Download - Device for Life · CPR while you grab the AED and prepare it.Fortunately, today's AEDs were designed for operation byan untrained responder. They offer audible and visual instructions,

Page 1: Device for Life · CPR while you grab the AED and prepare it.Fortunately, today's AEDs were designed for operation byan untrained responder. They offer audible and visual instructions,


Device for LifeQuick tips for effectively using an AED.

EMERGENCY SITUATION:During a rousing sing-alongbefore dinner, you noticea fellow Scout leader grabhis chest and collapse. Youspot an automated externaldefibrillator (AED) on thewall. What do you do?

SolutionI'VE SAID THIS BEFORE: First, don'tpanic. While it's true that a personundergoing sudden cardiac arrest(SCA) is in need of immediatehelp-each minute of SCA leads to a10 percent reduction in survival-youmust keep your wits about you.

Your first move is the mostimportant: calling 911. Second, checkto make sure the victim is nonre-sponsive by shouting at and shakingthe person. Next, check the victim'sbreathing and pulse. If either iserratic, this is a sign of SeA. But don'twaste precious seconds or minutessearching for a pulse. It might be dif-ficult to detect.

Finally, direct a helper to beginCPR while you grab the AED andprepare it. Fortunately, today's AEDswere designed for operation by anuntrained responder. They offeraudible and visual instructions, andthey only produce a potentially life-saving jolt if the machine detects oneis needed. Still, you must take severalsteps before the AED can do its job.

First, turn on the machine anddirect others to move the victim to adry, nonmetallic surface. Next, removethe victim's clothing so the chestis exposed and dry the skin. AEDpaddles must make good contact.


Before placing the paddles onthe victim, check for and removeall metal items touching the skin,including watches, jewelry, or pierc-ings. Next, check for a medical-alertbracelet, pacemaker, or other internalheart defibrillator (you should see theoutline of the device under the skin).

Never withhold use of an AED ona person with a pacemaker. But forsafety, don't place the pads directly ontop of the device. Place the paddles onthe victim's chest and check that thewires are connected to the AED.

After making sure no one istouching the victim, press the AED's"analyze" button. The machine willcheck the victim's heart rhythm and,if a shock is needed; it ~ tell your::

when to deliver it. Now you canshout, "Clear!" Standing away fromthe victim, push the AED's "shock"button. The machine will deliver thenecessary jolt-or several, if needed-and direct you to continue with CPRuntil trained responders arrive.

Be Prepared~ A recent survey showed that 83percent of council camps areequipped with AEDs, says RichardBourlon, the BSA's director ofHealth and Safety. The goal, hesays, is 100 percent deployment .••

JOSH 'IVEN is co-author of the Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbookseries. Visit his mb site at