Download - Digital Hangar-November

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Digital hangar


staying on traCkSEE WHAT’S HAPPENING


great aMeriCan sMokeoUtQUIT SMOKING TODAY


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ChilDren’s prograMs



22 get to knoW MCCs yUMaTake a tour of the Auto Skills Center with

Rec. Attendant Shereen Picklo.


15 FeDeX & Desert perkCome see what special offers are available.


16 great esCapesWhether it’s pirates or a safari park, plan your next trip with us!


04 New TA Requirements.liFelong learning

Marine & FaMily

07behaVioral health

Military appreciation month.

24 UpCoMing eVentsEvents and activities happening aboard MCAS Yuma

seMper Fit

12 athletiCsAthletics is gearing up for another great year in

youth soccer and intramural basketball

10 health proMotionsTake the steps towards a healthier life and

quit smoking with the Great American Smokeout

08 sChool liaisonSee what’s happening in education.

18 Marine Corps birthDayThank you to all our Marines and Veterans!

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Message FroM the DireCtor

the teaM

November is a busy month,mostly because we areconstantly reminded thatthe holiday season is uponus. But November is somuch more than just fryingturkeys and ingesting anoverabundance of pumpkinspice lattes. This month istruly dubbed as the month

to give thanks in so many ways, and I am talkingabout more than just Thanksgiving. In November wecelebrate the Marine Corps Birthday and VeteransDay. On November 10th we will be reminded of allof the historical accomplishments our Marines haveassisted with, and on Veterans Day we will saluteall branches of the military- because every singleperson who has served has somehow contributed toour country’s success. During this month, we will allreminisce about how it is truly an honor to live in acountry that has so many strong, brave, and selflessindividuals who serve, or who have served, proudly.

In addition, November is also Military Family Appreciation Month. Military families currently serving- because as we all know, spouses and children are active duty as well- are recognized throughout the month for their sacrifices and commitment during a variety of observances. So during November, don’t be afraid to flash your military ID to verify if you’ll receive a discount, because there are numerous businesses who want to say “Thank You” to those that serve. For instance, Sea World is offering “Waves of Honor” tickets to all active duty and retired military personnel. These tickets are half off the gate price. Great Escapes Travel Co. is selling these these until November 11th and they are good through December 10th.The service member can buy up to 6 of these. Please call 928-269-5300 for more information. Also, Old

sponsorship CoorDinatorKerri Brigdes

Marketing DireCtorMaria Perez

Managing CreatiVe eDitorAna Zolorzano

Managing Content eDitorJessica Jones

VisUal inForMation speCialistCarson Cherland

VisUal inForMation speCialistDarnell Wilkins

photography & ViDeoChris Bermudo

VisUal inForMation speCialistDalila Smith

Navy gives a military discount annually when you show your ID in stores. Those are just a couple of examples, but you get the idea.

We from MCCS Yuma are thankful that we get to show our appreciation every single day; because we know that without you we wouldn’t be here. We are honored to support you during your stay in Yuma, and hope that you have the opportunity to use our services.

Sincerely,Maria Perez

P.S. Speaking of MCCS Yuma services, Arizona Adventures has organized an amazing mountain biking excursion.

Mountain Biking at Noble CanyonNov 14, 21, 28Duration: 1 dayIncludes: transportation, trek fuel-ex bike, and gearCheck out all of their upcoming events on the Az Adventures Facebook Page.

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TA CRITERIAA. First time TA applicants need to be on active duty at least 24 monthsB. Eligible for promotionC. Complete MCI “Leadership” (Cours ID # 8012B) and Personal Finance Management (Course ID# 3420G)D. First time applicants authorized 1 course unless they already have an Associate’s degree or 60 college credits with a minimum GPA of 2.5.E. TA shall not be authorized for courses that start before the prior TA funded course ends.F. Involuntary withdrawal waivers and failed courses will count towards the Marine’s fiscal year TA limitsG. TA shall be authorized for only 1 course for the succeeding term if:• Overall GPA falls below 2.5• A “D” is received in any course

during previous term

Marines wanting to use Tuition Assistance (TA) now have a few additional requirements in order to meet TA criteria. First time TA users will learn about the new TA requirements when they attend a College 101 brief, which is required in order to use TA benefits. The College 101 brief is offered every Friday, on a walk-in basis, at the Education Center in Bldg. 850 from 1000-1100.


• Certificate and degree programs

• Steps to finding a career that fits you by utilizing online career assessments

• College admission process• Funding your classes, utilizing

tuition assistance, federal financial aid, and GI Bill benefits

• Tuition assistance policies

and procedures to include TA MARADMIN 456/13 requirements

• How to complete the tuition assistance online application

• And more….

For those already utilizing TA or for those who would like to learn more about the new TA requirements, a summary of MARADMIN 456/13 is noted below:TA is discretionary. An Education Services Officer (ESO) and Education Support Personnel are available at all installations to assist Marines in developing personal and professional education plans and to make informed academic institution selections that support their educational goal. Command approval of TA is contingent upon the Command’s anticipated mission requirements. Marines shall meet appropriate standards and eligibility criteria.



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• Voluntary withdrawal from any course during previous term

H. First time TA users with a GT score less than 100 must take TABE* and score at least 10.2I. TA shall not be approved retroactively. TA must be submitted and approved by the Command prior to course start dateJ. Course work with a start date between 15 and 30 September 2014 must be Command approved by 12 September 2014K. Career and Technical Education Certificate Programs must be accredited by an accredited body agency recognized by the Department of Education, be approved by the Department of Veteran’s administration and have a signed DOD Memorandum of Understanding in order to receive tuition assistanceL. TA not authorized for duplicate degrees or double majorsM. Open issues in Marine TA

accounts (including incomplete grades, reimbursements, and waivers) must be resolved and posted to the student record prior to approval of future TA requests.N. TA cannot pay for fees related to certifications, license exams or credentialsO. Reserve Component Officer on active duty must have an EAS date 2 years beyond the completion date of requested class P. Enlisted Marines must have an EAS date 60 days beyond completion date of requested class Q. TA shall not be authorized for non-credit courses, training programs or programs under the continuing education or workforce development. TA cannot be used for MOS required training. Marines who are in a training status (MOS training) are not eligible to use TA while training.R. Marines attending a vocational/technical certificate training

programs with more than one class or module will only be approved TA for two classes or modules at a time.

TA fUNDING MANAGEMENTAs of 1 October 2013, the Marine Corps TA Funding Budget will be divided into fiscal quarters. Once quarterly funds are exhausted, TA approvals will be deferred until the following quarter. When TA funds are available approvals will be contingent upon the Marine meeting all eligibility requirements and will be limited to classes that begin during the quarter. For example, a class that begins on 15 January 2014 will not be approved for TA until 1 January 2014 and will be funded with available FY14 second quarter funds. TA requests can only be submitted within 30 days of the start date of class.

PERSONAl AND PROfESSIONAl DEVElOPMENT PROGRAMSMarines are encouraged to participate in all appropriate personal and professional development programs including but not limited to:

• United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP)

• CLEP and DSST Exams• Free FEMA classes• SOCMAR schools (www.soc.• Marine Corps Career College

Program (MCCCP)

For more information, please contact MCAS Yuma’s Education Center at (928)269-5614, (928) 269-3248, or (928) 269-3589.


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service men and women and their families, not only in November, but throughout the year.

The Family Advocacy Program has Spouse Certificates of Appreciation that you can use to acknowledge that special someone in your life. Certificates are available free of charge for both active duty and civilian spouses.

Stop by Building 598, any time Mon-Fri between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to pick up your certificate along with some other suggestions and ideas on how to honor your spouse and children.

November has been designated as Military Family Appreciation Month. No group of people more deserves this special recognition than the families of our Armed Services men and women. Originally established in 1993 by the Armed Services YMCA, the month has been recognized each succeeding year by Presidential proclamation.

Last year, President Obama said that our nation owes “each day of security and freedom to the members of our Armed Forces and their families. Behind our brave service men and women there are family members and loved ones who share in their sacrifice and

provide unending support”. Most civilians truly don’t understand the sacrifices that are made by our military members and their families. They hear about deployments and the news is replete with stories of wounded warriors and those service men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and each one of us. We enjoy the freedoms and benefits of living in this great country of ours because men and women and their families have chosen to heed the call to join the United States Military.

Let’s take the time to acknowledge and show our appreciation to our



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fEDERAl IMPACT AID SURVEY CARDS GOING HOME WITH STUDENTSIf your students attends a public/charter school in Yuma School District One, Yuma Union High School District, Somerton School District, Desert View Academy or Carpe Diem Collegiate Academy, be on the look-out for the annual Federal Impact Aid Survey card to come home with your child on or near November 1st. All military and government civilian employees are encouraged to fill out this form and return it to your child’s school as soon as possible.

Federal Impact Aid is a program in which all schools in districts with a substantial federal government presence can apply for federal funding to support education due to loss of property taxes. Schools must accurately report the number of military dependents enrolled in order to qualify for Federal Impact Aid funding. Information on the survey card will be kept confidential. On behalf of the MCI West Commanding General and the MCAS Yuma Commanding Officer, I thank you for supporting our local school districts by participating in the 2013 Federal Impact Aid survey.

ONlINE PARENT TOOlS HElPING PARENTS STAY IN TUNE WITH CHIlDREN’S ACADEMIC PROGRESSMost Yuma area schools are utilizing online parent communication tools which provide parents access to children’s grades, attendance records, homework assignments, etc. Yuma School District One, Crane School District

and Yuma Union


School District utilize “ParentVue.” Yuma Lutheran School, Southwest Christian School and Yuma Catholic High School utilize “RenWeb,” while St. Francis of Assisi school utilizes “Jupiter.” Parents must have a parent login code that can be requested by your child’s teacher, or the school’s front office staff. Please check with your child’s school if you are not aware of a parent online communication tool being utilized.

ARIzONA MOVE ON WHEN READING INITIATIVEBeginning this school year, Arizona revised statute 15-710 requires that third-grade students who are not reading proficiently by the end of 3rd grade may be retained. Third

grade students will have to receive a proficient

score on the reading portion of the Arizona state standardized test called the Arizona Instruments to Measure Standards

(AIMS). Exceptions will be made for children with disabilities

based on their



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Individualized Education Program (IEP) and for children who are English Language Learners (ELL) with less than two years of English instruction. If you are a parent of a 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader and have not been informed of this new requirement, please contact your child’s teacher immediately for more information about your child’s academic standing and ways to support literacy development at home. You may also check the Arizona Department of Education website at for more information.

ExCITING NEWS AbOUT THE MCx SUPER STAR STUDENT PROGRAMDid you know that the MCX Super Star Student Awards Program has expanded to include 1st through 12th grade students beginning this school year? This program is designed to encourage and reward the next generation of leaders from military families. Students in grades 1st through 12th who maintain a “B” average or better may bring a copy of their report card each quarter to the MCAS Yuma Exchange and receive a gift card scratch off for ($5, $10, $25, $50, $100 or $250). This program

is available to dependents of active duty military that are attending either traditional schools or are being homeschooled.

COMMON CORE STANDARDS UPDATE Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, has issued an Executive Order to rename the Common Core Standards in our state to the “Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards.” Arizona adopted the Common Core Standards in 2010 along with 45 other states, and they are being implemented throughout our Arizona schools this year. A new standardized test aligned to the new standards will be developed to measure student learning by 2015.

MIlITARY fAMIlY lIfE CONSUlTANTS AT THREE YUMA SCHOOlSI am pleased to share that a full time school based Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC) is now assigned to Sunrise Elementary, Palmcroft Elementary and Woodard Middle School for the duration of the school year. MFLCs provide non-medical counseling services to military children, parents and school staff while addressing the impact of military life. MFLCs augment the

support services already provided at these schools, but their focus is on the military child and family. If your child attends one of these three schools, please contact the front office staff to inquire about the assigned MFLC and set up a time to introduce yourself to him/her. Your child may bring home a permission slip for you to sign in order to receive MFLC services. Installation MFLCS are available to work with students attending other schools. Currently, MCAS Yuma has two installation MFLCs in building #699. You may contact them at 928-245-6057 or 928-245-6591.

SAVE THE DATE• Exceptional Family Member

Program (EFMP) Homework Strategies Workshop November 14th 9:00-11:00 a.m. Bldg. T-40 (Behind the post office) Call 269-5617 to RSVP

• EFMP/Relocation & Assistance/Financial: Harvest Fest Open House, November 18th 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Bldg. T-40, All Families are Welcome.

• Station Library Family Night : Last Tuesday of each month 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.


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great aMeriCan sMokeoUt

MCCS Health Promotion is partnering with other organizations to bring you Great American Smoke Out 2013. Great American Smoke Out encourages smokers to use the date to make a plan to quit or to plan in advance and quit smoking that day. Tobacco use remains one of the most preventable diseases in America. Over 43 million people in America use tobacco or smokeless products every day. Of these Americans, 69% want to quit smoking with only 52% attempting to quit.

Tobacco use involves many health related issues that can be prevented and decreased by quitting use, even if tobacco use has been a lifelong habit. Health-related issues include hypertension, cancer (lung and oral), stroke, and pneumonia to name a few. There are benefits to quitting that can result in as little as 20 minutes. Within 20 minutes of not using tobacco, blood pressure can drop to a normal range and pulse rate can decrease, allowing the heart to decrease workload. Within 24-28 hours, risks of heart attacks decrease and the ability to smell and taste increases. By quitting for 5 years, the risk of lung cancer decreases significantly by 50%.

Another significant factor of tobacco use is the money that is spent on tobacco. Did you know that the average American uses 1 ½ packs of cigarettes a day or 1 can of smokeless tobacco? The price of

tobacco is increasing and becoming an expensive habit. The breakdown of a regular tobacco user is: Cost per day - $7.50Cost per month - $225Cost per year - $2700Cost for 10 years - $27,000 Cost for 20 years - $54,000Within ten years of use, that person using tobacco could have owned a car. Just by quitting for one month, this person will save more than just money; they will invest in their health.

If you are a tobacco user or know someone who is, we encourage you to attend the Great American Smoke Out and be a part of something big. All across America on November 21, 2013, many Americans will be challenging themselves to quit for the day or hopefully for life. This event will include a Quit Pit to toss cigarette packs and dip cans for the chance to win a grand prize. This event will have information booths, giveaways and more from MCCS Health Promotion, Substance Abuse Counseling Center, Branch Medical Clinic, American Cancer Society, and Yuma Regional Medical Center. Bring the whole family as we will also have a kids area.

MCAS offers Tobacco Cessation Courses on a monthly basis. Please contact your Health Promotion Coordinator at 269-6642 for more information or join us at our next session on December 17 at Building 598 from 1400-1700.


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y o U t h s p o r t s


We are gearing up to beginregistrations for our 2014Soccer Season! Registrationwill run from November 26ththrough January 6th and thecost is $40 per child. Socceris a great way to involveeven the youngest children insports as it is the only sport thatwe allow 3-4 year olds to play. Theage divisions are 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, and9-12. All practices and games willbe held aboard MCAS Yuma withthe possibility of one away game atYPG. Soccer registration includes

full uniform (shorts, jersey, andsocks) as well as a trophy and theend of season party. The seasonwill run from January 25th throughMarch 8th of 2014. Games will beplayed on Saturday mornings andpractices will be held twice a weekin the evenings. Practice timesare set by our volunteer coaches.

To register your child, visit, click Semper Fitthen Youth Sports. You may alsoregister in person at our office inthe Community Center (Building1093) on Thomas Ave. Please call928-269-2324 or e-mail [email protected] with anyquestions.

intraMUral basketballOur pre-season Intramural Basketball Tournament registrations are open now! The pre-season tournament will begin on November 13th and will be a single or double elimination tournament depending on how many teams enroll. Sign-ups are available at the Station Gym front desk. Each team must have at least 5 players to create an eligible team. All questions regarding the tournament should be directed to the Athletics Office 928-269-2280/2383.

beCoMe a CoaChWe are always looking for motivatedand dedicated individuals who arepassionate about Youth Sports tocoach our young athletes. If thatsounds like you, give us a call at928-269-2324 to find out aboutvolunteer opportunities. Letters ofAppreciation are given out at the end of the season with the total number of hours volunteered. Make a difference in a child’s life today!


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Desert Perk is getting into the Thanksgiving spirit. This month we will be featuring the Pumpkin Spice Latte; hot, cold or blended. It is topped with whipped cream and your choice of cinnamon or nutmeg. Be on the lookout for additional holiday flavors (gingerbread and peppermint) that will be arriving this month.

Desert Perk offers free samples every Wednesday from 1130-1230.

Desert Perk Coffee Shop is located in the Food Court. The hours of operation are: Monday – Friday 0600-1500 and Saturday – Sunday 0700-1400.


pUMpkin spiCe latte

FeDeX We shipFor yoU

At Great Escapes Travel Co. /ITT we will send your packages or letters at a discounted price with the same guarantees and proof of delivery that FedEx is known for. We offer 3 different sizes of boxes and envelopes for you to choose from or you can pack items in regular boxes as long as they can be securely sealed with the proper packing tape. Note that FedEx does not ship to P.O. Box addresses.

Please come by and take advantage of the discounted prices we can offer for all your FedEx shipping. Our number is 928-269-5300.



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At the Pirates Dinner Adventure in Buena Park you are warmly welcomed as a guest of Princess Anita to her appetizer buffet.

Guests are encouraged to grab a plate or two of hot and cold hors d’oeuvres before retreating to the arena. Enjoy an aerial performance as part of the celebration when suddenly Captain Sebastian and his pirates shanghai Princess Anita and her guests.

The story continues in the indoor arena where a full size replica of an 18th century Spanish galleon is anchored in a 250,000 gallon lagoon. The show features amazing special effects and swashbuckling swordplay. The most impressive is the aerial artistry. Participation is highly encouraged, so don’t hesitate to clap along to the musical numbers and don’t be afraid if pirates roam around and ask you for assistance.

SHOW TIMES: This dinner adventure is open daily, and show times vary based on season. There are multiple show times available on the weekends, so check the website calendar.

PARKING: Parking is free either next to or behind the

building or in their parking garage.DINNER MENU: During the show, guests are served a salad with two choices of dressing, Treasure Chicken which is marinated in lemon-pepper sauce, a choice of Buccaneer Beef or garlic shrimp and scallops, seasoned rice or roasted red potatoes, mixed vegetable, and to top it off, a warm apple cobbler pie with vanilla ice cream. Guests can choose from two house beers or house wines, and unlimited soft drinks are included during the main show. Vegetarian meals and Captain Kids meals are also available upon request.

lOCATION: Pirate’s Dinner Adventure is located on Beach Boulevard within walking distance of Medieval Times and Knott’s Berry Farm. Contact Great Escapes Travel Co. for reservations and special military pricing. 928-269-5300.



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san Diego zoo& saFari park


Safari Park is the sister park to the San Diego Zoo, but that is where the similarities end. The Safari Park is an expanse of over 2.8 square miles where animals co-exist in their natural habitat.

The San Diego Zoo Safari Park began in a tucked away corner of the suburbs as the breeding area for the San Diego Zoo. Many fans of the zoo and its exotic animals would find their way over to the breeding grounds and attempt to peek over the fences to get a glimpse of their day to day activities. With public interest high, the San Diego Zoological Society decided to open the facilities to the public in 1972. It was known as the San Diego Wild Animal Park until 2010 when it was changed to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

Your basic ticket will get you unlimited rides on the Africa Tram Safari, which is an open-air expedition around the African field exhibits. You will be able to see giraffes, rhinos, lions, and gorillas in their natural habitat, living with one another like they would in the wild. There is also an Asian field exhibit where you will be able to see Przewalski’s Horses and the Arabian Oryx. The Safari park is a great experience and can be even better with these tips!

1. There will be a lot of walking so make sure you wear comfortable shoes!

2. Drinks and food are allowed to be brought into the park so bring snacks and water to stay full and hydrated!

3. The park gets hot, especially in the summer so bring water and apply sunscreen regularly.

4. If you do not want to bring your own drinks, you can buy a ten dollar souvenir cup and get free refills the entire day. You can bring the cup back to the Safari Park and the San Diego Zoo to get 99 cent refills after that. 5. Get there early. Parking fills up fast and the lines for the Africa Tram get long by the middle of the day.

Finally, come to Great Escapes Travel Co. for your Safari Park and your San Diego Zoo tickets! Call us at 928-269-5300 for more information.

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celebrated on November 11th. And all of us affiliated with the Marine Corps love knowing this because the Marine Corps’ birthday is on November 10th, making us feel even more patriotic during the Month of November. But as you attend your Marine Corps Birthday Ball, or are splurging during a Veterans Day sale (you should probably just wait until Black Friday, November 29, 2013 for big sales) remember to take time out to thank a military member for serving our country, and if you are a veteran yourself, stop and take in the fact that millions around the country value your service and have greatly benefited from your commitment to our country.

Many often see Veterans Day and Memorial Day as two holidays that celebrate our military. While both holidays do celebrate our military, they both celebrate different aspects. Memorial Day honors those who died in battle and those who have passed due to being wounded in battle, while Veterans Day honors all military service members- retired, Active Duty, living, and deceased; but the national holiday was intended to honor those who are still living.

The holiday wasn’t always called Veterans Day. Initially, the holiday was titled Armistice Day because in 1918 on the 11th hour of the 11th day or the 11th month began an armistice (temporary suspension of hostilities) between

Germany and the Allied nations. From then until 1954, the day was solely to honor the veterans of World War I- this changed when World War II required the largest number of service members in our nation’s history, as well as US deployment in Korea. In 1954 it was urged to change “Armistice” to “Veterans” so that we could honor all of our heroes throughout our nation’s history. President Dwight Eisenhower signed the bill into law on May 26, 1954, making Armistice Day a federal holiday, and Congress amended the act on June 1, 1954, changing “Armistice” to “Veterans”- and it has been dubbed Veterans Day since.

No matter what day of the week it falls on, Veterans Day is always



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Several local Yuma restaurants want to say thank you to our Marines and Sailors during the upcoming holiday by offering discounts or free meals. Here is a list of some businesses that are offering a “thank you” for your service by showing your military ID:

RED lObSTER: Nov. 11 – Nov. 14: Free appetizer for Veterans

OlIVE GARDEN: Nov. 11: Veterans can select from 1 of 5 pre-selected Veterans Day entrees to receive for free.

APPlEbEE’S: Nov. 11: Veterans will receive a free meal.

The following locations offer a military discount year-round:

fAMOUS DAVE’S: Military Mondays- Veterans get 20% off for their meal.

CHIlI’S: 10% discount every day with a valid military ID.

MIMI’S CAfE: 10% discount every day with a valid military ID.

GOlDEN CORRAl: 10% discount to service members and dependents with valid ID.

The Marine Corps celebrate and honor their 238th birthday. Semper Fidelis!


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The Auto Skills Center wants you to take full advantage of all that they have to offer at their low cost, high quality facility. Patrons can get oil and filter changes for as low as $15 plus parts. Need your transmission serviced? No problem. The Auto Skills Center has quality, certified mechanics that will help you get that vehicle back on the road. If you like to be your own mechanic but are just looking for a good location to work on your car, then look no further. Lots of car enthusiasts come into the Auto Skills Center to work on their vehicles

in one of their 14 stalls. If you need a spare key, the Auto Skills Center can cut keys for as little as $2.00. Don’t take our word for it; we had an opportunity to interview Ms. Shereen


The Auto Skills Center offers a choice of contracting full service work by

certified mechanics or Do-It-Yourself auto maintenance with all equipment supplied.


Picklo, a Rec Attendant at the Auto Skills Center. She provided us with a more in-depth look into what the Auto Skills Center offers. Click below to see interview.

Shereen Picklo aka “Mom”, Rec Attendant at the Auto Skills Center.

Photo: Chris Bermudo, MCCS Marketing

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noVeMber eVents

6Commissary Tour5pm-6pmCommissary

Learn how to shop healthy and on a budget. For more information, call 269-6642.

7Stork Club10:30am-11:30amBldg. 645 Rm 105

Meet other mothers and ask questions about your baby, nutrition and development For more information, call 269-2308.

8Hide & Seek7pm-10pmBldg. 1050

Come and have a blast with your friends and make some new acquaintances! For more information, call 269-5390.

9Triple Play5pm-6pmBldg. 1050

Designed to incorporate healthy living and active learning. Must be registered with the Youth Center. For more information, call 269-5390.

10Triple Play5pm-6pmBldg. 1050

Designed to incorporate healthy living and active learning. Must be registered with the Youth Center. For more information, call 269-5390.

11Coping with Stress1pm-2:30pmBldg. 598

Participants will learn how to utilize positive coping strategies to deal with stressors. For more information, call 269-2561.

4Monday Night football6pm-7pmSMP Rec Center

Join us at the SMP Rec Center for some Monday night football! For more information, call 928-269-6556.

5lap Time9am-9:40amStation Library

This interactive program consists of stories, songs, dancing, and a craft that follow a theme. For more information, call 269-2785.

3Triple Play5pm-6pmBldg. 1050

Designed to incorporate healthy living and active learning. Must be registered with the Youth Center. For more information, call 269-5390.

2Teen Marine Corps ball6pm-10pmYouth Center

Celebrate the Marine Corps Birthday with us! Join us for food, dancing and a cake cutting ceremony. Cost is $5. For more information, call 269-5390.

1College 101 brief10am-11amBldg. 850

Brief focuses on the policies and procedures that are in place for using military Tuition Assistance. For more information, call 269-5614.

12Microwave Cooking11:30am-12:30pmSMP Rec Center

Learn how to make meals in the microwave. We will discuss the healthy options, make the meals and enjoy. For more information, call 928-269-6642.

13financial fitness8am-11amBldg. 598

Basic Budgeting, understanding TSP & car buying techniques. Reservations required. For more information, call 928-269-2425.


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15Parent Involvement4pm-5pmBldg. 1085/1071

Parents share a learning experience with their child while strengthening their relationship with the teachers. For more info., call 269-2350.

16Sneak Premiere6pmStation Theater

Catch a sneak premiere of the movie Homefront. For more information, call 928-269-5585.

17Triple Play5pm-6pmBldg. 1050

Designed to incorporate healthy living and active learning. Must be registered with the Youth Center. For more information, call 269-5390.

24Triple Play5pm-6pmBldg. 1050

Designed to incorporate healthy living and active learning. Must be registered with the Youth Center. For more information, call 269-5390.

25Soccer RegistrationAll DayBldg. 1093

Youth Sports Soccer registration begins. Ages 3-12. Cost is $40. For more information, call 928-269-2324.

26Power Hour3:30pm-4:30pmBldg. 1050

Reinforce and enhance skills and knowledge in young people. For more information, call 269-5390.

27DV Group12:30pm-2:30pmBldg. 598

Topics include safety planning, cycle of violence, victim’s rights, etc.. For more information, call 269-2561.

28Pies & Pajamas8:30am-11amSMP Rec Center

Watch the parade and enjoy pies while wearing pajamas. For more information, call 928-269-6556.

29Coping with Stress1pm-2:30pmBldg. 598

Participants will learn how to utilize positive coping strategies to deal with stressors. For more information, call 269-2561.


30Triple Play5pm-6pmBldg. 1050

Designed to incorporate healthy living and active learning. Must be registered with the Youth Center. For more information, call 269-5390.

21Great American Smoke out3pm-5:30pm | MCX

Awareness event to promote tobacco cessation and tobacco use prevention. For more information, call 928-269-6642.

22Movie Night7pm-10pmBldg. 1050

Bring your drinks and snacks, we will provide the popcorn. Join us on the patio for some cinematic fun! For more information, call 928-269-5390.

23Triple Play5pm-6pmBldg. 1050

Designed to incorporate healthy living and active learning. Must be registered with the Youth Center. For more information, call 269-5390.

14ADHD Workshop9am-11amBldg. 598

Provide families with tips to work with children/adults with ADHD. For more information, call 928-269-2949.

18Money Matters3:15pm-4:15pmBldg. 1050

To educate youth about saving, spending and managing money. For more information, call 928-269-5390.

19family Night4pm-5pmStation Library

Come learn about the basics of yoga with Marie-Josée from the GCX and more! For more information, call 928-269-2785.

20Keystone4:30pm-5:30pmBldg. 1050

Keystone is the Boys & Girls Club Movement’s most dynamic teen program. For more information, call 269-5390.