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Digipak and Magazine Analysis

Sanam Harrinanan

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This is a leaflet which comes with Katy Perry’s digipak. Throughout the leaflet it is designed with candy floss and sweets to fit in with the theme of teenage life and represents her personality as being sweet.

The name of the album is called Teenage Dream. Inside the digipak we see Katy laying in a cloud of candy floss which signifies she is in her own made up world. As well as that, we can see that the singer is naked which represents the idea of being young and playful. This could also be a way for Katy to target other audiences such as men and not only teenagers as she gives the impression of being sexual and intimate from her pictures inside the digipak.

The two CD’s which are included in the digipak have been created to look like sweets. This helps to fit in more with the theme of being young as it is a typical stereotype that teenagers love sweets and eat it regularly. Sweets can also be seen as a pleasure to have which represents the idea that Katy is saying her album is worth the buy.

The writing is red in the album to show the names of the songs which are included. This was done to help it stand out from all the other bright colours. The names of the writers are shown in in a different colour which is blue to help it stand out from the background but as well as that, tells the audience that those are not song titles but writers.

Attached to the digipak is a poster of Katy Perry dressed ready for prom. This relates to the title of the album being called Teenage Dream and fits in with a typical stereotype that teenage girls dream to be a prom queen or go to prom.

I am doing my digipak anaylsis on Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream Album. We can see from the colours used that the artist is a fun and bubbly person who embrasses being young and playful. The colour pink is used a lot to represent the artist as being flirtatious, playful and young which relates to her younger audiences. The baby pink and blue can also represent youth and young children which works well with the title of Teenage Dream. This digipak follows the typical conventions of a pop genre album as it is fun, bright and has upbeat music.

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The front cover for this Digipak is of the artist Chris Brown who is shown to be looking directly at the camera. His facial expression shows him as being confident which connates a connection between him and the audience which represents him as an entertainer and fits in with the typical conventions of a hip hop artist. A variety of bright and colourful colours are worn on the artist which represents him as being creative, bright and wants to outshine everyone as he is the main focus of this album.

The background of this cover is full of different images of the artist which links in with the name of the album called ‘Fame’. It shows him as an artist who likes to be center of attention and us very confident in his looks, which tells the audience more about his personality. The background is very colourful which attracts the audience's eyes and fits in with a typical target audience age of between 14-22. As well as this, the clothing that the artist are wearing such as hats, baggy and casual clothing, are a typical convention of the hip hop genre.

The font for this title is bright, bold and stands out from the colourful background. The capital letters helps to show it is an important album which is going to be something big and bold. It also fits in with the graffiti theme which is constant throughout the whole album cover.

The second digipak I have chosen to do is Chris Brown’s album ‘FAME’. From this digipak we can immediately see it is eye catching from the range of colours used. The artist’s face is also the main focus of this digipak which shows him to be an important person who likes to be the main attraction.

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Inside CD of ‘FAME’

Compared to the front of this digipak, the white and black colour scheme has a big contrast and makes the CD stand out more. This connotes the artist as being sophisticated and more laid back rather than always trying to be in the spotlight.

The long shot of the artist shows him as being brave as his posture and pose is very opened. His pose is similar to one of Michael Jackson's signature moves, which shows us the artist is a fan and looks to him for inspiration.

The font of the writing used on the CD is once again a graffiti style to fit in with the theme of the album. However the colour of the writing has been changed to contrast with the white background and stand out.

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Back Cover

This long shot of the artist allows us to see his body language and his mise-en-scene which contrast with the front cover once again. Chris Brown is wearing a mask which represents him as having two different personalities, one which is more confident and the other as being more quiet and formal. The pink background is used to connote a softer side to his personality and shows him to be more passionate and kind.

The font for the back cover is different compared to the font for the front cover. This font is more generic compared to the graffiti style font at the front. The black writing helps it to stand out from the pink background and fits in well with the theme set for the back cover. As well as that, the side panels shows the artist name and name of the album which is a typical convention of a hip hop digipak.

Chris Brown is shown in this picture wearing a helmet to cover his face. This represents the artist as feeling trapped due to ‘fame’ taking over his life or due to past events in his lifetime with famous artist Rihanna. It portrays the artist as possibly feeling shy or ashamed and he may want to break free and overcome those events which he shows from his posture and body language but is scared to due to the media.

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Katy Perry uses bright colours to attract her fans and bring in new audiences. The bright background colours make a statement by representing her personality as being bold, bright, fun, confident and playful. This fits in well with the narrative of being a teenager and being young.

Teenage Dream is shown in a big font using capital letters and the colour white. This helps it to stand out and catches the audience's eyes straight away.

There are website which are on this advert to help fans and audiences to find out more detail about the album such as release dates and the price. They are also able to go onto the website to pre-order the album if they wish to.

Two of Katy’s popular songs are used to help promote the album more. As well as that, the release date stands out to make it clear when the album will come out for audiences and fans.

The same colour scheme is used throughout the magazine advert. The pink and bright colours shows Katy as being flirtatious and young which links in with her digipak. This shows she is trying to send the message across as her album is about being young, fun and confident.

The costume in which the artist is wearing can be seen as a sexy attire to help draw in more audiences and widen her fan base by being appealing to men as well as teenagers.

Magazine Advert Analysis

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Magazine Advert Analysis The cover of the album for ‘F.A.M.E’ is used to advertise the album on this magazine so audience members are more aware of what to look out for. However from this magazine advert we are not able to see the name of the album and there are no further links to find out more information.

From this we can see that Chris Brown is releasing a new album and we are able to see where fans are able to buy a copy. It also states a date so members of the public are to know when it will go on sale. From this magazine advert we

can see there is not a lot of information which makes it hard for fans or members of the public to know much about his album. If this were to be improved, it could have links to social media website with further information, or the name of the album.

Chris Brown is represented as being a strong, serious person as his facial is emotionless and he is the center of attention for this magazine advert.