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Dental Water Picks

By: Jake Lei

It has only been the last few decades that oral hygiene and keeping your teeth clean has really become a focus. Before this time, little was known about how to keep your teeth clean, and even less, there was less emphasis on the importance of it. Nowadays, beyond the tooth brush there are all sorts of different little gadgets and products that make keeping your teeth clean easier and simpler solutions that are more effective. Among the best of them are dental water picks. Below are a couple of the best things about using dental water picks:

Easy and Fast to UseBeyond the older models of water picks that have been available historically, they are improving the technology. Still, among my favorite is the Waterpic Ultra Water Flosser, but if you are looking for a more time saving option, then perhaps the Redibreeze Oral Irrigator or Showerbreeze Oral Irrigator would be your preference.The Redibreeze Munddusche Test hooks directly to your faucet in the bathroom. This means that to get it going all you have to do is turn the water on to your sink and flip the switch and it automatically turn on. People have been raving about the productivity and easiness to use this.If you are more of a shower hygiene person, such as myself who shaves in the shower, brushes their teeth in the shower, etc, then the Showerbreeze is going to be great for you. It, like the Redibreeze, stays hooked up to the shower head all the time. Flipping a switch will turn the Showerbreeze on and you are ready to start cleaning your teeth and removing the plaque.

More EffectiveIf you are someone who really wants to have clean teeth and get rid of the plaque that builds up quickly, then a dental water pick is best for you! Studies from a Nebraska case study indicated that using a water pick regularly is up to 93% more effective than flossing. Flossing is good for between your teeth, but plaque also builds up around the gums and this is also an area that is hard to reach with a standard toothbrush. For this, a water pick is really going to improve the look of your teeth, your smile, and how long your teeth remain clean throughout the day.

InexpensiveThe biggest concern for a lot of people wanting to get into better oral hygiene is that it can be expensive. Temporary solutions such as teeth whitening products can quickly get expensive if used on a regular basis. However, Munddusche Testsieger is a one time purchase. The vast majority of people do not need to spend more than about $40.00 on a water pick. If you have braces, you might spend somewhere around $50 to get one with a orthodontics tip on it allowing you to more effectively and easily get around the braces.

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Beyond that, you aren't looking at having to spend a lot, and you have a solution that will last for years hopefully.