Download - Desensitization to Real-life Violence Due to Violence in · The violence in video games affects us in many different ways. One of

Page 1: Desensitization to Real-life Violence Due to Violence in · The violence in video games affects us in many different ways. One of

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Desensitization to Real-life Violence

Due to Violence in Video Games

Steven Beasley II

Page 2: Desensitization to Real-life Violence Due to Violence in · The violence in video games affects us in many different ways. One of

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Table of contents

Introduction p.3

Desensitization p.4

Video games and aggression – fiction p.5

What violent video games really do? p.6

Desensitization is bad. p.6

Video p.7

Video game violence is ok? p.8

More reasons Desensitization is bad p.9

Can we do anything? p.10

Conclusion p.11

References p.12

Page 3: Desensitization to Real-life Violence Due to Violence in · The violence in video games affects us in many different ways. One of

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Violence is everywhere from video games to cartoons that children watch. In all of these forms of media the violence

is not regulated very well. Some of the more extremely loose regulations on violence can be found in video games. Video

games today are becoming more and more violent. These games can have extremely graphic scenes of violence that share

no expense in the severity of violence. In some games there

can be anything from disembowelment to domestic violence.

Even in games that are rated and created for younger

audiences you can find mild violence. These violent games

have been showing children and teens that violence can be

another way to problem solving and is more acceptable; this

is desensitizing them to actual life violence. This is not

acceptable and needs to change.

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The main way video game violence affects people is by making them desensitizing to violence .Desensitization to

violence is “a reduction in emotion-related physiological reactivity to real violence” (Carnagey, N. 2007). The social

normality of the modern day sees that one’s physiological reaction to violence be dampened due to the lessening of the

severity of real-life violence. More and more people every day are growing up being surrounded by violent imagery and it is

changing them. The human phycology can become “used to”

the sight of different things and the emotions normally felt

can be greatly lessened. “It appears that individuals who play

violent video games habituate or ‘get used to’ all the violence

and eventually become physiologically numb to it”

(Carnagey, N. 2007). When a person becomes desensitized to

something, their emotions towards that thing become altered

and in the case of violence they become unsympathetic to

others committing or receiving the violent actions. Desensitization can happen to many different things, but the most

commonly seen is to violence. Other than desensitization, video games affect people in different ways.

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Video games and aggression – fiction.

Violent video games have many effects on people. The most common

and most disputed is that violent video games bring out violence in others. In

some cases this is true, but not in all. One study even found that violence can be

attributed to bullying in schools. “The 2008 study Grand Theft Childhood

reported that 60% of middle school boys who played at least one Mature-rated

game hit or beat up someone, compared to 39% of boys that did not play

Mature-rated games”(Kutner, 2008). These studies try and make connections

between violent video games and violent behavior in children, but the truth is

that the connections are mostly just fabricated. “My impression is that social

science made up its mind that video games cause aggression before many data

were available, and has subsequently attempted to fit square pieces of evidence

into round theoretical holes” (Ferguson, 2007). Like Ferguson said, the

connections made between video game violence and violence in the world are

often just thrown together.

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What violent video games really do?

The violence in video games affects us in many different ways. One of the most common is aggression, but

underneath the aggression there lies a more extreme problem. This problem deals with empathy and how video games are

affecting. “In a 2004 study of 150 fourth and fifth graders by Professor Jeanne Funk, violent video games were the only

type of media associated with lower empathy. Empathy, the ability to understand and enter into another's feelings, plays an

important role in the process of moral evaluation and is believed to inhibit aggressive behavior” (, 2012). If

more children are becoming less empathetic to others, then this is a problem. There is a possibility that in the future if these

patterns continue, then the whole world could be less empathetic of others. If others become less empathic then more

violence will be over looked and less people will care about the

violent actions of others.

Desensitization is bad.

Desensitization due to video game violence is a bad thing.

Like previously mentioned people become less empathetic when

they are subjected to mass quantities of violence in video games.

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This could affect society in many different ways. One way is that there could be less “heroes” or people that help others in

times of need. An example of this is if a person is in a dire situation, more people might just watch instead of helping.

“People exposed to media violence become ‘‘comfortably numb’’ to the pain and suffering of others and are consequently

less helpful” (Bushman, B., 2009). This could directly affect our society because people’s brains would be less responsive

to violence. “That is, at least for individuals whose prior exposure to video game violence was low, playing a violent video

game caused a reduction in the brain's response to depictions of real-life violence” (Engelhardt, 2011). As Engelhardt and

his colleagues said, exposure to these violent video games caused the players brain to respond less to violence in the real

world. Research other than scientific studies has also come to the same conclusion that desensitization is affecting our



In service announcement that was posted on

YouTube, it was discussed that desensitization was

happening through media outlets including video games.

The video starts out with a scene of mass killings of

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innocent civilians in an airport in the extremely popular video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It states that by age 18

children will have seen over 200,000 violent acts and witnessed 18,000 murders on television. The video says that children

are becoming desensitized to violence and all of the attempts to reduce it are failing. In the end the video asks the viewer to

question what their loved ones are witnessing on television. The video backs up my point that violence in video games are

affecting people negatively, yet not everyone is convinced that this is an issue.

Video game violence is ok?

Some people argue that the effects of desensitization of violent video games can help our society in different ways.

One way that people argue is that this could help train recruits for

the Army. This could be valid for many reasons; one being that the

games could help cope with the post-traumatic stress disorder that

some war vets get diagnosed with. “reality-based video games could

help prepare recruits for the mental horrors of war, help train them

for the real thing and even help prevent cases of post-traumatic

stress disorder (PTSD) in soldiers” (Hsu, J. 2010). Like Hsu states,

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this can train soldiers to be more prepared for the horrors of the war. Another way violent video games could help is that in

video games when people die all they have to do is wait and they will “re-spawn” or come back. This makes death more

unrealistic and there is a possibility that it could help people cope with the stress of losing a loved one.

More reasons Desensitization is bad

Like previously stated, violent video games are being used to train soldiers

to become less affected by the violence of the war, but is this smart? I don’t

believe this is and others feel the same. This could make soldiers make the war

seem less real. Also previously mention is the fact that the desensitization from

video games can make people less empathetic and less willing to help others. This

is bad because the general population of gamers is vast and that means that less

people in the world would be willing to help each other in dire situations. One

other issue is that violent video games may make children have trouble

recognizing video game violence with real-life violence. “Young children are

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more likely to confuse fantasy violence with real world violence, and without a framework for ethical decision making, they

may mimic the actions they see in violent video games” (Olson, C, 2005). Is there anything we as a society can do to

prevent desensitization?

Can we do anything?

Unfortunately there is not much that can be done to prevent any of these things from continuing to happen. In the

past laws were made to try and regulate games, but these fell through.

“On Oct. 7, 2005, California passed a law that required violent video games to include an "18" label and

criminalized the sale of these games to minors. The law was blocked by the US District Court for the Northern

District of California and was struck down in Feb. 2009 by the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals citing First

Amendment protections and the inability of the state to demonstrate a link between violence in video games and real-

world violence” (, 2012).

One idea is to either ban or put harsh regulations on certain games that are “too” violent such as games that show mass

amounts of dismemberment. Most games that are rated for mature gamers have mass amounts of violence and stricter

regulations could help keep these games away from children. “In the present ratings system, many games rated E for

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“everyone” contain a surprising degree of violent actions” (Funk, 2003). Another thing that people can do is make others

aware of the true danger of the violence in the games. Hopefully we can educate parents so that violent games are not

reaching the hands of minors.


Video game violence has evolved to the point where it is almost as real as it is in life. It has gotten to the point where

it is affecting how people view the world and how people are affected by events in it. Often people misjudge that violence in

video games makes children to be more aggressive, but it has a more potent affect. The truth is that violence in video games

desensitize people to violence in the real world, lowering the empathy that children have for others. The military uses video

games to train their soldiers which get them used to the sight and reaction to war time violence. There is speculation that

this could help vets with post-traumatic stress because they would be less affected by the horrors of the war, but in reality

the desensitization they are receiving from the violent video games makes the war more fictitious than reality. There are few

things we can do to counteract the desensitization affect that video games have on people. The only solution that can be

wide spread would be informing parents about the violence and what they can do to inform their children. Things need to be

done now before our whole society becomes desensitized to all violence. Our world needs to change, and it needs to change


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Bartholow, B. , Sestir, M. , & Davis, E. (2005). Correlates and consequences of exposure to video game violence: Hostile personality,

empathy, and aggressive behavior. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 31(11), 1573-1586.

Bushman, B. , & Anderson, C. (2009). Comfortably numb: Desensitizing effects of violent media on helping others. Psychological

Science, 20(3), 273-277

Carnagey, N. , Anderson, C. , & Bushman, B. (2007). The effect of video game violence on physiological desensitization to real-life

violence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43(3), 489-496.

Desensitized Media (April 20, 2011). DESENSITIZED: Media Violence and Children. Retrieved December 15, 2012, from

Engelhardt, C. , Bartholow, B. , Kerr, G. , & Bushman, B. (2011). This is your brain on violent video games: Neural desensitization to

violence predicts increased aggression following violent video game exposure. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,

47(5), 1033-1036.

Ferguson, C. J. (2007). Video Games: the Latest Scapegoat for Violence. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 53(42). Retrieved from

Funk, Jeanne B, Debra D Buchman, Jennifer Jenks, and Heidi Bechtoldt. "Playing Violent Video Games, Desensitization, and Moral

Evaluation in Children." Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 24.4 (2003): 413-436.

Hsu, J. (2010, August 19). For the U.S. military, video games get serious. In Retrieved December 8, 2012, from

Kutner, L., & Olsen, C. K. (2008). Grand Theft Childhood: the surprising truth about violent video games and what parents can do.

Olson, C., Jellinek, M., & Villani, S. (2005). Child Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. In Media Literacy for Clinicians

and Parents. (2012, December 5). Video Games Retrieved from