Download - Demand Forecast Summary Tool - … · ea ea a Forecasting demand/activity for the FT Introduction By using the Excel -based Demand Forecast Summary tool your FT can predict demand


Demand forecast summary toolDemand forecast summary tool

Demand Forecast Summary Tool

Demand forecast summary tool

What does the Demand Forecast Summary tool do?

The tool … The pages and model do not…

Demand Forecast Summary tool in detail

• Provides a method of summarising forecast annual activity changes for your top specialties (or other patient segmentation) and the whole FT for the next five years

• Builds on last year’s activity as a percentage of demographic data • Includes a ‘non-demographic change’ sheet to allow for different types of change, eg diagnosis

rates or prevalence rates or changes in other trusts’ provision • Includes a ‘commissioners’ plans’ sheet and allows for scenarios based on ‘percentage of target

change achieved’ in commissioners’ plans • Includes a ‘trust strategic initiatives’ sheet to input assumptions about the impact of strategic

changes • Allows user to save different scenarios

• Provides a method of summarising your FT’s forecast activity levels over the next five years

• Uses your assumptions on how demand for care at the trust will be affected by:

- demographic changes - non-demographic changes - commissioners’ plans

- trust strategic changes

• Provide monthly forecasts

• Include any data

These pages …

• Offer guidance on factors affecting demand that can be considered when making forecasts

• Provide data sources you can use to inform assumptions

• Explain how the tool works

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Demand forecast summary tool

Forecasting demand/activity for the FT Introduction By using the Excel-based Demand Forecast Summary tool your FT can predict demand by service line, patient age and point of delivery. You can download the tool here. Always read this document alongside the Strategy Development Toolkit, especially the Forecast chapter. If you use a different Excel tool (or other software) to summarise your demand forecast you may still find this document useful, but your key document will be the Strategy Development Toolkit’s Forecast chapter.

This document offers guidance on how to forecast demand for clinical services. It includes factors you may want to consider, data sources you could use to inform your assumptions plus an explanation of the Excel tool’s functionality and details of the required inputs.

The Excel tool uses current volumes and applies changes to them based on your assumptions about factors influencing demand for care. These factors are grouped in the tool as shown on the next page.

The tool allows you to save different sets of inputs as a named scenario. This means you can easily return to, and compare, different assumptions.

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Demand forecast summary tool




Current data Demographic growth Other changes

Output summary tab Full output tab

Summary calculations

• Historical data: last year’s activity by POD, age, and specialty

• Demographic growth: predicted growth for your FT’s catchment population

• Three input sheets for other changes

• Summary calculations: calculates forecast activity changes from input sheets

• Output summary tab: three summaries of five-year activity forecasts are automatically produced: specialty and POD

• Granular outputs can be used to create summaries using a combination of POD, age and service line

• Impact of assumptions tab shows the change due to each assumption

Impact of assumptions

The Demand Forecast Summary model comprises three main parts

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Separate input sheet in the tool

Conceptual consideration

Factors that affect future demand and trust activity volumes

Commissioners’ plans

Demographic changes

Diagnosis and treatment rate changes (including via technology changes)

Changes due to FT’s strategic initiatives

Disease prevalence changes (on top of demographic change)

Risk factors; epidemiology

Growth in population

Change in age profile

Service changes at neighbouring providers Other changes

National diagnosis/treatment policy changes

Technology changes and clinical innovations

Increased patient awareness

Adherence to best practice care pathways

Supply induced demand changes

Complementary provider (eg GP) changes

Catch-up on waiting lists/existing backlog – one-off effect

Non-demographic changes

Changes in referrers’ choices

National commissioning changes

Local commissioning changes 3








This is a one-off effect that needs to be added only for the year(s) where catch-up is expected

This input sheet is intended to be used after your strategy has been agreed, to understand impact of planned strategic changes on the forecast base line

Summary of factors affecting an FT’s future activity

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Demographic changes 1

Age-specific disease prevalence


Diagnosis and treatment rate changes (including via technology changes)


Other changes 2c

Commissioners’ plans 3

Sources of forecasting assumptions • Office for National Statistics (ONS) age/sex population forecasts • To be aligned with commissioners – clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and NHS England


• Public Health England; director of public health • FT’s proprietary data (eg analysis of patient administration systems (PAS) • Health and social care information (historical hospital episode statistics (HES) • Discussions with clinicians for observed changes in local and lifestyle factors

• Discussions with the FT’s medical, nursing and other clinical specialists • Guidance/standards from medical Royal Colleges and other national bodies • Academic literature • Reviews of practice at leading-edge healthcare providers in England and abroad • Most recent device/drug/treatment approvals from National Institute for Health and Care Excellence • Central government policy/Department of Health; NHS England • Regulators – Monitor, Care Quality Commission (CQC) • Think tanks, eg Nuffield Trust, King’s Fund • Complementary provider changes: discussions with commissioners and providers • Supply-induced demand: FT experience with local population/customer surveys; clinician

discussions; academic research

• Changes at neighbouring trusts (eg growing/reducing services, or Monitor Contingency Planning Team)

• Changes in referrers’ choices: analysis of GP and secondary referral patterns

• Commissioner plans (CCGs and NHSE specialised commissioners) • Adherence to best practice care pathways/national guidance (as described under 2b above) • Local authority plans (eg Better Care Fund) • Commissioner-led regional reconfiguration (CCG or NHSE specialised commissioning)

Sources of assumptions for demand forecast modelling

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Choosing the level of detail to use in modelling activity You can forecast activity at many levels – at the trust level, at point of delivery, specialty or health-related group (HRG) level. You can segregate demand and activity in different ways – for example, by patient group rather than treatment specialty or treatment type (and technology used in the treatment).

The Demand Forecast Summary tool assumes you may want to predict activity by treatment specialty or HRG for high-volume work, and then include a ‘remaining activity’ line.

• Forecasting all activity at specialty or HRG level will probably be too detailed for strategic decisions.

• Forecasting all activity at point of delivery will probably be too broad and prevent you identifying different factors driving demand.

You will need to choose which HRGs or specialties (or other aspects of your activity data) you want to forecast as separate lines and which you include in the ‘remaining activity’ line. Factors you could consider include:

• Expected rate of demand change in this HRG/speciality/patient group/etc: if you expect demand to change in an unusual way compared to average changes for the trust, you will want to forecast it separately

• Current share of trust activity or income: you may want to examine bigger specialties separately

• Strategic questions about service change: you may want to examine services subject to focused strategic review separately

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Entering the user’s core model choices into the tool Enter your chosen specialties in the first page of the model, as shown. You will need to choose which year to start in by entering the last completed financial year (ie the last year for which you have data).

This tab provides information on how to use the tool. Users should read all the information on this sheet

Summarises the different types of cells and what changes, if any, users should make to each type

Core model choices are inputted here: 1. Last completed financial year (ie

year of base data) 2. List of specialties to be forecast 3. Option to include assumption on

the percentage of commissioners’ demand reduction initiatives that will be met

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Entering current activity levels Once you have chosen the level at which to model activity, you will need to enter the current activity volumes at this level by point of delivery (POD) and by patient age. The age groups used are 0-18, 19-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84, and 85+.

In the example below, the trust has chosen to use paediatrics and obstetrics as individual specialties.

All the orange cells need to be filled in with last year’s volumes for each specialty

Data requirement 1: Latest financial year’s volume for each specialty, by point of delivery (POD) and age

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Entering demographic change Next, input changes in the population to which you provide services.

For data on forecast population changes, use ONS or other projections for the area where most of your patients live.

If your catchment includes more than one geographic area, you should use a combined forecast based on where your patients come from. For example, if 30% come from area 1 and 70% from area 2 – and you expect this split to hold true in the future – within the Excel cells you would use a weighted average calculation. For example: (Forecast population in 2014/15 in area one)*(30%) + (Forecast population in 2014/15 in area two)*(70%) to give you the 2014/15 figure.

The grey cells with orange text calculate the percentage change based on the absolute numbers entered above. You should not edit these cells.

Data requirement 2: Demographic forecasts for your geographic pool for the next 5 years

All the orange cells need to be filled in with predictions for changes in population, by age group, for the next 5 years

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Entering non-demographic change The number of people you treat may alter due to changes in disease prevalence rates, diagnosis and treatment rates, referral patterns or services at neighbouring providers. The category of ‘other changes’ in effect describes a change in the share of patients that you treat, compared to other providers.

You would also include the impact of trust-led initiatives already underway that will affect future demand.

This tab requires you to enter the combined effect of all these factors.

The grey cells with orange text calculate the percentage change or number change by POD based on the input in the data entered above. You should not edit these cells.

All the orange cells need to be filled in with predictions for changes in activity for the next five years

Data requirement 3: Assumptions on any non-demographic annual changes in activity for individual specialties

Select percentage or absolute change here

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You can enter the change as a percentage or as a change in the absolute number of cases.

• Setting a percentage change may be easier when you are not aware of specific changes at sub-specialty level.

• Entering the change in the number of cases may be easier if you want to take into account changes at sub-specialty level; for example, you may expect an increase in cardiovascular stenting and are using ‘cardiology’ as your specialty. You would add up the changes in the number of cases at each relevant sub-specialty then enter the change in the number of cases for the specialty overall, setting the input to ‘Change in number of cases’.

You can use many sources to inform your view of how non-demographic factors will change demand for care. Ultimately, you will need to agree with clinical leaders how you interpret data and others’ forecasts, and decide how you expect demand to change at your trust. One good check once you agree this is to compare the forecast change to the rate of change you have seen over the last few years.

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Entering commissioner plans Changes in local and national commissioners’ plans can affect your FT’s activity level.

The model assumes that commissioners’ plans will attempt to decrease activity, but you can enter a negative number if your commissioner is planning to increase activity for a service. For example, this could be the case for shifting care into community settings.

You can enter changes overall, or for individual specialties by POD.

For changes to individual services, you can specify the percentage of the target change forecast to be achieved. This will be useful if you want to test different scenarios, as you can enter the assumption from commissioners’ plans once and then change the percentage of the target achieved to compare possible outcomes.

Data requirement 4: Commissioner demand management plans and assumptions on percentage of each initiative achieved

Overall change for all specialties by year

Enter an assumption on what percentage of commissioners’ target demand change will be achieved

Specialty specific activity change (reduction shown as positive number) by year, by POD

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Entering changes due to new trust strategic initiatives The final input tab is where you set the impact of your trust’s new strategic initiatives. You should leave this input sheet blank when you calculate the baseline demand forecast as part of the Forecast stage. You should then return to the model to understand the impact that all your agreed strategic changes have on your activity (and hence income, costs and margin – through separate modelling).

Again, these forecast changes can be entered as percentage changes or as changes in the number of cases. You can also enter an overall change in activity levels.

Data requirement 5: Details of new strategic initiatives

Input overall change year on year

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Saving scenarios The tool allows you to save a set of inputs and the associated outputs (ie a scenario). Once you have entered all the inputs for one scenario, you can click the button shown below. The model will ask if you are sure you want to save the scenario, then prompt you to enter a scenario name. That scenario will be saved in a new file in the same folder as the model.

The new file will show three tabs – ‘Summary inputs’, ‘Summary outputs’, and ‘Impact of assumptions’.

Click here to save your scenario when you are ready

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Editing scenarios In general, you will not want to edit scenarios. They are a completed piece of work enabling you to compare the impact of different assumptions.

However, you may want to edit a scenario – for example, if you have entered an assumption incorrectly. In this case, you should click the button as shown below. This will restore the full model functionality to your scenario and you will be able to edit it exactly as before.

Click here if you want to edit your scenario

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Specialty POD Age Band 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19Test Spec 1 Outpatien0-18 120 122.3139 122.5666 123.5497 123.3719 123.1363Test Spec 1 Outpatien19-24 140 143.2738 144.1326 146.1505 146.7832 147.3273Test Spec 1 Outpatien25-34 160 162.8308 162.9179 163.8462 163.2454 162.5819Test Spec 1 Outpatien35-44 180 175.5465 168.1428 157.5809 145.7421 134.1461Test Spec 1 Outpatien45-54 200 200.0315 196.696 192.5173 186.6251 180.7931Test Spec 1 Outpatien55-64 220 226.3555 228.8945 233.9012 236.6521 239.2059Test Spec 1 Outpatien65-74 240 248.2897 252.3917 259.9257 264.9218 269.6488Test Spec 1 Outpatien75-84 260 264.4053 264.3556 265.5577 264.2896 262.9305Test Spec 1 Outpatien85+ 280 270.6146 256.6837 236.5187 214.5278 193.0147Test Spec 1 Elective 0-18 150 169.8731 170.224 171.5893 171.3422 171.0149Test Spec 1 Elective 19-24 170 193.2976 194.4562 197.1785 198.0319 198.7659Test Spec 1 Elective 25-34 190 214.837 214.9518 216.1764 215.3836 214.508Test Spec 1 Elective 35-44 210 227.5505 217.9534 204.2626 188.9165 173.8852Test Spec 1 Elective 45-54 230 255.5848 251.3229 245.9836 238.4548 231.0028Test Spec 1 Elective 55-64 250 285.7901 288.9956 295.3168 298.7898 302.0139Test Spec 1 Elective 65-74 270 310.3487 315.4759 324.8928 331.1375 337.0456Test Spec 1 Elective 75-84 290 327.6676 327.6059 329.0955 327.5238 325.8392Test Spec 1 Elective 85+ 310 332.8845 315.748 290.9428 263.8914 237.4279

How to use the model

Forecast activity for each year by patient age, POD, and specialty

This table shows forecast activity by specialty, POD and patient age. You can place outputs into a pivot table to create the output summaries that your FT requires.

Full output

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These tables contain the forecast aggregated by specialties and POD

Forecast activity for each year by specialty

Forecast activity for each year by POD

Summary output

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These tables show the impact of the four categories of drivers of change on the five-year demand forecast

Select the specialty or POD you want to see in the graph

Graph shows the effect of the four categories of drivers of change on the selected specialty or POD

Impact of assumptions

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