Download - Department of Sanskrit Gauhati University Post-Graduate ... · II Skt 2036 Grammar and Philology (C) Skt 2046 Srimdbhagavadgita and Philosophies of Samkhya and Yoga (C) Skt 2054 Functional


Department of Sanskrit

Gauhati University

Post-Graduate Course (M.A.) in Sanskrit

Curriculum Structure for CBCS, 2016 Duration : 2 years (4 Semesters)

Total Credits : 24 each Semester


Semester Course


Course Title


Skt 1016 Sruti and Smrti Literature (C)

Skt 1026 Paninian Grammar (C)

Skt 1036 Nyaya-Vaisesika and Vedanta Philosophy (C)

Skt 1046 Khandakavya and Nataka (C)

Skt 1054 Functional Sanskrit - I (VA)

Skt 2016 Brahmana and Vedanga Texts (C)

Skt 2026 Sanskrit Poetics (C)

II Skt 2036 Grammar and Philology (C)

Skt 2046 Srimdbhagavadgita and Philosophies of Samkhya and Yoga (C)

Skt 2054 Functional Sanskrit - II (VA)


Skt 3016 A Sanskrit Poetics (C)

Skt 3026 A Sanskrit Drama (C)

Skt 3036 A Bhagavatapurana and Mahakavya (C)

Skt 3046 B Samhita and Vedanga Literature (C)

Skt3056 B Brahmana, Upanisad and Vedic Grammar (C)

Skt 3066 B History of Vedic Literature and Allied Texts(C)

Skt 3076 C Upanisadic Literature (C)

Skt 3086 C Advaitavedanta Philoshphy (C)

Skt 3096 C Nastika Philosophy (C)

Skt 3106 Epics and Puranas (E)

Skt 3116 Fundamentals of Sanskrit Language and Literature (O)


Skt 4016 A Sanskrit Poetics (C)

Skt 4026 A Sanskrit Literature and Arthasastra (C)

Skt 4036 A Modern Sanskrit Poems (C)

Skt 4046 B Vajasaneyisamhita, Chandogyopanisad and Brhaddevata (C)

Skt 4056 B Atharvaveda and Sutra Literature (C)

Skt 4066 B Satapatha Brahmana and Ritualistic Texts (C)

Skt 4076 C Samkhya-Yoga Philosophy (C)

Skt 4086 C Nyaya-Vaisesika and Mimamsa Philosophy (C)

Skt 4096 C Advaitavedantic Epistemology and Contemporary Indian

Philosophy (C)

Skt 4106 Contemporary Works on Sanskrit Literature (E)

Skt 4116 Sanskirt and Various Branches of Learning (O)

Notes: 1. The first digit indicates the Semester, the next two digits indicate the course

number, and the fourth digit indicates the credit per week, the course carries. 2. (C) = Core

(E) = Elective, in lieu of Open Course , for the students, who will not get a

chance for studying Open Course in other Departments.

(O) = Courses open for students of other disciplines

(VA) = Value-Added Course

3. The students of the third and the fourth Semester have to opt for the core

papers, from the groups A, or B, or C .

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs): M.A. in Sanskrit

After completing M.A Programme in Sanskrit, students will be able to:

• Earn expertise in teaching and imparting knowledge of Sanskrit language and Literature.

• Become proficient users of Sanskrit language.

• Contribute towards providing quality research in Sanskrit language and literature.

• Have a thorough and updated knowledge of Ancient India.

• Produce right knowledge about the utility of the Vedic ritualistic performances.

• Train people to acquire moral and ethical principles which are aimed at infusing the spirit of righteousness.

• Create awareness about interdisciplinary perspectives of Sanskrit language.

Semester I

Paper I Sruti and Smrti Literature (Skt 1016) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit -I Rgveda Agni (I.1) 30 3

Indra (I.32)

Visvamitra-Nadisamvada (III.33)

Usas (V.80)

Atharvaveda Satyanrtasamiksaka (IV.16)

Rastrasabha (VII.12)

Kala (XIX.53)

Unit -II Rkpratisakhya Patala III 20 1

Unit –III Yajnavalkyasmrti (Vyavaharadhyaya) 30 2

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 1016 (M.A in Sanskrit)

Sruti and Smriti Literature

• Get acquainted with fundamental concepts of the Vedas.

• Acquire knowledge about the Vedic concept of God and


• Obtain the knowledge of procedure of accentuation of Vedic


• Interpret the idea of ancient Indian Legal system.

Books Recommended:

1. Vaidika Samkalana, Parts I-II, B.P. Bhattacharya and T. Adhikari (ed.) , Sanskrit Book Depot, Kolkata, 2004

2. Srautapathah (A Vedic Reader for M.A. Students), University of Calcutta, Calcutta, 1975

3. Atharvavedasamhita with the Commentary of Sayanacarya, Parts I-IV, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, 1989

4. Rgvedapratisakhya of Saunaka along with Uvatabhasya, V. Verma, (ed.), Chawkhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan, Delhi, 1986

5. Yajnavalkyasmrtih, G.S. Rai, (ed.), Chawkhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan, Delhi, 2002

Paper II Paninian Grammar (Skt 1026) Total Marks 80 Credits 6

Unit- I Siddhantakaumudi Samjna Prakarana 20 1

Unit –II Siddhantakaumudi Karaka Prakarana 30 2

Unit –III Siddhantakaumudi Samasa Prakarana 30 3

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 1026

Paninian Grammar

• Acquire the knowledge of Paninian School of Grammar.

• Understand the technical terms of the Paninian School of


• Generate knowledge of Sanskrit syntex.

• Design and analyse Sanskrit compounds.

Books Recommended:

1. Vaiyakaranasiddhantakaumudi with Balamanorama and Tattvabodhini Commentaries,

Vols. I-III, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi

2. Vaiyakaranasiddhantakaumudi of Bhattoji Diksita, Vols. I-II, S.C. Basu (ed. & trans.) Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 2003

3.Vaiyakaranasiddhantakaumudi of Sri Bhattojidiksita with Balamanorama and Dipika commentary, Gopal Datt Pande (ed.), Chaukhamba

Surabharati Prakashan, Varanasi, 1986

4. Vaiyakaranasiddhantakaumudi with Introduction, Translation and Exhaustive Notes, M.V. Mahashabde (ed.), Dadar Book Depot, Kolkata,


Paper III Nyaya-Vaisesika and Vedanta Total marks 80 Credits 6

Philosophy(Skt 1036)

Unit- I Isopanisad with Sankarabhasya 20 1

Unit- II Vedantasara of Sadananda Yogindra 30 2

Unit –III Tarkabhasa of Kesava Misra 30 3

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 1036

Nyaya-Vaisesika and Vedanta Philosophy

• Provide knowledge of Upanisadic literature from the Advaita-

Vedantic standpoint.

• Analyse the characteristic features of Indian Philosophy.

• Get acquainted with the epistemology and metaphysics of

Nyaya-Vaisesika Philosophy.

• Provide introductory knowledge of salient features of Advaita-

Vedanta system.

Books Recommended:

1. Isadidasopanisadah, Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi,1992

2. Vedantasara, Sadananda Yogindra, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Kolkata

3. Tarkabhasa, S.R Iyer(ed.), Chowkhamba Publishers, Varanasi

Paper IV Khandakavya and Nataka (Skt 1046) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I A General Study on the Works of Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti 20 1

Unit II Meghaduta of Kalidasa 30 2

Unit III Uttararamacarita of Bhavabhuti 30 3

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 1046

Khandakavya and Nataka

• Obtain general ideas of Kalidasa’s works.

• Illustrate about lyrical poetry of Kalidasa.

• Generate knowledge about the poetic acumen of Bhavabhuti.

• Provide an idea of Sanskrit drama of Bhavabhuti.

Books Recommended:

1. Meghaduta, M.R. Kale (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1983

2. Uttararamacarita, M.R. Kale (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,1982

3. History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, M.Krishnamachariar, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,2009

4. Sarasvatasamiksanasamuccayah, Mukunda Madhava Sharma, Kameshwar Shukla(ed.),Icon Publication, Guwahati,2007

Paper V Functional Sanskrit (Value-Added Course) (Skt 1054) Credits 4

Unit I Conversation (sambhasanam) 2

Unit II Creative Writing (srjanatmakaracanam) 2

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 1054

Functional Sanskrit(Value -Added Course)

• Increase Sanskrit proficiency.

• Improve Sanskrit creative writing skills.

Semester II

Paper I Brahmana and Vedanga Texts(Skt 2016) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Satapathabrahmana (2.1 .1-4) 20 1

Unit II Aitareyabrahmana (2.2.5-8) 30 2

Unit III Nirukta (I.1 – 11) 30 3

Nirukta (VII.1 -13, up to apauruseya)

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 2016

Brahmana and Vedanga Texts

• Provide the knowledge of the Brahmana literature with an

exposure to the Vedic sacrifices.

• Interpret the Vedic etymologies.

• Acquaint the knowledge of Vedic divinities.

Books Recommended:

1. Vajasaneyimadhyandinasatapathabrahmanam with the Commentaries of Sayanacarya and Harisvamin , Part I, Nag Publishers, Delhi, 1990

2. Madhyandinasatapathabrahmanam, Part I, Yugal Kishor Mishra (ed.), Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, 2004

3. Aitareyabrahmanam, Vol. I, S. Malaviya (ed.), Tara Printing Works, Varanasi, 1986

4. The Nighantu and the Nirukta, Lakshman Sarup (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,2002

Paper II Sanskrit Poetics (Skt 2026) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Natyasastra (Chapter-I) 20 1

Unit II Sahityadarpana (Chapter-II) 30 3

Unit III History of Sanskrit Poetics 30 2

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 2026

Sanskrit Poetics

• Provide knowledge of Origin of Sanskrit dramaturgy.

• Distinguish between various functions of words, viz

abhidha,laksana and vyanjana

• Describe the evolution of different theories of poetics and

literary criticisms.

Books Recommended:

1. Natyasastra, R.S. Nagar (ed.), Parimal Publications, Delhi, 1988

2. Sahityadarpana, P.V. Kane (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,1995

3. Sahityadarpana, with Lakshmi Sanskrit Commentary and Notes, Acharya Krisnamohan

Sastri (ed.), Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 1967

4. History of Sanskrit Poetics by P.V. Kane, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,1971

5. History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, M. Krishnamachariar, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 2009

Paper III Grammar and Philology (Skt 2036) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Prakrtaprakasa (Chapters I-III) 20 1

Unit II Mahabhasya (Paspasahnikah) 30 3

Unit III Philology Selected Topics 30 2

Description of IE languages;

Salient Features of OIA; Production

and Classification of Sounds; Phonetic

Tendencies and Changes

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 2036

Grammar and Philology

• Explain the formation and Sanskrit rendering of Prakrit words.

• Elaborate the purposes of studying Sanskrit Grammar.

• Produce elementary knowledge of Sanskrit linguistics.

Books Recommended:

1. Prakritaprakasa of Vararuci, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi

2. Mahabhasya, (Paspasahnikah), D.K.C. Chatterjee (ed.), Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Kolkata

3. Mahabhasya, Jayshankarlal Tripathi (ed.), Thakur Prasad Pustak Bhandar, Varanasi, 1979

4. Elements of the Science of Language, I.J.S. Taraporewala, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, 1953

5. A Handbook of Sanskrit Philology, S.R. Banerjee, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta,1987

Paper IV Srimdbhagavadgita and Philosophies of Total marks 80 Credits 6

Samkhya and Yoga (Skt 2046)

Unit I Srimadbhagavadgita with Sankarabhasya (Chapter II) 30 2

Unit II Samkhyasutra (I-IV) 30 3

Unit III Pre-Patanjali Yoga, Patanjala Yogasutra and Its Commenteries, 20 1

Relationship between Samkhya and Yoga

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 2046

Srimdbhagavadgita and Philosophies of Samkhya and Yoga

• Acquaint with the intrinsic knowledge with the philosophical

precepts of Srimadbhagavadgita.

• Explain metaphysics and epistemology of Samkhya Philosophy

• Provide basic concepts of the Yoga philosophy.

Books Recommended:

1. Srimadbhagavadgita with Sankarabhasya, Geeta Press, Gorakhpur

2. Samkhyasutra of Kapila, R.S. Bhattacharjya (ed.), Pracya Bharati Prakashan, Varanasi, 1964

3. Samkhyasutrani, Dvarikadasa Sastri (ed.), Sudhi Prakashan, Varanasi, 1983

4. Indian Philosophy,Vol. II, J.N. Sinha, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,2006

5. Indian Philosophy, Vol. II, S. Radhakrishnan, Oxford University Press, Delhi,2006

Paper V Functional Sanskrit (Value-Added Course) (Skt 2054) Credits 4

Unit I Letter-Writing (patravyavaharah) 2

Unit II Translation Scheme (anuvadakausalam) 2

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 2054

Functional Sanskrit(Value Added Course)

• Develop the writing skills of Sanskrit letters.

• Provide impetus to translation works.

Semester III

Group A (Classical Sanskrit Literature)

Paper I Sanskrit Poetics (Skt 3016 A) Total Marks 80 Credits 6

Unit 1 Kavyadarsa of Dandin ( Ch. I) 30 3

Unit II Dasarupaka of Dhananjaya ( Ch. I) 30 2

Unit III Kavyamimamsa of Rajasekhara ( Ch. I) 20 1

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3016A

Sanskrit Poetics

• Interpret the idea about poetics according to Dandin.

• Understand the detailed idea about different categories of

Sanskrit drama.

• Describe the traditional views on origin of Sanskrit Poetics and


Books Recommended:

1. Kavyadarsa, Dharmendra Kr. Gupta( ed.), Meharchand Lachhmandas Publications,New Delhi,2006

2. Dasarupaka, Kesavarao Musalgaonkara (ed.) , Chowkhamba Prakashan, Varanasi,2007

3. Kavyamimamsa, Gangasagar Ray (ed.), Chowkhamba Vidyabhavan, Varanasi

Paper II Sanskrit Drama (Skt 3026A) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Mrcchakatika of Sudraka 30 3

Unit II Venisamhara of Bhattanarayana 30 2

Unit III Pratimanataka of Bhasa 20 1

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3026A

Sanskrit Drama

• Get acquainted with the socialistic views recorded in the earlier

Sanskrit dramas.

• Provide information on salient features of the drama of


• Analyse the characteristic feature of the oldest available

Sanskrit drama.

Books Recommended:

1. Mrcchakatika, M.R.Kale (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,1998

2. Venisamhara, M.R.Kale (ed.) ,Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1977

3. Pratimanataka, Shridharananda Sastri (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1991

Paper III Bhagavatapurana and Total marks 80 Credits 6

Mahakavya (Skt 3036A)

Unit I Naisadhacarita of Sriharsa ( Canto I) 30 3

Unit II Bhagavatapurana ( X.8, X. 29) 30 2

Unit III Sisupalavadha of Magha ( Canto XIV) 20 1

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3036A

Bhagavatapurana and Mahakavya

• Interpret the concept of ornate poetry in Sanskrit Literature.

• Elaborate the philosophical concepts of Sisulila and Rasalila of


• Provide the knowledge of poetic excellence of Magha.

Books Recommended:

1. Naisadhacarita , Narayana Rama Acarya (ed. ), Meharchand Lachhmandas Publications, Delhi, 1986

2. Bhagavatapurana, Pandita Ramatej Pandey (ed.) , Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan, Delhi, 2009

3. Sisupalavadha, Gajanansastri Musalgaonkara ( ed.), Chowkhamba Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi, 2006

Semester III

Group B (Vedic Studies)

Paper I Samhita and Vedanga Literature (Skt 3046B) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Hymns from the Rgveda 30 3

Surya (I.50); Apriya(I. 142); Visnu(I.154); Purusa(X.90)

Unit II Nirukta Ch. I (12-30); Ch. II 20 1

Unit III Rkpratisakhya (Patala XVI) 30 2


Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3046B

Samhita and Vedanga Literature

• Interpret the salient features of Rgvedic pantheism.

• Trace the fundamental concepts of Vedic etymologies.

• Get acquainted with the Vedic metres and Phonetics.

Books Recommended:

1. The New Vedic Selection, Part I, B. B. Chaubey, (ed.), Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan, Delhi, 1986

2. Vedic Selections, Part III, K.C. Chatterji, (ed.), University of Calcutta, Calcutta,1970

3. Vajasaneyimadhyandinasuklayajurvedasamhita, Jagadish Lal Shastri (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1978

4. The Nighantu and the Nirukta, Lakshman Sarup (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 2002

5. Niruktam, , Mukund Jha Bakshi (ed.), Chawkhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan, Delhi, 1989

6. Rgvedapratisakhya of Saunaka along with Uvatabhasya , V. Verma (ed.), Chawkhamba

Sanskrit Pratisthan, Delhi, 1986.

7. Saunakiya Rgvedapratisakhya, T. Adhikari (ed.),Chs. I-IV and XVI, Sanskrit Book Depot, Kolkata, 2007

8. Paniniyasiksa, P. Kaundinnyayanah (ed.), Chawkhamba Vidyabhavan, Varanasi, 2004

Paper II Brahmana, Upanisad and Vedic Grammar (Skt 3056B) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Aitareyabrahmana (Pancika VIII, excluding chapter 36) 30 3

Unit II Mundakopanisad 20 1

Unit III Essentials of Vedic Grammar and Svaraprakriya 30 2


Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3056B

Brahmana,Upanisad and Vedic Grammar

• Interpret the concept of Ancient Indian Polity.

• Teach various aspects of Upanisadic knowledge as delineated in

the Mundakopanisad.

• Make understand the essentials of Vedic Grammar and Vedic


Books Recommended:

1. Aitareyabrahmanam, Vol II, S. Malaviya (ed), Tara Printing Works, Varanasi, 1986

2. Mundakopanisad, Gita Press, Gorakhpur, 1947

3. Atharvavediya Upanisad, (Prasna, Mundaka aru Mandukya), Maitreyee Bora, Bani Prakash, 1997

4 . Vedic Grammar,B.P. Bhattacharya (ed.), Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta, 1986

5 . Vaidiki Prakriya, D. Mahato (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1987

Paper III History of Vedic Literature and Allied Texts (Skt 3066B Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I History of Vedic Literature (Samhita, Brahmana, 30 3

Aranyaka and Upanisad)

Unit II History of the Vedangas, Pratisakhyas & 30 2

Other Allied Vedic Texts

Unit III Selected Portions from the Yajnatattvaprakasa 20 1

Agnihotra and Darsapurnamasa

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3066B

History of Vedic Literature and Allied Texts

• Provide the detailed knowledge of Vedic Literature.

• Enumerate the important features of the Allied Vedic Texts.

• Generate the detailed knowledge of Vedic sacrifices.

Books Recommended:

1. Vedar Paricay, Jogiraj Basu, Publication Board, Assam, Guwahati, 1972

2. A History of Vedic Literature, G. Sastri, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Kolkata, 2006

3. History of Indian Literature, Vol. I, M. Winternitz, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1987

4. India of Vedic Kalpasutras, Ram Gopal, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1983

5. Vedanga Literature, B.B. Chaubey, Katyayan Vaidik Sahitya Prakashan, Hoshiarpur, 2004

6. Yajnatattvaprakasa, Pattabhirama Shastri, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1992

Semester III

Group C (Indian Philosophy)

Paper I Upanisadic Literature (Skt 3086C) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Chandyogyopanisad (with Sankarabhasya), Ch. VI 30 3

Unit II Chandogyopanisad (with Sankarabhasya), Ch. VII 20 1

Unit III Mundaka Upanisad (with Sankarabhasya) 30 2

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3076C

Upanisadic Literature

• Teach the special features of Chandogya Upanisad.

• Get acquainted with Sankaracharya’s commentary on

Upanisadic Literature.

• Provide knowledge about Upanisadic Philosophy depicted in

the Mundakopanisad.

Books Recommended:

1. Chandogyopanisad with Sankarabhasya and Anandagiri’s Tika, Durgacharan Samkhya-Vedanta- Tirtha, ( ed.), Udbodhan Karyalya, Kolkata,

Part II,2001

2. Chandogyopanisad with Sankarabhasya, Geeta Press, Gorakhpur

3. Isadidasopanisadah, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1992

4. Mundakopanisad, Geeta Press, Gorakhpur

Paper II Advaitavedanta Philosophy (Skt 3086C) Total marks 80 Credits 6 Unit I Brahmasutra with Sankarabhasya 30 2

Ch.1, Pada 1 up to catussutri

Unit II Brahmasutra with Sankarabhasya 20 1

Ch. II, Pada II (sutras 1-32)

Unit III Bhamati on Adhyasabhasya 30 3

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3086C

Advaitavedanta Philosophy

• Analyse the key details of the texts of Brahmasutra along with

the commentary.

• Provide criticism of different Philosophical systems from

Advaitavedanta standpoint.

• Discuss the text Bhamati,a commentary on Sankaracarya’s


Books Recommended:

1. Brahmasutrasankarabhasya, Advaita Asrama, Calcutta

2. Brahmasutrasankarabhasya with the Commentaries Bhamati, Kalpataru and Parimala, J.L. Shastri (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1988

3. Brahmasutra with Sankarabhasya, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi

Paper III Nastika Philosophy (Skt3096C) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Sarvadarsanasamgraha (Saugatadarsanam) 30 3

Unit II Sarvdarsanasamgraha (Arhatadarsanam) 30 2

Unit III History of Nastika Schools of Indian Philosophy 20 1

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3096C

Nastika Philosophy

• Identify the contextual features of Bauddha Philosophy.

• Generate knowledge of salient features of Jaina Philosophy.

• Analyse the history of Nastika school of Indian Philosophy.

Books Recommended:

1. Sarvadarsanasamgraha, Satyajyoti Chakraborty ( ed.), Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Kolkata

2. Sarvadarsanasamgraha with the Commentary of Abhyankara Sastri, CASS, Pune

3. A Critical Study of Indian Philosophy, C.D. Sharma, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,2000

Paper IV Epics & Puranas (E) (Skt 3106) Total marks 80 Credits 6 (Elective, in lieu of Open Course ,

for the students, who will not get

a chance for studying Open Course

in other Departments.)

Unit I An Introduction to the Ramayana, Origin and Development 30 3

of the Story of Rama; Arrangement and the Age of the

Ramayana; Ramayana as a Source of Later Sanskrit Works;

Redactions and Commentaries of the Ramayana

Unit II An Introduction to the Mahabharata; the Age of the 20 1

Mahabharata; Arrangement of the Mahabharata;

the Mahabharata as a Source of the Later Sanskrit Works

Unit III General Introduction to the Puranas with Special 30 2

Reference to the Kalikapurana (Definitions of the

Purana, Mahapurana and Upapurana; Contents of the

Puranas, Puranic Cosmology, etc.)

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3106(Elective Course)

Epics and Puranas

• Obtain the basic theoretical foundation to study the Epic


• Take note of the importance of the Ramayana and Mahabharata.

• Provide general introduction to the Puranas with special

reference to the Kalikapuarana.

• Study the contents of the Puranas with an indepth study of

Puranic Cosmology.

Books Recommended:

1. History of Indian Literature, Vol. I, M. Winterniz, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,1987

2. History of Sanskrit Literature, M. Krishnamachariar, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1974

3. The Visnu Purana, Vols. I-II, H. H. Wilson (ed.), Nag Publishers, Delhi,1995

4. Kalikapurana, Parts 1-III, Biswanarayan Shastri ( ed.) , Nag Publishers, Delhi,1991-92

Paper V Fundamentals of Sanskrit Language Total marks 80 Credits 6

and Literature (Skt 3116)

(Courses Open for Students of Other Disciplines)

Unit I Sanskrit Language in the Historical Perspective 30 3

Unit II Basics of Sanskrit Grammar 30 2

Unit III Sanskrit Literature: Vedic, Classical and Modern 20 1

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 3116 (Open Course)

Fundamentals of Sanskrit Language and Literature

• Acquire knowledge on Origin and Development of Sanskrit


• Get acquainted with the basics of Sanskrit Grammar.

• Introduce the characteristic features of Vedic ,Classical and

Modern Sanskrit Literature.

Books Recommended:

1. The Student’s Guide to Sanskrit Composition, V.S. Apte, Eastern Book Linkers, Delhi, 2009

2. A Sanskrit Grammar for Beginners in Devanagari and Roman Letters Throughout, F.W. Max Muller, Asian Educational Service, New Delhi, 1977

3. History of Indian Literature, Vols. I -III, M. Winternitz, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,1987

4. A History of Sanskrit Literature, A. A. Macdonell, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,1997

5. Elements of the Science of Language, I.J.S. Taraporewala, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, 1953

6. A Handbook of Sanskrit Philology, S.R. Banerjee, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta,1987

Semester IV

Group A

Paper I Sanskrit Poetics (Skt4016A) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Dhvanyaloka of Anandavardhana ( Ch- I, II) 30 3

Unit II Kavyaprakasa of Mammatabhatta ( Ch- IV, VIII) 30 2

Unit III An Introduction to Modern Poetics 20 1

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4016A

Sanskrit Poetics

• Have detailed idea on the Dhvani theory of Sanskrit Poetics.

• Acquire knowledge of Rasadhvani Theory of later Poetists.

• Elaborate the new concepts of Sanskrit Poetics.

Books Recommended: 1. Dhvanyaloka , K. Krishnamurty (ed.) , Motilal Banarsidass , Delhi

2. Kavyaprakasa., Satyabrata Singh(ed.), Chowkhamba Vidyabhavan, Varanasi

3. Abhinavakavyalamkarasutram, Radhavallabh Tripathi, Sampurnanand Sanskrit Visvavidyalaya, Varanasi,2005

4. Abhirajayasobhusanam, Abhiraj Rajendra Mishra, Vaijayant Prakashan, Allahabad, 2006

5. Kavyalamkarakarika , Revaprasad Dwivedi, Chowkhamba Surabharati Prakashan, Varanasi,1977

Paper II Sanskrit Literature and Arthasastra (Skt 4026A) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Harsacarita of Banabhatta (Ch. V) 30 3

Unit II Arthasastra of Kautilya ( Sasanadhikara) 30 2

Unit III Inscription ( Nidhanpur Copper Plate) 20 1

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4026A

Sanskrit Literature and Arthasastra

• Analyse the characteristic features of Sanskrit prose romances.

• Introduce Indian polity after Kautilya.

• Extract the main ideas and details of Inscriptional writings.

Books Recommended: 1. Harsacarita, M.R.Kale( ed.), Motilal Banarsidass ,Delhi

2. Harsacarita, P.V. Kane (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass ,Delhi, 1986

3. Arthasastra, T. Ganapati Sastri (ed.), New Bharatiya Book Corporations, Delhi

4. Inscriptions of Ancient Assam, M.M. Sharma, Deptt. of Publications, Gauhati University,1978

Paper III Modern Sanskrit Poems (Skt 4036A) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Selected Poems of Abhiraja Rajendra Mishra, 30 3

Harshdev Madhav and Radhavallabh Tripathi

Unit II Sati Jayamati of Bhavadeva Bhagavati 30 2

Unit III Prasasti : Stutiprasastimanjari of 20 1

Mukunda Madhava Sarma

( Selected Portions: Prasasti of Sankaradeva,

Anundoram Barooah, Krishna Kanta Handiqui,

V. Raghavan, K.C. Pandey)

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4036A

Modern Sanskrit Poems

• Provide details of modern Sanskrit Poems.

• Introduce modern Sanskrit Kavyas of Assamese writers.

• Give ideas of Sanskrit Eulogical Literature.

Books Recommended:

1. Abhirajasaptasati, Abhiraja Rajendra Mishra, Vaiyayant Prakashan, Allahabad,1987

2. Samastih (Kavyasamgrahah), Radhavallabh Tripathi, Devavani Parisat, Delhi, 2014

3.Alakananda, Harshdev Madhav, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Delhi, 1990

4. Sati Jayamati of Bhavadeva Bhagavati, Dipak Kr. Sharma (ed.), Kitap Ghar, Nalbari, 2005

5. Stutiprasastimanjari by M.M.Sharma , Kameshwar Shukla (ed.), Lokabhasha Pracharasamitih, Puri, 2002

Semester IV

Group B

Paper I Vajasaneyisamhita, Chandogyopanisad Total marks 80 Credits 6

and Brhaddevata (Skt 4046B)

Unit I Vajasaneyisamhita (Ch. XVI Rudradhyaya)

Vajasaneyisamhita (Ch. XXX Sivasamkalpamantras) 30 3

Unit II Chandogyopanisad (Ch. VI) 20 1

Unit III Brhaddevata (Ch. III & VIII) 30 2

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4046B

Vajasaneyisamhita,Chandogyopanisad and Brhaddevata

• Derive the concept of Vedic god Rudra after


• Illustrate the Upanisadic concept of Brahman and


• Interpret the concept of Vedic gods after


Books Recommended:

1. Vedic Selections, Part III., K.C. Chatterji, (ed.), University of Calcutta, Calcutta, 1970

2. Chandogyopanisad, Ramchandra Sastri, (ed.), Vanivilasa Sanskrit Pustakalaya, Kashi, 1942

3. The Brhaddevata,A.A. Macdonell, (ed.), Shivalik Prakashan, Delhi, 2006

Paper II Atharvaveda and Sutra Literature (Skt 4056B) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Atharvaveda 30 3

Kilasapalitanasanam (I.23, 24); Mahadbrahma(I.32)

Vena (II.I); Ratha (VI.125); Dundubhi (VI.126);

Darbha (XIX.32)

Unit II Kausikasutra (Paribhasadhyayah) 20 1

Unit III Gautamadharmasutra 30 2

Prasna I, Adhyaya I, I-32; Adhyaya 3, 1-35;

Adhyaya 4, Adhyaya 5, 1-41

Prasna II, Adhyaya 1, 2, 3, 1-12; Adhyaya 7

Prasna III, Adhyaya 1, 1-10; Adhyaya 10

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4056B

Atharvaveda and Sutra Literature

• Provide interpretations of Atharvavedic text.

• Enumerate the technical terms of Grhya-rites of Atharvavedic


• Introduce the basics of house-hold rites after


Books Recommended: 1. Atharvavedasamhita with the Commentary of Sayanacarya, Vol. I, II & IV, Krishnadas

Academy, Varanasi, 1989

2. Atharvavedasamhita, Vols.I-II, W. D. Whitney (trans.), Nag Publishers, Delhi, 1987

3. Kausikagrhyasutra (Prathamadhyayah), Shreekishore Mishra (ed.), Professor Gopal Ch.

Mishra Publication Series, Seventh Volume, Varanasi, 2000

4. The Gautamadharmasutra, U.C. Pandey, (ed.), Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi,


5. Gautamadharmasutra, Vrajakishore Swain (ed.), Sri Narayan Press, Puri, 1991

Paper III Satapatha Brahmana and Total marks 80 Credits 6

Ritualistic Texts (Skt 4066B)

Unit I Satapathabrahmana 30 3

Kanda V, 5.2.3 to V.3.3 (upto Diksaniyayaga)

Unit II Katyayanasrautasutra 30 2

Adhyaya I, Kandika I & Kandika II (1-9)

Adhyaya IV, Kandikas VII-X

Unit III Introduction to the Srauta and Grhya Rituals 20 1

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4066B

Satapatha Brahmana and Ritualistic Texts

• Provide detailed information on Ancient royal ceremonies.

• Generate the knowledge of technical terms and the ritualistic

applications of Vedic sacrifices.

Books Recommended:

1. Vajasaneyimadhyandinasatapathabrahmanam with the Commentaries of Sayanacarya and

Harisvamin, Nag Publishers, Delhi, 1990

2. Katyayanasrautasutram, Vidyadhara Sharma (ed.), Chowkhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan,

Delhi, 1990

3. India of Vedic Kalpasutras, Ram Gopal, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1983

Semester IV

Group C

Paper I Samkhya-Yoga Philosophy (Skt 4076 C) Total marks 80 Credits 6

Unit I Samkhyatattvakaumudi(Concept of Prakrti,

Purusa, Guna, Moksa, Satkaryavada,Evolution) 30 2

Unit II Yogasutra with Vyasabhasya; Samadhipada and Sadhanapada 30 3

Vibhutipada (only first three sutras)

Unit III History of Samkhya-yoga Philosophy 20 1

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4076C

Samkhya-Yoga Philosophy

• Develop philosophical concepts of Samkhya Philosophy after

the text Samkhyatattvakaumudi.

• Explain the special features of Patanjali’s Yoga Philosophy.

Books Recommended:

1. Samkhyatattvakaumudi of Vacaspati Misra, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi

2. A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy, C.D. Sharma, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,2000

3. An Introduction to Indian Philosophy, Chatterjee & Datta, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, 2011 4. Patanjalayogasutra with Vyasabhasya, Chawkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi

5. Yogadarsanam with Vacaspati Misra’s Tattvavaisaradi

6. Yogasutra with Yogavarttika, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi

7. A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. I, S.N. Dasgupta, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1997

Paper II Nyaya-Vaisesika and Mimamsa Total marks 80 Credits 6

Philosophy (Skt 4086 C)

Unit I Bhasapariccheda with Nyayasiddhantamuktavali 30 3


Unit II Bhasapariccheda with Nyayasiddhantamuktavali 20 1


Unit III Arthasamgraha 30 2

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4086C

Nyaya-Visesika and Mimamsa Philosophy

• Analyse epistemological theory of Nyaya-Vaisesika


• Introduce the critique on Sabda after Nyaya-Vaisesika


• Get acquainted with Mimamsa Philosophy alongwith the texts.

Books Recommended:

1. Bhasaparicchedasamiksa, Deepak Ghosh, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Kolkata,2003

2. Bhasapariccheda, Pancanana Tarkatirtha (ed)., Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta

3. Nyayasiddhantamuktavali, Visvanatha Pancanana, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office

4. Nyayadarsanavimarsah, Dr. Kali Prasad Sinha, Sanskrit Book Depot. , Kolkata

5. History of Indian Logic, S.C. Bidyabhusan, Calcutta University

6. Arthasamgraha of Laugakshi Bhaskara, Chowkamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi

7. Mimamsanayacandrika, Rajendra Nath Sarma, Kaustubh Prakashan, Dibrugarh, 2017

Paper III Advaitavedantic Epistemology and Total marks 80 Credits 6

Contemporary Indian Philosophy (Skt 4096C)

Unit I Vedantaparibhasa: Pratyaksapariccheda 30 3

Unit II Vedantaparibhasa: Visyapariccheda 20 1

Unit III Contempory Indian Philosophy (Swami Vivekananda 30 2

and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan)

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4096C

Advaitavedantic Epistemology and Contemporary Indian


• Elaborate the knowledge of Advaitavedantic epistemology.

• Introduce the Philosophy of contemporary Indian Philosophers.

Books Recommended:

1. Vedantaparibhasa, Pancanana Tarkatirtha (ed.), Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta

2. Vedantaparibhasa, Srimohan Bhattacharya (ed.), Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta,1970

3. Vedantaparibhasa, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi

4. Indian Philosophy, Vol I, S. Radhakrishnan, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi

5. A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy, C.D. Sharma, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,2000

6. Indian philosophy, Vol. II, S. Radhakrishnan, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2006

7. Indian philosophy, Vol. I, J. N. Sinha, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,2006

8. Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Basant Kumar Lal, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1989

Paper IV Contemporary Works on Sanskrit Total marks 80 Credits 6

Literature (E) (Skt 4106)

(Elective, in lieu of Open Course ,

for the students, who will not get

a chance for studying Open Course

in other Departments.)

Unit I Contemporary Works on Vedic Literature 20 1

Unit II Contemporary Works on Indian Philosophy 30 3

Unit III Modern Sanskrit Literature 30 2

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4106(Elective Course)

Contemporary Works on Sanskrit Literature

• Explain contemporary works on Vedic Literature.

• Describe contemporary works on Indian Philosophy.

• Elaborate Modern Sanskrit Literature.

Books Recommended:

1. Literature of the Vedic Age, Vols. I-II, S. Bhattacharji, K.P. Bagchi & Company, Calcutta, 1984

2. Divine Hymns and Ancient Thought, Vols. I-II, S.A. Dange, Navrang, Delhi, 1995

3. The Religion and Phisosophy of Veda and Upanishads, Parts I-II, A.B. Keith, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,2007

4. Rgveda ke Bhasyakar aur Unki Mantrarthadrsti, J.P. Shastri, Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Vedavidya Pratishtan, Ujjain, 2012

5. Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Basant Kumar Lal, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1989

6. Vyanjanaprapancasamiksa, M.M. Sharma, Chowkhamba Orientalia, Varanasi

7. Abhinavakavyalamkarasutram, Radhavallabh Tripathi, Sampurnanand Sanskrit Visvavidyalaya, Varanasi, 2005

8. Abhirajayasobhusanam, Abhiraja Rajendra Mishra, Vaijayant Prakashan, Allahabad, 2006

9. Kavyalamkarakarika, Reva Prasad Dwivedi, Chowkhamba Surabharati Prakashan, Varanasi, 1977

10. Post-Independence Sanskrit Literature, K.R. Joshi and S.N. Ayachit, Nagpur

11. Later Sanskrit Rhetoricians, Anand Srivastav, Eastern Book Linkers, Delhi, 2007

Paper V Sanskrit and Various Branches of Total marks 80 Credits 6

Learning (O) (Skt 4116)

Unit I Polity in Sanskrit Texts: Atharvaveda, Epics, 30 2

Arthasastra, Manusmrti

Unit II Ethical and Didactic Teachings in the Upanisads 20 1

and Srimadbhagavadgita

Unit III Sanskrit Texts on Sciences 30 3

Astronomy, Mathematics, Botany, Geography,

Ayurveda, Architecture

Books Recommended:

1. The Cultural Heritage of India, Vols. I-VI, The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata, 2002-03

2. Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India, R.C. Sharma, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,2001

3. The Atharvaveda and the Ayurveda, V.W. Karambelkar, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Akademy, Varanasi, 2003

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt 4116(Open Course)

Sanskrit and Various Branches of Learning

• Introduce polity in Sanskrit Texts.

• Explain value-based teachings in the light of Upanisads and


• Derive scientific ideas reflected in Sanskrit Texts.



Combined Coursework of M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme

Duration : 6 Months

Total Credits : 24

The Programme involves four papers to be completed in a single Semester .

Each paper carries 100 marks and the pass mark is 50. For each paper, 20% marks will be awarded from Internal assessment. Internal

assessment will include :

Paper I : Literature Review

Paper II : Practical in Computer Basics

Paper III : Term Paper ( not related to the topic of Research)

Paper IV : Oral Test

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs): M.Phil/ Ph.D Programme

After Completing the Combined Coursework of M.Phil and PhD, the students will be able to :

• Produce their dissertations successfully by following correct methodologies.

• Design and present Research papers from the plethora of information derived from Sanskrit textual


• Contribute towards providing quality research in Sanskrit language and literature.

• Provide expertise and training in Sanskrit language Development.

• Develop thorough knowledge of Ancient Indian Scientific thoughts.


Credits : 6 Marks : 80

Unit I : General Introduction :i) Meaning and Purpose of Research, ii)Types of Research (areawise and techniquewise),iii) Research and

Criticism,iv) Importance of the Study of History in Literary and Linguistic Researches

Unit II : General Methodology : i) Planning of the Thesis, ii) Definition of the Problem, iii) Collection of Materials, iv) Consultation of the Source

Materials, v) Types of Sources and Reference Books, vi)Taking of Notes, vii) The Use of Library, viii) The Preliminaries, Title Page, Preface, Table

of Contents and Introduction, ix) The Texts,Chapters ,Sections, Paragraphs,x) Footnotes and References, xi) Glossary, Index,Appendix,

Bibliography, (xii) Signs, Diacritical Marks, Underlining, Abbreviations

Unit III : Textual Criticism : i) Textual Criticism in Ancient Indian Research Traditions, ii) A General Knowledge of the Fundamentals of the

Science of Textual Criticism , iii) A General Knowledge of the Technical Terms of Textual Criticism, iv) A General Knowledge of Indian Scripts

Unit IV: Tools of Research: Acquaintance with i) Bibliographies like Vedic Bibliography by R.N. Dandekar , Bibliography Vedique by L . Renou; ii)

Indices like Vedic Index by A.B. Keith and A.A. Macdonell; iii) Catalogues like New Catalogus Catalogorum by V.Raghavan and such other

Descriptive Catalogues, and Journals like ABORI, IA,JAOS, JRAS, JARS, JBBRAS, Pracijyotih, PO, ZDMG,etc.

Unit V : Traditional Methodology: i) Tatparya-lingas to determine Sangati Like Upakrama, etc. ii) Important Nyayas or Maxims iii) Technical

Terms like Sutra, Vartika, Bhasya, Tika, Tippani, Pancika, Vivarana, Vyakhyana, Prakarana, Pravacana, Grantha, Vidhi ,Anubandha, Karana, Hetu,


Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt CC 1016(Combined Coursework of M.phil and PhD)


• Acquire knowledge of designing the thesis correctly.

• Get acquainted with ancient Indian research tradition.

• Attain a general knowledge of the fundamentals of the science

of Textual Criticisms and Indian scripts.

Books for Reference :

1. Methodology of Ancient Indian Sciences, W.K.Lele, Chaukhamba Surabharati Prakashan,Varanasi , 2006

2. An Introduction to Research,S.K. Das, A. Mukherjee & Co.Pvt.Ltd., Calcutta, 1986

3. Elements of Research Methodology in Sanskrit, K.C. Dash, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 1992

4. Methodology and Sanskritic Researches, R.Basu, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, Vedic Studies, 2012

5. The Wonder that Was India, A.L. Basham, Picador, 2004

6. Research in Education, W.John Best and J.V. Kahn, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 1999

7. Thesis and Assignment Writing, J.Anderson, B.H. Durston and M. Poole, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1970

8. MLA Handbook Eighth Edition, The Modern Language Association of America, New Work, 2016

9. Vedic Index of Names and Subjects, A.B. Keith and A.A. Macdonell, Vol.I-II, MLBD, Delhi, 1982

10.Vedic Bibliography, R.N. Dandekar, Vols.I-VI, BORI, Poona, 1946-2004

Paper II : Computer Application and Ancient Indian Sciences (SktCC 1026)

Credits: 6 Marks : 80

Unit I : Computer Application

i) MS Word

ii) MS Powerpoint

iii) Internet Browsing

Unit II : Environmental Awareness

i)In Vedic Literature

ii) In the Epics and Puranas

iii) In Dharmasutras and Dharmasastras

iv) In Classical Sanskrit Literature

Unit III : Ayurveda

i) The History of Ayurveda

ii) Caraka, Susruta,and Vagbhata

iii) Other Ayurveda Literature

iv) The Concept of Ayurveda and Its Aims and Objectives

Unit IV : Science & Technology

i) Mathematics and Astronomy

ii) Physics, Chemistry and Biology

iii) Geography in Ancient India

IV) Architecture and Civil Engineering

Unit V : Ancient Indian Law

i) Origin and Development of Ancient Indian Law

ii) The Dharmasutras

iii) The Smrti Literature with Special Reference to Manusmrti and Yajnavalkyasmrti

iv) The Nibandhas with Special Reference to Nibandas of Assam

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt CC 1026

Computer Application and Ancient Indian Sciences

• Attain proficiency in computer applications in research work.

• Produce knowledge of origin and development of ancient Indian


• Obtain materials of research from Ayurvedic texts and other

scientific literature.

Books for Reference :

1. Environmental Grandeur in Sanskrit Literature, S.Kulshreshtha (ed.), Eastern Book Linkers, Delhi,1999

2. The Atharvaveda and the Ayurveda, V.W. Karambelkar, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, 2003

3. Cultural Heritage of India, Vol VI,P.Ray and S.N. Sen (ed.),The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Calcutta, 2002

4. The Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, B.N. Seal, MLBD, Delhi, 1958

5. Medicine in the Veda, K.G.Zysk, MLBD, Delhi, 1985

6. A Concise History of Science in India, D.M. Bose, S.N. Sen and B.V. Subbaraiyappa (ed.), Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, 1971

7. Ancient Geography of India, A.Cunningham, Indological Book House, Varanasi, 1963

8. Geographical Essays Relating to Ancient Geography of India, B.C. Law, Bharatiya Publishing House, Varanasi, 1976

9. History of Hindu Mathematics, B. Datta and A.N. Singh, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1962

10.Yajnavalkyasmrti, G.S. Rai, Chawkhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan, Delhi, 2002

11.Manusmrti, J.L. Shastri, MLBD, 1983

12.The Cultural Heritage of India, Vol.I, S.K. Chatterji et al (ed.), The Ramkrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Calcutta,2003

Literature Group

Paper III : Ancient and Modern Sanskrit Kavyas (SktCC 1036A)

Credits: 6 Marks : 80

Unit I :

i)Origin and Growth of Sanskrit Kavyas,

ii) Different Types of Kavyas

iii) Salient Features of Mahakavyas, Khandakavyas, Campukavyas

Unit II :

i)Origin and Growth of Sanskrit Dramas

ii) Salient Features of Nataka, Natika and Prakarana, Katha and Akhyayika

Unit III:

General Studies of the Texts: The Epics and Court- Epics

Unit IV :

General Studies of the Plays of Kalidasa, Bhavabhuti, Sudraka, Visakhadatta, Sriharsa and Bhasa

Unit V :

Modern Sanskrit Literature

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt CC1036A

Ancient and Modern Sanskrit Kavyas

• Study in detail the great Epics,Court-Epics,Lyrics and other

Sanskrit Kavyas.

• Assess the merits and demerits of the works of different

Sanskrit poets.

• Learn about the poetic excellences of modern Sanskrit writers.

Books for Reference:

1. Indian Kavya Literature,A.K. Warder, MLBD, Delhi, 2009

2. A History of Sanskrit Literature, A.B. Keith, Oxford University Press, London, 1920

3. The Sanskrit Drama, A.B. Keith, MLBD, Delhi, 1992

4. History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, M.Krishnamachariar, MLBD,Delhi, 2009

5. History of Indian Literature, Vol III, M. Winternitz, MLBD, Delhi, 1998

6. Complete Works of Kalidasa, Chandra Rajan (ed.), Sahitya Akademi, 1982

7. Bhasa : A Study, A.D. Pusalker, Sanskrit Book Depot, Lahore, 1940

8. Thirteen Plays of Bhasa, A.C. Woolner and Lakshman Sarup (ed.), MLBD, Delhi, 1985

9. Sanskrit Sahitya :Biswin Satabdi, R.Tripathi, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi, 1999

10.A Bibliography of Modern Sanskrit Writings, R. Tripathi, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi, 2012

11.Sanskrit Sahitya Ka Abhinav Itihas, Vishwavidyalay Prakashan, Varanasi, 2007

12.Adhunik Sanskrit Sahitya, H.Shukla, Rachana Prakashan, Allahabad, 1971

13.Sati Jayamati of Bhavadeva Bhagavati (Text edited with Assamese and English translation, Sanskrit commentary and Index), Dipak Kumar

Sharma, Kitap Ghar, Nalbari, 2005

Paper IV : Kavya and Kavyatattva (Skt CC1046A)

Credits : 6 Marks: 80

Unit I :

i) Inscriptional Literature in Sanskrit with Special Reference to Assam

ii) Historical Kavyas

Unit II :

i)The Tales and Fable Literature in Sanskrit

ii) Fable Literature in Sanskrit

Unit III :

General Study of the Prose Works

i) Bana,

ii) Subandhu,

ii) Dandin

Unit IV :

i) Elements of Sanskrit Poetics

ii) Studies on Works of Poetics

Unit V :

Schools of Sanskrit Poetics

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt CC 1046A

Kavya and Kavyatattva

• Extract the characteristic features of the Sanskrit Inscriptional


• Get acquainted with the intricacies of the poetic style of

Sanskrit Prose-romances.

• Understand the traditional and modern views about Sanskrit


Books for Reference:

1. Indian Epigraphy, D.C. Sircar, MLBD, Delhi, 1996

2. Select Inscriptions, Vol I, D.C. Sircar, University of Calcutta, 1965

3. Inscriptions of Ancient Assam,M.M. Sharma,Department of Publication, Gauhati University, 1978

4. A History of Sanskrit Literature, A.B. Keith, Oxford University Press, London, 1920

5. History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, M.Krishnamachariar, MLBD,Delhi, 2009

6. A History of Indian Literature, Vol III, M. Winternitz, MLBD, Delhi, 1998

7. The Dhvani Theory in Sanskrit Poetics, M.M. Sharma,Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 1968

8. History of Sanskrit Poetics, S.K. Dey,Firma KLM Pvt.Ltd., Calcutta, 1960

9. History of Sanskrit Poetics, P.V. Kane, MLBD, Delhi, 2015

10.Natyasastra, R.S. Nagar (ed.), Parimal Publications, Delhi, 1988

11.Kavyalamkarasutra of Vamama, Shri Krishna Suri (ed.), Shri Vani Vilas Press, Sri Rangam, 1909

12.Kavyaprakasa of Mammata, Ganganath Jha (ed.), Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan, Varanasi, 1967

13.Dhvanyaloka of Anandavardhana, J. Pathak (ed.),Chowkhambha Surabharati Prakashan, Varanasi, 2000

14.Kavyamimamsa of Rajasekhara, Sadhana Parashar (ed.), D.K. Printworld, New Delhi, 2000

15.Sahityadarpana with Lakshmi Sanskrit Commentary and Notes, K.Sastri (ed.), Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 1967

16.Rasagangadhara of Jagannatha, B.Jha and M.M. Jha (ed.), Chowkhamba Vidyabhawan, Varanasi, 2011

17.Studies on Laksana-Vrtti, L.Gogoi Chutia, Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd., Delhi, 1999

18.Paninian Influence on Sanskrit Poetics, Shrutidhara Chakravarty, Pratibha Prakashan, 2008

19.Studies in Sanskrit Literature, Culture and Art , Shrutidhara Chakravarty, Pratibha Prakashan, 2011

Vedic Group

PaperIII: Vedic Language and Literature (SktCC1056B)

Credits : 6 Marks: 80

Unit I:

i) Socio-cultural, ii)Religious, iii)Philosophical and iv)Literary Aspects of the Samhitas of the Rgveda and the Atharvaveda

Unit II:

i)Socio-cultural, ii)Religious,iii) Philosophical and iv) Literary Aspects of the Aitareyabrahmana ,the Satapathabrahmana and the Ten Principal


Unit III:

i)Knowledge of the Seers of the Hymn poetry, ii) Knowledge of the Contents of the Hymns: Myths, Legends, Dialogues, Riddles, Rituals, Beliefs

and Magic

Unit IV:

i) Ancillary Vedic texts: ii) Their Characteristics, Contents and Socio-cultural Aspects, iii) Knowledge of the Srauta and Grhya Rituals

Unit V:

Introduction to the Vedic Language—the Grammatical Peculiarities and Accentuation

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt CC1056 B

Vedic Language and Literature

• Get additional knowledge of Vedic Texts to derive the elements

of rich socio-cultural and religious tradition of ancient India.

• Derive thorough knowledge of the seers of Vedic hymn poetry.

• Get acquainted with characteristics, contents of other ancillary

Vedic Texts.

Books for Reference:

1. A History of Indian Literature (Samhitas and Brahmanas), J. Gonda (ed.) ,Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1975

2. Literature in the Vedic Age, S. Bhattacharji, Vol.I - II, K.P. Bagchi & company, Calcutta, 1984

3. Rgvedic Culture, A.C. Das, Bharatiya Publishing House, Delhi, 1979

4. Historical and Critical Studies in the Atharvaveda, S.K. Bali (ed.),Nag Publishers, Delhi, 1981

5. The Atharvan Civilization, Its Place in Indo-Aryan Culture, V.W. Karambelkar,

University of Nagpur, Nagpur, 1959

6. The Atharvaveda and the Gopatha Brahmama, M. Bloomfield, Arsha Prakashan, Varanasi, 1899

7. India of the Age of the Brahmanas, J.Basu Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta,1969

8. India of Vedic Kalpasutras, Ram Gopal, MLBD, Delhi, 1983

9. Facets of Vedic Religion and Culture, Maitreyee Bora, Pratibha Prakashan,Delhi,2009

10.Orient Thought and Culture through the Ages, Manjula Devi, Vidyanidhi Prakashan Delhi, 2017

11.Yajnatattvaprakasa, P.Shastri, MLBD, Delhi, 1992

12.A Dictionary of Vedic Rituals, C.Sen, Concept Publishing Company, Delhi, 1978

13. The Nighantu and the Nirukta, Lakshman Sarup (ed .and trans.),MLBD, Delhi, 2009

14.Brhaddevata, A.A. Macdonell (ed.and trans.),Shivalik Prakashan, Delhi,2006

15. Vedalaksana Texts: Search and Analysis, N. Bandyopadhyay (ed.),National Mission for Manusripts, Delhi, 2017

16. Vedic Grammar, B.P. Bhattacharya, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta, 1986

17. Vaidiki Prakriya, D. Mahato (ed.), MLBD,Delhi, 1987

PaperIV: Survey of Vedic Texts and Interpretation (SktCC 1066B)

Credits : 6 Marks: 80

Unit I

Survey of Original Vedic Texts and Modern Critical Works on the Vedic Literature

Unit II

Traditional Systems of Vedic Interpretation with Special Reference to the Important Ancient Schools of Interpretation, viz. Vaiyakarana,

Nairukta, Aitihasika, Mimamsaka and Adhyatma

Unit III

Methods of Vedic Interpretation Initiated by Swami Dayananda and Sri Aurobindo

Unit IV

Traditional Commentators of the Vedas

Unit V

Western Methods of Vedic Interpretation, viz. Comparative Linguistics and Comparative Mythology

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt CC 1066 B

Survey of Vedic Texts and Interpretations

• Acquire additional knowledge about the survey of original

Vedic Texts and modern critical works on the Vedic literature.

• Develop the salient traits of traditional and modern methods of

Vedic Interpretations.

• Derive knowledge about the traditional commentators of the


Books for Reference:

1. The History and Principles of Vedic Interpretation, Ram Gopal, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1983

2. Traditional Vedic Interpretations, G. Patel, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Delhi, 1999

3. Rgveda ke Bhasyakar aur Unki Mantrathadristi, J. Sastri, Maharshi Sandipani Rastriya Veda Vidya Pratisthan, Ujjain, 2012

4. Sayana, B.R. Modak, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, 1995

5. Sayana aur Dayananda, G.P. Upadhyaya, Satyarth Prakashan Nyas, Kurukshetra, 2008

6. Holistic Approach of the Vedas, Dayananda Bhargava, Maharshi Sandipani Rastriya Veda Vidya Pratisthan, Ujjain, 2007

7. The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads, A.B. Keith, MLBD, Delhi, 1976

8. The Religion of the Rigveda, H.D. Griswold, MLBD, Delhi, 1971

9. The Religion of the Veda, H. Oldenberg, S.B. Shrotri ( trans.), MLBD, Delhi, 1988

10.Prolegomena on Metre and Textual History of the Rgveda, H. Oldenberg, V.G. Paranjape and M.A. Mehendale (trans.), MLBD, Delhi, 2005

Philosophy Group

PAPER III: Astika and Nastika Schools of Indian Philosophy (SktCC1076C)

Credits : 6 Marks : 60

Unit I: Samkhya-Yoga Philosophy

i)Roots of Samkhya and Yoga in the Vedic and Upanisadic Literature

ii)Metaphysics and Epistemology of Samkhya System

iii)Definition and Types of Yoga

iv)Astanga Yoga, Stages of Yoga, Stages of Savikalpa Samadhi and Nirvikalpa Samadhi

v)Problem of Isvara in Sankhya-Yoga

Unit II: Nyaya-Vaisesika Philosophy

i) Padarthas


iii)Atomic Theory

iv)Origin and Development of Navya -Nyaya Philosophy

Unit III: Mimamsa and Advaita Vedanta Philosophy

Mimamsa Philosophy

i)Pramanas in Mimamsa System

ii)Mimamsa Attitude towards Isvara

iii)Vidhi, Arthavada, Bhavana, Karma, Apurva

Advaita Vedanta Philosophy

i)Roots of Monism in Vedic Hymns

ii)Growth of Monism in the Upanisads

iii)Cocepts of Brahman, Maya, Jiva and World

iv)Nature and Various Forms of Liberation

Unit IV: Bauddha and Jaina Philosophy





iv)Different Schools of Buddhism

v)Ideals of Bodhisattva


i)Anekantavada and Syadvada

ii)Theory of Self

iii)Bondage and Liberation

Unit V: Saiva and Sakta Philosophy


i)Concepts of Pati, Pasu and Pasa

ii)Creation Process

iii)Schools of Saivism



i)Concepts of Absolute, Jiva and Jagat

ii)Tantric Sadhana


Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt CC1076 C

Astika and Nastika Schools of Indian Philosophy

• Develop knowledge about Philosophical concepts of Astika

schools of Indian Philosophy.

• Study in detail the essence of the Bauddha,Jaina and Carvaka


• Have knowledge about epistemological and hermeneutic

theories of Indian Philosophy.

• Develop knowledge about the creation theories and

Philosophical concepts of Saktism and Saivism

Books for Reference:

1. The Philosophy of Advaita, T.M.P. Mahadevan, Ganesh and Co.Pvt.Ltd., Madras, 1957

2. Classical Samkhya : A Critical Study, Anima Sengupta, Patna University, Patna, 1969

3. Yoga as Philosophy and Religion , S.N. Dasgupta, MLBD,Delhi, 1973

4. Indian Philosophy, Vol. I – II, S. Radhakrishnan, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1st

published 1923, 10th

Impression 1977

5. A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol I-V, S.N. Dasgupta, MLBD, Delhi, 1975

6. Studies in the Nyaya-Vaisesika Metaphysics, S. Bhaduri, BORI, Poona ,1947

7. The Theism of Nyaya-Vaisesika: Its Origin and Early Development,C.J.S. Bulcke, MLBD, Delhi, 1968

8. Critical Study of Samkhya System, V.V. Sovani, Poona, 1935

9. The Philosophy of Nyaya-Vaisesika and Its Conflict with Buddhist Dignaga School, D.N. Shastri, Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan, Delhi, 1976

10.Purvamimamsa in Its sources, G.N. Jha, Banaras Hindu University, 1943

11.Epistemology of the Bhatta School of Purvamimamsa, G.P. Bhatt, CSS, Banaras, 1962

12.Epistemology of the Prabhakara School of Purvamimamsa , Rajendra Nath Sarma, Guwahati,2005

13.The Mimamsa Theory of Meaning , Rajendra Nath Sarma, Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, 1980

14.God in Advaita, A.G.K. Warrier, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Simla, 1977

15.The Concept of Mukti in Advaita Vedanta, A.G.K. Warrier, University of Madras, 1981

16.Contribution of Sarvajnatmamuni of Advaita Vedanta , Sujata Purkayastha Bhattacharjya, Punthi Pustak, Calcutta, 2000

17.Reflexions on Indian Philosophy, K.P. Sinha, Chowkhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 1984

18.The Absolute in Indian Philosophy, K.P.Sinha, Chowkhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 1991

19.The Self in Indian Philosophy, K.P. Sinha, Punthi Pustak, Calcutta, 1991

20.The Philosophy of Jainism, K.P. Sinha, Punthi Pustak, Calcutta, 1990

21.A Critique on Sabda , Ashok Kumar Goswami, Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, 1991

22.Six Ways of Knowing, D.M. Datta, University of Calcutta, 1997

23.The Buddhist Theory of Universal Flux, Satkari Mukharjee, MLBD, Delhi, 2006

24.Central Philosophy of Buddhism, T.R.V. Murti, Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1955

25.Aspects of Indian Thought, G.N. Kaviraja, University of Burdwan, Burdwan, 1966

26.Samkhya -Yoga Epistemology, Mukta Biswas, D.K. Printworld, New Delhi, 2007

27.History of Saivism , Pranabananda Jash, Roy and Choudhury, Calcutta , 1974

28.Indian Realism, Jadunath Sinha, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1972

29.The Tantric Religion of India: An Insight into Assam’s Tantra Literature, A.C. Barthakuria, Punthi Pustak, Kolkata, 2008

30. Nibandhakusumanjalih, Rajendra Nath Sarma, Gyan Bharati Publication, Delhi, 2018

31.Gleanings in Indian Wisdom, Hiran Sarmah, Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi, 2016

PAPER IV : Vaisnavism and Contemporary Indian Philosophy (SktCC1086C)

Credits: 6 Marks: 80

UNIT I Philosophy of Ramanuja

i)Concepts of Isvara, Jiva and Jagat

ii)Relation between Jiva and Isvara

iii)Nature and Means of Liberation

iv)View on Maya

UNITII Philosophy of Sankaradeva

i)Concept of Isvara, Bhagavat and Brahman

ii)Concept of Bhakti

iii)Types of Bhakti

UNIT III Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi

UNIT IV Philosophy of Vivekananda

UNIT V Philosophy of Rabindranath

Name of the Course Course Outcomes

Skt CC1086 C

Vaisnavism and Contemporary Indian Philosophy

• Acquire knowledge about the philosophical views of Ramanuja

and Sankaradeva.

• Analyse the philosophical ideas of contemporary Indian


Books for Reference :

1. Indian Philosophy, Vols. I - II, S. Radhakrishnan, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1st

published 1923, 10th

Impression 1977

2. A History of Indian Philosophy, Vols I-V, S.N. Dasgupta, MLBD, Delhi, 1975

3. Vaisnavism: Its Philosophy, Theology and Religious Discipline, S.N. Srinivasa Cari, MLBD, Delhi, 2005

4. Early History of Vaisnava Faith and Movement in Assam, M. Neog, Department of Publication, Gauhati University, 1965

5. Sankaradeva and His Times, M.Neog,Department of Publication, Gauhati University, 1965

6. The Philosophy of Ramanuja, A. Sengupta, Chowkhaba Sanskrit Studies, V.55, Varanasi, 1967

7. The Philosophy of Ramanuja, J.N. Sinha, Sinha Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta, 1972

8. Studies in Gandhism, N.K. Bose, Indian Associted Publishing Co.Ltd., Calcutta, 1940

9. The Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, D.M. Dutta, University of Wisconsin Press, 1953