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Page 1: Dictionar Roman Englez de Termeni Economici


abonament s.n.- subscription

acciză s.f. – excize duty

achiziţie s.f.- acquisition, purchase

acont s.n. – (avans) downpayment, part-payment

acord s.n. -agreement ; acord global package deal

acreditiv s..n – letter of credit

act s.n. – act, document

activ(e) s.n.- asset(s); active fixe fixed assets; active curente/circulante current assets ; active epuizabile wasting assets ; active corporale tangible assets

acţiune s.f. - (bursiera) share, pl.shares, (US) stock; acţiune ordinară (UK) ordinary share, (US) common stock; acţiune preferenţială prefference share;

acţionar s.m.-shareholder

adjudeca v. tr.- (la licitatie) knock down

administra - to manage; (un cont) to handle

administrator s.m. - manager

administraţies.f. - management

adopta – (o lege) pass a bill, law, motion

adunare s.f. –1. (mat.) addition; 2. (întrunire) meeting, gathering, assembly; Adunarea Generală a Anuală Annual General Meeting; Adunarea Acţionarilor Shareholders’ Meeting

afacere s.f.- business, trade ; (contract) deal ; afacere profitabilă bargain

agent s.m. – agent; agent de recuperare a datoriilor debt collector

agenţie s.f. - agency

aloca – to allot, to assign

alocaţie s.f. – benefit, allowance

alocare s.f. - (de fonduri) allocation

amănunt s.n. - (cu amănuntul) retail, (a vinde cu amanuntul)-to retail, to sell by retail; (vânzător cu amănuntul) retailer

ambala v. tr. – to pack (up)ambalaj s.n. – package, wrapping, packing

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ambalare s.f. – packing

amendă s.f. - penalty

an s.n. – year ; (an calendaristic) calendar year ; (an financiar) financial year

angaja v.t.- to employ smb, to hire

angajat s.m. - 1.(statut) employee 2. (calificare) clerck

angajator s.m. – employer

angros s.n. - wholesale

angrosist s.m. - wholesaler

antreprenor s.m. -1. employer 2.(sens economic general) entrepreneur; (pentru lucrari etc.) contractor

anual adv. – annual;. p.a.( abr. per annum)

anula - write off ;( anula o datorie) write off a debt

articol s.n. - article, item

asigura – to provide (for), to secure to ensure, to guarantee

asigurare s.f. - 1. (activitate) insurance, (societate) insurance company; asigurare de sănătate) health ensurance; asigurare de viaţă life insurance; asiguarare de

călătorie travel insurance; primă de asigurare insurance premium; poliţă de asigurare insurance policy

asigurat s.m. – insured person, policy holder

asocia to associate; v.refl. to associate, to enter into partnership

asociat s.m. – associate, parner; asociat activ active partner; asociat principal senior partner; asociat care nu participă la conducerea afacerilor sleeping parner

asociaţie s .f. – association, society, company, partnership, union

asociere s.f. – association, parnership

ataşa v. tr. – to enclose

avocat s.m. – lawyer ; (consilier juridic) solicitor ; avocat pledant barrister avarie s.f. – (asig.) average

aviz s.n. – (de expediţie) advice of dispatch; (înştiinţare) Advice Note ; aviz de primire advice of delivery

avizier s.n. - notice

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balanţă s.- balance; balanţă de plăţi balance of payment

balot s.m. - bale

bancă s.-1.(instituţie) bank; bancă centrală central bank; bancă emitentă issuing bank; (servicii bancare exclusive pentru companii) wholesale bank; bancă de investiţii investment bank 2.(activitate) banking

bancnotă s.f.- banknote, (U.S.) bill

bandă rulantă s.f. – assembly line

bani s.-1. money, (metal) silver 2. (măruntiş) small change

beneficiar s.m. – beneficiary, payee, recipient

beneficiu s.n.- profit

bilanţ contabil s.n.- balance sheet

bilet s.n.- 1. note 2. bilet la ordin promissory note

birocraţie s.f. – red tape

bloc s.n.- (commercial) bloc

bon s.n.- bill, voucher, (chitanţă) receipt, bon de cumpărat gift voucher; bon de masă luncheon voucher; bon de tezaur treasury bond

bonitate s.f. – credit worthiness

brevet s.n. – (de invenţie) patent

broşură s.f.- prospectus, booklet

buget s.n.- budget ; buget variabil variable budget

bun s.n.- 1. (marfă) commodity ; 2. (avere) property, belongings, possessions; (pământ) estate, (mobilă) goods ; 3. pl.(bunuri) goods, assets; bunuri mobile, mobiliare movables

bursă s.f.- stock-exchange ; executive; piaţă bursieră stock-market; agent de bursă stockbroker


calcula – to calculate, to estimate, to rate, to appreciate;

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a calcula greşit to miscalculate, to make a wrong calculation

califica – to qualify, to train; a se califica pentru un post to qualify oneself for a job

calificare s.f. – qualification

calitate- s.f. quality ; control de calitate quality control

calup s.n. - dollop

cambie s.f. – bill of exchange; cambie acceptată acceptance bill ; cambie la vedere sight bill

cameră s.f. – (odaie) room; Camera Agricolă Chamber of Agriculture; Camera Comunelor The House of Communs, The Lower House; Camera de Comerţ Chamber of Commerce; Camera Deputaţilor Chamber of Deputies; Camera Lorzilor The House of Lords; Camera de Transport Maritim Chamber of Shipping

cantitate s.f. - quantity

cap s.n. – (conducător) leader, boss; cap de serie brand leader

capital s.n.- capital, assets; capital bancar banking capital; capital social registered capital ; capital fix physical capital ; capital circulant working capital

card s.n. – card; card de debit debit cardcasier s.m. – cashier

cădere s.f.- fall, drop, decrese

câştig s.n. – benefit, gain,earning; câştiguri suplimentare fringe benefit

câştiga – to earn

cec s.n. – checque; cec la purtător bearer cheque; cec girat endorsed cheque; beneficiarul unui cec payee of a cheque ; cec de călătorii traveller’s cheque

cerere s.f. – 1. (scrisoare) application 2.demand; cerere şi ofertă supply and demand

certificat s.n. – certificate; certificat de depozit certificate of deposit ; certificat de sănătate health certificate

cheltuială s.f.- spending, expense, expenditure ; cheltuieli generale overheads; cheltuieli curente current liabilities

chirie s.f. - rent

chitanţă s.f. – receipt; chitanţă fără acoperire kite

cifră s.f. – figure; cifră de afaceri turnover

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clauză s.f. – clause, stipulation ; clauză de penalizare penalty clause ; clauză de forţă majoră contingency clause

client s.m. –customer, client

comanda – to order

comandă s.f. - order

comerciant s.m.- trader, shopkeeper

comerţ s.n. – trade; comerţ internaţional foreign trade

comisie s.f. – commission, committee, board, panel

comision s.n. – commission

companie s.f. – company, society ; companie mamă parent company

competitiv adj. – competitive

competitivitate s.f. – competitiveness

concedia v.t. – (disponibiliza) to lay-off, to dismiss

concediere s.f. – dismissal, lay-off, laying-off

concesionar s.m – sole agent

concesiune s.f. – franchise, concession, lease, dealership

concentrare s.f. - concentrationconcurent s.m. – competitor

concurenţă s.f. – competition, competitiveness

concurenţial adj. – competitive

confirma – (primirea) acqknowledge

conjunctură s.f. – (economică) economic trends, economic situation; conjunctură a pieţei market position

conosament s.f. – bill of lading

consiliu s.n. – consiliu de administraţie board of directors; consiliu de supraveghere supervisory board

consorţiu s.n. consortium

constituire s.f. – (a unei firme, afaceri) business formation

constituţie s.f. - charter

consum s.n. – consumption

consuma - to consume

consumator s.m. – consumer ; protecţia consumatorului consumer protection

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consumerism s.n. – consumerism

cont s.n. – account; cont curent current account; cont comun joint account; conturi de plăţi, de creditor accounts payable; conturi debitoare accounts receivable; deţinător de cont account holder ; cont de profit şi pierderi profit and loss account

contabil s.m. – accountant, bookkeeper ; contabil autorizat certified accountant

contabilitate s.f. – accountancy, bookking, accounting

contrabandă s.n. – smuggling ; a face contrabandă to smuggle

contrabandist s. m – smuggler

contract s.n. - contract

contramarcă s.f. – counterfoil

contribuabil s.m. – taxpayer

convoca v tr. – ( o şedinţă) call (a meeting)

corporaţie s.f. – corporation

cost s.n – cost, price, value; cost de fabrică factory cost; cost şi navlu cost and freight ( abr. C&F)

cota cota la bursă to quote

cotaţie s.f. - quotation

cotă s.f. – share, portion, quotation, quota

creanţă s.f. – debt, claim, debenture

credit s.n. – credit; scrisoare de credit letter of credit; inspector de credit loan officer ; credit neperformant bad debt ; carte de credit credit card; plafon de credit credit limit

creditor s.m. – creditor, lender

creşte – to raise, to rise to increase, to go up

creştere s.f. – growth

creşte – to raise, to rise to increase, to go up, to grow

cumpăra to buy

cumpărare s.f. – buying, acquisition ; cumpărare masivă buyout

curs s.n. – quotation, price, rate; curs de schimb exchange rate ; curs de referinţă base rate (UK) ; curs la închiderea bursei closing price

criză s.f. – slump, depression, crisis ( pl. crises)

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date s.f. – (informaţii) data; bază de date database

datorie s.f. – debt ; datorie publică public debts

debit s.n. - debit

debita – to debit

debitor s.m. – debtor, borrower

decret s.m. – ( ordonanţă) decree

deduce v. tr. – (scădea) to deduct

deductibil adj. – deductible

deficit s.m. – deficit

deflaţie s.f. – deflation

deflaţionist adj. - deflationary

delegat s.m. – delegate, commissioner

delega – to delegate

depanator s.m. - troubleshooter

departament s.n. – (serviciu) department

depăşire s.f. – depăşire a contului din bancă overdraft

depozit s.n. – warehouse

depozitare s.f. - storage

depreciere s.f. – (amortizare) depreciation

depresiune s.f. – (criză) depression

depune to deposit ; a depune documentele de constituire a unei societăţi to file an account

dereglementare s.f. – (intervenţia statului în economie) deregulation

descreştere s.f. – decrease

despăgubiri s.f. - damages

devalorizare s.f. – devaluation

devize s.n. - currency

dezvolta v .int. – to develop

dezvoltare s.f. – development

diferenţă s.f. – gap; diferenţă de venit income gap

director s.m. – manager, managing director, executive,

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governor ; director adjunct assistant /deputy director; director comercial business / sales manager; director al registrului de comerţ ( UK) Registrar of the Companies ; director general general manager ; director de sucursală) branch manager

direcţie s.f. – (departament) directorate; (sens) direction, course, trend ; direcţie generală general management

direcţiune s.f. – (biroul managerului) manager’s office; (conducere) management, board of directors ; (conducere) leadership

disponibilizare s.f. mass-dismissal

distribui – (împărţi) distribute

distribuitor s.m. – distributor

distribuţie s.f. – distribution; (livrare) delivery

dividend s.n. – dividend, share, bonus, coupon ; dividend preferenţial preference dividend

dobândă s. f – interest ; rata dobănzii interest rate

dobândi – acquire

dosar s.n. - file

drept s.n. – drept de proprietate ownership ; dreptul muncii labour law ; drept de vot voting right

dreptate s.f. – equity

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ecart s.n. – spread

echilibru s.n. – balance

economic adj. – economic, economical, thrifty ; (rentabil) profitable

economie s.f. – 1. economy 2. (ştiinţă) economics 3. (ant. risipă) economy, thrift, frugality; pl. savings ; economii de scară economies of scale; economie centralizată command economy 4. (doctrină) economie de piaţă free entreprise; economie mixtă mixed economy

economisi – to save, to economize, to put by, to lay by, to spare

economist s.m. – economist

eficacitate s.f.- efectiveness

eficient adj. – efficient

eficienţă s.f. – eficiency

elibera – to release

emite (acţiuni, bani) to issue

eşalona – to spread out

exact adj. - accurate

exactitate s.f. - accuracy

exerciţiu s.n. – exercise; exerciţiu financiar accounting period

expedia – dispatch, deliver

expeditor s.m. - sender

experimental adj. - pilot

expert s.m. expert ; expert evaluator assessor

export s.n.- export; to export

expunere s.f. – (etalare) display

exterior adj. – foreign overseas

extinde v. tr., refl. – to expand

extindere s.f. – expansion

extras s.n. – extras de cont statement of account

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fabrica v. tr. – to manufacture, to make, to produce, to build

fabricant s. m. – manufacturer, producer, maker

fabrică s.f. – factory, plant

factura – to invoive, to issue an invoice

factură s.f. – invoice

facturare s.f. – invoicing, charching, billing

faliment s.n. – bankrupcy, insolvency, crash, failure, ruin; a da faliment to go bankrupt, to fail

filială s.f. - subsidiary

financiar adj. – financial, monetary; an financiar financial year ; dificultăţi financiare financial difficulties ; stabilitate financiară financial soundness

finanţa – to finance, to fund, to back ; (refinanţa) refund

finanţare s.f. – financing, funding

finanţă s.f. – finance, pl. finances; Minister de Finanţe (UK)The Exchequer (US) Department of the Treasury ; Ministru de Finanţe

(UK) Chancellor of the Exchequer, (US) Secretary of the Treasury firmă s.f.-firm

fisc s.n.- the tax authorities ; (U.K.) The Inland Revenue; (U.S.) The Internal Revenue Servicies( abr. the IRS)

fiscal adj. – tax, fiscal

fiscalitate s.f. - taxation

flux s.n. – flow; flux de numerar diponibil free cash flow

fond s.n. – fund ; fond de pensii pension fund

fondator s.m. - promoter

forfetar adj. – sumă forfetară lump

forţă s.f. – force, strenght, power; forţă de muncă labour force

furniza - (livra) to deliver; (aproviziona) to supply, to provide

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furnizare s.f. – supplying, providing, furnishing

furnizor s.m. – supplier ; furnizor de alimente şi sevicii caterer

fuziune s. f. – merger, merging fusion


gaj s.n.- deposit security mortgage

garanţie s.f. – warranty, guarrantee,(garanţie a unui împrumut bancar) security; (cauţiune) bail

gestionar s.m. – manager, administrator

globaliza v.refl. – to globalize, to go global

globalizare s.f.- globalization

gratuit adj. – free of charge


hală s.f. – market hall / house / place

hârtie s.f. – paper ; documente comerciale business papers ;

hârtii de valoare stocks and shares ; (a acorda credit sub formă

grămadă s.f. – (vrac) bulk

greşeală s.f.- ( profesională) malpractice

grevă s.f. – strike; (grevă de zel) work-to-rule(U.K.); (grevă de avertisment) warning strike; (greva foamei) hunger strike; (grevă scoţiană) go-slow ; (grevă neoficială) walkout

grevist s.n – striker

de efecte) to give paper credit

hotărî – to decide ; a hotărî preţul to fix the price ;

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hotărâre s.f. – decision ; (jur.) judgement, sentence, verdict


ilegal adj. – illegal, unlawful

imobil s.n. – (clădire) premises

import s.n. – import

importa – to import

impotator s.m. – importer

impozit s.n. –duty, tax; pl. taxes impozit pe venit income tax; impozit fiscal stamp duty; impozit funciar land tax; impozit pe dividende dividend tax; impozit pe moştenire inheritance tax; impozit pe cifra de afaceri turnover tax; impozit pe venit income tax ; impozit pe salariu reţinut la sursă withholding tax (US)

impozita – to tax

impozitare s.f. taxation

imputa – (bani) to deduct…from, to charge

indexare s.f. – indexation

indice s.m. – index, pl. indexes, indices

industrializare s.f. – industrialization

industrie s.f. – 1. industry 2. business; industrie grea heavy industry

ineficienţă s.f. - inefficiency

ineficient adj. – inefficient

inflaţie s.f. – inflation

inflaţionist adj. – inflationary

informatică s. f. – information technology (IT), computing, computing science, data processing

insolvabil adj.- insolvent

insolvabilitate s.f. – insolvency

inspector s.m.- inspector; inspector de credite loan officer; inspector vamal customs officer

interior adj. – domestic, home

intermediar s.m. - middleman

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intern adj. – internal, inner, interior, in-house ; piaţă internă home market

interzice – to ban, to prohibit

interzicere s.f. - prohibition

inventar s.n. – inventory,list, stock(list)

investi v. tr.- to invest

investitor s.m. – investor

investiţie s.f. – investment;


împrumut s.n. – loan

împrumuta (cuiva) to lend (to); (de la cineva) borrow (from)

împuternicire s.f. – proxy, mandate

încasări takings, earnings, profits

încălcare s.f. – ( violare a legii) breach; (a unui contract) breach of contract

încărcătură s.f. – load, loading

încetare s.f. – (a lucrului, grevă scurtă) stoppage

încetinire s.f. – slow-down

încheia – încheia un contract to conclude a contractcompanie de consultanţă investiţională investment advice ; companie de investiţii investment company

ipoteca – to mortgage, to pledge

ipotecă s.f. – mortgage

închiriere s.f. – renting, leasing

înfiinţa – to set up

înflorire s.f. – (avânt economic) boom

înmagazina – to store, to stockpile

înregistra – to record, to register

întârziat adj. – (neplătit la scadenţă) overdue

întrebare s.f. – (solicitare) inquiry

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întreprindere s. f. – entreprise, company, business, firm, concern; întreprindere individuală sole proprietor, one-man business; întreprindere industrială industrial unit, factory, plant; întreprindere de mărime mijlocie medium-sized company

întreprinzător s.m.- entrepreneur


joc s.n. – play, game ; joc cinstit fair play ; joc de bursă stockjobbing, stock exchange speculation

jucător s.m. – (la bursă) jobber

juridic adj. – judicial, legal ; consilier juridic legal adviser /counsellor


lanţ s.n. – chain store

lege s.f. – law, bill, act; Legea Companiilor Companies Act

legal adj.- legal, lawful

liber adj. – free ; liber schimb free-trade; liber profesionist free-lance; intrare liberă free access; zi liberă day off; zonă liberă free

zone; curs liber free market rate; Asociaţia Nord Americană a liberului schimb North American Free Trade Association (abr. NAFTA)

întreţinere s.f. – maintenance

jurnal s.n. – record, register, journal ; articol din jurnal journal entry; jurnal de casă cash book

just adj. – just, fair

justificare s.f. – (dovadă) proof, evidence

licenţă s.f. – licenţă în arte Bachelor of Arts ( abr. BA); licenţă în conducerea întreprinderii Master of Business Administration (abr. MBA); licenţa în şţiinţe Bachelor of Science (abr. BSc)

licita – to bid

licitaţie s.f. – auction, bid

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lichida – liquidate, abolish, end; lichida o afacere to close down, to wind up

lichidare s.f. – (închidere a unei companii) winding up

lichiditate s.f.- cash, pl. liquidities

lider s.m. – leader; lider de preţ price leader; lider de piaţă market leader

limita – to limit, to restrict

limitat adj. – limited, restricted; Societate cu Răspundere Limitată Limited Liability ( abr. Ltd.)

limitativ adj. –restrictiv

listă s.f. – list, listing; listă de adrese mailing list


mandat s.n. – (procură) mandate, proxy (form)

mandatar s.m. – (reprezentant) proxy, representative, agent

marasm s.n. – slump, doldrums

marcă s.f. – mark; (tip) model, brand; marcă înregistrată trade mark; imagine de marcă brand image

livra – to deliver

livrare s.f. – delivery, supply, furnishing

locuinţă s.f. – housing

locţiitor s.m. – deputy

lua – to take

lucrare s.f. –1. work, pl. transactions, proceedings ; 2. (şantier) development

lucrător s.m.- worker, (UK) working man

lucru s.n.- thing, object; (treabă) business; (serviciu) job; lucru în echipă team work

marfă s.f. – commodity, product, goods, merchandise ; marfă aflată la bordul unui avion sau vas cargo

marketing s.n. - marketing

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masă s.f. – table; masă monetară money supply ; producţie de masă mass production; piaţă de masă mass market; vânzare în masă en-gros, wholesale

materie s.f. – materie primă raw material; materie primă deficitară scarce raw material

mână s.f. – hand; mână de lucru labour force, (US) labor force, workforce

mecanism s.n. - machinery

medie s.f. – average

membru s.m. – member; calitatea de membru membership

menaj s.n. – household

meseriaş s.m.- craftsman

minister s.n. – (UK) board, office, ministry; (US) department; Ministerul Comerţului (UK) Board of Trade

ministru s.m. – secretary; (US) secretary of state; Ministru de Interne Home Secretary

mondial adj.- world, global

monedă s.f.- (piesă) coin; currency; monedă forte hard currency ; monedă stabilă stable / sound currency


naţional adj. – national, home, domestic

monetar adj.- monetary, currency; reformă monetară currency / money reform ; unitate monetară europeană European Currency Unit (abr. ECU) ; devalorizare monetară currency devaluation

monopol s.n.- monopoly; (preţ de monopol) monopoly/exclusive price;

monopoliza to monopolize; (a monopoliza piaţa unui produs) to corner the market

mostră s.f. - sample

multinaţional adj.- multinational

muncă s.f.- work, labour; (ocupaţie) job; (muncă la negru) moonlighting

munci – to work

muncitor s.m. – worker, workman

muta – to relocate

mutare s.f. - relocation

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naţionaliza – to nationalize

naţionalizare s.f. – nationalization

navlu s.n. – freight ; navlu integrat roll-on roll-off (abr. RORO)

navlosire s.f. – charter

navlositor adj. – freight forwarder

negocia – to negociate

negociabil adj.- negociable

negociator s.m.- negociator

negociere s.f. – negociation


obligatoriu adv. – mandatory

obligaţiune s.f. – obligaţiune bursieră bond ; obligaţiune negarantată debenture ; obligaţiuni debenture stock ; obligaţiune cu risc mare şi dobândă mare junk bond

obţine – to get, to gain

oferi – to offer

ofertă s.f. – offer ; ofertă de preluare takeover bid

net adj. – net

negustor s.m. – merchant, dealer

neutraliza – to neutralize; neutraliza un risc to hedge

nivel s.n. – level; nivel de trai standard of living

normă s.f. - quota nul adj. – nul ; nul şi neavenit null and void

oficiu s.n. – office, bureau, agency; oficiu juridic legal department

onorariu s.n. – fee

opinie s.f. – opinion ; (sondaj) poll

oră s.f. – hour, (timp) time ; ore suplimentare overtime

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ordin s.n. – ordin de plată order ; ordin de virament permanent standing order


pagubă s.f. – damage, loss

pasive s.n. – liabilities; pasive curente current liabilities

pachet s.n. – parcel, packet, package

perioadă s.f. – period

personal s.n. – (staff) personnel

partener s.m. – partner

parteneriat s.n. - partnership

patron s.m. – manager, (fam.) boss

patronat s.n. – management

pensie s.f. – pension

pensionar s.m. – (UK) pensioner, (US) retiree

pensionare s.f. – retirement

perioadă s.f. – period, term ; perioadă de probă trial period

piaţă s.f. –market; piaţa liberă free market; piaţa neagră black market; piaţă în creştere bull market; piaţă inactivă (UK) heavy market; studiu de piaţă market research

piesă s.f. – piece, part ; piesă de schimb spare part

pierdere s.f. – loss; pierdere netă net loss

plafon s.n. – ceiling, extreme limit ; plafon al preţurilor price ceiling ; plafonul datoriei debt ceiling / limit

plată s.f. – payment ; plată eşalonată, rată ( US) installment ; (retribuţie) pay-off

plăti – to pay ; plăti integral (amortiza) to pay off

plătibil adj. - payable

plătit adj. paid ; plătit anticipat prepaid

plătitor s.m. - payer

planşeu s.n. - floor

plusvaloare s.f. – increse in value, capital gains

portofoliu s.n. – portfolio; investiţii de portofoliu portfolio

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investment ; management de portofoliu portfolio management

povară s.f. – burden

prelungire s.f. - extensionpreşedinte s.m. – chairman

preţ s.n. – price, charge ; preţ unitar unit price ; preţ de cumpărare buying price ; preţ de vânzare selling price ; preţ de închidere closing price

prevedea – to forecast

previziune s.f. - forecast

primă s.f. – bonus ; primă de concediere redundancy pay

prioritate s.f. - priority

privatiza – to privatize

privatizare s.f. – privatization

procedeu s.n. - procedure

procentaj s.n. - percentage

proces s.n. – lawsuit

producător s.m. - producer

produce to produce

productiv adj. - productive

productivitate s.f. – productivity, performance

producţie s.f. – production; (rezultat) output ; producţie pilot pilot production ; linie de produţie production lineprodus s.n. – product; produs intern brut Gross Domestic Product (abr. GDP)

progres s.n. - progress

profit s.n. – profit, income, gain, benefit ; profit net net profit ; profit din exploatare operating profit ; profit potenţial paper profit / gain ; profituri nedistribuite retained profits / earnings ; profit fantomă phantom profit ; participare la profit profit-sharing ; realizare de profit profit-making

proiect s.n. – (plan) layout ; project, plan

promova – (avansa în funcţie) to promote

promovare s.f. - promotion

proprietar s.m. – owner, proprietor

proprietate s.f. – property, ownership; proprietate comună joint owner ; proprietate unică sole-proprietorship

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proporţie s.f. – proportion, ratio

propune – to propose

propunere s.f. – proposal ; proposition

prospera – to thrive

protecţionism s.n. - protectionism, economic protection

publicitate s.f. – advertising


rambursa – to pay back

raport s.n. – memorandum ; (proporţie) ratio

randament s.n. – output, yield, return, performance ; curba randamentului yield curve ; decalaj de randament yield gap

răspundere s.f. – liability; răspundere limitată / nelimitată limited / unlimited liability

răspunzător adj. – liable (for)

recesiune s.f. – recession

reclamant s.m. – plaintiff

reclamă s.f. – commercial, advertisement (abr. ad); (publicitate) advertising ; a face reclamă to promote

recuperare s.f. – recovery ; (bursă) rally

recrutare – s.f. – recruiting

purtător s.m. – bearer

putere s.f. – power ; putere de cumpărare purchasing power

reduce – reduce cheltuielile to cut down

reducere s.f. – (rabat) discount ;

referat s.n. memo

regie s.f. – regie autonomă public corporation

registru s.n. – ledger, book

reglementa to regulate

reglementare s.f. - regulation

rentabil adj. – profitable, cost-effective

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rentabilitate s.f. – profitability ; prag de rentabilitate break even ; a atinge pragul de rentabilitate to break even

retrage - to withdraw ; retrage un credit to withdraw a credit; a retrage depuneri to withdraw deposits; v.refl. (dintr-o afacere) to draw back ; a se retrage dintr-o convenţie to recede from an agreement

retragere s.f. - withdrawal, retirement; retragere a ordinului sau instrucţiunilor rescue; (a unei monede din circulaţie) retirement (of a currency); retragere a creditului withdrawal of a credit; retragere de numerar cash withdrawal; retragere temporară a unui brevet suspension of a license; retragere masivă a depunerilor bancare run on banks


salariat s.m. – wage-earner

salariu s.n. – salary ; salariu săptămânal wage

sărăcie s.f. - poverty

scadent adj. – due ; a deveni scadent to fall due

scadenţă s.f. – maturity (date)

schimb s.n. – exchange ; a face schimb to exchange ; (tură) shift

sciziune s.f. - demerger

scont s.n. - discount, rebate, refund

reţea s.f. – reţea de calculatoare network; reţea de distribuţie distribution network

reţine - to hold back, detain, withhold, deduct

reţinere s.f. - holding back; (a impozitului la sursă) pay-as-you-earn ( P.A.Y.E )

resursă s.f. - resource

revendicare s.f. - claim

rezerva to book

scuti – to exempt

scutire s.f. – scutire de plată exemption; scutire de impozite tax exemption; scutire de plată a unei datorii sau a unei alte obligaţii quittance; scutiri fiscale pe capital capital allowances

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sediu s.n. – sediu central head office , headquarters ; sediu social registered office

serviciu s.n. - (slujbă) job, office; (îndatorire) duty; (secţie) department; de serviciu on duty; serviciu comercial sales department;

sindicat s.n. – union

societate s.f. – society, company, firm ; societate pe acţiuni joint-stock company, limted liability company ; societate comercială trading company ; societate mamă parent company ; societate cu răspundere nelimitată unlimited company ; societate necotată unlisted company ; societate de investiţii financiare (fond mutual) unit trust ; societate fictivă bogus / shell company ; societate autorizată de stat chartered company ; societate mixtă joint venture

sold s.n. – balance; (mărfuri) surplus stock ; pl.(vânzare) sales, clearance sales ; preţ de sold bargain sold ; sold debitor outstanding balance

solicitant s.m. - applicant

solvabilitate s.f. - credit rating / worthiness, solvancy

sondaj s.n. – survey

spărgător de grevă s.m. - blackleg

speculant s.m. - speculator, jobber, bear; speculant la scăderea cursului bear ; speculant la creşterea cursului bull

stabiliza – to stabilize

stagiar s.m. – trainee

stat s.n. – stat de salarii payroll

statut s.n.- statute ; statut al unei societăţi Memorandum of Association

statutar adj. – statutory

subcontractare s.f. - subcontracting

subdezvoltare s.f. – underdevelopment

subvenţie s.f. – subsidy, allowance

subvenţiona – to subsidize

sucursală s.f. – branch, subsidiary

supraproduce – to overproduce

supraproducţie s.f. – overproduction

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suspenda - (plăţi) to suspend, stop; suspenda livrarea to stop / hold up delivery; suspenda procedura to stay the proceedings

sută num. – (one) hundred ; la sută per cent


şedinţă s.f. – meeting ; şedinţa consiliului de administraţie board meeting ; şedinţa agenţilor de bursă call-over

şef s.m. – chief, head, superior; (lider) leader


tarif s.n. - rate, price list; tarifede clasificare class rates

taxă s.f. – tax ; TVA taxa pe valoare adăugată value-added tax (VAT) ; taxă vamală customs duty ; taxă de timbru stamp duty

târg s.n. – târg comercial trade fair

tendinţă s.f. – trend ; tendinţă ascendentă upward trend ;

tendinţă descendentă downward trend

termen s.n. – term ; termen limită deadline

titlu s.n. –(document) title, deed ; (valori) warrant, security, bond ; titlu de proprietate title deed / title of property ; titlu de valoare security

şoma – to be unemployed, to be out of work

şomaj s.n. – unemployment ; ajutor de şomaj unemployment benefit

şomer s.m. – unemployed

transport s.n. – transport, carriage, haulage ; transport rutier road haulage

transportator s.m. – (cărăuş, cargobot) carrier, haulier

tranzacţie s.f. – transaction, deal

tras s.m. - drawee

trată s.f. – bill ; trată la vedere sight bill

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trăgător s.m. - drawer

trezorerie s.f. – treasury ; Departamentul Trezoreriei the Tresury; bon de tezaur Treasury bond ; certificat de trezorerie Treasury note/bill

troc s.n. – barter ; a face troc to barter


ţară s.f. – country, nation ; ţară creditoare creditor nation ; ţară debitoare debtor nation ; ţară în curs de dezvoltare developing country ; ţară dezvoltată developed / industrialized country ; ţară producătoare şi exportatoare de petrol oil-producting and exporting country

ţine – to hold, to keep, to preserve, to check ; a ţine o şedinţă to hold a meeting ; a ţine casa la o bancă to keep the cash, to be cashier at a banker’s, to


uniune s.f. - union; uniuni vamale customs unions

urbanizare s.f. – urbanization


vacant adj. – vacant ; post vacant vacancy

valida – to validate

valoare s.f. – value, worth ; valoare nominală nominal / par / face value; fără valoare worthless; titluri de valoare

handle the money ; a ţine contabilitatea to keep the accounts / books, to do the book-keeping ; a ţine seama de to keep account of ; a ţine un discurs to deliver a speech ; a ţine mărfuri în magazin to keep articles / goods in the shop ; a ţine inflaţia sub control to curb the inflation; a ţine la preţ to keep / stick to the prices

ţiţei s.n. – crude oil

ţol s.m. - inch

utilizator –user

uzină s. f. – factory, plant, works

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securities; valoare reziduală a unui activ scrap value; plajă de valori range of values; valori corporale tangible assets; valori imobiliare real property / estate; valori imobilizate fixed / capital assets; valori mobiliare stocks and shares, transferable securities ; valori realizabile pe termen scurt secutities at short-notice

valută s.f. – currency ; valută slabă, instabilă weak curency

vamă s.f. – customs, duty ; scutit de vamă duty-free

vânzător s.m. – salesman, salesperson, seller, vendor

vânzare s.f. – sale


zăcământ s.n. – deposit ; zăcământ de cărbuni/minereuri coal/mineral deposit ; zăcământ de ţiţei oil field

zi s.f. – day ; zi de lucru work day ; zi nelucrătoare red-letter day ; zi de târg market day ; zi liberă day-off ; zi-muncă workday unit

venit s.n. – revenue, earning, income ; diferenţă de venit income gap ; impozit pe venit ; venit disponibil disposable income ; venit net net income

vicepreşedinte s.m. – vice-president, vice-chairman

virament s.n. – transfer ; virament automat direct debit

zi lucrătoare black letter day

zonă s.f. - zone, area, region ; zona dolarului/lirei dollar/sterling area ; zona liberului schimb free-trade area ; zonă de consum area of supply ; zonă de lucru în memoria calculatorului working area

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