Download - Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

Page 1: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

Design of predictive magic cards.

Images in PDF file for printing numerical cards.

The complete set of magic numerical

cards with numbers from 11 up to 99. In

the complete set there are no numbers

with figure 0. In total in the complete set

there are 81 numerical cards.

Magic numerical board for magic

numerical cards. The numerical notation

of verticals and horizontals from 1 up to

9 and also numerical notations of

board's squares which corresponds to a

magic square.

The complete set of magic numerical cards includes 81 cards with numbers from 11 up to 99 without numbers with

figure 0. Namely the complete set includes cards on which there are double combinations of numbers from 1 up to 9

which correspond to numbers in numerology.

The submitted numerical cards have the name "magic cards" as numbers have numerological values which are

caused by position of numbers in structure of a magic square that differs from values of usual mathematical numbers.

For example, number 81 is two-place number which has 8 tens and 1 unit from the view point of mathematics, but

number 81 has value caused by the combination of numerological numbers 8 and 1 from the view point of

numerology. Namely the name of the submitted numerical cards is connected to a magic square which is known in

mathematics and is a basic numerical figure in numerology.

Magic numerical cards are correlated to squares of the magic numerical board which too has the name connected with

a magic square.

The magic numerical board is formed by 9 verticals and 9 horizontals, and has 81 squares that is equal to quantity of

cards in the complete set. Verticals and horizontals of the board are designated by numbers from 1 up to 9, and also in

dark circles on squares of the board there are white magic numbers about which sense there is the information on 6th

page in this site section, and also it is told in rules of predictions (rules of mantic operations) which are in the PDF


In total the magic board has two numerical notations. The first notation is written on edges where corresponds with

verticals and horizontals of the board, and the second notation is written directly on squares of the board where forms

a magic square/

Look the information on a magic square of this numerical board on 6th page in this site section.

Magic numerical cards and magic numerical board are intended for realization of mantic operations (numerological

predictions), namely mantic operations are carried out by means of imposing numerical cards on squares of the board

and by means of comparison of numbers on cards with two numerical notations of the board. Mantic operations

allows to predict events according to values of numbers in numerology.

Rules of some mantic operations, and also images in format A4 suitable for printing this complete set of magic

numerical cards with the magic numerical board are submitted in the PDF file.

Rules and instructions of mantic operations are written in English in this PDF file.

Except for numbers on magic cards there are especial symbols which have the name "tritetragrams". These symbols are similar to numbers, but are original

numerical marks which represent graphic structure of numbers. Namely tritetragrams consist of lines which are equivalent to numbers, that is shown on the


Two top lines form top tridigrams which are equivalent to the left numbers, and two bottom lines form bottom

tridigrams which are equivalent to the right numbers in numerical combinations which are represented on cards.

Namely tritetragrams consist of tridigrams which are equivalent to numerical combinations of magic cards.

Lines have three kinds:

- whole indivisible lines;

- divisible dual lines;

- double divisible triple lines.

According to three kinds of lines there are 9 tridigrams which correspond to numbers from 1 up to 9:

- 1 / 9 - number 1 according to the linear arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square and number 9 according to the nonlinear arrangement of

tridigrams in the magic square;

- 2 / 2 - number 2 according to linear and number 2 according to nonlinear arrangement;

- 3 / 7 - number 3 according to linear and number 7 according to nonlinear arrangement;

- 4 / 4 - number 4 according to linear and number 4 according to nonlinear arrangement;

Page 2: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

- 5 / 5 - number 5 according to linear and number 5 according to nonlinear arrangement;

- 6 / 6 - number 6 according to linear and number 6 according to nonlinear arrangement;

- 7 / 3 - number 7 according to linear and number 3 according to nonlinear arrangement;

- 8 / 8 - number 8 according to linear and number 8 according to nonlinear arrangement;

- 9 / 1 - number 9 according to linear and number 1 according to nonlinear arrangement.

Total magic numerical cards have numerical combinations which correspond to linear and nonlinear arrangements of tridigrams in the magic square. Dark

numbers correspond to the linear arrangement, and white numbers in dark circles correspond to the linear arrangement.

Look the information on the arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square on 3rd page in this site section.

Combinations of 9 tridigrams form 81 tritetragrams, that is shown in the table:

Tritetragrams are formed of top tridigrams which correspond with verticals of the table and are shown above,

and tritetragrams are formed of bottom tridigrams which correspond with horizontals of the table and are shown

at the left.

In total there are 81 tritetragrams that is equal to quantity of numerical combinations which are represented on


The table shows numbers and numerical combinations appropriate to the nonlinear arrangement of tridigrams in

the magic square, and numbers appropriate to the linear arrangement are shown by dark blue color only in that

case when "linear numbers" differ from "nonlinear numbers".

In total linear and nonlinear numbers allow to interpret different numerological values of numerical

combinations, and tritetragrams are convenient symbols which allows to realize structural interrelations existing

in ratio of numbers, and also allows to realize values of numbers in numerology.

According to numerical combinations and according to tritetragrams it is possible to carry out mantic operations

which rules look in the PDF file. And also look the following pages of this site section where the numerical

device of cards is described in more detail, and also concepts of predictive numerology (prophetic numerology)

are described.

Mantic principles of numerological numbers.

Attitudes of people to predictions and prophecies.

In a context of this page it is necessary to tell about attitudes of people to predictions of destiny and to knowledge of the future as people realize mantic actions 

ambiguously, and differently concern to forecasts and prophecies. But if to analyze features of people from the point of view of numerology then each person

has certain mantic propensity which depends on the importance of numerological numbers for outlook of this or that person. Namely it is possible to tell that

each person has the own attitude to predictions and prophecies that is determined by individual characteristics, and can be in essence comparable with mantic

features of gods which are known in myths of ancient Greece and correspond with numbers of Pythagorean numerology.

The numerological number 6.

If number 6 is significant then the person is declined to estimate the future by means of lots, namely the person solves possible prospects of development of

events by means of throwing a coin or by means of other objects and as a result receives the positive or negative answer, and will coordinate own actions to the

received answer. As for number 6 in the context of Pythagorean numerology corresponds Zeus who weighs destinies of people on gold weights, and in essence

casts lots about probable human destiny.

In the Book of Proverbs of tsar Solomon (chapter 16 proverb 33) it is written too, that the person casts lots but the decision of a lot depends on the god that

corresponds to the mantic principle of number 6 as significant number of tsar Solomon was the six which symbolizes wisdom of the world.

The numerological number 1.

If number 1 is significant then the person does not think of the future but follows momentary desires and representations about necessity of those or other

actions and as a result operates unerring, but nevertheless can be mistaken. As for number 1 in the context of Pythagorean numerology corresponds Ares who

does not commensurate own actions with will of other gods but acts according to own will that can cause mistakes in the event that gods deny Ares.

The numerological number 8.

If number 8 is significant then the person can foresee or penetrate the future as to number 8 in the context of Pythagorean numerology corresponds Apollo who

owns the Delphic Oracle and has gift of predictions (enlightenments or insights). But it is necessary to take into account that Apollo is involved in will of gods

and consequently penetration into the future is caused by inspiration which is not subject to reason of the person that can cause illusions if the person is

mistaken or dreams.

The numerological number 7.

If number 7 is significant then the person analyzes the future and chooses optimum variants of development of events, namely the person aspires to know and

realize the future as for number 7 in the context of Pythagorean numerology corresponds Prometheus whose name means "conceiving before".

The mantic principle of number 7 promotes studying of an astrology and numerology as knowledge of natural movements of heavenly bodies and the

knowledge of numerical ratio existing in the world allows to predict the future. But nevertheless the knowledge of an astrology and numerology does not

Page 3: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

guarantee absolute knowledge as the analytical device of human consciousness is limited in comparison with the valid complexity of the world.

Brother of Prometheus is Epimetheus "conceiving after" who corresponds with the mantic principle of number 1 as Epimetheus does not realize the future but

realizes past events.

The numerological number 5.

If number 5 is significant then the person is capable to know true that allows to know essence of the future and allows to realize events which should take place

as to number 5 in the context of Pythagorean numerology there corresponds the goddess of wisdom Athena. Namely the person is capable to comprehend

omens of the future which sees in movement of time, but it is necessary to distinguish the mantic principle of number 5 from the mantic principle of number 8

as the understanding of true is not a foresee of the future but is direct comprehension of time. And also it is necessary to distinguish the principle of number 5

from the principle of number 7 as comprehension of true is not analytical comprehension of natural movements of time but is comprehension of a plan

according to which movement is carried out.

The numerological number 3.

If number 3 is significant then the person is accompanied with good luck and the person is able to guess the future as to number 3 in the context of Pythagorean

numerology there corresponds the god of esoteric knowledge Hermes who is the intermediary between the world of gods and the world of people that allows to

commensurate actions of people with actions of gods and to make correct decisions.

Predictions are prerogative of Hermes and consequently the submitted magic cards and a magic board can be interesting to realization of predictions if the

numerological number 3 is significant for the person, though the importance of other numbers does not contradict predictions but nevertheless predisposition of

the person to guessing events is caused by value of number 3. However it is necessary to take into account that competence of Hermes is not exceeded with

abilities of other gods and consequently as a result of mantic actions the Hermes can not give answers to questions which decide Apollo, Prometheus or


Otherwise it is possible to tell that if Apollo, Prometheus or Athena have solved human destiny without participation of Hermes, and Hermes does not know

about other decision, then answer of Hermes can be not true.

The numerological number 2.

If number 2 is significant then the person is capable to have a presentiment (preliminary feeling) of the future, and pays attention to signs which foretell

favorable or adverse events as to number 2 in the context of Pythagorean numerology there corresponds goddess Hecate who is personification of superstitions.

And also the person trusts that magic rituals are capable to change the future as Hecate is the goddess of sorcery.

Not all signs are authentic but nevertheless the person can notice obvious attributes of the future in the phenomena of world around if number 2 is significant.

The numerological number 9.

If number 9 is significant then it is possible to tell that the person follows a divine foresight as to number 9 in the context of Pythagorean numerology there

corresponds Aphrodite who is the goddess of love and glamour and consequently fascinates associates by means of force of own love and as a result

circumstances favor to the Aphrodite. Namely the person does not worry about the future and does not plan own destiny but situations of life predetermine

success. Or situations can be negative but in any case the person does not program the life.

The numerological number 4.

If number 4 is significant then the person estimates the future from the point of view of concrete arising situations as to number 4 in the context of Pythagorean

numerology corresponds Hera who is the determining goddess. Namely the goddess Hera chooses necessary from the intended opportunities and considers the

chosen opportunities as the inevitable purpose of the future for what manipulates events and solves predestinations.

Thus, mantic potentials of gods correspond to numerological numbers and determine attitudes of people to predictions and prophecies, and in essence

determine different perception of time that is the reason of different philosophical sights on a nature of human destiny and the reason of different attitudes to

the future. Accordingly this site section represents different methods of predictive numerology (prophetic numerology) according to which it is possible to

guess the future by means of mantic operations or manipulations with offered numerical cards, or it is possible to predict the future by means of exact

numerological calculations and the analysis of numerical ratio existing in the world, that is adequate for outlook of different people.

I hope that offered numerical cards will be interesting to different categories of people to some extent. In any case irrespective of loyal or disloyal attitudes of

people to predictions and prophecies it is possible to consider offered numerical cards as mathematical elements which allow to analyze "mathematical

schemes" of world around.

The following page describes 9 numbers of Pythagorean numerology in comparison with graphic system of tridigrams in the magic square.

The second page compares 9 numbers of Pythagorean numerology to graphic system of tridigrams and with the linear arrangement of

tridigrams in the magic square.

The given information allows to interpret values which numbers and tridigrams have according to characteristics of mythological gods of

ancient Greece, which correspond with numbers of Pythagorean numerology.

The system of tridigrams and Pythagorean numerology.

Structural logic of numerological numbers in the magic square.

Numbers in numerology, and in particular in Pythagorean numerology, are organized according to the magic square within of which the sums of numbers on

verticals and horizontals are identical that corresponds to magic properties of the square. And also symbols of tridigrams correspond with numbers according to

the magic square that is shown on the chart:

Page 4: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

According to Pythagorean numerology the numbers correspond with images of gods of the Greek mythology:

number 1 - Ares;

number 2 - Artemis and Hecate;

number 3 - Hermes;

number 4 - Hera and Leto;

number 5 - Athena;

number 6 - Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia;

number 7 - Hephaestus and Prometheus;

number 8 - Apollo and Dionysus;

number 9 - Aphrodite.

The top lines (in tridigrams) on the top horizontal and the bottom lines on the left vertical are indivisible; the top lines on the middle horizontal and the bottom

lines on the middle vertical are dual; the top lines on the bottom horizontal and the bottom lines on the right horizontal are triple. It forms the linear

arrangement of tridigrams in cells of the magic square according to which symbols of tridigrams correspond with numbers of Pythagorean numerology, and

also correspond with images of gods, namely lines in tridigrams symbolize characteristic features which mythological gods have:

- whole indivisible lines symbolize public (objective);

- divisible dual lines symbolize neutral;

- double divisible triple lines symbolize individual (subjective).

Also positions of lines in tridigrams matter:

- lines on the top position correspond with public displays of the person;

- lines on the bottom position correspond with individual displays of the person.

Indivisible lines are pertinent on the top position as public displays are confirmed with public full value. Triple lines are pertinent on the bottom position as

individual displays are confirmed with individual full value. Double lines are neutral on any positions.

Nine variants of tridigrams symbolize possible ratio of objective, subjective and neutral with public and individual, that forms nine social types which are

identical to gods of the Greek mythology and are identical to nine numerological numbers:

- (number 6) - Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia.

The top line pertinent:

possession the public status;

public displays are confirmed with the public status;

social full value.

The bottom line inappropriate:

submission of individuality to public interests;

public denies individual.

- (number 4) - Hera and Leto.

The top line inappropriate:

statement of individual by means of public;

social individualism.

The bottom line pertinent:

individual values are confirmed with individual integrity;

the individual importance.

- (number 5) - Athena.

The top line neutral and also the bottom line neutral:

balance individual and public;

independence individual from public;

independence public from individual.

- (number 1) - Ares.

The top line pertinent:

necessity of a social recognition;

importance of a public opinion.

The bottom line neutral:

absence individual outside of a public environment;

individual has no value without an estimation associates.

- (number 9) - Aphrodite.

The top line inappropriate:

advantage individual above public;

individual superiority above public.

Page 5: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

The bottom line neutral:

abstractness from individual displays;

individual independence.

- (number 7) - Hephaestus and Prometheus.

The top line neutral:

independence of the public status;

there is no aspiration to public prestige.

The bottom line inappropriate:

individual is an integral part of public;

individuality is subordinated to public interests.

Prometheus is indifferent to will of gods but he subordinates individuality to interests of people and consequently gives fire to people.

- (number 3) - Hermes.

The top line neutral:

indifference to a public status;

neutrality of a public displays and a public opinion.

The bottom line pertinent:

importance of individual displays;

individual does not depend on public interests.

- (number 8) - Apollo and Dionysus.

The top line pertinent:

presence of the public status;

respect of associates;

social full value is confirmed with a public opinion.

The bottom line pertinent:

importance of individual displays is confirmed with individual full value;

adequate individualism.

Tridigram of numerological number 8 is completely pertinent, that corresponds to mythological image of Apollo who associates with the sun.

- (number 2) - Artemis and Hecate.

The top line inappropriate:

lack of the public status;

necessity of the personal statement for the public environment.

The bottom line inappropriate:

denying of the individual importance;

individual aspirations are caused by influence of associates.

Tridigram of numerological number 2 is absolutely inappropriate, that corresponds to mythological images of Artemis and Hecate who associate with the


The listed psychological statements are only some conclusions which are made according to structural logic of tridigrams and according to categories of

individual and public, but lines of tridigrams can be correlated to various categories according to which it is possible to do analytical statements and

conclusions. I.e. symbols of tridigrams are universal graphic signs which can be correlated to any psychological or philosophical categories that allows to

interpret values of numerological numbers from the different points of view.

Besides the magic square allows to interpret interrelations of numerological numbers according to structural ratio of tridigrams in cells of the magic square, that

is shown on charts:

The first chart shows ratio of numbers 3, 9, 6 (red cells of the square) in which position there is a mythological fact according to which

Hermes(3) and Aphrodite(9) have received birth from Zeus(6) outside of a lawful matrimony with Hera(4) and as a result Hermes and

Aphrodite have disloyal mutual relation with Hera, that triple lines symbolize in tridigrams connected with numerological numbers 3, 9,


And also the first chart shows ratio of numbers 1, 7, 4 (green cells of the square) in which position there is a mythological fact according

to which Hera(4) has given birth to Ares(1) and Hephaestus(7) without participation of Zeus(6) and as a result Ares and Hephaestus have

disloyal mutual relation with Zeus, that indivisible lines symbolize in tridigrams connected with numerological numbers 1, 7, 6.

Namely identical lines in tridigrams symbolize disloyal mutual relation of gods, and different lines symbolize loyal mutual relation.

Provided that disloyal mutual relation exist if indivisible or triple lines are on identical positions, and if are on different positions then

mutual relation are loyal.

Dual lines in any case symbolize neutral mutual relation of gods.


Page 6: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

The second chart shows ratio of odd numbers 1, 7, 9, 3, 5 (green cells of the square) which specify interconnected relations of Ares(1),

Hephaestus(7), Aphrodite(9), Hermes(3) with the central goddess of Greek mythology Athena(5), that dual lines symbolize in

appropriate tridigrams.

And also the second chart shows ratio of even numbers 6, 4, 2, 8 (red cells of the square) in which position there is a mythological fact

according to which Leto(4) and Zeus(6) are parents of Apollo(8) and Artemis(2), that indivisible and triple lines symbolize in appropriate

tridigrams. Namely Zeus and Leto have matrimonial mutual relation and consequently appropriate tridigrams consist of different lines,

that symbolizes loyal mutual relation of gods. And also Apollo and Artemis are the brother and the sister and consequently indivisible

and triple lines are on different positions in appropriate tridigrams, that symbolizes loyal mutual relation of gods.

And also other interconnected relations of gods can be seen in structural ratio of tridigrams within the magic square.

Look the detailed information on mutual relation of mythological gods and on ratio of gods with numerological numbers in other site

section which is named numerology.

In essence it is possible to analyze mutual relation of gods from the view point of numerical combinations and tritetragrams which are represented on magic

numerical cards, namely it is possible to interpret each card according to images of two gods, and also according to mutual relation of two gods. For example,

to mutual relation of Ares and Aphrodite there correspond numerical cards which have combinations of numerological numbers 1 and 9, or 9 and 1 that forms

two tritetragrams in which number 1 and appropriate tridigram is conducting, or number 9 and appropriate tridigram is conducting. Or otherwise it is possible

to tell that top tridigram (the top pair of lines in tritetragram) corresponds with bottom tridigram (the bottom pair of lines in tritetragram) according to a

principle of subordination or according to a cause-effect relation, or according to mutual relation of the man and the woman if such mutual relation are


For example, if in process a numerological prediction there is a card with number 19 then mutual relation of the man and the woman are identical to mutual

relation in which Ares is conducting for Aphrodite and if there is a card with number 91 then mutual relation of the man and the woman are the opposites.

Namely the woman has characteristics of Ares, and the man has characteristics of Aphrodite, provided that gods symbolize psychological and social types, but

gods do not personify unequivocally men or women from the view point of numerology.

Also double combinations of numbers can be analyzed according to any other principles which depend on questions which are solved by means of numerology.

That is numbers of magic cards and lines in tritetragrams in process of numerological predictions can have values which are determined by different

preliminary conditions. For example, it is possible to consider combinations of numbers as ratio of the right numbers with the left numbers without hierarchical

submission, and it is possible to consider tritetragrams as symbols which preliminary allow to define conditions of subordination for top and bottom tridigrams.

And also it is possible to consider a complex design of the magic board which has two numerical notations that allows to correlate numbers and tritetragrams

on cards to different systems of coordinates on the board. And also it is possible to take into account that each card has a combination of numbers which

corresponds with the linear arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square, and also each card has a combination of numbers which corresponds with the

nonlinear arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square that allows to consider different values of numerological numbers.

The following page shows difference of  the linear arrangement and the nonlinear arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square, and also describes ancient

Chinese system "Tai Xuan Jing" or "The Canon of Supreme Mystery" which has the nonlinear arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square.

The third page describes ancient Chinese system "Tai Xuan Jing" or "The Canon of Supreme Mystery" which has the nonlinear

arrangement of tridigrams in the magic square that differs from the linear arrangement according to which tridigrams correspond with

numbers of Pythagorean numerology.

The system Tai Xuan Jing and numerology.

Canon of Supreme Mystery and the magic square of numbers.

The book of Great Secret or the Canon of Supreme Mystery (Tai Xuan Jing or Tai Xuan Ching) was created by Confucian Yang Xiong about two thousand

years back as imitation of the ancient Chinese Book of Changes I Ching (Yijing) and adaptation of nine numbers of decimal system of calculation according to

traditional Chinese symbols of the canon I Ching. Difference of the Book of Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing and the Book of Changes I Ching consists in a

difference of symbols which make logic structure. Namely the logic structure is formed by hexagrams in the book I Ching, and the logic structure is formed by

tritetragrams in the book Tai Xuan Jing, that specifies different philosophical senses which are incorporated in two books.

The world consists of two opposite global beginnings Yang and Yin according to the canon of changes I Ching, and according to the canon Tai Xuan Jing in

the world there is a beginning intermediate between Yang /Yin and accordingly the world has the ternary device. Philosophical distinctions of two books

consist in it and also there is a reason because of which the Book of Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing was less well-known in ancient China rather than the

Books of Changes I Ching as traditional philosophical and religious concepts in ancient China were dual that denied terminality of the global beginnings. That

is symbols of Tai Xuan Jing are tritetragrams which have lines of three types and consequently symbolize three world beginnings as against hexagrams in the

book I Ching which have lines of two types and consequently symbolize two world beginnings.

It is possible to assume that mathematical principles of the system Tai Xuan Jing were taken by Confucian Yang Xiong from philosophy of ancient India where

tritetragrams were not known but there were nine numbers which are comparable to symbols of Tai Xuan Jing, namely are comparable to nine tridigrams

which form eighty one tritetragrams (9x9=81), that is shown on charts:

Page 7: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

Red color shows serial numbers of tridigrams in the Book of Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing, and dark color shows

numbers of the magic square.

The linear arrangement of tridigrams in cells of the magic square is shown at the left, and the nonlinear arrangement is

shown at the right. The nonlinear arrangement of tridigrams turns out as a result of rearrangement that grey arrows

specify on the right chart. Namely tridigrams with serial numbers 2 and 8, and also 4 and 6 are interchanged the position

that forms the nonlinear arrangement.

According to the linear arrangement and the nonlinear arrangement there are different ratio of tridigrams with numbers of the magic square, namely there are

different values which correspond to tridigrams in the nonlinear system Tai Xuan Jing in the Book of Supreme Mystery where values of numbers correspond

with images of the Chinese philosophy, and in the linear system of Pythagorean numerology where values of numbers correspond with images of gods of the

Greek mythology.

It is necessary to remind that linear numbers are represented on numerical cards by white color in dark circles, and nonlinear numbers are represented by

dark color.

Below there are values and serial numbers of tridigrams in the text of Tai Xuan Jing (which are specified by red numbers), and also there are values of

tridigrams appropriate to images of gods in the Greek mythology, and besides there are conformity with numerological numbers according to the linear and

nonlinear arrangements of tridigrams in cells of the magic square.

1 - well-being 6/6.

Corresponds to number 6 according to the linear arrangement and according to the nonlinear arrangement.

Value of this tridigram in the text of the Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing is comparable to value in a context of Pythagorean numerology as to number 6 there

correspond the Supreme gods of Greek mythology Zeus and Demeter who personify well-being and prosperity of the world.

2 - offence or fault 1/9.

Corresponds to number 1 according to the linear arrangement and number 9 according to the nonlinear arrangement.

Number 1 in Pythagorean numerology corresponds with mythological image of Ares who is the aggressive and self-satisfied god and consequently is the reason

of events which are caused by aggression that can cause feeling of fault or accusation from other gods. Therefore value of this tridigram in the text of the

Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing is comparable to value in a context of Pythagorean numerology.

3 - kind presage (good augury) 8/8.

Corresponds to number 8 according to the linear arrangement and according to the nonlinear arrangement.

Value of this tridigram in the text of the Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing is comparable to value in a context of Pythagorean numerology as to number 8 there

corresponds mythological image of Apollo who owns the Oracle at Delphi (Delphic Oracle) and consequently is a source of presages and predictions.

4 - regret 7/3.

Corresponds to number 7 according to the linear arrangement and number 3 according to the nonlinear arrangement.

Number 7 in Pythagorean numerology corresponds with mythological image of Prometheus who counteracts the world order of the Supreme Olympic gods that

can cause a regret as Prometheus is chained to a rock in punishment for counteraction to will of gods. And also number 7 corresponds with mythological image

of Hephaestus who is thrown on the ground by the Supreme Olympic gods and as a result Hephaestus is the lame god that can cause a regret. Therefore value

of this tridigram in the text of the Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing is comparable to value in a context of Pythagorean numerology.

5 - neutrality and fairness 5/5.

Corresponds to number 5 according to the linear arrangement and according to the nonlinear arrangement.

Value of this tridigram in the text of the Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing is comparable to value in a context of Pythagorean numerology as to number 5 there

corresponds the mythological image of Athena who is the central and neutral figure in hierarchy of Olympic gods, namely Athena is the fair and wise goddess

that determines independence of the contradictory (dual) beginnings of the world.

This tridigram occupies middle position between two opposite poles in the sequence of Tai Xuan Jing and consequently symbolizes the neutrality.

6 - repentance 3/7.

Corresponds to number 3 according to the linear arrangement and number 7 according to the nonlinear arrangement.

Number 3 in Pythagorean numerology corresponds with mythological image of Hermes who is a conductor of souls in the empire of death where the person

realizes the last mistakes that can cause repentance. Therefore value of this tridigram in the text of the Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing is comparable to value

in a context of Pythagorean numerology.

7 - natural disaster 2/2.

Corresponds to number 2 according to the linear arrangement and according to the nonlinear arrangement.

Value of this tridigram in the text of the Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing is comparable to value in a context of Pythagorean numerology as to number 2 there

correspond mythological images of Artemis and Hecate who personify uncontrollable and savage forces of a nature.

8 - happiness and good luck 9/1.

Corresponds to number 9 according to the linear arrangement and number 1 according to the nonlinear arrangement.

Number 9 in Pythagorean numerology corresponds with the mythological image of Aphrodite who is the goddess of love and she has beauty that can cause

happiness and good luck. Therefore value of this tridigram in the text of the Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing is comparable to value in a context of

Pythagorean numerology.

9 - misfortune and evil (angry) 4/4.

Page 8: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

Corresponds to number 4 according to the linear arrangement and according to the nonlinear arrangement.

Number 4 in Pythagorean numerology corresponds with mythological image of Hera who is not the malicious goddess, but nevertheless she is the reason of

misfortunes for other gods in that case when acts of gods contradict her representations about the world order. Namely the Hera is not personification of evil

but she is the zealous goddess and consequently her image can be correlated to value of this tridigram in the text of the Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing.

In the sequence of Tai Xuan Jing the ninth tridigram is last and means evil as is opposite for the first tridigram which means well-being and is on an opposite

pole. Namely the sequence of symbols Tai Xuan Jing symbolizes struggle of two opposite world beginnings which associate with dual antagonism of good and

evil that is traditional representation for the Chinese philosophy. But also in the sequence of Tai Xuan Jing there is a middle symbol or the fifth tridigram which

means the neutral attitude to the polar world beginnings, or means connection of the opposite world beginnings that is not traditional for the Chinese

philosophy, and in particular it is not traditional for dual system of symbols in the canon of changes I Ching though exists in system of symbols in the Book of

Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing.

Namely in the sequence of Tai Xuan Jing the initial tridigram has two indivisible lines and symbolizes kindness, and the last tridigram has two triple lines and

symbolizes evil, but also there is the central tridigram which has two dual lines and symbolizes the neutral attitude to good and evil. Therefore tridigrams have

the nonlinear arrangement in cells of the magic square in the system Tai Xuan Jing as the antagonism of good and evil cannot be compared to the linear

arrangement of tridigrams, and in essence the antagonism of good and evil cannot be correlated to numbers of the magic square the same as numbers of

Pythagorean numerology correspond with numbers of the magic square. As there are different systems of numbers in numerology which symbolize the

different phenomena and processes of world around.

The nonlinear arrangement of tridigrams consists that even and odd numerological numbers in structure of the magic square correspond with tridigrams in

which indivisible and triple lines form triangles, that is shown on the following charts:

Triangles of the top lines are shown at the left, namely red color shows the triangle of indivisible lines and green color

shows the triangle of triple lines on the top positions in tridigrams.

Triangles of the bottom lines are shown on the right, namely red color shows the triangle of indivisible lines and green

color shows the triangle of triple lines on the bottom positions in tridigrams.

The shown triangles are key in the nonlinear arrangement of tridigrams, namely triangles are necessary that tridigrams could symbolize antagonism of good

and evil in structure of the magic square, that differs from the linear arrangement according to which tridigrams correspond with numbers of Pythagorean


Two systems of tridigrams have different philosophical values that assumes differential application of two systems for description of the phenomena and

processes which have linear and nonlinear parameters. In particular the nonlinear system can be applied to the description of psychological contradictions

which are comparable to contradictions of good and evil, and have nonlinear parameters, and the linear system can be applied to the description of growth and

weight of a human body which are linear parameters of people and gods. Namely if to accept a condition that indivisible lines symbolize high growth and

massive weight of a human body, dual lines symbolize average growth and average weight of a human body, triple lines symbolize low growth and small

weight of a human body, and also lines on the top positions symbolize growth and lines on the bottom positions symbolize weight of a human body, then

according to the linear arrangement of tridigrams within the magic square there is the following anthropometrical chart:

- low growth and average weight of a human body are comparable to number 9 and mythological image of the


- low growth and massive human body are comparable to number 2 and mythological images of Artemis or Hecate;

- average growth and massive human body are comparable to number 7 and mythological images of Prometheus or


- low growth and small weight of a human body are comparable to number 4 and mythological images of Hera or


- average growth and average weight of a human body are comparable to number 5 and the mythological image of


- high growth and massive human body are comparable to number 6 and mythological images of Zeus or Demeter;

- average growth and small weight of a human body are comparable to number 3 and the mythological image of


- high growth and small weight of a human body are comparable to number 8 and mythological images of Apollo or


- high growth and average weight of a human body are comparable to number 1 and the mythological image of Ares.

Look the additional information on proportions of a human body and types of constitutions, and also the information on

comparison of a human body with symbols of I Ching on pages of other site:


It is necessary to tell that in ancient China, Greece, India there were known different systems of numerological numbers, and in essence in different cultures

there were known different algorithms according to which numbers correspond with cells of the magic square, and consequently it is considered that there are

distinctions between Chinese numerology and Indian numerology, or between Pythagorean numerology and others numerological systems though such opinion

Page 9: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

is incorrect. As actually there is one magic square of numbers, and different numerological systems are derivatives, that is distinctions consist in different ratio

of numbers with cells of the magic square and in the phenomena which describe by means of numbers in a context of those or others numerological systems.

Look the detailed information on linear and nonlinear systems of numerological numbers which are known in different cultures, and in particular the

information on Chinese magic square Lo Shu or the information about Indian numerology, in other sections of this site.

And also look magic numerical cards and the magic numerical board, submitted on pages of this site section, where the principle of association for linear and

nonlinear systems of numbers is realized, and in essence the principle of connection for different numerological systems is realized.

The following page considers methods for calculations of time which can be applied in numerology. And in particular describes the calendar system which is

known in the Book of Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing and is similar to offered system of magic numerical cards but differs by algorithm according to which

tritetragrams are organized. And also the following page describes the ancient Egyptian calendar of Decans which allows to correlate movement of heavenly

bodies to numbers in numerology.

The fourth page describes the calendar system which is known in ancient Chinese Book of Supreme Mystery Tai Xuan Jing, and also

describes the ancient Egyptian calendar of heavenly Decans, which are ancient numerological calendars. And also the fourth page

describes methods for calculations of numerological celestial maps (charts) which are similar to the Egyptian calendar of Decans but are

intended for calculations of time in modern numerology.

Systems of time in numerology.

Numerological calendars and celestial charts.

Nine numerological numbers correspond with astronomical movement of the moon and the sun that allows to correlate numbers to lunar and solar calendars

and to establish conformity of numbers with movement of time, and also allows to calculate astrological cycles of time and to predict events. But the ratio of

numerological numbers with heavenly bodies' movement is not completely direct and consequently special calendars are necessary for calculations of time in


In the ancient Chinese book "Tai Xuan Jing" tritetragrams form calendar system which describes a cycle of time equal to one solar year and makes a sequence

of tritetragrams coordinated with days of one year that is shown on scheme:

Solar year according to the calendar Tai Xuan Jing consists of nine periods "qian (jian)" and each period includes the

sequence of tritetragrams from 1 up to 81 (81x9=729), but 729/2=364,5 and consequently tritetragrams during one

year correspond with half of 24-hours days. Namely each period qian consists of 40,5 24-hours days (81/2=40,5)

during which tritetragrams from 1 up to 81 are equal to half of 24-hours day, and all during one year the sequence of

tritetragrams from 1 up to 81 repeats 9 times in nine periods qian.

Besides year in the calendar Tai Xuan Jing consists of 81 periods "shway (shui)" with duration of 4,5 days which

correspond with tritetragrams from 1 up to 81 (4,5x81=364,5)..

The beginning of year in the calendar Tai Xuan Jing is connected to a winter solstice.

Calendar Tai Xuan Jing is not exact as has duration of 364,5 day, and real duration of solar year of 365,25 day and consequently returning of the sun in the

point of a winter solstice occurs later, rather than specify calendar calculations, but nevertheless the calendar Tai Xuan Jing is a symbolical calendar which is

based on approximate ratio of numerological numbers with movement of the sun.

Movement of the moon also is connected to numbers in numerology as duration of  sidereal lunar month is 27,3 days that approximately allows to compare star

movement of the moon to nine numerological numbers. In  the calendar Tai Xuan Jing similar comparison consists that year is divided into three intervals by

duration of 121,5 day in which tritetragrams from 1 up to 27, from 28 up to 54, from 55 up to 81 are connected to three intervals of lunar movement within one

year provided that at comparison of the moon's movement with tritetragrams consider the periods shway with duration of 4,5 days

(81/3=27x4,5=121,5x3=364,5/81=4,5), and also (121,5/3=40,5).

Comparison of tritetragrams with the periods of lunar movement in the calendar Tai Xuan Jing too is approximate and symbolical the same as comparison of

tritetragrams with the periods of solar movement, as the sequence of tritetragrams from 1 up to 81 cannot be correlated with a real lunar calendar precisely.

Taking into account the aforesaid it is possible to assert that it is necessary to use other calendar for numerological calculations, or it is necessary to correct the

calendar Tai Xuan Jing, i.e. it is necessary to correlate tritetragrams for real duration of solar year and to determine duration of the solar periods "qian" and the

lunar periods "shway" with hour accuracy. Namely duration of the period "qian" should be 365,25/9=40,583... and duration of the period "shway" should be

365,25/81=4,509... from the point of view of the calendar's accuracy, and it is too difficult for practical numerology. But nevertheless the calendar Tai Xuan

Jing is a magnificent symbolical calendar which undoubtedly is numerological.

The detailed information on the calendar Tai Xuan Jing look in the books: "Nylan M. The Canon of Supreme Mystery by Yang Xiong: A Translation with

Commentary of the T’ai Hsuan Ching" and "The elemental changes: the ancient Chinese companion to the I Ching / the Tai hsuan ching of Master Yang

Hsiung; text and commentaries translated by Michael Nylan", or look in the book: "The Alternative I Ching, Reconstructed and Translated by Derek Walters".

Other calendar for numerological calculations is the ancient Egyptian calendar or otherwise to tell "the diagonal table of conditions for visibility of Decans"

which is shown in the photo:

Page 10: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

Decans are the zone of constellations which used for visual determination of time according to occurrence of constellations above a

line of horizon. When the next constellation ascended above horizon then by means of the shown table determined time of the next

Decan that allowed to calculate numerological numbers as from the point of view of numerology Decans are comparable to

numbers of decimal system of calculations.

In ancient Egypt the table of Decans was used for determination of time at night on stars, and in the afternoon time measured by

means of a sundial and consequently it is accepted to think that the table of Decans are ancient Egyptian table-clock (the

chronological adaptation for indications of time), but in essence the table of Decans is system which allows to correlate

numerological numbers to movement of time. Therefore it not the simple chronological table but is the system of ancient

numerological symbols which specify values of time.

The detailed information on the Egyptian calendar of Decans and on the heavenly order of constellations which personify Decans,

look in other sources of the information. Application of the shown table from the point of view of modern numerology and

astrology is not actual as modern methods of calculations differ from observation of heavenly bodies in the past, but nevertheless a

source of modern knowledge is the shown table.

In a modern astrology Decans are parts of an astrological circle in size of 10 degrees. All astrological circle makes 36 (360/10=36) Decans and each of 12 signs

of the zodiac includes 3 (30/10=3) Decans that is similar to 36 Decans who were known in ancient Egypt.

According to rules of a modern astrology and according to Babylon tradition the Decans correlate to planets of solar system and correlate to "Star of Magian"

by which principle the parity of planets with Decans is established. But it is incorrect as 7 planets and the Star of Magian are structure according to which 7

days of week are constructed, but Decans of an astrological circle have connection with numerological numbers. In ancient Babylon knew about 36 motionless

stars that is similar to 36 constellations on which in ancient Egypt determined time of Decans and consequently it is possible to approve that Decans of an

astrological circle it is impossible to describe by means of 7 planets which apply to the description of weekdays, but it is necessary to describe by means of 9

numerological numbers (9x4=36) and it is necessary to correlate to 36 constellations and 36 stars in constellations.

In ancient Egypt the times of Decans determined visually two ways: by horizon which is a natural visual orientation or by means of the tool "merchat" on

middle of the sky that corresponds to modern concepts AS/DS (a line of horizon) and MC/IC (a line of middle of the sky).

In a modern astrology calculation of Decans can be carried out by means of computer astrological programs (processors or calculators) and consequently it is

possible to not look at the sky but to know time of occurrence of Decans above horizon, and is possible to know time of Decans not only at night but also in the

afternoon, that allows to connect movement of time to numbers in numerology and to describe movement of time by means of numerical values. I.e. in a

modern astrology the celestial map of the sky can be calculated by means of the astrological processor then it is possible to name numerological numbers

which matter during movement of points AS and MC. Namely if points AS and MC coincide within the framework of the astrological circle with those or other

Decans then at this time have values of numerological numbers which correspond to these Decans.

In some cases it is possible to determine positions of points AS and MC and to name two numerological numbers for a line of horizon and for middle of the sky

if for calculations the "non-equal" system of astrological houses is used, or it is possible to calculate position of any one point if the "equal" system of

astrological houses is used. Used systems of astrological houses and concrete techniques for calculation of numerological numbers, which are necessary for

descriptions of those or other phenomena, can be different and consequently I can not give concrete recommendations.

The following scheme shows the blank form of the numerological celestial map (chart) which allows to correlate movement of heavenly objects to 36 deans

and numerological numbers. The shown blank form is the modern table of Decans and is compared to astrological circle but is similar to the ancient Egyptian

table of Decans, which is shown in the previous photo:

The blank form of the numerological celestial chart consists of the external astrological circle and the internal magic


The astrological circle includes 12 signs of the zodiac and each sign of the zodiac includes 3 Decans. The magic

square has 9 cells in which 9 numerological numbers (are shown by dark color) are located, and also cells of the

magic square have 9 tridigrams which correspond with numerological numbers and allow to see graphic images of


Red ciphers in cells of the magic square show serial numbers which correspond with a sequence of numbers in the

external astrological circle. I.e. numerological numbers are correlated to Decans of the astrological circle according

to a linear sequence which is shown in cells of the magic square by red ciphers.

The sequence of numbers within the framework of an astrological circle is linear that is necessary for expression of a

calendar sequence of time as time is linear parameter which is necessary for describing by means of a linear


The information on linear and nonlinear sequences of numbers in numerology look on the previous page of this site


Pay attention that in the magic square: numbers of the top horizontal correspond with cardinal signs of the zodiac, numbers of the middle horizontal correspond

with the fixed signs of the zodiac, numbers of the bottom horizontal correspond with changeable signs of the zodiac (the information about cardinal, fixed and

changeable signs of the zodiac look in books on an astrology). And also numbers of the left vertical correspond with initial Decans, numbers of the middle

vertical correspond with the central Decans, numbers of the right vertical correspond with final Decans in each sign of the zodiac, that determines a calendar

ratio of numerological numbers with astrological circle and determines a ratio of logic structure of the magic square with astrological circle.

Page 11: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

Methods of use of the shown numerological celestial chart consist in the following.

For example, by means of the computer astrological processor it is determined that within the framework of the astrological circle the point AS has position in

256th degree (16th degree of zodiac constellation Sagittarius), that coincides with numerological number 9, and it means that at the appointed time number 9

matters. I.e. when point AS (line of horizon) is in 16th degree of constellation Sagittarius and when above horizon it is possible to see the Decan who

corresponds with 16th degree of constellation Sagittarius then at this time the numerological number 9 matters.

In a similar way it is possible to determine concurrences of numerological numbers with any other points of heavenly sphere that are necessary for those or

others numerological calculations and are necessary for the description of those or other phenomena of world around which are considered from the point of

view of an astrology and/or numerology.

The most significant events (phenomena of the world) are births of people, which coincide with those or other positions of heavenly bodies and heavenly points

that specifies appropriate numerological numbers in charts of human births.

For an example look the numerological birth chart of Carl Gustav Jung.

The external circle of birth chart corresponds to signs of the zodiac and corresponds to Decans of the astrological

circle where positions of planets are shown and are specified numerological numbers to which there correspond

positions of planets:

- Sun in 3rd degree of zodiac constellation Leo (numerological number 7);

- Moon in zodiac constellation Taurus (position of the moon approximately coincides with numerological numbers

7 or 5);

- Mercury in 13th degree of zodiac constellation Crab (numerological number 1);

- Venus in 17th degrees of zodiac constellation Crab (numerological number 1);

- Mars in 21st degree of zodiac constellation Sagittarius (numerological number 4);

- Jupiter in 24th degree of zodiac constellation Libra (numerological number 8);

- Saturn in 24th degree of zodiac constellation Aquarius (numerological number 3);

- Uranus in 15th degree of zodiac constellation Leo (numerological number 5);

- Neptune in 3rd degree of zodiac constellation Taurus (numerological number 7);

- Pluto in 23rd degree of zodiac constellation Taurus (numerological number 3).

Symbols of astrological planets are placed inside of birth chart in cells of the magic square according to appropriate numerological numbers. Accommodation

of planets in cells of the magic square allows to interpret events which are connected to C.G.Jung's destiny, i.e. concurrences of planets with numerological

numbers allow to speak about the importance of numerological numbers. But provided that symbols of planets cannot be compared to images of mythological

gods as from the point of view of Pythagorean numerology the planets and numbers are mathematical sizes which are not identical but are phenomena of the

world which influence life of people in parallel each other.

Contradictions of Pythagorean numerology and philosophy with traditional representations about the world in times of Pythagoras consist that traditionally

planets compared to gods, but Pythagoras approved other space model according to which planets are mathematical magnitudes that cause the conflict to a

public opinion. Namely Pythagoras considered planets as space objects which are organized according to mathematical laws of numbers and consequently

influence life of people, and directly Pythagoras correlated numbers to gods.

In the subsequent in an astrology comparison of planets with gods was kept and also in the modern astrology compare planets to gods or correlate to names of

gods of the Roman mythology, but it is not true as planets are space objects and essence of gods consist not in planets but in numerical ratio which exist in the

world and including exist in mathematical harmony of planets.

Therefore values of planets are not identical to numbers, and in effect parities of planets with names of gods in the Roman mythology are not identical to

parities of numbers with gods in the Greek mythology in that case when the Greek gods are identified to the Roman gods. For example, numerological number

1 corresponds with the Greek Ares and the appropriate god of the Roman mythology Mars corresponds with a planet, but it does not mean that the planet mars

corresponds with numerological number 1 as planets and numbers are different phenomena though there are correlations between planets and numbers.

That is from the point of view of Pythagorean numerology it is necessary to consider planets irrespective of numbers, and it is necessary to consider values of

planets from the point of view of Pythagorean cosmological concepts which are comparable to concepts of the modern psychological astrology and somewhat

differ from associations which arise in connection with the Roman names of planets:

- Sun means individuality;

- Moon means a principle of an identification with other individuality;

- Mercury means a principle of an information exchange;

- Venus means a principle of an emotional choice and an estimation of world around;

- Mars means a principle of a realized and strong-willed actions;

- Jupiter means a principle of a comprehensive scope of world values;

- Saturn means a principle of a restriction and a loss of world values;

- Uranus means a principle of a knowledge and overcoming of world borders;

- Neptune means a changed conditions of consciousness;

- Pluto means a principle of a change (transformation) of individuality.

For example, planets Mercury and Venus in the shown chart of birth correspond with numerological number 1 that allows to perceive Carl Gustav Jung as the

Page 12: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

person sure during dialogue and sure in judgments as appropriate god Ares is sure and self-valuable. Or for example, the planet Uranus corresponds with

numerological number 5 that characterizes Carl Gustav Jung as the person wise as appropriate goddess Athena is personification of wisdom.

Detailed numerological and astrological analysis of Carl Gustav Jung's person in a context of this site is inexpedient, as the birth chart of Carl Gustav Jung is

given for an example to show methods of numerological calculations, and also examples are the listed astro-psychological planetary principles which are

rather conditional. More detailed values of planets look in astrological books, and characteristics of gods at the Greek mythology and values of numerological

numbers look in section of this site which is called as numerology.

It is necessary to tell that zodiac position of the moon and also position of points AS and MC can be determined precisely if the exact times of birth is known.

Therefore in the numerological birth chart of Carl Gustav Jung are not specified the moon and points AS/MC (position of the moon is specified approximately)

as the exact times of birth is not known. But if the exact times is known then it is possible to take into account positions of the moon and points AS/MC.

Except for a birth chart it is possible to calculate ratio of numerological numbers with planets and points of heavenly sphere during life, and to compare to

position of planets in a birth chart that allows to define influence of Decans on life of people during movement of time. Namely it is possible to apply complex

methods of calculations in which it is taken into account not only position of planets in a birth chart but movement of planets in continuation of life is taken

into account.

The following page describes simple methods of calculations of time in numerology according to calendar dates of usual (daily) calendars, and also represents

methods of descriptions for human age by means of numbers in numerology, and represents anthropocosmic schemes for the numerological analysis of the


The fifth page describes simple methods of calculations of time in numerology according to calendar dates of usual (daily) calendars,

and also describes the ratio of numerological numbers with Calendar Era counting from the Creation of the World and with the bible

chronological code.

Besides represents psychological algorithms which allow to correlate numerological numbers to age of people, and represents

psychological schemes for numerological analysis of a person, which are based on the ancient anthropocosmic schemes.

Time and eras (ages) in numerology.

Calendar numbers of days and years.

In traditional daily numerology do not use special calendars and do not correlate number to movement of heavenly bodies, or otherwise it is possible to tell that

well-known modern numerology does not apply ancient knowledge about which it is told on the previous page, but calculations of time make according to

dates of usual calendars that in essence is true as the modern Gregorian calendar is connected to movement of the Sun and provides sufficient correctness of


The basic purpose of a calendar is the indication of days, years and months that matters from the point of view numerology as it is usual in numerology make

calculations of year, day and month, for what calendar dates consistently summarize (add) and receive numerological numbers. Consecutive addition of

numbers in numerology consists that in result from several numbers one number should turn out. For example, dating number July, 17 (the sixth month)

consists of three numbers which consistently summarize 1+7+6=14, then the received result again summarize 1+4=5 and as a result it turns out singular

numerological number 5 which corresponds for July, 17. Similarly calculate a singular of year, and also calculate total numerological number of year, day and


Such way apply in conventional modern numerology, but such way is not correct as in result to numerological calculations subject numbers which concern to

different chronological cycles or directly are not connected with numerology. Namely calculate numbers of months which in essence have no the attitude to

numerology, or calculate serial numbers of days in months that too has no basic numerological sense. As 12 months are symbols of 12 signs of the zodiac and

matter from the point of view of astrology but are not basic from the numerological point of view, and also quantity of days in months has no basic sense from

the numerological point of view as quantities of days are caused by features of a used calendar.

Though during conventional numerological calculations receive results in which there is a certain sense but nevertheless the conventional calculations are not

unconditional and authentic.

That numerological calculations were correct, it is necessary to take into consideration a solar cycle of one year and to use for calculations serial numbers of

days in the period of one year, i.e. it is necessary to not take into account division of year into months but to count days from the beginning of year.

Transformation of calendar dates to numbers (serial numbers) of days of one year is below shown:

January ( 0).

February ( +31 ).

March ( +59 or +60 ).

April ( +90 or +91 ).

May ( +120 or +121 ).

June ( +151 or +152 ).

July ( +181 or +182 ).

August ( +212 or +213 ).

September ( +243 or +244 ).

October ( +273 or +274 ).

November ( +304 or +305 ).

December ( +334 or +335 ).

For example, date July, 17 means that to number 17 it is necessary to add number 181, or necessary to add number 182 if leap-year, and as a result we receive

number which corresponds to this day in the period of one solar year 17+181=198. Then consistently summarize the received numbers 1+9+8=18 and 1+8=9,

and as a result it turns out the numerological number 9 which corresponds to date July, 17. Otherwise it is possible to tell that in result it turns out valid

numerological number of day which in a calendar is designated by date July, 17. And if for calculations to use date 17, that is a serial number of day in one

month July but not number of day in an annual solar cycle, then will be received the number 1+7=8 which is not correct from the point of view of numerology.

As an index point for calculations of days it is possible to use date January, 1 or it is possible to use date of a winter solstice provided that for correlation of

days with a winter solstice it is necessary to add number 9 to the received results, as the winter solstice is remote from January, 1 by the interval in 9 days. But

Page 13: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

in essence readout of days from January, 1 or from a winter solstice (December, 22) does not matter as at consecutive summation of days the continuity of

numerological calculations is kept provided that December, 22 it is necessary to count as last day of a solar cycle and December, 23 it is necessary to count as

the first day of a new solar cycle, that is shown in the table:

Apparently in the table, date January, 1 is 10th serial day at the beginning of calculations from December, 23 that in result gives the numerological sum 1 and

consequently there is no difference at readout of the day sequence in an annual solar cycle from January, 1 or from December, 23 as in any case January, 1 has

the numerological sum 1 and so on during one year the continuity of calculations is kept.

Besides as an index point of calculations it is possible to use other calendar dates, i.e. day of a summer solstice or day of a spring equinox, and also an index

point of calculations can be birthday of the concrete person for which it is necessary to calculate the numerological prognosis.

Or for numerological calculations it is possible to use lunar calendars provided that at use of lunar calendars it is necessary to calculate numbers of days in

the periods of lunar cycles which can be equal to one month, or can be equal to solar year and make a sequence of lunar months within solar year.

The choice of various index points of calculations and various calendars depends on tasks which are necessary for solving by means of numerology, but

nevertheless the Gregorian calendar and initial date of year January, 1 are standard for modern (contemporary) numerology.

Except for days calendars specify years which allow to calculate numbers of years. For example, the numerological sum for 2007 is the number 2+0+0+7=9

and in a result for date July, 17, 2007 correspond two numerological numbers 9 and 9, that forms the numerical combination 99 in which the first (left) nine is

number of year and the second (right) nine is number of day.

It is impossible (unwarranted) to summarize numbers of days and numbers of years, but it is possible to compare to numbers of days and years which are

counted from dates of birth. For example, date of birth of any person is July, 17, 2006 that forms the numerological combination of numbers 89

(17+181=198*1+9+8=18*1+8=9 and 2+0+0+6=8) which characterizes primary features of the person. And the numerological combination of numbers 99

corresponds to date July, 17, 2007 when the person celebrates birthday, and as a result comparison of numbers 89 and 99 allows to do the prognosis for 2007

for the person who was born July, 17, 2006. And if this person requires a prognosis for July, 18, 2007, i.e. the prognosis for the second day after birthday, then

it is necessary to compare numerological combinations of numbers of three dates, and also it is necessary to take into account the fact that the age of the person

after July, 17, 2007 is equal to two years as numbers of age too have values from the point of view of numerology.

The calculations given for an example seem difficult but in essence in result four numbers should turn out: number of birth year and number of birthday,

number of the current predicted year and number of the current predicted day. These four numbers allow to carry out the numerological prognosis. And also it

is possible to take into account number of age provided that the number of age after 9 years of life is complex and consist of two numbers, and in a result we

have six numbers which are necessary for taking into account.

Or for simple prognoses it is enough to take into account four numbers and to not take into account numbers of age.

It is necessary to consider numbers as numerological combinations which have the combined values, and it is impossible to summarize the received numbers as

they concern to different chronological cycles, namely numbers of days calculate in continuation of one solar cycle but numbers of years develop of many solar

cycles which calculate from Birth of the Christ or from Creation of the World, and also from birth of the concrete person for which make numerological


Creation of the World (anno mundi) concerns to 5508 year before new era (5508 B.C.) according to Christian chronology, i.e. it is accepted to count that the

beginning of the world is carried out in 5508 year before Birth of the Christ. It means that 5508 year from Creation of the World is last year of old era (zero

year 0000 according to astronomical readout) and 5509 year is the first year of new era, that from the point of numerological view keeps continuity of

calculations of years from the Era of World Creation and from the Era of Christ's Birth. As the numerological sum of 5509 year (5509 A.M.) is number 1

(5+5+0+9=19*1+9=10*1+0=1) and the numerological sum of 0001 year of new era (0001 A.D.) too is number 1 (0+0+0+1=1), and so on in continuation of

years the continuity of numbers is kept. For example, the numerological sum of 2007 A.D. is number 9 that is equal to the numerological sum of the

appropriate year from Creation of the World 5508+2007=7515*7+5+1+5=18*1+8=9.

It is possible to tell that calendars are coordinated with the numerological sequence of years, and it is the not casual fact as calendars were made with people

which knew numerology. Though the choice of time for Creation of the World is mysterious but is doubtless that the choice was not casual and consequently

numbers of years from Creation of the World and number of years from Birth of the Christ can be considered as significant for time of existence of the World.

Namely year 2007 from Birth of the Christ is year 7515 from Creation of the World that allows to consider events and cultural processes of year from the point

of view of values which numbers 7515 and 2007 have in numerology.

It is possible to assume that date for Creation of the World have calculated according to chronology which is present in the Bible, and as a result have found

the index point of calculations which corresponds with bible chronology and allows to see a history of the world in numbers of years. Or it is possible to

assume that in the Bible there is no real chronology but is present a numerological code allowed to calculate date which is the numerological code of the

world beginning and is the code of a world history. Namely it is possible to assume that the code of the Bible was solved and marked in date of the World

Creation which concerns to 5508 year before Birth of the Christ according to the Byzantine style of chronology.

Pay attention to year 5555 from Creation of the World as it is Great Year.

At the end of this page I offer some psychological algorithms according to which it is possible to describe numbers of age.

From 1 till 9 years at childhood age people have features which are similar to characteristics of appropriate numerological numbers and gods who symbolize

numbers provided that pure values of numbers are shown, and consequently children are most similar to gods.

Page 14: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

The youth age from 10 till 19 years is the period when the numerological number 1 has major importance, and other numbers consistently cooperate with

number 1 and add additional characteristics for human individuality.

In the age of 10 years (within the tenth year of life) the human individuality for the first time realizes own existence that is similar to the first year of life, but at

ten years' age number 1 is shown at a new level as the zero among 10 increases the category of number 1 according to rules of numerology.

In other numbers from 10 up to 19 during the youth period of life the unit too has the decimal category and consequently the human individuality aspires to

consciousness and self-affirmation which is peculiar to the appropriate god of Greek mythology Ares.

In the age of 11 years (within the eleventh year of life) the human individuality for the first time compares with people and also realizes individuality of other

people. In essence the human individuality starts to distinguish specific features of each person and starts to estimate itself in comparison with associates as

number 11 symbolizes ratio of two units which are comparable but everyone has unique essence according to rules of numerology.

In the age of 12 years (within the twelfth year of life) the human individuality realizes contradictions or sympathies which exist between people, and also

realizes influence of people against each other as number 1 cooperates with number 2 which is personification of Artemis and Hecate. Namely in the age of 12

years the human individuality starts to see the world from the point of view of dual nature of Artemis, and also starts to realize influences which Hecate has.

But nevertheless the basic number in the youth period of life corresponds to Ares and consequently the human individuality looks at the world by eyes of Ares

though sees and aspires to realize the phenomena which are caused by Artemis and Hecate. Or the human individuality is compelled to experience events

which are caused by influence of Artemis and Hecate. It is possible to tell that Ares studies to understand the world from the point of view of other gods and by

that studies to understand people which have other psychological features.

And so on in continuation of the youth period of life the human individuality is similar to Ares and aspires to self-affirmation, but consistently agrees to

increase of age numbers realizes the world from the point of view of other gods.

Then in the age of 20 years the following period of life from 20 till 29 years begins, during which the basic is numerological number 2 and other numbers

become significant according to a growing sequence of years. And further age changes of people are caused by numerological numbers in which decimal

categories specify the ten years' periods and unitary categories specify years in the ten years' periods.

The most significant during life become numbers which are stressed in dates of birth and names of people, that is numbers of age are shown with different

intensity depending on the importance of numbers for this or that person. For example, the person was born July, 17, 2007 and consequently numbers 9

(number of birthday) and 9 (number of birth year) for the person are significant (about calculation of numbers is told above on this page). If date September,

13, 2007 is predicted then the number of age 1 is interconnected with numbers of birth year and birthday 99. Namely it is possible to assume that within the

first year of life when usually children cry and demand attention, that it is peculiar for Ares(1), the considered baby will show smaller anxiety rather than the

majority of children as the anxiety is not peculiar to Aphrodite(9).

But during predicted date September, 13 2007 number 4 matters (number of the current day 13+243=256*2+5+6=13*1+3=4) and consequently this number

influences behavior of the considered baby and can cause emotional frustration as Hera(4) is the strict goddess, and can break the serene attitude to life that is

typical of Aphrodite(9).

Besides for the person numbers of a name are significant, which too are necessary for considering in the ratio with numbers of days and years, and in the ratio

with numbers of age. For the analysis of numbers it is possible to use the shown scheme:

The shown scheme is similar to system Sefirot (Sephiroth or Sefira) (to system of spheres or ciphers) which are known

in Cabala. Namely white circles correspond with position of ciphers and blue lines correspond with channels according

to which ciphers are interconnected in the system Sefirot, but provided that in the shown scheme white circles are

intended for record of numerological numbers which are significant for the human person.

In Cabala there are no instructions on use of system Sefirot for the numerological analysis of the human person, but in

essence the system Sefirot is model of the man and consequently it is applicable for the numerological analysis.

It is necessary to tell that in structure of Sefirot there are analogies to system of a universe and system of

Anthropocosmos which were known in Babylon, and also in ancient Egypt and India, and consequently it is possible to

approve that the shown scheme was applied in the ancient world as the universal tool to the analysis of human essence.

Namely it is necessary to perceive the system Sefirot more globally rather than it is known in modern Cabala.

In more detail about the system Sefirot it will be told in other sections of this site.

For the numerological analysis it is necessary in white circles to write numbers which are received as a result of appropriate numerological calculations.

About numbers of age, and also about numbers of days and years it is told above on this page.

About calculations for numbers of a name it is told in section of this site which has the name numerology.

About numbers of the sun and the moon, and also about numbers AS (line of horizon) and MC (line of middle of the sky) it is told on the fourth page of this

site section.

When necessary numerological numbers are calculated and written, it is possible to analyze ratio of numbers according to blue lines which symbolize channels

of numerical interrelations. Namely blue lines in the scheme specify ratio which are necessary for considering for definition of psychological features of the

person and for the prognosis of events which can be caused by interaction of numbers.

If numbers AS and MC are not known then it is possible to use other analytical scheme of Anthropocosmos which is shown on the following image:

Page 15: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

This analytical scheme differs from traditional system Sefirot in quantity of ciphers, but if to take into account that in Cabala

the tenth cipher is the increased category of the first cipher then in essence shown circuit is similar to system Sefirot and

consequently can be applicable for the analysis of structure of the human person.

Instead of numbers AS and MC in this anthropocosmic scheme can write numbers of space (place) which are calculated

according to geodetic lines of the terrestrial surface about what it is told on the ninth page of this site section.

Numbers of space correspond with a place of the person on the surface of the Earth and consequently are in essence

identical to numbers AS and MC which too are planetary coordinates of the person.

In the shown scheme it is possible to designate and consider additional channels of numerical ratio, i.e. it is possible to draw other structure of blue lines, but it

is necessary to mean that the human person is in a complex organized system and consequently among set of structural ratio it is expedient to consider the most

actual from the point of view of structural mentality. For example, a ratio of the birthday number with number of the current year of life, and also a ratio of the

birth-year number with number of the current day concern to different chronological cycles and are not stressed, and consequently in the shown scheme are not

designated. But numerical ratio of birthday and birth-year with numbers of age can be considered, or numerical ratio of birthday and birth-year with numbers of

space can be considered, though in the shown scheme these ratio are not designated. And also it is possible to consider other not designated ratio which exist in

the shown scheme if the complex analysis of the human person is necessary.

If numbers of the sun and the moon are not known, and also if numbers of space are not known, then it is possible to apply two following schemes:

The left scheme does not specify numbers of the sun and the moon, and the right scheme

does not specify numbers of space (place).

Both schemes can be applicable for numerological analyses of the human person and for

prognoses of events though these schemes are more simple in comparison with complete

system Sefirot.

In essence in the right scheme for calculations of numerological numbers it is enough to use calendar dates and letters of a name, and in the left scheme in

addition it is necessary to determine geodetic coordinates according to which calculate numbers of a place. I.e. in the shown shortcut schemes there is no

necessity for astrological calculations that differs from more complex anthropocosmic schemes.

Thus, for the person numbers of age and numbers of a name are important, and also numbers of birthday and birth-year matter. And also it is possible to

consider numbers of the current years and days of life, and some other numbers which are determined according to positions of heavenly objects within the

framework of astrological circle.

All listed numbers form multilevel system of the human person and allow to speak about character and psychological predispositions of the person, or allow to

speak about events which result from ratio of the person with movement of chronological cycles and are the reason for formation of individual features. And

also allow to speak about many others anthropocosmic spheres of human essence.

More detailed information on methods for numerological analyses within the framework of various anthropocosmic schemes look in other sections of this site.

The following page represents the ancient Egyptian solar calendar which is a source of modern calendars but is a cyclic calendar with periodic recurrence of

dates. And also describes the cyclic lunar calendar which in connection with the solar calendar forms a magic square.

The sixth page describes the solar ancient Egyptian calendar which is a source of modern calendars, but is a cyclic calendar with the

variable beginning of year.

And also describes the lunar cyclic calendar which in connection with the solar calendar forms a magic square of numerological


Cyclic calendars in numerology.

Periodic recurrences of numerological numbers.

In ancient Egypt there was a calendar in which year is divided into 12 months for 30 days in everyone, but at the end of one year added 5 additional days which

allowed to equate quantity of days to 365 that correspond with a solar cycle. The Egyptian priests knew that the valid duration of a solar cycle is 365,25 days

and within 4 years the beginning of year is displaced for 1 day but refused introduction of leap-years regardless of the fact that their calendar was inexact.

The system of leap years was applied in the Julian calendar which was established when Egypt became a part of Roman empire.

At the introduction on a throne priests and pharaohs swore about an invariance of the calendar. Their decision was caused by strict mathematical and

numerological system which consist in the calendar. Namely duration of year was divided into 36 decades (duration ten days everyone) and divided into 73

pentads (duration five days everyone), and as a result duration of year was 365 days but 36 decades and 72 pentads correspond with 360 days, and 1 pentad

concerned to 5 days at the end of one year and considered additional, that is shown in the table:

Page 16: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

Five additional days (epagomenal days) are shown in the table by the dark triangle, i.e. to the dark

triangle in the calendar circle there correspond five additional days of year, and other sectors of a

calendar circle correspond to 360 days of year.

The internal scope is designated by a fat circle and divided into 36 decades, and the external scope

includes nine circles and is divided into 73 pentads.

External and internal scopes are divided into 12 signs of the zodiac (sectors of the calendar circle) and

each sign of the zodiac includes 3 decades and 6 pentads.

Decades are equivalent to Decans about whom it is told on the previous pages of this site section, but

decades have no concrete binding to the star sky, i.e. the shown calendar is symbolical and

consequently can be connected to any astronomical points of the sky. Signs of the zodiac within the

framework of the shown calendar circle too have a conditional ratio with the star sky.

The beginning of year in ancient Egypt was connected to rising of Sirius (Sothis) above horizon that corresponded to the beginning of astronomical year

according to which measured the periods of agricultural activity and seasons of year, but calendar year in each four years was late for one day and as a result

the calendar circle of priests designated days which during millennia were displaced concerning astronomical year and seasonal changes of a nature. Namely

decades and pentads of the shown calendar circle correspond with different days of an astronomical calendar and consequently it is possible to assert that the

cyclic ancient Egyptian calendar had other purpose rather than measurement of real time, and was used for measurement of other chronological cycles rather

than measurement of real solar movement. It proves to be true the fact that priests and pharaohs did not change a calendar but kept the symbolical calendar, and

for measurement of real time used supervision of Sirius' risings and in particular used the diagonal table of Decans which is shown on the previous pages.

In essence the cyclic calendar of ancient Egypt is a numerological calendar, that it is possible to see in the shown calendar table. Namely decades and pentads

correspond with numerological numbers, and at imposing pentads on decades form double combinations of numbers that allows to describe days of symbolical

year from the point of view of numerical values in numerology.

Nine external circles in the shown calendar table symbolize the period with duration of 9 years and each circle symbolizes 1 year. Each year includes 73 five-

day periods (73 pentads). Due to five additional days at the end of each year the ratio of numerological numbers with pentads cyclically changes and repeats in

9 years on 10th year. Namely double combinations of numerological numbers are formed of numbers which correspond with decades and pentads but for an

additional pentad there is no appropriate decade number and consequently combinations of numbers periodically change during 9 years that forms the nine-

year numerological cycle which was kept by priests of ancient Egypt.

The detailed information on the cyclic (periodic) ancient Egyptian calendar look in other sources of information/

In modern numerology the cyclic Egyptian calendar can be applied alongside with the Gregorian calendar, but for use of the ancient Egyptian calendar it is

necessary to correlate its any point with any calendar date. In ancient Egypt the rising of Sirius above horizon in 4241st year up to AD was an starting-point,

namely in 4241st year up to new era the Egyptian priests have compared the symbolical calendar to real movement of the sun and after that kept a cyclic

principle of measurement of time. The following concurrence of Sirius' rising to the symbolical cyclic calendar has taken place in 2782nd year up to new era

and so on in 1460 there was a concurrence. Therefore for synchronization of the ancient Egyptian cyclic calendar with a modern calendar it is necessary to

count quantity of 1460 year-periods (Sirius-Sothic cycles) and to find year of the next concurrence provided that Sothic periods equal to 1461 Julian years.

Then it is necessary to compare the dark triangle in the shown calendar table to five days before rising of Sirius and then to count days counter-clockwise

according to traditional calculation of time in an astrology. Or it is possible to compare the shown calendar table to the summer solstice that depends on an

essence of questions which it is necessary to solve by means of numerological descriptions of time movement. I do not bring concrete synchronization as it not

expediently and can be interesting only in the event that it is necessary to understand logic of outlook of the Egyptian priests and to understand logic of

periodic recurrences of numerological numbers in interrelation with movement of heavenly bodies, but in modern numerology it is possible to use the

Gregorian calendar.

It is necessary to tell that in ancient Egypt did not represent the cyclic solar calendar as any tables but in essence shown table of a solar calendar is analogue

of the Egyptian calendar.

One of possible methods of application of the shown calendar table consists that the dark triangle is necessary for comparing to five days before date of birth,

and then during human life to count days according to the five-day and ten-day periods. I.e. the cyclic calendar allows to describe various chronological cycles

and including allows to describe cycles of life, and use of this cyclic calendar allows to describe days by means of double combinations of numerological

numbers that is comparable to the Chinese calendar Tai Xuan Jing in which tritetragrams are similar to double combinations of numbers. But in the calendar

Tai Xuan Jing the tritetragrams correspond to half of days, and in the ancient Egyptian calendar the double combinations of numbers correspond to the five-day


Or it is possible to use the shown calendar table for numerological predictions and forecasts by means of fortunetelling magic cards with numbers which are

Page 17: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

shown in the PDF file ochcen.pdf.

Except for a solar calendar in ancient Egypt there was a lunar calendar. And there was a legend that once duration of solar year was equal to duration of lunar

year, namely duration of a solar annual cycle was 360 days and duration of a lunar annual cycle was 360 days. But owing to dispute of gods 5 days were taken

from the moon and given to the sun then duration of solar year began 365 days and duration of lunar year began 355 days.

The lunar cyclic calendar differs from the solar cyclic calendar agrees to different quantity of days in lunar and solar annual cycles that is shown in the

following calendar table:

Dark sectors of the shown calendar circle designate a difference of lunar year in comparison with

solar year, i.e. two dark sectors are equal to two pentads and in a result lunar year is shorter than solar

year for 10 days.

In the rest the shown lunar cyclic calendar is similar to the solar calendar which is shown in the

previous table. Namely the internal scope is divided into decades and the external scope includes nine

circles and is divided into pentads.

External and internal scopes are divided into 12 sectors, and each sector includes 3 decades and 6

pentads to which correspond numerological numbers.

Within the framework of nine external circles the numerological numbers have different ratio with

numbers of the internal scope, i.e. ratio of decades with pentads periodically change during 9 years

that forms the nine-year cycle which is symbolized with nine circles of the external scope.

Numbers in the table of lunar cyclic calendar periodically change and form spirals which develop clockwise, but in the table of solar cyclic calendar the

numbers periodically change and form spirals which develop counter-clockwise. Different directions of structures of solar and lunar calendar cycles form a key

principle according to which movements of heavenly bodies correspond with laws of mathematics and laws of numerology. Namely if to combine the solar

calendar circle with lunar calendar circle then the magic square is formed i.e. if in red sectors numbers of the solar calendar are written and in green sectors

numbers of the lunar calendar are written then the combined lunar-solar calendar circle turns out which has surprising numerological characteristics and

including comprises structure of a magic square that is shown in the following two tables:

At the left one quarter of the combined lunar-solar calendar circle is shown. Other quarters are not shown as are similar for the shown quarter.

In green sectors the numerological numbers of the lunar cyclic calendar are written, and in red sectors the numerological numbers of the solar cyclic calendar

are written provided that numbers are taken from two previous calendar tables which are shown on this page.

If to connect numbers of the lunar calendar to numbers of the solar calendar then the magic square is formed, which is shown in the right table. Namely if to

exclude division of calendar circles into pentads then within the framework of decades the lunar and solar numbers are united, and form the dual combinations

of numerological numbers that forms the magic square. For habitual recognition in the right bottom corner the usual kind of the magic square is shown but the

magic square is received by connection of numbers from lunar and solar calendars.

From the point of view of time movement the shown magic square corresponds with one quarter of the calendar circle and consequently indicates time scales

which are comparable to one quarter of year but provided that year is a piece of the nine-year cycle.

That by means of the magic square to measure various time scales which do not depend on the nine-year cycle and days of any year within the limits of the

Page 18: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

nine-year cycle, it is necessary to make transformation which consists that numbers of the lunar calendar settle down in the magic square in horizontal

sequences and numbers of the solar calendar settle down in vertical sequences that is shown in the following tables:

The shown transformation in essence is transformation of the calendar circle to the

square, or otherwise it is possible to tell that this transformation is the decision of a

circle quadrature.

Apparently in tables, the magic square is formed of double combinations of numerological numbers in which the left numbers are lunar and the right numbers

are solar. Red and green colors of arrows mean that the sequence of numbers is taken from the lunar-solar calendar circle which is shown in the previous table

where red sectors correspond to numbers of the solar cycle and green sectors correspond to numbers of the lunar cycle. Directions of arrows specify sequences

which numbers have in the calendar.

The transformed magic square allows to measure time irrespectively from real movement of time and without connection with concrete calendars, namely

allows to consider time as an abstract philosophical category and to define any necessary parameters of time. And also the transformed magic square allows to

consider any other phenomena of world around as from the philosophical point of view in magic square the crossing of "global vectors" is made, and in essence

in magic square the crossing of time and space, matter and energy, movement and life is made.

Excuse for a vague explanation of essence of the magic square, and methods of its application for descriptions of the world phenomena, but in essence the

magic square is quintessence of mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, psychology and many other scientific disciplines, and consequently can have many

various explanations which fall outside the limits only numerology.

The PDF file ochcen.pdf represents the magic board on which numbers are written according to numbers of the shown magic square, and also the PDF file

represents numerical cards which it is possible to have on squares of the board and to analyze laws of numbers that allows to see and realize laws of the world

from the point of view of numerical laws. And also the PDF file represents rules of numerological predictions and forecasts in which numerical laws are


The following page represents one more calendar which existed in the ancient world and can be applied for calculations in numerology.

The seventh page describes a calendar which is ciphered in architecture of the terraced pyramid "Kukulkan" at Chichen Itza on Mexico's

Yucatan, and describes the similar calendar which is known from the ancient manuscripts found in Qumran on a coast of the Dead sea.

Besides describes ratio of seven planets with the seven-day and seven-year periods that forms seven levels of the world which

correspond with nine numerological numbers.

And also describes a cyclic calendar of the bible seven-year periods.

Cyclic calendars in numerology.

Systems of levels in the world.

The pyramid Kukulkan at Chichen Itza has four sides and each side has nine terraces that is equal to number of ancient Egyptian

Decans 4x9=36, and also sides of the pyramid Kukulkan have four staircases which conduct to the top platform. The number of

steps on each staircase is 91 that is equal to quantity of days in four seasons of one year 91x4=364 provided that one day of real

astronomical year is not taken into account.

It is possible to assume that the architecture of pyramid Kukulkan has ciphered numbers which form symbolical calendar system and form a cyclic calendar in

which year consists of 364 days and has the periodic beginning in comparison with real astronomical year. Namely during one astronomical year the beginning

of symbolical year is shifted for 1 day and as a result in each 365 years the beginning of symbolical year periodically repeats, and displaced concerning

seasonal changes of a nature.

The similar calendar was known in Palestine and was applied in the Qumran religious community, that we know from "manuscripts of the Dead sea". Namely

in the Qumran calendar year had 364 days and was divided into 4 seasons by duration of 90 days plus 1 day at the end of each season that is shown on the


Page 19: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

The calendar shown on the chart consists of 40 nine-day periods which are designated on the internal

circle, and also consists of 52 seven-day periods (weeks) which are designated on the external circle, i.e.

each sector of the internal circle includes 9 days and each sector of the external circle includes 7 days.

Year is divided into 4 seasons, in each of which 90 days (9x10=90) correspond with numerological

numbers and one day is "empty" and does not correspond with numbers (empty days are designated by

dark sectors of the calendar circle).

Days of week too correspond with numerological numbers, and each season within one year include the

whole quantity of weeks (13x7=91x4=364 or 52x7=364) and consequently Sunday of last week in each

season has no appropriate numerological number.

On the right the chart shows the numerological table for one season in the shown calendar where the concrete ratio of 13 weeks with numerological numbers is

specified, and other seasons are similar.

About synchronization of the Qumran calendar with real astronomical (Julian or Gregorian) calendar I can not tell anything certain and consequently for use of

the shown calendar it is necessary to find any week and to compare Sunday of this week to any dark sector provided that the choice of week depends on the

purposes which are caused by application of the Qumran calendar.

About existing connection of the Qumran calendar with numbers in numerology too is not present authentic data, but nevertheless the shown calendar allows to

correlate the seven-day periods to nine numerological numbers that form the unique computing system which differs from others used in numerology

calendars. As the seven-day periods (days of week) and numerological numbers are different systems which describe the world by means of different character

sets, but mathematical system of the Qumran calendar allows to correlate diverse symbols.

Otherwise it is possible to tell that the Qumran calendar allows to correlate numbers of septenary system of calculations to nine numbers of numerology.

Essence in that nine numbers in numerology symbolize nine phenomena of the world, but the seven-day periods symbolize not phenomena of the world and

seven levels of display of phenomena in the world. Therefore directly it is impossible to correlate numerological numbers to serial numbers of levels of the

world, but it is necessary to realize displays of numbers at different levels.

Traditionally seven-day periods correlate to seven seen astrological planets and seven days of week and accordingly correlate to mythological gods who are

accepted for identifying with planets, but such ratio is not true though is partly correct. As levels of the world have properties independent of gods, and gods

and planets are shown at seven levels with various degrees of concurrences of own properties with properties of levels. Namely gods and planets are shown at

seven levels depending on own perception of those or other levels, and associate with opportunities and properties which are shown at various levels.

For example, the planet Jupiter compare to the Roman god Jupiter or Greek Zeus but it is not correct though the planet Jupiter conditionally is at a level of the

world where Jupiter or Zeus are most adequate and consequently in consciousness of people the planet and the appropriate level of the world associate with the

Jupiter. It is possible to speak that seven heavens form levels of the world and associate with gods, and gods form nine phenomena which are shown in the


If to compare levels of the world to seven days of creation then in the first day the world has found the first degree of display and has carried out opportunities

which are peculiar to the first level of a universe. In the second day of creation the second degree of display of the world was carried out, and so on during

seven days levels of a universe were created. But it does not mean that during seven days seven planets of solar system were created, though planets associate

with levels of the world and with days of week.

In ancient sources of the information various ratio of planets with days of week are known. According to the Pythagorean sight on the world the sequence of

planets depends on seen (visual) sizes: Moon - Sun - Venus - Mercury - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn, and according to the Babylon representation about a universe

the sequence of planets other and depends on speed of movements: Moon - Mercury - Venus - Sun - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn. Accordingly ratio of levels of the

world with a sequence of planets can be different from the point of view of different sources of the information.

The modern astrology accepts the traditional Babylon sequence of planets which also was accepted in ancient Egypt and was known in philosophical concepts

of Aristotle in ancient Greece, and accordingly days of week correspond with planets according to the Babylon tradition in the modern astrology.

It is necessary to tell that sequence of Plato was known in ancient Greece except for sequence of Aristotle. This sequence differed other arrangement of planets

and corresponded to the valid astronomical orbits of planets that is shown on the chart:

As it is possible to see, the order of the valid

astronomical orbits corresponds to model of solar

system and corresponds to a sequence of planets in

philosophical concepts of Plato, namely: Moon -

Sun - Mercury - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn.

But also there can be a sequence: Moon - Venus -

Mercury - Sun - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn. In the

event that planets Venus and Mercury are located

between the Earth and the Sun as a result of

movement on orbits.

Besides in the modern astrology there is a representation that planets have a sequence: Sun - Moon - Mercury - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn, that allows to

Page 20: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

correlate days of week and levels of the world to various sequences that is shown as the chart:

In the centre of the chart there is a heptagonal star (the star of magians) with which radials seven planets

correspond provided that planets are shown in three circles. The internal circle specifies a sequence of planets

according to the Babylon system, the average circle specifies a sequence of planets according to Pythagorean

system and the external circle specifies a sequence of planets according to modern astrological system. And

also the chart shows ratio of planets with days of week provided that ratio of days with a sequence of planets in

the Babylon system is traditional, and ratio of days with sequences of planets in Pythagorean and modern

astrological systems is established by analogy to the Babylon system. The order of days is read according to

radials in the star of magians, and sequences of planets are read on circles counter-clockwise, that is shown on

the chart by arrows and corresponds to rules of the heptagonal star of magians which is known in the astrology.

Pay attention that traditionally agrees to the Babylon system the first day of week is a Sunday, but according to modern system the first day of week is a

Monday with which the Sun corresponds. In Pythagorean system the Sun corresponds with Wednesday and consequently Wednesday should be the first day of

week that will be coordinated to calendar of the Qumran religious community in which too the first day of week is a Wednesday. Therefore it is possible to

assume that there is some interrelation of Pythagorean philosophy with the Qumran calendar.

Besides in the shown chart there are many other interrelations according to which it is possible to approve that three shown sequences of planets are valid and

can be used for comparison to days of week and levels of a universe.

To not confuse various sequences of planets, conditionally it is possible to designate levels of the world and days of week by Latin letters A (the first level/day),

B (the second level/day), C (the third level/day), D (the fourth level/day), E (the fifth level/day), F (the sixth level/day), G (the seventh level/day) and to refuse

symbols of planets that allows to correlate days of week to levels of the world irrespective of symbols of planets and irrespective of values which are given to

levels by this or that person from the point of view of different sights on system of a universe. For example, any day coincides with the numerological number 1

and is the seventh day of week. It means that this day can be designated by a combination of symbols 1G which specify that character of day corresponds to

principles of numerological number 1 which is shown according to properties of the seventh level in a universe, but thus values of letter G can be different as

the seventh day of week can be any from the point of view of different sights on the world.

Levels of the world are described in different books and are basic for all religious and philosophical doctrines, but descriptions differ though in essence the

world is uniform and consequently uniform designations of world levels allow to see the world abstract from every possible space (cosmic) concepts. Letters of

the alphabet (any alphabet) are symbols which designate levels of the world, but not only designate and have parameters which correspond with world levels.

More detailed information on it look on pages of other site: (the knowledge of Russian is necessary).

The quantity of letters in alphabet has no value as "seven heavens" is basic number but concrete systems of a universe and alphabets are versions of the basic


Thus from the point of view of numerology the number seven is number of the basic levels for nine numerological numbers and consequently correlation of

nine numbers with seven days of week allows to describe the world by means of values which numbers show at seven levels. And also it is possible to correlate

numerological numbers not only to days of week but also with the seven-year periods during which years correspond with levels of the world similarly to how

days correspond with levels of the world within weeks.

The information on the seven-year periods is in the Bible where it is told about necessity to keep as holidays not only last days of weeks but also last years of

the seven-year periods (book Leviticus chapter 25), and in essence the Bible describes a calendar of the seven-year periods which is shown in the table:

In the table Latin letters from A up to G designate years of the seven-year periods and numbers show the periodic order of years, i.e.

each line of numbers corresponds to one seven-year period in which the first year is designated by letter A and last year is designated by

letter G.

Numbers have numerological values which determine character of each year provided that numbers correspond to numerological sums

which turn out as a result of consecutive calculations of calendar dates.

In each seven-year period the number of the first year determines character of all years in the period, namely each year has own

numerological number and also submits to number which is determined by first year in the period.

And also character of years is determined with "anniversary" years (jubilee) which are the first in 49-year cycles (7x7=49) about what it

is told in the Bible. Namely each year has own numerological number, and also submits to numbers of initial years in the seven-year

periods and submits to numbers of initial years in 49-year cycles.

To letter G there correspond last years in the seven-year periods which are "years of rest for the ground", and also anniversary years are

"years of rest" and have the name "sacred years".

Periodic concurrences of numerological numbers in the course of time in the seven-year periods repeat through 9 periods and

consequently the calendar table has 9 lines.

The shown calendar table is adaptation of the Bible Calendar of Seven-year Periods for numerology as in the Bible it is not told about conformity of years with

numerological numbers, but comparison of the seven-year periods to nine numerological numbers allows to analyze years and to consider periodicity of 49-

year cycles which during time form long-term chronological cycles that allows to consider movement of time in the long-range outlook.

The following table shows years in the coming 49-year cycle which is calculated according to dates of the Gregorian calendar provided that the index point of

Page 21: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

calculations is epoch of the Christ's Birth:

2009 last in the current seven-year period and in the current 49-year cycle, and 2010 is anniversary year of the

following 49-year cycle which is the forty second from Birth of the Christ, that is 2009/49=41, and it means

that in 2009 the forty first cycle comes to an end and in 2010 the forty second cycle begins.

For anniversary 2010 corresponds numerological number 3 which determines character of all years in 49-year cycle from 2010 till 2058, and also 2010 is initial

year of the seven-year period and consequently number 3 determines character of all years from 2010 till 2016. Total for 2010 three numbers 333 matter. The

first 3 is initial number of the 49-year cycle and determines an initial pulse (impulse) of the cycle, the second 3 is initial number of the seven-year period and

determines an initial pulse of the period, and the third 3 is own number of 2010.

Also for other years three numbers matter. For example, for 2022 numbers 316 are significant, namely 3 is number of the 49-years cycle, 1 is number of the

seven-year period and 6 is own number of 2022.

By means of threefold combinations of numerological numbers and by means of ratio of numbers with levels of a universe it is possible to describe movement

of time and to predict events.

In the shown calendar table there are many numerical laws which allow to see interrelations of years that allows to compare years and to predict events which

are similar to events of past years.

Except for 49-year cycle it is possible to consider 35-year (7x5=35) and 56-year (7x8=56) cycles in which too ratio of anniversary years with numerological

numbers are periodic. Namely it is possible to consider combinations of five numbers for each year in which four numbers correspond to 35-year, 49-years, 56-

year and 7-year cycles, and the fifth is own number of year that allows to find a plenty of numerical laws according to which events develop.

And also it is possible to calculate other numerical ratio about which it is not told but which are much in the cyclic calendar of the Bible Seven-year Periods.

The following page describes a ratio of the world levels and numerological numbers with movement of time within one day and night.

he eighth page describes ratio of numerological numbers with rotation of the Earth (Earth's revolution round the axis) and with a dial of

clock, and also describes ratio of numerological numbers with astrological position of planets and with signs of the zodiac during

rotation of the Earth.

Rotation of the Earth and numbers in numerology.

Numerical "systems of houses".

Numbers in numerology correspond not only with parameters of time which are commensurable with movement of years and rotation of the Earth around of

the sun, but also can be correlated to parameters of time which are commensurable with rotation of the Earth round the axis and with movement of the sun

during one day.

Movement of the sun is apparent as rotation of the Earth creates impression that the sun goes on a sky and consequently one rotation of the sun around the

Earth is equal to one rotation of the Earth around the axis, and accordingly 24 hours of one day are equal to 360 degrees of the astrological circle. Namely

within 24 hours the sun makes a revolution which is equal to 360 degrees of the astrological circle around of the Earth, and accordingly the astrological circle

can be considered as a symbolical dial of clock on which 1 hour is equal to 15 degrees (15x24=360).

If to compare nine numerological numbers to astrological circle and to 24 hours of one day then each number corresponds with 40 degrees of a circle

(360/9=40) and corresponds with 2 hours 40 minutes in day (24x60m=1440m/9=160m=2h40m). An index point of readout for a sequence of numerological

numbers is sunrise (morning occurrence of a seen disk of the sun above horizon), namely after sunrise during 2h40m one number matters and further within

day approximately through everyone 2h40m there is a consecutive concurrence of the sun to others numerological numbers.

Time before sunrise corresponds with numerological number 9 as the appropriate goddess of the Greek mythology Aphrodite associates with the planet Venus

which is a morning star and can be seen above horizon on dawn before sunrise.

Time after sunrise corresponds with numerological number 8 as the appropriate god of the Greek mythology Apollo associates with the sun which ascends

above horizon.

Other numerological numbers correspond with movement of the sun and with movement of time according to a linear sequence which begins from sunrise that

is shown on the chart:

Page 22: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

The chart of the astrological circle is divided into 9 parts which consistently correspond with nine numerological

numbers and with the appropriate gods of the Greek mythology.

Sunrise is designated by the dark point which is an index point for readout of time. From sunrise of one day till sunrise

of the next day passes approximately 24 hours (after a winter solstice somewhat less and after a summer solstice

somewhat more than 24 hours).

If time of sunrise is known in this or that day then it is possible to calculate time when movement of the sun, and

rotation of the Earth around the axis, coincides with numerological numbers, and for what it is necessary to add to time

of sunrise the hours and minutes shown on the chart according to division of the astrological circle into 9 parts.

Sunrise within one year occurs in different time and consequently has no constant ratio with a dial of clock and with astrological circle, but depends on

occurrence of the sun above horizon in this or that day. For example, on day of a summer solstice June 22, when night has the minimal duration, the sun

ascends above horizon approximately at 3h50m in latitude of Moscow 55°55'N. It means that on day of a summer solstice:

time from 3h50m up to 6h30m (3h50m+2h40m=6h30m) corresponds with number 8;

time from 6h30m up to 9h10m (3h50m+5h20m=9h10m) corresponds with number 7;

time from 9h10m up to 11h50m (3h50m+8h=11h50m) corresponds with number 6;

time from 11h50m up to 14h30m (3h50m+10h40m=14h30m) corresponds with number 5;

time from 14h30m up to 17h10m (3h50m+13h20m=17h10m) corresponds with number 4;

time from 17h10m up to 19h50m (3h50m+16h=19h50m) corresponds with number 3;

time from 19h50m up to 22h30m (3h50m+18h40m=22h30m) corresponds number 2;

time from 22h30m up to 1h10m June, 23 (3h50m+21h20m=25h10m=1h10m) corresponds number 1;

time from 1h10m up to 3h50m June, 23 (3h50m+24h=27h50m=3h50m) corresponds with numerological number 9.

Actually on June 23 the sun ascends approximately in 3h52m that increases duration of night in comparison with the previous June 22, and consequently

timing duration of day after a summer solstice is somewhat more than 24 hours.

On day of a winter solstice December 22, when night has the maximal duration, the sun ascends above horizon approximately at 9h10m in latitude of Moscow.

It means that on day of a winter solstice:

time from 9h10m up to 11h50m - number 8;

time from 11h50m up to 14h30m - number 7;

time from 14h30m up to 17h10m - number 6;

time from 17h10m up to 19h50m - number 5;

time from 19h50m up to 22h30m - number 4;

time from 22h30m up to 1h10m December, 23 - number 3;

time from 1h10m up to 3h50m December, 23 - number 2;

time from 3h50m up to 6h30m December, 23 - number 1;

time from 6h30m up to 9h10m December, 23 - number 9.

Actually on December 23 the sun ascends earlier and that reduces duration of night in comparison with the previous December 22, and consequently timing

duration of day after a winter solstice is somewhat less than 24 hours.

On days of spring and autumn equinoxes March 21 and September 23, when night and day have identical duration, the sun ascends above horizon

approximately at 6h30m in latitude of Moscow. It means that on days of equinoxes:

time from 6h30m up to 9h10m - number 8;

time from 9h10m up to 11h50m - number 7;

time from 11h50m up to 14h30m - number 6;

time from 14h30m up to 17h10m - number 5;

time from 17h10m up to 19h50m - number 4;

time from 19h50m up to 22h30m - number 3;

time from 22h30m up to 1h10m - number 2;

time from 1h10m up to 3h50m - number 1;

time from 3h50m up to 6h30m - number 9.

The given calculations do not take into account a difference between "summertime" and "wintertime" which is caused by putting a clock hands back or


The listed ratio of numerological numbers with daily movement of time during one year have law which consists that for 91 day, from solstices up to equinoxes

or from equinoxes up to solstices, the point of sunrise is displaced by 2h40m back or forward, and according to this law during one year the ratio of

numerological numbers with time intervals form the balanced system which is shown on the chart (provided that the shown law is valid approximately in

latitude of Moscow but in other latitudes other laws are valid):

Page 23: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

The chart conditionally shows a 24-hour dial of clock on which a time scale are marked according to

numerological numbers which have values on days of solstices and equinoxes. Green color designates

numerological numbers which have values on days of autumn and spring equinoxes; red color designates

numerological numbers which have values on day of a summer solstice; blue color designates numerological

numbers which have values on day of a winter solstice.

The red point designates time of sunrise on day of a summer solstice; the green point designates time of sunrise

on days of autumn and spring equinoxes; the dark blue point designates time of sunrise on day of a winter


After a summer solstice in latitude of Moscow the sunrise in each week occurs approximately for 12,5 minutes later and after a winter solstice sunrise in each

week occurs approximately for 12,5 minutes earlier, that is applicable for approximate calculation of the time periods during which numerological numbers

have values. Or it is possible to use any astrological calculator for exact calculation of the time periods. Namely by means of any astrological calculator it is

necessary to determine time when point AS (line of horizon) coincides with the Sun that specifies time of sunrise in this or that day, and then it is necessary to

calculate nine periods with duration 2h40m and to compare numerological numbers to the calculated periods.

The periods of time calculated by means of the astrological calculator are a daily numerological chart which allows to predict events of day by means of the

astrological analysis of planets and zodiac signs conterminous with numerological numbers. For example, the scheme shows a numerological chart of day

September, 1, 2007:

In latitude of Moscow sunrise 1.09.2007. at 5h38m. Time after sunrise up to 8h18m corresponds with

numerological number 8 and so on to numerological numbers there correspond the time intervals shown on the


Planets Saturn and Venus coincide with numerological number 8; the planet Mars coincides with

numerological number 6; the Moon coincides with numerological number 5; planets Uranus and Neptune

coincide with numerological number 4; planets Pluto and Jupiter coincide with numerological number 2; the

planet Mercury coincides with numerological number 9.

And also signs of the zodiac correspond with numerological numbers and influence values which numbers


According to concurrence of planets with numerological numbers it is possible to predict events which can take place September, 1, 2007 in Moscow. In

essence shown chart of day is a horoscope in which a numerological system of houses is calculated, and according to houses it is possible to predict events and

circumstances of events from the point of view of characteristics which appropriate numerological numbers and mythological gods have.

For example, in shown numerological chart of day the Mars coincides with number 6 that allows to predict conflicts to the heads (authorities) or allows to

predict intervention of the heads in affairs of subordinates as Mars symbolizes a principle of aggression, and number 6 corresponds to the Supreme Olympic

gods who symbolize the heads.

Pay attention that mars coincides with number 6 not only September, 1, 2007, but within August and September, 2007 that allows to predict probable conflicts

to the heads during long time.

I can not list all laws which exist in ratio of planets with the shown system of numerological houses, but I hope that the offered system will allow to understand

essence of events which occur in same time during the long periods of time. And also I can not list every possible methods of application of system as each

person notices and analyzes different events. For example, television serials which show on TV day-to-day in one time, it is possible to interpret from the point

of view of the shown system of numerological houses as each television serial has characteristics which are most typical for this or that mythological god. Or

time of viewing for television serials or television programs can be chosen by means of the shown system. And also it is possible to choose time for any other

kinds of human activity as each mythological god creates mood which is the most adequate for the appropriate kind of activity.

Besides numbers of the shown numerological system of houses can be compared to numbers which correspond with names and birthdates of people and by that

most suitable time for realization of actions by different people is possible to find.

It is possible to use different methods if used methods allow to choose and plan time rationally.

The following page describes ratio of numerological numbers with geodetic lines of the Earth or otherwise to tell, describes methods of calculations of spatial

coordinates by means of numbers in numerology.

The ninth page describes ratio of numerological numbers with geodesic lines of the Earth or otherwise to tell, describes methods of

calculations of spatial coordinates by means of numbers in numerology.

Geodesic lines and numbers in numerology.

Maps of the Earth and numerical systems of space.

Page 24: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

Maps of the Earth and numerical systems of space.

Numbers in numerology correspond not only with movement of time or with influence of energy of the human names expressed in sounding, but also

correspond with magnitudes of space.

The basic space of human existence is the surface of the Earth and consequently from the point of numerological view the spatial magnitudes which correspond

with a surface of globe are significant, namely geodesic lines (meridians and parallels) by means of which measure position of people are significant.

The globe of the Earth from equator up to North Pole makes 90 degrees of north latitudes and from equator up to South Pole makes 90 degrees of south

latitudes that corresponds with numbers in numerology. And also the globe of the Earth has 180 degrees of east longitude and 180 degrees of west longitude

that also corresponds with numbers in numerology.

To find ratio of a place with numerological numbers, it is necessary to find out a latitude and a longitude of a place then it is necessary to transform numbers of

degrees in numerological numbers. But it is preliminary necessary to change a scale according to which measure degrees of a longitude as in the modern

geodesy for an index point of readout take Greenwich meridian which is not an indisputable and correct focused line for calculation of numbers in numerology.

Namely as a zero meridian it is necessary to accept the longitude of Jerusalem which from the point of view of the God is the centre of the world and

consequently should be an index point of readout for degrees of longitudes.

Besides it is impossible to take into account degrees of east longitude and degrees of west longitude but it is necessary to count degrees from 0 up to 360, that

is shown on the plan-map:

The plan shows a map of South Pole of the Earth (polar map of Antarctica) where the top semicircle of a

map corresponds with degrees of east longitude from 0 up to 180, and the bottom semicircle of a map

corresponds with degrees of  west longitude from 0 up to 180 which are written by blue figures.

Red figures specify a scale of degrees from 0 up to 360 without taking into account east and west

longitude, namely without division of the Earth's globe into east and west hemispheres.

Pay attention that on South Pole the scale of degrees is focused counter-clockwise but if to consider a

map of North Pole then the scale of degrees is focused clockwise as the South Pole is mirror reflection of

North Pole.

Dark figures specify a scale of degrees in which a zero meridian is the longitude of Jerusalem 35°10'E.

Difference between Greenwich meridian and longitude of Jerusalem approximately 35 degrees and consequently it is necessary to change geodesic data. For

example, 110th degree of east longitude on the Greenwich scale approximately corresponds to 285th degree on the scale where a zero meridian is the longitude

of Jerusalem, namely on the "Jerusalem scale". Or 115th degree of west longitude on the Greenwich scale approximately corresponds to 150th degree on the

Jerusalem scale.

In a similar way it is necessary to recalculate degrees of longitude concerning middle of the world which Jerusalem is, that geodesic coordinates were true from

the point of view of numerology. Then it is necessary to transform numbers of degrees in numerological numbers.

For example, the longitude 37°45'E on the Greenwich geodesic scale corresponds to 357°15' on the Jerusalem geodesic scale, or if to take into account the

exact longitude of Jerusalem 35°10'E then 357°15'-10' =357°05'. It means that the specified place according to the Jerusalem scale is between 357th and 358th

degrees on a surface of the Earth. Therefore for calculation of numerological number it is necessary to do consecutive addition of degree numbers

3+5+8=16*1+6=7, that specifies numerological number 7 which corresponds to region on a surface of the Earth with coordinates between 37th and 38th

degrees of east longitude.

Pay attention that for calculation of numerological number are taken numbers 358, but not 357 as numbers of degrees correspond with numerological numbers

according to a rule which is shown on the following plan-map:

The zero meridian on the map corresponds with the longitude of Jerusalem. The region in the west from

the zero meridian up to 1st degree of the shown scale of measurements corresponds with numerological

number 1, the region from 1st degree up to 2nd degree corresponds with numerological number 2 and so

on the circle of the Earth corresponds with numerological numbers according to degrees of the shown

scale of measurements from 1 up to 360.

For example, the place with coordinates 1°25' corresponds with numerological number 2, and the place

with coordinates 2°25' corresponds with numerological number 3.

Calculations of numerological numbers concerning meridians of longitudes is not unconditional as for a zero meridian it is possible to choose any point as an

Page 25: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

orientation, but nevertheless the shown scale of measurements can be considered correct as lines of the shown scale are correlated not only to Jerusalem but

also coincide with the Egyptian pyramids that is visible on the map. Namely the Great Egyptian Pyramid at Giza has coordinates 31°09'E that coincides with a

line of the fourth degree on the shown scale.

The Egyptian pyramids except for other astronomical functions had geophysical functions and allowed to carry out geodesic measurements and consequently

the ratio of Egyptian pyramids with the shown geodesic scale is the fact which allows to think that this scale correct from the point of view of numerology.

As against calculations of numerological numbers concerning meridians of longitudes during which a conditional and actual initial point is the bible middle of

the world, it is possible to count indisputable and unconditional calculations of numerological numbers concerning parallels of latitudes as equator and poles of

globe are unconditional initial points but provided that the beginning of calculations can be either South Pole or North Pole of the planet.

According to the modern geodesy the Earth is divided into north and south hemispheres, and readout begins from a zero parallel which the equator is and

comes to an end on poles which are final points of calculations. In total each hemisphere of the Earth from equator up to a pole is divided into 90 parallels and

each parallel is equal to one degree. But such readout is not correct from the point of view of numerology as the equator can not be the beginning of

calculations and consequently it is necessary to apply the special numerological scale of measurements according to which readout begins on one of poles, that

is shown on the following plan-map:

Blue figures at the left show degrees of the modern geodesic scale, and dark figures on the right show

degrees of numerological scales of measurements provided that the beginning of calculations is

compared to South Pole of the planet as top of the world is North Pole and should correspond with

number 9, and the South Pole is considered as the bottom point of the world and consequently should

correspond with initial numerological number 1.

To determine a ratio of numerological numbers with a surface of the Earth, it is necessary to learn latitude according to the geodesic scale of measurements and

to correlate with the numerological scale of measurements then it is necessary to transform numbers of degrees in numerological numbers.

For example, 29°58' of north latitude (coordinate of the Egyptian pyramids) correspond with 119°58' on the numerological scale of measurements. It means

that the Egyptian pyramids are in region between 119th and 120th degrees and consequently it is necessary to summarize consistently numbers 1+2+0=3 and as

a result is calculated the numerological number 3 which corresponds to a place of the Egyptian pyramids.

Or, for example, 8°20' of south latitude correspond with 81°40' on the numerological scale of measurements. It means that the specified place is between 81st

and 82nd degrees and consequently it is necessary to summarize consistently numbers 8+2=10*1+0=1 and as a result is calculated the numerological number 1.

Thus, the surface of the Earth is divided by meridians and parallels into squares which have the sizes: 1 degree of longitude and 1 degree of latitude. Otherwise

it is possible to tell that meridians and parallels form a geodesic network in which cells have the sizes: 1 degree of longitude and 1 degree of latitude, but

provided that the network of geodesic lines is focused concerning Jerusalem which is middle of the world and is the beginning of calculations for meridians,

and also is focused concerning South Pole which is the beginning of calculations for parallels, that is necessary from the point of view of numerological


Each geodesic square corresponds with two numerological numbers. The first corresponds with a latitude and the second corresponds with a longitude, and in

aggregate the geodesic square corresponds with a double combination of numerological numbers which corresponds to space of the square.

For example, the plan-map shows the geodesic square in which space the capital of Rome is located:

The shown geodesic square is between 131st and 132nd degrees of latitudes, and between 22nd and 23rd degrees of

longitudes agrees to the numerological scale of measurements that is shown by dark figures, and blue figures show degrees

of the standard geodesic scale of measurements.

To a latitude of the square corresponds numerological number 6 (1+3+2=6) and to a longitude of the square corresponds

numerological number 5 (2+3=5) that in aggregate forms the double combination of numbers 65.

The similar combination of numerological numbers corresponds to geodesic squares in which Saint Petersburg and Kiev

are located. That is number 65 is comparable to the state and religious centers of empires as number 6 symbolizes the

Supreme Olympic gods and number 5 symbolizes Athena who is the patron of civilizations.

According to ratio of numerological numbers with space of the planet it is possible to speak about influence of space on people. Namely numerological

numbers within the limits of geodesic squares form characteristics of collective world perception which influences mentalities and sensations of the person.

If the person moves from one geodesic square in another then the person is influenced with other attitudes that determines changes which occur depending on

change of places. Thus numbers of space react with numbers of a name and numbers of birth date, and also react with other numbers which are significant for

the person, that forms complex system of numbers according to which the person is in existence.

Except for the basic geodesic squares which have scale: 1 degree of longitude and 1 degree of latitude, it is possible to consider smaller or larger squares of

space, and also it is possible to consider other spatial structures which can be correlated to numbers in numerology. The detailed information on various

Page 26: Design of Predictive Magic Cards.

methods of calculations which allow to correlate numbers to space of globe, look in section of this site which has the name geo-numerology.

I hope that the submitted information will help to learn original sense which numbers in numerology have.

If the contents of some pages of this site section seems difficult and demands knowledge of calendars of the ancient world then it is unessential for modern

numerology as there are modern calendars according to which it is possible to carry out numerological calculations, but nevertheless the given information

allows to understand laws according to which numbers are connected to calendars, and in essence are connected to movement of time.

From the given ways of calculations and methods of numerological analysis of the human person it is enough to choose any one method or two methods which

allow to solve necessary tasks. And also it is enough to choose any one calendar and to do calculations according to dates of one calendar as each calendar is

independent chronological system and does not correspond with dates of other chronological systems. For example, if numbers are calculated by means of the

Gregorian calendar then can not be considered together with numbers which are calculated by means of the ancient Egyptian calendar or any other calendar.

Namely it is necessary to commensurate used calendars and methods of numerological calculations with tasks which are solved by means of numerology.

The Gregorian calendar is quite sufficient for contemporary numerology and also the basic methods of calculations with numbers of names and numbers of

birth are quite sufficient, but other calendars and various methods of calculations can be used for the decision of specific tasks.

In end should tell what to predict the future difficultly, but by means of numerology it is possible to realize the past and by means of the past it is possible to

understand essence of the future.