Download - Designing Systems for Push-Button Verificationlukenels/slides/2017-10...Designing Systems for Push-Button Verification Luke Nelson, HelgiSigurbjarnarson, Xi Wang Joint work with James



LukeNelson,Helgi Sigurbjarnarson,XiWangJointworkwithJamesBornholt,DylanJohnson,

ArvindKrishnamurthy,Emina Torlak,Kaiyuan Zhang


• Eliminateentireclassesofbugs• Writeaspec&proveimpl meetsthespec

• VerificationprojectsatUW:Bagpipe[OOPSLA’16],Neutrons[CAV’16],Verdi[PLDI’15],…



• Time-consuming:oftenperson-years• Requirehigh-levelofexpertise• Example:theseL4kernel• 10KLOCcode,• 480KLOCproof• 11person-years


• Whatis acorrectsystem• Low-levelcorrectnessiswell-understood:nooverflow• Somefieldshavebeenusingformalspecs:TLA+• Difficultingeneral

• Examples• Thefilesystemmustensurecrashsafety• TheOSkernelmustenforceprocessisolation


• Learningcurve• Improveupontesting(e.g.,DriverVerifier)• Movingtarget• Incrementaldeployment


• Systemdesignforminimizingproofefforts• Verifiabilityasafirst-classconcern• LeverageadvancesinautomatedSMTsolving• Butneedtousesolverswisely• Limitationsonexpressiveness



AFewBillionLinesofCodeLater:UsingStaticAnalysistoFindBugsintheRealWorld— Coverity,CACM2010


• Yggdrasil:writingverifiedFSes [OSDI’16]• Hyperkernel:averifiedOSkernel[SOSP’17]• Lessonslearned&futurework


• Filesystemsareessentialfordataintegrity

• Butaredifficulttogetright• Complexon-diskdatastructures• Mustensurecrashsafety

• Bugsarehardtoreproduce


• Toomanystates• Disksarelarge;manyexecutionpaths• Non-determinism:crash,reorderingwrites

• Techniques• Testing:eXplode [OSDI’06],EXE[CCS’06]• Interactiveproving:FSCQ[SOSP’15],Cogent[ASPLOS’16]

• HowtoautomateFSverification


• Keyideas• AdefinitionofFScorrectnessamenabletoSMTsolving• Layeringtoscaleverification• Separatinglayoutfromcorrectness

• Mainresult:Yxv6filesystem• Similartoext3andxv6• Verifiedfunctionalcorrectness• Verifiedcrashsafety


ficient satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) reasoning, anextension of boolean satisfiability. Yggdrasil formulatesfile system verification as an SMT problem and invokesa state-of-the-art SMT solver (Z3 [15]) to fully automatethe proof process.

SMT reasoning is not, by itself, a push-button solu-tion; building verified file systems also requires carefuldesign. Crash refinement enables programmers to im-plement file systems by stacking layers of abstraction:if an implementation is a crash refinement of an (oftenmuch simpler) specification, they are indistinguishableto higher layers. The higher layers can use lower specifi-cations without reasoning about the implementation de-tails. This modular design allows Yggdrasil to verify afile system by exhausting all execution paths within alayer while avoiding path explosion between layers.

In addition, crash refinement enables transparentswitching between different implementations that satisfythe same specification. Programmers can use simple datastructures for verification, and then refine them to moreefficient versions with the same correctness guarantees.Separating logical and physical concerns in this fashionallows Yggdrasil to verify complex, high-performanceon-disk data structures.

We have used Yggdrasil to implement and verifyYxv6+sync, a journaling file system that resemblesxv6 [14] and FSCQ [7], and Yxv6+group_commit, anoptimized variant with relaxed crash consistency [5, 37].To demonstrate Yggdrasil on a broader set of applica-tions, we have built Ycp, a file copy utility on top ofYxv6; and Ylog, which resembles the persistent log fromthe Arrakis operating system [36]. We have also builtgeneral-purpose “peephole optimizers” [28] for file sys-tem code (e.g., removing superfluous disk flushes). Webelieve that the ease of verification makes Yggdrasil at-tractive for building verified storage applications.

We have been using the Yxv6 file system, which runson top of FUSE [17], to self-host Yggdrasil’s daily devel-opment on Linux. It has passed fsstress from the LinuxTest Project [26] and the SibylFS POSIX conformancetests [42] (except for incomplete features, such as hardlinks and extended attributes). We have found its per-formance to be reasonable: within 10⇥ of ext4’s defaultconfiguration and 3–150⇥ faster than FSCQ. Yggdrasilfocuses on single-threaded systems; verifying concurrentimplementations is beyond the scope of this paper.

This paper makes the following contributions:• a formalization of file system crash refinement that

is amenable to fully automated SMT reasoning;• the Yggdrasil toolkit for building verified file sys-

tems through crash refinement; and• a case study of building the Yxv6 file system and

several other storage programs using Yggdrasil.

specification implementation consistencyinvariants


compiler optimizer visualizer

C code forfile system + fsck



Figure 1: The Yggdrasil development flow. Rectangular boxes(within the dashed frame) denote input written by program-mers; rounded boxes denote Yggdrasil’s components; andcurved boxes denote output. Shaded boxes are trusted to becorrect and the rest are untrusted.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. §2 givesa walkthrough of Yggdrasil’s usage. §3 presents formaldefinitions and the main components. §4 describes theYxv6 file system and §5 describes other storage appli-cations built using Yggdrasil. §6 discusses Yggdrasil’slimitations and our experience. §7 provides implemen-tation details. §8 evaluates correctness and performance.§9 relates Yggdrasil to prior work. §10 concludes.

2 Overview

Figure 1 shows the Yggdrasil development flow. Pro-grammers write the specification, implementation, andconsistency invariants all in the same language (a subsetof Python in our current prototype; see §3.2). If thereis any bug in the implementation or consistency invari-ants, the verifier generates a counterexample to visualizeit. For better run-time performance, Yggdrasil optionallyperforms optimizations (either built-in or written by de-velopers) and re-verifies the code. Once the verificationpasses, Yggdrasil emits C code, which is then compiledand linked using a C compiler to produce an executablefile system, as well as an fsck checker.

This section gives an overview of each of these steps,using a toy file system called YminLFS as a running ex-ample. We will show how to specify, implement, verify,and debug it; how to optimize its performance; and howto get a running file system mounted via FUSE [17].

YminLFS is a log-structured file system [44]. It is keptminimal for demonstration purposes: there are no seg-ments, subdirectories, or garbage collection, and files arezero-sized (no read, write, or unlink). But its core func-tionality is still tricky to implement correctly due to non-determinism and corner cases like overflows. In fact, theverifier caught two bugs in our initial implementation.The development of YminLFS took one of the authorsless than four hours, as detailed next.



class TxnDisk(BaseSpec):def begin_tx(self):self._txn = []

def write_tx(self, bid, data):self._cache = self._cache.update(bid, data)self._txn.append((bid, data))

def commit_tx(self):with self._mach.transaction():

for bid, data in self._txn:self._disk = self._disk.update(bid, data)


• ModelFSasastatemachinewithasetofoperations{create,rename,etc.}

S0 S1

I0 I1 I2 I3




S0 S1

I0 I1 I2 I3



I4 I5


• ModelFSasastatemachine• Augmenteachopwithanexplicitcrashschedule:op(disk,inp,sched)→disk• ForeachFSop,prove:∀disk,inp,schedimpl.∃schedspec.


• Z3isgoodatsolvingthisform


• Eachlayerhasaspec

• Eachlayerbuildsuponalowerlayerspec

• Limitverificationtoasinglelayeratatime

Yxv6 file system: Stack of layered abstractions

Each layer has aspecification

Each layer buildsupon a lower layerspecification

Limit verification to asingle layer at a time

regular files, symboliclinks, and directories

Yxv6 files


Yxv6 inodes

transactional disk

write-ahead logging



Crash refinement

Crash refinement

Crash refinement

16 / 24


• Startwithmultipledisks&inefficientlayout

• Graduallyrefinetooptimizedlayout

• Separatereasoningofcorrectnessfromlayout



file datadisk

file datapartition

orphan inodesdisk

orphan inodespartition

block bitmapdisk

packed blockbitmap disk

block bitmappartition

inode bitmapdisk

packed inodebitmap disk

inode bitmapparition

inode metadatadisk

packed inodesdisk


direct blockpointers disk


Figure 4: The refinement of disk layout of the Yxv6 file system,from multiple disks to a single disk. The arrows A B denotethat B is a crash refinement of A.

strategies for directory entry lookup. This approach al-lows us to treat search procedures as a black box, ab-solving the SMT solver from the need to reason aboutthe many paths through the algorithm.

The second case is unlinking a file, as freeing all itsdata blocks needs to write potentially many blocks. Tofinitize this operation, our implementation simply movesthe inode of the file into a special orphan inodes disk,which is a finite operation, and relies on a separategarbage collector to reclaim the data blocks at a latertime. We further prove that reclamation is a no-op (asper the definition in §3.1), as freeing a block referencedby the orphan inodes disk does not affect the externallyvisible state of the file system. We will summarize thetrade-offs of validation in §4.5.

4.3 Refining disk layouts

Theorem 5 gives a file system that runs on seven disks:the write-ahead log, the file data, the block and inodebitmaps for managing free space, the inode metadata, thedirect block pointers, and the orphan inodes. Using sep-arate disks scales SMT reasoning, but it has two down-sides. First, the two bitmaps use only one bit per blockand the inode metadata disk stores one inode per block,wasting space. Second, requiring seven disks makes thefile system difficult to use. We now prove with crash re-finement that it is correct to pack these disks into onedisk (Figure 4) similar to the xv6 file system [14].

Intuitively, it is correct to pack multiple blocks thatstore data sparsely into one with a dense representation,because the packed disk has the same or fewer possibledisk states. For instance, bitmap disks used in §4.2 storeone bit per block; the n-th bit of the bitmap is stored in

the lowest bit of block n. On the other hand, a packedbitmap disk stores 4KB ⇥ 8 = 215 bits per block, andthe n-th bit is stored in bit n mod 215 of block n/215.Clearly, using the packed bitmap is a crash refinement ofthe sparse one. The same holds for using packed inodes.Similarly, a single disk with multiple non-overlappingpartitions exhibits fewer states than multiple disks; forexample, a flush on a single disk will flush all the parti-tions, but not for multiple disks. Combining these pack-ing steps, we prove the following theorem:

Theorem 6. The Yxv6 implementation using seven non-overlapping partitions of one asynchronous disk, withpacked bitmaps and inodes, is a crash refinement of thatusing seven asynchronous disks.

4.4 Refining crash consistency models

Theorem 6 gives a synchronous file system that com-mits a transaction for each system call. This file sys-tem, which we call Yxv6+sync, incurs a slowdown asit flushes the disk frequently (see §8 for performanceevaluation). The Yxv6+group_commit file system im-plements a more relaxed crash consistency model [5, 37].Unlike Yxv6+sync, its write-ahead logging implementa-tion groups multiple transactions together [19].

Intuitively, doing a single combined transaction pro-duces fewer possible disk states compared to two sepa-rate transactions, as in the latter scheme the system cancrash in between the two and expose the intermediatestate. We prove the following theorem:

Theorem 7. Yxv6+group_commit is a crash refinementof Yxv6+sync.

4.5 Summary of design trade-offs

Unlike conventional journaling file systems, the firstYxv6 design in §4.2 uses multiple disks. To decide thenumber of disks, we adopt a simple guideline: whenevera part of the disk is logically separate from the rest of thefile system, such as the log or the free bitmap, we assigna separate disk for that part. In our experience, this iseffective in scaling up SMT reasoning.

Yxv6’s final on-disk layout closely resembles that ofthe xv6 and FSCQ file systems. One notable differenceis that Yxv6 uses an orphan inodes partition to managefiles that are still open but have been unlinked, similarlyto the orphan inode list [21] in ext3 and ext4. This de-sign ensures correct atomicity behavior of unlink andrename, especially when running with FUSE, which xv6and FSCQ do not guarantee.

Another difference to FSCQ is that Yxv6 uses valida-tion instead of verification in managing free blocks andinodes. Although the resulting allocator is safe, it doesnot guarantee that block or inode allocation will succeedwhen there is enough space, treating such failures as aquality-of-service issue.


• TwoYxv6variants• Yxv6+sync:similartoxv6,FSCQandext4+sync• Yxv6+group_commit:anoptimizedYxv6+sync

• verified:1.6hoursw/24cores- nomanualproofs!

spec impl consistency inv.

Yxv6 250 1,500 5

infrastructure -- 1,500 --

FUSE stub -- 250 --


• 3–150× fasterthanext4+sync• Within10× ofext4+default








Make Bash Make yxv6 Mailbench Largefile Smallfile








Figure 6: Performance of file systems on an SSD, in sec-onds (log scale; lower is better).








Make Bash Make yxv6 Mailbench Largefile Smallfile








Figure 7: Performance of file systems on a RAM disk, in sec-onds (log scale; lower is better).

Yggdrasil to generate efficient C code. The idea of sep-arating logical and physical data representations usingcrash refinement further reduced the verification time byorders of magnitude. As we will show in §8, verifyingYxv6+sync’s theorems took less than a minute, thanks toZ3’s efficient decision procedures, whereas Coq took 11hours to check the proofs of FSCQ [7] (which has similarfeatures to Yxv6+sync).

Crash refinement requires programmers to design asystem as a state machine and implement each operationin a finite way. File systems fit well into this paradigm.We have used crash refinement in several contexts: tostack layers of abstraction, to pack multiple blocks ordisks, and to relax crash consistency models. Crash re-finement does not require advanced knowledge of pro-gram logics (e.g., separation logic [41] in FSCQ), and isamenable to automated SMT reasoning.

7 Implementation

Figure 5 lists the code size of the file systems and otherstorage applications built using Yggdrasil, the commoninfrastructure code, and the FUSE boilerplate. In total,they consist of about 4,000 lines of Python code.

8 Evaluation

This section uses Yxv6 as a representative example toevaluate file systems built using Yggdrasil. We aim toanswer the following questions:

• Does Yxv6 provide end-to-end correctness?• What is the run-time performance?• What is the verification performance?

Unless otherwise noted, all experiments were conductedon a 4.0 GHz quad-core Intel i7-4790K CPU runningLinux 4.4.0.

Correctness. We tested the correctness of Yxv6 asfollows. First, we ran it on existing benchmarks.Both Yxv6+sync and Yxv6+group_commit passed thefsstress tests from the Linux Test Project [26]; theyalso passed the SibylFS POSIX conformance tests [42],except for incomplete features such as hard links or ex-

tended attributes. Second, we have been using Yxv6 toself-host Yggdrasil’s development since early March, in-cluding the writing of this paper; our experience is thatit is reliable for daily use. Third, we applied the diskblock enumerator from the Ferrite toolkit [5] (similar tothe Block Order Breaker [37]) to cross-check that the filesystem state was consistent after a crash and recovery.

To test the correctness of Yxv6’s fsck, we manuallycorrupted file system images by overwriting them withrandom bytes; Yxv6’s fsck was able to detect corruptionin all these cases.

Run-time performance. To understand the run-timeperformance of Yxv6, we ran a set of five benchmarkssimilar to those used in FSCQ [7]: compiling the sourcecode of bash and Yxv6, running a mail server from thesv6 operating system [10], and the LFS benchmark [44].

We compare the two Yxv6 variants against the verifiedfile system FSCQ and the ext4 file system in two con-figurations: its default configuration (i.e., data=ordered),and with data=journal+sync options, which together aresimilar to Yxv6+sync. Although Yxv6’s implementationis closest to xv6, we excluded xv6’s performance num-bers as it crashed frequently on three benchmarks and didnot pass the fsstress tests.

Figure 6 shows the on-disk performance with all thefile systems running on a Samsung 850 PRO SSD. They-axis shows total running time in seconds (log scale).We see that Yxv6+sync performs similarly to FSCQ andto ext4’s slower configuration. Yxv6+group_commit,which groups several operations into a single transaction,outperforms those file systems by 3–150⇥ and is on av-erage within 10⇥ of ext4’s default configuration.

To understand the CPU overhead, we repeated the ex-periments using a RAM disk, as shown in Figure 7. Thetwo variants of Yxv6 have similar performance numbers.They both outperform FSCQ, and are close in perfor-mance to ext4 (except for the largefile benchmark). Webelieve the reason is that Yxv6 benefits from Yggdrasil’sPython-to-C compiler, while FSCQ’s performance is af-fected by its use of Haskell code extracted from Coq.



• Push-buttonverificationisfeasibleforFS• Nomanualproofsonimplementation• NewFScorrectnessdefinition:crashrefinement

• FSdesignforverification• ModelFSasastatemachine• Verifyeachoperationusingcrashrefinement• Verifyeachlayerindependently

Hyperkernel [SOSP’17]

• TheOSKernelisacriticalcomponent• Isolationisessentialforapplicationsecurity• Kernelbugscancompromisetheentiresystem

• Manualverificationiscostly

• Goal:OSdesignforautomatedSMTverification


• KernelAPImustbeamenabletoSMTreasoning

• Kernelpointersaredifficulttoreasonabout• kernelrunsundervirtualmemory• kernelalsomanipulatesthemapping• themappingisoftennon-injective

• Cisknowntobedifficulttomodel


• Finiteinterface:noloops/interruptsinkernel• UseSMT-friendlydatastructures(e.g.,bitmaps)• Usevalidationwheneverpossible

• Identitymappinginkernel• Separateaddressspacesinkernelanduser• “Abuse”virtualmachineinstructions

• VerificationusingLLVMIRinsteadofC• SMTencodingsforreferencecounting,etc.

ModelOSasastatemachineHyperkernel: Push-Bu�on Verification of an OS Kernel SOSP ’17, October 28, 2017, Shanghai, China

user-kernel interface

. . .process process

trap handler



Figure 5: State transitions in Hyperkernel. At eachstep process execution may either stay in user spaceor trap into the kernel due to system calls, exceptions,or interrupts. Each trap handler in the kernel runs tocompletion with interrupt disabled.

use of SMT to an e�ectively decidable fragment of �rst-orderlogic. This section describes how we use this restriction toguide the design of the formalization.

We �rst present our model of the kernel behavior as a statemachine (§3.1), followed by the details of the veri�cationprocess. In particular, to verify the C implementation againstthe state-machine speci�cation, the veri�er translates thesemantics of the LLVM IR into an SMT expression (§3.2). Tocheck the state-machine speci�cation against the declarativespeci�cation (e.g., the correctness of reference counters), itencodes crosscutting properties in a way that is amenable toSMT solving (§3.3).

3.1 Modeling kernel behaviorThe veri�er follows a standard way of modeling a kernel’sexecution as a state machine [36]. As shown in Figure 5, astate transition can occur in response to either trap handlingor user-space execution (without trapping into the kernel).By design, the execution of a trap handler in Hyperkernel isatomic: it traps from user space into the kernel due to systemcalls, exceptions, or interrupts, runs to completion, and re-turns to user space. This atomicity simpli�es veri�cation byruling out interleaved execution, allowing the veri�er to rea-son about each trap handler in its entirety and independently.

As mentioned earlier, Hyperkernel runs on a uniprocessorsystem. However, even in this setting, ensuring the atomicexecution of trap handlers requires Hyperkernel to sidestepconcurrency issues that arise from I/O devices, namely, in-terrupts and direct memory access (DMA), as follows.First, the kernel executes trap handlers with interrupts

disabled, postponing interrupts until the execution returnsto user space (which will trap back into the kernel). By doingso, each trap handler runs to completion in the kernel.Second, since devices may asynchronously modify mem-

ory through DMA, the kernel isolates their e�ects by restrict-ing DMA to a dedicated memory region (referred to as DMApages); this isolation is implemented through mechanisms

such as Intel’s VT-d Protected Memory Regions [29] andAMD’s Device Exclusion Vector [4] con�gured at boot time.In addition, the kernel conservatively considers DMA pagesvolatile (see §3.2), where memory reads return arbitrary val-ues. In doing so, a DMA write that occurs during kernelexecution is e�ectively equivalent to a no-op with respect tothe kernel state, removing the need to explicitly model DMA.With this model, we now de�ne kernel correctness in

terms of state-machine re�nement. Formally, we denote eachstate transition (e.g., trap handling) by a transition function fthat maps the current state s and input x (e.g., system callarguments) to the next state f (s,x). Let fspec and fimpl bethe transition functions for the speci�cation and implemen-tation of the same state transition, respectively. Let I bethe representation invariant of the implementation (§2.3).Let sspec ⇠ simpl denote that speci�cation state sspec andimplementation state simpl are equivalent according to theprogrammer-de�ned equivalence function (§2.4). We writesspec ⇠I simpl as a shorthand for I (simpl)^(sspec ⇠ simpl), whichstates that the representation invariant holds in the imple-mentation and both states are equivalent. With this notation,we de�ne re�nement as follows:

D��������� 1 (S�������������I������������� R����������). The kernel implementation is a re�nement of the state-machine speci�cation if the following holds for each pair ofstate transition functions fspec and fimpl:

8sspec, simpl,x . sspec ⇠I simpl ) fspec(sspec,x) ⇠I fimpl(simpl,x)

To prove kernel correctness (Theorem 1), the veri�er com-putes the SMT encoding of fspec and fimpl for each transitionfunction f , as well as the representation invariant I (which isthe same for all state transitions). The veri�er then asks Z3 toprove the validity of the formula in De�nition 1 by showingits negation to be unsatis�able. The veri�er computes fspec byevaluating the state-machine speci�cation written in Python.To compute fimpl and I , it performs exhaustive (all-paths)symbolic execution over the LLVM IR of kernel code. If Z3�nds the query unsatis�able, veri�cation succeeds. Other-wise, if Z3 returns a counterexample, the veri�er constructsa test case (§2.4).Proving crosscutting properties (Theorem 2) is simpler.

Since a declarative speci�cation de�nes a predicate P overthe abstract kernel state, the veri�er checks whether P holdsduring each transition of the state-machine speci�cation.More formally:

D��������� 2 (S�����M������ S������������ C�����������). The state-machine speci�cation satis�es the declarativespeci�cation P if the following holds for every state transitionfspec starting from state sspec with input x :

8sspec,x . P(sspec) ) P(fspec(sspec,x))


MaintheoremsSOSP ’17, October 28, 2017, Shanghai, China L. Nelson et al.


264kernel text

kernel text

direct mapping



virtual memory physical memory

Figure 1: A simpli�edmemory layout of Linux on x86-64: the kernel and user space are mapped to the up-per half and lower half of the virtual address space,respectively. The ABI recommends the kernel text tobe mapped to the top 2 GiB, as required by the kernelcode model [52]; the kernel also has a direct mappingof all physical memory.

A �nal challenge is that Hyperkernel, like many otherOS kernels, is written in C, a programming language thatis known to complicate formal reasoning [26, 39, 53]. It isnotably di�cult to accurately model the C semantics andreason about C programs due to low-level operations suchas pointer arithmetic and memory access. In addition, the Cstandard is intentionally underspeci�ed, allowing compilersto exploit unde�ned behavior in order to produce e�cientcode [41, 67]. Such subtleties have led some researchers toconclude that “there is no C program for which the standardcan guarantee that it will not crash” [40].

Hyperkernel addresses these challenges with three ideas.First, its kernel interface is designed to be �nite: all of thehandlers for system calls, exceptions, and interrupts (collec-tively referred to as trap handlers in this paper) are free ofunbounded loops and recursion, making it possible to encodeand verify them using SMT. Second, Hyperkernel runs ina separate address space from user space, using an identitymapping for the kernel; this simpli�es reasoning about ker-nel code. To e�ciently realize this separation, Hyperkernelmakes use of x86 virtualization support provided by Intel VT-x andAMD-V: the kernel and user processes run in root (host)and non-root (guest) modes, respectively, using separate pagetables. Third, Hyperkernel performs veri�cation at the levelof the LLVM intermediate representation (IR) [42], which hasmuch simpler semantics than C while remaining su�cientlyhigh-level to avoid reasoning about machine details.The kernel interface of Hyperkernel consists of 50 trap

handlers, providing support for processes, virtual memory,�le descriptors, devices, inter-process communication, andscheduling. We have veri�ed the correctness of this interface

declarativespeci�cation P

state-machinespeci�cation Si�1 Si Si+1

implementation Ii�1 Ii Ii+1

Figure 2: An overview of Hyperkernel veri�cation. Siand Ii denote states of the corresponding layers; solidarrows denote state transitions. P denotes a crosscut-ting property that holds during every state transition.

in two steps, as shown in Figure 2. First, we have devel-oped a speci�cation of trap handlers in a state-machine style,describing the intended behavior of the implementation. Sec-ond, to improve the con�dence in the correctness of thestate-machine speci�cation, we have further developed ahigher-level speci�cation in a declarative style. The declara-tive speci�cation describes “end-to-end” crosscutting prop-erties that the state-machine speci�cation must satisfy [60],such as “a process can write to pages only owned by itself.”Such properties are more intuitive and easier to review. Us-ing the Z3 SMT solver, veri�cation �nishes within about15 minutes on an 8-core machine.

The current prototype of Hyperkernel runs on a unipro-cessor system; verifying multiprocessor support is beyondthe scope of this paper. We choose not to verify the kernelinitialization and glue code (e.g., assembly for register saveand restore), instead relying on a set of custom checkers toimprove con�dence in their correctness.To demonstrate the usability of the kernel interface, we

have ported xv6 user programs to Hyperkernel, includingutilities and a shell. We have also ported the xv6 journaling�le system and the lwIP networking stack, both running asuser-space processes. We have developed several applica-tions, including a Linux binary emulator and a web serverthat can host the Git repository of this paper.In summary, this paper makes two main contributions: a

push-button approach to building a veri�ed OS kernel, and akernel interface design amenable to SMT solving. The carefuldesign of the kernel interface is key to achieving a high de-gree of proof automation—naïvely applying the Hyperkernelapproach to verifying an existing kernel is unlikely to scale.We chose xv6 as a starting point as it provides classic Unixabstractions, with the �nal Hyperkernel interface, which isamenable to automated veri�cation, resembling an exoker-nel [23, 33]. We hope that our experience can provide inspira-tion for designing other “push-button veri�able” interfaces.



Not for distribution






















































Hyperkernel: Push-Bu�on Verification of an OS Kernel SOSP’17, October 2017, Shanghai, China






















































Hyperkernel interface, which is amenable to automated ver-i�cation, resembles some features of an exokernel [18, 25].We hope that our experience can shed some light on what“push-button veri�able” interfaces may look like.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. §2 givesan overview of the veri�cation process. §3 presents formalde�nitions and veri�cation details. §4 describes the designand implementation of Hyperkernel and user-space libraries.§5 discusses checkers as extensions to our veri�er. §6 reportson our experience of Hyperkernel. §7 relates Hyperkernelto prior work. §8 concludes.

2 OVERVIEWThis section illustrates the Hyperkernel development work-�ow by walking through the design, speci�cation, and veri-�cation of one system call.As shown in Figure 3, to specify the desired behavior of

a system call, programmers write two forms of speci�ca-tions: a detailed, state-machine speci�cation for functionalcorrectness, and a higher-level, declarative speci�cation thatis more intuitive for manual review. Both speci�cations areexpressed in Python; we chose Python due to its simple syn-tax. Programmers implement a system call in C. The veri�erwill reduce both speci�cations (in Python) and the imple-mentation (in LLVM IR compiled from C) into an SMT query,and invoke Z3 to perform veri�cation. The veri�ed code islinked with unveri�ed (trusted) components to produce the�nal kernel image.

An advantage of using an SMT solver is its ability to pro-duce a test case if veri�cation fails, which we �nd usefulfor pinpointing and �xing bugs. For instance, if there is anybug in the C code, the veri�er generates a concrete test case,including the kernel state and system call arguments, to de-scribe how to trigger the bug. Similarly, the veri�er tries toshow the violation if there is any inconsistency between thetwo forms of speci�cations.We assume the following for now (see §4 for detail): the

kernel runs on a uniprocessor system, with interrupts dis-abled; therefore, every system call is atomic and runs to com-pletion. The kernel is also in a separate address space fromuser space, using the identity mapping for virtual memory.

2.1 Designing �nite interfacesWe base the Hyperkernel interface on existing speci�cationssuch as POSIX, making adjustments where necessary to aidpush-button veri�cation. In particular, we make adjustmentsto keep the kernel interface �nite, such that its semanticscan be expressed as a set of traces of bounded length. Tomake veri�cation scalable, these bounds should be smallconstants and ideally, independent of system parameters(e.g., the maximum number of �le descriptors or pages).


state-machinespeci�cation veri�er proof or

test case

syscall/interrupt handler& invariant

LLVM Cfront-end LLVM IR

kernel initialization& glue code




C & assembly

Figure 3: The Hyperkernel development �ow. Rectan-gular boxes denote source, intermediate, and output�les; rounded boxes denote compilers and veri�ers.Shaded boxes denote source �les written by program-mers.

To illustrate the design of �nite interfaces, we use the dup

system call as speci�ed by POSIX as a running example, toshow how to �nitize it for inclusion in Hyperkernel. In aclassic Unix design, each process maintains a �le descrip-tor (FD) table, where a slot in this table refers to an entryin a system-wide �le table. Figure 4 shows two example FDtables, for processes i and j, along with a system-wide �letable. The slot FD 0 in process i’s table refers to the �le tableentry 0, and both process i’s FD 1 and process j’s FD 0 referto the same �le table entry 4. To correctly manage resources,the �le table maintains a reference counter for each entry:entry 4’s counter is 2 as it is referred to by two FDs.

The POSIX semantics of dup(oldfd) is to create “a copy ofthe �le descriptor oldfd, using the lowest-numbered unused�le descriptor for the new descriptor” [39]. For example,invoking dup(0) in process j would return FD 1 referringto �le table entry 4, and increment that entry’s referencecounter to 3.

We consider the POSIX semantics of the dup interface to benot �nite. To see why, observe that the lowest-FD semantics,although rarely needed in practice [11], requires the kernelimplementation to check that every slot lower than the newchosen FD is already occupied. As a result, allocating thelowest FD requires a trace that increases with the size of theFD table; veri�cation time would increase accordingly.

Hyperkernel �nitizes dup by changing the POSIX interfaceto dup(oldfd, newfd), which requires user space to choosea new FD number. To implement this interface, the kernelsimply checks whether a given newfd is unused. Such a checkrequires a small, constant number of operations, irrespectiveof the size of the FD table. This number puts an upper boundon the length of any trace that a call to dup(oldfd, newfd)

2017-09-13 12:25 page 3 (pp. 1-17)


• Workflow• Virtualmemorymanagement


• FeasibletoverifyasimpleUnix-likeOSkernel• Makeinterfacefinite,“exokernel”-y• LeverageadvancesinHWandformalmethods

• Startingpointforverifyingapplications+OS


• Event-drivensystems• Asetof“atomic”handlers• EncodefinitehandlersinSMT• Addlayers(ifneeded)toscaleupverification

• Co-designsystemsw/SMT• Useeffectivelydecidabletheorieswheneverpossible• Restricteduseofquantifiers


• Push-buttonverification• Examples:filesystem,OSkernel• Reusabledesignpatternsandtoolchains

• Verifiabilityasafirst-classsystemdesignconcern

Deployability• Runahypervisorasaguestonaverifiedshim.• Enforcememoryisprotectedfromotherguestsandfromhypervisor.• Relyonhypervisorfordeviceandpolicyimplementation.

Verified Shim

Hypervisor GuestGuest


• Explicitresourceallocationandreclamation• Requireuserspacetomakedecisionsaboutresources,eliminatingneedforallocatorsorgarbagecollectorsinkernel

• Finitize systemcallinterface• Shouldcompleteinconstanttime,independentofparameters,eliminatingneedtoreasonaboutloopsorlong-runningsystemcalls