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  • 7/27/2019 Differentiation Chart




    Excessive fluid accumulation

    within the interstitial space of the

    body. Edema may be localized,

    affecting only one organ or area of

    the body or it can be generalized

    where it affects many areas or thewhole body simultaneously.

    An abnormal collection of fluid

    within a cavity. Sometimes there is

    a little fluid within some of these

    cavities that is considered to be

    normal and is mainly for lubrication

    or proection. It is more likely to be

    present within double layered sacslike the pericardium (heart), pleura

    (lungs) and peritoneum (abdomen).

    Enlargement of a body part

    or organ beyond it normal

    size and usually causing a

    distortion of the shape and

    structure of the affected


    Anacute(short term)

    response by living tissue to

    any injury. It is usually

    followed by repair and

    regeneration after the injury,

    provided that the tissue was

    not severe enough to cause

    cell death (necrosis).

    Causes Increased hydrostatic pressure Inflammation of the lining of the

    respective cavities

    Fluid - usually

    lymphatic/interstitial fluid,

    pus or blood

    Physical can be

    mechanical as in a car

    accident injury or assault or

    environmental like severe

    cold and heat (burns).

    Reduced osmotic pressure Infections at the site & other

    inflammatory diseases

    Gas - usually occurs is

    cavities like the gut. Often

    referred to as gas bloating.

    Chemical acid burns,

    drugs, venom.

    Fluid retention Trauma

    Mass - tumor or growth

    can affect any area within or

    on the surface of the body

    and is not a true swelling.

    Infection bacteria,

    viruses, fungi and other


    Submitted and Compiled by: Fairlean T. Bajarias BSPT-3A

  • 7/27/2019 Differentiation Chart


    Increased vascular permeability Radiation Therapy &


    In most cases, swelling

    refers to fluid accumulation

    although the terms

    swelling and swollen may

    be used for enlargement

    due to any cause.

    Ischemia lack of or

    restricted blood supply

    which may eventually lead

    to death of t issue (necrosis)

    known as an infarct.

    Lymphatic obstruction Certain medication Immune autoimmune

    conditions and allergies.

    Congestive heart failure

    Kidney failure

    Liver disease

    However, specific causes of an

    effusion for individual sites may



    1.) Pitting edema is the swelling of

    a body part where an indentation

    will persist after pressure is

    applied to the area. This

    indentation will slowly disappear

    over time. (MC)

    1.) Transudates occur with a

    disturbance between the

    hydrostatic pressure or colloid

    osmotic pressure allowing fluid

    from the blood vessels to seep out

    or fluid from the tissue spaces to be

    pushed out into a cavity. It is not

    associated with inflammation.

    1.) Congenital swellings are

    present since birth( e.g.,

    hemangioma, meningocele).

    Some congenital swellings

    may not appear since birth,

    but later in life (e.g.,

    branchial cyst)

    1.) Acute

    2.) Non-pitting edema is where

    there is swelling of a body part

    with no indentation upon applying


    2.) Exudates on the other hand arise

    more commonly with inflammatory


    2.) Traumatic swellings

    develop immediately after

    trauma, (e.g., hematoma,


    2.) Chronic

    3.) Inflammatory swelling: It

    may be either acute or

    chronic variety.

  • 7/27/2019 Differentiation Chart


    Signs and


    Swelling or puffiness of the

    tissue directly under your skin Pain Fever Pain

    Stretched or shiny skin Swelling Redness Heat

    Skin that retains a dimple after

    being pressed for several seconds Loss of function Pain Redness

    Increased abdominal size Loss of function Swelling

    Loss of function


    Mild edema usually goes away on

    its own, particularly if you help

    things along by raising theaffected limb higher than your

    heart. More severe edema may be

    treated with drugs that help your

    body expel excess fluid in the

    form of urine. One of the most

    common diuretics is furosemide

    (Lasix). Long-term management

    typically focuses on treating the

    underlying cause of the swelling.

    The treatment is directed at thecause of the effusion. This may be a

    combination of medication and

    drainage depending on the severity

    of the fluid accumulation. Other

    types of surgery may also be

    indicated depending on the site,

    cause and degree of tissue damage.

    While it is possible for mild

    swelling to go away on its

    own, several things can be

    done to relieve the

    symptoms or hasten the

    process. TheRICEfirst aidmethod of rest and

    protecting the affected area

    has long been taught as a

    short term solution. The

    application of oxygen is

    known to assist in the

    reduction of swelling. An

    effective option for extrinsic

    treatment of swelling and

    it's reduction is Kinesio Tape


    NSAIDs (Non-SteroidalAntiinflammatory Drugs),

    Corticosteroids, Anti-

    Histamines, Cold and Hot

    Therapy which is advised

    and prescribed by the
