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  • 7/29/2019 Did God Really Say That?


    Did God Really Say That?This article refutes the idea of the "Catholic Religion Proved by the Protestant


    Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he saidunto the woman, Yea,hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the arden! And the woman said unto

    the serpent, "e may eat of the fruit of the trees of the arden# $ut of the fruit of the tree which is in themidst of the arden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the

    serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die...% &Genesis '#(&)

    *ver since the serpent in the arden the enemies of God+s truth have souht, throuh subtility and

    deception, to cause God+s people to disobey Gods word. Lie common con&artists, these impostors inpretense claim to have deeper understandin into God+s word, in order to ain our trust.

    %... Yea,hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the arden!...% &Genesis '#(

    $ut the true intentions of these impostors is in their desire to mae the word of God of no effect.

    %...And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die# ...% &Genesis '#)

    -n addition to layin aside the commandments of God to hold the traditions of men, there is another note

    worthy characteristic of these impostors. hey mae promises that are not theirs to ive.

    % /or God doth now that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as ods,

    nowin ood and evil.% & Genesis '#0

    %"hile they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption# ...% & 12eter 1#(3

    %...And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.% & 4att. (0#()

    he followin was written in response to a tape called %5atholic Reliion 2roved by 2rotestant $ible% by

    6eep the /aith, -nc. the tape is narrated by 7oel $lae, all 8uotes, unless otherwise noted, are his. - received

    this tape by a friend of mine who wanted to prove the validity of 5atholicism to me.

    Section A !ntroduction to the Roan Catholic Doctrine

    he tape is introduced with the claims that Roman 5atholic doctrine is purportedly derived from#

    (. he $ible & what is e9plicitly or implicitly stated.

    1. Available $ible material & derived from history, tradition, catacombs.

    '. he :oly ;pirit .

    ). he Lord?s presence .

    his writin will be e9aminin these claims. he first two items will be directly responded to. "hether or

    not the 'rd and )th items are accurate statements should become discernible by the time the followin

    material has been covered.

  • 7/29/2019 Did God Really Say That?


    Section A.#. Scri$ture

    %o& did 'esus re$ly to those &ho taught &hat scri$ture only i$lied( and did not e)$licitly state?

    %hen was 7esus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted

    forty days and forty nihts, he was afterward an hunred. And when the tempter came to him, he said, -fthou be the ;on of God, command that these stones be made bread. $ut he ans&ered and said( *!t is

    &ritten, 4an shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.?hen the devil taeth him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, And saith unto

    him, -f thou be the ;on of God, cast thyself down# for it is written, :e shall ive his anels chare

    concernin thee# and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot aainst a

    stone. 7esus said unto him, *!t is &ritten again, hou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.? Aain, the devil

    taeth him up into an e9ceedin hih mountain, and sheweth him all the indoms of the world, and the

    lory of themB And saith unto him, All these thins will - ive thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.hen saith 7esus unto him, ?Get thee hence, ;atan# for it is &ritten, hou shalt worship the Lord thy God,

    and him only shalt thou serve.% &4atthew )#(&(.

    Section A.+. Tradition

    ,hat &as 'esus* re$ly to those &ho &ould teach "traditions" rather than the e)$ressly stated


    %hen came to 7esus scribes and 2harisees, which were of 7erusalem, sayin( ,hy do thy disci$lestransgress the tradition of the elders! for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. $ut heanswered and said unto them, *,hy do ye also transgress the coandent of God by your tradition!

    /or God commanded, sayin, :onour thy father and mother# and, :e that curseth father or mother, let himdie the death. $ut ye say, "hosoever shall say to his father or his mother, -t is a ift, by whatsoever thou

    mihtest be profited by meB And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. hus have ye made

    the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did *saias prophesy of you,

    sayin, his people draweth nih unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lipsB but their

    heart is far from me. $ut in vain they do &orshi$ e( teaching for doctrines the coandents of

    en.% &4atthew (0#'&3.

    hen the 2harisees and scribes ased him, ,hy &al- not thy disci$les according to the tradition of the

    elders... :e answered and said unto them, ?"ell hath *saias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written,his people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. :owbeit in vain do they &orshi$

    e( teaching for doctrines the coandents of en. or laying aside the coandent of God( ye

    hold the tradition of en, as the washin of pots and cups# and any other such li-e things ye do.? And

    he said unto them, ?/ull well ye reCect the commandment of God, that ye may eep your own tradition...

    /a-ing the &ord of God of none effect through your tradition( &hich ye have delivered# and many

    such lie thins do ye.% &4ar #=&('.

    But &here is one verse of scri$ture that &arns against holding God*s %oly ,ord above tradition?

    There is none0 But( does scri$ture not &arn against the traditions of en?

    %/orasmuch as ye now that ye &ere not redeeed &ith corru$tible things, as silver and old,fro

    your vain conversation received by traditionfrom your fathersB $ut with the precious blood of 5hrist, as

    of a lamb without blemish and without spot# "ho verily was foreordained before the foundation of the

    world, but was manifest in these last times for you, "ho by him do believe in God, that raised him up fromthe dead, and ave him loryB that your faith and hope miht be in God. ;eein ye have purified your souls

    in obeyin the truth throuh the ;pirit unto unfeined love of the brethren, see that ye love one anotherwith a pure heart fervently#Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the &ord of

    God, which liveth and abideth for ever. /or all flesh is as rass, and all the lory of man as the flower of

    rass. he rass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away# $utthe &ord of the 1ord endureth for

    ever. And this is the &ord &hich by the gos$el is $reached unto you. ,herefore laying aside all...

    hy$ocrisies... As newborn babes, desire the sincere il- of the &ord( that ye ay gro& thereby...% &(

    2eter (#(@&1#.

    %Be&are lest any an s$oil you throughphilosophy and vain deceit( after the tradition of en(after

    the rudiments of the world, and not after 5hrist.% &5olossians 1#@.

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    %his second epistle, beloved,! no& &rite unto youB in both which - stir up your pure minds by way of

    remembrance# hat ye maybe indful of the &ords &hich &ere s$o-en before by the holy $ro$hets(

    and of the coandent of us the a$ostlesof the Lord and ;aviour# 6nowin this first, that there shall

    come in the last days scoffers, walin after their own lusts...% &1 2eter '#(&0.

    %"hosoever therefore shall brea one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be

    called the least in the indom of heaven# but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called

    reat in the indom of heaven.% &4att. 0#(3

    %...These things teach and e)hort.!f any an teach other&ise, and consent not to wholesome words,

    even the words of our Lord 7esus 5hrist, and to the doctrine which is accordin to odlinessB %e is $roud(

    -no&ing nothing... whereof cometh envy, strife, railins, evil surmisins, 2erverse disputins of men of

    corrupt minds, anddestitute of the truth... fro such &ithdra& thyself.% &( imothy =#1&0

    %- chare thee therefore before God, and the Lord 7esus 5hrist, who shall Cude the 8uic and the dead at

    his appearin and his indomB Preach the &ordB be instant in season, out of seasonB reprove, rebue,

    e9hort with all lonsufferin and doctrine. /or the time will come when they will not endure sound

    doctrineB but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, havin itchin earsB And theyshall turn a&ay their ears fro the truth( and shall be turned unto fables.% &1 imothy )#(&).

    At &hat $oint in history did tradition begin to be held as e2ual &ith scri$ture?

    %-n (0)0 at the 5ouncil of rent,the Catholic Church voted to hold tradition e2ual to the teaching of

    the Bible.% &Dr. /abian ;. Reinhart, in %/acts for Roman 5atholics%, p '@.

    Section B ,ritten &ord( Tradition and Pa$acy

    Quote- "The Roman Catholic church existed 350 years before the New Testament was under one

    cover !00 years before #rintin$ - which com#letely refutes the %ible only theory of today&s 00


    The Bible says %his people draweth nih unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lipsB but

    their heart is far from me. $ut in vain they do worship me, teachin for doctrines the commandments of

    men.% and %Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord 7esus 5hrist, that ye

    withdraw yourselves from every brother that waleth disorderly, and not after the tradition which he

    received of us.% & became possible, to

    which the later development of the papacy was connected. he Donation atte$ted to reconstruct the

    history of the Roan $a$acy in retros$ectin order to mae leitimate the ne&ly gained ecclesiastical

    and $olitical $osition of the $o$esafter the e9tinction of the "estern Roman imperial rein...

    %-n this theory, the myth of $yFantium, the ?new Rome,? was reconstructed by a new myth of the 5hristianRome# the Roan bisho$( the ne& lordin the 5hristian Rome, had taen over all functions of the

    emperor himself...

    %he Roman popes not only based their claim to form and lead their own church state on a spiritual&secular

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    Cudicial understandin but they also created a theocracy within areas that until then were part of the

    provinces of the $yFantine emperor. hey renounced a number of former imperial rihts and claimed them

    for themselves. hey e9tended the secular claim of overnment of the church beyond the borders of the

    church&state and developed the so&called theory of the two swords, statin that 5hrist ave the pope not

    only spiritual power over the church but also secular power over the worldly indoms.%&(ncyclo#edia%ritannica, (0th edition, (3@), Eol. ), paes 0((&0(1.

    (ncyclo#edia %ritannica, (0th edition, (3@), vol. ), pae )=@#

    %5hristianity... The early Christian Church... of the first three centuriesturned decisively against the

    state religion of Roe... because their religion could not be fitted into thepolitically sanctioned $agan

    religious syste... 5onstantine, in the early 5thcentury... ended the persecution of the church and made it

    itself the basis for the spiritual unity of the Roman *mpire. he church thereby becaethe partner of the...


    p )=#

    %Doctrinal Orientations... he Roman church was stronly 7ewish&5hristian in character and cobinedthis

    character... with the basic orientation of the Roan vie&of reliion... The legal character of Roan

    religion &as e)$ressedin the fact that the efficacy of the state cult ceremonies was dependent upon the

    strictest observation of a wide variety of reulations. Later developments of Roan Catholic Christianityde$ended largely u$on the basis of this legal thin-ing...

    %he develo$entof the "estern notion... of the priesthood is also dominated by the leal concept... -n the

    sphere of this ind of leal thinin the papacy and the doctrine of papal primacy develo$ed. he idea of a

    Curisdictional primacy played a prominent role in the forationof the doctrine of the papacy... On thebasis of this leal consciousness the "estern church also develo$edits own canon law... 7udicial thinin

    was similarly sinificant in the theoloy of the "est... ertullian introduceda series of

    fundamental Curidical concepts into theoloy... hrouh indulences, re8uiems, and other acts, the church

    e)$anded itsspiritual&Cudicial authorityeven to this realm of the departed souls of puratory...%

    p )3(#

    %-n the Roman 5hurch the $a$acy evolvedout of the monarchical episcopate... A leadin role develo$ed

    upon the leadin bishop of the Roman community... his... oraniFation followed the provincial

    oraniFation of the Roman *mpire. he theoloical underpinnin of this special position was emphasiFed

    by 2etrine theoloy, which saw in the words of 7esus, ?You are 2eter, and on this roc - will build my

    church? , a spiritual&leal institutin of the papacy by 7esus 5hrist himself. -n the Gree5hurch of the *ast and also in Auustine in the "est, however, these &ords &ere referred

    to Peter*s confession of faithB since the tie of $o$es Gelasius !, ;ymmachus

    , and Greory - , these words have served as the foundation for the

    claim of papal primacy over the entire 5hristian 5hurch.%

    p 0@&03# evolvedthe concept of caesaropapism...

    %he Roan Church... $reservedin its episcopal dioceses the Roan $rovincial arrangeent... he

    church larely depended upon the old imperial law... he Roman popes used this

    power, which was in fact allotted to them by circumstances, to develo$a specific ecclesiastical state and to

    base this state u$on a ne& theocratic ideology& the idea that the pope was the representative of 5hrist and

    the successor of 2eter...

    %he evolution of the Roan $a$acyinto an ecclesiastical state was not reconiFed by $yFantium

    was instead understood as a $olitical revolt...%

    Let it now be established that it is a historical( and &ell docuented factthe Roman 5atholic 5hurch

    has a lon history of attemptin to %reconstruct the history of the Roan $a$acy in retros$ect.% "hat

    motive would the Roman 5hurch have to attempt to rewrite history and conceal the facts!

    %5hristianity of 5onstantine was but of a very doubtful ind, the paans seein nothin in it to hinder but

    that when he died, he should be enrolled amon their ods.&

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    %$ut we have still to discover when and how the /ellow in the 5ap was incorporated into the 5hristian foldB why and how he disappeared as

    thouh he had never been, and above all, where he has been livin and thrivin since the fourth century of

    our era...

    %hose earnest 5hristian /athers Fealously burnin and tearin up every scrap of written evidence as to the

    nature of the cult they wished to e9terminate may, in soecases, enuinely have thouht that they were

    savin humanity from the contamination of paanism. $ut these could only have been the most inorant of$ishops. The scholars could not have failed to -no& of the adulteration of the original creed of Christ

    by /ithrais( and ust surely have foreseen that their action( far fro eliinating that cult( &ould

    be $er$etuating and $rotecting it in the nae of Christianity. 6othing short of this( and the resultant

    fear of their co$licity in such adulteration being discovered( could accountfor the meticulous care

    and fanatical fervor with which they destroyed everythin relatin to their former rival.? &"ynne&yson,

    paes 01, 0'.% As 8uoted from Three )ersons- from the %ible* +r %abylon, by homas "eisser, paes 10&


    ,ere ost of the $ractices of the Catholic Church $racticed by the early church( or &ere they

    introduced fro $aganis?

    %emples, incense, oil lamps, votive offerins, holy water, holydays, and seasons of devotion, processions,blessin of fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure , imaes, are all of $agan

    origin%... /rom 5ardinal Newman?s boo entitled, &The ,evelo#ment of the Christian Reli$ion&, pae '03,per Dr. /abian ;. Reinhart, in %acts for Roman Catholics%, p. '@

    Section B.# Did 'esus &rite?

    Quote- ",id .esus write any scri#ture - ,id the /ord command the a#ostles to write* f the %ible

    were necessary for salvation our /ord would have said so"

    ,hat &as 'esus* attitude to&ard the %oly scri$tures?

    %-n the last day, that reat day of the feast, 7esus stood and cried, sayin, ?-f any man thirst, let him come

    unto me, and drin. :e that believeth on e( as the scri$ture hath said(out of his belly shall flow rivers

    of livin water.% &7ohn #'&'@.

    %7esus answered them, ?-s it not written... and the scri$ture cannot be bro-en...% &7ohn (#')&'0.

    Did 'esus recoend ta-ing the &ords and traditions of religious leaders for granted in atters of

    doctrine? 7r did %e teach us to be&are of their hy$ocrisies?

    %hen came to 7esus scribes and 2harisees, which were of 7erusalem, sayin, ,hy do thy disci$les

    transgress the tradition of the elders! for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. $ut heanswered and said unto them, *,hy do ye also transgress the coandent of God by your tradition!

    /or God commanded, sayin, :onour thy father and mother# and, :e that curseth father or mother, let him

    die the death. $ut ye say, "hosoever shall say to his father or his mother, -t is a ift, by whatsoever thou

    mihtest be profited by meB And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. hus haveye ade

    the coandent of God of none effect by your tradition. 8e hy$ocrites, well did *saias prophesy of

    you, sayin, his people draweth nih unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lipsB but their

    heart is far from me. $utin vain they do &orshi$ e( teaching for doctrines the coandents of

    en."&4atthew (0#'&3.

    hen the 2harisees and scribes ased him,,hy &al- not thy disci$les according to the tradition of the

    elders... :e answered and said unto them, ?"ell hath *saias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written,his people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. :owbeitin vain do they &orshi$

    e( teaching for doctrines the coandents of en. or laying aside the coandent of God( ye

    hold the tradition of en( as the &ashing of $ots and cu$s3 and any other such li-e things ye do.*

    And he said unto the( *ull &ell ye re9ect the coandent of God( that ye ay -ee$ your o&n

    tradition... /a-ing the &ord of God of none effect through your tradition( &hich ye have delivered#

    and many such lie thins do ye.% &4ar #=&('.

    %;o then faith coeth by hearing, and hearin by the &ord of God.% &Romans (#(.

    %"herefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of nauhtiness, and receive with meeness the engrafted

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    &ord, which is able to save your souls. $ut be yedoers of the &ord, and not hearers only, deceivin your

    own selves. /or if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is lie unto a man beholdin his natural

    face in a lass# /or he beholdeth himself, and oeth his way, and straihtway foretteth what manner of

    man he was. $ut whoso looeth intothe $erfect la& of liberty, andcontinueth therein, he bein not a

    foretful hearer, but a doer of the wor,this an shall be blessedin his deed.% &7ames (#11&10.

    %And that from a child thou hast nownthe holy scri$tures, which are able to mae thee wise unto

    salvation throuh faith which is in 5hrist 7esus. %All scri$ture is given byinspiration of God, andis$rofitable for doctrine( for re$roof( for correction( for instructionin rihteousness# That the an of

    God ay beperfect, thoroughly furnished unto allood wors. ! charge thee therefore before God,

    and the Lord 7esus 5hrist, who shall Cude the 8uic and the dead at his appearin and his indomBPreach the &ordB be instant in season, out of seasonB reprove, rebue, e9hort with all lonsufferin and

    doctrine. /or the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrineB but after their own lusts shall

    they heap to themselves teachers, havin itchin earsB And they shall turn away their ears from the truth,

    and shall be turned unto fables.% &1 imothy '#(=&)#).

    %$utthese are &ritten( that ye ight believethat 7esus is the 5hrist, the ;on of GodB and that believin

    ye miht have life throuh his name.% &7ohn 1#'(

    Section B.+ 6uber of A$ostolic &riters

    Quote- "1ow many a#ostles actually wrote scri#ture - The others were derelict in their duty if

    doctrine was %ible only and they ado#ted #reachin$ only'"

    Section B.: Teaching or Bible &riting

    Quote- "2as it a teachin$ or %ible writin$ Church that Christ founded* says Christ founded ateachin$ church4'"

    Did the a$ostle Paul coend to us the traditions of en( or God*s &ord?

    %...- have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. ae heed therefore unto yourselves, and

    to all the floc, over the which the :oly Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, whichhe hath purchased with his own blood. /or - now this, that after y de$arting shall grievous &olves

    enter in aong you, not sparin the floc. Also of your o&n selves shall en arise( s$ea-ing $erverse

    things, to draw away disciples after them. herefore watch, andreeber( that by the s$ace of three

    years ! ceased not to &arn every one night and day &ith tears. And now, brethren, ! coend youto

    God, and to the &ordof his grace, which is able tobuild you up, and to give you an inheritanceamon

    all them which are sanctified.% &Acts 1#1&'1.

    Did Peter teach to $lace great faith in the scri$tures?

    %And account that the lonsufferin of our Lord is salvationB even as our beloved brother Paul alsoaccording to the &isdo given unto hi hath &ritten unto youB As also in all his epistles, speain in

    them of these thinsB in which are some thins hard to be understood,&hich they that are unlearned and

    unstable &rest( as they do A1S7 the 7T%4R scri$tures( unto their o&n destruction.% 1 2eter '#(0&(=.

    !t is a fact that only certain ones &ere chosen by God to be ins$ired &ith %is &ords. But( Are God*s

    inisters re2uired to anifest the sae talents and gifts in order for their inistries to be valid?

    %Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same ;pirit. And there are differences of administrations, butthe same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which woreth all in all. $ut

    the manifestation of the ;pirit is iven to every man to profit withal. /or to one is given by the S$irit the&ordof wisdomB to another the word of nowlede by the same ;piritB To anotherfaith by the same

    ;piritB to another the gifts of healingby the same ;piritB o another the worin of miraclesB to another

    prophecyB to another discernin of spiritsB to another divers inds of tonuesB to another the interpretation

    of tonues# $utall these &or-eth that one and the selfsae S$irit( dividing to every an severally ashe &ill. /or as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, bein many,

    are one body# so also is 5hrist.... /or the body is not one member, but many. -f the foot shall say,Because !

    a not the hand( ! a not of the body; is it therefore not of the body! And if the ear shall say, $ecause

    - am not the eye, - am not of the bodyB is it therefore not of the body! -f the whole body were an eye, where

    were the hearin! -f the whole were hearin, where were the smellin!But no& hath God set the

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    ebers every one of the in the body( as it hath $leased hi.% &( 5orinthians (1#)&(@.

    %/or the indom of heaven is as a man travelin into a far country, who called his own servants, and

    delivered unto them his oods. And unto one he ave five talents, to another two, and to another oneB to

    every man accordin to his several abilityB and straihtway too his Courney...% &4atthew 10#()&(0.

    !n these "different" inistries( is it Biblically acce$table to $reach beyond the doctrines of scri$ture(

    to add to it*s &ords( or teach doctrines contrary to God*s &ord?

    %And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he

    may be ashamed.% &1 hessalonians '#().

    "Preach the &ordB be instant in season, out of seasonB reprove, rebue, e9hort with all lonsufferin and

    doctrine. /or the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrineB but after their own lusts shall

    they heap to themselves teachers, havin itchin earsB And they shall turn away their ears from the truth,and shall be turned unto fables.% &1 imothy )#1.

    %4very &ord of God is $ure# he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his

    &ords( lesthe reprove thee, andthou be found a liar.% &2roverbs '#0&=

    Section B.5 Teaching and &riting differences

    Quote- "2as there any drastic difference between what our /ord commanded our a#ostles to teach

    and what the New Testament contains* The )rotestant %ible says itself it does not contain all ofour /ords doctrines .n 0630 !65'4"

    Section B.

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    unto these things( God shall add unto hi the $lagues that are &ritten in this boo-# And if any man

    shall tae away from the words of the boo of this prophecy, God shall tae away his part out of the boo

    of life, and out of the holy city, and from the thins which are written in this boo.% &Revelation 11#(@.

    %"hat! came the word of God out from you! or came it unto you only! -f any man thin himself to be a

    prophet, or spiritual, let him acnowlede that the things that ! &rite unto you are the coandentsof the 1ord.% &( 5orinthians ()#'=&'.

    Did the believers &ho &ere taught by the a$ostles teach that the Bible did contain all of the a$ostles

    doctrines( or that they &ere inco$lete and needed traditions to "su$$leent " the?

    -n(vidence That ,emands a 7erdict, 7osh 4cDowell paes ='&=), writes and8uotes#

    %*usebius, in his(cclesiastical 1istory '38, preserves the writins of 2apias, the bishop of :eirapolis, himself produced his

    Gospel, while he was livin at *phesus in Asia.? %

    Section B. %istory of traditionQuote- "2hat became of the unwritten truths which our /ord and the a#ostles tau$ht* The church

    has #resented this historical word of mouth teachin$ called tradition Thess' 6!5 Tim' 6'''

    Comment - 1ence not only scri#ture but also other sources must be consulted to $et the whole of

    Christ&s teachin$' Reli$ions founded on %ible only are incom#lete'"

    %hen came to 7esus scribes and 2harisees, which were of 7erusalem, sayin( ,hy do thy disci$les

    transgress the tradition of the elders! for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. $ut he

    answered and said unto them, *,hy do ye also transgress the coandent of God by your

    tradition?... !n vain they do &orshi$ e( teaching for doctrines the coandents of en.%

    &4atthew (0#'&3.

    %As - besouht thee to abide still at *phesus, when - went into 4acedonia, that thou mihtest chare some

    that theyteach no other doctrine, Neither ive heed to fables... which minister 8uestions, rather than

    odly edifyin which is in faith# so do.% &( imothy (#'&).

    %/orasmuch as ye now that ye &ere not redeeed... by tradition fro your fathersB $ut with the

    precious blood of 5hrist, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot# "ho verily was foreordainedbefore the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, "ho by him do believe in

    God, that raised him up from the dead, and ave him loryB that your faith and hope miht be in God.

    ;eein ye have purified your souls in obeyin the truth throuh the ;pirit unto unfeined love of the

    brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently# Being born again, not of corruptible

    seed, but of incorruptible,by the &ord of God( &hich liveth and abideth for ever. /or all flesh is as

    rass, and all the lory of man as the flower of rass. he rass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth

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    away# $ut the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gos$el is $reached

    unto you. "herefore layin aside all malice, and all uile, and hypocrisies, and envies, all evil speains,

    As newborn babes, desire the sincere il- of the &ord, that ye may gro& thereby# -f so be ye have tasted

    that the Lord is racious. o whom comin, as unto a livin stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of

    God, and precious, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer upspiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by 7esus 5hrist. "herefore also it is contained in the scripture,

    $ehold, - lay in ;ion a chief corner stone, elect, precious# and he that believeth on him shall not beconfounded. nto you therefore which believe he is precious# butunto the &hich be disobedient, the

    stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, And a stone of stumblin, and

    a roc of offence, even to the &hich stuble at the &ord( being disobedient3 &hereunto also they

    &ere a$$ointed.% &( 2eter (#(@&1#@.

    %herefore seein we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint notB $ut have renounced the

    hidden thins of dishonesty,not &al-ing in craftiness( nor handling the &ord of God deceitfullyB but by

    manifestation of the truth commendin ourselves to every man?s conscience in the siht of God.% &1

    5orinthians )#(&1.

    %5ursed be he that doeth the wor of the 1orddeceitfully...% &7eremiah )@#(.

    5omment# :ow similar we find this 5atholic authors words to be of the serpent in the ardenH o subtilyentice his listeners to %supplement% the word of the Almihty GodH

    he $ible only says there were other thins 7esus did. he $ible, God+s "ord, does not say there weremore unwritten truths that 7esus tauht.

    "hat other motive would this defender of he Roman 5atholic 5hurch have to teach %other% doctrines thanto add to, or tae away from, God+s "ord!

    Section B.@8ears 6e& Testaent &as &ritten

    Quote- "%etween what years were the !st and last boo:s of the New Testament written*

    ;atthew nd year 9','

    .ohn < Revelation !00 9','''

    "Comment - ma$ine if #resent day %ible only theory would have a##eared at a time when the

    #a$es were not only unavailable but unwritten'"

    The real 2uestion is( &ere the &ords the a$ostles &rote different fro the &ords of the 1ord( &hichthey $reached? And &hy did the a$ostles feel the need to &rite( and not 9ust leave doctrine to be

    $assed do&n by traditions( if traditions &ere the su$erior( and $referred ethod of counicating

    and $reserving Gods $lans and doctrines for %is church?

    %-f any man thin himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acnowlede that the thins that - write unto

    you are the commandments of the Lord.% ( 5orinthians ()#'.

    %his second epistle, beloved,! no& &rite unto youB in both which! stir u$your pure mindsby &ay of

    reebrance# hat ye maybe indful of the &ords &hich &ere s$o-en beforeby the holy prophets,and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and ;aviour.% &1 2eter '#(&1.

    %herefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years - ceased not to warn every one niht and

    day with tears. And now, brethren,! coend you toGod, and to the &ord of his grace( &hich is able to

    build you u$( and to give you an inheritanceamon all them which are sanctified.% &Acts 1#'(&'1.

    %And they continued stedfastly in the a$ostles* doctrineand fellowship, and in breain of bread, and in

    prayers.% &Acts 1#)1.

    %As - besouht thee to abide still at *phesus, when - went into 4acedonia, that thou mihtest chare some

    that they teach no other doctrine% &( imothy (#'.

    %ae heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrineB continue in them# for in doin this thou shalt both save

    thyself, and them that hear thee.% &( imothy )#(=.

    %...hese thins teach and e9hort. -f any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even

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    the words of our Lord 7esus 5hrist, and to the doctrine which is accordin to odliness, :e is proud,

    nowin nothin,.% &( imothy =#1&).

    %$eloved, when - ave all dilience to write unto you of the common salvation, it &as needful for e to

    &rite unto you( and e)hort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith &hich &as once

    delivered unto the saints. /or there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to

    this condemnation, unodly men, turnin the race of our God into lasciviousness, and denyin the only

    Lord God, and our Lord 7esus 5hrist.% &7ude (#'&).

    %That &hich &e have seen and heard declare &e unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us# and

    truly our fellowship is with the /ather, and with his ;on 7esus 5hrist. And these things &rite &e unto you(

    that your Coy may be full.% &( 7ohn (#'&).

    -natius, , wrote& %nless - find it written in the oriinals, - will not believe it to be written in

    the Gospel. and when - said, ?-t is written,? they answered what lay before them in their corrupted copies% as

    8uoted from he ;tory of 5hristian Oriins, by 4artin A. Larson, New Republic $oo, pae 0(, reprinted

    here from Ancient 5hampions of Oneness by "illiam $. 5halfant.

    According to the &ords of the a$ostles( &ere scri$tures not available to the early church?

    %And the brethren immediately sent away 2aul and ;ilas by niht unto $erea# who comin thither went into

    the synaoue of the 7ews. These &ere ore noblethan those in hessalonica, in that they received the

    &ordwith all readiness of mind, and searched the scri$tures daily( &hether those things &ere so.

    herefore many of them believedB also of honourable women which were Grees, and of men, not a few.

    $ut when the 7ews of hessalonica had nowlede thatthe &ord of God &as $reachedof 2aul at $erea,

    they came thither also, and stirred up the people.% &Acts (#(&('.

    %/or whatsoever thins were written aforetime &ere &ritten for our learning, that we throughpatience

    and comfort of the scri$turesmiht have hope.% &Romans (0#().

    Section B.Date 6e& Testaent under one cover

    Quote- "2hen was the New Testament #laced under one cover* - 38= 9',' by the council of

    Cartha$e no other source was available'"

    Section B.Delay in 6e& Testaent

    Quote- "2hy so much delay in com#ilin$ the New Testament* - )rior to 38= certain $rou#s

    retained #arts of the %ible this dis#roves the %ible only since it wasn&t available then'"

    %Auustine of :ippo... he immortal story of his conversion in the eihth boo of 5onfessions tells of...

    when, at the sound of a child?s voice callin... he opened the New estament Letters and read in Letter of

    2aul to he Romans the words, ?...put on the Lord 7esus 5hrist, and mae no provision for the flesh, to

    ratify its desires?

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    these thins, God shall add unto him the plaues that are written in this boo# And if any man shall tae

    away from the words of the boo of this prophecy, God shall tae away his part out of the boo of life, and

    out of the holy city, and from the thins which are written in this boo.% &Revelation 11#(@&(3.

    %...Our beloved brother 2aul also accordin to the wisdom iven unto him hath written unto youB As also in

    all his epistles, speain in them of these thinsB in which are some thins hard to be understood, &hichthey that are unlearned and unstable &rest, as they do also the other scri$tures, unto their own

    destruction. Ye therefore, beloved, seein ye now these thins before, beware lest ye also, bein led awaywith the error of the wiced, fall from your own stedfastness.% 1 2eter '#(0&(=.

    %/or the scripture saith, hou shalt not muFFle the o9 that treadeth out the corn. And, he labourer is

    worthy of his reward.% &( imothy 0#(@

    -n %God?s -nfallible "ord% by David $ernard, paes 3&3(, he writes#%...$y about (0 we find numerous

    New estament 8uotations representin every boo e9cept one to four short personal letters. By about +

    &e have clear $ostbiblical &itnesses to every boo- of the 6e& Testaent... -t is important to note that


    %hus we do not depend on the authority of fourth century leaders when we accept the New estament

    canon, nor need we endorse all doctrines they tauht. Neither should we reard the authority of the post&

    apostolic church as prior, superior, or e8ual to that of ;cripture#

    ?he 5hurch no more ave us the New estament canon than ;ir -saac Newton ave us the force of

    ravity... Newton did not create ravity, but reconiFed it... All the churches were tryin to do was to see

    which of the boos claimin to be in some sufficient sense apostolic really were so& a 8uestion principally

    of historical fact.? od has s#o:en, pae ((3.%

    -n The ?earch for the 2ord of >od, by Daniel ;eraves

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    neither is it far off. !t is not in heaven( that thou shouldest say( ,ho shall go u$ for us to heaven( and

    bring it unto us( that &e ay hear it( and do it! Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say,

    "ho shall o over the sea for us, and brin it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it! $ut the &ord is verynigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou ayest do it. ;ee, - have set before thee this day

    life and ood, and death and evilB -n that - command thee this day to love the 1ordthy God, to wal in hisways, and to eep his commandments and his statutes and his Cudments, that thou mayest live and

    multiply# and the1ord

    thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou oest to possess it.% &Deuteronomy'#(&(=

    %his boo of the law shall not depart out of thy mouthB but thou shalt meditate therein day and niht, that

    thou mayest observe to do accordin to all that is written therein# for then thou shalt mae thy way

    prosperous, and then thou shalt have ood success.% &7oshua (#@.

    'ust ho& uch e$hasis does God $ut on the &ritten ,ord?

    2salm ((3#3 "herewithal shall a youn man cleanse his way! by ta-ing heed thereto according to thy


    2salm ((3#( "ith my whole heart have - souht thee# 7 let e not &ander fro thy coandents.

    2salm ((3#(( Thy &ord have ! hid in ine heart( that ! ight not sin against thee.

    2salm ((3#(1 $lessed art thou, 7 1ord# teach me thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#(' "ith my lips have - declared all the Cudments of thy mouth.

    2salm ((3#() - have reCoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches.

    2salm ((3#(0 - will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.

    2salm ((3#(= - will deliht myself in thy statutes# - will not foret thy word.

    2salm ((3#( Deal bountifully with thy servant, that - may live, and eep thy word.

    2salm ((3#(@ Open thou mine eyes, that - may behold wondrous thins out of thy law.

    2salm ((3#(3 - am a straner in the earth# hide not thy coandents fro e.

    2salm ((3#1 4y soul breaeth for the lonin that it hath unto thy Cudments at all times.

    2salm ((3#1( hou hast rebued the $roudthat are cursed, which do err fro thy coandents.

    2salm ((3#11 Remove from me reproach and contemptB for - have ept thy testimonies.

    2salm ((3#1' 2rinces also did sit and spea aainst me# but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#1) hy testimonies also are my deliht and my counselors.

    2salm ((3#10 4y soul cleaveth unto the dust# 8uicen thou me accordin to thy word.

    2salm ((3#1= - have declared my ways, and thou heardest me# teach me thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#1 4ae me to understand the way of thy precepts# so shall - tal of thy wondrous wors.

    2salm ((3#1@ 4y soul melteth for heaviness# strenthen thou me accordin unto thy word.

    2salm ((3#13 Reove fro e the &ay of lying3 and grant e thy la&raciously.

    2salm ((3#' ! have chosen the &ay of truth3 thy 9udgents have ! laid before e.

    2salm ((3#'( - have stuc unto thy testimonies# 7 1ord, put me not to shame.2salm ((3#'1 - will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlare my heart.

    2salm ((3#'' each me, 7 1ord, the way of thy statutesB and - shall eep it unto the end.

    2salm ((3#') Give me understandin, and - shall eep thy lawB yea, - shall observe it with my whole heart.

    2salm ((3#'0 4ae me to o in the path of thy commandmentsB for therein do - deliht.

    2salm ((3#'= -ncline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness.

    2salm ((3#' urn away mine eyes from beholdin vanityB and 8uicen thou me in thy way.

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    2salm ((3#'@ ;tablish thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear.

    2salm ((3#'3 urn away my reproach which - fear# for thy Cudments are ood.

    2salm ((3#) $ehold, - have loned after thy precepts# 8uicen me in thy rihteousness.

    2salm ((3#)( Let thy mercies come also unto me, 7 1ord( even thy salvation( according to thy &ord.

    2salm ((3#)1 ;o shall - have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me# for - trust in thy word.

    2salm ((3#)' And tae not the word of truth utterly out of my mouthB for - have hoped in thy Cudments.

    2salm ((3#)) ;o shall - eep thy law continually for ever and ever.

    2salm ((3#)0 And - will wal at liberty# for - see thy precepts.

    2salm ((3#)= - will spea of thy testimonies also before ins, and will not be ashamed.

    2salm ((3#) And - will deliht myself in thy commandments, which - have loved.

    2salm ((3#)@ 4y hands also will - lift up unto thy commandments, which - have lovedB and - will meditate

    in thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#)3 Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope.

    2salm ((3#0 his is my comfort in my affliction# for thy word hath 8uicened me.

    2salm ((3#0( he proud have had me reatly in derision# yet have - not declined from thy law.

    2salm ((3#01 - remembered thy Cudments of old, 7 1ordB and have comforted myself.

    2salm ((3#0' :orror hath taen hold upon me because of the &ic-edthatforsa-e thy la&.

    2salm ((3#0) hy statutes have been my sons in the house of my pilrimae.

    2salm ((3#00 - have remembered thy name, 7 1ord, in the niht, and have ept thy law.

    2salm ((3#0= his - had, because - ept thy precepts.

    2salm ((3#0 hou art my portion, 7 1ord# - have said that - would eep thy words.

    2salm ((3#0@ - intreated thy favour with my whole heart# be merciful unto me accordin to thy word.

    2salm ((3#03 - thouht on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.

    2salm ((3#= - made haste, and delayed not to eep thy commandments.2salm ((3#=( he bands of the wiced have robbed me# but - have not forotten thy law.

    2salm ((3#=1 At midniht - will rise to ive thans unto thee because of thy rihteous Cudments.

    2salm ((3#=' - am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that eep thy precepts.

    2salm ((3#=) he earth, 7 1ord, is full of thy mercy# teach me thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#=0 hou hast dealt well with thy servant, 7 1ord, accordin unto thy word.

    2salm ((3#== each me ood Cudment and nowlede# for - have believed thy commandments.

    2salm ((3#= $efore - was afflicted - went astray# but now have - ept thy word.

    2salm ((3#=@ hou art ood, and doest oodB teach me thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#=3 The $roud have forged a lie against e3 but ! &ill -ee$ thy $rece$tswith my whole


    2salm ((3# heir heart is as fat as reaseB but - deliht in thy law.

    2salm ((3#( -t is ood for me that - have been afflictedB that - miht learn thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#1 he law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of old and silver.

    2salm ((3#' hy hands have made me and fashioned me# give e understanding( that ! ay learn thy


    2salm ((3#) hey that fear thee will be lad when they see meB because - have hoped in thy word.

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    2salm ((3#0 - now, 7 1ord, that thy Cudments are riht, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.

    2salm ((3#= Let, - pray thee, thy merciful indness be for my comfort, accordin to thy word unto thy


    2salm ((3# Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that - may live# for thy law is my deliht.

    2salm ((3#@ Let the proud be ashamedB for they dealt perversely with me without a cause# but - will

    meditate in thy precepts.2salm ((3#3 Let those that fear thee turn unto me, and those that have nown thy testimonies.

    2salm ((3#@ Let my heart be sound in thy statutesB that - be not ashamed.

    2salm ((3#@( 4y soul fainteth for thy salvation# but - hope in thy word.

    2salm ((3#@1 4ine eyes fail for thy word, sayin, "hen wilt thou comfort me!

    2salm ((3#@' /or - am become lie a bottle in the smoeB yet do - not foret thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#@) :ow many are the days of thy servant! when wilt thou e9ecute Cudment on them that

    persecute me!

    2salm ((3#@0 he proud have died pits for me, which are not after thy law.

    2salm ((3#@= All thy commandments are faithful# they persecute me wronfullyB help thou me.

    2salm ((3#@ hey had almost consumed me upon earthB but - forsoo not thy precepts.

    2salm ((3#@@ Juicen me after thy lovinindnessB so shall - eep the testimony of thy mouth.

    2salm ((3#@3 /or ever, 7 1ord, thy word is settled in heaven.

    2salm ((3#3 hy faithfulness is unto all enerations# thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.

    2salm ((3#3( hey continue this day accordin to thine ordinances# for all are thy servants.

    2salm ((3#31 Enless thy la& had been y delights( ! should then have $erished in ine affliction.

    2salm ((3#3' - will never foret thy precepts# for with them thou hast 8uicened me.

    2salm ((3#3) - am thine, save me# for - have souht thy precepts.

    2salm ((3#30 he wiced have waited for me to destroy me# but - will consider thy testimonies.

    2salm ((3#3= - have seen an end of all perfection# but thy commandment is e9ceedin broad.

    2salm ((3#3 O how - love thy lawH it is my meditation all the day.

    2salm ((3#3@ hou throuh thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies# for they are everwith me.

    2salm ((3#33! have ore understanding than all y teachers3 for thy testionies are y editation.

    2salm ((3#( ! understand ore than the ancients( because ! -ee$ thy $rece$ts.

    2salm ((3#(( - have refrained my feet from every evil way, that - miht eep thy word.

    2salm ((3#(1 - have not departed from thy Cudments# for thou hast tauht me.

    2salm ((3#(' :ow sweet are thy words unto my tasteH yea, sweeter than honey to my mouthH

    2salm ((3#() hrouh thy precepts - et understandin# therefore - hate every false way.

    2salm ((3#(0 Thy &ord is a la$ unto y feet( and a light unto y $ath.

    2salm ((3#(= - have sworn, and - will perform it, that - will eep thy rihteous Cudments.

    2salm ((3#( - am afflicted very much# 8uicen me, 7 1ord, accordin unto thy word.

    2salm ((3#(@ Accept, - beseech thee, the freewill offerins of my mouth, 7 1ord, and teach me thy


    2salm ((3#(3 4y soul is continually in my hand# yet do - not foret thy law.

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    2salm ((3#(( he wiced have laid a snare for me# yet - erred not from thy precepts.

    2salm ((3#((( hy testimonies have - taen as an heritae for ever# for they are the reCoicin of my heart.

    2salm ((3#((1 ! have inclined ine heart to $erfor thy statutes al&ay( even unto the end.

    2salm ((3#((' ! hate vain thoughts3 but thy la& do ! love.

    2salm ((3#(() hou art my hidin place and my shield# - hope in thy word.

    2salm ((3#((0 De$art fro e( ye evildoers3 for ! &ill -ee$ the coandents of y God.

    2salm ((3#((= phold me accordin unto thy word, that - may live# and let me not be ashamed of my hope.

    2salm ((3#(( :old thou me up, and - shall be safe# and - will have respect unto thy statutes continually.

    2salm ((3#((@ Thou hast trodden do&n all the that err fro thy statutes3 for their deceit is


    2salm ((3#((3 hou puttest away all the wiced of the earth lie dross# therefore - love thy testimonies.

    2salm ((3#(1 4y flesh trembleth for fear of theeB and - am afraid of thy Cudments.

    2salm ((3#(1( - have done Cudment and Custice# leave me not to mine oppressors.

    2salm ((3#(11 $e surety for thy servant for ood# let not the proud oppress me.

    2salm ((3#(1' 4ine eyes fail for thy salvation, and for the word of thy rihteousness.

    2salm ((3#(1) Deal with thy servant accordin unto thy mercy, and teach me thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#(10 - am thy servantB ive me understandin, that - may now thy testimonies.

    2salm ((3#(1= -t is time for thee, 1ord, to wor# for they have made void thy law.

    2salm ((3#(1 herefore - love thy commandments above oldB yea, above fine old.

    2salm ((3#(1@ herefore! estee all thy $rece$ts concerning all things to be right; and ! hate every

    false &ay.

    2salm ((3#(13 hy testimonies are wonderful# therefore doth my soul eep them.

    2salm ((3#(' he entrance of thy &ords giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the si$le.

    2salm ((3#('( - opened my mouth, and panted# for - loned for thy commandments.

    2salm ((3#('1 Loo thou upon me, and be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thyname.

    2salm ((3#('' Order my steps in thy word# and let not any ini8uity have dominion over me.

    2salm ((3#(') Deliver me from the oppression of man# so will - eep thy precepts.

    2salm ((3#('0 4ae thy face to shine upon thy servantB and teach me thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#('= Rivers of &aters run do&n ine eyes( because they -ee$ not thy la&.

    2salm ((3#(' Rihteous art thou, 7 1ord, and upriht are thy Cudments.

    2salm ((3#('@ Thy testionies that thou hast coanded are righteous and very faithful.

    2salm ((3#('3 4y Feal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forotten thy words.

    2salm ((3#() hy word is very pure# therefore thy servant loveth it.2salm ((3#()( - am small and despised# yet do not - foret thy precepts.

    2salm ((3#()1 hy rihteousness is an everlastin rihteousness, and thy law is the truth.

    2salm ((3#()' rouble and anuish have taen hold on me# yet thy commandments are my delihts.

    2salm ((3#()) he rihteousness of thy testimonies is everlastin# ive me understandin, and - shall live.

    2salm ((3#()0 - cried with my whole heartB hear me, 7 1ord# - will eep thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#()= - cried unto theeB save me, and - shall eep thy testimonies.

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    2salm ((3#() - prevented the dawnin of the mornin, and cried# - hoped in thy word.

    2salm ((3#()@ 4ine eyes prevent the niht watches, that - miht meditate in thy word.

    2salm ((3#()3 :ear my voice accordin unto thy lovinindness# 7 1ord, 8uicen me accordin to thy


    2salm ((3#(0 hey draw nih that follow after mischief# they are far from thy law.

    2salm ((3#(0( hou art near, 7 1ordB and all thy commandments are truth.

    2salm ((3#(01 5oncernin thy testimonies, - have nown of old that thou hast founded them for ever.

    2salm ((3#(0' 5onsider mine affliction, and deliver me# for - do not foret thy law.

    2salm ((3#(0) 2lead my cause, and deliver me# 8uicen me accordin to thy word.

    2salm ((3#(00 Salvation is far fro the &ic-ed3 for they see- not thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#(0= Great are thy tender mercies, 7 1ord# 8uicen me accordin to thy Cudments.

    2salm ((3#(0 4any are my persecutors and mine enemiesB yet do - not decline from thy testimonies.

    2salm ((3#(0@ ! beheld the transgressors( and &as grieved; because they -e$t not thy &ord.

    2salm ((3#(03 5onsider how - love thy precepts# 8uicen me, 7 1ord, accordin to thy lovinindness.

    2salm ((3#(= Thy &ord is true fro the beginning3 and every one of thy righteous 9udgentsendureth for ever.

    2salm ((3#(=( 2rinces have persecuted me without a cause# but my heart standeth in awe of thy word.

    2salm ((3#(=1 - reCoice at thy word, as one that findeth reat spoil.

    2salm ((3#(=' - hate and abhor lyin# but thy law do - love.

    2salm ((3#(=) ;even times a day do - praise thee because of thy rihteous Cudments.

    2salm ((3#(=0 Great peace have they which love thy law# and nothin shall offend them.

    2salm ((3#(== 1ord, - have hoped for thy salvation, and done thy commandments.

    2salm ((3#(= 4y soul hath ept thy testimoniesB and - love them e9ceedinly.

    2salm ((3#(=@ - have ept thy precepts and thy testimonies# for all my ways are before thee.

    2salm ((3#(=3 Let my cry come near before thee, 7 1ord# ive me understandin accordin to thy word.

    2salm ((3#( Let my supplication come before thee# deliver me accordin to thy word.

    2salm ((3#(( 4y lips shall utter praise, when thou hast tauht me thy statutes.

    2salm ((3#(1 4y tonue shall spea of thy word# for all thy commandments are rihteousness.

    2salm ((3#(' Let thine hand help meB for - have chosen thy precepts.

    2salm ((3#() - have loned for thy salvation, 7 1ordB and thy law is my deliht.

    2salm ((3#(0 Let my soul live, and it shall praise theeB and let thy Cudments help me.

    2salm ((3#(= - have one astray lie a lost sheepB see thy servantB for - do not foret thy commandments.

    %*very word of God is pure# he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his

    &ords( lesthe reprove thee, andthou be found a liar.% &2roverbs '#0&=.%o the law and to the testimony3 if they s$ea- not according to this &ord( it is because there is no lightin the.% &-saiah @#1.

    %-f any man spea, let him spea as the oracles of GodB if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability

    which God iveth# that God in all thins may be lorified throuh 7esus 5hrist, to whom be praise and

    dominion for ever and ever. Amen.% &( 2eter )#((.

    %See- ye out of the boo- of the 17RD( and read3 no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate#

    for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath athered them.% &-saiah ')#(=.

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    6o God ins$ired Scri$ture $uts any&here near as uch e$hasis on tradition as it does on


    Section B.##,ho decided &hat &as 6e& Testaent

    Quote- "2ho finally did decide which boo:s were ins#ired and therefore New Testament* - %efore

    00 9',' the infallible authority of the Roman Catholic church decided which were and which

    were not' f church was not infallible then why not now*"

    %owards the end of the second century most of the New estament as we now it today was canoniFed.%

    &"illiston "aler,9 1istory of the Christian Church, p. =, as 8uoted in9fter The 2ay Called 1eresy, by

    homas "eisser, pae =.

    Section B.#+Church &or-s $revious to 5 A.D.

    Quote- "2ould the theory of #rivate inter#retation of the New Testament been #ossible before theyear 00 9','* - No because no New Testament as such was in existence'"

    he above 5atholic statement bes clarity for the followin reasons&

    A> he New estament did not need to be under one cover in order to be the inspired ;cripture ascommanded by God

    $> -f the above author is claimin that his %New estament% was not in e9istence prior to ) A.D. it is

    evident that the body of wor he claims as his New estament are not those writins ascribed to the

    apostles. -n other words, his New estament wors are spurious, and not copies of the actual

    commandments of the Lord as presented and preserved by the apostles in their written commandments to

    the churches.

    Section B.#:Possibility of 6e& Testaent theory in 5 A.D.

    Quote- "2ould the #rivate inter#retation theory have been #ossible between 00 9',' < !0

    9',' when #rintin$ was invented*"

    Section B.#5Possibility of 6e& Testaent theory bet&een 5#55


    Quote- "2ho co#ied < conserved the %ible durin$ the interval between 00 9',' < !0 9','* -

    Catholic mon:s' n s#ite of this the Catholic church is accused of havin$ tried to destroy the

    %ible' f she had tried she had !500 years to do so'"

    The 2uestion is did the Roan Catholic church really conserve the coandents of the 1ord as

    taught in the Bible( or did she atte$t to ta-e sole $ossession of the Bible in order to $ervert it*s

    teachings( and $rohibit it*s true doctrines fro being read?

    /rom Dr. /abian ;. Reinhart, in %/acts for Roman 5atholics%, ps '&)#

    %!n an address by the cardinalsof the church to Po$e Pius !!!, who reined in (0',the followin words are recorded. ?Of all the advice that we can offer your holiness, we must open your

    eyes well and use all possible force in the matter, namely, to $erit the reading of the gos$el as little as

    $ossiblein all the countries under your Curisdiction. Let the very little part of the ospel which is usually

    read in mass, andlet no one be $eritted to read itmore. ;o lon as people will be content with the small

    amount, your interest will prosperB but as soon as the people want to read more, your interest will bein to

    fail. The Bible is the boo-which more than any other thin has raised aainst us the tumults and tempestsby &hich &e have alost $erished. -n fact,if one co$ares the teaching of the Bible &ith &hat ta-es

    $lace in our churches( he &ill soon find discord, and will realiethat our teachings are often different

    fro the Bible( and often still( contrary to it.?

  • 7/29/2019 Did God Really Say That?


    he above is to be found in the National Library of 2aris, Eol. 1# paes =0 and =0(.%

    Also from Dr. /abian ;. Reinhart, in %/acts for Roman 5atholics%, ps )&0, he 8uotes#

    5atholic 5atechism, (3#

    Juestion @, pae (@# %-s the $ible historically accurate!

    Answer# %Not always. Records were scarce in those centuries and people were little concerned or e8uipped

    for approachin history scientifically. he accounts are accurate enouh for the overall history theycontain.%

    Juestion ( on pae (3# %-s any of the bible outdated!

    Answer# %Yes. 4uch of the lanuae and ideas it contains belon to another ae and culture and is no

    loner in use. he $ible?s understandin of nature and the universe is very primitive and hopelessly behind

    modern science. *ven many of its reliious laws and practices mean little to modern man. hese thins

    mae it difficult for us to read it easily today and we need e9pert help to understand it.%

    his above 5atholic statement is of course referrin to their $ible, the Douay version, which does contain

    errors, both in doctrine, and in science. his is not true of the Gree and :ebrew te9t that is the basis of the

    6in 7ames version. -t has been proven time and time aain to be doctrinally, and scientifically accurate.

    Section B.#

  • 7/29/2019 Did God Really Say That?


    %:e that believeth on e( as the scri$ture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of livin water. % &7ohn #'@&'3.

    %/orasmuch as ye now that ye &ere not redeeedwith corruptible thins, as silver and old, from your

    vain conversation received by tradition fro your fathersB $ut with the precious blood of 5hrist, as of a

    lamb without blemish and without spot#... $ein born aain, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible,by

    the &ord of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.% &( 2eter (#(@&1'.

    Section B.#@Conse2uences of 1uther

    Quote- "n Christ&s system what im#ortant #art has the %ible* - The %ible is one source of truth'

    +thers are - historical records tradition < the abidin$ #resence of the 1oly ?#irit' (limination of

    any of the three elements in the eAuation of Christ&s true church would be fatal to it&s claims to be


    !n Christ*s o&n &ords( &hat $rofit is there in the traditions of en that lay aside the &ritten

    coandents of God?

    %$ut he answered and said unto them, ?"hy do ye also transress the commandment of God by your

    tradition!... Ye hypocrites, well did *saias prophesy of you, sayin( This $eo$le dra&eth nigh unto e

    &ith their outh( and honoureth e &ith their li$s; but their heart is far fro e. But in vain they

    do &orshi$ e( teaching for doctrines the coandents of en."&4atthew (0#'&3.%hen the Pharisees and scribes as-ed hi( ,hy &al- not thy disci$les according to the traditionof

    the elders...! :e answered and said unto them, "ell hath *saias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is

    written, his people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. %o&beit in vain do they

    &orshi$ e( teaching for doctrines the coandents of en. or laying aside the coandent of

    God( ye hold the tradition of en... /ull well ye re9ect the coandent of God( that ye ay -ee$

    your o&n tradition... /a-ing the &ord of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have

    delivered#and any such li-e things do ye."&4ar #0&('.

    Section B.#Bible and Christ*s syste

    Quote- "Now that the New Testament is com#lete < available what unsolvable #roblem remains*

    The im#ossibility of the %ible to ex#lain itself' The %ible must have an authoriBed inter#reter'

    )eter !60 )eter 36! 9cts @630-3!'"

    %"herefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my

    absence, wor out your own salvation with fear and tremblin.% &2hilippians 1#(1.

    %"ho art thou that Cudest another man?s servant! to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be

    holden up# for God is able to mae him stand. One man esteemeth one day above another# another

    esteemeth every day alie. 1et every an be fully $ersuaded in his o&n ind."&Romans ()#)&0.

    %The elderswhich are amon you! e)hort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferins of 5hrist,

    and also a partaer of the lory that shall be revealed# /eed the floc of God which is amon you, tain

    the oversiht thereof, not by constraint, but willinlyB not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mindB 6either as

    being lords over God*s heritage, but bein ensamples to the floc.% &( 2eter 0#(&'.

    Section B.#6e& Testaent insolvable $robles today

    Quote- "2ho is the official ex#ounder of the scri#tures* The 1oly ?#irit actin$ throu$h < withinthe church which Christ founded !8 centuries a$o' /u:e !06! ;atthew !6!@'"

    And &ho is the true church( those &ho lay aside the coandents of God? Those that $roote the

    $ractices and doctrines of $agans( and conden to death as heretics those &ho don*t? 7r those &ho

    -ee$ the ,ord of God( and the original doctrines as taught by the a$ostles intact?

    %hen they that gladly received his &ordwere baptiFed# and the same day there were added unto them

    about three thousand souls. And they continued stedfastly in the a$ostles*

    doctrine...% &Acts 1#)(&).

  • 7/29/2019 Did God Really Say That?


    %...- besouht thee to... chare some that they teach no other doctrine,... /rom which some havin

    swerved have turned aside unto vain Canlin...% &( imothy (#'&=.

    %ae heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in the3 for in doing this thou shalt both save

    thyself( and the that hear thee."&( timothy )#(=.

    !f the Roan Catholic church is not the true church( fro &here did she coe?

    %he maCor elements of what appeared later as Catholic structure and Catholic belief cannot be clearly$erceived before the +nd century... the traditional persecutions of the 5hristians were isolated local

    incidents, e9cept for the persecutions by the emperors Decius, Ealerian, and Diocletian in the 'rd century...

    they did not foresee that Christianity &ould reach a co$roisewith the empire, thatit &ould becoe

    *Roan*... he most important theoloical event of the period was the establishment of the school of

    Ale9andria, illuminated by 5lement and Orien, which initiated a celebrated school of Platonists."

    &*ncyclopedia $ritannica, vol. (0, paes 3@=&3@.

    Section B.+4)$ounder of Scri$ture

    Quote- "2hat are the effects of the catholic use of the %ible* 1er system $ets results in unity of


    %as the catholic use of the Bible assured unity of faith?

    -n%abylon ;ystery Reli$ion, Ralph *. "oodrow, on paes 31&3=, writes&%*ven a number of popes& includin Eirilinus, -nnocent ---, 5lement -E, Greory -, :adrian E-, and 2aul

    -E& had reCected the doctrine of papal infallibilityH... $ishop 7oseph ;trossmayer ... pointed out

    that some of the popes had opposed other popes... 2ope ;tephen E- had brouht former pope/ormosus to trial... pope /ormosus had been dead for eiht months...

    %2ope :onorius -, after his death, was denounced as a heretic by the ;i9th council...

    %2ope Eiilius... removed his condemnation... Duelin was authoriFed by 2ope *uene --- condemned 7oan of Arc to be burned alive as a witch. Later, another pope,

    $enedict -E, in (3(3, declared her to be a ?saint? %

    his is Cust a minute e9ample of supposedly %infallible% popes contradictin each other, and provin the

    hypocrisy of the above 8uote.

    !s the Catholic syste of faith fro the a$ostles and the Bible( or is it fro $hiloso$hy &hich the

    Bible &arns against( and condens?

    %*ven before the Reformation, faith in Roan Catholicis had develo$ed an e$hasis that is not

    rooted in the 6e& Testaentbut can be traced bac to the Ale9andrian school of theoloy and

    Auustine... his emphasis ultimately was formulated in the ('th century by homas A8uinas in a

    definition of faith & canoniFed by the 5ouncil of rent and the first Eatican council & as an intellectual

    assentiven to revealed truth... Roman 5atholic theoloians distinuish between revelation in a broad

  • 7/29/2019 Did God Really Say That?


    sense, which means nowlede about God deduced fro nature and an...% &*ncyclopedia $ritannica, vol. (0, pae 331&33'.

    %$eware lest any man spoil you throuh philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the

    rudiments of the world, and not after 5hrist.% &5olossians 1#@.

    Does the Catholic insistence on relying on the traditions of en and &orldly &isdo of $hiloso$hy

    assure unity of faith?

    %"hy do thy disciples transress the tradition of the elders! for they wash not their hands when they eat

    bread. $ut he answered and said unto them, ?"hy do ye also transress the commandment of God by your

    tradition! /or God commanded... $ut ye... made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.8e hy$ocrites, well did *saias prophesy of you, sayin, his people draweth nih unto me with their

    mouth, and honoureth me with their lipsB but their heart is far from me. $ut in vain they do worship me,

    teachin for doctrines the commandments of men.% &4atthew (0#1&3.

    %/or it is written, - will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will brin to nothin the understandin of the

    prudent. "here is the wise! where is the scribe! where is the disputer of this world! hath not God made

    foolish the wisdom of this world! /or after that in the wisdom of Godthe &orld by &isdo -ne& not

    God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preachin to save them that believe... And my speech and my

    preachin was not with enticin words of man?s wisdom, but in demonstration of the ;pirit and of power#

    hat your faith should not stand in the &isdo of en, but in the power of God. :owbeit we spea

    wisdom amon them that are perfect# yet not the &isdo of this &orld, nor of the princes of this world,that come to nouht# But &e s$ea- the &isdo of God... ,hich none of the $rinces of this &orld -ne

    for had they nown it, they would not have crucified the Lord of lory... /or what man noweth the thins

    of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him! even so the things of God -no&eth no an, but the

    ;pirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of GodB that we

    miht now the thins that are freely iven to us of God. "hich thins also we spea, not in the words

    which man?s wisdom teacheth, but which the :oly Ghost teachethB comparin spiritual thins with

    spiritual. $ut the natural man receiveth not the thins of the ;pirit of God# for they are foolishness unto

    him# neither can he now them, because they are spiritually discerned... -f any man thin himself to be aprophet, or spiritual, let him acnowlede that the thins that - write unto you are the commandments of the

    Lord. $ut if any man be inorant, let him be inorant.% &( 5orinthians (#(3&1#(), ()#'&'@.

    Section B.+#4ffects of Catholic 6e& Testaent use

    Quote- "2hy are there so many non-Catholic churches* - %ecause there is so much differentwron$4 inter#retation of the %ible' %ecause system is radically wron$'"

    ,hat is the real reason there are nonCatholic churches?

    /rom Dr. /abian ;. Reinhart, in %/acts for Roman 5atholics%, ps '&)#

    "!n an address by the cardinalsof the churchto Po$e Pius !!!, who reined in (0',

    the followin words are recorded. ?Of all the advice that we can offer your holiness, we must open your

    eyes well and use all $ossible force in the atter, namely, to $erit the reading of the gos$el as little as

    $ossiblein all the countries under your Curisdiction. Let the very little part of the ospel which is usuallyread in mass, andlet no one be $eritted to read itmore. so lon as people will be content with the small

    amount, your interest will properB but as soon as the people want to read more, your interest will bein to

    fail.The Bible is the boo-which more than any other thin has raised aainst us the tumults and tempestsby &hich &e have alost $erished. -n fact,if one co$ares the teaching of the Bible &ith &hat ta-es

    $lace in our churches( he &ill soon find discord, and will realiethat our teachings are often differentfro the Bible( and often still( contrary to it.?

    he above is to be found in the National Library of 2aris, Eol. 1# paes =0 and =0(.%

    And &hat is the &rong &ay to inter$ret the Bible?

    %And the 1ordGod commanded the man, sayin, Of every tree of the arden thou mayest freely eat# $ut of

    the tree of the nowlede of ood and evil, thou shalt not eat of it# for in the day that thou eatest thereof

    thou shalt surely die...

    %Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the 1ordGod had made. And he said

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    unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the arden! And the woman said unto

    the serpent, "e may eat of the fruit of the trees of the arden# $ut of the fruit of the tree which is in the

    midst of the arden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.And theser$ent said unto the &oan( 8e shall not surely die# /or God doth now that in the day ye eat thereof,

    then your eyes shall be o$ened( and ye shall be as gods, nowin ood and evil.% &Genesis 1#(=&(B '#(&0.

    %/or layin aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washin of pots and cups#and many other such lie thins ye do. And he said unto them, /ull well ye reCect the commandment of

    God, that ye may eep your own tradition.% &4ar #@&3.

    !s the Roan Catholic church( and any of her Protestant offs$ring( guilty of "Re9ecting the

    coandents of God that they ay -ee$ their o&n tradition"?

    /ull well ye reCect the commandment of God&

    %And call no an your father u$on the earth3for one is your /ather, which is in heaven.%

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    %And 7esus answered him, he first of all the commandments is, :ear, O -sraelB he Lord our God is one

    1ord# And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,

    and with all thy strenth# this is the first commandment. And the second is lie, namely this, hou shalt

    love thy neihbour as thyself. here is none other commandment reater than these.

    Quote- "2ithout divine aid could the catholic church have maintained her ! faith* Not any more

    than the non-Catholics have done - they are #roof'"

    !s the true church the only church that &ould last do&n through the ages?

    %...-t is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. $ut he who

    was of the bondwoman was born after the fleshB but he of the freewoman was by promise. ,hich things

    are an allegory# for these are the two covenantsB the one from the mount ;inai, which endereth tobondae, which is Aar. /or this Aar is mount ;inai in Arabia, and answereth to 7erusalem which now is,

    and is in bondae with her children. $ut 7erusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. /or

    it is written, ReCoice, thou barren that bearest notB brea forth and cry, thou that travailest not# for the

    desolate hath any ore children than she &hich hath an husband.Now we, brethren, as -saac was,

    are the children of promise. $utas then he that &as born after the flesh $ersecuted hi that &as born

    after the S$irit( even so it is no&.Nevertheless what saith the scripture! 5ast out the bondwoman and her

    son# for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.% &Galatians )#11&'.

    %God hath not cast away his people which he forenew. "ot ye not what the scripture saith of *lias! how

  • 7/29/2019 Did God Really Say That?


    he maeth intercession to God aainst -srael sayin, Lord, they have illed thy prophets, and died down

    thine altarsB and - am left alone, and they see my life. $ut what saith the answer of God unto him! - have

    reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the nee to the imae of $aal. 4ven so thenat this $resent tie also there is a renant according to the election of grace."&Romans ((#1&0.

    %ell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another eneration.

    hat which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust eatenB and that which the locust hath left hath the

    canerworm eatenB and that which the canerworm hath left hath the caterpillar eaten. Awae, yedrunards, and weepB and howl, all ye driners of wine, because ofthe ne& &ine; for it is cut off fro

    your outh. or a nation is coe u$ u$on y land ,

    stron, and without number, whose teeth are the teeth of a lion, and he hath the chee teeth of a reat lion.%e hath laid y vine &aste( and bar-ed y fig tree3 he hath ade it clean bare( and cast it a&ay; the

    branches thereof are ade &hite... herefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your

    heart, and with fastin, and with weepin, and with mournin# And rend your heart, and not your arments,

    and turn unto the LORD your God# for he is racious and merciful, slow to aner, and of reat indness,

    and repenteth him of the evil.... $e lad then, ye children of Kion, and reCoice in the LORD your God# forhe hath iven you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain,the forer

    rain( and the latter rain in the first onth. And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall

    overflow with wine and oil. And - will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canerworm,

    and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my reat army which - sent amon you. &7oel (#'&B 1#(1&('B


    Section B.+:Catholicis and Divine aid

    Quote- "2ere there any #rinted %ibles before /uther* )rintin$ was invented in !0 - DesCatholic'"

    Does this stateent $rove that the scri$tures do not need to be -e$t and follo&ed above the traditions

    of en? The %ebre&s did not have $rinted Bibles either( yet &ere they not coanded to -ee$ God*s

    &ritten ,ord?

    %his boo of the law shall not depart out of thy mouthB but thou shalt meditate therein day and niht, that

    thou mayest observe to do accordin to all that is written therein# for then thou shalt mae thy way

    prosperous, and then thou shalt have ood success.% &7oshua (#@.

    %Go, en8uire of the 1ordfor me, and for them that are left in -srael and in 7udah, concernin the words of

    the boo that is found# for great is the &rath of the 1ordthat is poured out upon us, because our fathershave not -e$t the &ord of the 1ord( to do after all that is &ritten in this boo-.% 1 5hronicles ')#1(.

    And to us, the apostles wrote such thins as&

    %-f any man thin himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acnowlede that the thins that - write unto

    you are the commandments of the Lord.% &( 5orinthians ()#'.

    %! &ritenot these thins to shame you, but as my beloved sons ! &arn you. /or thouh ye have ten

    thousand instructors in 5hrist, yet have ye not any fathers# for in 5hrist 7esus - have beotten you

    throuh the ospel.% ( 5orinthians )#()&(0.

    %his second epistle, beloved, ! no& &rite unto you; in both &hich ! stir u$ your $ure inds by &ay of

    reebrance# hat ye may be mindful of the words which were spoen before by the holy prophets, andof the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and ;aviour.% &1 2eter '#(&1.

    %$eloved, when ! gave all diligence to &rite unto you of the coon salvation, it was needful for me towrite unto you, and e9hort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto

    the saints. /or there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this

    condemnation, unodly men, turnin the race of our God into lasciviousness, and denyin the only Lord

    God, and our Lord 7esus 5hrist.% 7ude (#'&).

    %4y little children( these things &rite ! unto you( that ye sin not.And if any man sin, we have an

    advocate with the /ather, 7esus 5hrist the rihteous.% &( 7ohn 1#(.

    Section B.+5 Printed Bible before 1uther

  • 7/29/2019 Did God Really Say That?


    Quote- ",urin$ the middle a$es did the Catholic church manifest hostility to the %ible as her

    adversaries claim* Ender stress of s#ecial circumstances various re$ulations were made by the

    church to #rotect the #eo#le from bein$ s#iritually #oisoned by the corru#ted and distorted

    translations of the %ible' 1ence o##osition'"

    4)actly &hat -ind of "o$$osition" did the Catholic church i$ose on those &ho refused to coe into

    her fold?

    *ncyclopedia $rittannica, (3), (0th edition&

    %"aldenses... reliious movement that oriinated in (1th century /rance, the devotees of which souht to

    follow 5hrist in poverty and simplicity... he "aldenses departed from 5atholic teachin by reCectin someof the seven sacraments and the notion of puratory. heir views were based on a simplified biblicism,

    moral riorism, and criticism of abuses in the contemporary church... their movement... spread rapidly...Roe res$onded vigorously( turning fro e)counication to active $ersecution and death."vol ,

    pae 0(3.

    -n %/o9?s $oo of 4artyr?s%, edited by "illiam $. /orbush, on paes )'&@, we read&

    %...Disreardin the ma9ims and the spirit of the ospel, the papal church, armin herself with the power of

    the sword, ve9ed the 5hurch of God and wasted it for several centuries, a period most appropriately termed

    in history, the ?dar aes?...

    %2ersecutions of the "aldenses of /rance...

    %Po$ery having brought various innovations into the Church... some few... plainly determined to show

    the liht of the Gospel in its real purity...

    %$erenarious, who, about the year (, boldly preached Gospel truths, accordin to their primitive

    purity... o $erenarius succeeded 2eter $rius... ... $y the year of 5hrist ((), the number of the

    reformed was very reat... -n A.D. (()... :enericians... &ould not adit of any $roofs relative toreligion( but &hat could be deduced fro the scri$tures theselves, the popish party ave them the

    name of apostolics... 2eter "aldo... became a strenuous opposer to poperyB and from him the reformed...received the appellation of "aldenses...

    %2ope Ale9ander --- bein informed by the bishop of Lyons of those transactions, e9communicated "aldo

    and his adherents, andcoanded the bisho$ to e)terinate the, if possible from the face of the earthB

    hence bean the papal persecutions aainst the "aldenses... he proceedins of "aldo and the reformed,

    occasioned the first rise of the in8uisitorsB for 2ope -nnocent --- authoriFed certain mons as in8uisitors...he power of the in8uisitors was unlimited... These $ersecutions &ere continued for several centuries

    under different $o$es and other great dignitaries of the Catholic Church...

    %%2ersecutions of the Albienses

    %he Albienses... were condemned on the score of reliion in the 5ouncil of Lateran, by order of 2ope

    Ale9ander ---. The $o$e... sent persons throuhout all *urope, in order to raise forces to act coercively

    aainst the Albienses, and $roised $aradise to all that &ould coe to this &ar, which he termed a

    :oly "ar... his was followed by a severe persecution aainst the AlbiensesB and e)$ress orders that the

    laity should not be $eritted to read the sacred scri$tures...

    %4any persons of the reformed persuasion were, about this time, beaten( rac-ed( scourged( and burnt to

    death... A native of 4alta was burnt by a slo& fire*for sayin that 4ass was a plain denial of the death

    and passion of 5hrist...

    %A.D. (0)=, 2eter 5hapot brouht a number of $ibles in the /rench tonue to /rance, and publicly sold

    them thereB for &hich he &as brought to trial, sentenced,and e)ecuteda few days afterward...

    %he $artholomew 4assacre at 2aris, etc...

    %The savage $a$ists... sle& anyreat and honorable persons who were 2rotestants... and fallin upon

    the common people, they continued the slauhter for many days... ;o furious was their hellish rae, thatthey sle& all $a$ists &ho they sus$ected to be not very staunch in their diabolical religion...%

    -n other words, %under stress of special circumstances% the 5atholic church even urdered their o&n

    Catholic brethren for being guilty of nothing ore than being &ea- in their Catholic faith0 ;ince

  • 7/29/2019 Did God Really Say That?


    5atholic teachers claim that the Roman 5atholic 5hurch is the oriinal, unchaned, apostolic church, and

    as this 5atholic teacher himself claims it is %infallible%& are your ready, dear 5atholic, to ill me for writin

    these words! Are you ready to ill all who oppose the teachins of 5atholicism, includin those within

    your faith that are uilty of nothin more than bein wea in your faith! /or your 5atholic priests claim

    complete authority over your faith, and this is their historical modus o#erandi.HH

    -t is unfortunate that the papists did not read and obey the commandments of 7esus 5hrist the Lord as

    8uoted in the $ible, for they would have discovered these words&

    %Another parable put he forth unto them, sayin, he indom of heaven is liened unto a man which

    sowed ood seed in his field# $ut while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares amon the wheat, and

    went his way. $ut when the blade was sprun up, and brouht forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. ;othe servants of the householder cae and said unto hi( Sir( didst not thou so& good seed in thy

    field? fro &hence then hath it tares! :e said unto them, An enemy hath done this. he servants said

    unto him, ,ilt thou then that &e go and gather the u$! $ut he said, 6ay; lest &hile ye gather u$ the

    tares( ye root u$ also the &heat &ith the. Let both row toether until the harvest...% &4atthew ('#1)&


    %And 7ohn answered and said, 4aster, we saw one castin out devils in thy nameB and we forbad him,

    because he followeth not with us. And 7esus said unto him, orbid hi not# for he that is not aainst us isfor us.% &Lue 3#)3&0.

    %Ye have heard that it hath been said, hou shalt love thy neihbour, and hate thine enemy. But ! say untoyou( 1ove your eneies, bless them that curse you,do good to the that hate you, and pray for them

    which despitefully use you, and persecute youB That ye ay be the children of your ather &hich is in

    heaven# for he maeth his sun to rise on the evil and on the ood, and sendeth rain on the Cust and on the

    unCust.% 4atthew 0#)'&)0.

    %Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather ive place unto wrath# for it is written, Eeneance is

    mineB - will repay, saith the Lord. herefore if thine eney hunger( feed hi; if he thirst( give hi

    drin-# for in so doin thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. $e not overcome of evil, but overcoe evil

    &ith good.% &Romans (1#(3&1(.

    Returnin to %/o9?s $oo of 4artyr?s%, edited by "illiam $. /orbush, on paes )'&@, we read&

    %.../rom 2aris the destruction spread to all 8uarters of the realm...

    %At Orleans, a thousand were slain of men, women, and children, and si9 thousand at Rouen. At 4eldith,two hundred were put into prison, and later brouht out by units, and cruelly murdered. At Lyons, eiht

    hundred were massacred. :ere children hanin about their parents, and parents affectio