When  a  website  asks  to  be  reconsidered  and  included  in  the  search  index  again  after  being  penalized  for  spamming.  

!Repeat  Visitor  –  Online  user  who  has  visited  the  web  page  or  website  more  than  once  over  a  period  of  time.  

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Relevancy  –  Measure  of  the  importance  of  the  search  results  based  on  the  query  of  the  online  user.  

!Remarketing   -­‐   This   refers   to   techniques   and   strategies  where   automated   systems  populate   advertisements  that  follow  website  visitors  across  various  other  websites.    

!Rich  Media  -­‐  This  is  a  type  of  advertising  that  includes  video,  audio  or  graphics  within  the  advertisement.  Rich  media  adverts  generally  allow  the  visitor  to   interact  with  the  advert  without   leaving  the  web  page  they  are  visiting.    

!Robots.txt  –  File  located  in  the  root  directory  of  a  website.  It  is  used  to  control  or  restrict  the  actions  of  the  search  engine  spiders.  

!ROI   =   Return   On   Investment   –   The   revenue   generated   in   relation   to   the   investment   cost   incurred.   It   is  measured  in  percentage  by  subtracting  total  investment  from  total  revenue  and  divided  by  total  investment.  

!ROS   =   Run  Of   Site   -­‐   This   refers   to   the   scheduling   of   adverts   across   an   entire   site   instead  of   just   dedicated  pages.  ROS  adverts  can  be  used  across  multiple  categories  for  instance  in  order  to  target  wider  demographics.    

!RSS   =   Rich   Site   Summary,   Real   Simple   Syndication   –  Allows   syndication   of   data   or   information   to   a   feed  reader.  It  allows  people  to  subscribe  to  the  content.  

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Sandbox  –  Where  Google  is  said  to  place  all  new  sites  and  controlling  them  from  ranking  well  for  a  period  of  time.  

!Scrape  –  Method  of  copying  content  from  a  web  page  or  website.  

!Search   Engine   –   A   program   or   website   that   allows   online   users   to   search   for   content   from   the   many  different   web   pages   on   the   internet.   It   ranks   websites   according   to   their   importance   in   relation   to   the  search  term  entered.  

!SEM  =   Search  Engine  Marketing  –   The  process  of   helping   a  website   rank  well   on   the   search  engines.   It  involves  different  strategies  including  Search  Engine  Optimisation  (SEO)  and  Pay  Per  Click  advertising  (PPC).  

!SEO  =  Search  Engine  Optimisation  –  The  process  of  optimising  a  website  naturally  so  that  it  will  rank  high  on   the   search   engine   results   pages   and   lead   to   an   increased   number   of   site   visitors.   It   involves   many  different  strategies.  

!SERP   =   Search   Engine   Result   Pages   –  Web   page   containing   the   search   results   generated   by   the   search  engine.  

!Search  Term  –  The  word  or  phrase  used  by  online  users  to  execute  a  query  using  a  search  engine.  

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Server  –  Computer  used  in  hosting  files  that  will  be  served  on  the  World  Wide  Web  (WWW).  

!Spam  –  Techniques  that  are  against  most  search  engine  rules.    

!Site  Map  –  A  web  page   that  gives  a   list  of  all   the  pages  on   the   site.   It  helps   the   search  engine   spiders   in  navigating  around  the  website.  

!Spider  =  Bot,  Crawler  –  A  program  that  is  used  by  the  search  engine  to  find  and  index  web  pages  throughout  the  World  Wide  Web  (WWW).  

!Social   Media   –   Websites   that   allow   users   to   create   valuable   content   and   share   information   and  perspectives.  There  are  different   types  of   social  media.  The  most  common  are  blogs,  wikis,   forums,   social  networking  websites,  and  rating  sites.  

!SMM   =   Social   Media   Marketing   –   Promoting   a   website   or   brand   through   the   different   social   media  websites.  

!Static  Content  –  Information  on  a  web  page  or  website  that  is  not  frequently  updated  or  changed.  

!Supplemental  Result  =  Supplemental  Index  –  Result  showing  pages  with  low  PageRank.  These  pages  still  appear  on  the  search  results  if  they  are  highly  relevant  to  a  search  query.

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Target  Audience  =  Target  Market  –  Group  of  people   that  websites   focus  on   to   sell   their  product  or  service  or  share  their  information.    

!Text  Link  Ads  –  Ads  that  are  displayed  in  a  text  format.  

!Text   Link   –   An   HTML   link   that   only   contains   text.   There   is   no   graphic   or   special   code  involved.  

!Title  Tag  =  Page  Title  –  The  text  that  is  displayed  on  the  top  part  of  the  browser.  It  is  also  displayed  as  the  title  of  the  web  page  or  website  on  the  search  results.    

!Traffic  –  The  number  of  online  users  that  visit  a  web  page  or  website.  

!TrustRank   –   An   algorithm   that   measures   the   value   of   web   pages   based   on   links   from  trusted  seed  websites.    

!URL  =  Uniform  Resource  Locator  –  Also  referred  to  as  Web  Address.  It  is  the  unique  address  of  a  web  page  or  a  website.  It  identifies  the  location  of  a  web  page  or  file.

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URL  =  Uniform  Resource  Locator  –  Also  referred  to  as  Web  Address.  It  is  the  unique  address  of  a  web  page  or  a  website.  It  identifies  the  location  of  a  web  page  or  file.  


Unique  Visitors  –   Individual  online  users  who  have  visited  a  web  page  or  website.  One  unique  visitor  can  generate  multiple  pageviews  or  user  sessions.  


Usability  –  Refers  to  how  easy  it  is  for  site  visitors  to  navigate  the  site  and  perform  the  desired  action.  


UGC  =  User  Generated  Content  –  Content  created  and  published  by  online  users.    

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Viral  Marketing  –  Technique  that  makes  content  popular  through  the  use  of  email,  blogs,  social  media,  and  word  of  mouth  marketing.  

!Visibility   –   Refers   to   how   well   a   website   is   positioned   on   the   search   engine   results   pages   based   on   a  keyword  search.    

!Web  2.0  –  Web  based  services  and  communities  that  are  defined  by  information  sharing,  collaboration,  and  participation  of  online  users.  

!White   Hat   SEO   =   Search   Engine   Optimisation   –   Search   engine   friendly   techniques   that   help   improve   a  website’s  ranking  and  visibility  on  the  search  engines.  

!Wordpress  –  A  blogging  software  platform  and  hosting  solution  that  is  popular  for  its  ease  of  use.  

!Widget  –  Applications  with  specific  functions  used  on  web  pages.  

!XHTML  =  Extensible  HyperText  Markup  Language  –  Used  to  move  HTML  formats  to  adapt  to  XML  formats.  

!XML  =  Extensible  Markup  Language  –  Used   to  make   syndication  and   formatting  of   information  using  RSS  technology  easier.  

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Presentation  Created  by  Paul  O’Byrne  -­‐  Client  Services  Manager,  TinderPoint