Download - Demonstration speech "Need Help Organizing??"


Cringe at the thought of studying??Jumbling thoughts? Need Help Organizing?Want to Help a friend and convey your idea?

SmartArt??What is SmartArt? Organizational Templates available on Microsoft Word and PowerPoints 2013 and up

What do you use SmartArt most often for? The most common I would use is Hierarchies, However the pyramid and cycles

follow behind closely.

Why is Organization Improve Grades? Because psychology say’s are memory uses “Association/Accommodation” Meaning

we don’t learn without categorizing new terms to belong somewhere. Example a child knows what a horse is and see’s a new

animal (zebra) and calls it a horse to because it has 4 legs which is how the child defined the animal. This is an example of how

we learn later on when the child learns the new name the animal will become zebra but fall into the (category) 4 Legged animal.

When did you learn about SmartArt? I became burnout from drawing in my Anatomy class last semester which got amazing

feedback from respect of teachers however I was seeking a new method of escape and the fact that I learned in a quick time

frame means YOU can too.

What was your objective in Teaching us this? My goal is to make you Aware of a different method that I found most effective

for studying. I am going to show you all how SmartArt is a useful tool in improving memory for various classes and organize ideas in a systematic way depending on the purpose.

Materials NeededSmartArt??

1. Present the material in front of you that you wish to Organize2. You will need access to PowerPoint & Microsoft word (Stay current & updated! I use 2013 at home)3. You will need your Brain “Remember who is in control” it’s not magic it can’t do the work for you!!!!

I forgot Where is it Again!!!??! Basic Steps

Open PowerPoint or Microsoft

(I use 2013) The higher the year the

more updated

The above Top Bar



The above Bar look for

the “illustrations

unit” SmartArt

Between Shapes on the Left & Charts on the


When selecting SmartArt Notice the

various Option…

I will give a few Basic Examples of

when to use the most common formats in the slides below.


Fill Colors!!!

1. Select shape

2. Look above Smart Art Tools

3. Choose (format)

4. The shape fill will be available on the LEFT side

wordArt Styles

Creative Text!!!

1. Select the text FIRST in the SmartArt

2. SmartArt tools will be available “Format”

4. Font styles & Size are available in the FONT unit area will on the right side of wordArt Styles

OralCavity & Salivary Glands

Pharynx Esophagus


(HCl, Pepsin)

DuodenumJejunum IleumCecum

Ascending Colon

Transverse Colon




Rectum Anus

“Journey of Food” alimentary canal



Cavity Pharynx

prove it!!!!(Can it really be Used in All subjects)??

Future Medical Students here is an example!!Combined with the visual your “golden”

I choose Food Because might as well since your going to be snacking today…. We can all relate

When to use Cycles??Grade school teaching children Water Cycle, Rock cycle OR CLASSIC CATEPILLAR BUTTERFLY, Even higher education Such as the avoided Krebs cyclePlug it in…… Could print handouts as a teacher? For students to learn. It allows a child to think & learn with trainingWheels of not actually thinking about what method of organization to use

Compare/Contrast…. Historical Figures, Countries, Book Characters??

United States





*Public speaking skills better sooner than later

*Faster done closer to my Goal


*Really fast


Want to list out Pro’s or Con’s for anywhere from a Debate essay in composition Rhetoric to Life decisions…. Is it worth Dating that guy?

Maymester Public speaking?????

Classic Maslow’s Needs??Self






Subject Example: Psychology

speech Outlines YOU CAN’T FOOL ME!!!!Subject Example: Public SpeakingMrs. Pisani This is For YOU Choose a



Attention Material

Tie to audience

Thesis Preview


Main Point 1

Subpoint 1

Optional Sub-Sub point 1

Sub-Sub-Sub Point 1

Sub-Sub Sub Point 2???

Sub-Sub point 2

Subpoint 2

Main Point 2

Subpoint 1 Subpoint2

Main Point 3

Subpoint 1 Subpoint 2


Final Review Tie Back to

audience Concluding


There is Numerous ways to use SmartArt to Benefit students, teachers or anyone or presenting material in a professional manner.

Teachers can benefit from teaching & presenting material in a systematic style for students to be able to convey ideas better

Student can Benefit from organizing material as a studying aide

SmartArt has benefited my life over the very recent semester and I hope it now can possibly impact your life too! Don’t thank me; thank the software Engineer who thought of such a brilliant idea!!

Tell Me Your Opinions? What Study SYSTEM Do YOU use in School?


(ilana) SmartArt

Improved Memory/ Higher


Contact: [email protected]