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Page 1: Different ways to do graffiti

Different ways to do graffitiConnor Wake

Page 2: Different ways to do graffiti


One artist who uses tiles ia space invader. An advantage of using tiles is that it is an in and out job once you have created the tiles. This is because all you need to do is stick it down so it was time efficient what is good as it cuts down the being caught to not being caught ration. However a disadvantage of using tiles is that it will be pretty small as you can’t get them very big what would make them not very noticeable. I have a mixed opinion on using tiles for street art as i would want my work to be noticeable and also there is a limit to what would look good as i think only 8-bit things would look good using tiles. However most things on tiles do work well and are effective when seen.

Page 3: Different ways to do graffiti

Knitta graffiti

One artist who used knitta graffiti is Magdasa. An advantage of this is that you can be unique with the design and the possibilities are pretty much endless. However this would take a lot of time and effort making this as you need to do all the knitting at home then go out perfectly wrap it around the object and sow it up at the top so it is easy to get caught. I do not like this method as i personally don’t think it is street art as you are just wrapping an object in colour and it isn’t my style.

Page 4: Different ways to do graffiti


One artist uses stencils is Banksy. Stencil is one of the best methods and an advantage of this is that the stencil can be easily reused what cuts down on manufacturing cost and labour cost so it saves you money as it can be reused. However a disadvantage of this is that it is takes a lot of preparation. In my opinion i like this method as it is the best and it is simple and really effective and can be used anywhere.

Page 5: Different ways to do graffiti

L.E.D lights

One artist who used L.E.D lights was Antonin Fourneau. An advantage of this is that it is bright and everyone can see your art, however some disadvantages are that the lights can easily run out what make you're street art not look as good or as meaningful and set up and running costs are expensive. I like this work if you can keep the running costs up and always make sure that the lights are all working maintaining the maintenance on your street art so it always keeps the same effect.

Page 6: Different ways to do graffiti

Pressure washer

There is no record i could find of somebody who used pressure washer graffiti. An advantage of this is that it can clean up some of the city but leaves behind some cool art. But a disadvantage of this is that it can take time as you need to make a stencil first then you need the correct equipment and need to have amazing accuracy to pull this off. I like this work but i would not use this technique as i personally don’t have good accuracy so the picture would not turn out as expected so would not get my point across.

Page 7: Different ways to do graffiti


This again had nobody that well known using this method. An advantage of this is that it can be used of different material, so it could be used on tiles, a canvas, straight onto the wall or other things. However a disadvantage of this is that it can easily rub off and it also uses a lot of time making it more likely for the artist to get caught. I like this method and think it’s effective but i would not use this as I would take a lot of time adding detail and i would end up getting caught.

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Spray Paint

Spray paint is used by pretty much everyone in the street art industry. From the likes of the well known artists like banksy to the up and coming stars nobody knows yet. This is used a lot as it has the best advantage of all what is that it is so quick to spray what you need too and get out and go what makes it less likely to get caught. An disadvantage of this is that you can get permanent spray paint that won't come off ruining the environment and causing the council to pay. I would use this if it was semi-permanent as it would come off and it is quick and easy to use and looks the best.

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Flower Bombs

This method is hardly covered by anyone but it is where people throw flower seeds into a wasteland and coming back a couple of weeks later and the flowers would of blossomed and this would generate a random pattern. An advantage of this is that you are covering up empty land making it look pretty and making there be something in the empty space. An disadvantage of this is that it is time effective as you need to wait a couple of weeks to see your artwork in full. I wouldn’t use this method as I don’t like waiting to see my artwork in full effect.

Page 10: Different ways to do graffiti


Lego is not used by a well known artist. An advantage of this is that it is unique and looks very good as it is clean crisp and it can be used to make many things in the graffiti world. However a disadvantage of this is that it would cost a lot as you would need a lot of lego pieces to complete your artwork and would cost a lot of time. This is my favourite method as it can be covered in so many ways and looks unique and so good.

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Chewing gum drawing

Ben Wilson uses this method. An advantage of this is that you are making something better, as nobody likes looking at chewing gum or think it's pleasant so it makes it more fun and look better. An disadvantage of this is that you need a lot of time to do this as it needs to be detailed to look good. I like the look of these but i wouldn’t do this as it is unhygienic and i wouldn’t go near anyone else's chewing gum.

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Shepard Fairey is a famous artist to use this method. An advantage of this is that it is easy to put up as it doesn't use much to put it up. However a disadvantage is that it uses massive paper so it has a high manufacture cost. I would use this as it uses the computer to make and it is easy to do but i would chose other methods over this as i think other methods look better and are more effective.

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Stickers are used by many artists as they are simple to do and effective. A advantage is that they are very simple and easy to put up. However a disadvantage of this is that they are typically very small so they are hard to notice so are not as effective as other methods. In my opinion this is one of the best methods as it is easy to do and it can easily be removed so i would keep this method in mind.

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3D street art

This is not used by a well known artist but there are many out there who use this. An advantage of this is that it looks really good and can be used for a lot of things and is unique. However a disadvantage is that it can cause upset as it is trippy and takes a long time. In my opinion this is one of the best visually but i wouldn't do this as it take a lot of time and detail that i wouldn't do as i dont have the time or patience or skill.

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This again is not used by a popular artist but used by many out there. An advantage of this is that it looks very good and can be used for many different things. However a disadvantage of this is that it takes a lot of time and can be easily destroyed. I would not use this as i don't like this method as it bores me and doesn't appeal to me.