Download - Descent Pt 2


"Incoming. A Vex Conflux. Hard to get a read, but scans indicate that it's trying to bring something through...Something..." The Ghost trailed off, and she stepped forward and watched as the massive spire descended to land in front of them, at the front of the...'arena'. "This doesn't make sense....It's generating a sub-space signature similar to that of...Let me see...""Ghost..." She growled, ejecting the magazine from the Suros and checking it's ammo before replacing it. At the far end of the large arena, the air darkened and multiple points of light signaled incoming Vex. "Protect, or destroy?""It's very complex. Weaving divergent streams into a singular-""Protect or destroy, Ghost?""Protect it!"And they were off. Like the start of a race the six Guardians pushed off from the platform and descended downward, energy flaring around them as they summoned the Traveler's Light like a thick blanket and each of them glowed brightly with it.She switched over to her com-set and spoke into it. "Who's calling the shots?"The voice was that of the unnamed Warlock, who quickly barked a reply. "Mutliple avenues of approach. We'll split up to engage enemies at all sides. Same teams as before. Center to center, left to left, right to right. Move it!"She hugged her rifle against her chest and lowered her body forward, legs pumping as she built herself into a sprint that took her down the stairs on the right side and to the small clearing before mantling another set and climbing them quickly, Naz right at her heels as the two of them lifted their weapons and came over the top of the stairs just in time to see the silvery metal carapaces of Vex Goblins rounding the corner.