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Bringing Project Setup into the 21st Century

Jennifer Berks Blake, Jennifer Blake Consulting ServicesPS-53

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29 years of experience exclusively in the engineering and architecture industry

Vision consultant since 2002

Implementations, Reviews & Improvements to Existing Systems & Custom Reports


Jennifer Berks Blake, CPA

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20th Century Project Setup

Issues & Obstacles

21st Century Processes using: Opportunity Promotional Project Project Planning Regular Project


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20th Century Project Setup

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20th Century Setup - Paper Forms

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Listing of Phases/Tasks To Use

Budget/Estimate Worksheet

Detailed Billing Terms

Marketing Sheet

Separate Form to setup Promotional Project

Additional Paper Forms

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PM filled out forms

Accounting entered data into Computer System

Accounting would issue reports monthly

PM would update their budget spreadsheet with actuals to get meaningful reports

20th Century Setup – Process

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Issues & Obstacles to Moving to 21st Century Setup

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Duplicate Data Entry – Forms, Computer, Spreadsheets

Data Entry Errors

Reports not Timely

Multiple Systems, multiple versions of same data and often not ever sync’d


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Accounting did not want PMs to be able to change Project Accounting data

PMs did not have access to the Accounting System

Limited User Sign-ons to the Accounting System due to costs


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Created Approval process in Project Info Center

Security Security Roles more detailed on what can be secured Field Security through Screen Designer Workflows using Validate Errors/Warnings

Report Favorites/Dashboard

Enterprise-wide System

How Vision has addressed these issues

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21st Century Processes

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Option 1: Allow PMs to enter project data directly into the Project Info Center

Using Designer, secure fields that should not be changed by PMs

Option 2: Allow PMs to enter project data into Opportunities & update using workflows

Option 3: Allow PMs to use Project Planning to set up projects (one-time option)

Option 4: Some Combination of the three options

Determine Best Course for Your Firm

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21st Century Processes

OPTION 1 – Project Info Center Access

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to assure

good data

Option 1: Project Info Center Setup

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Need to determine if updates can be made by PMs once a Promotional Project or Regular Project has been created

More Workflows will be needed for updating and validating fields that can be changed

Option 1: Updating Data After Initial Project Creation

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21st Century Processes

OPTION 2 – Using Opportunities for Project Data Entry

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PMs set up Opportunities for all possible work efforts Does not affect Accounting System or GL

In Opportunity, Create Tabs for Project Setup data that is not in Opportunity

Allows data to be entered once by the PM and then transferred to other screens & Info Centers

Reduces duplicate data entry & transcription errors although does cause duplicate storage

Option 2: Opportunity

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Decide what Promotional Project Data is Needed to be stored in Opportunity Info Center (most exists already)

Principal PM Organization Client Project Location Estimated Fee Estimated Start & End Dates Phases & Tasks

Option 2: Set up Promotional Project Data

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Create Tab in Opportunity Info Center for additional fields

Data map custom fields through Configuration-> General->User Defined Tabs

Other fields that need to be copied over will require a Stored Procedure workflow to update the Project Info Center

Option 2: Set up Promotional Project Data Tab

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Option 2: Set up Promotional Project Data Mapping

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Create Workflow Button in Opportunity to Create Promotional Project from Opportunity

Function of Workflow button will create basic promotional project On Function Workflow make sure that Conditions require the

Promotional Project Link (PRProposalWBS1) to be empty so that it doesn’t create another promotional project

Create Workflows to update fields in Promotional Project

Option 2: Set up Promotional Project Creation Workflows

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Option 2: Promo Project Tab

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Option 2: Workflow to Update Promotional Project Fields

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Decide what Regular Project Data is needed to be stored in Opportunity Info Center

Principal PM Organization Client Owner (if different from Client) Project Location Project Type Contract Fee

Option 2: Set up Regular Project Data

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Additional Regular Project Data to consider Phases & Tasks Estimated Start & End Dates Initial Construction Estimate Final Construction Cost Number and $’s of change orders

Initiated by design issues Initiated by client changes

Target Multiplier

Option 2: Set up Regular Project Data (con’t)

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Create Tab(s) in Opportunity Info Center for additional fields

Data map custom fields through Configuration-> General->User Defined Tabs

Other fields that need to be copied over will require a Stored Procedure workflow to update the Project Info Center

Option 2: Set up Regular Project Data Tab(s)

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Create Workflow Button in Opportunity to Create Project (Regular) from Opportunity

Function of Workflow button will create basic regular project On Function Workflow make sure that Conditions require the Regular

Project Link (PRWBS1) to be empty so that it doesn’t create another regular project

Create Workflows to update fields in Regular Project

Option 2: Set up Regular Project Creation Workflows

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Project Creation Workflows

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Accounting will still have to review the Promotional Project or Regular Project and approve it before it can be used.

Option 2: Review & Approval of Project by Accounting

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Need to determine if updates can be made by PMs in Opportunity once a Promotional Project or Regular Project has been created

Will updates be made automatically? Will there need to be a report that shows differences between the

Opportunity Project Data and the Project Info Center data?

More Workflows will be needed for updating and validating fields that can be changed

Option 2: Updating Data After Initial Project Creation

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21st Century Processes

OPTION 3 – Using Project Planning for Project Data Entry

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Similar Process to Option 3 except Regular Project is created from Plan

PMs set up Opportunities for all possible work efforts Create Promotional Project from Opportunity to reduce re-entering of

data in Project Info Center Create Plan from Opportunity to reduce re-entering of data on General

Tab of Project Planning

Option 3: Project Planning

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Create Tabs for Project Setup data that is not in Planning Data map custom fields through Configuration-> General->User

Defined Tabs Other fields that need to be copied over will require a Stored

Procedure workflows to update the Project Info Center

Create Project from Plan

Issue on Updating Project Data once Project is Created

Option 3: Project Planning (con’t)

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21st Century Processes

OPTION 4 – Some Combination of each of the 3 Options

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20th Century Project Setup

Issues & Obstacles

21st Century Processes using: Opportunity Promotional Project Project Planning Regular Project


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Evaluates client’s needs in regards to new or existing Accounting and/or Project Management systems

Selection of Accounting and/or Project Management systems that best fit client’s requirements

Trains client staff on all areas of the software, stressing processes and procedures to take advantage of automation and improve efficiencies

Creates Custom Reports & Workflows including stored procedures

Develops procedural documentation as well as training manuals for Project Managers and Accounting

Assists clients with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) compliance

Jennifer Blake Consulting Services include:

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If you need assistance with Workflows, Implementations, Reviews & Improvements to Existing Systems or Custom Reports, contact Jennifer at:

[email protected]


Call to Action

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