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Design For VerificationSynopsys Inc, April 2003

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Agenda Overview The Bottleneck- Today’s Verifications Why do chips crash? What is DFV? Assertion-Based-Verification Multi-Level Interface Design Dynamic Verification flow Formal Analysis Flow Verification Intellectual Property United design and verification


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Overview Notation- DFV Design & verification technologies

A great promise Lack of efficient methodology

DFV methodology- Covering multiple levels of abstraction Combining simulation and formal analysis Unified language- consistent specification,

design, and verification descriptions Intellectual property to accelerate the

design and verification of today’s chips

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Many different verification technologies

New languages (Vera & e) C/C++ based Random stimulus-generation Transaction-level modeling Coverage metrics Formal analysis Temporal assertions

But still first-pass silicon successes are fewer from year to year

The Bottleneck- Today’s Verifications

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The (bad) Numbers

first-pass silicon successes: On 2000 – 50% On 2002 – 39%

Re-spin costs: 100000$ Months of additional development

time Benefits of first-pass:

Money Market time

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Why do chips crash?

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Why do chips crash? Physical effects Mixed-signal issues Power issues logic/functional flaws– more than

60% “Band–Aid” approach does not help Does not keep up with Moor’s law Bad focal

We must have a new comprehensive verification methodology

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logic/functional flaws What types of logic/functional flaws

make it all the way to tapeout? Re-used modules and imported IP – 14% Specification error – 47% Design errors – 82%

Complicated modules - multiple-state machines

assumptions on the interface

We must improve specification, design, and verification in a concerted manner

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The DFV Methodology

Finding design errors through: Constrained-random stimulus

generation Advanced tools for formal state-

space analysis Eliminate ambiguity in

specifications Improved conformance checking


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DFV for SoC Leverage a designer’s intent and

knowledge to strengthen the verification effort

Supports multiple levels of abstraction

Maximize correctness of functionality of individual modules

Ensure the correctness of integration of these modules

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DFV Scope Diagram

Functional/transaction-level (TL) Synthesizable RTL Gate and transistor-level

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Creating Design artifacts on all three levels

Maintaining Relationships between levels

Propagating assumptions

Examples: Assumption transferring from TL to RTL Assumption between two RTL blocks

and their communication protocols

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Use of design assertions Dynamic checking during simulations- immediate

notification of violations Proving certain properties in RTL given a set of

interface constraints Describing environment constraints for automatic

stimulus generation Creating coverage metrics that are directly linked

back to the specification

Use of multi-level interface design Consistency between TL,

specification/assumptions and RT-level implementations

Integration on TL, RTL and gate-level models

DFV cornerstones

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Assertions enables DFV simulation, coverage, advanced constrained-random test generation, and formal analysis

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Assertions in DFV Continuously checked during

simulation Analyzed jointly with the RTL Expressing designer’s assumptions continuously monitored We can have hundreds of them- (we

must have an automated tool). assertions embedded in the RTL carry

forward to the full-chip RTL verification

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Aspects for successful assertions Native execution of assertions by the

simulation engine (many assertions) Synthesizability of assertions Debug of assertions Assertions mapping

Assertions summary: simulation and formal analysis tools

dramatically increase the verification effectiveness

support project management by enabling extensive coverage metrics for these specifications

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Multi-Level Interface DesignMost of the bugs are hidden between blocks In traditional HDL:

We can check interface only when all blocks are connected (“top”)

Checking correctness and connectivity together on the entire subsystem

DFV: Defines the interface as a standalone

component The protocol can be checked separately Guarantees that blocks that use the

interface are connected correctly

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Improve Divide and conquer flaw results

Block-level: complete testing of all detailed functionality

Top-level: testing the functionality of the overall system No need to check the wiring

between blocks, because the interconnect is now correct by construction

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Assertions role Encapsulates the protocol

definitions Any block that connects to the

interface will automatically be checked for protocol compliance

The same assertions can be used also for simulation and for formal analysis

Can monitor qualities about the transactions, such as cycle latency, address/data relationships etc

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Smooth moving from TL to RTL The transaction-level behaviors

remain consistent with the more detailed behaviors of the RTL

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Multi-Level Interface summary More complicated chips Verification of chip infrastructure

is essential portion of chip-level. A set of interfaces that can be

verified represents this infrastructure

the complexities of chip-level verification decreases dramatically

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Formal analysis flow

Interface constrains define a set of behaviors

The effectiveness is determined by: Completeness and correctness of

the interface constraints Formal engines underneath the

analysis Capacity and performance

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Formal Analysis Flow The balance moving from simulation-

dominated flow to a specification and analysis-based flow

specification driven- doesn’t rely on testbenches, increasing productivity

Can be the key to break the verification barrier of tomorrow’s SoCs

Going from “design first, then verify” into the “specify first, then design and verify”

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Verification Intellectual Property Designers must support standard

protocol – (USB, PCI) Using verification IP

Standard Common language Supporting simulation tools Effective stimulus environment Increasing productivity

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United design and verification language

Schematic to synthesis gap- solved by HDLs

Verification productivity gap- can be solved in same way

HDLs allowed the specification of both stimulus and design in the same language

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System Verilog

Supports design, testbench Includes the syntax and

semantics to support assertions Supports multi-level interface

design Unifies design and verification as

a foundation for the DFV methodology

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Enables random-data generation Describe more complex


data structures enumerated types multi-dimensional arrays

Object-oriented features for testbench

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DFV Summary

A solution comprising methodology, language, and technology to systematically prevent bugs from entering the design flow

Specify constraints, assumptions and properties unambiguously

multi-level interface design smooth flow from transaction-

level down to RTL

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Single language System Verilog has the right

ingredients to support this flow System Verilog describe more

complex designs and design assertions, both at the transaction-level and in RTL

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The motivation behind the DFV methodology: enabling design teams to create increasingly complex chips in less time, with first-pass silicon success