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  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns



    Adjectives andPronouns

  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    Which flag?

    THIS flag.

    Demonstrative adjectives andpronouns DEM!ST"#TE$

    %hich means &sho%.'

  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    English has t%o sets ofdemonstrative pronouns(

    Do )ou %ant

    THIS apple?

    !o$ I %ant TH#T


  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    *ut %hat if there are TW apples?

    +ou %ouldn,t sa)$ &I %ant thisapple

    ' or &I %ant that

    apple.'S-""ISE/ In English$ )ou have to change

    demonstrative adjectives to ma0e them agree in

    num1er %ith the noun(

    I %ant THIS apple. *-T . . . I %ant THESEapples.

    I %ant TH#T apple. *-T . . . I %ant THOSEapples.

    Spanish loo0s a little less strange no%$ huh?

  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    Spanish Demonstrative #djectives(

    masc. sing. este 2this3 ese 2that3 fem. sing. esta 2this3 esa 2that3

    masc. pl. estos 2these3 esos 2those3

    fem. pl. estas 2these3 esas 2those3

    Watch out for the masculine forms( remem1er that$ %hile themasculine singular ends in e$ the plural ends in os. Don,t getmi4ed up and %rite &esto' or &estes.'

    !otice that the onl) difference 1et%een &este' and &ese'$ &esta'and &esa$' etc.$ is the &t'. Ta0e the &t' out of &este' 2this3$ and)ou have &ese' 2that3. student of mine remem1ered it this%a)( 5This, and 5these, have t,s6 5that, and 5those, don,t.' In other%ords$ the %ords that mean &this' and &these' have t,s in them2este$ esta$ estos$ estas36 the %ords that mean &that' and&those' don,t have t,s in them 2ese$ esa$ esos$ esas3.

  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    7uess %hat( Spanish has TH"EE

    demonstrative pronouns(

    Do )ou %ant thisapple?

    89uieres estaman:ana?


    Do )ou %ant thatapple?

    89uieres esaman:ana?

    !o. I %ant thatapple %a) over there.

    !o. 9uiero aquellaman:ana.

  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    ; &Este' 2&this'3 is near the spea0er.

    ; &Ese' 2&that'3 is not near the spea0er.


  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    ms= masculine singular

    fs= feminine singular

    mp= masculine plural

    fp= feminine plural

    ms este 2this3 ese 2that3 a

  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    >lic0 here to go to a 1rief practice.

  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    What %e,ve discussed so far is demonstrative#DE>TI@ES. #djectives descri1e nouns(

    9uiero estaman:ana. I %ant thisapple.

    !o% %e,ll tal0 a1out demonstrative "!-!S.ronouns ta0e the place of nouns(


  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    +ou %ould !E@E" sa)$ &9uiero ese uno' for &I %antthat one.' +ou,d just sa) &9uiero Ase.&

    9uiero eseli1ro. 9uiero Ase.I %ant that1oo0. I %ant that one.

    9uiero esosli1ros. 9uiero Asos.

    I %ant those1oo0s. I %ant those.

    9uiero a

  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    This %on,t 1e on the test$ and )ou can s0ip this slide if )ou li0e.Ho%ever$ if )ou stud) the 1oo0$ )ou,re going to see &esto$'&eso$' and &a

  • 7/24/2019 Demonstratives Adj and Pronouns


    >lic0 here to go to )our home%or0 e4ercise.