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Dial Park Primary - History - The Gunpowder Plot - LKS2—Spr—Odd Year

Key Places and Vocabulary

Houses of Parlia-


The place where laws are made and passed in the United


London Bridge A famous bridge in London crossing the River Thames. It was

the only bridge in London in the 1600’s

The Clink A notorious gaol (jail) in Southwark where Catholic prisoners

including priests were held

The Tower of

London Where Guy Fawkes spent his final days.

Hagley Hall,

Worcestershire Where the plotters were tracked down.

Conspirator A person who plans secretly with other people to do some-

thing bad, illegal or against someone's wishes

Treason When someone betrays another person or their country

Hangman An executioner

Executed Killed as a punishment

Protestants Christians, separate from the Catholic church

Catholics Members of the Catholic church

Timeline Significant people

Pope Leader of the Catholic church

King James I King of England

Guy Fawkes Gunpowder expert, found with matches 4

November 1605and arrested.

Robert Catesby Leader of the group

Ambrose Rookwood

and Sir Everard Digby Bought into the group because of their money

Robert Keyes and John


Robert looked after the gunpowder and John

bought the weapons

Key Questions and Facts

When and how is Bonfire

Night celebrated?

Bonfire night is celebrated on the 5th November

every year when bonfires are lit and some have

burning effigies of Guy Fawkes.

What was the Gunpowder


The Gunpowder Plot was an attempt made by a

group of Catholics to blow up the King and the

Houses of Parliament, as this was the place that all

the country’s laws are made. In October 1605, one

of the plotters gave the game away whilst trying to

warn a relative, who was an MP. On 4th November

Guy Fawkes was caught red handed with the gun-

powder just before the King was due to open Par-


What were the reasons for

the Gunpowder Plot?

A group of Catholics wanted to end the persecution

of the Roman Catholics by the English government.

They hoped to replace the country’s Protestant

government with Catholic leadership.

Why do we celebrate the

5th November?

The reason people begun to celebrate the 5th

November with Bonfires is not to celebrate the

attempt to blow up the houses of Parliament but

rather to celebrate the fact that the plan was


13th April 1510

Guy Fawkes was born

24th March 1603

King James 1 became king

of England

May 1604

Group begin to plot against

the king

26th October 1605

Lord Monteagle, who was

Catholic receives an

unsigned letter warning

not to go to the opening of

Parliament on the 5th


5th November 1605

Guy Fawkes was found in

the cellar with 36 barrels

of gunpowder by the kings

31st January 1606

Guy Fawkes was executed

Key Outcomes

*To discover who Guy Fawkes was and discuss your findings.

*To explain what I have learned in an organised and structured way, using appropriate

terminology…begin to explain ideas, make and support conclusions

*To form an opinion on what life might have been like if the plot had been successful.
