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“Diarrhoea is caused by about a 100 different bacteria, protozoa or viruses.”

It is a well-known fact that poor health in children is a major stress factor for parents. A lot of the stress

comes from parents not understanding why their child is falling ill but still wanting to do something

about it.

Diarrhoea is a common problem in children and is caused by many different protozoa, viruses and

bacteria. Diarrhoea lasting less than two weeks is called acute and infective. If it persists after two

weeks, it is termed chronic or persistent. When the diarrhoea intensifies, it is called dysentery and the

stools are tinged with blood and mucus. This ailment is considered very severe and can result in colicky

pains and frequent purging especially in children.

Causes Of Acute Diarrhoea

The most common cause of diarrhoea is infection of the gut. It can also be caused by many viruses,

germs and bacteria. Viruses can easily spread when an infected individual cooks food for others and also

from one person to another by close contact. Some of the other non-infectious causes are not usually

seen in children. Know more about this debilitating ailment from the experts at Apollo Clinics.


The common symptoms seen in diarrhoea is fever, headaches, respiratory problems and body pains. The

stool is not bloody or filled with pus in diarrhoea but is watery. Diarrhoea is often accompanied by

vomiting. Usually diarrhoea stops in a few days and does not cause chronic diarrhoea.

The most common cause of worry for those affected with diarrhoea is dehydration as it leads to the loss

of excess liquid from the body. It is important to supply the patient with lots of water and drinks to keep

them hydrated. And it is recommended to consult a paediatrician if the baby vomits, has blood in the

stool, stomach pain, urinates frequently, loses weight and has fever.


If the baby continues to eat healthy and drink lots of liquids, the constant purging is not a cause of

concern. Mothers should continue breast feeding and give their kids the usual amounts of milk, formula

and food. An effective way of overcoming diarrhoea is by following Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) and

it is also simple and cheap. This therapy prevents dehydration by supplying liquids by mouth. It is always

preferable to follow home remedies instead of resorting to medication for the health of the baby.

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