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Developing a Sustainability BaselinePhase 1 Step 1 Report

FINAL 19th December 2012

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1LCF sustainability baseline report

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Report outline

Introduction & summary

Campus baseline performance

Culture baseline performance

Community baseline performance

Curriculum & Research baseline performance


LCF sustainability baseline report

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This report summarises the findings of LCF sustainability baseline performance review

LCF aims to position itself at the forefront of sustainability within the higher education sector weaving sustainability into its culture, its ways of learning and educating and its actions

Initiatives have been implemented under the guidance of the UAL sustainability strategy and the Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF). However it is unclear how well LCF is performing as a college within UAL and against it’s peers nationally and internationally and what actions should be taken to meet its goal of being at the forefront of sustainability

Measuring LCF’s sustainability performance is the first step in understanding its current position, currently no formal measuring or monitoring is undertaken

This report summarises LCF’s sustainability performance in the academic year 2011/12, which will form a baseline across the 4Cs:

– Campus

– Culture

– Community

– Curriculum & Research


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The following methodology was followed to develop the LCF sustainability baseline



Develop sustainability KPIs

Review sustainability indicators from:– GRI– Green League– HEFCE– EAUC/Green Gown– HEA– UAL KPIs 1

Develop LCF sustainability KPIs:– Campus– Culture– Community– Curriculum &


Review available data (quantitive and qualitative):– Website– Reports– Surveys

Conduct interviews with staff at LCF & UAL– Emails– Telephone interviews– Face to face


Review existing materials and action plans for UAL & LCF to identify objectives and targets:– Policies– Strategies– Action plans


Identify objectives & targets


Get data LCF Sustainability Baseline


Project methodology

1. Developed by Ian Lane, New Environment and Energy Manager

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Summary of performance


There is no environmental management system in place to reinforce the commitments made in the UAL environmental policy

Waste is managed centrally at UAL, steps are in place to improve data collection and reporting, urgently required Energy data is estimated; energy management initiatives undertaken on an ad hoc basis Lack water consumption data has resulted in ad hoc implementation of water saving initiatives LCF sites have minimal biodiversity impact; green space initiatives that have been undertaken were well received Procurement policy requires consideration of sustainability; however no evidence exists to support this within


Summary of performance

LCF sustainability baseline report

Curriculum & Research



Commitment to develop a sustainability culture; no data on how this is considered within HR and labour relations activities

Commitment to develop a sustainability culture is supported by a range of engagements activities with students and staff

A range of community projects are undertaken; opportunities exist to improve communication and effectiveness measures

Strong alliances & partnerships with HEIs & industry; opportunities to capture information & measure effectiveness exist

Formal and informal learning activities undertaken, no mechanisms to capture information & measure effectiveness

MA Fashion and Environment is well recognised, activities at an undergraduate level undertaken on a project basis only

Dedicated centre for research and consulting on sustainable fashion (CSF), however no data at present to provide a review

A commitment to promote sustainable career choices, however no data at present to provide a review

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Clarify engagement lines with UAL and implementation of UAL environmental policy Develop and implement an environmental management system (pref certified to an internationally recognised

standard) Improve monitoring and measuring of environmental outputs and impacts (develop KPIs) Log environmental initiatives Develop a sustainable procurement policy and implement Improve communication internally (students and staff) and externally


LCF sustainability baseline report

Curriculum & Research



Develop LCF objectives regarding the development of a sustainability culture amongst staff, students and the wider community

Liaise with HR department for information on HR and labour relations issues and include as part of sustainability strategy

Improve capturing of information on student/staff engagements and activities undertaken with Student Groups Improve communication internally (students and staff) and externally

Develop an LCF community engagement strategy with clear responsibilities and timeframes for activities along with budgets or opportunities for funding

Track activities and press articles, engage via social media Work with HR and other departments to evaluate and assess impact of activities Implement feedback mechanisms Improve communication internally (students and staff) and externally

Evaluate training events and outcome to assess effectiveness in increasing the education of sustainability in general curriculum

Investigate ways to review sustainability in the general curriculum (with with QA depart) Improve data collection aligned with KPIs Improve communication internally (students and staff) and externally

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Suggested next steps

Review LCF’s sustainability performance against peer groups

Understand threats and opportunities for LCF

Develop sustainability action and change plan

Implement plan

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Suggested Next Steps

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Report outline

Introduction & summary

Campus baseline performance

Culture baseline performance

Community baseline performance

Curriculum & Research baseline performance


LCF sustainability baseline report

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There is no environmental management system in place to reinforce the commitments made in the UAL environmental policy

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Environmental management baseline performance


•UAL Environment policy in place and publicly available•Recent hire of UAL Environment & Energy Manager (Nov 2012)•Overall space utilization (17%) is 'low' by HEFCE standards, not

unusual utilization levels for an arts college



KPILCF Sustainability baseline assessment

indicator  LCF Score/Data


  General      Environmental Policy   80%CP1 Environmental policy in place   2

CP2 Environmental policy signed and dated   2CP3 Environmental policy includes targets to reduce

environmental impacts and continuous improvement  3

CP3 Environmental policy publicly available   3

      10  Environmental Management   20%CP4 Is there an Environmental management system (EMS) in

place?  5

CP5 Is the EMS certified? (ISO14001, EMAS, ECO Campus)   1

CP6 Environmental auditing/monitoring   2

       CP7 Environmental Management FTE   2

      10  Estate Management    

CP8 Sustainability taken into account in commissioning and refurbishment of major building works


CP9 LCF space utilisation   17%

•Environment policy mentions sustainability, however no sustainability policy

•Policy is at a UAL level, no specific LCF policy, no LCF objectives and targets

•No evidence of an environmental management plan (references made to document but not available)

•No evidence of an EMS, although discussions have been held and feasibility study undertaken to identify suitable options

•No formal monitoring or use of KPIs•Limited opportunity to upgrade physical buildings at current time

•Develop LCF environment/sustainability policy and clarify lines of engagement and reporting with UAL

• Develop an EMS at all sites with a goal to work towards certification to recognised standard

• Implement KPIs to measure performance•Develop plan for monitoring and implementNB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12



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Waste is managed centrally at UAL, steps are in place to improve data collection and reporting, urgently required

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•UAL objectives in place to reduce waste referenced in environmental policy & sustainability action plan

• UAL zero waste exhibition planned by 2015, good way to engage students and wider community on waste management

•LCF ICT waste management policy in place




NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12

Total waste: 635 tonnesTotal waste to landfill: 57%Total waste recycled: 43%

Waste generated per LCF student 201112 0.13 tonnes

Waste to landfill per LCF student 2011/12 0.07 tonnes

Waste recycled per LCF student 2011/12 0.05 tonnes

•No objectives or targets for waste reduction at LCF•Data measured in ‘bags’ , conversion required to estimate

tonnage, can not ensure accuracy•Lack of clarity on what is defined as ‘recycled’, e.g. is incineration

included? As well as what is recycled, e.g. paper, plastics•No information on:

- Waste reduced or reused, e.g. TRAID (how much waste is diverted from landfill)

- Generation and disposal of hazardous waste

•No information on initiatives aimed to reduce waste generation

•Develop mechanisms to improve the measurement of waste generation, disposal and management at all LCF sites:

- Change unit of measurement to tonnes

- Improve accuracy and frequency of data

- Include information on all modes of disposal for all waste streams

•Log and track impact of waste management initiatives

Waste generation and management baseline performance



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Energy data is estimated; energy management initiatives undertaken on an ad hoc basis

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•Commitment to reduce energy usage at a University level included in UAL Sustainability Action Plan 2010-15

•UAL Carbon Management Plan available•At least 52 cycle parking spaces across all LCF sites•LCF sites located close to good public transport routes



•No LCF objectives or targets to reduce energy or carbon emissions•Data based on estimates, not normalised against weather. Concerns over

accuracy and reliability across all UAL sites•Carbon Management Plan requires revisions to align with HEFCE

recommendations and how this is implemented at LCF•Limited information on initiatives to reduce energy consumption and

efficiency, implementation is ad hoc, no information on impact of initiatives, e.g. Switch Off campaigns, powering down of PCs

•Discussion document on student/staff travel, no policy of action plan• International travel policy dedicated by cost rather then environmental

factors•Limited showering facilities across sites; showers only available at JPS and

Mare St (2 at each location)•Carbon emissions are not measured (information presented calculated

based on energy figures)

• Improve reliability of energy data (currently under investigation)•Develop an LCF energy and carbon management plan•Maintain a database of all energy management initiatives and track impact

at regular intervals after launch to monitor impact•Communicate energy management data within LCF to staff and students

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12, estimated meter reading data. CO2 Conversion Factors from Carbon Trust

Energy consumption per LCF student 2011/12:

2,072.96 kWh

Carbon emissions per LCF student 2011/12:

694.22 CO2e

Energy and carbon management baseline performance




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•UAL objective to reduce water consumption across all Colleges by 15% per year in UAL Sustainability Action Plan

•UAL objective to reduce water consumption across all Colleges by 30% over 5 years (2010 as benchmark)

•Water Amnesty campaign at UAL in 2009 resulted in savings of 18%, shortlisted for a Green Gown Award for Social Responsibility in 2010

• Programme to install HIPPOs at all LCF toilets in 2009




Water consumption per LCF student 2011: 9 m^3

•Data based on estimates; concerns over quality of data• Lack of clarity of UAL objective and no further information on

how this should be implemented at LCF•Water campaigns run on an ad hoc basis, no information on

initiatives in 2011/12•No information on water recycling and reuse

•Develop mechanisms to improve the measurement of water usage

- Improve accuracy and frequency of data- Include information on recycling and savings

•Maintain a database of all water management initiatives and track impact at regular intervals after launch to monitor impact

•Communicate water management data within LCF to staff and students

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12

Water consumption and management baseline performance

Lack of water consumption data has resulted in ad hoc implementation of water saving initiatives



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LCF sites have minimal biodiversity impact; green space initiatives that have been undertaken were well received

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•Green spaces at LCF have won 2 Awards•Central London location benefits LCF, limited activity required in

this category•Blog about green spaces activities



KPILCF Sustainability baseline

assessment indicator  LCF Score/Data



CP40 Number of initiatives that promote green spaces within the estate

  LCF Green Spaces Initiative

Cordwainers Community Cargen at Mare Street won 2 Awards, 1st from RHS, for work between community & students , 2st Capital Growth for coming 2nd in the Bee-Friendly Garden category


•Unclear what strategic focus is with green spaces projects and commitment from UAL and within LCF

•No central database of activities at LCF or information on expenditure or budgets and benefits

•Blog no longer updated

•Maintain a database of all green spaces initiatives and track impact at regular intervals after launch to monitor impact

•Communicate information about green spaces activities within LCF to staff and students

•Monitor usage by LCF staff, students and local community to understand impact amongst key stakeholder groups of the initiatives

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12. Images from LCF & UAL websites

Biodiversity management baseline performance



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Procurement policy requires consideration of sustainability; however no evidence exists to support this within LCF

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•Procurement policy requires where possible the use of suppliers with strong sustainability and ethical credentials (UAL Strategy 2010-2015)

•Commitment to promote life cycle thinking in the procurements of goods and services



KPILCF Sustainability baseline assessment

indicator  LCF Score/Data


  Procurement      Sustainable procurement management    CP41 Ethical procurement policy and procedures in place   No

CP42 Steering group in place to address sustainable procurement (staff/student participation)


CP43 Affiliated with the Worker Rights Consortium   No

  Fair Trade    CP44 LCF is an accredited Fair-trade University   No

  Sustainable food/catering    CP45 Sustainable foods policy (or sustainable procurement

policy) in place and is publicly available  No

CP46 % of total foods purchased from sustainable sources   No data available

  Number of sustainable food practices implemented:- purchase/sale of free range eggs- purchase/sale of sustainable fish- seasonal variation - sales of bottled water- consumption of meat & diary products- purchase of organic milk

  No data available

•No information on LCF or UAL procurement guidelines on purchasing for catering and all other types of purchasing available publicly

•Develop guidelines on sustainable procurement• Identify caterer for LCF events aligned with sustainability ethos•Become a Fair Trade University•Collect purchasing data from canteens• Investigate possibility of reducing sale of bottled water•Communicate policy and LCF position to staff and students

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12

Procurement baseline performance



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Report outline

Introduction & summary

Campus baseline performance

Culture baseline performance

Community baseline performance

Curriculum & Research baseline performance


LCF sustainability baseline report

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Commitment to develop a sustainability culture; no data on how this is considered within HR and labour relations activities

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•Commitment at UAL level to develop a culture of social and environmental awareness (UAL Strategy 2010-2015)

•UAL Sustainability Committee – University level steering group on sustainability

•LCF Green Council



•No recognition within LCF strategy on developing a sustainability culture

•No LCF sustainability steering group•No ethical investment policy•Lack of information on HR and labour relations

•Develop LCF objectives regarding the development of a sustainability culture amongst staff, students and the wider community

•Liaise with HR department for information on HR and labour relations issues and include as part of sustainability strategy

•Communicate to staff and studentsNB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12

HR & labour relations baseline performance



KPI LCF Sustainability baseline assessment indicator 

LCF Score/Data2011/2012


  General   60%

CU1 Has sustainability been integrated into College strategy? 3 2

CU2 Is a college sustainability strategy in place? 3 2

CU3 Is there a Sustainability Steering Group in place? 2 2

CU4 Is there an Ethical Investment policy 2 0

    10 60%  Labour Practices and Decent Work    CU5 Organisational wide policy that defines commitment to labour aspects in the public

domain  No data available

CU6 % of employees represented by a Union   No data available

CU7 Total number and rate of employee turnover by age group, gender and region   No data available

         Occupational Health & Safety    CU8 Occupational Health & Safety policy in place   YesCU9 Training provided on occupational H&S   Yes

         Training    CU10 Learning & development programs in place   No data availableCU11 Staff training on sustainability initiatives   See C&R

CU12 Training provided on sustainability and environmental management in staff induction and training and CPD

  No data available

         Diversity & Equal Opportunities    CU13 Policy for diversity and equal opportunities in place (signed and dated by senior

management)  UAL policy is not signed or dated, mentioned

to be reviewed every 2 years within the policy. Sexual orientation policy also

available on UAL website

         Human Rights    CU14 Organisation wide policy that defines commitment to human rights signed and

dated and available in the public domain   No data available


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Commitment to develop a sustainability culture is supported by a range of engagements activities with students and staff

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•UAL is committed to creating a ‘Sustainability and Ethics Network with associated events (UAL Sustainability Action Plan)

•CSF is active in engaging with staff across LCF on the centre’s activities via lectures, events etc.

•Won 2 Awards in 2011/12, shortlisted for 3rd



• Information on engagement activity is not logged at a UAL or LCF level

•Outcome of engagement activity not measured

• Improve capturing of information on student/staff engagements and activities undertaken with Student Groups

• Investigate sustainability activities undertaken in student accommodations or link with student groups responsible for this

•Communicate to staff and students

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12

Student/staff engagement baseline performance



KPI LCF Sustainability baseline assessment indicator  

 LCF Score/Data


  Student Staff Engagement      

CU15 No. of sustainability events e.g. Go Green Week/Environmental Week

    Lecture to BA FW & Acc Oct 2012Lecture to BA 2nd Year Fashion JournalismPres on Fashion Futures project to BA Fashion Product Design & DevelopmentGreen WeekFreshers FairSchools Workshops

CU16 No. of departmental eco champions     0

CU17 Student representation on LCF committees related to sustainability

    No data available

CU18 Student funding for sustainability initiatives     No data availableCU19 % of total student project funding allocated specifically for

sustainability initiatives    No data available

CU20 Sustainability initiatives in student accommodation     No data available

CU21 Sustainability Awards     2 AwardsGreen Gown Award for Fashion Education in Prisons work, 2011Source Award for MA Fashion &

Environment/CSF 2012 (category: education & sustainability)

Shortlisted for Source Award: Dilys Williams 2012, (category: personal


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Report outline

Introduction & summary

Campus baseline performance

Culture baseline performance

Community baseline performance

Curriculum & Research baseline performance


LCF sustainability baseline report

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A range of community projects are undertaken; opportunities exist to improve communication and effectiveness measures

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•UAL Widening Participation strategy, reviewed and updated annually, focus on increasing number of students from communities currently under represented

• Commitment at UAL/LCF level to raise the profile of sustainability activity to become known as a leader (UAL Sustainability Strategy 2010-2015, CSF Operational Plan)

• Information on activities and research is communicated on UAL website and via CSF website



•There is no clear section on LCF website on sustainability or sustainability report developed and available to the public

•CSF and LCF engaged in a wide range of events with invitations to speak and write articles however information is not available

•Develop an LCF community engagement strategy with clear responsibilities and timeframes for activities along with budgets or opportunities for funding

•Analyze hits on CSF website and social media in relation to sustainability initiatives undertaken; engage via social media

•Track press articles referring to LCF sustainability initiatives and staff

•Track number of invitations to speak on sustainability in fashionNB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12

Communication and reputation management baseline performance



KPILCF Sustainability baseline

assessment indicator 


LCF Score/Data2011/2012


  General     60%CO1 Is there a community engagement strategy

in place  3 1

CO2 Is there a commitment to community relations in LCF's strategic plan

  2 2

      5 60%

  Transparency & communication     25%CO3 Information on college website on

sustainability  3 1.5

CO4 Dedicated section on website to sustainability

  2 1

CO5 Annual sustainability report produced   2 0CO6 Sustainability report publicly available   2 0CO7 Sustainability strategy publicly available   1 0      10 25%  Reputation management     10%CO12 Number of press articles referring to LSF

sustainability initiatives    No data available

CO14 Number of Green Gown Awards     1 - prison project for SR in 2011

CO15 Number of invitations to speak on sustainability in fashion

    No data available


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A range of community projects are undertaken; opportunities exist to improve communication and effectiveness measures (cont)

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•LCF’s Better Lives initiatives are well known within the sector and well received

•Activities undertaken in partnership with local councils and organisations with successful results



KPILCF Sustainability baseline

assessment indicator  LCF Score/Data


  Local community engagements           CO8 The university is fully integrated into the

community- community outreach programmes- knowledge exchange programmes with local community, e.g. workshops in schools- student/staff opportunities for community volunteering initiatives

  5 via Better Lives initiatives: - Green Spaces - LCF x TRAID - Fashion Education in Prisons - LCF and St Joseph’s Hospice, Hackney - LCF Loves You

- Connected to recruitment outreach programmes - partnerships with Hackney Council

      - many partnerships are run independently and not communicated back to centre at LCF - Want to introduce an evaluation programme need buy in from HR - student volunteering is managed via student union and information on their website - Women in Prison initiatives, 11 women inmates, 1 inmate now looking to enrol, 1 looking to study fine art, 2 others to potentially study creative writing

•No formal tracking of community activities•Activities undertaken with other departments, e.g. HR are not

tracked by CSF•Student volunteering is managed via SU, no information

available• No monitoring and evaluation of activities to assess impact

•Track all sustainability activities at LCF and maintain a central database accessible to all departments

•Work with HR and other departments to evaluate and assess impact of activities

•Communicate with staff and students

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12. Images from LCF website

Local community engagement baseline performance



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Strong alliances & partnerships with HEIs & industry; opportunities to capture information & measure effectiveness exist

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•Commitment from UAL to develop strategic links with other HEIs and external organisations to develop best practice and projects (UAL Sustainability Action Plan 2010-2015)

•Commitment at LCF level via CSF (Operational Plan 2012/2013) to contribute and develop knowledge base and create networks

•The CSF and LCF are active within the HE sector and with local enterprises to explore opportunities to develop a sustainable culture within fashion and higher education as demonstrated by projects and partners involved in



KPILCF Sustainability baseline assessment

indicator  LCF Score/Data


  Alliances & partnerships    CO9 Number of collaborations with other HEIs which address

sustainability:- number of events- number of projects with funding delivered with partners- publication of outcome of events- number of repeat events- attendance of repeat events

  1Fashion Educators Community of Practice event, 4th Dec 2012 first event

       CO10 Number of collaborations with other external

organisations which address sustainability:- number of events- number of projects with funding delivered with partners- publication of outcome of events- number of repeat events- attendance of repeat events

  7Copenhagen Fashion Summit and Youth Summit (May 2012)CSF's Transformational Thinking & Practice event (May 2012)P&G Classics projectBring & Fix event, WhitechapelUNCTAD BioTrade projectCSF design and delivered the All Party Parliamentary Group on Ethical Fashion debating the role of education in shaping a sustainable fashion industry Trees for City

CO11 Number of collaborations with local enterprises which address sustainability:- number of events- number of projects with funding delivered with partners- publication of outcome of events- number of repeat events- attendance of repeat events

  5Projects with P&G classics (completed)UNCTAD (live)Zegna (completed)Helen Story FoundationForum for the Future/Levi's (completed)in discussion P&G Skincare for all (ongoing)Nike (ongoing)Fashioning the Futures Awards & Exhibition 8th Nov 2011

•Evidence of wealth of information and knowledge and events, however not tracked centrally

•Outcome of activities do not appear to be evaluated•Activity not reported externally (some case study examples on


•Create database of activities• Improve reporting of activities• Implement feedback and follow up mechanisms to track impact,

e.g. survey

Alliances and partnerships baseline performance

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12.



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Report outline

Introduction & summary

Campus baseline performance

Culture baseline performance

Community baseline performance

Curriculum & Research baseline performance


LCF sustainability baseline report

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Formal and informal learning activities undertaken, no mechanisms to capture information & measure effectiveness

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•Commitment at UAL & LCF level to develop and enhance teaching and learning for sustainability

• Informal and formal training opportunities for LCF staff (and UAL staff) to improve their understanding of sustainability and ways to improve the teaching and learning around sustainability

•External funding received to develop training course for staff (CLAD)



KPILCF Sustainability baseline assessment

indicator  LCF Score/Data


  Strategy   60%CR1 Strategy in place to increase the education of sustainability in

curriculum  2

CR2 Sustainability explicitly mentioned in the teaching and learning strategy


CR3 Education is mentioned in sustainability policy   2

CR4 Reporting of sustainability in curriculum undertaken   0CR5 Reviewing of sustainability in curriculum undertaken   0

      60%  Teaching & Learning   70%

CR6 Integrate the use of teaching and learning methods that motivate and empower learners to change their behaviour and take action for sustainable development:


     CR6.1 - Provide resources on education and sustainability and

sustainability and fashion for staff and students  2

CR6.2 - No. of internal networking events to promote the education and sustainability geared to staff across LCF


CR6.3 - A training event focussed on supporting staff to integrate sustainability into curriculum


CR6.4 - The outcome of the staff training event is measured    

CR6.5 - publication of papers in peer reviewed journals on education for sustainability


•Evaluation of training events and resources has not been undertaken to assess effectiveness

•Review of use of resources planned, not undertaken

•Evaluate training events and outcome to assess effectiveness in increasing the education of sustainability in general curriculum

•Undertake review of resource usage• Investigate ways to review sustainability in the general

curriculum (with with QA depart)

Strategy, teaching and learning baseline performance

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12


Curriculum & Research

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MA Fashion and Environment is well recognised, activities at an undergraduate level undertaken on a project basis only

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•LCF MA Fashion in the Environment well recognised within HE sector

•3 Short courses run with a focus on sustainability•Number of informal learning events undertaken by CSF



KPI LCF Sustainability baseline assessment indicator   LCF Score/Data2011/2012

  Sustainability specific courses    

  Short courses    CR7 No. of short courses on sustainability   3

CR8 Attendance rates for courses   No data available

  Undergraduate courses    CR9 No. of sustainability undergraduate courses   0CR10 % of sustainability undergraduate courses of total courses   0CR11 Uptake of sustainability undergraduate courses (% of total students)   0CR12 No. of sustainability focussed projects undertaken as pat of undergraduate

coursesData not collected

  Post graduate courses    CR13 No. of sustainability post graduate courses   1

CR14 % of sustainability postgraduate courses of total courses   5%

CR15 No. of students on post graduate sustainability courses   22

CR16 Uptake of sustainability postgraduate courses (% of total students)   5%

  Sustainability in general curriculum    CR17 No. of sustainability specific modules available   0

CR18 % of sustainability modules in relation to total modules available   0  Informal learning    CR19 No. of extra curricular events focussed on sustainability, e.g. Fresher's

Fair, open days, sustainability conferences  CSF workshops

at Fresher's WeekSustainability conferenceWorkshops for schools

•Data not available for a range of indicators for short courses and undergraduate courses to be able to assess baseline performance

• Improve data collection aligned with KPIs•Report performance within LCF to staff and students

Sustainability curriculum baseline performance

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12


Curriculum & Research

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Dedicated centre for research and consulting on sustainable fashion (CSF), however no data at present to provide a review

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•Commitment to develop research within UAL and LCF in education for sustainability

•Dedicated resources to undertake research – CSF and researchers

•Successful collaborations HEI with industry and development of consulting projects



•Clearer boundaries between research projects and consulting projects (recognising there maybe some overlap)

•Align data with KPIs

Research and consulting baseline performance

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12


Curriculum & Research

KPILCF Sustainability baseline assessment

indicatorLCF Score/Data

2011/2012  Sustainability research    Sustainability research resources  CR20 Dedicated facilities for sustainability


CR22 FTE dedicated to sustainability research:- no. of PhD students enrolled- no of completions- research projects with coasted in PhD students

3 students in progress (2 commencing 3rd year, 1 commencing 2nd year)9 other students from outside of CSF being part supervised

CR23 Budget for sustainability research 297000

CR24 % of total research funding allocated to sustainability

unknown at present

  Sustainability research initiatives and collaborations


CR25 No. of sustainability research projects Data requestedCR26 % of total research projects at LCF Data requestedCR27 No. of published papers on sustainability in

peer reviewed journals, bids submitted and bids approved

"Sustainability: Design for Change", Dr Kate Fletcher"Fashion Practice" Prof Sandy BlackClouds/Nuages: Lucy & Jorge Orta

CR28 No. of research partnerships, networks and projects, national and international:- Number of academic collaborations- Attendance at sustainability events (national/international)

Collaborations: - Catalytic Clothing: collaborative project between Prof Helen Storey & Prof Tony Ryan, Sheffield University - Open University & Cambridge University relting to Considerate Design and other projects - Fashioning the Future Awards, partnership with UNCTD - International collaborations with museums and galleries exploring fashion art in public arenasEvents: - Better Lives Symposium 27/29th Sept - Living with Ecological Limits (numerous)

  Sustainability consulting    Sustainability consulting resources  CR39 FTE dedicated to sustainability consulting Data requested

  Sustainability consulting strategy  CR40 Commitment in sustainability strategy to

pursue sustainability consulting opportunities within industry


  Sustainability consulting projects  

CR41 No. of sustainability consulting projects undertaken per year


CR42 % of total consulting Data requested

CR43 Revenue generated from sustainability consulting



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A commitment to promote sustainable career choices, however no data at present to provide a review

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•Commitment at a strategic level to promote sustainable career choices for graduates and to track their journeys



KPI LCF Sustainability baseline assessment indicator   LCF Score/Data2011/2012

  Sustainability careers    

  Sustainability work placements    

CR44 No. of work placements in sustainability area   0


       Sustainability employment post LCF    

CR45 No. of students pursuing sustainability in their work post graduation   No data

CR46 % of MA Environment & Fashion graduates in employment within 12 months

  No data

CR47 % of total graduates   No data

•No data available or captured in a format that is easy to identify work placements or career choices with a sustainability focus

•Work with HR to develop ways to track placements with a sustainability angle

•Track career journey of MA graduates post graduation

Sustainability careers baseline performance

NB: See appendix for data sources and references, data refers to academic year 2011/12


Curriculum & Research

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Introduction & summary

Campus baseline performance

Culture baseline performance

Community baseline performance

Curriculum & Research baseline performance


LCF sustainability baseline report

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References reviewed

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