Download - Digital marketing Ad operations



Kamsani Ravi varma Reddy


Digital advertising:Use of internet for advertising products and services.

Benefits of online advertising:less expensive,wider reach,result analysis,Target audience.

Impressions:No of times ad has been viewed

Conversions:Any action performed on the landing page

Banner:Graphic image which runs across the web page

Click through:count of ad clicks

Run of site:ad rotates through all non featured ad spaces on a site

Parties involved in AD campaign

Publishers: websites and portals who sells ad units. Ex:CNN,Facebook

Advertisers: Buy ad units from publishers and pays them. Ex:7up,sprite

Ad Network: Buys and sells ad units in bulk. Ex:Google Adsense

Ad Agency: Plan Media to get best outcome for advertiser

Ad Exchangers: open platform for advertisers and publishers to transact.

Users: views the ad



1.Cost Per Mille(CPM):

Advertising cost/ (number of impressions/1000)

2.Cost per Click(CPC):

Advertising cost/Ads clicked

3.Click Through Rate(CTR):

Number of clicks /number of impressions *1000



4.Cost per Day (CPD):

Cost is paid on the daily basis.

5.Cost per Engagements (CPE):

Cost is paid only on the basis of number of engagements the audience do.

6.Cost per Acquisition (CPA):

Cost is paid on the basis of number of acquisitions (giving data, filling up forms, etc.) the AD does over a period of time.

Technologies involved:HTML,Iframe,JavaScript,Flash

Top adserving systems in Market:

Doubleclick for Publishers,ATLAS by Facebook,24/7 media,OpenX.


Name Dimensions

Leader board 720*90

White sky scraper 120*600

Medium Rectangle 300*250

LIFE OF AN AD CALL1.Page request to the Publisher web server:whenever user enters the website address, a request is sent to the publisher’s web server.2.Page with an HTML:HTML file is served in return to the request of the user, by the publisher’s web server3.Ad request to the publisher ad server:An Ad request is sent to the publisher’s ad server.4.Ad server sends best ad of all ads :Ad server consists of some ads from which it sends the best performing ad to the user and records the impression.5.Communication to the 3rd party server:Impression data and user clicks data is also sent to the 3rd party server if involved. Final creative is returned.




Ad tag:Code generated by publisher Ad server.also called as Site Tagging

Creative tag:code generated by Agency which is to be implemented in Publisher's Ad server.

Standard creative:pictures and animations with basic user interaction

Rich Media Tag:Helps in strong user response,attracts user's eye.

Iframe JavaScript

Advantages Advantages

loads the Ad and the content of the page separately without affecting the content of the page

can serve expanding,flash and other media rich ads

Disadvantages Disadvantages

cannot serve the expanding,floating ads.

It can lead to delay in page loading


Cookies:Small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing that website. Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends the cookie back to the server to notify the website of the user's previous activity.

Cache: Is a component that stores data so future requests for that data can be served faster; the data stored in a cache might be the results of an earlier computation, or the duplicates of data stored elsewhere.

Cache Buster:Unique code generated by using cache information,prevents from reviewing the same ad.

VPAID:(Video Player Ad-Serving Interface Definition)

A universal specification developed by the IAB(International Advertising Bureau) for interaction between ad units and video players focused on “enabling a rich interactive in-stream ad experience”.VPAID helps in providing viewers with a rich ad experience .VPAID also helps in getting the details of the impressions


Fallback Image:whenever the flash image is unable to serve,then fall back image comes into action.

Types of video creatives:

LINEAR CREATIVES:creatives that serves as a part of video and pause the video content while ad is playing. Ex:Video ads on YouTube

Types:Pre-Roll,Mid-Roll,Post Roll

NON LINEAR CREATIVES:these serves as a image above video content,and does not pause the video content.


Frequency Targeting:Limiting the number of views per user over a period of time.this helps in minimising the wastage of impressions.For example,a user can view an ad only X(maybe 10 views per day,15 views per day) number of times as decided by the Advertiser.

Behavioral Targeting:Targeting the customers based on their interests.

Technographic Targeting:targeting audience based on the web pages they search.

Demographic Targeting:Targeting audience based on their age,sex,income,whether they have any infants(0-6 yrs).

Time of day Targeting:Targeting audience by posting ads during specific period of time,i.e. 6PM to 12PM week days.

Geographic Targeting:Targeting audience based on their geographical location,topography,physical situations.

Benefits of Targeting:Relevant ads are served as per consumers interests.

Advertisers can reach more strongly to their consumers.


Sponsorship/Exclusive sold as CPD sold based on weight No impression goal and serves until end

date(due to CPD) Premium targeting

Standard sold as CPM,CPC or CPD it is run until the goal is met(CPM,CPC) or

end date(CPD). Targets audience Second highest prioritised

Network/Bulk used to fill unsold inventory sold based on weight or CPM(impressions).will run until goal is met or end date no impression goal lower prioritised than the above mentioned

ad types

House Non paid used to avoid blank slots no impression goal run until end datelowest priority of all ad types

ad selection Algorithm Any Ad is selected or prioritized on the basis of Ad selection Algorithm

Algorithm contains following parameters:

1.Priority:consider two advertisers competing for the same ad slot.if the priority is high,that ad gets selected and the other gets eliminated.

For example,Advertiser A and Advertiser B are competing for the same ad slot.if advertiser A is exclusive,advertiser B is standard,then Advertiser A’s ad is selected over advertiser B.this is because advertiser A ad type is the highest priority over any ad type.

2.Weight of the ad:Ad having the highest ad size among the competitors is selected.

3.Exclusivity:depending on the keywords on the webpage,the relevant ad will be posted.

4.CPM:cost per 1000 impressions is compared.

5.Satisfaction Index:based on the number of impressions which still to be served.if the impressions served count is low,then that ad is posted.

Types of Advertising




Key word

Frequency capping

Day and Time parting



Campaign details report:

Reporting details of Advertiser,Ad,Order and Creative

2.Demographic Details report:Reporting the details of country,state,district and Designated Market Area(DMA)

3.Targeting details report:Reporting the details of section in which the ad to be posted and custom targeting

4.Time Frame Breakdown Details report:Reporting is done on the specific date,day of week,week,hourly basis,month & yearly basis.

5.Reach Details report:Reporting the details of uniques visitors of the ad,Average impressions and Revenue per unique visitors.

6.Forecast Details report:Reporting the details of predicting the availability of impressions based on site sections, availability of impressions on a specific date,geography.

Optimization Types

CPM OPTIMIZATION:Impression based optimization. Over Delivery,Under Delivery

CPC OPTIMIZATION:CTR based optimization. Low CTR,High CTR


Day to Day AdOps life:

Request for Proposal(RFP)

Insertion Order(IO)


Quality Assurance(QA)

Screen shot






The sales funnel visually describes the sales process from initial contact to final sale. It uses the metaphor of a leaky funnel, into which a seller can “drop” sales opportunities.

Following are the Phases in a Sales Funnel

Awareness Phase – in which prospects become aware of the existence of a solution.

Interest Phase – in which prospects demonstrate interest in a product by conducting product research.

Decision Phase – In which a final decision is reached and negotiation begins.

Sales Phase – in which goods or services are purchased.

Repurchase Phase – in which a customer repurchases a product or service.

New Customers-in which new customers are targeted.


Follow up our audience

Precision targeting

Increasing marketing reach.

Heightened recall

Greater engagement

Increased conversion

More impressions.

More clicks

More acquisitions



Remnant inventory refers to any ad units that have not been purchased by an advertiser. Remnant inventory is sold off at wholesale prices to a large range of ad networks. These large networks resell this inventory to advertisers on a CPM, CPC or CPA basis. Remnant inventory can also be sold through ad exchanges.

Remnant inventory selling prices may be very low .

For example, assume a publisher is expected to generate 5,000,000 page views during the upcoming month (let’s further assume there is one 728×90 leaderboard ad unit on every page). If the publisher has sold 4,000,000 of those leaderboard ad impressions to advertisers, they will have 1,000,000 remnant ad impressions that must be monetized in other ways.