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Determination of solid fraction–temperaturerelation and latent heat using full scalecasting experiments: application to corrosionresistant steels and nickel based alloys

K. D. Carlson and C. Beckermann*

Casting simulation results are only useful to a foundry if they reflect reality, which requires

accurate material datasets for the alloys being simulated. Material datasets include property data

such as density, specific heat and thermal conductivity as functions of temperature, as well as

latent heat of solidification and a solid fraction–temperature relation. Unfortunately, there are a

significant number of commonly used metal alloys for which no reliable material data are

available. The present study focuses on five such corrosion resistant alloys: superaustenitic

stainless steel CN3MN, duplex stainless steels CD3MN and CD4MCuN and nickel based alloys

CW6MC and N3M. Initial alloy material datasets are generated using thermodynamic simulation

software. Comparisons of temperatures measured in full scale sand castings made from these

alloys with temperatures predicted in computer simulations revealed that these initial datasets are

inadequate. Therefore, an iterative method is developed to adjust the datasets (in particular the

solid fraction–temperature relation and latent heat) in order to match measured and predicted

temperatures and cooling rates. Uncertainties in the simulation are effectively eliminated through

parametric studies. Although more tedious, the present iterative method to determine the solid

fraction–temperature relation and latent heat is believed to be more accurate than traditional

cooling curve analysis using small experimental castings.

Keywords: Casting simulation, Temperature measurements, Solid fraction, Latent heat, Stainless steels, Nickel based alloys

IntroductionCasting simulation is routinely used in modern foundriesbecause many casting problems can be predicted andeliminated through the use of simulation rather thanthrough time consuming and potentially expensive trialand error casting production. An important caveat forcasting simulation, however, is that the results from asimulation are only as good as the casting data that areutilised in the simulation; for a simulation to truly reflectreality, it is necessary to have material datasets thataccurately characterise the materials being simulated.These material datasets include property data such asdensity, specific heat and thermal conductivity for allmaterials involved (e.g. metal alloy, mould, corematerials, etc.) as well as the latent heat of solidificationof the alloy and the alloy’s solid fraction–temperaturerelationship for a cooling rate representative of theprocess being modelled. It is also necessary to have

reasonably accurate boundary and initial conditions.Adequate material datasets have been developed formany common casting alloys and mould materials basedon a wealth of experimental data that have beengathered in the last half century. However, for manyless common or newer alloys, little or no material dataare available, and hence, accurate simulation of castingsmade from these alloys is not possible. One group ofalloys for which little material data are available iscorrosion resistant alloys required for severe serviceconditions (e.g. high temperature, high pressure, invol-ving corrosive fluids, etc.). Castings made from thesealloys are commonly employed, for example, in thepetroleum industry. This investigation focuses on fivecorrosion resistant alloys, which were selected by pollingfoundries that produce castings for severe serviceregarding the alloys that they most commonly use forwhich material data are not currently available. Thealloys selected consist of three stainless steels (super-austenitic CN3MN and duplexes CD3MN andCD4MCuN) and two nickel based alloys (CW6MCand N3M). The compositions of these alloys from thecasting experiments performed for the present study aregiven in Table 1.

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, The University ofIowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA

*Corresponding author, email [email protected]

� 2012 W. S. Maney & Son Ltd.Received 13 April 2011; accepted 26 August 2011DOI 10.1179/1743133611Y.0000000023 International Journal of Cast Metals Research 2012 VOL 25 NO 2 75

Page 2: Determination of solid fraction–temperature relation and cooling rate curves before and after solidification,

The quickest, simplest way to develop materialdatasets is to utilise thermodynamic simulation softwarepackages. Using information from thermodynamicdatabases, these packages model multicomponent metalalloy solidification to generate a solidification path. Thesolidification path consists of mass fractions andcompositions of the various solid phases that form asa function of temperature during solidification. Thisinformation is then used to determine the latent heat andtemperature dependent data for the specific heat anddensity. Two different thermodynamic simulation soft-ware packages are utilised in the present study: thestainless steels are simulated using the interdendriticsolidification package IDS (IDS DOS v2?0?0) developedby Miettinen1 and Miettinen and Louhenkilpi,2 and thenickel based alloys are simulated using JMatPro.3 Manysuch software packages are commercially available;these two were selected in part because in addition togenerating a solidification path and thermodynamicproperties, they also produce transport property curves(i.e. thermal conductivity and viscosity) required bycasting simulation software. IDS is only applicable tosteels, whereas JMatPro can be applied to a wider rangeof alloys (including nickel based alloys). IDS calculatesthe transient diffusion of solutes within the phases onthe scale of the microstructure and is thus able toaccount for the effect of back diffusion on the solidi-fication path and to simulate the solid state transforma-tions that often occur in steels. JMatPro, on the otherhand, uses a modified Scheil approximation (i.e. nosolute diffusion in solid phases, except for carbon andnitrogen, for which diffusion in the solid is assumed tobe complete).

For many common casting alloys, the datasetsgenerated by thermodynamic software packages arereasonably accurate. However, for the highly alloyedmetals considered in the present study, material datasetsdetermined from thermodynamic simulation softwareare not entirely trustworthy. Sometimes, the content of aparticular solute is simply out of the range for which thesoftware was designed, or the thermodynamic databaseon which the software is based is not fully validated forvery high solute contents. More often, the accuracy ofthe modified Scheil approximation or even the diffusioncalculations is not known. This uncertainty affectsprimarily the solidification path (although the term

‘solidification path’ broadly includes mass fractions andcompositions of all solid phases that form duringsolidification, the term is frequently used in a narrowersense in this text, as shorthand notation to refer simplyto the solid fraction as a function of temperature, whichis the only part of the broader set of information utilizedin casting simulation software) and the evolution oflatent heat; the specific heat, density, thermal con-ductivity and viscosity are generally less sensitive topotential inaccuracies in the predictions of the thermo-dynamic software. In order to generate reliable materialdatasets for the corrosion resistant alloys currently ofinterest, it is necessary to collect temperature data thatcan be used to verify the calculated solidification pathand enthalpy related properties for these alloys. Notethat although it is commonly referred to as a property,the solidification path is, in reality, a function of thecooling rate. Thus, it would be advantageous todetermine the solidification path for cooling rates similarto those seen in production castings.

There are two common laboratory methods formeasuring solidification and enthalpy related properties:differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differentialscanning calorimetry (DSC). In DTA, thermocouples(TCs) are used to measure temperature differencesduring the heating or cooling of a small (,200 mg)sample of a metal alloy.4 The nature of these tempera-ture changes indicates different events that occur duringsolidification and melting. The DSC approach is similarto DTA, but differences in heat flow are measured ratherthan temperature differences. Measurements from DTAand DSC can provide a great deal of useful informationfor metal alloys.4 However, while the liquidus tempera-ture and the latent heat can be readily determined withthese methods, the non-equilibrium solidus temperatureis potentially more elusive. As noted in Ref. 4, deter-mination of the solidus temperature [in the following,the term ‘solidus temperature’ is used as shorthandnotation to indicate the (non-equilibrium solidus) tem-perature at which an alloy becomes fully solid uponcooling.] can be difficult with DSC/DTA. This isparticularly true for alloys like steel, where the end ofsolidification is not associated with the formation of anew phase (e.g. a eutectic phase). In addition, the solidustemperatures of steels are generally a strong function ofthe cooling rate, and cooling rates during solidification

Table 1 Casting experiment alloy compositions/wt-%



Stainless steels Nickel based alloys

(Superaustenitic) CN3MN (Duplex) CD3MN (Duplex) CD4MCuN CW6MC N3M

C 0.03 0.02 0.022 0.01 0.004Mn 0.54 1.01 0.76 0.72 0.64Si 0.81 0.64 0.59 0.71 0.23P 0.005 0.018 0.02 0.009 0.007S 0.01 0.006 0.001 0.001 0.0001Cr 20.32 22.1 25.7 21.56 0.3Ni 25.07 6.35 5.76 60.68 (balance) 66.84 (balance)Mo 6.41 2.56 1.84 9.1 31.0Cu 3.0Cb/Nb 3.73Fe 46.57 (balance) 67.16 (balance) 62.16 (balance) 3.48 0.98N 0.24 0.14 0.15

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of castings are highly variable and often unknown.Therefore, selecting a representative cooling rate touse in DSC/DTA measurements can be a challenge.Commercial DSC/DTA systems may not even allow fortests to be conducted at the cooling rates encountered inproduction castings. Finally, it is difficult to back outthe full solid fraction versus temperature relationshipfrom DSC/DTA measurements.

Solidification characteristics such as the liquidus andsolidus temperatures, the latent heat of solidification andthe solidification path can also be determined using datafrom TCs embedded in small experimental castings. Thismethod is referred to as cooling curve analysis (CCA).5–10

Taking the time derivative of a measured temperaturecurve T(t) yields the cooling rate curve dT/dt. Theliquidus and solidus temperatures are taken directlyfrom this cooling rate curve; this will be discussed indetail later. Two methods are commonly used todetermine the latent heat of solidification and thesolidification path: Newtonian analysis5 and Fourieranalysis.6 These methods are briefly reviewed here; moredetailed descriptions are provided in Refs. 5–10. Anoteworthy early example of CCA can be found inRef. 11, which provides results of an extensive experi-mental study performed in the 1970s, involving .40different steel alloys. For each alloy, the liquidustemperature, solidus temperature and solid fractionversus temperature relationship were determined for avariety of cooling rates.

In Newtonian analysis, metal temperature measure-ments are taken using a single TC in the casting cavity ofa small cylindrical cup. The casting sample in which theTC resides must be small (typically a few centimetres inboth diameter and height), because Newtonian analysisis based on the lumped capacitance method, whichassumes that the sample temperature is uniform. It isfurther assumed that both the density and specific heatof the metal are constant. In Newtonian analysis, asmooth curve is fitted to the cooling rate data to connectthe cooling rate curves before and after solidification,producing a fictitious cooling rate curve termed theNewtonian zero curve, which represents the cooling ratecurve if no phase change were to take place. The latentheat is then estimated by integrating over time the areabetween the measured cooling rate curve and theNewtonian zero curve. The fraction solid at any time[and hence temperature, since T(t) is known frommeasurements] during solidification can then be eval-uated by dividing the cumulative area between thecooling rate curve and the Newtonian zero curve up tothat time by the total latent heat. The approximatenature of the results derived from this method stemsprimarily from the uncertainty associated with generat-ing the Newtonian zero curve.7,8 However, a moresystematic methodology for determining the Newtonianzero curve was developed in Ref. 9. While the New-tonian method is often used for aluminium alloys, theuniform temperature assumption makes this method lesspractical for steel and nickel based alloys, which havesubstantially lower thermal conductivity than alumi-nium alloys. In addition, the small sample size can leadto cooling rates that are different from those encoun-tered in production castings.

Fourier analysis6 is similar to Newtonian analysis, butFourier analysis requires less restrictive assumptions.

Again, casting experiments are performed using a smallcylindrical sample in a cup. In contrast to Newtoniananalysis, Fourier analysis does not assume a uniformtemperature but accounts for heat conduction withinthe solidifying metal. This requires knowledge of thetemperature distribution in the casting sample, which isgained using two TCs in the metal rather than one: inaddition to a central TC, there is also a TC located nearthe edge of the cylinder. An energy balance thenprovides an equation for dT/dt in terms of a conductionterm and a latent heat source term. Assuming that heattransfer in the cylindrical sample occurs only radially,with no heat transfer from the cylinder ends, the timedependent value of the conduction term is determinedfrom an analytical expression involving the measuredtemperatures. This conduction term is then designatedthe Fourier zero curve, which serves the same purpose asthe Newtonian zero curve. The Fourier zero curve canbe expected to be more accurate than the Newtonianzero curve, but it is still only approximate. Theanalytical expression used for the conduction termassumes not only a one-dimensional system but alsotime independent, steady conduction without heatgeneration (something that is rarely mentioned). Noneof these assumptions are true in reality, and using timedependent (measured) temperatures in an analyticalexpression that is strictly only valid for steady conduc-tion does not necessarily compensate for any errors.Analogous to Newtonian analysis, the latent heat andsolidification path can be determined by integrating thedifference between the measured cooling rate curve andthe Fourier zero curve. This solution requires iteration,because in Fourier analysis, both the thermal diffusivityand the volumetric specific heat are taken as functions ofthe solid fraction in the solidification range, and so theyneed to be determined as part of the solution. Resultsgenerated for aluminium alloys using both Newtonianand Fourier analyses are reviewed and compared byBarlow and Stefanescu7 as well as by Emadi andWhiting8 and Emadi et al.10 Not surprisingly, thesestudies conclude that the latent heat values determinedusing Fourier analysis agree better with the valuesobtained from other methods, including DSC.

In the present study, to determine the materialdatasets for five corrosion resistant steel and nickelbased alloys, a different approach is used, whichinvolves a combination of full scale casting experimentsand casting computer simulation. Temperature measure-ments are taken in the castings as they solidify and cool.These measurements immediately yield the liquidus andsolidus temperatures. However, instead of constructinga zero curve, the solidification path and latent heat areobtained in a trial and error procedure, where measuredand predicted temperatures and cooling rates arecompared, and the material dataset is adjusted untilgood agreement is obtained. The initial material datasetis generated with thermodynamic software. The presentiterative method does not require any of the approxima-tions associated with the generation of a zero curve,and it is made feasible by the fact that the cast-ing solidification simulations (excluding filling) require,10 min of run time, so many iterations can beperformed if necessary. It is true that casting simulationscan have errors associated with them, particularly in thechoice of the simulation parameters for the pouring

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temperature and the interfacial heat transfer coefficients(IHTCs) between the metal and the mould, but steps aretaken in the present study to eliminate the uncertaintiesassociated with these parameters. Material datasets aredeveloped for the corrosion resistant alloys CN3MN,CD3MN, CD4MCuN, CW6MC and N3M. These areall highly alloyed metals, rendering datasets createdfrom thermodynamic simulation alone uncertain. Thecastings in which TCs are embedded for this study areplates with a thickness that is commonly encounteredin foundries casting these alloys, such that the datacollected in these experiments are representative oftypical cooling rates seen in production castings.

It is worth noting that the comparisons betweenmeasured and simulated temperature data, utilised in thepresent work to develop accurate material datasets, havevalue in and of themselves. While casting simulationis performed routinely, detailed comparisons betweenmeasured and predicted temperatures in an actualcasting are scarce in the open literature. Issues such asthe selection of simulation parameters (e.g. pouringtemperature and mould/metal IHTC) are often discussedamong simulation users but are not investigated system-atically, as in the present study. A thorough investiga-tion into the effects of the simulation parameters isnecessary, since they are generally unknown and theirchoice will affect the determination of alloy properties.

In the next section, an overview is given of the datathat must be input into the casting simulations, whichincludes a brief discussion of the accuracy of these data.The section entitled ‘Casting experiments and measure-ment uncertainty’ discusses the casting experiments thatwere performed for this study, and the section entitled‘Determining characteristic temperatures from TC data’describes how characteristic temperature data weredetermined from the temperature measurements col-lected during the casting experiments. The sectionentitled ‘Solidification path and thermophysical proper-ties’ then details how the alloy material datasets weregenerated and modified based on the TC data. Acomparison of the liquidus, solidus and latent heatvalues determined in the present study with thosepredicted by the thermodynamic simulation software isprovided in the section entitled ‘Comparison betweenmeasured values and thermodynamic simulation values’.

Casting simulation inputSince the present study is concerned with developingmaterial datasets for casting simulation, it is useful tobriefly review the governing equations being solved andthe input required. All commercial casting simulationsoftware packages are capable of modelling the meltflow during filling of the mould and the heat transferduring the entire casting process. Filling is simulated bysolving the relevant fluid flow equations for the liquidmetal as it enters the mould, which requires knowledgeof the density and viscosity of the liquid metal. Inaddition, energy balance equations are solved in boththe metal and the mould during filling. Solidificationduring filling is typically neglected. The solution of theenergy equations requires knowledge of the densities,specific heats and thermal conductivities of the materialsinvolved, all as a function of temperature. In the presentstudy, all mould properties are taken from material

databases supplied with the simulation software (seebelow).

When filling is complete, solidification and cooling ofthe casting are simulated. This also involves solvingenergy balance equations in both the metal and themould but typically neglects the effect of heat advectionby the residual flow of the liquid metal in the mouldcavity. Then, the energy equation for the metal, aftercompletion of filling, can be expressed as





� �LT

Lt~+: -k+T

� �(1)

where T is the metal temperature, t is the time and fs isthe solid mass fraction (i.e. fs50 if the metal is locally allliquid, and fs51 if it is all solid). The use of the totalderivative in the term dfs/dT implies that the solidfraction is assumed to be a function of temperature only.The density, specific heat and thermal conductivity of

the metal are denoted by-


c and -k respectively. Theoverbar is used to emphasise that these properties aremixture quantities that depend on the amount of eachphase present, in addition to temperature. The term Lf

represents the latent heat of fusion per unit mass, whichis assumed to be constant over the solidification tem-perature range. The quantity in brackets on the left sideof equation (1) has two terms: the first term accounts forthe sensible heat, and the second accounts for the latentheat. This bracketed quantity is often referred to as theeffective specific heat, i.e.




Note that the latent heat term in equation (2) is onlynon-zero while solidification is occurring, since dfs/dT50 in fully liquid and completely solidified metal. Thenegative sign in equation (2) is the result of dfs/dT beingnegative during solidification; the release of latent heatgenerally increases the effective specific heat. All of themetal alloy properties required for casting simulation,as well as the solidification path, are generated bythermodynamic simulation software packages. The pre-dicted values for the density, thermal conductivity and,for the most part, specific heat are assumed to bereasonably accurate. The focus in the present study is onverifying and improving the accuracy of the solidifica-tion path and the latent heat predicted by the thermo-dynamic software.

In addition to supplying material datasets for thesimulation, it is also necessary to provide initial tempera-tures for the metal and the mould. The initial mouldtemperature is easily determined from sand TC data, butthe initial metal temperature (i.e. the simulation pouringtemperature) is generally not well known. The simulationpouring temperature represents the temperature of themetal stream as it enters the mould cavity. Typically,temperatures are taken in the furnace, and the metaltemperature drop going from the furnace to the ladle to themould is estimated by a rule of thumb. Even if atemperature measurement is taken in the ladle immediatelybefore pouring, the metal stream cools significantly beforeit reaches the mould cavity. However, by comparingmeasured metal temperature readings with correspondingsimulated values, it is possible to determine the correctsimulation pouring temperature. This will be explained in

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the section entitled ‘Solidification path and thermophysicalproperties’.

Finally, to solve the governing equations for fluid flowand heat transfer in a casting simulation, it is necessaryto provide boundary conditions. The average flow rateof the metal entering the mould is determined from themetal inlet area and the total pouring time. The heattransfers between the mould and the environment andbetween the top of the riser and the environment aremodelled using default settings in the casting simulationsoftware utilised in the present study; the default mould/environment heat transfer boundary condition assumesnatural convection, and the default riser top/environ-ment boundary condition assumes hot topping is used,and that heat transfer occurs due to natural convectionand radiation. Both of these boundary conditions arereasonable (and have a relatively minor effect on thepresent results). The most important boundary condi-tion that must be specified is the mould/metal IHTC.The choice of the IHTC used in the present study isinvestigated in detail in the section entitled ‘Solidi-fication path and thermophysical properties’.

Casting experiments and measurementuncertaintyIn the casting experiments, two 168620 in. (2?54620?32650?8 cm) plates were cast from each alloy (see Table 1),with one plate cast per mould. For each alloy, the plateswere poured sequentially from the same heat and ladle.The 1 in. (2?54 cm) plate thickness was selected because itis a typical section size for castings made from these alloys.The plates were end gated beneath a 4 in. (10?2 cm)

diameter end riser. A schematic of the casting configura-tion is shown in Fig. 1. The moulds were all made fromphenolic urethane no bake sand. However, there was onenotable addition: in the CD3MN moulds, there was a layerof chromite sand ,1 in. (2?54 cm) thick surrounding theplate. This is a standard practice for this alloy at the castingfoundry, so it was automatically performed when themould was made, even though it was not requested.

In each mould, temperature measurements were madeusing two K type TCs in the sand (TC-U and TC-D inFig. 1) and two B type (Pt–6%Rh/Pt–30%Rh) TCs in theplate (TC-L and TC-R in Fig. 1). The heights above theplate of the K type TCs, i.e. h1 and h2, were targeted tobe 2 in. (5?08 cm) and 1 in. (2?54 cm) respectively; theactual heights, which varied somewhat, were recorded sothat the virtual TCs in the simulations would be in thecorrect locations. The B type TCs were constructed byencasing 0?010 in. (0?254 mm) diameter B type TC wiresin a two-hole alumina ceramic tube and then insertingthis assembly into a 6 in. (15?2 cm) long closed endfused quartz tube with a wall thickness of 1 mm. The TCjunction was in contact with the inside wall of the quartztube at the closed end. Most of the B type TCs utilisedquartz tubing with an outer diameter (o.d.) of 0?236 in.(6 mm), but three TCs used 0?157 in. (4 mm) o.d. quartztubing. The three smaller o.d. TCs, which have asomewhat faster response time than the larger o.d.TCs, were created to determine whether or not suchsmall diameter TCs would endure the filling andsolidification process. A photograph of one of the0?157 in. (4 mm) o.d. TCs is shown in Fig. 2. The K andB type TCs were connected to a PersonalDaq/3005(Ref. 12) portable data acquisition system runningDASYLab13 data acquisition software. The data acqui-sition rate utilised for the temperature measurementswas 3 Hz. The resulting temperature curves weresmoothed using a nine-point moving average. Coolingrate curves were derived from these smoothed tempera-ture curves using a central difference approximation ofthe time derivative. Finally, nine-point smoothing wasapplied to the cooling rate curves as well.

The casting experiments were very successful in thatnone of the 20 B type TCs failed during data acquisition(which is a vast improvement over the 25% failure ratethe present authors encountered in a previous set ofcasting experiments).14 In particular, all of the 0?157 in.(4 mm) o.d. TCs survived, indicating that such smallTCs are indeed a viable option for such experiments.Note that the TCs in the present study were intentionallyoriented such that during filling, the inflowing metalwould meet the TCs ‘head on’ at the minimum TC cross-section. If the TCs were oriented such that the inflowingmetal stream met a significant length of the quartz tubein cross-flow, for example, then it is possible that theforce of the metal wave could break the TCs.

An example of the temperature versus time curvesgenerated from the TC data is shown in Fig. 3a for

2 Photograph of one of 0?157 in. (4 mm) o.d. B type TCs

employed in present study

a isometric view; b side view, no gating except ingate; ctop view, no gating except ingate

1 Schematics of rigging and TC arrangement for plate

casting experiments: dashed lines at mould edges indi-

cate mould continues past dashed line

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CN3MN. The two plates are denoted as ‘A’ and ‘B’.Note the excellent agreement between the two TCs ineach plate. The difference in temperatures between thetwo plates during cooling is the result of the difference inthe pouring temperature for each plate, which leads toslightly different cooling rates. Figure 3a is a represen-tative result from the casting experiments; similar TCagreement was seen for all alloys studied.

The uncertainty in the temperature measurements canbe quantified as follows. The maximum error of the Btype TCs is stated by the manufacturer15 as 0?5% uC21.This translates to a maximum error of ¡7uC at 1400uC.The relatively large size of the TC assembly requirescareful consideration of the thermal lag. The dynamicresponse of the 6 mm o.d. TCs was evaluated byanalysing the initial, rapid temperature increase asso-ciated with the liquid metal coming into contact with theTC (see Fig. 3a). Assuming that the TC assemblyexperiences a step change in the environment tempera-ture (from room temperature to the liquid metaltemperature), and treating the TC junction as a lumpedcapacitance, the TC temperature can be expected to

increase exponentially. Then, the thermal time constantt is given by the time it takes the TC to reach 63?2%(51–1/e) of the environment temperature (i.e. the liquidmetal temperature). Using this method, the timeconstant of the 6 mm o.d. TCs was determined fromthe temperature measurements shown in Fig. 3 to bet53 s. During cooling, the environment temperaturedoes not experience a step change but can be approxi-mated as decreasing linearly at a given cooling rate.Performing another lumped capacitance analysis usingthis constant cooling rate assumption, it can be shownthat the maximum temperature lag of the TC is thengiven by DTlag5t|dT/dt|. As shown below, the maximumcooling rates in the present experiments are in the orderof 1uC s21. Hence, the maximum temperature lag duringcooling is estimated to be DTlag53uC. It is true that thetime constant could be different during heating andcooling of the TC, but considering that the thermalresistance between the TC junction and the metal isdominated by the contact resistance between thejunction and the quartz tube and the conductionresistance through the quartz tube wall, the differencewill be small.

Determining characteristic temperaturesfrom TC dataTaking the time derivative of the temperature curvesshown in Fig. 3a produces corresponding cooling rateversus time curves for each TC. As discussed below,cooling rate data can be used to identify different eventsthat occur during solidification and cooling. Rather thanplotting both temperature and cooling rate as functionsof time, time can be eliminated from consideration, andthe cooling rate can simply be plotted as a function oftemperature, as shown for CN3MN in Fig. 4. Note inthis figure that the cooling rate is defined as 2dT/dt,such that decreasing temperature with time producespositive values. Eliminating time from Fig. 4 is animportant feature in the present method because itclearly illustrates the temperatures at which differentfeatures in the cooling rate curves occur. Eliminatingtime also allows multiple experiments to be comparedmore readily than if the data are presented as a function

a temperature measurements for both CN3MN plates; b temperature and cooling rate curves near liquidus for TC-R in plate A3 CN3MN TC results

4 Cooling rate versus temperature for all four CN3MN


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of time, even in the present case where the cooling ratevaries slightly from TC to TC.

The liquidus temperature is associated with the sharpminimum in Fig. 4, where the cooling rate is near zero.This can be better seen in Fig. 3b, where the measuredtemperature and cooling rate near the liquidus are plottedon a very fine scale. There is a period of .30 s where thetemperature is constant to within ,0?5uC. This tempera-ture plateau best represents the liquidus, since there isalmost no recalescence. Recalescence is associated withthe temperature experiencing a pronounced minimum(indicating the maximum liquid undercooling and the endof nucleation) before reaching a plateau. The absence ofsuch a minimum in the present measurements, at least towithin 0?5uC, indicates that nucleation occurs very nearthe equilibrium liquidus temperature without signifi-cant liquid undercooling. Of course, in the presence ofrecalescence, the plateau temperature does not representthe liquidus temperature. However, in the absence of anyappreciable recalescence, the plateau temperature doesclosely correspond to the liquidus temperature. In addi-tion, note that thermal lag of the TCs does not play a rolein the present liquidus temperature measurements.

Below the liquidus temperature, the cooling rate beginsto rise as solidification proceeds. The cooling rate reachesa maximum at the solidus temperature Tsol, when solidi-fication is complete and the release of latent heat termi-nates. The solidus temperature is also indicated in Fig. 4.Note that the solidus temperature is easily distinguishedin Fig. 4. This is very straightforward compared withDTA/DSC, even for the present alloys where there is verylittle latent heat released at the end of solidification. Anykinks in the cooling rate curve between liquidus andsolidus indicate the formation of additional solid phases.A secondary solid phase is seen in Fig. 4, where there is asmall inflection in the curves near the liquidus tempera-ture. This may indicate the formation of carbides. Notethat there is good agreement among all four TCs in thevalues of the characteristic temperatures; a similaragreement is seen for the other alloys as well, lendingvalidity to the characteristic temperature values. Inaddition, note in Fig. 4 that although the two plates(‘A’ and ‘B’) had slightly different cooling rates due to the

difference in the pouring temperatures, the characteristictemperatures are still in close agreement.

The measured cooling rate versus temperature curvesfor the two duplex stainless steels (CD3MN andCD4MCuN) are given in Figs. 5 and 6. Again, theliquidus temperature is indicated by a vanishing coolingrate. In addition, a secondary solid phase is seen toform during solidification, just below the liquidus tem-perature. The solidus temperatures can also be easilyidentified. In addition, Figs. 5 and 6 also show a cha-racteristic temperature that did not occur in Fig. 4.Unlike CN3MN, which solidifies as austenite andremains austenite down to room temperature, the duplexsteels solidify as ferrite, and then at some temperaturebelow solidus, about half of the ferrite begins to undergoa solid state transformation into austenite. The ,50%ferrite–50% austenite final structure is why these stainlesssteels are termed ‘duplex’. The latent heat releaseassociated with the beginning of the ferrite to austenitephase change causes a local minimum (or at least asignificant inflection point) in the cooling rate curves; thisis denoted in Figs. 5 and 6. The end of this transforma-tion is subtle enough that it cannot be reliably detected inthe cooling rate curves.

The measured cooling rate versus temperature curvesfor the two nickel based alloys are shown in Figs. 7 and 8.Note that the cooling rate scale in these figures is differentfrom the scale used for steels, because the cooling rates inthe nickel based alloys are smaller than in the steels. Aswith CN3MN, the liquidus for these two alloys corre-sponds to the point where the cooling rate vanishes, andthe maximum in the cooling rate below liquidus denotesthe solidus. As with the steels, a secondary solid phaseforms during solidification, just below the liquidustemperature. However, for the two nickel based alloys,a third solid phase is also observed to form duringsolidification. This tertiary solid phase causes a relativelypronounced and sharp local minimum in the cooling ratecurves for CW6MC (see Fig. 7), and it causes anadditional inflection in the cooling rate curve for N3M(see Fig. 8).

The characteristic solidification and phase transforma-tion temperatures denoted in Figs. 4–8 are summarised inTable 2. The latent heat values in the rightmost column of

5 Cooling rate versus temperature for all four CD3MN


6 Cooling rate versus temperature for all four CD4MCuN


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Table 2 were determined in conjunction with simulationand will be addressed in the next section. The variationassociated with each temperature given in Table 2 in-dicates the variability of these values among the four TCsfor each alloy. For the 20 characteristic temperaturesgiven in Table 2, the average variation is ¡3uC, with novariation being larger than ¡5uC. Thus, the measure-ments can be considered highly reproducible, despitebeing performed in a foundry setting. Note that thisvariation is of the same magnitude as the thermal lagestimated in the previous section. Hence, the character-istic temperatures can be considered quite accurate.

Solidification path and thermophysicalproperties

Thermodynamic simulation and castingsimulation detailsInitial material datasets were generated for each alloyusing the compositions listed in Table 1. IDS1,2 was usedfor the three steels (CN3MN, CD3MN and CD4MCuN).It should be noted that due to the high alloying contents

in these steels, two of these alloys had elementalcompositions that exceed the recommended IDS ranges.The CD4MCuN copper content (3%Cu) exceeds therecommended IDS range of 0–1%. The CN3MN nickelcontent (25?07%Ni) exceeds the IDS range of 0–16%, andthe CN3MN molybdenum content (6?41%Mo) exceedsthe IDS range of 0–4%. The recommended ranges givenby IDS indicate ranges of alloying elements over whichthe thermodynamic databases utilised by IDS weredeveloped. Extrapolation errors may occur when IDSranges are exceeded. Because IDS accounts for finite ratesolute diffusion, it is necessary to provide informationregarding the cooling rate as a function of temperature.This was performed using the data shown in Figs. 4–6.On each of these cooling rate versus temperature plots,vertical lines were drawn across the plots to create five toeight temperature zones, and the average cooling rate ineach zone was estimated from the plot. These coolingrate–temperature pairs were then entered into IDS foreach corresponding alloy simulation.

The initial material datasets for the nickel based alloys(CW6MC and N3M) were generated using JMatPro.3

8 Cooling rate versus temperature for all four N3M TCs

Table 2 Measured characteristic temperatures during solidification and cooling, along with latent heats

Metal type Alloy Event Temperature/uC Latent heat/kJ kg21

Stainless steel CN3MN Tliq 1387¡1 180¡10Tsecondary phase 1380¡2Tsol 1300¡5

CD3MN Tliq 1455¡2 162¡10Tsecondary phase 1447¡3Tsol 1385¡3Tfer-aus start 1276¡3

CD4MCuN Tliq 1450¡3 162¡10Tsecondary phase 1437¡4Tsol 1368¡3Tfer-aus start 1223¡2

Nickel based alloy CW6MC Tliq 1324¡1 179¡10Tsecondary phase 1306¡4Ttertiary phase 1210¡2Tsol 1177¡3

N3M Tliq 1374¡1 158¡10Tsecondary phase 1364¡2Ttertiary phase 1284¡5Tsol 1254¡4Tsolid state 830¡5

7 Cooling rate versus temperature for all four CW6MC TCs

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Because JMatPro uses a modified Scheil approximationand does not consider finite rate solute diffusion, coolingrate data are not considered by the program. Because theScheil approximation is utilised, however, it is necessaryto specify a solidification cutoff value. When the liquidfraction reaches the cutoff value, solidification is con-sidered complete. The cutoff values for the nickel basedalloys were adjusted until the predicted solidus tempera-tures matched the measured values. Note that without thepresent measurements of the solidus temperature, itwould not have been possible to determine an accuratecutoff value. For CW6MC, the cutoff value found was18?3%, and for N3M, the cutoff value was 13?1%. Theprobable reason for these large cutoff values is that thesedatasets were generated using the general steel thermo-dynamic database in JMatPro, which was the mostappropriate database available to the present researchers.A more appropriate thermodynamic database, specifi-cally tailored for nickel based alloys, might give smallercutoff values. It is also possible that the modified Scheilapproximation is not appropriate for these alloys.

The initial material datasets produced by the thermo-dynamic simulation software packages provide tempera-ture dependent values of the density, thermal conductivity,specific heat and kinematic viscosity of each alloy. Thesedatasets also contain a solidification path and a value forthe latent heat; however, the final values of these quantitieswere determined by comparing measured and simulateddata, as explained below. In addition, the IDS datasets forthe two duplex steels (CD3MN and CD4MCuN) alsopredict the ferrite to austenite transformation. For bothalloys, the predicted ferrite to austenite transformationstart temperature was in approximate agreement with themeasured values listed in Table 2. The final microstructurepredicted for both duplex steels was ,50% ferrite–50%austenite, as expected. No solid state transformation waspredicted for CN3MN, which solidifies as austenite andremains austenite down to room temperature.

The liquidus and solidus values predicted by thethermodynamic software packages typically differed byseveral degrees from the measured values given in Table 2.Because of these discrepancies, small adjustments weremade to some of the material datasets for density, thermalconductivity, specific heat and kinematic viscosity of eachalloy. This was necessary because particularly at liquidus,sudden changes occur in some of these properties (i.e. if aproperty is displayed as a function of temperature, such achange would appear as a ‘kink’ in the property curve).Since the measured liquidus and solidus values were usedto generate the solidification paths for these alloys (seebelow), consistency required that these kinks in theproperty curves occur at the measured temperatures ratherthan at their simulated counterparts; therefore, the kinkswere shifted from the predicted temperatures to themeasured values.

The casting experiments were simulated using thegeneral purpose casting simulation software packageMAGMASOFT.16 The rigging shown in Fig. 1 was usedfor the simulations. For each alloy, virtual TCs wereplaced in locations corresponding to the actual TClocations in the casting experiments. The numerical gridused Dx5Dy54 mm and Dz53?2 mm, resulting in eightcomputational cells through the plate thickness, and atotal of ,214 000 cells in the metal. The mould materialused to model the phenolic urethane no bake sand

moulds was FURAN from the MAGMASOFT data-base. For CD3MN, the chromite sand around theplate was modelled with the MAGMASOFT databaseCR_SAND. The initial sand temperatures for each alloywere determined from the sand TC readings before themould temperatures began to rise (21–22uC). The IHTCbetween the metal and the sand mould was taken as aconstant value of 1000 W m22 K21. The legitimacy ofthis choice will be examined shortly. Filling andsolidification were simulated for one plate of each alloy.A simulation fill time of 10 s was selected for all thealloys; the recorded fill times were all between 9 and11 s, and previous simulation experience indicates thatchanging the fill time by ¡1 s effects negligible changesin the results.

Superaustenitic stainless steel CN3MNFor each alloy, the corresponding initial material datasetwas input into the simulation using the solidification pathand latent heat predicted with the dataset as initialestimates of those quantities. As discussed in the sectionentitled ‘Casting simulation input’, the simulation pour-ing temperature Tpour was an unknown simulation para-meter. Fortunately, it is possible to determine the correctsimulation pouring temperature using the following timeto liquidus method. Consider CN3MN as an example.Using the initial IDS material dataset, a simulation wasperformed for plate A. This initial simulation usedTpour51540uC as a first guess of the pouring temperature(the furnace temperature recorded for this alloy was1598uC). The temperature and cooling rate curvesresulting from the plate’s right virtual TC (TC-R, asshown in Fig. 1c) in this simulation are compared withthe measured values from plate A (TC-R in Fig. 9a).Note that the IDS solidification path used in thissimulation has a liquidus temperature of 1uC less thanthe measured value and a solidus temperature of 2uC lessthan the measurement (see Table 3 below); these smalldifferences are not visible in the temperature scale used inFig. 9. Both the virtual and real TCs begin to heat at thesame time, when metal first comes into contact with them.The virtual TC immediately jumps to the temperature ofthe surrounding metal, but the real TC has some thermallag. For Tpour51540uC, it is evident in Fig. 9a that thevirtual TC reaches the measured liquidus temperature(indicated by the upper dashed line) later than themeasured TC (by ,15 s). This indicates that thesimulation superheat is too high, and thus, Tpour is lowerthan this first guess of 1540uC.

With this information, additional simulations wererun with the same material dataset but with differentvalues of Tpour. After several iterations, Tpour51502uCwas selected. The resulting temperature and cooling ratecurves for TC-R in this simulation are shown in Fig. 9b.With this choice of Tpour, the time to reach liquidus in thesimulation now agrees with the measurement, indicatingthat the correct simulation pouring temperature has beendetermined. Note that this pouring temperature willcontinue to give the correct time to liquidus as changesare made to the latent heat and solidification path,because the time to liquidus is primarily affected byproperties above the liquidus temperature.

While the time to liquidus is now the same for thesimulation and measurement in Fig. 9b, there is still alarge discrepancy between the measured and simulatedtimes to reach the solidus temperature (indicated by the

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Table 3 Comparison between solidification ranges and latent heats determined experimentally with corresponding valuesfrom thermodynamic simulation software

Metal type Alloy Value Values determined from experiments

Values from simulation software

IDS* JMatPro{

Stainless steel CN3MN Tliq/uC 1387 1386 1400Tsol/uC 1300 1298 1246L/kJ kg21 180 252 217

CD3MN Tliq/uC 1455 1457 1468Tsol/uC 1385 1378 1380L/kJ kg21 162 178 154

CD4MCuN Tliq/uC 1450 1436 1428Tsol/uC 1368 1302 1175L/kJ kg21 162 187 167

Nickel based alloy CW6MC Tliq/uC 1324 N/A 1331Tsol/uC 1177 N/A 1065L/kJ kg21 179 N/A 237

N3M Tliq/uC 1374 N/A 1375Tsol/uC 1254 N/A 1077L/kJ kg2-1 158 N/A 160

*IDS results were generated with the stainless steel option in the software using temperature dependent cooling rate profilesdetermined from experiments. The CD4MCuN copper content (3%Cu) exceeds the IDS range of 0–1%. The CN3MN nickel content(25?07%Ni) exceeds the IDS range of 0–16%, and the CN3MN molybdenum content (6?41%Mo) exceeds the IDS range of 0–4%.Extrapolation errors may occur when IDS ranges are exceeded.{JMatPro results were generated with the modified Scheil module, utilising a solidification cutoff value of 1%. The stainless steels(CN3MN, CD3MN and CD4MCuN) were modelled with the stainless steel database, and the nickel based alloys (CW6MC and N3M)were modelled with the general steel database.

a Tpour51540uC, IDS solidification path and latent heat (L5253 kJ kg21); b Tpour51502uC, IDS solidification path andlatent heat (L5253 kJ kg21); c Tpour51502uC, IDS solidification path, L5200 kJ kg21; d Tpour51502uC, modified solidifica-tion path, L5180 kJ kg21

9 Simulated and measured temperatures and cooling rates for CN3MN simulations using different initial metal tempera-

tures and material properties

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lower dashed line). This large discrepancy exists regard-less of the choice for the simulation pouring temperature(see Fig. 9a and b). The simulated time to solidus ismuch longer than the measured time, indicating thatsolidification is proceeding too slowly in the simulation.This is largely because the value of latent heat given byIDS for CN3MN (Lf5253 kJ kg21) is too large. Toillustrate how changing the latent heat changes thesolidification time, Fig. 9c shows the results of asimulation run with Tpour51502uC, but with the latentheat changed to Lf5200 kJ kg21. This figure demon-strates that changing the latent heat clearly changes thetime the simulation takes to reach solidus. UsingLf5200 kJ kg21 with the initial IDS dataset, the timeto solidus in the simulation is now the same as themeasured time.

Although the simulation times to liquidus and solidusin Fig. 9c are now in agreement with the measuredvalues, the simulated and measured temperatures andcooling rates do not agree very well in the solidificationrange. To bring the temperatures into better agreementduring solidification, it is necessary to alter thesolidification path. This involves a substantial amountof iteration: adjusting the solidification path, thenrunning a simulation and comparing the new simulationresults to the measurements and using this informationto make further adjustments to the solidification path.The results from the simulation with the final modifiedsolidification path (see Fig. 10) are shown in Fig. 9d.Now, the temperatures and cooling rates duringsolidification are in very good agreement. Note thatthe latent heat listed in Fig. 9d has changed from200 kJ kg21 (in Fig. 9c) to 180 kJ kg21. This change inthe latent heat required to get agreement in the time tosolidus is the result of changing the solidification path.The physical explanation for the change in latent heat asthe solidification path changes can be understood byconsidering equation (2): changing the solidificationpath changes dfs/dT, so in order to obtain the sameeffective specific heat, the value of the latent heat mustchange as well. The final latent heat value determinedfor CN3MN (180 kJ kg21) is listed in the rightmost

column of Table 2. An uncertainty estimate of¡10 kJ kg21 is included with this value. This uncertaintyarises primarily due to variations seen when simulatingthe other plate of the same alloy (not shown here). Adiscussion of the final latent heat value, together with acomparison to predicted values, can be found in thesection entitled ‘Comparison between measured valuesand thermodynamic simulation values’.

It could be fairly stated that the dataset used togenerate the results in Fig. 9c is already acceptable,without modification of the solidification path. Theagreement between measured and simulated tempera-tures below solidus is essentially the same as the resultswith the modified solidification path (Fig. 9d), and thetemperature differences seen in the solidification regionin Fig. 9c are not overly large. Thus, the overalltemperature prediction with the original solidificationpath would be reasonable. The motivation behindmodifying the solidification path lies in casting defectprediction. Many casting defects (solidification shrink-age, hot tears, etc.) occur near the end of solidification.Accurate prediction of these defects requires an accuraterepresentation of the solidification path in this region.The IDS solidification path is compared with themodified path in Fig. 10. The modified path forms solidfaster near liquidus and slower near solidus than the IDSpath. The horizontal dashed line near the top of this plotindicates the point where the metal is 95% solidified. TheIDS solidification path reaches 95% solid 22uC abovesolidus, whereas the modified path reaches 95% solid33uC above solidus. This significantly larger temperaturedifference with the modified path provides moreopportunity for defects to form. In other words, usingthe IDS solidification path may lead to an under-prediction of defects compared with the modified path.

Comparing Fig. 9a and d clearly illustrates that thisiterative procedure, wherein modifications to the simula-tion pouring temperature and to the original dataset aremade by comparing measured and simulated TC resultsand then adjusting the simulated dataset until the resultsagree, is very effective (if somewhat tedious). To summar-ise, the present procedure involves the following steps:

(i) beginning with the initial material dataset and aguess for the simulation pouring temperature,

10 CN3MN solidification path generated by IDS compared

with modified path determined through analysis of TC


11 Measured CN3MN temperatures compared with simu-

lated values computed with different mould/metal IHTCs

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adjust Tpour until the simulated and measuredtimes to reach liquidus agree

(ii) adjust Lf until the simulated and measured timesto reach solidus agree

(iii) adjust the solidification path (and Lf again, asnecessary) until the simulated and measuredtemperatures and cooling rates during solidifica-tion agree.

Parametric study of IHTCsBefore continuing on with the other alloys, the choice ofthe mould/metal IHTC used in the simulations discussedthus far (taken as a constant of 1000 W m22 K21) isinvestigated. Figure 11 shows the measured temperatureresults (again from CN3MN, plate A, TC-R) along withthe corresponding results from three different simulations.The simulations each used a different constant value ofIHTC: one is the simulation from Fig. 9d, with IHTC51000 W m22 K21, one used IHTC5100 W m22 K21

and one used IHTC56000 W m22 K21. All three simula-tions were performed using the modified solidification pathshown in Fig. 10. Because the heat transfer from the metal

to the mould is different in each of these simulations, evenduring pouring and initial cooling of the liquid metal, thesimulation pouring temperature required to produce thecorrect time to liquidus is different for each simulation:for IHTC56000 W m22 K21, Tpour51520uC; for IHTC51000 W m22 K21, Tpour51502uC (as in Fig. 9d); and forIHTC5100 W m22 K21, Tpour51435uC. Similarly, thevalue of latent heat required to get agreement with thetime to solidus is also different for each simulation. Thedifferences in the pouring temperature and latent heatbetween these simulations are depicted in Fig. 12. Thepouring temperature is plotted in a more meaningful formas the superheat (5Tpour–Tliq, where Tliq51387uC forCN3MN). Data from an additional simulation not shownin Fig. 11, with IHTC5500 W m22 K21, are included toclarify the nature of the steep drop in the curves shown inFig. 12. Note that neither the superheat nor the latent heatchanges significantly from 1000 to 6000 W m22 K21,and that both of these quantities drop rapidly below1000 W m22 K21. Returning to Fig. 11, it is seen thatthere is very little difference in the predicted temperaturecurves for 1000 and for 6000 W m22 K21, and that bothagree well with the measured temperature curve. Thisimplies that any constant IHTC .1000 W m22 K21 willgive results very similar to the 1000 W m22 K21 results.Figure 12 indicates that the simulation superheats andlatent heats required to obtain agreement with themeasurements vary only slightly for IHTCs between1000 and 6000 W m22 K21. It also appears from Fig. 11that 100 W m22 K21 is too small, because the temperaturefor 100 W m22 K21 decreases too slowly below thesolidus temperature. In addition, the superheat and latentheat values shown in Fig. 12 for 100 W m22 K21 aremuch too small to be realistic.

Further evidence of which IHTC should be usedcan be found by comparing sand TC measurements.Figure 13 shows the measured and simulated sand TCtemperature curves corresponding to the metal tempera-tures shown in Fig. 11. Figure 13a shows the values forTC-U, which was 2?0 in. (5?08 cm) above plate A, andFig. 13b shows the values for TC-D, which was 1?1 in.(2?79 cm) above plate A. As in Fig. 11, the 1000 and6000 W m22 K21 simulation results are in good agreement

12 Effect of IHTC on superheat and latent heat required

to achieve agreement between simulated and mea-

sured time required to reach liquidus and solidus tem-

peratures in CN3MN plate A, TC-R

a sand TC 2?0 in. above plate surface; b sand TC 1?1 in. above plate surface13 Measured sand temperatures for CN3MN plate A mould compared with simulated values computed with different


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with each other and with the measured temperatures.Figure 13 further indicates that the value of 100W m22 K21 is too small, since both the TC-U and TC-D temperature measurements are significantly under-predicted using this IHTC.

Finally, the data for TC-D from the plate A mould arefurther investigated in Fig. 14, which plots the simula-tion temperatures at time t5460 s as a function of IHTC(this time is indicated as a vertical dashed line inFig. 13b). The measured temperature from TC-D at thistime (260uC) is shown as a horizontal dashed line. Usingthe filling simulation temperature results and finalCN3MN material dataset from the base case IHTC51000 W m22 K21 simulation (i.e. the simulation withTpour51502uC, L5180 kJ kg21 and the modified solidifi-cation path), solidification was simulated with severaldifferent values of IHTC. The curve of the simulated datain Fig. 14 shows that the 1000 W m22 K21 result agreesvery well with the measured value, and that the IHTCvalues between 500 and 6000 W m22 K21 give reasonableagreement with the measured sand temperature. Below,500 W m22 K21, the predicted sand temperature drops

rapidly, indicating that the IHTC is too small. Basedon the information in Figs. 11–14, the choice ofIHTC51000 W m22 K21 appears to be quite reasonable,and therefore, this IHTC will continue to be utilised for theother alloys.

The conclusion that IHTC51000 W m22 K21 givesreasonable results is not surprising; sand casting simula-tion users at steel foundries commonly use values in therange of 800–1000 W m22 K21. However, these valueswere settled on empirically. The present parametric studysystematically demonstrates that 1000 W m22 K21 is areasonable value, and it also shows the sensitivity of theresults to the choice of IHTC. One could argue that inreality, the IHTC is a temperature dependent quantity,and that a higher value should be used when the metal isall liquid, for example. While this may be true, a constantIHTC is nonetheless effective because the predictedresults are insensitive to the IHTC for values above1000 W m22 K21, as demonstrated here. Hence, thevalue used for the IHTC should no longer be consideredas a source of uncertainty for the solidification path andlatent heat determination. It should be noted that thepresent discussion of the IHTC focuses only on metaltemperatures down to ,1000uC. It is possible (and truebased on the authors’ experience) that the IHTC shouldbe lowered as the metal experiences further contractionsdown to room temperature.

Duplex stainless steels CD3MN and CD4MCuNNext, the iterative procedure described in the sectionentitled ‘Superaustenitic stainless steel CN3MN’ wasapplied to the two duplex stainless steels (CD3MN andCD4MCuN). Comparisons between measured TCresults and corresponding simulation results are shownin Fig. 15 for CD3MN and in Fig. 16 for CD4MCuN.Figures 15a and 16a show results from simulations thatused the original, unmodified IDS datasets, andFigs. 15b and 16b show results from simulations thatused the final modified datasets. All the results inFigs. 15 and 16 were produced using the correct pouringtemperature. The final latent heat values determined forthese alloys are listed in Table 2. The original IDSdataset simulation results in Fig. 15a for CD3MN are infair agreement with the measurements, but the simula-tion begins to cool too slowly near the end ofsolidification, and this trend continues below solidus.

14 Comparison between measured sand temperature at

t5460 s for TC-D in CN3MN plate A mould and corre-

sponding simulated temperatures for simulations with

various IHTCs

15 Comparison of simulated and measured CD3MN temperatures and cooling rates for plate B, TC-R, using a initial IDS

dataset and b final modified dataset (Tpour51504uC)

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Excellent agreement between measurement and simula-tion is seen after the dataset is modified, as shownin Fig. 15b. In contrast to CD3MN, Fig. 16a showsthat the original IDS dataset simulation results forCD4MCuN are in poor agreement with the measuredresults. The simulation cools too quickly duringsolidification and then too slowly in subsequent coolingbelow solidus. The reason that the original dataset forCD3MN gives somewhat reasonable results, while theoriginal dataset for CD4MCuN gives very poor results,is the large copper content in CD4MCuN. The 3%Cuaddition exceeds the allowable IDS range for thisalloying element, which is 0–1%. In this instance, theextrapolation that IDS performs with the large coppercontent creates an unrealistic liquidus value andsolidification path. Modification of this dataset, how-ever, to correct the solidification range and latent heat,produces excellent agreement between measurement andsimulation, as seen in Fig. 16b.

For these duplex steels, additional dataset modifica-tion was required to produce the ‘kinks’ seen in thecooling rate curves after solidification is complete, whichcorrespond to the latent heat release during the ferrite toaustenite transformation. IDS contains a model thatsimulates austenite decomposition below 1000uC and

accounts for the latent heat related to this transforma-tion; however, although IDS simulates the ferrite toaustenite transformation that occurs in these alloys interms of phase fractions, it does not account for theassociated latent heat release. This latent heat releasecan be added manually to the thermophysical datasetsby modifying the specific heat curve. The modifiedspecific heat curves for the duplex steels are shown inFig. 17 along with the corresponding original IDSspecific heat curves. The modified specific heat curveseach have a spike, whose peak occurs at the ferrite toaustenite transition start temperature listed in Table 2.The height of the spikes, and the width of their bases,was determined through the same type of procedure thathas been discussed throughout this paper, changing theshape until the simulated cooling rate curves matchedthe measured values. The spikes seen in the IDS specificheat curves in Fig. 17 are the result of the IDS austenitedecomposition model. Even though IDS correctlypredicts the phase fractions of ferrite and austeniteduring the ferrite to austenite transformation, the spikethat corresponds to austenite decomposition, peaking at,600uC, still appears in the specific heat curves. Thisspike was removed in the modified curves since austenitedecomposition does not occur. The slope of the modified

16 Comparison of simulated and measured CD4MCuN temperatures and cooling rates for plate A, TC-R, using a initial

IDS dataset and b final modified dataset (Tpour51508uC)

a CD3MN; b CD4MCuN17 Comparison between original IDS and modified specific heat curves for duplex stainless steels

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curves after the ferrite to austenite spike was chosen tomatch the slope of the IDS curves just below solidus.The decrease in the modified specific heat curvescompared with the IDS curves that begins near the

end of solidification was determined again through aniterative manner. Figures 15b and 16b show that themodified specific heat curves give good agreementbetween measurement and simulation below solidus.Although it is not shown in Figs. 15b and 16b, reason-able agreement between simulation and measurement isseen down to ,600uC (where temperature measurementended), indicating that removal of the peak in the IDScurves is valid.

Nickel based alloys CW6MC and N3MFinally, the iterative procedure was applied to the twonickel based alloys (CW6MC and N3M). The TCcomparison results for both the unmodified JMatProdataset simulations and the modified dataset simulationsare given in Fig. 18 for CW6MC and in Fig. 19 forN3M. Again, the final latent heat values found for thesealloys are listed in Table 2. The simulated temperatureresults for CW6MC with the original JMatPro dataset,shown in Fig. 18a, are in relatively good agreement withthe measurements. However, comparison between mea-sured and simulated cooling rate curves in the solidifica-tion range shows poor agreement. The simulated coolingrate curve only approximately captures the secondarysolid phase formation that occurs at ,150 s and entirelymisses the sharp local minimum due to the tertiary phase

18 Comparison of simulated and measured CW6MC temperatures and cooling rates for plate B, TC-R, using a initial

JMatPro dataset and b final modified dataset (Tpour51486uC)

19 Comparison of simulated and measured N3M temperatures and cooling rates for plate B, TC-R, using a initial

JMatPro dataset and b final modified dataset (Tpour51528uC)

20 Final solidification paths determined for five alloys in

present study

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formation at ,450 s. Once the CW6MC dataset ismodified, however, Fig. 18b shows that both simulatedtemperature and cooling rate curves give excellent agree-ment with the measurements. In order to capture the largespike (local minimum) in the cooling rate curve associatedwith the tertiary phase formation, it was necessary to put asignificant kink in the CW6MC solidification path. Thefinal solidification path for CW6MC is shown in Fig. 20along with the final solidification paths determined for theother alloys.

The original JMatPro dataset simulation results forN3M, shown in Fig. 19a, do not agree well with themeasured temperatures or cooling rates. The simulatedcasting cools too fast in the solidification region. Thesecondary solid phase is again only very approximatelymodelled by an inflection in the cooling rate curve, and thetertiary solid phase is completely missed. The modifieddataset simulation results, shown in Fig. 19b, again showexcellent agreement with the measured values.

Finally, the N3M simulation results shown in Fig. 19bare repeated in Fig. 21a, showing a larger temperaturerange and time scale. As with the duplex steels, anadditional modification had to be made to the specificheat curve for N3M in order to account for a solid statetransformation that can be seen by the kink in themeasured cooling rate curve for N3M at ,830uC inFig. 21a. This transformation (whose value is included inTable 2) is not shown in Fig. 8 because the temperaturerange in Figs. 4–8 (1000–1500uC) was selected to high-light the solidification ranges. The N3M solid statetransformation is the only transformation that is notshown in Figs. 4–8. To model this transformation, theN3M specific heat curve was modified below solidus, asshown in Fig. 21b. The modification to the originalJMatPro curve was again determined iteratively. Notethat the JMatPro curve has a peak similar in shape to themodified peak but occurring at a much lower tempera-ture. It is possible that the JMatPro peak accounts for thesame transformation the modified peak is capturing, justover a temperature range that is too low. With thismodified specific heat curve, Fig. 21a shows that thesimulated temperature and cooling rate curves are inexcellent agreement with the measurements.

Comparison between measured valuesand thermodynamic simulation valuesIn an effort to lend further credence to the values providedin Table 2, Table 3 compares the measured liquidus,solidus and latent heat values with the correspondingvalues predicted by IDS and JMatPro. The IDS resultswere generated using the stainless steel option in thesoftware, with cooling rate profiles determined from theexperiments. Recall that the CD4MCuN copper content(3%Cu) exceeds the IDS range of 0–1%. In addition, theCN3MN nickel content (25?07%Ni) exceeds the IDSrange of 0–16%, and the CN3MN molybdenum content(6?41%Mo) exceeds the IDS range of 0–4%. IDS cannot beused for the two nickel based alloys. The JMatPro resultswere generated assuming a default solidification cutoffvalue of 1%. The stainless steels (CN3MN, CD3MNand CD4MCuN) were modelled with the JMatProstainless steel database, and the nickel based alloys(CW6MC and N3M) were modelled with the general steeldatabase.

First, compare the measured and simulated liquidusvalues. IDS gives liquidus temperatures very close to themeasured values for CN3MN (different by 1uC) andCD3MN (different by 2uC), which instils confidence inthe measured values for these steels. There is a largediscrepancy between the IDS value and the measuredliquidus value for CD4MCuN (different by 14uC), whichis due to extrapolation errors in IDS resulting from thelarge copper content of this alloy. The reason thatextrapolation errors are assumed for this alloy can beseen by comparing the compositions of CD3MN andCD4MCuN in Table 1: the compositions are similar,except for the 3% copper content in CD4MCuN. Notethe relatively large difference between the IDS andJMatPro predictions for the liquidus values of steels: thetwo predictions differ by 14uC for CN3MN, by 11uC forCD3MN and by 8uC for CD4MCuN. For the nickelbased alloys, reasonable agreement is seen between theJMatPro liquidus predictions and the measured values:the measured and predicted liquidus values differ by 7uCfor CW6MC and by only 1uC for N3M.

As with the liquidus temperatures, the measuredsolidus temperatures and the IDS predictions of these

21 a N3M results from Fig. 19, shown over longer time span to include solid state transformation and b N3M original

and modified specific heat curves

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temperatures are in good agreement for CN3MN(different by 2uC) and for CD3MN (different by 7uC).The difference is very large for CD4MCuN (different by66uC), but again, this is presumably due to extrapolationerrors due to the large copper content. The JMatProsolidus predictions are too low compared with themeasurements for all alloys, but this is meaningless; it isdue to the small solidification cutoff value of 1% thatwas used to generate the results for all alloys in Table 3.

Next, compare the measured and predicted valuesof latent heat. The latent heat predictions by IDSand JMatPro are very weak functions of the liquidusand solidus temperatures, so the validity of the latentheat prediction is not affected by whether or not thefreezing range was reasonably predicted for an alloy.Notice that the measured values for CD3MN,CD4MCuN and N3M are all in reasonable agreementwith the predicted values. For CD3MN, the measuredvalue (162 kJ kg21) lies between the two predictedvalues (178 and 154 kJ kg21). For CD4MCuN, themeasured value (162 kJ kg21) is noticeably below theIDS value (187 kJ kg21), but close to the JMatPro value(167 kJ kg21). In addition for N3M, the measured andpredicted values are very close, only differing by2 kJ kg21. The discrepancy for CW6MC between themeasured value (179 kJ kg21) and the JMatPro predic-tion (237 kJ kg21) can be explained by the fact thatJMatPro does not predict the formation of the tertiaryphase that forms toward the end of solidification, whichcauses a significant drop in the cooling rate curve inFig. 18. Notice that the results in Fig. 18a, which weregenerated using the original JMatPro solidificationpath and L5237 kJ kg21, show poor agreement in thecooling rate curves near the end of solidification(although the time to solidus is reasonably predicted),while the results in Fig. 18b, which were generated usingthe modified solidification path shown in Fig. 20 withL5179 kJ kg21, correctly predict the sharp decrease incooling rate due to this tertiary phase. Finally, note thesignificant discrepancy between the measured andpredicted latent heat values for CN3MN. The IDSvalue of 252 kJ kg21 is too large; the error presumablyresults from the high nickel content of this alloysignificantly exceeding the IDS range. This conclusionis supported by the JMatPro prediction (217 kJ kg21),which is much lower than the IDS prediction. TheJMatPro prediction is still higher than the measuredvalue of 180 kJ kg21, but this predicted value may alsobe errantly large. Because reasonable agreement is seenbetween the measured and predicted latent heat valuesin CD3MN, CD4MCuN and N3M, and the differencesin the values for CW6MC are caused by the failure ofthe software to predict a significant phase, it seemsunlikely that the measured value for CN3MN is signi-ficantly errant in only this one alloy.

ConclusionsIn the present study, alloy material databases, necessary toperform casting simulations, were developed for fivecommonly used corrosion resistant alloys: superausteniticstainless steel CN3MN, duplex stainless steels CD3MNand CD4MCuN and nickel based alloys CW6MC andN3M. Initial material datasets were generated usingthermodynamic simulation software. Owing to limitationsof the software, however, modifications to these datasets

were necessary. The modifications were made utilisingtemperature measurements taken in each alloy duringcasting of 1 in. (2?54 cm) thick plates. This thickness,which commonly occurs in castings produced with thesealloys, was selected because the solidification path is afunction of cooling rate, and it was deemed important tomeasure the temperatures in a setting that providedcooling rates seen in foundry production of these alloys.Each initial material dataset was then modified using aniterative method, which utilises comparison betweenmeasured temperature and cooling rate data with corre-sponding simulated values to direct changes in the dataset,until satisfactory agreement between simulated and mea-sured temperatures and cooling rates was reached. Pri-marily, this involved changing the predicted latent heatand the solidification path of all the alloys. It was alsonecessary to modify the effective specific heat curves forCD3MN, CD4MCuN and N3M in order to correctlyaccount for solid state transformations in these alloys.Uncertainties in the simulation due to unknown pouringtemperatures and IHTCs were effectively eliminatedthrough parametric studies and comparisons with mea-sured mould temperatures. The final material datasetsdeveloped in this study produce very good agreementbetween simulated and measured temperatures andcooling curves. Although the present iterative methodto determine the solid fraction–temperature relation andlatent heat is somewhat tedious, it is believed to be moreaccurate than traditional Newtonian and Fourier CCAmethods that involve small cup castings and the construc-tion of a zero curve.


This work was performed with the financial support ofthe Materials Technology Institute (MTI). However, anyopinions, findings, conclusions or recommendationsexpressed herein are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of MTI. We are indebted toM. Blair and R. Monroe (of the Steel Founders’ Societyof America) and to G. Hodge (of MTI) for their input andassistance in the organisation of this project. Mostimportantly, we thank the employees at StainlessFoundry & Engineering, Inc., for performing the platecasting experiments. This work could not have beenaccomplished without their shared efforts. In particular,we are very grateful to R. Bird and J. Wagner of StainlessFoundry & Engineering, Inc., for their efforts in pouringthe castings.

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