Download - Devereaux Asylum Week 2

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Welcome back to my very brief side project: The Devereaux Legacy Obviously Not Canon Asylum. Keith is the controllable who has to max out all seven of his skills. In the inmates are: Mary, Lillian, Josh, Goopy, Alexander Goth, Thaddeus, and Zane. Oh, and I also have some second-generation asylum members: Tabitha (Lillian and Goopy's child via ACR) and Karliah (Mary and Josh's kid via ACR). I'm also not looking at the children's panels and am only really selecting them so I can change how they look.

Oh, and Lillian and Mary are also pregnant again.

Super insane asylums are kind of fun to play. So without further ado, on with the freak show! (Please note that this is pure observation as I couldn't think of any witty conversations for this :/ )


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As I observed Zane this week, I noticed that he was obsessed with bathing. This struck me as odd because Zane isn't overly Neat (neither is he very messy). He's a solid 5 in that, so I couldn't understand his obsessiveness with taking lots and lots of baths. Now, granted, he likes playing with the dance sphere and I'm pretty sure that lowers comfort and hygiene, but, I like to look at it this way...

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That his control was slipping.

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Another thing that I noticed was my Sims, who have been doing the Worry Hands all over the place, have yet to pull out their Flour Sack babies or what have you. Instead, they chose to pass wind.

Keith has no excuse, however.

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And the STRANGEST thing that I noticed was that NONE of my mean Sims in the 'hood have come by to steal the newspaper. That floors me. This is in a "real" neighborhood, so to speak. It's one of my backups that I'm using to film my next chapter, so all the mean Sims are present and accounted for, including the real versions of Lillian and Thaddeus. But instead, I got the message that I have too many newspapers and there will be no more delivered. But in my legacy houses, where I use the newspapers for compost for their gardens, there is never a newspaper to be found.

Those were my general observations for Week Two. Now onto the day by day breakdowns.

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(Day 8)

The day started off "normally." Goopy needed to use the bathroom but wouldn't go into it and Mary busted out her first Worry Hands.

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Josh is also the first one to take a food nap in his dish of Jello.

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Lillian also had her second (?) baby pop.

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Tabitha is the most discontent out of the two children. She's constantly complaining that she's not having any fun. Of course she isn't; I didn't buy ay toys for the kids with the sweet, sweet hope that the Social Worker would come that much sooner.

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By the end of the week, I had realized that the Social Worker likes to make lots of idle threats about taking the kids away. But this was still in the first day, so my heart LITERALLY leaped with joy when I saw the warning sign that the kids were starving because they refused to eat the puppy chow from the automatic baby feeders. I was young and stupid. I know better now.

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Later that night, right after I got the first warning from the SoWo, Mary had a baby boy named Everett. And as soon as the baby was born, she put him down and jumped into the photo booth to try for another baby.

As you do.

Thankfully, she rolled too high.

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I think one of the reasons why Karliah was doing better than Tabitha in the fun department was because she went to Zane and demanded attention from him, to which he obliged her. He was also kind enough to change her diaper.

Awww, Zane. He's so good with kids. He really is :(

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(Day 9)

Zane, still in complete denial that I would be so consistently horrible to him, began the day staring out of the window while Alexander took care of Everett and Thaddeus cried over his aspiration.

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Thaddeus being dissatisfied over his wants not being fulfilled became so commonplace, I stopped taking pictures of it.

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Keith didn't look particularly happy over me commanding him to use the dance sphere, most likely because he's seen all the inmates forcibly thrown from it on a constant basis.

Unlike the inmates, however, I had Keith use the "easy" option on the sphere until he got the three Body he needed to do yoga. Oh, and he became "Fit."

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Unlike Tabitha and Karliah when they were babies, Everett was pretty much ignored. I came to realize that it HAD to be the "No Baby Harassment" hack that did it. But that still didn't make sense to me because fucking RHYS hovered over the babies in his house with it in. So either the hack isn't working right, or Rhys (at the time) was deciding to ignore the hack and doing what he wanted anyway. Let me tell you, he puts my THREE FAMILY SIMS to shame if that is the case.

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And then this little gem happened. Keith, with his maxed out cooking points, decided to start a fire while making chili. And THEN something that I had only seen ONCE before (years ago and I thought it had been my imagination).

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He went over to Everett. I was thinking to myself, "My God, KEITH! NOW is NOT the time to feed the friggin baby!" And then I saw the queue that said "Carry away."

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And things like this is what makes the Sims so awesome. Keith carried the baby to safety while the fire burned. How fucking cool is that, huh? Seriously, I haven't ever seen the full rescue. When I saw it a few years back, I saw the dad pick up a toddler, but I was focusing on the mother who was fighting the fire in the kitchen. After the fire was gone, I noticed the toddler was outside. I THOUGHT that it might have been the case that the dad carried the toddler to safety, but I have never seen it confirmed. So. You learn something new when playing asylums with babies.

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And with the fact that Keith was concentrating on carrying Everett to safety, I was able to have him calmly call the fire department and put out the fire. The only thing that had happened was that everyone's hygiene took a hit and the chili was burned.

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And no aspiration failures. Lillian only joined the Worry Hands brigade. (Please notice how Zane doesn't have green fumes. He was the first one in the bathroom and was able to bogart the bathtub before anyone else could.)

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That night, Tabitha and Karliah aged up to children (through my own prompting,. I'll admit that I selected them to age them up when the pop up came). I also decided not the change their clothes. It's an asylum, right? They SHOULD have weird and crazy clothes.

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Almost immediately, Karliah realized the downside to living in an asylum where basic needs are ignored, and babies/toddlers even more ignored.

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And Lillian FINALLY went into aspiration failure. It had nothing to do with the fire. Nothing to do with her wants not being fulfilled. No. It was (as far as I can guess) that Tabitha grew up badly. So, if I wouldn't have had the larger households hack present, Lillian would still be cruising along.

Might I also add that I'm rather surprised that NO fights have broken out? Lillian has 1 Nice point and Thaddeus as NONE, yet everyone seems to be on friendly terms with everyone else.

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Not that Lillian's aspiration failure kept her down for long. As soon as the psychiatrist left, Lillian went into labor and gave birth to her son, Damien.

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And Damien will be just another baby who is ignored. Seriously. Everett is still on the sidewalk while the adults pass by him and complain that he has a stinky diaper.

And, by the way, the icons on babies have to get a lot worse, apparently, for the SoWo to come.

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And this is where things started to become even more difficult. The girls needed a place to sleep, and I obviously did not add extra beds. So now I had 10 Sims competing for 5 beds.

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And now Goopy as joined the Worry Hands Brigade.

Still no Grilled Cheese signs, Romance Mops, or Flour Sack Babies though. I'm really disappointed.

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Lillian also started having nightmares. In this one, she wakes up in horror thinking that her having two children by Goopy was just a bad dream...

Only to find out that it wasn't.

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(Day 10)

Day 10 started out with Lillian giving Goopy the Stink Eye as she came to the crushing realization that Alexander is not, in fact, the father of her children.

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And Tabitha wakes up from one of the precious beds that she snagged out from one of the other inmates.

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Realizing at this point that the SoWo just likes to threaten and not actually come (please note Tabitha's thought bubble: Everett is STILL on the sidewalk) I decided to send the girls to school. Hopefully, HOPEFULLY they'll fail out fast. Clearly SoWo isn't as uptight as she used to be (and it's not hacks, unless "No Baby Harassment" affects SoWo as well). I'm assuming she must have been fixed in later expansion packs.

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Josh and Mary decided to go at it again, this time succeeding in getting Mary pregnant.

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Because clearly with Karliah being at school and Everett laying outside on the sidewalk made them think that they didn't have any children.

The baby on the sidewalk thing is quite shameful. Even the neighbors took notice and probably talked about it amongst themselves.

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And Damien has been left laying on the floor as well (though I had Keith move him from outside of the bedroom because his crying kept waking people up, NOT that they did anything to make him STOP crying).

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So, yeah, my only hope at this point was that SoWo wold finally be driven into some sort of action when the girls refused to do their homework and failed in school.

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Besides, and asylum really isn't a great place to raise children and they're probably pretty miserable.

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More of the same that night. Everyone's bladder was so low there was literally a line forming to use the one toilet.

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Everett's birthday was supposed to be that night. I had pulled out a birthday cake, but he was sleeping. That's when I noticed that his icon color hadn't changed at all and that he had been sleeping the entire time he was on the sidewalk. I used "move_objects on" and moved him inside to see if maybe he was stuck or something, but he still slept on. I realized that he was glitched because believe me, he hadn't been fed or changed in over a day and his icon was only yellow while Damien's was orange (Damien who had been born a day later than Everett).

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So I had to use the Batbox and do a "Force Reset" on everyone, which FINALLY did the trick. And then I realized that I went against my own rule of not changing hair and clothes on the kids.

Not that it mattered because....

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The sweet, sweet music of the SoWo showing up rang in my ears. She probably would have come sooner if Everett hadn't been bugged or whatever.

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Unfortunately it took the SoWo HOURS to collect the kids because she felt the need to chastise EVERY adult in the household, even Keith. I was able to cancel it out of Keith's queue because it was Wednesday and he wasn't anywhere near maxing his Body skill. The last thing I needed was to have her interrupting him. So, instead, she finger gunned him every time she went past him.

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The parents, needless to say, were very upset. The kids being taken away was like when my mother would get rid of an old, forgotten toy: once I SAW her throwing it out, THAT'S when it was "My most favorite toy in the whole world, please don't take it away!" The parents had forgotten about the kids until SoWo marched them out of the door.

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The parents might have been upset, but the kids, like Karliah here, were secretly pleased, I think. (Yeah, I have NO IDEA why she got +5000 aspiration, and she wasn't selectable for me to even check at this point. So I'm pretending that she's happy she's being taken away.)

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And there was much rejoicing.

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(Day 11)

Mary had her first baby pop and then began crying about her low aspiration score as well as crying over the SoWo taking her kids away. To be honest, this is nothing new as she did this all of the time in the legacy, I just never had the headlines turned on (and I also made it a point not to fulfill any of her wants because I wanted her to have a regular, non-platinum tombstone).

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And, in case you were curios, Thaddeus is still both the President as well as a member of the Worry Hands Brigade.

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Zane didn't Worry Hands nearly as much as the other members of the household. Instead, he either took long, hot bubble baths and turned to more destructive things like jumping in rain puddles in the middle of thunderstorms. Mind you, Zane has 3 Playful points, so this strikes me as odd.

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But pretty much everything else was the same as usual. Goopy ignored the Jello sitting on the counter (despite the fact that he was starving) to go hit on Lillian. Alexander refused to go to the bathroom, event though it was empty (and it really was in both senses of the word: Keith had repaired the clogged up toilet. Now it was only filthy.).

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In fact, the only time it occurred to Alexander to use the bathroom was when Lillian decided that she had to go as well. Unlike Alexander, Lillian didn't let her thought bubble become red with need. Oh, and she beat him to it. So he had an accident right in front of the stall.

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As soon as the rain stopped and Zane realized that he wasn't going to get out of the asylum by being killed by a bolt of lightning, he quietly went back into the bathroom (where the dude practically lives) and cleaned up the endless puddles of water, gaining aspiration points for earning a Cleaning point.

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I also got rid of the fucking bird. At least this time it didn't keel over (as I had installed the Caged Pet hack you guys recommended to me). Instead, Tweetie 4 became uninteractable (I made up a word!) I had been wondering why Zane didn't have a skill bar over his head when he'd talk to the bird. When I had Keith go over to the cage to "Talk to Tweetie 4" he just stood there, doing nothing. The bird didn't move. This is why I hate pets and have gotten rid of them in my game (even the legacy cats, who I gave up for adoption). They are friggin' impossible.

So, as promised, I bought Keith a mirror instead. Against the rules? Yeah, it is. But when things insist on being glitched, I think I should be able to do something about it.

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The day ended with Goopy being "Fit" for the first time since he became a Grilled Cheese Sim and Mary taking a plate nap in her gelatin.

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(Day 12)

Keith's social bar was getting dangerously low because for one, I don't really let him interact with the inmates because he ought to be skilling. The other reason is that he's on a completely different schedule that they are. He doesn't have a job (and if memory serves, he still has around $2K left in funds) so he mainly skills at night and sleeps during the day (if I let him. I normally have him drink lots of espresso. But if his comfort is down, I'll allow him to sleep).

Anyway, I allowed him to talk to Zane and used Macrotastics until his social was up (and Zane's icon looked really green, so I knew it would be safe).

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Mary had her second baby pop. Oh, and as you can see in the upper right hand corner...

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Lillian and Goopy tried for another baby and succeeded in getting pregnant again.

Protip, by the way: if you think your asylum is too crowded with 8 Sims and only 5 beds and a love seat, try having a couple kids running around competing for food and beds. Once the SoWo takes them away, the asylum will feel positively spacious!

Oh, and I am sort of ashamed to admit that for one brief second I thought about the "Baby-B-Que" thing or whatever it was called. I DON'T have it in my game, but for one very, very brief moment (split second really) I thought about how economical it would have been. But then I realized that if I had such issues with all the extra babies, I shouldn't have put in the Larger Household mod to begin with. But, you know, with the way my Family Sims are going at would have been a never ending source of food...


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Alexander actually tried to make a move on Lillian, to which she turned down. AND THEN he still decided to go for the WooHoo with her, to which, as you can see, she rejected.

How is it that I haven't had ANY fights break out yet, huh?

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The combination of having the kids in the house before SoWo took them away and the fact that Body takes a toll of hygiene and comfort made it where it took a good portion of the week for Keith to max out the Body skill.

And Keith really, REALLY wishes he were that flexible in real life.

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Three down, four to go. Next up was Creativity, which was far more enjoyable, and as an added bonus, Music & Dance is apparently Keith's One True Hobby, so HE seemed to enjoy it a lot more.

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(Day 13)

The day opened up with Lillian being completely stinky, but unable to do anything about it because Zane was taking yet another one of his two hour bubble baths, and Alexander began doing the Worry Hands thing in earnest.


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To be honest, I spent most of the day watching Keith sing karaoke because it cracks my shit up. I also had the volume turned up really loud so Real!Keith (who was in the same room as me on his computer) could hear every single bad note his Simself counterpart sang.

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Mary spent a lot of time rubbing it in Zane's face that she has kids. Lillian probably would have, too, if she weren't busy having yet another accident on the bathroom floor.

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Right after all of that, Mary had her baby, which was a girl named Ardelia, who she promptly placed on the floor so she could finish eating her meal.

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Zane, at this point, decided that all of it was terribly unfair and he told me so, quite pitifully. When it became apparent that I wasn't going to do anything about the situation, he quietly went to the counter to clean it and earned another +1000 aspiration for gaining another Cleaning point.

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Lillian had her first baby pop and shortly after took a food nap.

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Ardelia was thoroughly ignored for the entire day, though Alexander tried blaming his gas on the baby (which I never realized that the fumes were different colors. I always thought all fumes were green. I learned ANOTHER thing while playing an asylum).

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The baby was ignore, in part, because Josh and Mary decided AGAIN to try for YET ANOTHER baby.

Thankfully, Mary rolled too high.

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Lillian was still her her own personal (and well-deserved) hell as she continued to be the only person who was plagued by nightmares. This time about Tabitha and how Goopy couldn't possibly be her father.

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(Day 14)

The final day for this week started with Keith easily maxing out his Creativity. He celebrated by passing gas.

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Four down, three to go, the next thing up was Charisma. Unfortunately because I got rid of Tweetie 4, his Social, which was already looking rather grim, continued to fall and the Social Bunny paid him a visit. Hey, he's technically a patient at the asylum, too, just the more "sane" one, so it's only appropriate.

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And HOLY CRAP, Mary actually paid attention to the crying, stinky Ardelia AND she actually breast fed the baby. Even Zane seemed pleasantly surprised (not that HE did anything about the crying, stinky baby. It seems that he felt he had enough when Tabitha and Karliah were still around).

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Zane seemed to be doing better though. He had stopped doing the Worry Hands thing and he quietly gained Cleaning points. He also spent a lot of time daydreaming on the bed. In this instance, he was daydreaming about better lives he's had in other 'verses where the Simselves don't take sport in making him miserable.

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Lillian also had her second baby pop, but she and Goopy, who were constantly near each other, were still pretty failtastic about taking care of their basic needs.

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That night was Ardelia's birthday and this time I actually stood by my "not changing their looks because it's an asylum." Besides, she doesn't look too bad. Ardelia's stats are: Pisces (big surprise there) 8/1/10/3/8. Unlike the previous toddlers, she knew that the puppy chow was meant for her, so she instantly made her way to a bowl and began eating. Not that I still don't hope for the SoWo to come and take her away as well.

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Josh and Mary attempted AGAIN to try for a baby, and Mary thankfully again rolled too high (thought it was close this time). I have a feeling that she will end up having one more kid before I'm done with this.

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The week ended with Keith being just shy of the 9th point in Charisma. The last two involves him sitting on the couch, so I won't have to worry about his comfort all that much. So, hopefully, I only have one more week.

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Back row: Damien - (Gemini 2/10/9/4/7) & (Tabitha - Gemini 2/8/9/2/7)Front row: Everett – (Leo 5/9/5/5/5) & Karliah (Pisces 5/5/6/5/9)

And in case you were wondering what happened to the kids who have already been taken away by the SoWo, don't worry, they're going to be well taken care of.

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*whistles cheerfully*

That's all I have for now, folks. Next part should be up fairly soon. Until next time, Happy Simming!