Download - DEVELOPING LEADERS TO BE CATALYSTS FOR that the 2016 Fairley Leadership Program Graduates will be the catalyst for change.

Page 1: DEVELOPING LEADERS TO BE CATALYSTS FOR that the 2016 Fairley Leadership Program Graduates will be the catalyst for change.



Page 2: DEVELOPING LEADERS TO BE CATALYSTS FOR that the 2016 Fairley Leadership Program Graduates will be the catalyst for change.

VISIONOur vision is to develop leaders to be catalysts for positive change in the Goulburn Murray community.

OBJECTIVESThe Fairley Leadership Program encourages the development of a vigorous network of community leaders by:

• offering emerging leaders an intensive annual program that explores the major issues and opportunities for the Goulburn Murray region;

• providing an environment where emerging leaders from the business, government, cultural, community and agricultural sectors can develop links and understanding;

• enabling emerging leaders to meet and learn from existing leaders; and

• combining emerging and existing leaders as a continuing resource of skills and influence to further enrich the community.








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When this program started 20 years ago, we were just getting used to email and the Smartphone was a decade away. The world changed irrevocably with 9/11 and its aftermath; then came the Global Financial Crisis and the rise of popularism as many citizens in the developed world felt bewildered by the impacts of globalisation.

Our own regional community changed too: the millennium drought, poor commodity prices and a high dollar conspired against our farmers and the agribusiness community – impacts compounded by a massive shift of water from consumptive use to the environment.

In our cities and towns, entrenched disadvantage and drug use emerged as vexing social problems and we witnessed our own versions of popularism in local government.

How would we have managed these challenges without Fairley Leadership? With 500 Fairley Fellows embedded in every sector of our community? And each of those 500 Fellows with a deep understanding of what makes our community tick and thrive.

The links our Fellows – not to mention our board members and our distinguished line of Executive Directors – have made in state and federal politics and agencies have proven most beneficial; through their networks and relationships with local government, “Committees For” and various community projects, our ability to get good things done has never been greater.

It was a thrill to have all seven of our Executive Directors at our 20-year celebration in September – they should all be very proud of the impact of Fairley Leadership. Their contribution has been fundamental to the program’s success.

I particularly congratulate our retiring Chief Executive Officer, Amanda McClaren, on her election as a Strathbogie Shire Councillor and wish her well for the next stage of her leadership journey.

Ross McPhersonPatron

The Andrews Government is strongly committed to developing future leaders in rural and regional Victoria.

Communities in regional Victoria face unique social and economic challenges. Maximising and creating opportunities to address these challenges is something that will take leadership and dedication.

The Andrews Government is strongly committed to developing future leaders in rural and regional Victoria and has provided $8 million over four years for the Regional Community Leadership Program to address these challenges and opportunities.

The development of regional community and business leaders is vital to the success of regional Victoria. Through its leadership programs, short courses and networking opportunities, the Fairley Leadership Program fosters the development of a vibrant network of community and business leaders in the Goulburn Murray Region of Victoria.

The Fairley Leadership Program benefits individual participants by providing them with skills, knowledge and self-confidence to actively engage in local and wider communities. The Fairley Leadership Program also benefits local communities more broadly by improving their capacity to recognise, prioritise and drive regional change.

Congratulations Goulburn Murray Community Leadership’s flagship Fairley Leadership Program on celebrating 20 years in 2016 and this year’s graduates who join an alumni in excess of 500 across the region.

Well done to you all for advancing the capacity building of your Leadership Network through the delivery of a range of short courses and leadership skills workshops over and above the annual program.

Hon Jaala Pulford MPMinister for Regional Development


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This year marks the 20th year of the Fairley Leadership Program, a significant milestone for our region.  The Goulburn Murray region has had the benefit of 20 years of skills, relationships and inspired leadership as a result of each year’s cohort of Fairley Leadership Program graduates, and the ripples that flow from their example.

We may ask ourselves; why do some regions prosper and some fade away? Obviously the resources and wealth play a part, but the attitude and ability of the people is a key. The Fairley Leadership Program is a commitment by the community to develop our people to ensure the prosperity of the region, but to also make sure that the whole community is able to participate in that prosperity.

I would like to express my appreciation to the Goulburn Murray Community Leadership (GMCL) Board for their continued support. In 2016, we welcomed Anna McIntosh and Dean O’Hara to the board, and they have already made a significant contribution to the organisation. Mary-Jane Taylor has been on the Board since 2010 and is resigning at the end of this year. I sincerely thank Mary-Jane for her years of service and commitment to GMCL, and wish her well in the future. Former Board members; Glenn Bewicke and Lynne McGregor-Carroll resigned from the board at the start of 2016, after having made an important contribution to the strategic direction of the organisation, Glenn during the ten years as a GMCL Board member and in his capacity as Chair from 2011 to 2014.

Our GMCL CEO, Amanda McClaren, is leaving at the end of 2016. Amanda was appointed Executive Director in 2012 and has seen the organisation through a great period of development and change. Amanda leaves the organisation in a much better position, able to take advantage of the opportunities for regional leadership into the future. I congratulate her on her recent election to the Strathbogie Shire council and wish her well for the next stage in her leadership journey.

I recognise and thank both Tracey Creighton for her tireless work as Executive Assistant during the year and Anthony Brophy as our Program Facilitator has once again facilitated a thought-provoking and engaging Fairley Leadership Program.

I congratulate the Fairley Leadership Program 2016 graduates and I look forward to seeing where your leadership journey takes you. We have a fantastic community, but also many challenges, and we need your skills, commitment and passion in order to continue our prosperity into the future.

Sam BirrellChair


Sam Birrell (FF’13) Chair

Anna McIntosh Treasurer

Jacinta Russell (FF’14)

Chris Hazelman

Chris Norman (FF’01)Deputy Chair

We also acknowledge the contribution of Glenn Bewicke (FF’05), Joanne McGregor (FF’08) and Lynne McGregor-Carroll (FF’12), our retiring Board Members in 2016.

Dean O’Hara (FF’15)

Mary-Jane Taylor(FF’09)

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It has been an honour and privilege to have been able to join participants on their Fairley Leadership Program journey throughout 2016 as their Program Facilitator.

The 2016 Program year has been an outstanding year by any measure and to facilitate 26 incredible participants who were eager and willing to contribute and be challenged by all the experiences the program has to offer has been enormously rewarding. Each one of them are leaders in their own right and they have demonstrated a common thread that leadership at any level requires both passion and vision.

This year’s group are drawn from all parts of our region and are represented by various professions, such as accounting, health care, the dairy and sheep industries, water, education, engineering, Local Government, legal services, I.T., the environment and the trades.

The cohort were challenged professionally and at times personally and as a group of 26 individuals they supported each other to form an indelible bound.

During the year the Program visited the townships and localities of Shepparton, Mooroopna, Rubicon, Violet Town, Seymour, Tatura, Echuca, Benalla, Dookie, Nagambie and Ardmona. All up the Program included a launch, two retreats, fifteen seminar days and study tours to both Canberra and Melbourne.

Reading through this yearbook you will gain a sense of the leadership journey undertaken this year through both the participant profiles and the program outline. The Program has exposed participants to different styles of leadership and along the way helped develop their leadership skills, expanded their leadership networks and increased their knowledge of our Goulburn Murray Region.

The Fairley Leadership Program is enormously grateful to the guest speakers we have had throughout the year. Many donate their time, energy and expertise to help develop our community leaders, as do our wonderful program hosts, who generously offer their facilities and provide catering for the Program. Thank you for your ongoing support.

The Program and indeed the journey is different for everyone and it has been an incredible honour to be present and to see the Graduates grow not only as a cohort but as people and as leaders. I have no doubt that the 2016 Fairley Leadership Program Graduates will be the catalyst for change.

Finally, and sincerely, I would like to wish the 2016 Fairley Leadership Program Graduates every success for the future and their continued growth as community leaders.

Anthony BrophyProgram Facilitator

Regional leadership development is key to the future prosperity of our Goulburn Murray Region. For twenty years, since its inception in 1997, the Fairley Leadership Program has produced over 500 Graduates that contribute positively to the Goulburn Murray Region.

The success and longevity of the Fairley Leadership Program is due to the commitment and passion of all involved in the Program; from the foresight and dedication of Ross McPherson and his peers in developing the Program, to the commitment of the participants, the generosity of the sponsors, guest speakers and hosts, to the passionate committed volunteer board of management and our small hard-working professional team of staff, that Goulburn Murray Community Leadership continues to successfully develop leaders as catalysts for positive change in the Goulburn Murray Region.

Goulburn Murray Community Leadership is indebted to the guest speakers of the Fairley Leadership Program, who donate their time, energy and expertise to help develop our community leaders.

To our hosts, who generously offer their facilities and provide catering for the Fairley Leadership Program Seminar Days, I would like to express our gratitude to you for your ongoing support. Without your support the Fairley Leadership Program would not have had the longevity of the last twenty years.

We are grateful to the Victorian Government for its commitment to regional community leadership development through Regional Development Victoria’s Regional Community Leadership Program and to our many regional partners and scholarship providers whose support helps us deliver the Fairley Leadership Program to a diverse cohort of community leaders.

The Fairley Leadership Program is one of ten regional community leadership programs around Victoria supported by the Victorian Regional Community Leadership Programs (VRCLP) Secretariat. The VRCLP has been pivotal in encouraging a greater level of collaboration and partnership in community leadership across Regional Victoria.

As a graduate of the Program myself, I am about to embark on the next stage of my leadership journey as a Councillor for Strathbogie Shire. I feel honoured to have had the opportunity to work with this organisation from all perspectives - guest speaker, participant, graduate, Board member, facilitator, Executive Director and CEO.

There are so many people who have helped me in this role over the past four years and I am sincerely grateful for all the support I have received. I give my sincere thanks to my dedicated and professional staff Tracey Creighton and Anthony Brophy who have been a pleasure to work with over the past four years.

I am passionate about community leadership and extremely proud of the strength of Goulburn Murray Community Leadership at the twenty-year point and I wish Goulburn Murray Community Leadership and the Fairley Leadership Program longevity and success into the future.

My congratulations to our 2016 Fairley Leadership Program Graduates, we look forward to seeing your positive impact on our Goulburn Murray Region for years to come.

Amanda McClarenCEO


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LAUNCH Date Wednesday 3rd February 2016

Venue Shire of Campaspe, Echuca Civic Centre

Sponsor Shire of Campaspe

Speakers Amanda McClaren (FF’11), CEO Goulburn Murray Community Leadership Program

Cr Leigh Wilson, Mayor, Shire of Campaspe

Michael Delahunty, CEO, Echuca Regional Health

Sam Birrell (FF’13), Chair, Goulburn Murray Community Leadership Program

Anthony Brophy (FF’01), Program Facilitator, Fairley Leadership Program

OPENING RETREAT Dates Friday 5th to Sunday 7th February 2016

Venue Camp Jungai, Rubicon, Victoria

Speakers Chris Kotur, Leadership Victoria’s Leader in Residence

Sam Birrell (FF’13), Chair, Goulburn Murray Community Leadership Program

Ross McPherson, Patron, Fairley Leadership Program

Tours / Workshops Indigenous story telling with Shawn Andrews, Managing Director Indigicate Indigenous Education Provider

THE MEDIA Date Wednesday 17th February 2016

Venue & Sponsor Shepparton News

Speakers Sueanne McCumstie (FF’10), Bureau Chief, WIN News

Don Kilgour, Voice Works

Geoff Adams (FF’00), Editor, Country News

Warwick Long (FF’09), Rural Reporter, ABC Goulburn Murray

Will Kendrew, Producer, ABC Goulburn Murray

LITTLE TOWN, BIG IDEAS Date Wednesday 2nd March 2016

Venues Violet Town Community Centre; Violet Town Men’s Shed; Violet Town Football Clubrooms

Sponsor Violet Town Action Group

Speakers Howard Myers (FF’08), Violet Town Action Group

David Arnold, Community Member - Retrofitting a community building to be sustainable into the future

Kate Stothers, Community Member - Violet Town Community Market

Lance Williams, Community Member - Honeysuckle Recreational Environment Project

Cr Patrick Storer (FF’11), Shire of Strathbogie, local Police Officer and Member of Lions Club

Tours / Workshops Visit to the Men’s Shed, Violet Town

Tour of Violet Town community projects

Shared lunch at the Violet Town Community Pizza Oven

HEALTH & WELLBEING Date Wednesday 16th March 2016

Venues Victoria Lake, Shepparton; GV Health; Department of Rural Health, The University of Melbourne

Sponsors GV Health; Department of Rural Health, The University of Melbourne; VicHealth

Speakers Ben Demase, Physiotherapist, Goulburn Valley

Physiotherapy Centre

Jess Orr (FF’15), Health Promotion Coordinator, GV Health

Craig Potter, Life Coaching

Gregory Munro (FF’99), Naturopath, Natremed

Carmel Johnson, Director, GV Health Foundation

Angela McLeod, Relationships Manager, The University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health

Michelle Trudgen, Clinical Social Worker, ACT Curious

Steve Merrylees, GV Health Board Member

Tours / Workshops Maintaining a healthy body exercise program with Ben Demase

VicHealth Workshop - Next Steps

OUR REGION - OUR FUTURE Date Wednesday 13th April 2016

Venue The Seymour Racing Club, Seymour

Sponsors Fairley Leadership Program & Rivers and Ranges Community Leadership Program

Speakers Anthony Brophy (FF’01), Program Facilitator, Fairley Leadership Program & Lisa Linton, Program Manager, Rivers & Ranges Community Leadership Program

Kat Baddeley, CEO, VRCLP Secretariat

Nathan Mullane, Acting Regional Director, VicRoads

John Pettigrew, Environmental Farmers Network

David McKenzie, Chair, Committee for Greater Shepparton; Chair, North East Water

Wendy Jones, Executive Officer, Goulburn River Valley Tourism

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Matt Nelson, Regional Director - Hume, Regional Development Victoria

Tours / Workshops Guided tour of the Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Walk with Harry Souter, Mitchell Sub Branch - Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia

WATER AND OUR CATCHMENT Date Wednesday 4th May 2016

Venues Goulburn River, South Mooroopna; Goulburn-Murray Water, Tatura

Sponsor Goulburn-Murray Water

Speakers Simon Cassanelia & Mark Turner (FF’09), Environmental Water Flow Coordinators, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority

Chris Norman (FF’01), CEO, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority & Goulburn Murray Community Leadership Board Member

Tony Oakes, Director, Rubicon Water

Scott Barber, General Manager, Customer Operations, Goulburn-Murray Water

Peter Quinn, Managing Director, Goulburn Valley Water

Russell Pell (FF’01) & Lyndal Humphris (FF’15), Dairy Farmers

Tours / Workshops Site visit to banks of the Goulburn River

THE POWER OF ART Date Wednesday 18th May 2016

Venues Gallery Kaiela, Shepparton; Dookie Memorial Hall; Gladstone Hotel, Dookie; Benalla Art Gallery; North East Artisans, Benalla

Speakers Angie Russi (FF’15), Manager, Gallery Kaiela Inc.

Local artist Tank

Leiticia Harmer & Janie Christophersen - Dookie Earthed, Arts Festival

John Head, Writer and Producer, Shepparton Theatre Arts Group Production

Tim Schloss, President; Cornelia Selover, Artist; Carla Gardner, Secretary - North East Artisans, Benalla

Tours / Workshops Let the Creative Juices Flow - Workshop with Aboriginal artist Eric Brown at Gallery Kaiela Inc.

Walking tour around Shepparton CBD with local artist Tank

Benalla Art Gallery - Presentation and guided tour with Catherine Bennetts-Cash, Education and Public Programs Curator

North East Artisans, Benalla - Presentation and tour

EDUCATION, TRAINING & OUR YOUTH Date Wednesday 1st June 2016

Venue & Sponsor La Trobe University, Shepparton Campus

Speakers Susan Nalder, Campus Director, La Trobe University, Shepparton

Paul Culpan (FF’07), CEO, GOTAFE Shepparton

Secondary School Principals Panel - Ken Murray, Principal, Wanganui Secondary College, Shepparton; Phil Squire, Principal, Shepparton High School,

Shepparton; Matt Carver, Principal, St. Mary’s of the Angels, Nathalia

Lisa McKenzie (FF’97), Executive Officer, Lighthouse Project, Greater Shepparton

Matt Pfahlert, Founder, Australian Centre for Rural Entrepreneurship


Venues GOTAFE, Shepparton; Westside Performing Arts Centre, Mooroopna

Sponsors GOTAFE, Shepparton; Fairley Leadership Program, Committee for Greater Shepparton; Shepparton News

Speakers The Hon. Dr Sharman Stone, Federal Member for Murray

Duncan McGauchie, Liberal Candidate for Murray

Ian Christoe (FF’08), Greens Candidate for Murray

Alan Williams, ALP Candidate for Murray

Damian Drum, Nationals Candidate for Murray

Panel - Candidates for Murray: Fern Summer, Nigel Hicks, Andrew Bock & Diane Teasdale

Tours / Workshops Murray Candidates Forum at Westside Performing Arts Centre, Mooroopna

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CARE OF THE VULNERABLE Date Wednesday 13th July 2016

Venues Shepparton Villages; Shepparton Sport Stadium; Primary Care Connect, Shepparton

Sponsors Shepparton Villages; Primary Care Connect

Speakers Kerri Rivett, CEO, Shepparton Villages

David Harcoan (FF’10), Program Manager, Community Interlink, GV Health

Rebecca Dean (FF’15), CEO, Primary Care Connect

Daryl Sloan (FF’05), Regional Information and Advocacy Council (RIAC)

Trish Quibell (FF’14), former Deputy Director Berry Street

John Calleja, former Managing Director, Goulburn-Murray Water

Tours / Workshops Wheelchair basketball with Dean Pritchett, Access All Abilities Officer, Valley Sports

BUSINESS, TOURISM & DEVELOPMENT Date Wednesday 27th July 2016

Venues & Sponsors The Caledonian Hotel, Echuca; Port of Echuca Discovery Centre

Speakers Cr Leigh Wilson, Mayor, Shire of Campaspe

Kevin Simpson (FF’01), former Mayor, Shire of Campaspe

Tom Smith, CEO, Discovery Centre, Echuca

Phillip (Flip) Evans, Marketing and Inclusion Manager, Murray Human Services

David Cunningham (FF’03), Business Owner, The Caledonian Hotel, Echuca

Tours / Workshops Guided Tour of Port of Echuca Discovery Centre

CULTURAL DIVERSITY Date Wednesday 10th August 2016

Venues Philippine House, Shepparton International Village; Gurduara Sahib (Sikh Place of Worship), Shepparton; The Last Straw, Shepparton

Sponsors Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District Inc.; Philippine House, Shepparton; Gurduara Sahib (Sikh Place of Worship), Shepparton

Speakers Chris Hazelman, Manager, Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District Inc. & Goulburn Murray Community Leadership Board Member

Uncle Leon Saunders, Indigenous Elder

Thon Thon (FF’11), Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District Inc.

Azem Elmaz, Community Volunteer and owner of Luftiye’s Shish Kebab

Sam Atukorala (FF’14), Project Officer, Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District Inc.

Gurmeet Singh, President, Gurduara Sahib (Sikh Place of Worship)

John O’Donoghue, Owner, The Last Staw, Shepparton

Tours / Workshops Rumbalara Museum at Rumbalara Co-operative - Guided Tour with Uncle Leon Saunders, Indigenous Elder

Guru Nanak Sikh Temple - Guided Tour with Gurmeet Singh


Venues Primary Care Connect; J. Furphy & Sons Pty Ltd; Fryers Street Food Store

Speakers Lance Woodhouse OAM, Local Community Treasure

Adam Furphy, Managing Director, J. Furphy’s & Sons Pty Ltd

Jonathan McKeown (FF’14), Regional Manager, V/Line

Tours / Workshops Myers Briggs Workshop with Kate Pendergast

Tour of J. Furphy’s & Sons Pty Ltd

COMBINED LEADERS DAY - MELBOURNE Date Tuesday 13th September 2016

Venue Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne

Speakers Kat Baddeley, CEO, VRCLP Secretariat

Leigh Kennedy, Regional Director, Gippsland

Frank Kelloway, Partner, Deloitte Private Business Advisory & Dr. Daniel Terrill, Partner, Deloitte Access Economics

Jason Clarke, Mind Worker, Minds@Work

Helga Svendsen, Facilitator - Practical Advocacy & Practical Conversations

Tours / Workshops Informal gathering with Future Focus Group at The Mint, Melbourne

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MELBOURNE STUDY TOUR Dates Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th September 2016

Venues Parliament House, Melbourne; The Sentencing Advisory Council; The Comic’s Lounge; Victoria University, Flinders Street Campus, Melbourne

Sponsors V/Line; The Hon. Wendy Lovell MLC; Suzanna Sheed MP; Victoria University

Speakers Dianne Semmens, Director Health, Sport & Community Services, Victoria University

Chris Eddy (FF’01), CEO, Hobson Bay City Council

Ed Gannon, Editor, The Weekly Times

Grant Williams, AFL, Head of Community and International Development

The Hon. Wendy Lovell MLC (FF’97), Member for Northern Victoria

The Hon. Matthew Guy MP, Leader of the Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition

Suzanna Sheed MP, Member for Shepparton

The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP, Premier of Victoria Andrew Fairley AM, Chair, The Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation

The Hon. Peter Walsh, Leader of the Victorian National Party

Tours / Workshops ‘You be the Judge’ interactive session led by Chris Gill, Education and Online Engagement Coordinator, Sentencing Advisory Council Parliament of Victoria - Guided Tour

OUR LEADERS CANBERRA Dates Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th October 2016

Venues Australian War Memorial; National Press Club, Canberra; Parliament House, Canberra; National Archives of Australia; Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House; National Gallery of Australia; Government House; Royal Military College, Duntroon; The Floriade, Canberra

Sponsors The Hon. Damian Drum MP; His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (retd) & Lady Cosgrove, Government House; Royal Military College, Duntroon

Speakers Australian War Memorial, Gina Bowers, Tour Guide

The Hon. Damian Drum MP, Federal Member for Murray

Cathy McGowan AO MP, Federal Member for Indi

Mr Richard Hyett, Policy Advisor to The Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP, Deputy Prime Minister; Minister for Agriculture & Water Resources

Michael Dobbie, Assistant Adviser to The Hon. Darren Chester MP, Minister for Infrastructure & Transport

Sam Harma, Advisor to the Prime Minister’s Office

Bob Katter MP, Federal Member for Kennedy

Rex Patrick, Advisor at Office of Senator Nick Xenophon

Prime Minister The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP

Rob Harris, Senior Political Correspondent, Herald Sun

Panel Discussion: The Hon. Damian Drum MP; Mr Andrew Broad MP; Senator Bridget McKenzie

Kristian Nelson, Advisor to Derryn Hinch’s Office

Samantha Rutter, Acting Assistant Director, Learning

& Visitor Experience, National Archives of Australia

Louise Doyle, Assistant Director-General, National Archives of Australia

Kirsten Paisley, Deputy Director, National Gallery of Australia

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (retd). & Lady Cosgrove, Government House

Brigadier Wade Stothart

Colonel Craig Dobson

ALP Member, Mr Tim Watts MP, Member for Gellibrand & Liberal Member, Mr Tim Wilson MP, Member for Goldstein

Major Will Orgill & Captain Anthony Purdy, Royal Military College, Duntroon

Tours / Workshops The Australian War Memorial - Guided Tour and participation in the Last Post Ceremony

Parliament House - Guided Tour and viewing of Question Time in the House of Representatives

National Archives of Australia - Guided Tour

Afternoon Tea with His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (retd). & Lady Cosgrove, Government House

Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House - Guided Tour and Cabinet-in-Confidence session

National Gallery of Australia - Guided Tour

Royal Military College, Duntroon - Guided Tour

National Press Club - Networking Dinner with Leadership Victoria, Leaders for Geelong and Leadership Ballarat and Western Region

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Bus tour - Mount Ainslie Lookout

Bus tour - Foreign Embassy’s

Tour ‘Floriade’ Canberra


Venues Plunkett’s Orchards, Ardmona; Tallis Wines, Dookie; The University of Melbourne - Dookie Campus

Speakers Andrew Plunkett, General Manager, Plunkett Orchards

Sarah Parker (FF’09), Chair, Australian Women in Agriculture & Dairy Farmer

Sam Tallis, Tallis Wines

Ros Gall (FF’98), Director, The University of Melbourne - Dookie Campus

Kenny Oluboyede (FF’15), Manager Robotic Dairy, The University of Melbourne - Dookie Campus

Ian Feldtmann, former Victorian Farmer’s Federation (VFF), Board Member

Tours / Workshops Plunkett’s Orchards tour of packing shed and coolstores

Visit to see the Robotic Dairy at The University of Melbourne - Dookie Campus

GET ON BOARD Date Wednesday 9th November 2016

Venue Nagambie Waterfront Motel

Sponsor Shire of Strathbogie

Speakers Trish Quibell (FF’14), Manager, Health, Wellbeing and Specialised Services, Department Education and Training

Garry Smith (FF’97), Director DG Consulting; Sampson Trustee

Peter Ryan, GV Industry and Employment Plan

Craig Marshall, CEO, The Work Group

Tours / Workshops Conversation 4 Change Workshop with Michelle Dunscombe (FF’13), Broni Paine & Millisa Silaga

CLOSING RETREAT Dates Friday 18th to Sunday 20th November 2016

Venue Camp Jungai, Rubicon, Victoria

Speakers Narelle Pell & Kathy Fuller - Bravehearts 777 (7 marathons, 7 states, 7 days)

Vicki Scott (FF’15) David Harcoan (FF’10)

Anthony Brophy (FF’01), Program Facilitator, Goulburn Murray Community Leadership

Amanda McClaren (FF’11), CEO, Goulburn Murray Community Leadership

Tours / Workshops What’s next workshop with Amanda McClaren (FF’11), CEO, Goulburn Murray Community Leadership

GRADUATION Date Thursday 1st December 2016

Venue GV Hotel, Shepparton

Sponsors Shepparton News; Sampson Trust

Speaker Nigel Collin, Speaker and Author - Innovation, Leadership and Change

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Place of Residence: Kyabram

Job title / role: Field Services Officer

Organisation: Murray Goulburn

Sponsor: Gardiner Foundation

Current Community Involvement: Junior Football Coach Cub and Scout Leader School Council Member

Future Goals and Plans: My goals for the future are to find ways of changing community attitudes towards people of different cultures. I hope to work to improve the health and opportunities for indigenous communities and take greater advantage of our multicultural society.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: My inspiration has come through meeting and hearing from the high achievers in our community and businesses as well as members of the local, state and federal government. It is only by meeting these people and hearing their individual stories that you realise they are ordinary people doing extraordinary things simply by stepping up to have a go and having honesty and integrity in their dealings with others.

My Passion: I have a passion for different cultures. I am greatly interested in Asian culture because of the different approach they have to the world. I love learning Chinese and travelling. I also have a strong interest in our indigenous culture.


Most Inspirational Speaker: I found His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove’s comments and advice inspirational. His statement that leadership depends on your values rang true with me. This comment was repeated many times by other speakers throughout the Fairley Leadership Program.

Key Take-Away Message: The key message is that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things. Find something that you want to change, step up to do the work and bring along others with you. The speakers also stressed the need to develop strong relationships, have honesty and integrity and treat people with respect.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: Work with local people and people of different cultures to better understand and appreciate each other. Connect to existing organisations to improve the health and opportunities available to our indigenous community. Provide assistance with other community projects.

Leadership Quote: “Never make a decision that will affect anyone without including them in the process that will be used to make the decision.” – 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

Place of Residence: Shepparton

Job title / role: Marketing Officer

Organisation: Greater Shepparton City Council

Sponsor: Greater Shepparton City Council

Current Community Involvement: Council Committees

Future Goals and Plans: After completing the Fairley Leadership Program, I would like to do more in my community and volunteer more of my time. My family will be moving to Murchison in the coming year and if possible I would like to get involved in the Murchison Community, being able to build a more sustainable community through simple ideas involving people growing more of their own vegetables at home and making small, simple changes.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has inspired me to try new things and to do things that I wouldn’t normally attempt, this included public speaking and meeting with prominent leaders. This encouraged me to think outside the box and realise more than ever that not all people are the same. We can all contribute in different ways.

My Passion: My passion is to live in a healthy, thriving and more sustainable community. I think by making small changes we can all make our local communities and the wider world a happier and healthy place to live.


Most Inspirational Speaker: Some of the most inspirational speakers for me included the three High School Principals – Ken Murray from Wanganui Secondary College, Phil Squire from Shepparton High School and Matt Carver from St. Mary’s of the Angels, Nathalia. They provided a great insight into how children learn today and the importance of a support network to assist and help children develop.

I could have listened to Greg Munro, Naturopath from Natremed for hours. Learning about how what we eat plays an integral role in our lives, if we eat well and exercise then a lot of other things take care of themselves.

Peter Quinn, Managing Director, Goulburn Valley Water was inspirational and put it simply “You need to enjoy what you do. Having a plan and a strategy is the key.”

Key Take-Away Message: My main take-away message from the Fairley Leadership Program is to give things a go. Don’t be too scared to say what you think but also the importance of listening to others and learning from others.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: My goal after the Fairley Leadership Program is to connect with the Murchison Community and work out what I can do to help.

Leadership Quote: “You need to turn up and have a plan.” – 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

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Place of Residence: Shepparton

Job title / role: Finance Manager

Organisation: Intereach Limited

Sponsor: Self-Sponsored

Current Community Involvement: Board Member/ Hon. Treasurer – Goulburn Region Pre-School Association Executive Committee Member/ Hon. Assistant Secretary – Sri Lankan Association of Goulburn Valley Homework Club Tutor – Kildonan Uniting Care

Future Goals and Plans: I want to use my leadership skills to make a more positive contribution to my community. In particular, I wish to get more involved in connecting dots from education to employment creating a unique platform to help youth and employers alike to find the right-fit for jobs on offer by facilitating personal interaction between job seekers and employers. 

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has broadened my understanding about the important issues in the Goulburn Valley and its community. Furthermore, it has inspired me to find possible solutions and how can I become a change agent to implement the same. More importantly, this program has exposed me to community leaders who challenged the things as they are and made enormous changes within their communities.


My Passion: My passion is to engage with the community in the area of education since I believe education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Most Inspirational Speaker: The speaker who really resonated with me was Ross McPherson, Patron of the Fairley Leadership Program. He had a communication style that’s logical, precise and easy to absorb. Furthermore, I’m really inspired by his story to set up the Goulburn Murray Community Leadership Program, which has benefited people like me over the last 20 years.

Key Take-Away Message: Everyone can make a difference in the community through following their passion and by bringing others along with you. Also leadership is being at the front when necessary and stepping aside when it is time.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: I am committed to use my newly developed leadership skills and relationships for the benefit of my community. I would like to seek opportunities to get involved in the areas of education, youth and employment. Further, I wish to pursue higher studies in community services.

Leadership Quote: “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.” – Lord Buddha

Place of Residence: Shepparton

Job title / role: Administration Services Manager

Organisation: Victoria Legal Aid

Sponsor: Goulburn Valley Water - community scholarship

Current Community Involvement: Secretary, Parent’s Club – Grahamvale Primary School Board Member, Goulburn Region Pre-School Association Mentor – Greater Shepparton City Council Community Leadership Program Founder of Shepparton Cash Mob Board Member – Family Care

Future Goals and Plans: I would like to continue to be involved in local non for profits in any capacity. I am especially interested in the Lighthouse Foundation, the establishment of a mother baby unit and working with new arrivals.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: Since I am not a “Shepparton local”, part of me feels that I owe my adopted town. Everyone has welcomed my family and I and helped make my transition easier. Hearing from so many courageous individuals has motivated me to do more in my community. They have overcome so many obstacles to not only achieve their own personal goals but to also make such a mark on their community.


My Passion: My passions include cultural diversity and the acceptance of all individuals, helping the most vulnerable in all groups and working to assist parents who are experiencing post-partum depression/baby blues through the establishment of a mother baby unit in Shepparton.

Most Inspirational Speaker: Thon Thon by far was the most inspirational speaker for me. Hearing about his journey from the Sudan to Shepparton as one of the ‘Lost Boys’ was so moving. He is someone to admire and respect for his determination.

Key Take-Away Message: Never judge a person! The Fairley Leadership Program has made me surround myself by people who I probably would not have normally interacted with in my everyday life. I am better off today after getting to know all of my fellow participants. Collaborate! Learn to work together to help achieve each other’s goals.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: I would like to retain the friendships that I made during the year and continue to meet and learn from my mentor. I will also aim to improve my strategic thinking, improve my cross functional knowledge and perspective.

Leadership Quote: “As a leader, you’re probably not doing a good job unless your employees can do a good impression of you when you’re not around.” - Patrick Lencioni

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Place of Residence: Mooroopna

Job title / role: Team Leader – Asset Knowledge Development

Organisation: Goulburn Valley Water

Sponsor: Goulburn Valley Water

Current Community Involvement: Mooroopna CFA - 3rd Lieutenant Mooroopna Secondary College School Council Member

Future Goals and Plans: Continue with and expand my leadership role in the CFA, helping to support the members and keep serving the local community.

To look for other opportunities in my local community where I believe I can contribute.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The 2016 cohort have been great motivation and inspiration to me. The passion these people show for their communities, locally and abroad is awe inspiring. Their support along with the Fairley Leadership Program, speakers and staff has confirmed and reinforced the passion I have for my local community and supporting it as best I can. I am now invigorated to be more involved and step up rather than let others do it all.


My Passion: My main passion is my family and supporting them to be the best they can. My passion outside of my family is making a difference in my community, whether this is with the CFA or behind the scenes helping others.

Most Inspirational Speaker: This is a hard one, Darryl Sloan, Regional Information and Advocacy Council (RIAC) just quietly goes about his business of helping others less fortunate and has made a difference in the lives of so many others. A close second is His Excellency General, The Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove, whose leadership talk was inspiring.

Key Take-Away Message: Leadership comes in many forms and takes on different styles and meaning for different people. It is ok to be an introvert and you can still be an effective leader. Don’t be afraid to have a go and get in and try different things. Leaders don’t always lead from the front and you can step up when needed.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: My goal is to use the learnings from the program and develop more by looking to take on other increasing leadership type roles within my community. Look for opportunities outside of my comfort zone.

Leadership Quote: “Lead from amongst your team, not on top of your team.” – 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

Place of Residence: Dookie

Job title / role: ICT Support and Administration Officer

Organisation: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority

Sponsor: Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority

Current Community Involvement: Dookie Primary School – School Council Victorian Farmers Federation – Young Agribusiness Professionals CFA Dookie Historical Society Vision Australia

Future Goals and Plans: My future goal is to continue to provide a positive contribution to the Dookie and district community. Pursue my passions through business opportunities and develop my skills through further education.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has given me a greater appreciation for the amazing community in which we live. I believe the knowledge and networking I’ve gained from the program will allow me and our cohort to have the foresight and confidence to go out into the community and assist and/or lead the community in becoming more resilient, adaptive and united.


My Passion: My passion is agriculture and technology and the opportunities they provide in the future to help support and promote our regional communities to be strong, healthy and resilient.

Most Inspirational Speaker: Andrew Fairley AM, Chair, The Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation - Andrew spoke with such fervour and was very engaging. He delivered a presentation that was passionate, clear and concise and conveyed an inspiring message to ‘never give up.’

Key Take-Away Message: Leadership is a choice - the choice to provide care and protection to those for whom we are responsible. As leaders we need to listen and listen really well, be brave and treat everyone equally with respect and dignity. Follow your passion, work hard, have integrity and be honest.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: Follow my passions and actively seek opportunities to stay involved in the community and use the skills and knowledge I’ve developed to inspire and empower others. I will continue to learn and develop myself to become an effective leader who can respond to challenges with intelligence, strategy and expertise.

Leadership Quote: “Failure is never so frightening as regret.” - From the movie “The Dish” - Cliff Buxton (Sam Neill)

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Place of Residence: Shepparton

Job title / role: Region General Manager

Organisation: AFL Goulburn Murray

Sponsor: AFL Goulburn Murray Commission

Current Community Involvement: Kialla Park Community Centre committee Lots of football related sub-committees

Future Goals and Plans: In an employment context I will further drive the understanding of the role of football/netball clubs in the community and to develop community based activities and initiatives to leverage the game’s profile for community development. From a volunteer viewpoint I am more motivated to make a contribution to my community through the networks and learnings from the program.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has significantly broadened my understanding of the region and its needs. As a ‘new arrival,’ my knowledge and understanding of the region and its needs has greatly developed over the past nine months. I have been greatly impressed with the passion, commitment and skills sets of the cohort as well as the myriad of people that I have been fortunate to spend time with during the seminars. My leadership toolkit has grown as well as the belief in my own abilities and what I have to offer.


My Passion: My passion is in the role of sport as a crucial community based activity and the role participation plays as an important component of an individual’s development – socially, emotionally and physically.

Most Inspirational Speaker: Three speakers stand out to me. Lance Woodhouse OAM, Local Community Treasure and Andrew Fairley AM, Chair, The Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation for their understated and humble community focus, which has realised many significant projects in Shepparton over such a long period of time. Azem Elmaz, community volunteer and owner of Luftiye’s Shish Kebab for his incredible community and humanitarian focus. Whilst all three come from extremely different parts of the community they share common qualities of commitment, passion, modesty and an overwhelming sense of community.

Key Take-Away Message: The importance of committing to your cause is crucial to your success. Speakers at all seminars have shared a common trait of being ‘doers’ and also of being persistent and dedicated, even in times of hardship or when facing resistance.

My Goal Following Fairley: To utilise the learnings and networks gained from the program to further my own personal development and to increase my contribution to my local community.

Leadership Quote: “Identify your light on the hill and surround yourself with people who will help you target it and reach it.” – 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

Place of Residence: Benalla

Job title / role: Finance Manager

Organisation: Cooinda Village

Sponsor: Cooinda Village

Current Community Involvement: Benalla Rural City Council Audit Advisory Committee Samaria Suns Sports Club - Treasurer Swanpool Football Netball Club - President Country Fire Authority - Volunteer Swanpool & District Community Development Association – event volunteer

Future Goals and Plans: With the skills I have developed through the Fairley Leadership Program, I plan to take on new roles and continue in many of my current roles, although with a focus on how we benefit the wider community rather than just the organisation.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has exposed me to a wider view of the issues and opportunities in the wonderful region we live in. It has also opened my eyes to how many inspirational people there are that are doing great work and influencing change in our communities. Working with such an awesome cohort has also provided me with the motivation and confidence to help lead our community for the better.


My Passion: Having grown up and lived in the region most of my life, I am passionate about actively being involved in the local community and seeing it continue to develop. I am also passionate about providing social interaction opportunities through sport.

Most Inspirational Speaker: There have been so many inspirational speakers during the program, although the leadership presentation by Capt. Anthony Purdy at Royal Military College, Duntroon really hit the mark with me, not only did he talk about how to be a great leader but also about being a great person as well.

Key Take-Away Message: Each session there were many great take-away messages. One that stood out to me the most was from Andrew Fairley AM, Chair, The Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation, which was ‘smarts may get you in the chair but only passion will drive you to succeed’, which I think is important in everything we do.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: The Fairley Leadership Program has helped me enhance my knowledge, confidence, motivation and networks. I hope to tap into all these benefits from the program to continue to personally and professionally develop and influence positive change in the communities and organisations I am involved in.

Leadership Quote: “Great leaders don’t tell you what to do…they show you how it’s done.” - Guru Eduardo

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Place of Residence: Kyabram

Job title / role: Manager Legal Services

Organisation: Goulburn-Murray Water

Sponsor: Goulburn-Murray Water

Current Community Involvement: KCLC Family Advisory Committee St Augustine’s Parents and Friends Committee St Augustine’s College and Parish Fete Committee

Future Goals and Plans: I would like to be a positive and active community leader, who is able to bring together residents, businesses, agencies and community groups to promote community connectedness and deliver community outcomes.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: I believe the Fairley Leadership Program has helped to develop me into a leader who is dedicated to giving back to our community and the region. My participation in the Fairley Leadership Program has provided me with opportunities to build strong networks with an amazing and diverse group of experienced and emerging leaders from across the region. It has further provided me with the toolkit that will enable me to be a contributing member of our community who is able to bring about positive change.


My Passion: My passion is to actively contribute to building a vibrant, connected and empowered multicultural community where every child is provided with the opportunity to achieve strong education success and partnerships between government, business and community promote community connectedness and deliver community outcomes.

Most Inspirational Speaker: Chris Kotur, Facilitor, Jason Clark, Director, Minds@Work and Greg Munro, Naturopath, Natremed were stand outs - genuine and inspirational speakers to me. I found that these speakers were able to comfortably and effortlessly connect with their audience and left me feeling truly inspired.

Key Take-Away Message: Be the change that you want to see.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: To utilise the skills, capabilities and networks that I have developed in the Fairley Leadership Program to actively drive positive change by improving the quality of life for all who live, learn, work and play in the Goulburn Murray region.

Leadership Quote: “The leader has to be practical and a realist yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist.” - Eric Hoffer

Place of Residence: Katunga

Job title / role: Partner / dairy farmer

Organisation: Griffacres (SJ & SJ Griffiths)

Sponsor: Gardiner Foundation

Current Community Involvement: This year I wanted to focus all my energies into doing the Fairley Leadership Program, however, I still had a part with the Katunga Football Netball Club and WWMAMC Dairy Discussion Group.

Future Goals and Plans: My future goals and plans are to find my passion and to follow it. To be more confident and put my hand up in the areas I feel I can help in.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has inspired me to get more involved in the community. Not just where I live, but the wider community. It has given me more empathy and understanding to all sorts of people in our community.

My Passion: A passion of mine is to help the dairy industry, to give it a more positive outlook. Also, with this program I have also found that I am gravitating towards helping with the intellectual disabled children.


Most Inspirational Speaker: The one that sticks out for me is Phillip (Flip) Evans, Enterprise and Inclusion Manager, Murray Human Services - his passion and presentation has possibly given me direction in my future pathway. Lance Woodhouse OAM, Local Community Treasure was also amazing with his passion within the community and his energy, especially at his age.

Key Take-Away Message: I’ve learnt so much and there have been so many messages. The main thing I have learnt is to follow your passion. You do your best work when you have that. Also, that even great leaders can make mistakes. The big thing is not to dwell on them but to get up and continue. Get a good network with like-minded people and delegate and trust people in your team.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: My plan is to get more active in the dairy industry, possibly with Murray Dairy. Also am considering volunteering with the special schools with intellectual disabled children.

Leadership Quote: “My philosophy of leadership is to surround myself with good people who have ability, judgement and knowledge, but above all, a passion for service.” - Sonny Perdue

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Place of Residence: Moama

Job title / role: Senior Civil Engineer

Organisation: RPS

Sponsor: RPS

Current Community Involvement: Infrastructure Network Goulburn Valley Haemophilia Foundation of Victoria Moama & District Preschool Committee

Future Goals and Plans: I am looking forward to utilising the skills I have gained over the past 12 months to increase my community involvement. This will not just be at a participation level; I believe I can now champion community discussions/events.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: To know that the 2016 cohort are out there in our region supporting their communities is a comforting thought. They have inspired me to do more in my community. We all have different styles of leadership and from the cohort and presenters I have learnt my strengths and weaknesses in this area.

My Passion: Community awareness is what I strive for, and with awareness flows involvement and engagement. There is always someone in our community that needs support, my passion is to assist the people that need it the most.


Most Inspirational Speaker: Many speakers have provided inspiration and leadership lessons, however Phillip (Flip) Evans, Marketing and Inclusion Manager, Murray Human Services provided the community leadership that I was seeking - it’s all about inclusion. Making sure no-one in the community misses out and exposing all sections of the community to those less fortunate. Inspiring others to get involved any way they can.

Key Take-Away Message: Leaders come in many different forms, there is no set path to follow. Know your style and work with others to achieve common goals. Contribute to discussions/events, let the community know you are there to assist and lead by example.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: Utilise the skills and networks I have developed throughout the year to increase my community profile so I am identified as a leader. This will not happen overnight so I need to be judged by my actions and involvement. Ensure I contribute meaningfully to all community events I attend.

Leadership Quote: “Don’t just turn up, contribute.” – 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

Place of Residence: Shepparton

Job title / role: Regional Coordinator

Organisation: Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP)

Sponsor: Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP)

Current Community Involvement: Volunteer umpire with Mooroopna FC U/12’s Volunteer Shepparton Little Athletics Club Goulburn Valley Giants AFL Masters Football Club St Mary’s Primary School, Bingo Caller

Future Goals and Plans: This year opened my eyes to how much a community requires volunteers and leaders. My future plans are to be more involved with community groups and committee roles. Professionally to be part of management groups, strategic planning and stakeholder committees. Regional and State representative groups.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has inspired me to do better at what I currently do and not be afraid to take on new challenges and it doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed at first, at least you had a crack and don’t give up. The cohort this year were a diverse group, which worked very well together and all want to improve their community in various ways.

My Passion: Assist with raising the awareness of Men’s Health within the community and promote and improve men’s health with focus on the ages 35 to 55. Work on the physical and mental health issues. Help men deal with the many various issues that at these ages go through. Using men’s groups, sport and exercise to improve their mental health as well as physical heath.

Most Inspirational Speaker: How can you pick the one most inspirational speaker from all of them? The main speakers that really left me with some key words and motivation were, David McKenzie, Chair for Committee for Greater Shepparton; Christine Kotur, Facilitator; Brigadier Wade Stothart and His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove.

Key Take-Away Message: You don’t have to be in a particular position to be a leader, but if you want to be a leader, learn from those that have failed at times, learnt from their mistakes and are still leaders within their area. Network with those that you respect, don’t be too proud or stubborn to ask for support and guidance from others.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: To become more involved with community groups, School councils and possibly one day run for Council. Help as many people as I can with advice or guidance. Continue to Improve myself in education and work. But also get the right work – life balance.

Leadership Quote: “Everyone fails at some time; you just need to get back up and go again.” – Fairley Leadership Program 2016

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Place of Residence: Shepparton

Job title / role: Case Manager

Organisation: SalvoCare

Sponsor: Ethnic Council of Shepparton & District Inc.

Current Community Involvement: Board Secretary – Ethnic Council of Shepparton & District Inc. Secretary – Lions Club of Nathalia & District Committee member – Lions Crime Watch Speak Up Inc. Volunteer – Youth Referral and Independent Persons Program (YRIPP)

Future Goals and Plans: We live in changing times with complex issues affecting our communities. I plan to be involved in whatever programs and issues arise that my involvement and skills will bring about positive and meaningful change. Youth engagement and guidance is paramount.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: My primary inspiration has been the 2016 Fairley Leadership Program Cohort. These are men and women of immense and diverse character, experiences, resolve and agency of change I have learnt a lot from. The Fairley Leadership Program itself gave me an opportunity to meet some speakers who challenged me to dig deeper into my inner capacity to aim for the horizon with a clearer understanding that change begins with self-motivation and drive to be involved.


My Passion: I am passionate about advocating for the less fortunate and marginalised in our communities because they normally are unaware of how to seek support. Networks developed during the year will assist in this journey to support this group and their journey to self-emancipation.

Most Inspirational Speaker: Andrew Fairley AM, Chair, The Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation because he challenged me to look beyond the normally accepted singular way of articulating issues. That, detractors will always be there but remain committed to your plans and value system if you are to achieve your goals.

Key Take-Away Message: That leadership is about putting oneself in a position to influence change and that there will be challenges in the role which at times it is quite a lonely position to be in. However, because we are all human, mistakes will be made in that role and what is important is to learn from those mistakes so that we are better in future.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: Continued community involvement with an equitable work-life balance to avoid burn out. I will continue to pursue opportunities of engaging young people especially from migrant communities to enhance their holistic integration into the local community and beyond in view of their geographical background and new post migration challenges.

Leadership Quote: “Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.”  – Sheryl Sandberg  

Place of Residence: Cobram

Job title / role: Economic Development Manager

Organisation: Moira Shire Council

Sponsor: Moira Shire Council

Current Community Involvement: Moira Shire Tourism Advisory Committee Berry Street Ave Maria

Future Goals and Plans: I hope to find opportunities to work collaborative with like-minded people seeking to improve retention of children in school and reduce unemployment. To assist our local business with higher productivity skills. To assist to improve our levels of support for those most vulnerable in our community.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: Participating in the Fairley Leadership Program has inspired me in several ways, one is the great people I have met within the group, I see opportunity for collaboration in the future with my new network of fellow aspiring leaders. I also have a deeper understanding of some of the regions challenges and opportunities - and insights into some of the great work being done. I have been quite inspired by listening to the wonderful many and varied presentations from people from so many walks of life. Listening to some of these presentation makes you want to get involved and do more to benefit the community.


My Passion: To contribute to making our community better, safer, stronger, by offering support to our most vulnerable. To work together to build our capacity to be a strong cohesive economically strong region that can provide opportunity for everyone.

Most Inspirational Speaker: That’s a difficult one – so many great speakers throughout the year. As I write this I am thinking Andrew Fairley AM, Chair, The Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation. Andrew’s focus and clarity about working towards ‘the light on the hill’ was inspiring and also practical. Andrew also spoke about if someone’s at the table and is not bringing something to the table, it’s a waste of a seat. Work with the willing, or as Cathy McGowan MP, Federal Member for Indi said it ‘go where the smiles are.’

Key Take-Away Message: Collaborate, communicate, be persistent. Have a plan, be flexible. Surround yourself with good people. Seek to understand, then be understood.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: Seek opportunities to collaborate and support good initiatives. To continue to develop leadership skills and to be a better leader, to contribute to making our community better, safer, stronger, by offering support to our most vulnerable. To work together to build our capacity to be a strong cohesive economically strong region that can provide opportunity for everyone.

Leadership Quote: “Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way.” - George Patton

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Place of Residence: Shepparton

Job title / role: Team Leader Operations Business/IT Teacher Accounting

Organisation: GOTAFE

Sponsor: GOTAFE

Current Community Involvement: Junior Coordinator McEwen Reserve Tennis Club Coach Katandra FNC Under 17s (Football)Shepparton Arts Festival Future Goals and Plans: I would like to be better at what I already do. I want to have a greater impact on the organisations and the people they interact with. Take on some new challenges in areas I haven’t previously been involved in such as arts and other community causes.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has exposed me to ideas and information which has made me reconsider my outlook. It has given me the confidence to ask questions, seek out expertise and to be more daring in what the future may hold for me. I feel more confident to make a difference to the community, and to be involved in a wider range of community activities.

My Passion: Education and the impact it can have on youth and the community in general is my passion. To see someone, grasp a concept or idea, the lightbulb moment, and put it into practice is the most wonderful and rewarding thing.


Most Inspirational Speaker: When His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove spoke about his leadership journey I was inspired by the simplicity of his message and the common-sense approach he applied to all situations whether they be from his military or civilian experiences.

Key Take-Away Message: Leadership can take many forms. Sometimes you may lead from the front, sometimes from behind and sometimes you may influence, sometimes you may direct. Be smart with the methods you use, and adapt as necessary. And most importantly, surround yourself with people smarter than yourself and give them the freedom to do what they do well.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: Get out there and give it a go. I have learnt so much during the Fairley Leadership Program that I now hope to be able to be a better leader within the community, have a greater impact in the work I do, and take the opportunity to pass on some of my learnings to those I have contact with.

Leadership Quote: “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” - Jack Welch

Place of Residence: Rushworth

Job title / role: Landscape architect

Organisation: Design By Nature

Sponsor: Hugh Williamson Foundation

Current Community Involvement: Waranga News  Rushworth Action Group for the Environment – RAGE  Goulburn Valley Environment Group – GVEG  Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority - Committee for the Broken Creek  Harston Landcare Group  Waranga Flicks (Waranga Winter Film Festival, Rushworth)  Rushworth P-12 College - Community Engagement Committee  Rushworth Rail-Trail Committee  Rushworth Renaissance (Old Court House revival)  Splinter Contemporary Art Group 

Future Goals and Plans: I hope to continue my role as environmental advocate for the conservation of remnant vegetation in the Goulburn Valley and find ways to stress the contribution that a healthy environment makes to mental health and a thriving community. 

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: I am inspired to pursue my current goals with greater intention and focus.  I am inspired to observe, research and listen longer before taking action. I am inspired to follow my heart and embrace my instinct for innovation. I have also found a deeper appreciation for my home, the Goulburn Valley, and I hope to use my inspiration


to nurture community involvement in the protection of its declining natural environment.   

My Passion: My main passion is the natural environment, although I hope to maintain and promote this passion through my other passions; art, music and public events at my garden and conservation property in Rushworth. This ensures that I am consistently following my heart.

Most Inspirational Speaker: Jason Clarke, Director, Minds@Work was my most memorable and inspirational speaker. He illuminated the stage with his energy, enthusiasm and generous inclusivity. His razor-sharp wit ensured the attention of the whole forum. Mostly, he inspired listeners to accept difference and change.

Key Take-Away Message: Natural leaders are unique and rare, although if a person is striving to make their community a better place, leadership skills can be learned. The ability of a leader to inspire, communicate and be trusted whilst maintaining a healthy and balanced private life is both a challenging and rewarding path. 

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: Building on my existing roles, I would like to find creative ways to inspire the community to respect, appreciate and enhance the natural environment in the Goulburn Valley. I hope to continue to develop the relationships I have formed within the cohort and be inspired by others.

Leadership Quote: “Your destiny is a combination of your passion and your skill.” – 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

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Place of Residence: Dookie

Job title / role: Glazier / Shopfitter

Organisation: Newlite Glass and Aluminium

Sponsor: Self-Sponsored

Current Community Involvement: President Dookie A&P Show Society President Dookie and District Historical Society Senior Vice-President Shepparton Electorate of the National Party Secretary/Treasurer Murray Electorate of the National Party CFA Member for 20 Years with many positions Dookie Primary School Council Member of Dookie United Football/Netball Club Dookie Recreation Reserve Board Member Member of Sumaria Suns Over 35’s Football Club

Future Goals and Plans: My future plans would be to continue my roles in the community and to encourage others as well with the ideas and inspirations I have learnt from the Fairley Leadership Program to make a positive change.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: Seeing some of the most disadvantaged in our community, I am inspired to help make a change along with the leaders of the organisations that work in these areas that I have met through the Fairley Leadership Program.

Place of Residence: Echuca

Job title / role: Dairy Farmer

Organisation: Ivyhurst Dairy

Sponsor: Gardiner Foundation

Current Community Involvement: Parish Pastoral Associate St Mary’s Echuca Chairperson Rural Australians for Refugees Echuca-Moama Kyabram Dairy Business Network

Future Goals and Plans: The local dairy industry needs advocates that are articulate, informed and pragmatic. I hope to contribute some way in this field. My role in the Parish in which I work, is to build community and be especially inclusive of those most vulnerable or excluded for whatever reason. I hope to lead this community group through a transformative period to live out this ethos and truly be community to each other.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has given me greater confidence in my personal skills and has broadened my horizons to see that there could be opportunities for me in this sphere at least at the level of advocacy. The opportunity to listen to so many inspirational community leaders has enabled me to see how many ordinary people do extraordinary things and so rethink my own potential. I would never have seen myself as a potential board member but I do now think that I could make worthy contribution to a range of community boards.

My Passion: My overriding driver is a passion for justice. This passion permeates most aspects of my


life, whether it be seeking justice for people seeking asylum, our indigenous community, people in my community, projects in my community, the agricultural sector or the environment. I hope I am a voice for the vulnerable.

Most Inspirational Speaker: Andrew Fairley AM, Chair, The Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation gave great insights into practical community leadership that genuinely makes a difference in a community. His advice on leadership was very valuable: “never give up; there’s always a better way to brush your teeth; gather people around you that are smarter than you and learn from them”. He stressed the importance of an articulated vision, your ‘light on the hill’ and the importance of everyone at the table having their eyes on that light. He was inspirational by example and words.

Key Take-Away Message: I can I be an agent of change. Community leadership is leadership without authority it is based on passion, trust and relationships and cannot be achieved without genuine team work. In developing and being part of networks we broaden our scope of experience and breadth of influence. Networks also enable you to ‘surround yourself with people cleverer than yourself and learn from them’.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: To implement my learning to further establish the Rural Australians for Refugees Echuca-Moama as we work towards the long term goal of refugee settlement in Echuca-Moama.To investigate possible avenues for advocacy/leadership in the dairy industry at this crucial time.

Leadership Quote: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Ghandi


Place of residence: St Germains

Job title / role: Centre Manager / Farmer

Organisation: Kyabram Community and Learning Centre Inc. Savage Fish Pty Ltd

Sponsor: Ken Sampson Memorial Scholarship, GBCMA

Current Community Involvement: Girls Night Out Committee (Kyabram) Shepparton Irrigation Region People Places Integrated Committee (SIRPPIC) GMW Strategic Advisory Committee Kyabram Scouts Chair – RANCH (Regional association of neighbourhood and community houses) Kyabram Community and Learning Centre Echuca/Kyabram Family Violence Action Group

Future Goals and Plans: To remain open to opportunities as they appear. Remain courageous despite challenges appearing too ingrained to effect change. Continue to advocate for those that are unable themselves, or preferably, support them on their journey. Increase my capacity to effect change through board appointments.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: Being in the presence of a group of change agents on a regular basis throughout the year has provided me with renewed enthusiasm and determination to achieve my goals. The Fairley Leadership Mentor Program will be a powerful addition to the program and will ensure that the lessons learned are strengthened post the completion of the formal program.

My Passion: Empowering and educating my community on issues that impact them and ways in

which they are able to achieve goals. To facilitate connections and reduce working in silos and ensure collaboration whenever possible when tackling social change. To demonstrate the ability to provide services on a regional level and reduce the concentration of services in centralised locations when transport services are inadequate for participants to engage.

Most Inspirational Speaker: I have learnt at least one thing from every speaker that we have had this year, including cohort members. The power of telling our own story and their effect on us and those around us, shows the true power in leadership is knowing when to be vulnerable enough to allow others to see our struggles and what has shaped our journey and when to remain strong to support others on their journey. His Excellency General the Honourable Peter Cosgrove was a standout providing an inspiring recount of what is a leader and the attributes required.

Key Take-Away Message: To participate in the Fairley Leadership Program, we have managed to take one day a fortnight out of a week that we thought we couldn’t fit anymore into. Next year what am I going to use that extra day a fortnight to achieve? The importance of always remaining above the line. Ensure no-one is left behind.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: To continue to be present, to speak up and advocate for my community. To ensure that no-one is left behind and bring everyone along for the journey. To increase collaboration of services to enable greater capacity of delivery within the region. Be innovative and proactive.

Leadership Quote: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

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My Passion: My passions are my family, community, helping the most disadvantage in our area and politics.

Most Inspirational Speaker: This will be no surprise, but I consider The Hon. Damian Drum MP, Federal Member for Murray, was the most inspirational speaker. To be able to take a stand for his beliefs even if they may be sometimes against the views of the community takes real courage.

Key Take-Away Message: Sometimes you will be asked to take a stand or make a decision that people will not like. Be true to yourself and follow your dreams.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: My goal after completing the Fairley Leadership Program would be to use the newfound skills and strengths as well as the great network of Fairley Fellows to make a change in this region.

Leadership Quote: “To the people who truly know me – Lead me, follow me or get the hell out of my way.” – George S. Patton Jr

Place of Residence: Bonnie Doon

Job title / role: Team Leader – South East District

Organisation: Goulburn Valley Water

Sponsor: Goulburn Valley Water

Current Community Involvement: Bonnie Doon Recreation reserve committee member Bonnie Doon FNC committee member

Future Goals and Plans: The Fairley Leadership Program has encouraged me to have the confidence to take on leadership roles within the community groups that I am already involved with. I believe that my example will inspire others to follow.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has more than anything increased my confidence to take on roles that I would have thought beyond me in the past. The inspirational people we have connected with throughout the program have provided me with the self-belief that I can play a part in improving our local community as a whole.

My Passion: My passion remains with my local community and finding a way to assist our community to be inclusive and accepting of whatever comes our way.


Most Inspirational Speaker: Thon Thon – the presentation he gave about his journey from Sudan to Australia and the responsibility that he had was startling. The adversity and challenges that he had to overcome when leaving Sudan would have been too much for many individuals, through determination and courage he prevailed.

Key Take-Away Message: When we put our minds to something we can achieve anything, coupled with such an extensive network that the Fairley Leadership Program offers, once an improvement or issue has been identified, I now have the self-belief to be able to not only take it on but also have the understanding/tools to be able to assist in achieving a successful outcome.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: To build on my leadership learnings so I can be a more effective leader within my community. I have recently discovered several other people that have completed similar programs and we are already discussing ideas on how we can make a difference.

Leadership Quote: “A leader has to be a follower at times.” – 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

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Place of Residence: Youanmite

Job title / role: Relationship Executive

Organisation: Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Sponsor: Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Current Community Involvement: Meals on Wheels Reading mentoring at Mooroopna Park Primary School Development Squad Coaching at Shepparton Netball Association

Future Goals and Plans: I see value in pursuing further opportunities with the Lighthouse Project. I am also interested in gaining Board experience for industry or organisations where I feel I can add value.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has helped me to better understand the challenges, issues and opportunities across our region. I am inspired to pursue projects of change that positively affect our youth, via school engagement, education and employment opportunities.

My Passion: I am passionate about being a role model in our community, particularly for young women who may be trying to understand where their ‘fit’ in rural and regional Australia might be. I am passionate about advocating for our region and helping people understand the opportunity, lifestyle and prosperity that exists in rural and regional Australia.


Most Inspirational Speaker: I loved hearing from David McKenzie, Chair, Committee for Greater Shepparton and his vision for Regional Development Victoria and more importantly, his vision for the youth and community of the Greater Shepparton region. This resonated strongly with me, that we must ‘raise the bar’ on the performance of our young people and help them understand that a wonderful and prosperous life is out there for them to enjoy, when the right opportunities are presented and taken.

Key Take-Away Message: Life is a journey of learning, evolving and creating connections, networks and friendships. Proceed with eyes and ears wide open and be excited always.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: Continue to build my connections and presence within our community. I hope I can add value to the Lighthouse Project in a greater capacity going forward and perhaps undertake some mentoring opportunities for young women in our region.

Leadership Quote: “Before change can happen, there must first be trust.” – 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

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Place of Residence: Numurkah

Job title / role: Accountant

Organisation: Belmores Chartered Accountants

Sponsor: DHS

Current Community Involvement: Numurkah District Health Service Board Nathalia and Numurkah Bendigo Community Bank Board

Future Goals and Plans: Continue to be an effective Board member including the possibility to contribute to my children’s school community by being actively involved on the school board.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The Fairley Leadership Program has opened my eyes to the issues and concerns that are occurring within the region. It has shown me that there are many people in our community who are trying to make a difference. I look forward to working closer with these people, as there is one common trait that they all show and that is passion. Passion inspires, creates change and motivates people.

My Passion: My passion is my family. I hope to show my children the merits of being an effective leader within the community, so one day they will become leaders in their community. If we can teach our children this, then we can be confident that our future leaders will continue to make a positive difference in our communities.


Most Inspirational Speaker: There were several leaders throughout the year that were inspiring, but I would have to say that Azem Elmaz, community volunteer and owner of Luftiye’s Shish Kebab was the most inspiring. He is not looking for any recognition and is very passionate, which is having a positive impact on the homeless community.

Key Take-Away Message: There is no single definition of what a leader is. Leadership comes in many forms and is effective in many ways. I feel comfortable that my leadership style is effective but is most effective when I am working closely with likeminded people who are trying to achieve the same outcomes.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: My goal is to strengthen my leadership skills by being actively involved in the Fairley Leadership Mentor Program. This will assist me in being able to create change and have a positive influence on the outcomes in regard to the issues within my community.

Leadership Quote: “Participation is a step forward in the leadership journey.” – 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

Place of Residence: Violet Town

Job title / role: Owner/Operator of a Poll Merino and Poll Dorset Sheep Stud

Organisation: Toland Pastoral Trust

Sponsor: Violet Town Action Group (VTAG)

Current Community Involvement: Violet Town Market North East Merino Breeders Group – Secretary and Treasurer

Future Goals and Plans: My goal is to get myself out there a bit more and join a few boards or community groups in my local area. I hope to enhance my business more by using the networks and contacts I have made throughout the year.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: This year I have been consistently amazed at the quality of our speakers. I have learnt something different from each speaker and it has allowed me to learn to listen, ask informative questions and utilise this knowledge. I was often motivated by each day that we had and opened up my world a little further. We also had a wonderful and “awesome” cohort for 2016 and the diversity of the group has been exceptional.

My Passion: My passion is sheep farming and working sustainably and ethically with the products that we market! I also feel passionate about helping those less fortunate than us and I would like to be involved a bit more with helping those disadvantaged in the community.


Most Inspirational Speaker: His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove - his time with us was amazing and I was so in awe of his presence that I actually couldn’t have a cup of tea as I was afraid I would spill it with my shaking hands! He was an absolute inspiration and I admire his courage, thoughtfulness and determination to get where he is now. I also loved the Cathy McGowan AO MP, Federal Member for Indi vs The Hon. Damian Drum MP, Federal Member for Murray improvisation session in Canberra. It was a good old political stoush!

Key Take-Away Message: A good leader takes a certain type of person and if you don’t have the qualities that it takes to listen, be respectful and value other people’s opinions then you shouldn’t be a leader! A leader may make mistakes but it is how they fix them that makes the difference. To be a leader takes passion, dedication and compassion but it also requires a great deal of self-reflection, which a lot of us neglect to do.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: My goal is to become more actively involved in our community and seek other volunteer roles in Greater Shepparton to broaden my horizons and continue to network with the people I have met throughout the year. I also wish to become more involved in the sheep industry and learn more about the emerging young farming leaders and become one myself!

Leadership Quote: “Push the boundaries of change, target strengths and build on these.” - 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

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Place of Residence: Shepparton

Job title / role: Senior Speech Pathologist

Organisation: Goulburn Valley Health

Sponsor: Denis Tricks Young Regional Scholarship, The Hugh Williamson Foundation

Current Community Involvement: I have taken the year off from community involvement positions to focus on my involvement in the Fairley Leadership Program and ensure that I am fully immersed in the seminars, study trips and retreats. However, I have been volunteering my time at a number of local community events.

Future Goals and Plans: Engagement in future community projects/roles and continuing to be an effective leader, whilst simultaneously bring positive change to the Greater Shepparton community. When I build my own family, I wish to be involved in school and sporting club boards.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: The cohort members have certainly been an inspiration, strengthening relationships with such a diverse, passionate and driven cohort whilst sharing a common interest to better the community that we reside in has been such a motivation in itself. Likewise, I have strengthened ties to the community and broadened my support network by liaising and communicating with different community based organisations and their members. My knowledge of the issues in Greater Shepparton has increased and along with it, willingness to implement action for change.

My Passion: My passion remains in the areas of health and education and a new area of multiculturalism,


ensuring that the community is well serviced in these areas and as a whole are culturally integrated particularly through sport, festivals, schooling etc.

Most Inspirational Speaker: Captain Anthony Purdy, provoked thought and discussion around promoting integrity and leadership through peers/colleagues through principles from the RMC charter. I felt the Captain was highly inspirational, particularly around seeking self-improvement and the philosophy of courage, initiative, respect and teamwork.

Key Take-Away Message: A shared vision with a collaborative approach is required to better our communities. I need to take risks for the things that I am passionate about and push myself out of my comfort zone.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: I can now see volunteer opportunities unfolding within the Rotary sector to provide community service both locally and internationally and actively being involved in being party of any community projects that are sustainable and bring about change for the better within Greater Shepparton. These are all similar to my previous volunteer aspirations; however, I feel that I now have developed/strengthened networks in these areas and a sense of how to work towards actively being involved in these areas and the role that I may take as a community leader. 

Leadership Quote: “The world is run by those who turn up with a plan.” – The 2016 Fairley Leadership Program

Place of Residence: Shepparton

Job title / role: Waste Education Officer

Organisation: Greater Shepparton City Council

Sponsor: Greater Shepparton City Council

Current Community Involvement: Greater Shepparton Women’s Charter Alliance Advisory Committee Wyuna Landcare Helpful Harvesters

Future Goals and Plans: I want to continue to develop my leadership in both my career and local community with a focus on inspiring and engaging people/organisations to think about their impact on our planet and what we can do differently to create a better world.

Inspiration, Change and Motivation: I have loved hearing about the unique journeys that each presenter, participant and facilitator has lived; leading them to where they are today. The diverse experiences, challenges and situations has highlighted that there is no set way of reaching your success. And understanding what your success is is also really important in allowing you to be comfortable with your journey. The diversity of presenters and topics discussed demonstrated that every single person’s leadership journey will be unique and that’s a very powerful thing.

My Passion: I am passionate about so many things: creating a just and sustainable future for all, connected and engaged communities,


education, different cultures, travelling, health and wellbeing, sustainable agriculture, equality and human rights.

Most Inspirational Speaker: Thon Thon – an incredible community leader with an extraordinary story of resilience and belief highlighting that anything truly is possible. His commitment to sharing his story and his passion to improve the lives of those within our community is outstanding.

Key Take-Away Message: That no leader has or will ever be perfect, leadership is an ever evolving process of learning in order to create change. This experience has further highlighted that we are all so different in our abilities, interests and ideas and this is something to be embraced and celebrated when driving change.

My Goal Following Fairley Leadership: My main goal is to continue to drive more environmentally sustainable outcomes within our organisation both with internal staff and through external activities with a focus on improving engagement with the community.

Leadership Quote: “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall

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Sam Atukorala (FF’14)Katrina BaddeleyCarmel Johnson Ross McPherson

Warwick Long (FF’09) Lisa Madden (FF’02)Barry RogersAndrew Townsend (FF’15)

Christina Bassani (FF’03)Dean O’Hara (FF’15)Alison FoscholoGrant Dreher (FF’04)


AFL Goulburn MurrayAustralian War MemorialBenalla Art GalleryCommonwealth Bank of AustraliaCooinda Village Inc.Department of Environment, Land, Water & PlanningDepartment of Rural Health, The University of MelbourneDookie Memorial HallEthnic Council of Shepparton & District Inc.Gardiner FoundationGOTAFEGoulburn Broken Catchment Management AuthorityGoulburn Valley WaterGoulburn-Murray WaterGreater Shepparton City CouncilGurduara Sahib (Sikh Place of Worship)GV Health

Gallery Kaiela, SheppartonHis Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (retd) & Lady Cosgrove, Government House, Canberra

J. Furphy & Sons Pty LtdLa Trobe University, Shepparton CampusMoira ShireNational Archives of AustraliaNational Gallery of AustraliaNational Press ClubNorth East Artisans, BenallaParliament House, CanberraParliament House, MelbournePhilippine House, Shepparton International VillagePlunkett’s Orchards, ArdmonaPort of Echuca Discovery CentrePrimary Care ConnectRoyal Military College, DuntroonRPSRumbalara Aboriginal Co-operativeSampson Leadership TrustShepparton NewsShepparton Sports StadiumShepparton Villages

Shire of CampaspeState Government VictoriaStrathbogie ShireSuzanna Sheed MPTallis Wines, DookieThe Caledonian Hotel, EchucaThe Hon. Damian Drum MPThe Hon. Wendy Lovell MLCThe Hugh Williamson FoundationThe Last Straw, SheppartonThe Sentencing Advisory Council VictoriaThe University of Melbourne, Dookie CampusV/LineVicHealthVictoria University, Flinders Street Campus, MelbourneViolet Town Action GroupViolet Town Community CentreViolet Town Football Netball ClubViolet Town Men’s Shed


Di ThomasSam Birrell (FF’13)Jon McKeown (FF’14) and our many supporters across the region

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Shire of CampaspeState Government VictoriaStrathbogie ShireSuzanna Sheed MPTallis Wines, DookieThe Caledonian Hotel, EchucaThe Hon. Damian Drum MPThe Hon. Wendy Lovell MLCThe Hugh Williamson FoundationThe Last Straw, SheppartonThe Sentencing Advisory Council VictoriaThe University of Melbourne, Dookie CampusV/LineVicHealthVictoria University, Flinders Street Campus, MelbourneViolet Town Action GroupViolet Town Community CentreViolet Town Football Netball ClubViolet Town Men’s Shed “LEADERSHIP COMES IN MANY FORMS AND


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1998Georgina BurstonJames DaltonRos GallHeather GangeGeoff GibsonJohn GinnivanJenny GrayAnnette GregsonColin GundrellMike HallJudi HanlonBarbara HellwegeRon HoseKerry Anne JonesIan MartinCarol McFadzeanJanet MelroseGayle NewnhamKatrina NewtonShane O’BrienDavid SimkinFran SmullenPhil StevensonPhil WaltersMing Zhou

1999Sue A’vardLinda BennettBrad BulleidPeter ButtonDavid CleePeter CorboyJudy DixonSimone Fletcher-WellsAndrew GalbraithBruce GiovanettiJustin Godden (dec)Melissa HamiltonBruce HammondJennifer HippisleyCath MarriottLeanne MulcahyGregory MunroDoris NilsenJim O’ConnorRobert RalstonLouise RossDavid StewartMichael StirlingLen TaylorHeather TraegerShane TreacyDavid UgaldeRoss WheelhouseLeanne WillisJanelle Witten

2000Geoff AdamsJim AndreadisLouise ArmstrongKellie BeverlyBronwyn BisleyNeal CartledgeRonald DaleyMark DunwoodieTony GabbertGraeme HannanAlan LindsayStewart MannBen McGregorDeborah MellorJeannie NicklessKim NoonanTom O’ReillyBrian PethybridgeMichael RandallJennifer ReutherStuart RichardsonLeah RossGabrielle RyanJames SeymourRichard SpeedyPam SpellingPeter WallisTony WatsonWayne WeaireRosemary White

2001Harold AdemMerushe AsimFaye BailMichael BateAnthony BrophySheree BrownAmanda ChallisKaylene ConrickChris EddyJohn EvansWayne FranciscoRobyn HaackPhillip HoareMartin HullAlan KellockJenny LockeChris NormanRussell PellHelen PhillipsDaryl PooleGail RobertsonKevin SimpsonFiona SmolenaarsShane StaceyWayne SullivanMalcolm TaylorNick TaylorSharon TerryJulie Tyrrell

2002Greg BekkerPeter BerimanLina Di PaoloMichelle DucatChris DunsterBarb FergusonSimon GrumleyGeoff HallGary HughesFiona LloydSue LogieRod LuscombeLisa MaddenFilipa MarshallPatricia McConvillElizabeth McLeodSimon MillsWendy NolanHelen O’NeillTracie PearsonJacque PhillipsMark SargentBob ScottGreg Sidebottom (dec)Rien SilversteinMelinda StephanRhonda SuttonAlan TysonCarl Walters

2003Marlene AtkinsonChristina BassaniPaul BinyonKerrie BozzellaVanessa BraggJoanne ChurchYvonne Crawford (dec)David CunninghamShayne DavisKen EllisDavid FindlayJon GriffinPeter GuyAndrew HumphreysSharon KasperRobyn LaunderGlenda MacKayTerry MahoneyTrish NigliaJeni NindBrian O’MahoneyChana OrloffDella PalmerLeanne PleashDean PullarWendy RossLorraine RyanPaul SpeddingTracee SpibySally Wright

2004Joanne AtkinsonJenny BickerdikeRita BloomfieldPeter BourkeNancy CollinsAshley CoxGrant DreherKristin FavaloroRussell FrancisMarcus HannSue HawleyGreg LaidlawSandra LeathamGarry LeedPaul MundyMatt O’ShannessyAllan PankhurstHeidi PinnuckMark PutmanKerryn QuirkJane RushworthGillian SchoenbornAnn SextonTom SextonGraeme TalaricoWayne ThomasMelissa TookeTrevor VerlinVincent White

2005Audrey AshGlenn BewickeNatasha BoykoLeonie CanhamMegan CarrClaire ConnellVirginia ContrerasKim DaldyMargaret DawAndrew DohrmannAndrew FarrellPaul FlintJohn FosterShane HellwegeJulie HubblePaul KellyCatherine MacmillanDavid MoreyChelsea NicholsonShane O’SullivanDonna RussellDaryl SloanDamien SmithSabine SmythMalcolm ThielSimone TonksMaree Welsh

2006Neville AtkinsonSteve AytonDavid BrettCharlotte BrewerDavid CahillMary Connelly-GaleKellie CrossleyMatt CullenSally DickinsonPatrice JacksonGlenn JamesMark LambournFiona Le GassickCraig MathisenShane McDruryJanine MusteyMalwinder PandherRuss ParkerChristie PeuckerStuart ReaMarty RichardsonLiz RichieVicki RodwellLinda SaliGed SheadKatrina TehanPeter ThomasJohn Wenske


1997Adrian AppoWendy BoyleGreg BrinsmeadTuesday BrowellMorriss CookPaul CustanceSteven FoxJohn FrancisPeter GrayAshley HallWendy LovellCraig MaddenMal McCulloughLisa McKenzieJohn McNeilJustin MohamedMary-Anne MorganPhillip MoreyDenis MutoGraham NicklessKen Sampson (dec)Dick ShirleyBarry SmithGarry SmithChris SteinfortDamien Sullivan

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2007Phillip AggenbachVanessa BaughurstTeri Bennet-MeyerMichelle BradleyRobert CroxfordPaul CulpanBruce CummingMartina CusackMark DePaolaRoss FicheraJoanna FoulkesLeslie GoudieRoss HillAnnette JakobAdam KitunganoMichelle LuscombeEwan McDonaldRyan McGowanEdward McGregorJohn MooreGraeme SinclairRon SneddonRachael SpokesIwan Van Den BergSusan WeardenAhmet Yildirim

2008Natalie AkersChristine AndersonEvelyn AndersonDiane BewickeJonathon BibbyJackie BinghamIan ChristoeChris CollinsTim CosgriffEmma DaltonNikala DixonCindy DohertyRay FarrellBruce GillNadia GodfreyAlex MarshallJoanne McGregorKate MontgomeryScott MorathJean Marie MupendaHoward G MyersSteven NashEril RathjenAnne TrickeyTom WallisMarkus Weiser

2010Mark BrownWill DalglieshErica FeatherstoneColleen FurlanettoKevin Gould (dec)David GullickDavid HarcoanCaroline HarlowTracey HarperMichael HattonLisa HawkenJane JenkinsCraig KappesJason KellyMary-Ann LinehamKellie MarstersSueanne McCumstieDeo MusafiriCynitha Oritz-GorryCraig ReynoldsAnne RobinsonKim ScottIngrid StavaMichael VillaniJames WalsheMichael Welk

2009Stephen BanfieldMatt BardenKim BennettsRichard BryceDerrick BwihambiBarry CarterBriony HarperSteve KerwinWarwick LongJulie MarshallAngela McLeodChris MercierCarla MilesSarah ParkerGreg PellDoreen PowerSharon PrendergastNick RaleighRashidi SumailiTracy TaylorMary-Jane TaylorMark TurnerHeidi Vestergaard

2012Khaluf AlsalimSophie AtkinKaren BrisbaneWendy BuckMichelle CollinsJessica DavisonJames DillonStuart HarrisAnna JansonLiz MannLynne McGregor-CarrollLisa McIlfatrickTrevor McKayCatherine McKennaAmanda McRoyZara MilenkovicAnne O’ConnorAli PiperJacki TomlinsonKellie ViseCorey WalkerRaymond WarrenMaree Woodhouse

2011Mark BantingDebra BourneIan CarkeekJim CosgriffSimon CowanDianne DoyleDebra EllisGlenn EvansVerity HaymanJoanne KinderSonja KingPaul LacyDaniel MackrellTerence McCarthyAmanda McClarenJill MurrayCynthia ScottRosemary ScottPatrick StorerClint ThomasThon ThonBruce WehnerKatie Zeller

2013Iris AmbroseKym BaileySam BirrellStacey ColeRenata CummingSonya DalglieshMichelle DunscombeLouise DwyerAdrian FalsettaShan JaudzemisBeryl O’ConnorRaymond ParkerSuzanne PortelliWarren RossBrooke RuddBonny SchnorrenbergChris SpokesImran SyedKatie ThornCraig WallEmma Wheatland - HughanJen Wilson

2014Braydon AitkenRhiannon AptedSam AtukoralaTracey BellLisa BirrellCarl ByrneGwen CampbellMax FurlanettoNerida HippisleyKimm Kennedy (dec)Sarah KnightAndrew MannCindy McCurdyJon McKeownMichael McLaughlinSue MilneLinda NieuwenhuizenCharles OguntadeJames PaisleyTricia QuibellAlison ReesJacinta RussellRiahn SmithZheng Xu

2015Liz ArcusMonique BryantJudith CantwellRebecca Dean (Lorains)Joe FicheraJeff GleesonKate HawkinsBill HeathSean HorsburghLyndal HumphrisShannon MurphyDean O’HaraKenny OluboyedeJessica OrrKatie Ross-SodenAngie RussiVicki ScottDavid ShipstonChris SolumMark TomkinsAndrew TownsendTrav TurnerJay WhittakerSarmed Yassin

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CONNECT WITH FAIRLEY LEADERSHIP GOULBURN MURRAY COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP PROGRAM INC.PO Box 1409, Shepparton VIC 3632Phone: (03) 5831 8420 | Email: [email protected]
