Download - Demand Grants 2010 11

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    Ma *limp(3ie415rt1c1


    1 149ff 394 r w 7 r tirD E T A IL E D D E MA N D S F O R G R A N T S(2010 -11)

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    rim lerTABLE OF CONTENTSra #3941ff ifig Wifitir1 3it4 *BM 66 - 3IFT14W w r z t2 4R441 tt TunasT tr anquii wrrrea Tiziarr taaourT tzRit =Matu i

    3 tetrerzr facni t *sitv ark ' nra *KOw r4 sm-i i i t ratr raw( 'tiviiidi 31 . -14r4 Sr 3rzrzr4r * faru r E r v r 4 t m- r i t Z T T a r5 25war 71* 3frf Fr# 3Tfirq* ark g 3iTztaRT-fifM U RI *f d tcld MIT* Thl facitou6 2010-11*rawawa t m e t t ir4R *dr w mill. al* Z I T N T 6facitur7 4 aritrart ay . T r i o -R*14-am8 8v *Rant WIT * 4 diliA I ava 31 ate, 2009 MI *big i

    d iiiegi MI* zrer firatur9r'r zr1-4-4r *4rFzr t if144C 11 ma tl ikaaldnit * My mum 9404 E r r m r f a t r o r r10 4 fr 2010-11'31' 11T tito4 faomi Th't Matta 1 2/5V al*Thrlfrt * 10ftg al** il4 IN-el ide 5 afar Trig * 311tR5 'KM S 1TT4sT#4 1 14a Air ftegur11 MT4 31 -104 -5 Ebt5 Trier 3fer4T FR I 3l itrW alga ZIT# *TM Thl 11arkr12 nRa wpm aTifta Mit 11 critzret 10 war *Er** arftrth .2394ra ## mat 3i' %mit *r nri -A z r r g t N i f c 1 u o r

    13 4* 2008-09 *ir *MD* itiflorri / C A I3t c f 1 q j c l 5 W T W T E M ( 3 1r 4 - t) 3T2P1T 10 Mil FQLT (31arerA) Detailed Demands for Grantsa ge No.Demand N o. 66- Ministry of Minori ty A ffairs1-21Statement showing Demand-wise estimated strength of2-25Establishment of the Ministry & provisions for Salary &Travel ExpensesStatement showing contribution to International Bodies6Statement showing detai ls of provisions for payment of7Grants-in-aid to Non-Government bodiesStatement showing broad d etails of Non-plan expenditure8provisions costing Rs.25.00 lakhs and aboveStatement showing summary of the object head-wise9-30aggregates of the total provision 2010-11Particulars of the new service/new instrument of services1-33Statement showing Guaran tees g iven by the Central Govt.4outstanding as on 31st M arch 2009Statement showing p rovision for external ly aided projects5in Central PlanPar t i cu la r s o f G overnment Proper ty o f va lue exceed ing6rupees f ive lakhs proposed to be t ransfer red/gifted to Non-Government bodies in 2010-11Works Annexure- Details of Individual works costing Its.57Crore or aboveStatement showing source of funds for grantee bodies8receiving grants of over Rs.10 lakhs per year fromconsolidated funds of IndiaStatemen t showing Grants- in-aid exceeding Rs. 5 lakhs9-42( recurr ing) or Rs.10 lakhs (non-recurr ing) sanctioned toprivate inst itut ions/organisat ions/ individuals during theyear 2008-09

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    *EST 66.41taaiitsiait IST4 *ragNo.66- MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS

    Revenue tuoutco25,00,37,00

    capi ta l O M1,15,00,00

    Total Op205,15,37,00

    a t a S a m e , s eDEMAND NO. 66


    E R Z 3 4 7 1 11 1 WBudget Estimate

    tiV1 tiRevisedEstimate2009-10009-103ff4k,aiI1z117 a r t z t t a a rr z t r aar- Ar-ftim

    Plan Non-Planlan Non-Plan a s m s : Revenue Sectiono f ta m o m n a u t l ia r * a t 2251 Secretariat- Social ServiceRan ef t (Major Ham00.090 Secretnial(Minor H ead)P Io n g 04 4 4 4 * C i e M R t 18 Ministry of Minority AffairsigflffIja 01 Esoililishmant4,60,00 4,60,00 Am 18.01.01alaries6,00 18 .01.02 Wages0,00 mom ,5,00 18.01.03 Overtime Allownace,00 vase / fZ SW

    10,00 M A O R a t f fi g r r Y r E r r t 18.01.06 Medical Treatment30,00 noo erg zwir UPI 18.01.11omestic Travel Expenses10,00 9,00 %kV ATV MI 18.01.12 Foreign Travel Expenses

    Charlet PAWVotedrata rprThe details are as 'follows :

    clIttl lqlActaals

    2 0 0 1 1 - 0 931T2117w r -


    Plan Non-Plan



    Maw Imiznttbmisands of Rdpees)

    IRE 39711RBudget Estimate

    2010-113iTztrstar aI$a t

    Plan Non-Planotal4,00,00 4,00,0015,00 15,005,00 5,00

    10,00 10,003 3 , 1 1 0 33,0012,00 12,00

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11



    31REagt 3 iT4traPlan Non-Plan


    2I7C 392:BWBudget Estimate2009-10arrztrx4r actztraA T -Plan Non-Plan



    *We 34,rtaRevised Estimate2009-10

    3 1 T 4 0 2 i A T antsartamPlan Non-Plan


    33,950,000,00 33,950,000,0033,95 4,86,680,00 7,24,000,0033,95 4,86,680,00 7,24,000,00 3fut A S r f ZICE=2251.00 .090.18 .99ultaffrigt*5=2251.00 .090.18-315I:twr* zfftzt7,01,70 3 1 5 = 2251.00 .090-,e camzi7,01,70 als: 2251ainizr-1Pea *W feft33,95 4,86,680,00 7,24,000,00 7,01,702IC R 3 : 1 0 T ,D E M A N D S FOR G RANTS, 2010-11(PR *Call(In thousands of Rupees)117E ardzIr4Budget Estimate2010-113f f2 :117gf 31f417*- Plan Non-Planotal 1,45,00,45,0018.01.16 Pu blications5,005,0018.01.20 011ie:A dministrative5,005,00Expenditure18.01.28 Professional Services0,000,00Total-2251.,60,00,60,00Establishment99 Information Technology18.99.50 Other Charges0,000,00Total=2251.,000,00Information TechnologyTotal=2251.00.090.18-0,00 6,60,00,10,00Ministry of Minority AffairsTota1=2251.00.090-0,00 6,60,00,10 ,00SecretariatTota14251- Secretariat-0,00 6,60,00,10,00Social Service(Major Head)..,86,68,24,00,01,70 *1444 CLIZIMOM3 1 u t %ya m e t , toimam traTO . a l s t2251 .00 .090 .18.011 , 7 4 0 1 18.01.13 Office Expenses

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11



    311a1aRT 3114117RI -

    PD.Plan Non-Plan

    81We 3192r4Budget Estimate2009-10arrolaor mota

    R E -Plan Non-Plan

    (Pi r t W R I T A )(In thousands of Rupets)awe now

    Budget Estimate2010-11

    motaor mota1 1 3o r no n Non-Planotal

    13,00,00.3,00,00 13,00,00.3,00,00*NT 66Ntitsitic0ge riff* atiliWZrN o . 6 6 - M I N IS T R Y O F M I N O R I T Y A F F A I R St12111Qc1393raRevised Estimate2009-103TRItaHTPlan Non-Plan 2225 %Vete teScheadedsnria, C M O s , SAS'SThins$41:85***50ititthele A t e r ) 480 G o n g( S u b -1 6M H e a d )102 Aid to V ohmtaryOrganisadons(Minor H ead)04 Free Coaching and AlliedScheme for Minorities02 Fat Coaching and AlliedScheme04.02.31 Ganis-intd.OenarilTotal-2225.80.102-Aid to VoltmtayOrganisations (Minor Head)

    800 Wax Expenditure(Minor Head)

    08 G rant-in-aid to MaWanaAzad Education Foundation



  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    4 3904a t t n ,DEMANDS FOR GRANTS, 2010-11

    *Ultra WMRevised Est ima te2009-10arrzitaPlan Non-Plan

    PT{ *Mit if)(In thousands of Rupees)Raft 3141ER

    Budget Estimate2010-11

    3 1 R I a R Trt111a1 5 Plan Non-Planotal41 4 -t7Aetnals2008-093Trzfram antiSir -Plan Non-Plan aka e 3KARBudget Estimate2009-103ITzlInfR117e,a r-Plan Non-Plan60,00,005,94,242,02,55


    .. 1,15,00,00.10,00,00




    1 ,1 5, 00 , 00





    M E T T r f t t 3I3474-71fftvel3fFifigtga *fagSIT1011114

    Troia 311T 1 2 1 1 T2:41 I T






    Grants- in-aid-GeneralMedia C a mpa ign forMinorit iesAdvertising and PublicityResearch/studies, monitoring& eva lua t ion of schemesP rofess iona l Service sGrants- in-aid to StateChannelising Agenciesengaged in implementationof National MinoritiesDeve lopment a nd Fina nceCorporation progrumnesGrants - in-aid-GeneralMerit -cum-Mea ns ba sedScholarship for professionaland technical courses forMinoritiesGrants - in-aid-General










    rrarmMgrT r e r z r 31g111an' D t o t t f V C 1 Riff ffira*zprenitev4IPlaci irrAartdwritt Ira;tla.11504

    t ibirrot- r M P U R 13igrftlar0 * fag{ A u gim 31k1 m : r i m e dffiv *fa wrtraImenw c m %t o s m a r 3I341wirq

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11







    8 50 00

    ' 43,00

    30,00 *4IvrPrr an*, 3ittiarlfa418IW1 317M-ii1 4 1141

    4104iitigail * flaqidHasa13, 40,09 iltrrWN */*-- 1 1 P I T A Tm a t *MrOF MINORITY AFFAIRS 564IFIThRizt iNo.66- MINISTRY I R E 3 1 7 1 7 11 qBudget Estimate2009-103fRitadT 3irg laPlan Non-Plan *We 39711-4Revised Estimate2009-10 3 T R I t a R TifzbPlan Non-Man Rag WIT 71)(In thousands of Rupees)WaZ NPRBudget Estivate2010.11 31111/S1 sac(r S Plan Non-PlanotaltooActutds2008-093 r r 4 1 w r s r*la* r -Plan Non-Plan 1 5 /tilt Sectoral DevelopmentPbelit Minorities15.00.31 Grants -in-aid-General15.00.35 Groats for creation of anital16 Pre-Matric Scholarthip forMinorities16.00.31 Gnats -in-aid-Genetal17 Post-Maisie scholarship forIvlinoritiesGreats -in-aid-GeneralMtfulittla AndFeilewship fat tigavityStudents18.00.31 Grants -in-aid-General19 homodonal activities forLinguistic Minorities19.00.31 Grants -in-aid-General 5,00,00 9,95,00.,95,00 1,00, 00,00,00 1,00,00,00 ,007.00.3118

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    6 3 1 -14 7 -4DEMANDS FOR GRANTS, 2018-11(pm( Tcall A )(In thousands of Rupees)

    47e 3rdafaBudget Estimate

    2010-11anzfrawr 3114I7Plan Non-Planon-Plano t a l41 1t1IrActuals2008-09aratraar 3TRI17_.'if-Plan No;Plan W a -C 3 K A I RBudget Estimate2009-1031TAlaRT 3ratraPlan Non-Plan **ft* ar -l a T r a Revised Estimate2009-1011 a -AT 31iztfaPlan Non-Plan

    68,22,41.,52,27,00. 1,52,37,0075,46,60.,62,71,00. 1,62,81,0075,46,60. 1,62,71,00. 1,62,81,00


    7fa4 'rays int Tor. . WRIER arru,stur

    toittret trItOttRtrrq *fm . q 39kinay . 2225.80.800 -

    3 1 F Z Iear. ,alr. 2225.80-i:101TMI-*. W a r n r a t i;;;Ii15 e r ,TzrAtur war eitiiitni torsuercsq-apar ertenicisnef4 - 4Eh t er warm

    1 , 5 0 , 3 0 N a l - a 2 44tom sterra ofttitrftKwdlgI4

    20 St rengthening of the S tatewaqf Boards20.00.31 Grants -in-aid-General4,0020.00.35 Grants for creation of capital,00

    assetsTota1s2225.80.800-0ther,89,91,00Expoodiare (Minor Head)Total:2225.80-General,02,91,00( Sub-major Head)Total :Major H ad "2225",02,91,002235 Social Secur i ty & W elfare(Major Head)02 Social Welfare(Sub- Major Head)

    200 Other Programmes04 Grants-in-aid to watt&

    04.00.31 Grants -in-aid-General04.00.35 Grants for creation of capitalassets





    ..,0 0,00..,49,00,49,00

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    8 394M MOT,DEMANDS FO R GRANTS, 2010-11

    rat 31T417Budget Estimate

    2009-10*We 39;lIg

    Revised Estimate2009-10

    (far{ *Eft lb(In thousands of Rupees)

    1:17C 31IRWBudget Estimate2010-11a f r z t r a R r a n t a -o r -1 5Plan Non-PlanotalcnActuals2008-093871Yrdi .1114.444-Plan Non-Plan 31Tztaho clot-Plan Non-Plan Fct et NMI-a4-1 S l mPlan Non-Plan great am -f ita44 * 1 9 P r o m o t i o n a l A c t i v it ie s forLinguistic Mintiaef^ nim t i larovert.. 20Rtltlr n3a1+ -211ctiRtf i t tnart in *ri & r i m a n l i t ta 19.00.31 G r a n t s - in - S t a m m &20 Merest subsidy onEducational Lam for 40,00 40,00Overseas stitchesVlittrit 20.00.33ubsidies 1,80,00 .. 1,80,0016,10,00 2,00,00 TotalMajor Read"2235" 28,25,00 1,51,00 29,76,0016,10,00,52.30 a l w :t 2250 Other Social Services(Major Head)3Tat todorami t a r O l g z r 00.800 Other ExpenditureKai arzrtht (Minot Head)03 National Cenobite . forrrerzr 3Te4i4 aBE3 r r z t p r Minorities2,69,84 3,15,00 3,21,00 tea 03.00.01alaries 3,30,00 3,30,001 , 6 1-,57 3,003,00 03 .00 .02 Wages03.00.03 Overtime A llownace 2,502,30 2,502,501 , 0 0 ohm,1,50 taw-A n2,44 12,00 03.00.06 Medical Treatment 6,00 6,006 , 004 ir t i i 5 4 441t36,86 40,00 36,00 Eftzrit a r z r 03.00.11omestic Travel Expenses 35,00 35,000 5,00 03.00.12oreign Travel Expenses 5,00 5,004,50 Mgr IT T99,33 1,30,00 03.00.13ffice Expenses 1,20,00 1,20,001,17,00rc

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    c l i ' e ' t itlqiActuals2008-09

    3 4 T 2 E M R 1 3IWVaPlan Non-Planon-Plan

    4-C 31.14114Budget Estimate

    2009-1031141MRT 3ITZE7

    R I-Plan Non-Plan

    3ITIMRevised Estimate2009-10arr4laar mrclaa ra rrm .Plan Non-Plan

    #84166-armiwier 1514 *MgNo.66-MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS4,24,35



    - 10100


    ,r1800 wisitorMUM 38i..flg5,05,00 alit 2250.00.800.03A V MWM:WM antral'.3Tafatam*enz fit sitzmft1,24,50,24,00 4aR3,00,00 ilakrit500 t immitift MET5,00,00 Rave* vat(22,000 . 00 Whilir4T URI5,00,50 Mb! W W I U M27,00 antic-1cl V W7,20 grim1.91,00 atg: ra7

    03.00.14 Rent, Rate and Taxes03.00.16 Remegsit Sashes maiPublicaliom03.00.50 Other charges

    flask 2250.00400.03.Naihaal Commission forMinorifip04 Otbar Menus02 Special Officer forLiagabtic M inorities

    04.02.01 Salaries04.02.02 Wages04.02.03 Overtime Allownace04 .02.06 Me d/cal ThillMent04.0211 Domestic Travel Expenses04.02.12 Foreign Travel Expenses04.02.13 Office Expenses04.02.16 P ublications

    Total: Special O fficer forLispbtic Minorit ies

    mar( btrai to(In thousands of Rupees)gc1 2 1 M T E 1

    Budget Estimate2010-11NiztraRT 317071 8Plan Non-Plano t a l25,005,00- 5,26,00,26,001,35,00,35,004,00,005004 ,50,5022.002.00

    5,00,002 3 , 0 05,00

    4,00,002,0,08, 0 0 , 0 01,07,772,844587ma14,491 , 9 31,42,55

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    Totah 2250.00.800.04-Other MaasTotab 2250.00.800 - Otherexpenditure (Minor Head)Total: Major H ad "2250"

    2552 North Eastern Areas(Major Head)00.449 General {Welfare ofScheduled Castes, ScheduledTribes and Other BackwardClasses)-Aid to VoluntaryOrganisations (Minor H ead)

    01 Free Coaching and AlliedScheme for Minorities

    0 1 Free Coaching and AlliedScheme

    Plan Non-Plan Total..,00,00 2,00,00

    7,26,00 7,26,00

    ..,26,00 7,26,00l01.141,DEMANDS FOR GRANTS, 2010-11Mar{ Wat A l(In thousands of Rupees)Ra e 3 94 1MBudget Estimate2010-11arrztraer 3frzitaar -iRtmarrzfrarrztrarfRfragr - H T - 3 T r z t r a mrr4ufPlan Non-Planlan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan..,42,55 ..,98,00 1,91,00 a: 2250.00.800.04-.3Tmf Zit..,66,90 ..,26,00 6,96,00 air2250 .00 .800 -3rtwe tau..,66,90 ..,26,00 6,96,00 3 1 1 5 : 2 1 7174% "2250"W a-C WITHBudget Estimate2009-10 *WM3931TRRevised Estimate2009-10t-clActuals2008-09a t t o k e l ii z s z i4 1 1 i ) (ant,stunt 3 1 W rMO W tryft**RtruoARCM*lila*

    01.01.31 Grants -in-aid-General 1,50,00,50,001,20,00 1,20,00

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    alp:2552.00.449-art,a a a t t W 3 1 F i 3 ntRo w s i t* *ran0;ass *mit ittr

    3rnett tf7 a r e aRaw mi. *Fawn-awa.vazt raugni..,20,00,20,00

    30,000,00 r'flaTir20,00 20,00


    MittJQMRE NisiActin&udget Estimate200E-09009-10MWMm 3 IWItW m u lw a r m W tae l f -r -Plan Non-Planlan Non-Plan 1 1lkMt(In thousands of Rupees)tar e 3 017 1H 1Budget Unman2010-113 1 1 .41YaH1 a r t a b ra t-Plan Non-Planotal*Ma JitilRevised Estimate2009-10yralaat arrUraPlan Non-Plan Tots-2552.00.449-Ciannal(Welfare ofScheduled Castes, ScheduledTax* tend Other B acksturdClasses)-Md to VoluntaryOrganisations(Minor Head)

    00.450 Genital (Welfare ofScheduled Castes, ScheduledTribes and Other BackwardClasses)-Other Expendiane(WinorHeath01 Researchtstudies, menitaring& evahstion of schemes

    01.00.2E P r o f e s s io n a l S W A M02 Onnts-in-aid to State

    Channetising Agenciesengaged in implementationof National MinoritiesDevelopment and FinanceCorporation programmes

    02.00.31 Grants-in-aid-Gant03 Malt-man-Means basedScholarship for p rofessionaland technical courses ibrMinorities

    1,50,00,50,0050,000,0040,00 40,00

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    1 2 394iff AM,D E M A N D S F O R G R A N T S , 2 01 0 -1 1

    (pion* itCRIT 71)(In thousands of Rupees)

    IraZ 39219RBudget Estimateiltcjlaroat 3 1 -11RActualsudget Estimate *MU 31-111FRevised Estimate2008-09009-1031147FFw 4 r 7o t t rd a r 3 T r t 1 3 1Plan Non-Planon-Planlan Non-Plan 2009-103 1 R 1 1 7 -11 1 2 1 r aa r - f t w .P l a n Non-Plan 2010-11a n z t r - u t t r a .ir gPlan Non-Planotal .0,00,00..,00,00,00.







    TISRIM SPOMVraFtlm o m i g t oo t * thy

    0100.31rants-in-aid-General04 M ulti Sectors ' D e v e l o p m e n tP r o g r a m m e for Minorities

    04.00.31rants-in-aid-General04.00.35rants for creation of capitalassets

    05 Pre-Metric scholarship forMinorities05.00.31rants-in-aid-Coastal06 Post- M etric scholarship forMinorities06.00.31rants-in-aid-General

    07 Computerization of recordsof State waqf Boards07.00.31rants-in-aid-General07.00.35rants for creation of capitalassets










    4 1 4 M E T R O z i t am i w n z e r t ardeMinsitwt

    trit tdttiofft-Winitlit317Tfigre *Mg

    mitt unztraWgreitr otlai 3rerfilgle*fatrA R m l n i u n re f t

    31 1 c 3 i ^1xr r tom a le t toz o rr.n.m.dieka orteiticfr 3?3414tiintterm q(3a-'qwK*fie argrff

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    cit !1r7WIActuals2008-09

    311417AT 33R117RT -


    39711-4Budget Estimate2009-10

    3IT z ha RT 3T IZ I1 7RT -ff.

    39*TaRevised Estimate2009-10

    3fRtfaRI 3f1Z117R1-91m

    Plan .Non-Planlan Non-Planlan Non-Plan80,000,001,50,00,50,00

    eft*vitt aimtani al RR*skew fionoRect

    T h a n 66-dielitfooNcn *Rt *CM3No.66- MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS grog *wit at)(In thousands of Rupees)117"C 393TIRBudget Estimate

    2010-113Willagf Sinn

    P la n No : P la n Total08 Sok= far Loolersbipbrtorlt MinaitY

    08.00.31rants-in-aid-General 1,50,00 1,50,0009 Madam Azad 'NationalFellowship for latorityslams

    09.00.31inots-in-aid-General 3,00,00 3,00,0010 Interest Subsidy oneducational Loans forOverseas studies10.00.33ubsidies 20,00 20,00

    It Buntuliellslvaiguntacintictiviaies for

    11.00.31rants-in-aid-Genets' 10,00 10,0012 Strengthening of the Statewaif Boards

    12.00.31rants-in-aid-General 69,00 69,0012.00.35rams for creation of c a p i t a lants 1,00 1 , 0 u

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    21He 3W:1THBudget Estimate

    2009-103fr4taaf 311Z117H T -

    Plan Non-Plan

    Valhi 3KHIHRevised Estimate2009-10

    3TRIra a r r z t r a .maw! .Plan Non-Plan

    Mel 4)Actuals2 0 0 8 - 0 9

    3TR1raHf 3B2:117a r -Plan Non-Plan

    1 4 39494

    .., 5 0 , 0 0 , 0 0., 5 0 , 0 0 , 0 0 2552.00.450-'0*th-4Sd m u n i c f 3itt 311nfRim a* ream).a*: apt Or255rrr - i w o w { m i**Neu 39- T Ratf 31RZIWA TSMumcmMfa/414IRTR P M '10 t45f enedrig-Ara .1TFEIF3reTf ig40 t f t MC r%r A i-411S*ti TRW41o1.tllr

    D E M A N D S F O R G R A N T S , 2 01 0 -1 1(bwr *tit(In thousands of Rupees)W a e 3.97TH

    Budget Estimate2 0 1 0 - 1 13114iWT Miztf7a r -

    Plan Non-Plano t a lT o t a 1 = 2 5 5 2 . 0 0 . 4 5 0 - G e n e r a l -,47,00,00,47,00,00(Welfare of ScheduledCastes, Scheduled Tribes andOther Backward Classes}Other ExpenditureTotahMajor H ead "2552",48,50,00,48 50,00

    3601 G rants-la-a id to StateGovernment(Major Head)

    03 Grants for Central PlanSchemes (Sub-Major Head)377 General-(Welfare ofScheduled Castes, ScheduledT r i b e s a n d Other as teroidC l a s s e s )- O t h e r G r a n t s

    03 Free Coaching and AlliedS c h e m e f o r M i n o r i ti e s

    .., 4 8 , 8 0 , 0 0, 4 8 , 8 0 , 0 003.00.31 Grants-in-aid-General

    04 Maulana And Nat ionalFellowship for MinorityStudents

    35,005,005,78 2 4 , 0 0 24,00 . term arT4T4-4143TFRIVEWM V ifrorffr onwre Tritzf3 r t a l a r l f f t

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    5,78 34,00 29,00 nrint ari-cm-wir-41a 601.03.377-

    raf Areelab

    5,00,00. IVIRAintirt-TROWrmint oieveintivi * 1 2Bq101119Ril$ fitudatath


    *tow 4-4 istor*gm! arom-4,-4i-Allantittfryt

    * s a t

    IRE WIT4Budget Estimate

    2009-10airEtram 31t41ana l;

    Platt Non-Plan

    n'dI1Qtf 3r inr&Revised Estimate2009-10

    3fIztra arrztraRr-ftPbn Non-Plan

    c nActuals2008-09

    3igh-S1 31RItaRI -

    Plan Non-Plan

    *RR 66-diemesie Wirzt 7hIrga5No.66- MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS04.00.31 Grants-maid-Gareral

    05 Scheib f o r LoadershOthelorimait ofMarotityWarn05.00.31 Granthin-aidkienent06 P romotional Activities forLinguistic 6.Cmoritia

    06.00.31 Grants-in-aid-GeneralTotal...3601.03.377 Gener al-(*elfin &ScheduledCuts, Scheduled Tribes andOther Bacldvard Classes}Other Gana (Minor Head)Tcdt.3601.03-Graids fbrCentral Plan Schemes(Sub-Major Head)

    04 Grants for CentrallySponsored Plan Schemes(Sub-Major Head)378 General-OVelfare ofScheduled Castes, ScheduledTribes and Other BackwardClasses)-Otha Greta'

    (MR14;Rn 7 1 )(In thousands of Rupees)lIfl 1,I1R

    Budget Estimate2010-113 1 111tf4R T .Plan NoZPlan atSTotal1,00 1,0010,00 10,005,00 5,00

    51,00 51,00

    1.00 51,00

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    cirectaC 393I1.iActualsudget Estimate2008-09009-103fralmar 3Trztra - srat-ar EIZItaell-r-ei Delft 39araRevised Estimate2009-10affalsr arrala,armPlan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan63,96,50

    2,70,84,57.61,34,39.70,09,04.4,66,24,50. 88,75,008,73,00,00.1,76,99,00.1,32,79,00.12,71,53,00. 88,75,00 ,73,00,00 ,76,99,001,32,79,0012,71,53,00 MARS*as Ma4% ?aT f latiatfirMalt t itMalt a /TAMe l a r a a r cress-mars'3test riesht ra t i t 1 $ 0 7artaThan tawraw .eta-i-runstVon t r d tdof t t -i r ws *arinn3fFIRDMIllie fa gAfts-14 taalfanmiit wart-WRIRTMgrOallet * ffitiMR%WFRRIT erfaff-ITIRMeras rres Mal th t metersT I MM d12414 t 1 1 . 1 1cOhm oftelaRt--riw a1/2fas st.(alfp3eoi .04.378-iihmsWA /naricf31k ynrr a z a rzERIFID-ref RRala16 3rcr4 An,D E M A N D S F O R G R A N T S , 2 0 10 - 1 1war Tqzft*)(In thousands of Rupees)ZOE ardaTIRBudget Estimate2010-113fiztaRT 3f1M7saf-Plan Non-Planotal03 Merit-cum-Means basedScholarship for professionaland technical coursesforMinorities03.00.31rants-inaid - enotal 1,19,82,00 1,19,82,00Multi SectorsIDevelaiment04 Programme for Minorities04.00.31rants-in-aid-General 12,00,00 ,2,00,0004.00.35rants for creation of capitalassets 12,11,20,00 12,11,20,0005 Pre-Manic Scholarship forMinorities05.00.31rants-n-id-General 4,00,00,00 4,00,00,0006 Post- M etric scholarship forMinorities06.00.31rants-in-aid-General 2,34,50,00 2,34,50,0008trengthening of the Statesvaqf Boards08.00.31rants-in-aid-General 5,49,00 5,49,0008.00.35rants for creation of capitalassets 1,00 1,003601.04.378-General- 19,83,02,00 19,83,02,00(Welfare of ScheduledCastes, Scheduled Tribes andOther Backward Classes)-Other Grants

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    17sir 66-mett t semenTRWNo.66- MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS



    a l s * --36o1iFtrzr* ft rdz iacar-sonr7 1 p 3 s o m m rTRW *woof

    3601.04-Grants for CentrallySponsored Plan Schema(Sub-Major Head)Took3601-Grans-la-aid to StateGovernment(Major Head)3602 G rants-in-aid to UnionTerritory Governments

    03 Gnats f o r Central PlanSchemes (Sub-Major Head)377 General{Welfare ofScheduled Castes, ScheduledTribes and Otter BackwardClasses)-Otter Grants

    01 Free Coaching and AlliedScheme for Minorities

    01.00.31 Grants-in-aid-General02 Maulana Azad NationalFellowship for Minority


    m a n w a f t a t )(In thousands of Rupees)i raZ 31:9T4

    Budget Estimate2010-11

    31TzltrAT 311417fgP l a n No: P l a notal9,83,02,00. 19,83,02,00A 9 , 8 3 , 5 3 , 0 0. 19,83,53,001

    15,005,00coto cnWae 3rpciffActuabudget Estimate2008-09009-1031RitaRT STZtra a i m l-aof 31RIYaelf-Plan Non-Planlan Non-Plan fiefr itra awarffRevised Estimate2009-1031TztrAT 311 -417Plan Non-Plan4,66,30,211. 12,71,87,004,66,24,50. 12,71,53,00 12,002,00TSRMT o3orf-ornitor3CFRitar*Orit *MITAtom anon TT lz lm o t a r t t l it

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    5,00r a r e g r r div-f-11191-42 . 0 0 . 3 1 Grants-in-aid-General,0 0,0 0

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    Is9474 7fr ir ,DEMANDS FOR GRANTS, 2010.11altctlZai

    Actual.'2008-09arrzhaa mita

    R 1 -

    (PR'(In thous of Rupees)

    31-81HBudget E s t i m a t e2010.113intraar mrztra

    W a r WITHB u d g e t Estimate

    2009-103TRItrdi 31T811awH T-Plan Non-Plan

    tt cf 39181HRevised Estimate


    HT-ft1MPlan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan P l a n Non-Planotalm ama Oft t inail .draw5,00,0 0liftlfM 311/8 7- -RPFEW

    +Wing Mgt* ?SW * fag. 4 4 1 49 0 r03 Scheme for LeadershipDevelopment of MinorityWomen03.00.31 Grantwiwaid-Gateral04 P romotional Activities forUnpack M inor ities 10,000,00

    22,00IIiBfrRlt argr+-WPWRI17,0060..03. 3ThatelotatRONrgru0 -17,00m " .3-EatR3TTZfraEll ;41traTtfkr3 1141 n 7nuarrat actinwdtzr uihrf3ignagit T i f I r s i fAv394 w rtars= Philaff4omouter Mir rat -Rag qat ctirmut)-31RT 31HRTH

    04.00.31 Gra nts-in-aid-Genead,00,00Totel-3602.03.317- G enoa&1,001,00(Welke of ScheduledCanes, Scheduled Tans andOtherBackward Claws)-0kt Glint 'Totab .302.03-Grab for1,001,00Central Platt Schemes(Sub-Major Head)04 Grants for CentrallySponsored Plan Schemes

    (Sub-Major Head)378 General(Welfare of

    Scheduled Castes, ScheduledTrans and Other BackwardClasses)-Other grants

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    Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan

    7 1 , 5 5 1 , 1 1 , 0 0 1 , 1 1 , 00

    8 , 0 0 , 0 0 8,00,00

    7 6 , 4 9 2,58,00 2,58,00

    43,22 1 , 9 1 , 0 0 1 , 9 1 , 0 0

    31Ftr88 q *lt rmat* argairal *frn atfte zr m a wTEM *714-109T*1altirail*Mkt r t r ir Rpm tamMum atiel-F-stpu-utOtattfA F 31 51T M3MMIPPOI do favItftwo# twalftWORM 31714-VORTRI3tiwtiatgrttfnigA ftmkt< ine f fa71-1-Wt*1Y 1 w e r 7 1 2 1 4 F "V an isitoszatYtif tat l t argri-111 , 1 T R I1*M tiftfited-iprff1t7 A v . (

    *AT 66 MAWR'No.66- MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS 1 9( r a g w c r z i T(In thousands of Rupees)

    W7C 3971M Er -4C 3931Mcni-ri etY11fbcc 3971MActuals Budget Estimate Revised Estimate Budget Estimate2 0 0 8 - 0 9 2009-10 2 0 0 9 - 1 0 2 0 1 0 - 1 1

    3114rdT 317117a T - argrar 31rztfaF t- 31147-A 11 1 z i t 3 1R r i f t r arrta 311z117A T -Plan Non-Plan T o t a l02 M erit-cum-Means basedScholarship for professionaland technical courses forMinorities0 2 . 0 0 . 3 1r a n t s - i n - a i d - G e n e r a l 1 , 5 0 , 0 0 1 , 5 0 , 0 003 Multi Sectoral DevelopmentProgramme for Minorities

    0 3 . 0 0 . 3 1r a n t s - i n - a i d - G e n e r a l 1 0 , 0 0 1 0 , 0 003.00.35r a n t s f o r c r e a t i o n o f c a p i t a la s s e t s 1 1 , 9 0 , 0 0 1 1 , 9 0 , 0 004 Pm -Mont scholarship form i n o r i t i e s0 4 . 0 0 . 3 1r a n t s - i n - a i d - G e n e r a l 4,00,00 4,00,00

    05 Post- Manicscholarship form i n o r i t i e s0 5 . 0 0 . 3 1r a n t s - i n - a i d - G e n e r a l 3,00,00 3,00,00

    07 Strengthening of the Statewaqf Boards0 7 . 0 0 . 3 1r a n t s - i n - a i d - G e n e r a l 49,00 49,0007.00.35r a n t s f o r c r e a t i o n o f c a p i t a la s s e t s 1 , 0 0 1 , 0 0

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    *m3602.04.378-, 9 1 , 2 6 1 3 , 6 0 , 0 03 , 6 0 , 0 0 3 1 6 E 3602 04 378-General-1,00,001,00,00(Welfare oftdreduledColes, Scheduled Tubes andOche; Badman' Classes)-Other Gans

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    Mill ChActuals

    rdE WITKBudget Estimate



    13,60,00 ar=3602.04-Wind 3ifttraRT**PC t fay 39-cm

    3602-rThaf tift1 44 c 1 1

    3904 OW' titaks: wafer ; l u gta

    75,00,00.,12,50,00.,12,50,0075,00,00.,12,50,00. 1,12,50,00 IfPf 01*"4225" 311341W 71(71, 2010-11DEMANDS FOR GRANTS, 2010-11ERIT ft)(In thousands of Rupees)W re 3ITITRBudget Estimate2010-113114174111417Plan Non-Planon-Plan Total3602.04-Grants for Centrally 21,00,00 21,00,00Sponsored Plan Schemes(Sub-Major Head)Totalot3602-Grants-in-aidto Union Territory 21,31,00 21,31,00Governments (Major Head)TotafrRenenue Section 24,85,00,00 15,37,00 25,00,37,00Cap ital section4225 Capita l Outlay on W elfareof Scheduled Castes,Scheduled Tribes andOther Backward Classes80 General(Sub-Major Head)190 Investment in Public Sectorand other Undertaking(Minor Head)06 National MinoritiesDevelopment and FinanceCorporanon06.00.54 Investment,03,50,00,03,50,00Total: Major Had "4225" 1,03,50,00,03,50,002008-0931141aRT17117RI -Plan Non-Plan 2009-103 T I Z t r a ' A T11417R T -Plan Non-Plan1,91,26 13,60,00 1,91,26 .. 13,82,00 ..5,44,02,09 10,53,58 16,15,00,00 16,50,00 alr iCI I3itt a r n r Mut witsit z i r m u r truzfrarnc u s . .so Q1 3itt3TRI 54toei t *W r e n t m g Q M )up( MF Ri l l aF FitRORT trir fiiti thraFPIIM M T-20 tif 3971FRevised Estimate2009-1031i4om1 31i2taPlan Non-Plan

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    75,00,006,19,02,09 10,53,58


    125,00,0017,40,00,00 16,50,00



    M e ma r g r dhiwssrai r train15,50,00 TA 31Boe 7TaRHENt

    *RI 664risachRar mit 7tirazi1No.66- MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS

    c u r c i f i t a rAetnaIs2005-09

    3 t r z ( t 4 r m a r m t aPlan Non-Plan

    vatJlsr11Budget Estimate

    2009-103 IF4WIT 3 IT 5117

    Plan Non-Plan

    tiVIMRevised Estimate2009-10

    3IT4ra 312117H T- I tI M

    Plan Non-Plan

    (pig(In thousands of Rupees)IIRE 39RMB u d g e t &SOO2010.11

    3TMIRM matsPlan Non-Planotal4552 Capita Outlay on NorthEastern Area00.108 General (Capital Outlay onWelfare of ScheduledCastes, Scheduled Tribes andOther Backward Classes}Investment in P ublic Sector

    and Other Undertakings(Minor Head)

    03 National MinoritiesDevelopment and FinanceCorporation03.00.54 Investment 11,50,00 11,50,00

    Totak Major Head "4552" 11,50,00 11,50,00Total-Capital Section 1,15,00,00 .. 1,15,00,00Grand Total 26,049,00,00 15,37,00 26,15,37,00-Revenue+Capital

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    (In thousand of Rupees)raw* war a11Ri wareniv iamtriatr3970-4V I I R 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 V 3 M V I t 1 7ArStlurnf trAl t r e i u m f*PafrnmarAbler sit 3iftPffitt3 1 7 ;ere** fault VeySsflitowimpifte m at 'OraAVM Of* BRAT /Wit*IOU MR 4.01/ BOAT*WA RP* / Rat Mist Rot*TM * alitulaervirffiqWW31RPtIft1 / ;WMfaaTori ntalmfRar stftOtte3 1 9 1 1 1 -4act/m litttkarb8ffiRRF ift l fbiat wpm"sift Wit tear / *4*;watt WIT* R I C T I O F C r a f tRftic /at vflorAi** aftwerfaatt *fig Name of PostSecretary/ChainnanNice.Chairman/Memebers to NCM/CLMI t . S e c r e t a r yDirector/OSD to MinisterDy.Secy/PS toMinister/DCLMffir.PPSPPS/Add.PS/tJS/PS toChairmsm/LO/OSD/ACLM Actual2008-09 BE2009-10 R E2009-10 BE2010-119527 9268 8182 110503289 4037 3292 4550811 978 890 18703397 5719 3696 49808374 9956 9150 11060 .2780 2256 2838 3540993 2090 2626 32802970 2879 2919 3400332 358 746 84 0Research O fficer/ADs/AOSO/PAOAAO/SO/PS/IstPA toMinister/APSs/SLPSRO/PS22171Ff R01, 2010-11 DEMAND S FOR GRAN TS, 2010-11F I I T R R T 4 t ( 3 F IR T f A R T R a T T* Th* AR1111W (Estimated strength of Establishment and p rovisions thereof)ant I, 2009fl)1st March,2009taw tnross nalt e n #1 1 1 24rain nal nalSrTRF *CT (raw agar 3rianf4M a*fa latipamehnikzif SrPay band G r a d e Status of G r o u p No. of No. of Estd. Estd. posts of Emp. In S a n .Gal Post Post Position S t r e n g t h S t r e n g t hNon-Gaz. 2010 201180000 fazed .. . G at A 1 0 1 0 1 0 1037400-67000 10000 A 4 4 4 437400-67000 8700 If A 1 1 1 215600-39100 7600 A 8 7 9 915600-39100 6600 A 2 1 1 8 20 1 915600-39100 5400 A 1 0 6 1 0 1 015600-39100 5400 " 5 2 5 59300-34800 4800 B 11 8 9 99300-34800 4600 B 2 I 2 2

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    9300-3480020 0 B0ittyOtrintiS/SO/AssttPS/R079 984 948 3980; m a w M -Ifetlzi/ mapitrm3fRamit

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    att fl t8W38111181001 825 *ssiatint/Steno GetWI**mermen/ 3tivir.1817Stono grV PA /Assist imtib*fiite818121*/1181(113191111R n1,141181 A ssistmt/S111/SI/Stasso'CPA/ 2ndMI MS *Sow 3nlederirA/LPA/ActUrans(taduafte.*Alit Atom/ Itttorftnewsrawmfav*PCs (sti 3Vitar* T i m m mit/ miiitraccotmtant/SCD/RA/SA/Astt .fliwinormatItzaramp ** /St* swayes it eno/PA/Act tJAMUR.AMUH T/ItFlIPSR/ 1181815/ OMNIT/PA(Urdu)/Steno Gr .0T w a y ft ;Cr awn/r izrzaw Ma w ar ( s i b /t*i t i f f i R m s .;maw 1AiE V fmnFnwfraat8112118 $11* / 3T814*tenor/UDCM O T 6 6 - . 3 R A M E M a m p m e a tDemand No. 66-MINISTRY OF M INORITY AFFAIRSarat 1, 20091st March,2009 m a r t T E R I A )(I n thousand of Rupees)taws- w e a w e w -41 wet tit maw arqaTM tawrawrft Mamragt Trak-f ;Isar zit* flap *FTTrI1 T11711TinerPay bandradetatus ofroupo. ofo. ofstd.std. San.Pityostsfmp . Inan .Gaz. /os tos tositiontrengthtrengthNon-Gaz.0100119300-34800800 NonGaz.9300-3480060 0339300-3480020 0 B/ C56439300-348002005200-202008005200-2020040055115200-20200900/D8977 await' war mitt waeIF 391TIW39aff3I T H W2008-09009-10 2009-10 2010-1137 0136652 0252813 36704 6079543306225835103076712 52/0106735 $60 88 20221901229 66 80209143995 2050Name of PostctualEEEnattituntffetnu* Pe o n311R 40, Mita ten (styDC/Typi s t (U)/SCD/DR/Daftar i /

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    3i -vw wr, 2010-1124 D E MA N D S F O R G R A N T S , 20104 1

    5200-20200/ 1800/ Non-Gaz. C/D4440-7440600/1400/


    59777Mfir/ ismittarttinvgant rawzry mittartivorgOnaratuwarmi tarar r* / th m t268975049 *IOWtorSaw+ tw o 0600 .6500as s9050 800074097150389950573481230069648Regular Salary=Arrear Salary =Total(Repbe-Arrearls c r a g T t r z T(In thousand of Rupees)zrrffrft irae *ear war39 1 1 0iT h r r39WW WActualEEE2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11Daftan/peon/Atunident/Gest pert 354 007938 364 0J a m a d a r / L i b - A t t e n t3 Saraiwale Sr.Peon/ChaWkidani M alifflarrashPay band Grade Status of GroupPa yostsfG a z . . /os tNon-Gaz. No. of No. ofstd. Estd. San.Emp. Inan.Post Position Strength Strength01 001 1 12CISt MIR Name of PostWO 1, 20091st March,2009a w s u eS 413- gn Erg yds ritt7t 31C WM:TR13111 ITJW Trar tri St *Tere c i7r Air wr37400-67000 PB-4.15600-39100 PB-39300-34800 PB-25200-20200 P13-1

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    DEMAND S FOR GRANTS, 2010-11

    4t 2010-11 t WerC 39111RI* 3Trea7c7 retrIRTi R T 4 T F Z e n * 4 T R T itaiutStatement showing contributions to International Bodies provided in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11

    (e.o11 *T/Z11 )( in thousands of Rupees)

    s k i died aVianT4T4rafFritwar 31TIF *ftfitra agaw7-d . 3931MFAT airr trzi t-4-4Name of the organi sa t ion/Nature andctualsudget E st imateevised Estimateudget Est imatecause of the con tribution008-09009-10009-10010-11126

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    (fnnt r z l i )(In thousands of Rupees)ski rif.141c11 Al T h-l*W4f l tAiNcn 3 t 2 2 r

    nrnSI.No. O rganisation Receiving assistanceroad purpose of assistance ch y le W I T -A 'Budget Est imate (2010-11)A l-sr 3 1 -{ - 1 1 1 -sr

    thctrr 66-3i sit, isiict) MT4aleftl7No.66- MINISTRY OF M INORITY A FFA IRS ;MT IT. 66DEMAN D NO. 6631cAlii4sd-14)It efliefqMINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS

    I t t -TRWAII MM TZII 317rarff *Mg 47-C 3971M 2010-11 71 ,t ive lc ir 394M Th7 AM URProvision in Budget Estimates 2010-11 for payment of Grants-in-aid to Non-Government Bodies

    Planon-Plan2di 00r o w z r z r -d . ' ra g w r it 7 r v a1oluntary Org anisationsree Coaching and A llied Scheme forMinorities 415,00,00

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    DEMANDS FOR GRANTS, 2010-1athr f.66DEMAND NO. 66

    31eqiitseicl) "TZt #1 ,1 Q 1 4 1M I N IS T RY O F M I N O RIT Y A F F A I RS

    ( ( + . . 7 1 1 11 " )(In thousands of Rupees)m a r W r z a k,ru utki 47C 3W1M R2i1ftff 3 9 R E -4 wa-c arlawBudgetevisedudgetEstimate,stimate,stimate,Brief particular of the scheme:-

    2009-10009-10010-112010-11 t Wae #1541"ta 25 MN - t r Z 1 3111* Ili* ST ITT Zil.hardit# WAT ftqui MT* tt-e11141 I*wrou -4RI al 44)Statement indicating Non-Plan Expend iture exceeding Rs.25 lakhs in the 2010-11(excluding provisions of establishment)ilf1101 39-41 -4 (cice-D )rants-in-aid (Waqt),98,00,50,30, 5 0 , 0 028

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    ?ON 21 1 1 4M TM-4-ifTDescription of the Object Head

    ittiZi O ttCode of the Object

    rte3971Tff 2010-11Budget Estimated 2010-11thaatna

    Plan Totalon-Plan(2) (3) (4 ) (5 ) (6 )1 Salaries 01 8.6500 8.65002 wages 02 0.2150 0.21503 Ov ert ime Allovvnace 03 0.0800 0.08004 D omest ic Trave l Exp enses 1 1 0.9000 0.90005 Foreign Travel Exp ensies 12 0.2200 0.22006 Off ice Exp enses 13 2.9000 2.90007 Rent, rates & Taxes 148 Publicat ions 16 0.4400 0.44009 Other Adm inistrative 20 0.1500 0.1500

    Expenditure10 professional Services 28 4.0000 0.1000 4.100011 Other Contractual Services 30

    S I .

    itgZIT 66-31etitiocicailIel449No.66- MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS2010-11traz 3 9 7 : 11 1 T 7 1 ' R P M 2r 1 1 47Tff Dr411Tff 4211*talUiStatement indicating Obje ct provision provided in the Budget Estimate, 2010-11 (Mtg VT* ;1)(Rs. in Crores)30 py pin, 2010-11

    DEM ANDS FOR GRAN TS, 2 0 1 0-1 1crab(Rs. in Crores)

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    S I.No .

    f a z r z r Q t z t z F r i t z r i v rDescript ion of the Object Head

    Stria Ott zFr17"C 3TW 2010-11Code of the Objectudget Es t imate 2010-11Head Plan Total41u1.11 1( 1Non-Plan(1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 )1213



    12 Grants- in-Aid-General13 Subsid ies14 Scholarship15 Grants for creation of capital

    assets16 Lump Sum Provision17 Other Charges18 Investment19 Medical Treatment20 Advert ising and Public i ty

    313 3

    3 43 54 250540 626

    1076 .08002.0000

    1384 .4200

    0 .5000115.0000

    18.000026 0 0 . 0 0 0 0

    1 .5000

    0 .0100

    0 .2050..



    1384 . 4 30 0

    0 .5000115.0000

    0 .205018.0000

    26 15 . 370 0

    **H1d, 3941-4-i1161 1 4-44

    i i t r qMA%tlatitt trItizrftr-wr311 4 1xv:thigla' UratITF31RT WITTf a1 'ft1059T .54741 1

    11(461M T T

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    *RIT-66-3rgrfilPEW T hizi" oi A I e l e l1N o .6 6- M I N ISTR Y O F M I N O R I TY A FFA I RSa* 2010-2011 t itq 4 Tlarialar jRv . 54colui *r A . a r j i r r RazorStatement Showing de tails of New S ervice/New Instrument of Service for 2010-11 M g t % * y e lb{ I t s . in Cures)w a r armf f tac 3 93 T WT t it010-11 al ult rar 304SI. Majorarticularsrovision includedNo. Headn BE 2010-11 Brief O bjectiveminim ZifaaRYPlan Schemes1 2235, Mir 4 WPM'2552 it7 trAm Wit triuftW2.00dd:1'f l 314-6 fawn fayiki oietnitsciw, ns4 * sit TO il19q Inn WValM11%41 %swig cfro4 ard2 # flfonifkd Th74 wi SR#T4 t l

    This new scheme is prop osed to be implemented with the objec t ive of provid inginterest subsidy on education loans to studen ts of Minority Conunu nities selected forpursOing higher studies TIMTitier irmaff *sot tgIC'sire antoinizfdfatiar met ati)04Therflt swim qx11.1 zit argi* ifterr *tti zit ilumr Srsi4Tir werri ti C I1wriffti 1 0 3 1 1R i R c i R c e n .wilfZeur * ATOM di atrIT WitzT anire * is% Nits 1stS #t mire gre it* wr4 awriisisfkiii*g irm afeytixsia) isisi 4 Tempiidf;i4, -Atif aufk*Rig ifr vmeit sir4 f4ali f#zrr 7rar t I is 4anlr Ottlf2010--11y 1 r r f+-41 vimit IInterest subsidy oneducational Loans foroverseas studies2 2235, Val*22 3 5 iWq3601 , TbWArmaI43602 ,2552 1.00

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    32W70 1, 2010-11DEMA NDS FOR GRANTS, 2010-11Otstrg *tr4*)(Rs. in Crores)T r f i t t g 30474 23 7 1 wT r .tr i 'C WITR2010-11 *Si . Majo rarticularsNo. Head Provision includedin BE 2010-11 Brief O bjectiveThis scheme is proposed to be introduced as a measure designed to preserve the minorand endangered languages in the country and p romoting multilingual environment thatshows due respect for all expressions of cultural diversity. It has also been decided toprovide facility for translation of all the important rules, regulations, notices, etc. in theminority languages of the States at the indentified local district/ tail/ m u n i c i p a l i t ylevel, where the speakers of the minority languages constitute 15% or more of the localpopulation as provided in the nationally agreed Scheme of Safeguard for LinguisticMinorities.PT 91f tdotif 45 riemoat arum 1$4 4 100% f l i v i t uoot *wutit -d1 - m74 th-r worm t thumr t crnaktpi 11 -4-4 toleare:Hiew *flawiorti/trtworl) tiocsiVatociatit * will tf fitvtivif I%n-if VT W hozi TAt Zieketitvicp ti3qttif i 3 11RT e # f i ts u g e r f T T n i R rti fA/iwir Tam tPromotional A ctivitiesfori n g U i s t i cMinorities3 2235 I** 31F14*T r 5-4rui Mt aired 1 3 1 -zuu qv ThOur t t4 ' n t i t 1 . 0 0Scheme for containingpopulation decline ofsmall minorities This new scheme is proposed to be introduced as a Central Sector S cheme with 100%central funding as grants-in-aid. The Scheme will be implemented through theorganizations/NGOs/societies of the small minority community concerned. Theobjective of the scheme is to arrest the declining trends in popu lation of a smallminority community.

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    I IVER-66-3 IFTf iwi rWillelq3No.66- MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS * E r z i 7 1 )OJT WW1ntre 393TIWe l *010-11 MUM' (Its. in Crores)3tizrSl. Majorarticularsrovision includedNo. Headn BE 2010-11 Brief O bjective4 2235, iMI TOW fl W.0 0iT Wi /1/Wr wr wrz r twr# a -40 il Toiw ligaff iretzr Trf2enr*94 1rf44 -4# #2235 tg4lmeu1i lift diritlldif * nepoir if met *r -41 t 1 eilui-ir * urd votr 'era fl *3601,i14roll * ftv ,osiefor arp* klycier *RA fi7 Weitz! t I WW1 tr4tF i t fe t3602,rzf ffitylc-r # iitiri * wrzr zmw tiRtiatif t tilim-r Ifter fk7 *TioNTI ft -42552JIM 111-041*ft7 tlytair # Rim 71

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    waft T r % m u t w z m i . a b(All Amounts in Lakhs of Rupees)

    # 1 1 1llt ckalunc - 1TITTWatt t *ION{ CRT3 1 W I T T4)tir zmitiornt Z i f t T E N z tcrres03 I t T a -4-4Whether anysecurities andpledged toGovt. as a set-off againstguarantee

    Pa ym en t i f Rem a rksany, made byGovt. inpursuance ofthe guarantee

    3iTcw *4, 2010-11DEMA NDS FOR GRANTS, 2010-11i414 *Whi t CRTtf 14 - Iff431fa MIT 31 M t, 2009 zbt am en21i4 41RT



    31Ttitqw difia c15T Tzr-f t r &m Sa r a Tnr Trim4v mft-eNtr mitIn e rt t Kra wgzrra r l i r wtiR.coram)S I .ame of the Nature and extent Rate of Maximum Sums guaranteeNo. Instituion for of guarantee (with interest amount of and outstandingwhom guarantee No. & date of the involved if guarantee for as onhas been given sanction) any (per centannum) which Govt.have enteredagreement 31.03.2009dilia31.03.2009cominUrn

    1 3 6 7 8

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    *RH' 66a e44tiisticri Th74 aiii445N o.66- MIN IST RY OF MIN OR IT Y A FFA IRS tiftft-DC-3APPENDIX-IX-B*aka fkketr 41f44< - 1 1 um trittsniff W { arZT Mg 4 44 N nalicui crrou -4P R OJE CT -WISE P R OVISION FOR E X P E N DIT U R E ON E X T E R N A L L Y A IDE D P R OJE CT IN T H E CE N T R A L P L A N

    wart TERI al)(In thousand of Rupees)TatPM uIk4h *n i Zi7ut-drag,*Re3rlsar .4a -c 3Mair4Major head Name of thectualevised Estimateudget EstimateProject008-09009-10010-11wattzrac tatrzrar tratzract1fl+4c111712TR #r t z r i f #1 -1VarIrtrITMTTRP1"Ir1171' Terrr-serBudget Support Of which extent Budget Support Of which extent Budgetf which extentaid throughid throughupportid throughBudgetudgetudget1-2FT-NIL

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    3694 M ;OW, 2 0 10 - 11D E M A N D S F O R G RA N T S , 2 010 -11trItRIF isc

    APPENDIX-IX-G310 4iiisa-l4) Wit 4 4 .1 1 1 e 1 4 4MINISTRY O F MINORITY A FFA IRSMt 2010-2011 **1 't ar4 Z I TAE W I T T R T -4*1 7i*art 5 RTIN W4*Atm tumuli Tirrt FT 11atu l

    Particulars of Government prope rty of value exceeding Rupees five lakhs proposed to be transferr ed/gifted to non-government bodies in2010-11atir Ti. 66Demand No. 66w. Tr .1:2rwr - ftu**r m -a art ZIT 543Ttaarmfra.fErFcr 7r4 art TicrlC: K R !IT S' I' Wfri ZIT 541;iiOr 7r4ryr f ac ru f lSI. No. Details of property to be transferred or gifted Book Value To wh om propose durpose ofemarksto be transferred or transfer or giftgifted1


  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    *MT 66-3iewitroon 15R1r*WIMI7No.66- MINISTRY OF M INORITY AFFAIRS

    terfftA P P E N D I X - I X - E

    Mitt t ie146-14)Works Annexure

    5 catIi1 Titl 3iitM St F177 EIT -4tnitiTDetails of Individuals works costing Rs. 5 crores or above(In thousand of Rues)wit wr nitu- r E r '13TIRif4 -6 2008-09 *3iff * 2009-10 *inT 3 a 4 2010-11 *

    eildlciilt-cif -act, URIlilvl *WM? attire *77T7Tt=Particulars of the work Estimated cost of the Actual Expenditure torobableotal of Columnrovision inworkhe end of 2008-09xpeniditure during& 4udget 2010-112009-101


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    3 89-cm 3:10T, 2010-11D E M A N D S F O R G R A N T S , 2 0 1 0- 1 1MR T e r * . f4 ft r u r ea t t 10 w a r w izi . ;1 A tm 3941W'44 414 11 ygurft iThazif &Q1 war tam

    Statement Showing the source of fund fo r g ran tee bodies rec iving gran ts of over 10 .00 laths per y ear from consolodited fund of India

    39CM 2008-2009 2009-2010 * 2008-2009 tItfalT / *idled / WWC 39aTraMa'r tiarft tid 'C a -C 3931Tatwo co 31=arra s rWftrirarra*Pi ThWiltrIraFTZS I . Name of M i ni s by /De p t t . Actuals of Grants from Grants fromN o . Institution/Organisations/ giving the grant releases during Consolidated Fund of Consolidated Fund ofInd ividuals 2008-2009 India as per BE India as per BE2009-10 2008-2009tionitPublicrivate1 81414 TEEM rfreir4 T IM M2 Central waqf Council Public 0.00 1 .98 3.00e i t e no1 3 1 1 7T C RU Medam* tittni

    Madam Azad Education Public 80.00 115.00 80.00Foundation

    ( 4 1 1 1 F S t i l t / 3 1 )( R s . I n C r o r e s )

    3TRT c inurfitittcu r'nnrGrantsxternal/ Foreignreceived fromother sources


  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    ItgzIT 66-31emitisswo 115Rt ziwuzrNo.66- MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRSf A l t # 4 : 2 1 T 3 1 1 1 1 4 7 T -Sit WI 2008-09 4tIMlat? 5'MN WIV (3114) 31t( 10 RN * 1 1 -41' (31aTCA) 31111W31T4TFGrants-in-aid exceeding Rs.5.00 lath(Recurring) and Rs.10.00 lakhs(Non-Recurring) sanctioned to Private Institutions/Organisationsduring 2008-09 r th tw wtry(Rupees in Crore)

    Nat 3r4r4-4t 3rICRE F T A itsRecurringon- Purpose of the GrantrecurringTfrenliaidl0 kg 44 FIR/1 .ame of the Institutions/ Organisations/IndividualsN o . 0.1281nder FreeCoaching and AlliedSchemeMAJM zlitttaT3th T11 :44* avicti& Rio*0.24261 Training Reconstruction Educational Envrionrnetnal Scoeity (TREES),Narasareddy Colony, Podalakar M (M) SPSR Nellore District, AndhraP r a d e s ha4.1 41critovirriler \lameef *mg 111.041 wait, tilseicfrf (at)(7) yff tir T if 3 1 R , kATferaz, af i t r Tfet r2 Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Dachibowli, Hyderabad, AndhraP r a d e s hllen'', au 4'ageastlem, Ercliffiget kirdrc. alitT *Sift3 Central India Research Foundation for Socio Economic Rural DevelopmentInstitution, 2 Aradhana Colony, Raj Nagar, Kato! Nagp ur, Maharashtra .

    ter sikstir 41til scr) enn Xtagiel, 23 1 R T h 1 i t CP1CM, 11311 4 1( tar(t611Itc

    4 M T Educare P vt . Ltd. , 317 , Corporate Centre , Nirm al Li fes ty l e , LBS Road,Mulund (W), Mum bai, Maharashtrayr8i viEz R T I T O fko, 317, ettMChfier eilvatcl*ef, va 4t Chiit1/44 (tro), prt, ifsmv 11 0.1169 W I0.8604t

    40 94M w i n , 2010-11

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    DEMA NDS FOR GRANTS, 2010-11Colt ktry ab(Rupees in Crore)#4:21T31 17tidio /tArT(1 1 4 -4t 3fRiat 31-1&uiloiciN o . Name of the Insti tutions/ Organisations/Individuals Recurringon- Purpose of the Grantrecurring5 MT Educare Pvt. Ltd., Karnataka. Correspondence Address: 317, CorporateCentre , Nirmal Li fes ty le , LBS R oad, Mulund (W), Mum bai , MaharashtraTra ;WEIR WO 1240, Q1tCCP, tr IMRa i t WM : 3 1 7 , cfnlqsq , 1 3 4 7 1aenvotei*of, 7a 71 tg, Icr1/441 4. e l 6 T 1 N6 Central Institute of Plastic Engineering & Technology, G.T. Road, Siwah,Panipat, Haryanaitelste 3ThF tatkrw iuftf;gRit lt3 ZQhlcd fdif, I f . tr . -#4, f tm t, vreftwer,6 1 -4 wif7 Oasis Educational Services P. Ltd., OES Bhavan, LSC, Plot No. 11, B-1(Opp. Jal Board), Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110070ai lc i f tre 1 ,1 z i r i e r tiNati ;no ff i- o , 3 t C a m I re ; c a c r eR ; r r z(lot afizt * fl1414) citidtA-708 Delhi Education Centre, 28A/1, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, New Delhi - 110016R e t 4 r Tlthrrff tic', 28'/1, fkt i l *Met a n t a T r t i l l * fe o c ,evit-6

    9 Jamie Millie Islamia, New Delhi - 110025'nil4r 4 n 4 4 1 s t r il R A g i , 9t f^rril25 0.2019nder FreeCoaching and A lliedSchemealk2IRN4 zm ow; taw *0.13800.1608t0.23130.1550

  • 8/9/2019 Demand Grants 2010 11


    66-atetItI4s4lcti Th1 .4*MrN o . 6 6 - M IN IS T R Y O F M IN O R IT Y A F F A IR S (stw U V 7I)

    (Rupees in Crore)3iicicII 31-1-4c 3f-ag W WzitaW

    Recurringon- Purpose of the GrantrecurringW.tfelT3illtiiiT a TSI.ame of the Institutions/ O rganisations/IndividualsNo .10 Delhi Education Centre, Tribal Researcg & Training Institute Campus (TRI),b e e n Dayal Upadhyay Nagar, Raipur - 10, Chhattisgarh.710E9" tta, *ate{ 11 13*I itagLic .$4441-1, ti qqief Uctit211 7R.11 MT Educare Pvt. Ltd., Gujarat. Correspondence Address: 317, CorporateCentre , Nirmal Li fes ty le , LBS Road, Mulund (W), Mum bai , Maharashtra .pi a RTOR uro itO, ?kid, tilffiR atr MT: 317, cb1,00c t, iNeeff*tPtc,1*ef, ;rat4 rtro), .5=4, 41511itc12 Seshan's Academy, Pottom Thiruvananthapuram- 4, Kerala.ttiaff E *VT,iortiri 4 , zk a

    13 Guidance Foundation, 197 Park Street, Kolkata toNsuaVi, 197, atrAcititti14 Al-Ameen Mission, Khalatpur, P.O. Dihibhursut, P.S. Udaynarananpur,H owrah-Kolkafta.P in-712408araapirffii i, tgeilav, Thu 4111e, eu9T--ichrc o wpicir-7124o8 0.1044nder F reeCoaching and A lliedSchemeffi: TRW coldi 31t{ffrilM zfidargra0.12060.10030.47600.2433

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