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Diary Entries from the

American Revolution

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IntroductionIt's hard to imagine that America consisted of merely 13 colonies. In the 1700's, America consisted of only thirteen colonies occupying the east coast, all owned by a country far away in Europe, Britain, under the rule of one man, King George III. The Americans were unsatisfied with British rule over them.

The Americans believed they were being treated differently from the British and they made a bold move to achieve independency. Britain had just recently gone to war with the French, fighting for land in America. The British had won, but had left them in great debt. Taxes were raised in the colonies, leading to outrage and violence. How did the United States, a new nation, go against the country with the greatest military power, and achieve victory? The American Revolution spanned 8 years, from 1775 to 1783.  The following diary entries are written by Billy Baker, a 17 year old living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. He was an orphan, but was old enough to take care of himself. Both his parents were killed in the 7 years war with the French.

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Entry 1 (March 6, 1770)Is it right to call myself British? I’m not sure, but after yesterday’s events, I’m beginning to think it’s wrong. The British soldiers killed 4 fellow Bostonians, with no apparent reason. What cruelty! My name is Billy Baker, and both my parents are dead. I’m an orphan, and live by myself in the town of Boston. I barely get by working at the dock, barely scraping by.  I have considered myself British all my life, my parents both being of British descent. They even fought in the French Indian War! But us British that moved over to the colonies aren’t being treated as such. Were we supposed to stand idly by and watch our friends get slaughtered like cows? We deserved to be treated like British, not under them.  



The events in the past few years only reinforced this message. We were taxed on countless things, with the Tea Act, the Stamp Act, the Sugar Act, etc.  Normally, I would be fine with tax, but the problem was, we had no representation. There was nobody in Parliament to represent the colonists, and King George III just did as he pleased, without our consent. This “Taxation without Representation” infuriated many, including me.  The British had their fair share of excuses, saying they taxed us to pay back the debt they were in after fighting the 7 Year War with the French. Yet why were taxes not raised in Britain? Had my beloved parents would not have wanted their sacrifice to end like this. We were being deprived of the rights we ought have, and we didn’t like it.

Right: Paul Revere’s depiction of the BostonTea Party, showing British soldiers firing onhelpless citizens, riling up the colonists.

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Entry 1 (cont.)All these events led up to what happened on March 5, 1770, the Boston Massacre. I can still remember the events of that day clearly. I was returning home, a normal looking, run of the mill man, when I saw a young Bostonian say something to one of the British sentries. The red coat’s response was a blow to the head with the butt of his rifle. I was surprised at this sudden violence, but it was nothing unusual. Scuffles among colonist and British occurred all the time, and I assumed this was just one of those times. Oh, how wrong I was. I arrived home, and sat down to enjoy a book I had been reading. A few hours later, I began to hear a commotion outside. I set down my book, grabbed my coat, and was about to head outside when I heard gunshots. Panicking, I decided it was best for me to stay inside, in hopes of avoiding injury.  Word began to spread quite quickly. 4 were killed, many more injured. This was ludicrous. For the British soldiers to kill 4 colonists, for no reason, was unacceptable. By today, news had spread all over the colonies. British soldiers had attacked unarmed, helpless citizens, ordered to by their commander.  Colonists were furious. The recent events of the Boston Massacre had given many a reason to demand freedom from British rule. I didn’t know what I wanted. Patriots and colonists throughout the thirteen colonies wanted a revolution. I knew, though, that I was sick of being told what to do, and getting taxed without having a say in it. It was time for a change in government.

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Entry 2 (July 4, 1776) July 4, 1776. A day to remember. A day that will be celebrated from this day on. The day the Declaration of Independence was signed, signaling our freedom from Britain. However, this step forward for our new country wasn’t well received by the British.  Lets take a step back from the present. Nearly three years ago, the Boston Tea Party took place. As I was unhappy and displeased at the British rule, I took part in the Tea Party, dumping imported tea from foreign ships into the Boston Harbor. We weren’t happy with the Tea Act. I enjoyed every moment of the “Party.” The British responded harshly, and swiftly. The Intolerable Acts were passed, closing the Port of Boston, among other things. The Intolerable Acts, were, to put it one way, intolerable. They prohibited Manhattan, where I lived, from being self governed. This was outrageous. This was pushing us to the brink of revolution.  Less than two years after the Tea Party and the passing of the Coercive acts was another confrontation with the British, one that would heighten the need for independence. The Battle of Lexington was the battle that started the American Revolution. The British in New York wanted to capture leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock. This was when Paul Revere went on his famous ride, warning the people about the approaching threat. 

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Entry 2 (cont.)I can remember getting woken up by Revere, shouting for us to get up, as the British were approaching. I was both excited and scared. Were more people going to die at the hands of our cruel leaders?  The start of the Battle of Lexington was “the shot heard round the world”, the shot that started the Revolution. The British outnumbered the local militia, and seven were killed. American blood spilled on American soil. Us Americans were furious at the British. At least, I was.  The British marched onwards towards Concord, only to be

stopped by colonial reinforcements. They were forced to retreat to Boston. Although this was only a minor win for the Americans, I was overjoyed.  This brings us to the present, the writing and signing of the Declaration of Independence. Important revolutionary leaders, such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams met in the city of Philadelphia to discuss the document. Thomas Jefferson was to write America’s founding document. This was a huge step for America, but it was unknown as to how the British were going to respond. I didn’t care. We were free. The Declaration stated the wrongs the British have done, and when the government does not protect the rights of the people, the people have the right to overthrow and replace said government. These words influenced the colonies. They influenced me. I was now an American. To call myself British was a lie.Paul Revere’s Ride through

Boston. Drawn by Henry Wadsworth

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Entry 3 (June 20, 1778) What a victory! The Americans have just won a war at Valley Forge, a war with themselves. We have survived the winter in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.  We, the Continental Army had been losing many battles, including the Battle of Long Island, in which the army barely escaped under the cover of night. The British then occupied New York City, taken over in the New York Campaign. I was beginning to fear the worst, defeat. Things weren’t looking good, and my hope was beginning to dissipate. Morale was falling. Another defeat at the Battle of Valcour Island did nothing to raise our hopes. The Hessians, German mercenaries the British hired, captured Fort Washington in November of 1776 My hate towards the British also directed towards Germany. How dare the Germans side with the British?   

On Christmas Day, 1776, things took a turn for the better. George Washington launched a surprise attack on Trenton, New Jersey that night. The troops set out that night to cross the river, march 10 miles, and attack the Hessians. The future of our country rested on their soldiers. Morale was low. Enlistments within the army would soon expire. This was it, that decisive moment, where new hope could be brought forward, and the army would live to see another season.  Victory. I was overjoyed. We were overjoyed. Morale rose, and the army grew stronger. The British had just seen us change from an unorganized, weak army to a formidable foe over the course of ten days. Ten crucial days.

George Washington in Valley Forge. I am in the background.

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Entry 3 (cont.)When Winter settled in 1777, we retired to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania to set up Winter camp, while the British set up camp in neighboring Philadelphia. The past year had been filled with losses, and although none of them major, morale was falling low again. I remained hopeful that the army would pull through, but many around me weren’t. Losses had been suffered at Brandywine and Germantown. The victory at the Battle of Whitemarsh was a victory short lived, as Winter was settling in.  At this point in time, the army was already in bad shape. Lack of supplies, food, and weariness had taken its toll on us. Huts were constructed within 6 weeks, so shelter wasn’t too big a problem. Yet the winter was brutal, and the shortage of supplies plagued the army. We needed to survive the winter, and come out more capable than we had been. If we did, victory was within sight. If we didn’t, well, I was hoping that we would.  When February came, the future didn’t look promising. Disease claimed many in the camps, and so did starvation and malnutrition. On February 6, 1778, the Treaty of Alliance with France was signed, giving us hope. With the aide of the French, the British were now a much more manageable opponent.  Friedrich von Steuben arrived at Valley Forge on February 23, 1778. He was a drill instructor, and it was his job to train the largely unorganized army. He was efficient and dedicated, and with the help of aides, was able to transform amateur troops, like me, into a confident organization. The French began to send supplies to the army at Valley Forge, and farmers started bringing food to a camp market. Everything was coming together.  The Continental Army left Valley Forge on June 19, 1778 completely changed. The British left Philadelphia, where they had set up their own winter camp, to return to New York. Washington and his army set out in pursuit of the British. I set out with confidence. Morale was rising. Much had changed at Valley Forge. Hope filled the air.

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Entry 4 (October 20, 1781)The victory that occurred yesterday could easily be considered a miracle. Everything we had worked for up until now converged, at the perfect time, at the perfect location, and we won. We WON. The British surrendered. I can’t describe on paper what I’m feeling with accuracy. I can only say: I’m ecstatic. I feel euphoric. Overjoyed. Delighted. The Revolution has been hard on the army, hard on everybody. And those hardships, those tough times, have paid off. The Revolutionary War has slid to a screeching stop. And we have come out victorious.  This decisive victory took place on October 19, 1781. Just earlier that year, in 1780, the French sent soldiers to aid us in our fight against the British. I remember meeting the British for the first time, both armies regarding each other with respect. They were disciplined, and stood with an air of confidence. I was very grateful that they would help our country. George Washington, our great commander, led our army to victory that night, with Comte de Rochambeau leading the French. Comte de Grasse, another French leader, brought the French Navy, sailing to Chesapeake Bay. Lieutenant General Lord Cornwallis had been ordered to make a port easily defensible, so he started to make one at Yorktown. A mistake.

In the summer of 1781, the French and American armies converged north of New York City. I felt emotions bubbling inside me. These French were willing to sacrifice their lives for the independence for our country. I would be forever grateful.  

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Entry 4 (cont.)Word of Comte’s decision reached both armies, and we set out in unison towards Yorktown. Washington and Rochambeau, both being brilliant leaders, fooled the British into thinking we were going to launch a siege on New York City. How wrong they were. Meanwhile, Comte had sailed from the West Indies, arriving in Chesapeake Bay during the end of August. He brought along with them much money for supplies and funds. The Americans thank him for his help in our creation of a new nation. In September, he defeated a British fleet that had come to reinforce Cornwallis. Now there was no escape by sea for Cornwallis, meaning the only routes were land routes. This was our chance. We arrived in late September, effectively surrounding Cornwallis from all sides. We attacked. I fought, fought for the colonists. I fought for freedom. For my ancestors. For me. The British were crushed, and they were in no position to retaliate. They surrendered. Yesterday, the surrender ceremony took place. It was a joyous time, as we had just defeated the British. The worst was over. In the ceremony, all the armies and generals involved in the Battle of Yorktown were present, except for Lord Cornwallis. He was scared, shamed. A wimp. He had lost. Despite this victory, the hardships weren’t over. The revolution was coming to an end, but this was just the beginning of a new nation. The task of building a new nation would be very difficult, and I just hoped that our fights and battles weren’t all for naught.  

The capture of Redoubt at Yorktown. You can see me in the fighting, near the cannon.

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Entry 5 (September 17, 1787)

Ever since 1776, we had officially been free from British rule. But we didn’t feel free. Now, we were truly free. We were our own nation. Our own country. We didn’t want to to make the same mistakes that the British did in governing their country. We wanted our own government.  After the Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783, it was a time to rejoice. Everyone was in high spirits, and the soldiers could go back to their families. I had no family, but it was not the time to dwell on that. Our country had just won a revolution against the nation with the greatest military power. WON.  Just earlier today, September 17, 1787, the Constitution of the United States was adopted by the Constitutional Convention, held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Constitutional Convention consisted of many great and wise leaders, such as George Washington, the president of the Convention, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and many delegates of the states. I felt that the government was in good hands.  The Constitution was to be our new government, the founding laws of our nation. We had already had the Articles of Confederation, but they didn’t work out. These Articles provided the laws which everybody in the nation should follow, but it was weak. In early 1781, the Articles of Confederation became official, but I hope that it will be replaced soon, as the Constitution has been signed by the delegates.

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Entry 5 (cont.)The Articles of Confederation hadn’t been a problem for me, it was a problem for the nation. The Articles didn’t enforce taxes and policies, it suggested them. States didn’t pay tax, and the government lacked money. They had no money do deal with foreign affairs, national affairs, or wars. I was paying my taxes, and doing what was “suggested” of me, but others weren’t. I simply wanted the nation we had worked so hard for to grow and prosper.  But now, the Constitution was here to fix those problems. The Constitution was more detailed, and more demanding and specific, as opposed to the Articles of Confederation. I hoped this would work out. The Constitution gave much power to the people, which I definitely liked, different from ruling systems such as Britain's, which had a king. However, many people thought this wouldn’t work, that having one ruler, or few rulers, made for a more efficient, better government. But I didn’t. I thought this would work. 

The Constitution was made up of an assortment of Amendments, the first ten being known as the Bill of Rights. These Bills protected the rights of both liberty and property. This was what we needed. The Articles of Confederation hadn’t guaranteed anything.  One of the main problems that new governments faced was that the problems that plagued the old government would be present in ours. Because of this, James Madison, one of the main writers of the Constitution, spend countless hours identifying the flaws in other country’s governments, and making sure it was avoided in ours. James Madison. I would remember him until death do me apart.  

The Bill of Rights, written by James Madison.

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ConclusionAfter long years of struggle, the Americans had finally won their independence and liberty. The people of the United States were no longer under the rule of King George III, and they were finally on their own.

The Constitution of the United States remains the Constitution to this day, although it has gone through revisions. The United States has grown since the revolution, and is now one of the most influential countries in the world.

After the Revolution, Britain and France went to war, but surprisingly, the United States stayed uninvolved, George Washington giving a farewell speech. The American Revolution most likely influenced the French Revolution, which happened not too long after the American one.

Billy Baker died a few years after the revolution, killed by one of the few remaining loyalists to the crown. The murderer was soon arrested and hanged. However, after the revolution, he did whatever was in his power to make America the best country it could possibly be.

To this day, we still celebrate the moment the Americans won their independence, liberty, and freedom.

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Citations (Entry No. 1)

Picture:Revere, Paul. The Landing of British Troops in Boston. Digital image. Boston Massacre Historical Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2013. <>.Text:Gerlach, Larry R. "Boston Massacre." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 15 May. 2013.

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Citations (Entry No. 2)

Picture: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Paul Revere's Ride. Digital image. Godly Gentleman. N.p., 24 Sept. 2012. Web. 14 May 2013. <>.Text:Greene, Jack P. "Declaration of Independence, United States." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 15 May. 2013.

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Citations (Entry No. 3)

Picture:Washington and Lafayette at Valley Forge. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 4 Mar. 2006. Web. 14 May 2013. <>.Text:Gruber, Ira D. "Valley Forge." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 15 May. 2013.

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Citations (Entry No. 4)

Picture:Battle of Yorktown: Capture of Redoubt at Yorktown. Digital image. U.S. History Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <>.Text:Esposito, Vincent J. "Yorktown, Campaign and Siege of." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 15 May. 2013.

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Citations (Entry No. 5)

Picture:Bill of Rights. Digital image. United for Human Rights. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <>.Text:Murphy, Paul L. "Constitution of the United States." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 15 May. 2013.

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Citations (General)

PBS. "Timeline of the Revolution." Liberty! The American Revolution. PBS, n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <>.

Kindiq, Thomas. "Timeline of the Revolutionary War." Revolutionary War Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. <>.