Download - Different Types of Yoga - Means Different Types of Postures

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Different Types of Yoga - Means Different Types of Postures !!There are a whopping 100+ Yoga postures and poses that are designed to improve your overall lifestyle but, there are 6 Yoga poses that are known worldwide and recommended as the best to begin your practice.!!Yoga postures are executed in a non forceful way to bring about strength, better posture, conscious breath control, low stress and a good heart physically and emotionally. !!If we are not taught good posture as we are growing up we end up giving ourselves a crooked or bent figure due to the years of practicing incorrect postures; which blocks the energy flow throughout our bodies.!!As mentioned before different types of Yoga postures bring about strength. If practiced everyday you will begin to feel your thighs, knees, and ankles strengthening while becoming more flexible with time. !!Nowadays, Yoga isn't practiced as a religion as it is in India. Yoga is being practiced more in the light of getting in shape and having tone bodies. If this is your aim then yoga is a good place to start to get that perfect so-called “Yoga butt” or to get that chiseled 6 to 12 pack abdomen at a relaxing pace. !!The practice of different types of Yoga postures is not all about looking good physically on the outside so don't think that it stops there. Yoga also helps to relieve sciatica along with other aliments within the body whether its emotional or internal like cancer or high blood pressure. If you practice it regularly or even just once in a while you'll start to notice some differences. !!Here are 6 different types of Yoga techniques that will help you on your way to having better posture. Just follow these steps in order for you to fully understand yoga positions and be able to execute it in the proper manner.!!1. Mountain Pose - Stand with each of your feet together along with your arms at your sides. Press your weight smoothly along the balls and arches of your respective feet. Inhale and exhale steadily and rhythmically. Pull your awareness inward. Concentrate on the current moment, letting all anxieties and worries melt away.Press your big toes together (separate your heels if you feel the need to). Raise your toes and spread them apart. Then, put them back down upon mat, one after the other.In case you are having trouble with you equilibrium, stand with each of your feet six inches away from each other or wider. Draw down through your heels while making your legs straight. Ground your feet firmly into Mother Earth, pressing evenly across both of your feet.Then, raise your ankles and of course the arches of both your feet. Pull your outer shins toward one another.Draw the upper part of your thighs up and back, engaging the quadriceps. Rotate your thighs slightly towards the inside, widening your ischium bones. Tuck in the tailbone a little bit, but don’t round the lower part of your back. Lift your hamstrings (the back of your thighs), but relax your buttocks. Ensure that your hips are even with the center of your body. Shift your pelvis to its natural/neutral position. Do not allow your front hip bones to point downward or upwards; instead, point them straight forward. Pull your belly in a little bit. As you inhale, lengthen your torso. Breath out and relax your shoulder blades a little bit away from your head, toward the back of your waist. Spread across your collarbones,while keeping your shoulders in consonance with the sides of your body. Pull your shoulder blades towards the

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back of your ribs , but try not to squeeze them together. Keep your arms as straight as possible, your fingers should be extended, and your triceps should be firm as much as possible. Allow the inside of your arms to rotate a little bit outward. Then lengthen your neck. Your ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles should all be parallel with each other. Inhale and exhale smooth and even with full awareness of your breathing. Each time that you breath out, feel your spine lengthening. Gently stare forward toward the skyline. Keep the pose for as much as one minute.!!2. Half Forward Fold - From Mountain pose, Press your palms or fingertips directly onto the floor (or use yoga blocks for added support) beside your toes. While breathing in, make sure that your elbows are straight and your torso is away from your thighs, finding just as much length amongst your pubis and navel to the best of your ability. With each of your palms (or fingertips) push downward and back against the ground, and lift the top part of your sternum up (at a little distance from the ground) and forward. You might want to bend your knees slightly in order to help obtain this technique, which should arch your lower back. Now look forward, but take care not to compress the spinal area of your neck. Keep the arched-back position for a couple of breaths. Then, while you exhale, release your torso into a full Mountain Pose. !!3. Chair Pose - Stand in mountain pose. Bring your feet about a hip's distance apart. Lengthen your spinal column, and , lift your arms above your head and breath out. When you breath in again, fold your body forward from your hips to about a 45-degree angle, bringing your chest towards your thighs while you ensure your arms are within a straight line together with your back. Your palms ought to be facing in the direction of the ground. Bend your knees slightly as if you're getting ready to sit within a chair. Press your weight towards the ground while you lift your chest and extend through your fingertips. Look ahead and hold the posture, taking several deep breaths. Lift your spine while you tuck your tailbone underneath you and draw your lower stomach in. Settle down a little more deeply while you continue to concentrate on your breath. Keep the posture for a few breaths, then breath in and return back to Mountain Pose. !!4. Belly Twist - Start this pose by laying down on your back. Bend both of your knees above the chest and then bring your knees inward. Move you arms outward in line with your shoulders, your palms should be facing downward. While you breath out, drop your knees over to the ground upon the right side of your body. Turn your head to look along side the left arm. Relax the back of the shoulders in the direction of the ground and permit the legs to completely relax. Stay in this posture for about 5 breaths. While you breath in move your head so that its center; then move the knees so that they are center. When you breath out drop your knees towards the opposite side and again turn to look along side the opposite arm.!!5. High Lunge Pose - Start by bending your knees and when you breath in, step your left foot back as far as comfortably possible, the ball of your foot should be on the floor. Step back far enough to make your right knee form into a right angle. Lay your torso upon your front thigh and straighten it forward. To allow your right groin to loosen, you should picture that the thigh is sinking toward the ground beneath your torso’s weight. Keep your gaze forward. At the same time, allow your thigh to become firm and push it upwards towards the sky, while keeping the left knee straight. Stretch your left heel toward the ground. Breath out and step your right foot back along side the left. Repeat all of the above, but reverse left to the right. !!6. Cobra Pose - Start off by laying on your stomach, your chin should be touching the ground, you want your palms to be flat upon the ground beneath the shoulders and your legs should be together. Bring your knees up, while squeezing your thighs and butt. Press the pubis towards

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the ground.Without employing your arms, breath in and raise your head and chest off of the ground, keeping the neck in consonance with the spine. With your elbows not far from your sides, push downward with your palms and use your arms to push you up . Let your shoulders, back, and chest relax and push them forward. Try to keep the legs and butt strong, while keeping the pubis pressing downward into the ground. Breath in and hold it for about 2-6 breaths. Release by letting your breath out and gently lower your chest and head to the ground. Turn your head towards the side and rest, rock your hips from side to side to free any tension within the lower back.!!Follow these simple poses and you'll be on your way to better posture as well as lifestyle.!