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  • 8/6/2019 Development of resource-intensive applications in Visual C++


    Development of resource-intensive

    applications in Visual C++

    Authors: Andrey Karpov, Evgeniy Ryzhkov

    Date: 10.02.2008


    The article will familiarize application developers with tasks given them by the mass introduction of 64-

    bit multi-core processors symbolizing revolutionary increase of computing power available for an

    average user. It will also touch upon the problems of effective use of hardware resources for solving

    everyday applied tasks within the limits of Windows x64 operating system

    Information for readers

    By default in this article we mean Windows as the operating system. By 64-bit systems we mean the

    x86-64 (AMD64) architecture. By the development environment - Visual Studio 2005/2008. You may

    download a demo sample which will be touched upon in the article using this link:


    Parallel computing and large RAM size are now available not only for large firmware complexes meant

    for large-scale scientific computing, but are also used for solving everyday tasks related to work, study,

    entertainment and computer games.

    The possibility of paralleling and large RAM size, on the one hand, make the development of resource-

    intensive applications easier, but on the other hand, requires more qualification and knowledge in the

    area of parallel programming from a programmer. Unfortunately, a lot of developers are far from

    possessing such qualification and knowledge. And this is not because they are bad developers but

    because they simply haven't come across such tasks. This is not surprising since creation of parallel

    systems of information processing has been performed mostly in scientific institutions while solving

    tasks of modeling and forecasting until recently. Parallel computer complexes with large memory size

    were used also for solving applied tasks by enterprises, banks etc, but they have been rather expensive

    and very few developers were able to get acquainted with the peculiarities of developing software for

    such systems.

    The authors of the article managed to take part in the development of resource-intensive software

    products related to visualization and modeling of physical processes and to learn the peculiarities of

    development, testing and debugging of such systems by themselves. By resource-intensive software we

    mean program code which efficiently uses abilities of multiprocessor systems and large amount of

    memory (2GB and more). That's why we'd like to bring some knowledge to developers who may find it

    useful while creating modern parallel 64-bit systems in the nearest future.

    Problems related to parallel programming have been studied in detail long ago and described in many

    books, articles and study courses. That's why this article will pay more attention to the sphere of

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  • 8/6/2019 Development of resource-intensive applications in Visual C++


    Figure 1. Rise of clock frequency and the number of transistors on a dice.

    During last 30 years productivity has been determined by clock frequency, optimization of command

    execution and cache enlarging. In the next years it will be determined by the number of cores.

    Development of parallel programming will become the main direction of programming technologies'


    Parallel programming will allow not only to solve the problem of slowing down of clock frequency rise

    but also to come to creation of scalable software which will fully use the increase of number of

    computational nodes in the processor. That is, software will gain productivity not only through the

    increase of the microprocessor's clock frequency, but through the rise of number of cores as well. Such

    systems are the future of software. And one who will master the new technologies quicker will be able

    to shift the software market for one's own benefit.

    Although the use of 64-bit technologies doesn't look so impressive in comparison to parallelism,

    however, it provides a lot of new abilities too. Firstly, it is free 5-15% productivity rise. Secondly, large

    address space solves the problem of RAM fragmentation while working with large data sizes. The search

    for solution of this task has caused a lot of troubles for many developers whose programs crash because

    of memory shortage after several hours of work. Thirdly, this is an opportunity to easily work with data

    arrays of several GB. Sometimes it results in amazing rise of productivity, because HDD is not accessed.

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    If all said above doesn't convince you of advantages of 64-bit systems look closer what your colleagues

    or yourself are working at. Does somebody optimize code, raising the function's productivity in 10%,

    although this 10% can be got by simple recompilation of a program for the 64-bit architecture? Does

    somebody create his own class for working with arrays, loaded from files because there is no enough

    space for these arrays in memory? Do you develop your own manager of memory allocation in order not

    to fragment memory? If you say "Yes" to at least one of the question, you should stop and think for a

    while. Perhaps, you fight in vain. And perhaps, it would be more profitable to spend your time onporting your application on a 64-bit system where all these questions will disappear at once. Still, sooner

    or later you will have to spend your time on this.

    Let's sum up all said above. It can be a waste of time trying to gain last profits from the 32-bit

    architecture. Save your time. Think about using parallelism and 64-bit address space to increase

    productivity. Give a new informational occasion and take the lead over your rivals while developing the

    market of high-performance applications.

    2. Provide yourself with a good hardware

    So, you decided to use parallelism and 64-bit technologies in your program development. Perfect. So,

    let's touch upon some organizational questions first.

    Inspite of you have to face the development of complex programs processing large amounts of data, still

    the company management often doesn't understand the necessity of providing the developers with the

    most high-performance computers. Although your applications may be intended for high-performance

    workstations, you are likely to test and debug them on your own machine. Of course all programmers

    need high-performance computers even if their programs don't process many GB of data. All have to

    compile them, launch heavy auxiliary tools and so on. But only a developer of resource-intensive

    software reveals all the troubles caused by the lack of RAM or slow speed of the disk subsystem.

    Show this part of the article to your manager. Now we'll try to explain why it is profitable to invest

    money into your tools - computers.

    This may sound trivial but a fast processor and a fast disk subsystem may speed up the process of

    applications' compilation greatly! It seems to you that there is no difference between two minutes and

    one minute of compilation of some part of the code, doesn't it? The difference is enormous! Minutes

    turn out into hours, days, months. Ask your programmers to count how much time they spend awaiting

    the code compilation. Divide this time at least by 1.5 and then you can calculate how quickly the

    investment into the new machinery will be repaid. I assure you that you will be amused.

    Keep in mind one more effect which will help you to save work time. If some action takes 5 minutes one

    will wait. If it is 10 minutes one will go to make coffee, read forums or play ping-pong, what will take

    more than 10 minutes! And not because he is an idler or wants coffee very much - he will be just bored.Don't let the action be interrupted: push the button - get the result. Make those processes consume 5

    minutes instead of 10.

    Once again I want you to note that the aim is not to occupy a programmer with a useful task in his

    leisure-time but to speed up all the processes in general. Setting up a second computer (dual-processor

    system) so that the the programmer will switch to other tasks while waiting is wrong at all. A

    programmer's labor is not that of a street cleaner, who can clear a bench from snow during a break

    between breaking ice. A programmer's labor needs concentration on the task and keeping in mind a lot

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    of its elements. Don't try to make a programmer switch to another task (this try will be useless), try to

    make it so that he could continue to solve the task he's working at as soon as possible. According to the

    "Stresses of multitask work: how to fight them" article [2] a person needs 25 minutes to go deeply into

    some other task or return to an interrupted one. If you don't provide continuity of the process, half of

    the time will be wasted on this very switching over. It doesn't matter what it is - playing ping-pong or

    searching for an error in another program.

    Don't spare money to buy some more gigabytes of memory. This purchase will be repaid after several

    steps of debugging a program allocating large memory size. Be aware that lack of RAM causes swapping

    and can slow down the process of debugging from minutes to hours.

    Don't spare money to provide the machine with RAID subsystem. Not to be a theorist, here is an

    example from our own experience (table 2).

    Configuration (pay attention to RAID) Time of building of an average project using

    large number of exterior libraries.

    AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+, 2 GB

    of RAM,2 x 250Gb HDD SATA - RAID 0

    95 minutes

    AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+, 4 GB

    of RAM,500 Gb HDD SATA (No RAID)

    140 minutes

    Table 2. An example of how RAID affects the speed of an application's building.

    Dear managers! Trust me that saving on hardware is compensated by delays of programmers' work.

    Such companies as Microsoft provide the developers with latest models of hardware not because of

    generosity and wastefulness. They do count their money and their example shouldn't be ignored.

    At this point the part of the article concerning managers is over, and we would like to address creators

    of program solutions again. Do demand for the equipment you consider to be necessary for you. Don't

    be shy, since your manager is likely is not understanding that it is profitable for everybody. You should

    enlighten him. Moreover, in case the plan isn't fulfilled it is you who will seem to be guilty. It is easier to

    get new machinery than try to explain what are you wasting your time for. Imagine how can your excuse

    concerning why you have been correcting only one error all the day longsound: "It's a very large project.

    I launched the debugger, had to wait very long. And I have only one GB of memory. I can't work at

    anything else simultaneously. Windows began to swap. Found an error, corrected it, but I have to launch

    and check it again...". Perhaps, your manager won't say anything but will consider you just an idler.

    Don't allow this.

    Your major task while developing a resource-intensive application is not designing a new system and

    even not the study of theory, this task is to demand to buy all the necessary hardware and software in

    time. Only after that you may begin to develop resource-intensive program solutions efficiently. It is

    impossible to write and check parallel programs without multicore processors. And it is impossible to

    write a system for processing large data sizes without necessary RAM size.

    Before we switch to the next topic, we would like to share some ideas, which will help you to make your

    work process more comfortable.

    You may try to solve the problem of slow building of a project by using special tools of parallel building

    of a system similar, for example, to IncrediBuild by Xoreax Software ( Of

    course, there are other similar systems which may be found in the Web.

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    The problem of testing applications with large data arrays (launch of a tests set) for which usual

    machines are not productive enough, may be solved by using several special high-performance

    machines via remote access. An example of remote access tool is Remote Desktop or X-Win. Usually

    simultaneous test launches are performed only by a few developers. And for a group of 5-7 developers 2

    dedicated high-performance machines are quite enough. It won't be the most convenient solution but it

    will be rather saving in comparison to providing every developer with such workstations.

    3. Use a logging system instead of a debugger

    The next obstacle on your way while developing systems for processing large data sizes is that you are

    likely to reconsider your methodology of work with the debugger or even refuse to use it at all.

    Some specialists offer to refuse the debugging methodology because of some ideological reasons. The

    main argument is that the use of the debugger is the use of the 'cut and try' method. A person noticing

    the incorrect behavior of the algorithm at some step of its execution brings corrections into it without

    examining why this error occurred and without thinking about the way he corrects it. If he didn't guess

    the right way of correction he will notice it during the next execution of the code and bring new

    corrections. It will result in lower quality of the code. And the author of this code is not always sure that

    he understands how it works. Opponents of debugging method offer to replace it with more strict

    discipline of algorithm development, with the use of functions as small as possible so that their working

    principles are clear. Besides, they offer to pay more attention to unit testing and to use logging systems

    for analysis of the program's correct work.

    There are some rational arguments in the described criticism of debugging systems but, as in many

    cases, one should weigh everything and not run to extremes. The use of the debugger is often

    convenient and may save much efforts and time.

    3.1. Causes why debugger is not so attractive

    Bad applicability of the debugger for systems processing large data sizes is unfortunately related not to

    ideological but practical difficulties. We'd like to familiarize the readers with these difficulties to save

    their time on fighting with the debugging tool when it is of little use, and prompt them to search for

    alternative solutions.

    Let's study some reasons why alternative means should be used instead of a traditional debugger (for

    example, the one integrated into Visual C++ environment).

    1) Slow program execution.

    Execution of a program under a debugger processing millions and billions of elements may become

    practically impossible because of great time costs. Firstly, it is necessary to use debugging code variant

    with optimization turned off and that already slows down the speed of algorithm's work. Secondly, inthe debug version of the program more memory is allocated in order to check bounds of memory

    blocks, memory fill during allocation/deallocation etc. This slows down the work even more.

    One can truly notice that a program may be debugged not necessarily at large working data sizes and

    testing tasks are anough. Unfortunately, this is not so. An unpleasant surprise is that while developing

    64-bit systems you cannot be sure that the algorithms work correctly when testing them at small

    amounts of data instead of working amounts of many GB.

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    Here is another simple example demonstrating the problem of necessary testing at large amounts of






    int main(int argc, char* argv[])


    std::ifstream file;[1], std::ifstream::binary);

    if (!file)

    return 1;


    fullPath(argv[1], boost::filesystem::native);

    boost::uintmax_t fileSize =


    std::vector buffer;

    for (int i = 0; i != fileSize; ++i)


    unsigned char c;

    file >> c;

    if (c >= 'A' && c

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    that this program has been used correctly on a 32-bit system, taking this limitation into consideration,

    and no errors occurred.

    On a 64-bit system we'd like to process files of larger size as there is no limitation of the array's size.

    Unfortunately, the program is written incorrectly from the point of view of LLP64 data model (see table

    1) used in the 64-bit version of Windows. The loop contains int type variable whose size is still 32 bits. If

    the file's size is 6 GB, condition "i != fileSize" will never be fulfilled and an infinite loop will occur.

    This code is intended to show how difficult it is to use the debugger while searching for errors which

    occur only at a large memory size. When you get an infinite loop while processing the file on the 64-bit

    system you may take a file containing 50 bytes and watch how the functions work under the debugger.

    But an error won't occur at such data size and it is impossible to watch the processing of 6 billion

    elements under the debugger.

    Of course, you should understand that this is only an example and that it can be debugged easily and

    the cause of the infinite loop may be found. Unfortunately, this often becomes practically impossible in

    complex systems because of the slow speed of the processing of large amount of data.

    To learn more about such unpleasant examples see articles "Forgotten problems of 64-bit program

    development" [3] and "20 issues of porting C++ code on the 64-bit platform" [4].

    2) Multi-threading.

    The method of several instruction flows executed simultaneously for speeding up the processing of large

    amount of data has been used for a long time and rather successfully in cluster systems and high-

    performance servers. But only with the appearance of multicore processors on market, the possibility of

    parallel data processing is widely used in applications. And the urgency of the parallel system

    development will only increase in future.

    Unfortunately, it is not easy to explain what is difficult in debugging of parallel programs. Only on facing

    the task of searching and correcting errors in parallel systems one may feel and understand the

    uselessness of such a tool as a debugger. But in general, all the problems may be reduced to the

    impossibility to reproduce many errors and to the way the debugging process affects the workflow of

    parallel algorithms.

    To learn more about the problems of debugging parallel systems you may read the following articles:

    "Program debugging technology for machines with mass parallelism" [5], "Multi-threaded Debugging

    Techniques" [6], "Detecting Potential Deadlocks" [7].

    Using specialized methods and tools solves the difficulties described. You may handle 64-bit code by

    using static analyzers, which work with the input program code and do not require its launch. An

    example is the Viva64 static code analyzer [8].

    To debug parallel systems you should pay attention to such tools as TotalView Debugger (TVD) [9].

    TotalView is the debugger for the C, C++ and Fortran languages, which works on Unix-compatible

    operating system and Mac OS X. It allows controlling execution threads, shows data of oneor all the

    threads, can synchronize the threads through breakpoints. It also supports parallel programs using MPI

    and OpenMP.

    Another interesting application for multithreaded analysis is Intel Threading Analysis Tools [10].

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    3.2. Using a logging system

    All the tools both mentioned and remaining undiscussed are surely useful and may be of great help

    while developing high-performance applications. But one shouldn't forget about such time-proved

    methodology as logging systems. Debugging via logging method hasn't become less urgent for several

    decades and still remains a good tool which we'll speak about in detail. The only change concerning

    logging systems is growing requirements applied to them. Let's try to list the properties a modern

    logging system should have for high-performance systems:

    y The code providing logging of data in the debug version must be absent in the release version ofa software product. Firstly, this is related to the increase of performance and decrease of the

    software product's size. Secondly, it doesn't allow using debugging information for cracking the

    application and other illegal actions.

    y The logging system's interfaces should be compact so that they do not overload the mainprogram code.

    y Data writing should be as fast as possible in order to bring minimal changes into timecharacteristics of parallel algorithms.

    y The output log should be understandable and analyzable. There should be a possibility to divideinformation gained from different threads and also to vary its specification level.

    A logging system which meets these requirements allows solving the task of debugging parallel

    algorithms and also to debug algorithms processing large data arrays.

    We won't give a particular example of a logging system's code in this article. It is hard to make such a

    system universal as it depends on the development environment very much, as well as the project's

    specificity, the developer's wishes and so on. Instead, we'll touch upon some technical solutions which

    will help you to create a convenient and effective logging system if you need it.

    The simplest way to perform logging is to use the function similar to printf as shown in the example:

    int x = 5, y = 10;


    printf("Coordinate = (%d, %d) \n", x, y);

    Its natural disadvantage is that the information will be shown both in the debugging mode and in the

    output product. That's why we have to change the code as follows:

    #ifdef DEBUG_MODE

    #define WriteLog printf


    #define WriteLog(a)


    WriteLog("Coordinate = (%d, %d) \n", x, y);

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    This is better. And pay attention that we use our own macro DEBUG_MODE instead of a standard macro

    _DEBUG to choose how the function WriteLog will be implemented. This allows including debug

    information into release versions that is important when debugging at large amount of data.

    Unfortunately, when compiling the non-debugging version in Visual C++ environment we get a warning

    message: "warning C4002: too many actual parameters for macro 'WriteLog'". We may turn this

    message off, but it is a bad style. We can rewrite the code as follows:

    #ifdef DEBUG_MODE

    #define WriteLog(a) printf a


    #define WriteLog(a)


    WriteLog(("Coordinate = (%d, %d) \n", x, y));

    This code is not smart because we have to use double parentheses and this is often forgotten. That'swhy let's bring some improvements:

    #ifdef DEBUG_MODE

    #define WriteLog printf


    inline int StubElepsisFunctionForLog(...) { return 0; }

    static class StubClassForLog {


    inline void operator =(size_t) {}


    inline StubClassForLog &operator =(const StubClassForLog &)

    { return *this; }

    } StubForLogObject;

    #define WriteLog \

    StubForLogObject = sizeof StubElepsisFunctionForLog


    WriteLog("Coordinate = (%d, %d) \n", x, y);

    This code looks complicated but it allows to write single brackets. When the DEBUG_MODE flag is

    turned off this code doesn't matter at all and you can safely use it in critical code fragments.

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    The next modification is to add parameters to the logging function. Let us add the specification level and

    information type. The specification level may be defined as a parameter, for example:

    enum E_LogVerbose {




    #ifdef DEBUG_MODE

    void WriteLog(E_LogVerbose,

    const char *strFormat, ...)







    WriteLog (Full, "Coordinate = (%d, %d) \n", x, y);

    This is convenient because you can decide whether to filter unimportant messages or not after the

    program's shutdown using a special utility. The disadvantage of this method is that all the information is

    shown - both important and unimportant, and this may affect the productivity badly. That's why you

    may create several functions of the WriteLogMain, WriteLogFull type and so on, whose implementation

    will depend on the mode of the program's building.

    We mentioned that the writing of the debugging information must not affect the speed of the

    algorithm's execution too much. We can reach this by creating a system for gathering messages, which

    are written in the thread executed simultaneously. The outline of this mechanism is shown on figure 2.

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    Figure 2. Logging system with the lazy write algorithm.

    As you can see from the figure the next data portion is written into an intermediate array with strings of

    fixed length. The fixed size of the array and its strings allows excluding expensive memory allocation

    operations. This doesn't reduce the possibilities of this system at all. You can just select the strings'

    length and the array's size with spare. For example, 5000 strings of 4000 symbols will be enough for

    debugging nearly any system. And memory size of 20 MB which is necessary for that is not critical for

    modern systems, I think you'll agree with me. But if the array's overflow occurs anyway, it's easy to

    provide a mechanism for anticipatory writing of the information into a file.


    he described mechanism provides practically instant execution of the WriteLog function. If there areoffloaded processor's cores in the system the writing into the file will be practically transparent for the

    main program code.

    The advantage of the described system is that it can function without changes while debugging the

    parallel program, when several threads are being written into the log simultaneously. You need just to

    add a process identifier so that you can know later from what threads the messages were received (see

    figure 3).

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    Figure 3. Logging system for multithread applications debugging.

    The last improvement we'd like to suggest is showing the level of nesting of messages at the moment of

    functions' call or the beginning of a logical block. This can be easily organized by using a special class

    that writes an identifier of a block's beginning into the log in the constructor, and an identifier of the

    block's end in the destructor. Let's try showing this on an example.

    Program code:

    class NewLevel {


    NewLevel() { WriteLog("__BEGIN_LEVEL__ \n"); }

    ~NewLevel() { WriteLog("__END_LEVEL__ \n"); }


    #define NEW_LEVEL NewLevel tempLevelObject;

    void MyFoo() {

    WriteLog("Begin MyFoo()\n");

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    int x = 5, y = 10;

    printf("Coordinate = (%d, %d) \n", x, y);

    WriteLog("Begin Loop:\n");

    for (unsigned i = 0; i != 3; ++i)



    WriteLog("i=%u\n", i);



    Log's content:

    Begin MyFoo()


    Coordinate = (5, 10)

    Begin Loop:










    Coordinate = (5, 10)


    Log after transformation:

    Begin MyFoo()

    Coordinate = (5, 10)

    Begin Loop:

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    Coordinate = (5, 10)

    I think that's all for this topic. We'd like to mention at last that the article "Logging In C++" [11] may beof use for you too. We wish you successful debugging.

    4. Using correct data types from the 64-bit technologies viewpoint

    Using base data types corresponding to the hardware platform in C/C++ languages is an important point

    of creating quality and high-performance program solutions. With the appearance of 64-bit systems new

    data models have been used - LLP64, LP64, ILP64 (see table 1) and this changes the rules and

    recommendations concerning the use of base data types. Such types are int, unsigned, long, unsigned

    long, ptrdiff_t, size_t and pointers. Unfortunately, there are practically no popular literature and articles

    which touch upon the problems of choosing types. And those sources which do, for example "Software

    Optimization Guide for AMD64 Processors" [12], are seldom read by application developers.

    The urgency of correct choice of base types for processing data is determined by two important causes:

    the correctness of the code execution and its efficiency.

    Due to the historical development the base and the most often used integer type in C and C++ languages

    is int or unsigned int. It is accepted to consider the int type the most optimal as its size coincides with

    the length of the processor's computer word.

    The computer word is a group of RAM bits taken by the processor at one call (or processed by it as a

    single group) and usually contains 16, 32 or 64 bits.

    The tradition to make the int type size equal to the computer word has been seldom broken until

    recently. On 16-bit processors int consisted of 16 bits. On 32-bit processors it is 32 bits. Of course, there

    existed other correlations between int-size and the computer word's size but they were used seldom

    and are not of interest for us now.

    We are interested in that fact that with the appearance of 64-bit processors the size of int type

    remained 32-bits in most systems. Int type has 32-bit size in the LLP64 and LP64 data models, which are

    used in 64-bit Windows operating system and most Unix systems (Linux, Solaris, SGI Irix, HP UX 11).

    It is a bad decision to leave the int type size equal to 32 bits due to many reasons, but it is really a

    reasonable way to choose the lesser of two evils. First of all, it is related to the problems of providing

    backward compatibility. To learn more about the reasons of this choice you may read the "Why did theWin64 team choose the LLP64 model?" blog [13] and the "64-Bit Programming Models: Why LP64?"

    article [14].

    For developers of 64-bit applications all said above is the reason to follow two new recommendations in

    the process of software development.

    Recommendation 1. Use the ptrdiff_t and size_t types for loop counters and pointers arithmetic instead

    of the int and unsigned types.

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    Recommendation 2. Use the ptrdiff_t and size_t types for indexing in arrays instead of the int and

    unsigned types.

    In other words you should use 64-bit data types in a 64-bit system whenever possible. Therefore you

    shouldn't use constructions like:

    for (int i = 0; i != n; i++)

    array[i] = 0.0;

    Yes, this is a canonical code example. Yes, it is included in many programs. Yes, with this learning the C

    and C++ languages begins. But it is recommended not to use it anymore. Use either an iterator or the

    ptdriff_t and size_t data types as it is shown in the improved example:

    for (size_t i = 0; i != n; i++)

    array[i] = 0.0;

    Developers of Unix applications may notice that the practice of using long type for counters and

    indexing arrays has appeared long ago. Long type is 64-bit in 64-bit Unix systems and it looks smarter

    than ptdriff_t or size_t. Yes, it's true but we should keep in mind two important points.

    1) long type's size remained 32-bit in 64-bit Windows operating system (see table 1). Therefore it cannot

    be used instead of the ptrdiff_t and size_t types.

    2) Using the long and unsigned long types causes a lot of troubles for developers of cross-platform

    applications for Windows and Linux systems. Long type has different sizes in these systems and only

    complicates the situation. It's better to stick to types, which have the same size in 32-bit and 64-bit

    Windows and Linux systems.

    Now let's explain why we are so insistent asking you to use the ptrdiff_t/size_t type instead of the usual

    int/unsigned type on an example.

    We'll begin with an example illustrating the typical error of using unsigned type for loop counter in 64-

    bit code. We have already described a similar example before but let's see it once again as this error is


    size_t Count = BigValue;

    for (unsigned Index = 0; Index != Count; ++Index)

    { ... }

    This code is typical and its variants can be met in many programs. It is executed correctly in 32-bit

    systems where the value ofCount variable cannot exceed SIZE_MAX (which is equal to UINT_MAX in a

    32-bit system). In a 64-bit system the range of possible values for Count may be extended and in this

    case when Count > UINT_MAX, an eternal loop occurs. The proper correction of this code is to use the

    size_t type instead of unsigned.

    The next example shows incorrect using of the int type for indexing large arrays:

    double *BigArray;

    int Index = 0;

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    while (...)

    BigArray[Index++] = 3.14f;

    This code doesn't seem suspicious to an application developer accustomed to the practice of using

    variables of the int or unsigned types as arrays' indexes. Unfortunately, this code won't work in a 64-bit

    system if the size of the processed BigArray array becomes more than four billion items. In this case an

    overflow of Index variable will occur and the result of the program's work will be incorrect (not theentire array will be filled). Again, the correction of the code is to use the ptrdiff_t or size_t types for


    As the last example we'd like to demonstrate the potential danger of mixed usage of 32-bit and 64-bit

    types, which you should avoid whenever possible. Unfortunately, few developers think about the

    consequences of inaccurate mixed arithmetic and the next example is absolutely unexpected for many

    (the results are received using Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 at 64-bit compilation mode):

    int x = 100000;

    int y = 100000;

    int z = 100000;

    intptr_t size = 1; // Result:

    intptr_t v1 = x * y * z; // -1530494976

    intptr_t v2 = intptr_t(x) * y * z; // 1000000000000000

    intptr_t v3 = x * y * intptr_t(z); // 141006540800000

    intptr_t v4 = size * x * y * z; // 1000000000000000

    intptr_t v5 = x * y * z * size; // -1530494976

    intptr_t v6 = size * (x * y * z); // -1530494976

    intptr_t v7 = size * (x * y) * z; // 141006540800000

    intptr_t v8 = ((size * x) * y) * z; // 1000000000000000

    intptr_t v9 = size * (x * (y * z)); // -1530494976

    We want you to pay attention that expression of "intptr_t v2 = intptr_t(x) * y * z;" type doesn't

    guarantee the correct result at all. It guarantees only that expression "intptr_t(x) * y * z" will have

    intptr_t type. The article "20 issues of porting C++ code on the 64-bit platform" [4] will help you to learn

    more about this problem.

    Now let's look at the example demonstrating the advantages of using the ptrdiff_t and size_t types from

    the viewpoint of productivity. For demonstration we'll take a simple algorithm of the minimal length of a

    path in the labyrinth calculation. You may see the whole code of the program here:

    In this article we place only the text of the FindMinPath32 and FindMinPath64 functions. Both these

    functions calculate the length of the minimal path between two points in a labyrinth. The rest of the

    code is not of interest for us now.

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    typedef char FieldCell;

    #define FREE_CELL 1

    #define BARRIER_CELL 2


    unsigned FindMinPath32(FieldCell (*field)[ArrayHeight_32],

    unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned bestPathLen,

    unsigned currentPathLen) {


    if (currentPathLen >= bestPathLen)

    return UINT_MAX;

    if (x == FinishX_32 && y == FinishY_32)

    return currentPathLen;

    FieldCell oldState = field[x][y];

    field[x][y] = TRAVERSED_PATH_CELL;

    unsigned len = UINT_MAX;

    if (x > 0 && field[x - 1][y] == FREE_CELL) {

    unsigned reslen =

    FindMinPath32(field, x - 1, y, bestPathLen, currentPathLen);

    len = min(reslen, len);


    if (x < ArrayWidth_32 - 1 && field[x + 1][y] == FREE_CELL) {

    unsigned reslen =

    FindMinPath32(field, x + 1, y, bestPathLen, currentPathLen);

    len = min(reslen, len);


    if (y > 0 && field[x][y - 1] == FREE_CELL) {

    unsigned reslen =

    FindMinPath32(field, x, y - 1, bestPathLen, currentPathLen);

    len = min(reslen, len);


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    if (y < ArrayHeight_32 - 1 && field[x][y + 1] == FREE_CELL) {

    unsigned reslen =

    FindMinPath32(field, x, y + 1, bestPathLen, currentPathLen);

    len = min(reslen, len);


    field[x][y] = oldState;

    if (len >= bestPathLen)

    return UINT_MAX;

    return len;


    size_t FindMinPath64(FieldCell (*field)[ ArrayHeight_64],

    size_t x, size_t y, size_t bestPathLen, size_t

    currentPathLen) {


    if (currentPathLen >= bestPathLen)

    return SIZE_MAX;

    if (x == FinishX_64 && y == FinishY_64)

    return currentPathLen;

    FieldCell oldState = field[x][y];

    field[x][y] = TRAVERSED_PATH_CELL;

    size_t len = SIZE_MAX;

    if (x > 0 && field[x - 1][y] == FREE_CELL) {

    size_t reslen =

    FindMinPath64(field, x - 1, y, bestPathLen, currentPathLen);

    len = min(reslen, len);


    if (x < ArrayWidth_64 - 1 && field[x + 1][y] == FREE_CELL) {

    size_t reslen =

    FindMinPath64(field, x + 1, y, bestPathLen, currentPathLen);

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    len = min(reslen, len);


    if (y > 0 && field[x][y - 1] == FREE_CELL) {

    size_t reslen =

    FindMinPath64(field, x, y - 1, bestPathLen, currentPathLen);

    len = min(reslen, len);


    if (y < ArrayHeight_64 - 1 && field[x][y + 1] == FREE_CELL) {

    size_t reslen =

    FindMinPath64(field, x, y + 1, bestPathLen , currentPathLen);

    len = min(reslen, len);


    field[x][y] = oldState;

    if (len >= bestPathLen)

    return SIZE_MAX;

    return len;


    The FindMinPath32 function is written in classic 32-bit style using unsigned types. FindMinPath64

    function differs from it only in that all the unsigned types in it are replaced by the size_t type. There are

    no other differences! I think you'll agree that this is an easy modification of the program. And now let's

    compare the execution speeds of these two functions (see table 2).

    Mode and function. Function's execution time

    1 32-bit compilation mode. Function FindMinPath32 1

    2 32-bit compilation mode. Function FindMinPath64 1.002

    3 64-bit compilation mode. Function FindMinPath32 0.93

    4 64-bit compilation mode. Function FindMinPath64 0.85

    Table 2. Execution time of the FindMinPath32 andFindMinPath64 functions.

    Table 2 shows the time relative to the FindMinPath32 function's execution speed in a 32-bit system. This

    is made for more clearness.

    In the first line the work time of FindMinPath32 function in a 32-bit system is 1. It is because we take its

    work time for a unit of measure.

    In the second line we see that FindMinPath64 function's work time in a 32-bit system is 1 too. This is not

    surprising because unsigned type coincides with size_t type in a 32-bit system and there is no difference

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    between FindMinPath32 and FindMinPath64 functions. Some deviation (1.002) means only a little time

    calculation error.

    In the third line we see 7% productivity increase. This is an expected result of the code recompilation for

    a 64-bit system.

    The fourth line is the most interesting. Productivity increase is 15% here. This means that the simple use

    of the size_t type instead of unsigned allows the compiler to construct more efficient code working 8%faster!

    It is a simple and clear example of how the use of data not equal to the computer word's size decreases

    the algorithms productivity. Simple replacement of the int and unsigned types with ptrdiff_t and size_t

    may give a great productivity increase. First of all this concerns usage of these data types for indexing

    arrays, pointer arithmetic and organization of loops.

    We hope that having read all said above you will think if you should continue to write:

    for (int i = 0; i !=n; i++)

    array[i] = 0.0;

    Developers of Windows applications may take into consideration the Viva64 static code analyzer [8] to

    automate the errors search in 64-bit code. Firstly, its usage will help to find most errors. Secondly, while

    developing programs under its control you will use 32-bit variables more seldom, avoid mixed arithmetic

    with 32-bit and 64-bit data types that will at once increase productivity of your code. Developers of Unix

    application should take a look at the Gimpel Software PC-Lint [15] and Parasoft C++test [16] static

    analyzers. They can diagnose some 64-bit errors in the code with LP64 data model, which is used in most


    To learn more about the problems of developing quality and efficient 64-bit code you may read the

    following articles: "Problems of testing 64-bit applications" [17], "24 Considerations for Moving Your

    Application to a 64-bit Platform" [18], "Porting and Optimizing Multimedia Codecs for AMD64

    architecture on Microsoft Windows" [19], "Porting and Optimizing Applications on 64-bit Windows for

    AMD64 Architecture" [20].

    5. Additional ways of increasing productivity of program systems

    In the last part of this article we'd like to touch upon some more technologies, which may be useful for

    you while developing resource-intensive program solutions.

    5.1. Intrinsic functions

    Intrinsic functions are special system-dependent functions, which execute actions impossible to beexecuted on the level ofC/C++ code or which execute these actions much more efficiently. As the

    matter of fact they allow you to avoid using inline assembler because it is often impossible or


    Programs may use intrinsic functions for creating faster code due to the absence of overhead costs on

    the call of a usual function. In this case, of course, the code's size will be a bit larger. The list of functions

    which may be replaced with their intrinsic versions is given in the MSDN Library. For example, these

    functions are memcpy, strcmp, etc.

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    There is a special option, "/Oi" in Microsoft Visual C++ compiler. This option allows you to replace calls

    of some functions with intrinsic analogs automatically.

    Besides automatic replacement of functions with their intrinsic analogs we can explicitly use intrinsic

    functions in code. This feature may be used due to the following reasons:

    y Inline assembler code is not supported by Visual C++ compiler in 64-bit mode, while intrinsiccode is.

    y Intrinsic functions are simpler to use as they don't require the knowledge of registers and othersimilar low-level constructions.

    y Intrinsic functions are updated by compilers, while assembler code has to be updated manually.y Built-it optimizer doesn't work with assembler code, that's why you have to use external

    assembler modules, while intrinsic code doesn't need this.

    y Intrinsic code is easier to port than assembler code.y Using intrinsic functions in automatic mode (with the help of the compiler's key) you can get

    some increase of productivity, and "manual" mode will give you even more.That's why the

    usage of intrinsic functions is reasonable.

    y To learn more about intrinsic functions you may see the Visual


    ++ team's blog [21].

    5.2. Data packing and alignment

    Nowadays data alignment doesn't affect the code productivity so greatly as it did 10 years ago. But

    sometimes you can get a little profit in this sphere too, saving some memory and productivity.

    Let's take a look at an example:

    struct foo_original {int a; void *b; int c; };

    This structure occupies 12 bytes in 32-bit mode but in 64-bit mode it takes 24 bytes. In order to make

    this structure take prescribed 16 bytes in 64-bit mode you should change the order of fields:

    struct foo_new { void *b; in t a; int c; };

    In some cases it is useful to help the compiler explicitly by defining the alignment manually in order to

    increase productivity. For example, SSE data should be aligned at the border of 16 bytes. You can do this

    in the following way:

    // 16-byte aligned data

    __declspec(align(16)) double init_val [3.14, 3.14];

    // SSE2 movapd instruction

    _m128d vector_var = __mm_load_pd(init_val);

    The "Porting and Optimizing Multimedia Codecs for AMD64 architecture on Microsoft Windows" [19]

    and "Porting and Optimizing Applications on 64-bit Windows for AMD64 Architecture" [20] sources

    contain detailed review of these problems.

    5.3. Files mapped into memory

    With the appearance of 64-bit systems the technology of mapping files into memory became more

    attractive because the data access window increased its size. It may be a very good addition for some

    applications. Don't forget about it.

  • 8/6/2019 Development of resource-intensive applications in Visual C++


    Memory mapping of files is becoming less useful with 32-bit architectures, especially with the

    introduction of relatively cheap recordable DVD technology. A 4 Gb file is no longer uncommon, and

    such large files cannot be memory mapped easily on 32-bit architectures. Only a region of the file can be

    mapped into memory and such regions will have to be mapped into and out of memory in order to

    access such a file via memory mapping. On 64-bit versions of Windows you have much larger address

    space, so you may map the entire file at once.

    5.4. The __restrict keyword

    One of the most serious problems for a compiler is aliasing. When a program source code contains

    memory read/write operations it is often impossible to find out whether more than one identifier refers

    to a certain memory space, i.e. whether more than one identifier can be a "synonym" for one and the

    same memory space. That's why the compiler should be very careful inside a loop in which memory is

    both read and written while storing data in registers and not in memory. This insufficient usage of

    registers may influence the performance greatly.

    The __restrict keyword is used to make it easier for the compiler to make a decision. It "tells" the

    compiler to use registers widely.

    The __restrict keyword makes the compiler not to consider the marked pointers to be aliased, i.e.

    referring to the same memory area. In this case the compiler can provide more efficient optimization.

    Let's take a look at the following example:

    int * __restrict a;

    int *b, *c;

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)


    *a += *b++ - *c++ ; // no aliases exist


    In this code the compiler can safely keep the sum in the register related to variable "a" avoiding writing

    into memory. MSDN Library is a good source of information about the __restrict keyword.

    5.5. SSE instructions

    Applications executed on 64-bit processors (regardless of the mode) will work more efficiently if the SSE

    instructions are used in them instead of MMX/3DNow. This behavior is related to the capacity of

    processed data. SSE/SSE2 instructions operate with 128-bit data, while MMX/3DNow work only with 64-

    bit data. That's why it is better to rewrite the code which uses MMX/3DNow so that it will use SSE


    We won't dwell upon SSE-constructions in this article. The readers who may be interested in this topic

    can read the documentation written by processor architecture developers.

    5.6. Some specific rules of language constructions usage

    64-bit architecture gives new opportunities for optimizing a programming language on the level of

    separate operators. These are the methods (which have become traditional already) of "rewriting"

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    pieces of a program to make the compiler optimize them better. Of course, we cannot recommend

    these methods for mass usage but it may be useful to learn about them.

    On the first place of the entire list of these optimizations is manual unrolling of loops. The idea of this

    method is shown in the example:

    double a[100], sum, sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4;

    sum = sum1 = sum2 = sum3 = sum4 = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; I += 4)


    sum1 += a[i];

    sum2 += a[i+1];

    sum3 += a[i+2];

    sum4 += a[i+3];


    sum = sum1 + sum2 + sum3 + sum4;

    In many cases the compiler can unroll the loop to this form (see the description of the /fp:fast key for

    Visual C++) but not always.

    Another syntax optimization is the use of array notation instead of pointer one.

    A lot of such methods are described in the "Software Optimization Guide for AMD64 Processors" article



    Though you'll have to face many difficulties while creating program systems using hardware abilities of

    modern computers efficiently, it is worthwhile. Parallel 64-bit systems provide new possibilities for

    developing real, scalable solutions. They allow to expand the abilities of modern data processing

    software tools, such as games, CAD-systems or pattern recognition. We wish you good luck in creating

    new technologies!


    1. Herb Sutter. The Free Lunch Is Over. A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software.

    2. Stresses of multitask work: how to fight them. Andrey Karpov. Forgotten problems of developing 64-bit programs.4. Andrey Karpov, Evgeniy Ryzhkov. 20 issues of porting C++ code on the 64-bit platform.

  • 8/6/2019 Development of resource-intensive applications in Visual C++


    6. V.V. Samofalov, A.V.Konovalon. Program debugging technology for machines with massparallelism//"Issues of atomic science and technology" Series "Mathematical modeling of

    physical processes". 1996. Issue 4. pp. 52-56.

    7. Shameem Akhter and Jason Roberts. Multi-threaded Debugging Techniques // Dr. Dobb'sJournal, April 23, 2007,

    8. Tomer Abramson. Detecting Potential Deadlocks // Dr. Dobb's Journal, January 01, 2006,

    9. Viva64 Tool Overview. TotalView Debugger (TVD). Intel Threading Analysis Tools. Marginean. Logging In C++ // Dr. Dobb's Journal, September 05, 2007,

    13.Software Optimization Guide for AMD64 Processors. "The Old New Thing": "Why did the Win64 team choose the LLP64 model?".

    15."64-Bit Programming Models: Why LP64?" Software PC-Lint. http://www.gimpel.com17.Parasoft C++test. http://www.parasoft.com18.Andrey Karpov. Problems of testing 64-bit applications.19. Paul Mueller. 24 Considerations for Moving Your Application to a 64-bit Platform.

    21.Harsha Jaquasia. Porting and Optimizing Multimedia Codecs for AMD64 architecture onMicrosoft Windows.

    22.Mike Wall. Porting and Optimizing Applications on 64-bit Windows for AMD64 Architecture.

    23.Dylan Birtolo. Visual C++ Team Blog: New Intrinsic Support in Visual Studio 2008.