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    Vol : 01, Issue : 08, November 2011, ` 50 RNI No. DELENG/2011/37747 ISSN 2249-1244

    Delhi Talksindia listens




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    DELHI TALKSNovember 2011 3

    Vol: 01, Issue: 08, November 2011

    EditorAshish Bansal

    Consulting EditorVimal Kumar Singh

    Managing EditorManjunath Shresthi

    Photo JournalistPreeti Mann


    MarketingRavi Narang

    AdministrationVijay Kumar

    Prakash Kumar

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    Samvad Media Pvt. Ltd.

    Printed, Published, Edited and

    owned by Ashish Bansal. Printedat Color Master Print Process Pvt.Ltd. B-221, Naraina Indl. Area,Phase-1, New Delhi-28 andPublished at 17A/35, West Punjabi

    Bagh, New Delhi-110026.


    Copyright exclusively reservedthroughout the world with Delhi Talks.Reproduction of any material of thismagazine in whole or in part(s) in anymanner without prior permission istotally prohibited. Any opinions orviews on any contemporary or pasttopics, issues or developments expressed

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    22 Big Rip before Race for next

    President of IndiaThe next battlefield is the forthcoming election forthe President in July, 2012. UP and Punjab Assemblyelections are tactical conflict. The next President

    will have to play a vital role in a challenging fluidpolitical situation when the public protest has addednew dimension to popular democracy.


    Delhi TalksLETTERS 04



    Keeping Kashmir Current 11The Smiling Chief Minister 14

    Revisiting the master

    planning methods in India 16

    06 Time will teach

    the lessonsA senior leader of BJPtold me a couple ofdays before hisannouncement thatAdvani is planning to

    go on a yatra. BJP wasshocked with hisannouncement ofgoing on a yatra butfinally decided to cover up a blunder of its seniormost leader.

    08 Occupy Wall

    Street : Genesis to

    GlobalizationIndian communistparties have lent supportto the protests and in alllikelihood they aregetting rejuvenated tomobilize against the pettheme of neoliberalismand the globalinequality.



    The Coinage Bill, 2011

    Introduced By The Union

    Finance Minister

    Shri Pranab Mukherjee 34

    Remembering Those

    Good Old Things 36


    "A thing of beauty

    is a joy forever" 34

    Remembering Those

    Good Old Things 36


    The great translator of

    Ramayana into Chinese 38



    The End of the Tyrant 42

    19 Tiger mania takes

    away the protection

    from all other


    Ashok Kumar


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    I'ma reader of your magazinesince it was launched and keenly followall that is written. But in the Octoberissue your portrayal of Nobel LaureateDr. Amartya Sen, was not in goodtaste. We Indians aspire for globaldomination in the field of educationthrough the University which iscoming up in Nalanda. And doubtingthe motives of a man with globalrecognition, impeccable credentials

    and doubting his integrity is shoppingfor conspiracies where none exist. Itis only through his efforts that theuniversity will rise like a phoenix fromthe ashes, and he has the ability for itto revive its old glory which met itsend in 1197 AD.

    - An affected person

    Theelections of 2014 which arethree years away and the contenders forthe throne have arrived in swarms. There

    is the country's first family with one ofthe two trying to make the mark. Thento give them tough competition is theageing patriarch from the BJP, who hasbegun furrowing his patch so that he canreap a rich harvest but age has caughtup with him. And within his own party isNarendra Modi, who also has thrownhis hat in the ring, but already opposed

    Picture of the Month

    by Nitish Kumar, who poked Modi inthe eyes by flagging of the rath yatrafrom Sitab Diara on October 11. It isearly to predict who will hold the top

    job, and the general public should notbe taken by surprise for politics has theuncanny ability of throwing up darkhorses who bolt from the stables.

    - Ritvik Chatterji, Delhi

    Theinterview of Anil Shastri, wasan eye-opener to know that there aregood and honest people in the country,he is a worthy son of a worthy father.Late PM Lal Bahadur Shastri, was a

    disciplinarian who lived and died byupholding high principles till he breathedhis last. I was moved by the fact that hedid not have the money to buy a carwhich was modestly priced, and had toavail of a loan to buy one speaksvolumes of the man. Anil Shastri alsofollowing in the foot steps of his latefather, and never lobbying for postsand power, in the Congress party. I fmen like Anil Shastri are not chosenby the high command, then it is a sorrystate of the affairs of the Grand OldParty.

    - P. Narayanswamy, Mangalore

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    The writing on the wall

    The season of change has begun, and the results are visible. The loss of the deposit ofthe Congress and NCP, is all too evident. The Hisar bypoll, and the result that went againstthe ruling party in the state and the Centre have set the alarm bells ringing, and seemsunstoppable. Another major disappointment was the loss of the Khadakavasla seat, in thestronghold of the strongman of Baramati district speaks volumes about the changedpreferences of the common man, who has called the bluffs of their sugar coated leaders, andis voting with his mind and not with heart. The same result also in Bihar of the Dharaundaseat being won by JD(U), clearly shows the prowess of Nitish Kumar, who is the mastercontroller. Nitish's presence on the dais to flag off the rally from Sitab Diara, on the the birthanniversary of the Lok Nayak, also caused flutter and heart burn on the western coast ofanother PM wannabe. The message sent by the Bihar CM, to his Gujarat counterpart was

    loud and clear. He made his preference known and decided to throw his weight behind theseasoned charioteer-in-chief.

    This has made the patriarch-in-waiting and his man Friday-cum-confidante in the lotuseater's party all too happy. For he has set his marks high and senses a chance of making it tothe top-post in 2014 if the string of defeat of the INC continues. The chariot will passthrough all the poll-bound states, with breaks in between and also the veteran will put insome flight hours before it concludes on Nov 20. But the old wise man should not jeopardizehis prime ministerial ambitions by following the advice of his trusted aide and senior Delhibased leader from Karnataka; and also keep himself open to ideas and views from others inthe state. In the midst of their cross country rally to fight the menace of corruption, one of

    the former Chief Ministers from the southern state has been arrested; this has enlivened thespirits of the General Secretary, a bete noire of the former jailed CM. Also the Dilip Chabbriamade customized rath, will cover the coastal belt and skip the heartland of Karnataka.

    This disastrous plan of avoiding the heartland in Karnataka that sent to Parliament amammoth 19 seats, and Advani confining his yatra to the coastal area is a suicidal hemmingsapproach, proves that the charioteer is seriously short of tactical advice. He might improvehis tally of a few seats there, and his yatra there is being seen as a fishing expedition. He hasin his company a man who cannot think beyond himself, great careers are never made on theadvice of selfish advisors, and his dream will be but a mirage and remain an unfulfilleddream forever without making it to the coveted post. The ruling party at the Centre, in spiteof its regular loss of face will not remain idle, and will come out with eye catchy slogans andprograms that will deflate the desired objectives of the combined opposition who has gangedup against them, and not to deny the Anna effect which has cornered them to their wits end.The preparations for 2014 has been green flagged, and it is too early to decide who will wearthe crown, but NDA seems to have made all the moves it is now to be seen what the UPA-II brings to the table, and has to overwork to maintain its credibility lest it faces a dent in itspopularity.

    Ashish Bansal

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    Time will teach

    the lessonsTwenty years back, a Mumbaibased magazine asked 20personal questions from Lal

    Krishna Advani. The first question was:What's your biggest achievement? Pleasebe careful on his reply. He replied, "I gotsuccess in initiating a live debate on IndianNationalism and Secularism through RamRathyatra." In that series of 20 questionone was about his lovable person. "Mydaughter Pratibha," he said. If someone

    raises these two questions today in frontof Advani. He might choose to reply veryhesitantly. Today, Advani cannot claimthat he was successful in taking forwardthe discourse on Indian Nationalism andSecularism, when he got the opportunityto be in power. This kind of dubiousbehaviour has become his enemy today.

    His daughter departed from theusual practice of by putting tilak on hisforehead. His wife Kamla and son JayantAdvani were also present there. Now, it

    is believed that she is controlling hispolitics. Advani was not known for this.He was revered because he always keptparty above everything. This was hisspecial quality which made him standapart.

    His recent yatra is new evidence ofhis disappearing specialty. It's interestingto know, what he did before going onyatra. He used the stage of Loksabha andlambasted over 'Cash-for-Vote' scam bysaying that the government is sending to

    jail those who raised voice against wrongdoing. He took the responsibility of stingoperation and said that it took place afterhis approval. After saying that Advaniraised his both hands towards ManmohanSingh and challenged the PM to arresthim. But, he forgot this challenge justafter speaking in parliament. He providedthe basis of saying. He went to first floor

    Rambahadur Rai

    A senior leader of BJP told me a couple of days before hisA senior leader of BJP told me a couple of days before hisA senior leader of BJP told me a couple of days before hisA senior leader of BJP told me a couple of days before hisA senior leader of BJP told me a couple of days before his

    announcement that Advani is planning to go on a yatra.announcement that Advani is planning to go on a yatra.announcement that Advani is planning to go on a yatra.announcement that Advani is planning to go on a yatra.announcement that Advani is planning to go on a yatra. BJPBJPBJPBJPBJPwaswaswaswaswas

    shocked withshocked withshocked withshocked withshocked with hishishishishisannouncementannouncementannouncementannouncementannouncementof going on a yatraof going on a yatraof going on a yatraof going on a yatraof going on a yatrabut finallybut finallybut finallybut finallybut finally

    decided to cover up a blunder of its senior most leader.decided to cover up a blunder of its senior most leader.decided to cover up a blunder of its senior most leader.decided to cover up a blunder of its senior most leader.decided to cover up a blunder of its senior most leader.

    of parliament and announced that he willgo on yatra. It clearly indicates, he usedthe sting operation episode as a reasonto announce his yatra. In fact, he was

    waiting for perfect time to announce hisyatra.

    A senior leader of BJP confided inme a couple of days before his

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    announcement that Advani is eagerlyplanning to go on a yatra. So, theannouncement was not a surprise. Thiswas not an announcement from party.In fact, the party was shocked with theannouncement but finally decided tocover up a blunder of its senior mostleader. BJP already announced two yatrasin Uttar Prdesh after getting approvalfrom its president Nitin Gadkari.

    Advani went to Nagpur to meetsenior officials of RSS and issued astatement after meeting. The mediainterpreted the statement as his denial ofthe prime minister candidature. Advanisaid that he has got lots of love andrespect from RSS, BJP and society. But,

    it does not mean that he is not interestedin getting top job of the current politicalsystem.

    After a long gap of years,Govindacharya spoke to Advani on April2, 2005. He reminded Advani that onceAtal Bihari Vajpayee said that we havedestroyed the Jansangh and now we arewith Janta Party by heart. Similarly,Advani should announce the end of theBJP on its silver jubilee meet. He shouldalso announce his retirement from

    partisan politics and keep contributing topro-society politics in different manner.After getting this suggestion fromGovindacharya, Advani wanted to knowwhether it's his personal views or a partof planned strategy. The reply ofGovindacharya is more relevant today.Govindacharya said that he knows verywell that how much he cares about theviews of RSS but it was my personalsuggestion. In fact, Advani wanted toknow that whether RSS has sent any

    signal through Govindacharya?Govindacharya was aware of the fact

    that Advani will not accept any goodsuggestion. But, it's interesting to knowthat after a couple of days he acceptedthe suggestion of going to Pakistan. Hisstatement in Pakistan was enough to marthe identity of BJP. In fact, he had shownhis eagerness to attain power by calling

    Jinnah secular. Advani is considered as apatient and calculative politician. At leastthose journalists are aware of the factwho covered V.P. Singh. Singh alwaysspoke whatever he wanted to. He nevercared about the other questions. It's truefor Advani too.

    But, there is a big difference betweenthese two leaders. In 1993, V.P. Singh

    decided to do away with partisan politicsand communicated it to his friends. Therewas a mess in Janta Party on this decision.

    There was a crisis looming on his partyand it was more than the crisis faced byhis friends. To avoid the crisis, Janta Partyleaders decided to appoint Singh as theparty president. When these leadersreached to Singh, he clearly said that youall are trying to hide in-fighting under mypresidentship. He did not accept thesuggestion of his friend but he was in

    public life till the end. His kidney was inbad condition, despite that he travelledfor eight months in his rath yatra toimplement the recommendations ofMandal Commission. After three years,a combination of non-BJP oppositionpursued V.P. Singh for prime ministershipbut they did not get success. He was askedabout this thing after so many years. His

    response was, "I never wanted that oneday some one say to my children thattheir father was blind about a particularpost. My children should feel honoredto say that my father denied PM post."However, it was difficult to be JP butaccepting Govindacharya's suggestion,Advani would have become VP.

    Now, time will teach Advani that

    only politics on transparency can takeplace. Whenever he claims during hisyatra that the next government will beof NDA, it clearly gives a message thathe is also a candidate for the prime job.He could have said that he is not in race.But, his candidature is ultimatelybenefitting the Congress. However,Advani cannot understand this but thosewho are aware with the nuts and bolts ofparliamentary politics could sense it veryeasily. There is a big difference between

    the possibility of NDA and Advani'scandidature. The in-fighting of BJPcannot be minimized by saying that it's ademocratic party but Congress is adynastic party. There is no harm in havingmultiple candidates in a democratic party.However, one should be above all this.Lal Krishna Advani should answer this.

    (Translated from H indi)

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    Occupy Wall Street :

    Genesis to Globalization

    The month long protest against

    corporate greed, corporatocracyand social and economic inequality

    aggravated by the neoliberalism isattracting new adherents world across.Indian communist parties have lentsupport to the protests and in alllikelihood they are gettingrejuvenated to mobilize againstthe pet theme of neoliberalismand the global inequality. OccupyWall Street (OWS) is a kind ofnon-violent sit in protest with

    epicenter at Zuccotti Park in theWall Street area of New York thatbegan on September 17 whennearly 2000 protesters marchedthrough the Liberty Plaza andoccupied the Zuccotti Park withsleeping bags and tents. Sinceunder the city law of New York,any unpermitted assembly ofmore than 12 people is illegal inNew York, the protestors zeroedin the Zuccotti Park, a private

    property owned by BrookfieldOffice Properties to maintaintheir assembly as not unlawful.

    The use of microphones has notbeen allowed by the authorities.Occupy Wall Street protestershave created the "HumanMicrophone" in which a speakerpauses while the adjoining

    Niraj Kumar

    Indian communist parties have lent support to the protests and in allIndian communist parties have lent support to the protests and in allIndian communist parties have lent support to the protests and in allIndian communist parties have lent support to the protests and in allIndian communist parties have lent support to the protests and in all

    likelihood they are getting rejuvenated to mobilize against the petlikelihood they are getting rejuvenated to mobilize against the petlikelihood they are getting rejuvenated to mobilize against the petlikelihood they are getting rejuvenated to mobilize against the petlikelihood they are getting rejuvenated to mobilize against the pet

    theme of neoliberalism and the global inequality.theme of neoliberalism and the global inequality.theme of neoliberalism and the global inequality.theme of neoliberalism and the global inequality.theme of neoliberalism and the global inequality.

    members of the audience repeats thephrase in unison. The protesters claim tobe inspired by the tactics of the ArabSpring movement particularly Tahrir

    Square protest in Egypt and the SpanishIndignant. They believe in the leaderlessprotest and not in a movement wherethere is an "alpha male" leading the packand those who follow behind. Now, they

    claim that the new global movementsmust rest on the tactics of "big swarmof people". They have followed self-organizing principles and in a post-anarchy

    philosophy whereby decisions are not pre-meditated. The decisions are reached byvarious physical gathering and virtualpeople's assembly (digital gathering onsocial networking sites). Once they zero

    in on a demand, they go out toseize a square of singularsymbolic significance and put ourasses on the line to make ithappen. They also followdifferent tactics to protect theirright of protest within lawful

    means. In the face of arrest, theprotesters sit down, link arms anddo not let go. If the police drag,they can comply or go limp (bothcalmly and silently) which isarguably not resisting arrest.

    The protest went viralthrough social media sites acrossvarious cities of the US andCanada and a loosely co-ordinated global protest wasorganized on October 15. Tens

    of thousands of protestersstaged rallies in 900 cities around82 countries in the world,including Auckland, Sydney,Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, Paris,Madrid, Berlin, Hamburg,Leipzig, to lend support to theOccupy Wall Street protesters andto call for the end of the


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    corporate-domination. The slogan of theOWS, "We are the 99 percent" caughtglobal imagination. But, in Rome theprotests turned violent. The OWS hasnow given call to hold global protest onthe eve of the G20 Leaders Summit inFrance, to demand that G20 leadersimmediately impose a 1 percentROBINHOOD tax on all financialtransactions and currency trades. The UShas been resisting the move, thoughBritain and France softened their standin 2009. These nations believe thatrevenues from the Tobin tax could bedevoted to the world's fight againstclimate change, especially in developingcountries or alternatively would provide

    insurance for the global taxpayer againsta future banking crisis. The OWSprotesters want the governments to puta brake on the Corporates who make ahefty profit by indulging in speculativetrading using globalization of finance.

    The genealogy of the OWS protestscan be traced to a Canadian anti-consumerism magazine Adbusters.Adbusters is published by an Estonian-born adman Kalle Lasn. The magazinecovered a special issue No.97 in July-

    August on Post-Anarchism containingwrite up by David Graeber, the anarchistanthropologist expelled from the YaleUniversity for his radical actions; SaulNewman, a post-anarchist politicalphilosopher and the author ofcontroversial work, The Politics of Post-Anarchism, Pankaj Mishra, Allen Kanner,Micah White and Sam Eifling. In the sameissue the campaign material for OccupyWall Street movement was published. Themagazine also registered a domain name on 14th July. A blogpostwas published on 13th July inciting its90,000 readers to occupy "Wall Street"from 17th September for two monthsor more with a single point agenda toseek a Presidential Commission toseparate "money from politics". Whenthe protesters gathered at Zuccotti park,they chanted slogan, "All day, all week,

    occupy Wall Street." Initially the supportcame from anarchist academicians likeDavid Graeber, who is considered as theintellectual mind behind the well-orchestrated protest. Graeber studied thepeople of Betafo, a community of

    descendants of nobles and slaves inMadagascar and wrote the work, TheLost People. He observed how after theretreat of the state from the area, therewas self-organization of decision makingprocesses and people were happily

    July 13: Adbusters magazine based in British Columbia publishes a blogpost callingfor "a shift in revolutionary tactics" and urging tens of thousands ofpeople to converge on lower Manhattan on September 17. The plan: "setup tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few

    months. Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in aplurality of voices." The post was signed Culture Jammers HQ.July 14: The domain name was registered by Adbusters.July 26: The Occupy Wall Street website is launched; the group also uses Twitter

    and Facebook to promote the Sept. 17 demonstration. Adbusters callsfor similar protests to be held in central financial districts in Germany,

    Japan, Britain and around the world.Aug 2: With the "debt-ceiling deadline" of midnight August 2 drawing near, a

    group calling itself "New Yorkers Against Budget Cuts" chose August 2to incorporate its "General Assembly" with another group holding astrategy session for OWS. The two groups joined in a demonstration atthe Charging Bull sculpture, which stands in Lower Manhattan.

    Aug. 23:The activist hacking group Anonymous releases video supportingOccupy Wall Street.Sept. 17:The rally and march take place, and the protesters set up a temporary

    city in lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park.Sep. 20: Police arrested mask-wearing protesters, using a law dating back to 1845

    which bans masked gatherings unless part of "a masquerade party orlike entertainment.

    Sept. 24:New York police officers used force and pepper spray. Scores ofprotesters arrested.

    Oct. 1: More than 700 demonstrators are arrested during a march across theBrooklyn Bridge. Police officials say they targeted only those protesterswho clogged traffic lanes instead of taking the pedestrian walkway.

    Oct. 3: Hundreds of protesters in New York City dressed as "corporate zombies"marched past Wall Street .

    Oct. 5: Many of America's largest unions announce their support for OccupyWall Street as the movement holds a large march in Manhattan.

    Oct.12: New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg visits the protesters' camp inZuccotti Park, telling them they have two days to vacate the park so itsowners, Brookfield Office Properties, can clean it. Protesters begincleaning the park themselves.

    Oct. 14: Brookfield Properties announces that it will not force Occupy Wall Streetto leave Zuccotti Park.Oct. 15: Loosely coordinated demonstrationsinspired by Occupy Wall Street take place in 951 cities across 82 nations.

    Oct. 16: Obama extends support for the protesters. White house issues a statementsaying Obama is working for the interests of the 99 percent.

    Oct. 17: Adbusters proposes an Oct. 29 "RobinHood Global March" - and acandidate for group's unifying demand.


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    managing own affairs autonomously.Graeber began to popularize " directdemocracy without a government". Afterthe call for September 17 occupation byAdbusters, Graeber came to New Yorkand spent three weeks planning thedemonstrations. But, after first three daysof the beginning of the protest, he tooka backseat as he didn't want to create a"leadership structure'. He disliked the ideaof him being promoted as a celebrity.Graeber follows the dictum of RobertGraves, a British poet who first becamefamous for writing bitingly satirical versefrom the trenches of World War I , that"greatness was a pathology; and "greatmen" were essentially destroyers.

    Once Graeber left the scene andmaintained low profile,academicians from variouscampus began to converge onthe scene. Jeffrey D. Sachs ofColumbia University, NoamChomsky, Naomi Wolf,

    Joseph E. Stiglitz, LawrenceLessig of Hravard University,Slavoj Zizek of EuropeanGraduate School, MichealHardt, the author of Empire.

    The film makers like MichaelMoore joined the protests.

    The signs of confrontationwith the authorities becameevident when Police arrested mask-wearing protesters, using a law datingback to 1845 which bans maskedgatherings on 20th September. Hackergroup Anonymous issued videos insupport of the protests and theAnonymous mask became the identity ofthe protestors. There were stray

    incidences of pepper-spraying by thepolice officials against protesters. But, themovement maintained the peacefulprotest. It was the Brooklyn Bridge arrestson October 1 which made headlines.

    There were self-organized protests acrossvarious cities in US & Canada. OnOctober, 12 New York Mayor MichaelBloomberg visited the protesters' camp

    in Zuccotti Park and asked them tovacate park within two days so that itsowners, Brookfield Office Properties,can clean it. Protesters began cleaning thepark themselves. The 15thOctober protestspread worldwide and the OWS protestersgot support from the US PresidentObama himself on 16th October. USHouse Democratic leader Nancy Pelosiexpressed her support "God bless WallStreet protestors" - indicating that theDemocratic leadership is encouraging theprotestors over the streets. Similar viewshave been expressed by the AmericanVice President, Joe Biden.

    The Tea Party whose exceptional risehas forced the Democrats in the US on

    back foot on the issue of debt, federal

    spending, subsidy to the rich has accusedthe Democrats of instigating andorchestrating the Occupy Wall Streetprotests to counter the rise of Tea Party.

    Tea Party plays a major role in thebattle for the Republican Party'spresidential nomination. In February2011, the Tea Party Patriots organized

    the American Policy Summit in Phoenix,Arizona. The 1,600 attendees were polledregarding their preference for a 2012presidential candidate. Herman Cain, anAfro-American won the first poll. Themajority of Tea Party supporters aremiddle class, non-Hispanic whites.

    But, Presidential candidate HermanCain is very popular in the Tea Party.

    Herman Cain was the chief executive ofa pizza company for many years and hebuilt a strong base among conservativeAmericans through a radio talk show. Heis as good an orator as Obama and if heemerges as the republican Candidate, theRepublicans can easily score a victoryagainst Obama since Cain can mobilizethe support of Afro-Americans andHispanics and the majority of non-Hispanic white Americans are alreadysiding with the Tea Party.

    The OWS protests always comparethemselves with the Tea Party and so didthe American Vice President Joe Biden.

    The intentions do manifest. If the TeaParty emerged out of the street

    mobilization of the conservativeAmericans against thecorporate greed, more radicalagenda upon same issue isbeing offered by the OWSfrom the radical left who arecongregating under thebanner of the Post-Anarchism. The OWS canblunt the agenda of the TeaParty and the Republicansattack against the incumbent

    President. Thus, the tacitsupport extended by Pelosi,Obama and Biden to OWShas been criticized strongly by

    Herman Cain. In all likelihood, the streetupsurge from both right and the left inthis competitive vote-politics wouldradicalize American society to an extentthat it might become difficult to maintaina security paradigm and a micro-politicsof fear in the name of global war againstterror during the ongoing uncertain times.

    Million dollar question about the radicalintention of the movement is under firingline. Those who coined the slogan"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Zuccotti"are not forthcoming in extricating theintention of the movement from theallegation of partisanship in America'sdomestic politics.

    (N iraj Kumar is a political philosopher)


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    Defined by tourist clichs andbrilliantly crafted one-liners,

    Kashmir is a backpacker'shaven and "paradise on earth." And whilecharmingly seductive, the idyllic landscapeis beset by a sense-of-siege and is hometo millions eager for change andconsistency. Nearly two-decades ofconflict and on-and-off talks betweennuclear arch-rivals India and Pakistanhave had few meaningful results. Deeply

    disappointed by Indian and Pakistanipolitical ploys, the people on both sidesof the mountain passionately push forpeace, either through active participationin much-talked-about-protests or politicalparty meetings that are all-inclusive.Outside of government, residents of theconflict, many of whom are bewitched

    by deaths and disappearances of friendsand foes, undertake risks to releaseinformation and record presentgrievances. Without the people ofKashmir, high-level talks, albeitmoderately effective, will fail to achievean acceptable outcome or alter the status-quo of aggressive policies, artificialpolitics, and animated street protests.

    BETWEEN THE MOUNTAINSThe road out of Srinagar is dusty

    and dark. I look out of the jeep to seewomen in colorful traditional garb,cloaked in canary yellow, pastel pink, andemerald green. I see a poster ofLebanon's famed political party leader ofHezbollah, Hassan Nasrullah, plastered

    on the side of a building. Indian Armytrucks trail behind with soldiers casuallyseated in back, with rifles tugged at theirshoulders and black boots donned at theirfeet. They appear unthreatening andunintimidating. Not a trace of bravurain their demeanor as they skid by andstare right back at me, veiled in a pinkpashmina.

    Farhana Qazi

    Keeping Kashmir Current


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    This was November 2008, a monthof intense protests and political backlashas parties prepared for elections and arestive public called on its leaders toprovide basic needs. That winter, Iembraced the warm sun as it cast a glowon the thicket of trees, half-listening tothe driver who agreed to take me throughNational Highway towards Pampore. Inthe background, a tremor is heard as ablast tears apart the majestic mountainfor stone. Men sit idle in open shops withcups of tea. Others break slabs of stonetaken from the rugged hills. My driverblasts unimaginative Bollywood music asI take note of the Neelum River thatdivides a people trapped between India

    and Pakistan. It is the same river thatcaptivated me from a dirt-road on a steephill in Pakistan-administered Kashmir.

    Earlier that year, in a separate visitto the valley, I read varied news reportsof mass graves uncovered in summer2008 across Indian-administered Kashmirthat haunted the local population. Manycalled for action and answers from localpolitical parties, the police and primaryauthorities, the Indian state for crimescommitted and casualties unaccounted

    for. In Buried Evidence, a multi-authoredpublication by The International People's

    Tribunal on Human Rights and Justicein Indian-administered Kashmir, thedeath toll between 1989 and 2009 is listedas well over 8,000-these include enforcedor involuntary disappearances and anadditional 70,000 or more were founddead. The authors contend that a historyof "violence and violation" of humanrights abuses result in anguish and anxietyamong the population.

    The discovery of the mass graves'prompted international attention. Forexample, in July 2008, the EuropeanParliament passed a resolution todenounce disappearances, detentions anddeaths since the outbreak of conflict.

    Then, the Parliament called for animpartial and independent investigation-similar to requests being made by

    international human rights organizationsthis year.

    Three years later, the same storyrepeats itself. This summer, AmnestyInternational and India's Jammu andKashmir State Human RightsCommission released reports withterrifying statistics of the dead anddisappeared, which include innocentvictims. International agencies continueto insist on an open inquiry, though Indianauthorities are likely to repel and resist,despite outside pressure for transparency.

    The imbroglio over unmarked andunknown mass graves in Kashmir raisesdoubt and deepens distrust with the rulingelite. Amnesty's report highlights a

    fundamental question of whether theIndian state is legitimate or lawful in its"occupation" of Kashmir-aninstrumental issue that is debated anddiscussed by political activists, localresidents, and outside observers.

    Discussion of the ongoing disputehas had a chilling effect and fatalconsequences for a people living withinthe forbidding landscape. The impact ofunsettled policies and local partiescamouflaged by the agencies they

    represent is likely to avert growth,particularly among the youth. In a recentinterview, a Srinagar-based doctor, whowished to be unnamed, expressed hisconcern that the youth of Kashmir areunable to cope in an unending andunresolved conflict. As a physician, hepoints to the youth's increasing use ofover-the-counter or inexpensive drugs. Hetold me, "The trauma of war contributesto an ailing society. Most people sufferfrom post-traumatic stress disorder or

    PTSD. To live, Kashmiris are on drugs.We are all sick. Even children take cheapmedicine to fall asleep. What will happento our youth? They have no copingmechanism."

    A temporary respite from rage, drugsmasquerade the desperation anddepression that local residents share.Numerous interviews of widows, and

    half-widows, in Kashmir assert the rightto an untroubled life for themselves and

    the children they are responsible for whenhusbands, brothers, fathers, and unclesare absent. Countless stories of womenas told by journalists, including my owncollection of mourning, discredit Indiaand Pakistan's attempt at negotiation.Without taking into account the narrativeof violence and a vicious cycle of neglect,the South Asian leaders' initiative toengage one another is just that-a mediablunder that masks the agony andaffliction local Kashmiris have harbored

    for decades, if not centuries.

    PROSPECTS FOR PEACEThe Kashmiri people are destined

    and determined to seek a politicalsolution. Aware of India and Pakistan'srecent overtures to resume dialogue, localcommunities on both sides of the borderwatch for signs of prosperity. High-levelmeetings between the two arch-rivals maybe a significant step, though historicalrecord of previous attempts at dialogue

    proves that neither India nor Pakistan iswilling to make critical concessions.Recent discussions may be a political ployand an effort to strut strength or simulatesincerity, rather than sway either side tolong-term solutions. Hence, the foreigndignitaries' meetings on Kashmir couldbe short-lived.

    Given the inconclusive nature of


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    A Western partner couldA Western partner couldA Western partner couldA Western partner couldA Western partner could

    enable India and Pakistanenable India and Pakistanenable India and Pakistanenable India and Pakistanenable India and Pakistanto redesign their ambitionsto redesign their ambitionsto redesign their ambitionsto redesign their ambitionsto redesign their ambitions

    for Kashmir, modifyingfor Kashmir, modifyingfor Kashmir, modifyingfor Kashmir, modifyingfor Kashmir, modifying

    their current plan for talkstheir current plan for talkstheir current plan for talkstheir current plan for talkstheir current plan for talks

    to ensure a longer time-to ensure a longer time-to ensure a longer time-to ensure a longer time-to ensure a longer time-

    table for progress.table for progress.table for progress.table for progress.table for progress.

    talks, interviews of local residents sporta business-as-usual attitude, dismissing thepossibility that India and Pakistan can

    progress on the Kashmir issue. A younglawyer in Srinagar admitted, "All theleaders are playing with the blood ofmartyrs. That is injustice." A similardistrust expressed by other K ashmiriswith their party leaders highlights thefailure and fiasco of local officials to takeseriously a collapsing society. TanveerWani, a law student in exile-once theyoungest political activist with theHurriyat Conference-told me, "Everypolitical party is vested in itself, with no

    regard for the people. Until they learn toserve the people, there is nothing Indiaand Pakistan can do to settle the dispute."

    Despite the perception of deadlock,few party leaders remain hopeful.Activists, including the legendary militantFarooq Dar or Bitta Karate, nowChairman of the Jammu and LiberationKashmir Front-R (JKLF), continues to

    believe in a political solution. Among thefew invited to New Delhi for talks withother separatist leaders and senior-levelIndian officials, Dar is not entirelyoptimistic about the future of hishomeland. While inclusion in thesemeetings can be potentially useful, Darsuggests that rampant corruptioncontinues, even among his own politicalactivists and party members, therebyreducing the push for peace to pettypower politics.

    When I met Dar in 2008, he wassecond-in-line in the JKLF-R cluster. ButDar stepped in to salvage the party afteraccusations made against the formerleader of mismanaging funds and

    mishandling the party's agenda becameclear. In a recent phone conversation, hetold me, "I cannot tolerate corruption inmy own party. We are committed to ourcause for freedom, and there is no roomfor members to take advantage of thepolitical platform."

    Like Dar, leading female activistsassemble in protests and party meetingsto represent their gender and interests.Women eager and excited for politicalparticipation are often marginalized, as

    discontent and dissent takes place evenwithin female-only parties. In interviewsof female party leaders, includingformerly accused terrorist supporters, itis clear that their own gridlock and internalgrumbles potentially discredits womenagainst one another.

    As groups, political and apolitical,struggle to survive and sort through theirown quixotic adventures and aspirations,the international community continues toindulge in a series of missteps. Both India

    and Pakistan have been unable tounscramble deep-seated distrust amonglocal parties in Kashmir or articulate theiroverall regional objectives. Increasinglyimpatient with New Delhi and Islamabad,local residents will unlikely be able tooffer options so long as they are equallydisenchanted with one another. A dividedKashmir may present opportunities for

    India and Pakistan in the short-term, butlong-term inadequate policies willencourage strategic encirclement andmotivate both countries to meddle andmanipulate, rather than manage, theKashmir affair.

    THE WAY FORWARDWithout military might or the muscle

    to make politics, many Kashmiris arehelpless to affect the political landscape.Mixed messages reverberate throughoutthe valley, which include a love-and-hatesentiment for Pakistan, once the "bigbrother" that backed firebrand militants,and a go-home-India proclamation bystreet protestors.

    Equally damaging are messages ofan incompetent Pakistan and anintolerable India. Pakistan's doubt of NewDelhi's intentions vis--vis Kashmir as wellas its India-centric (read obsessive)policies require rethinking. India's paranoiaand paralyzing policies aimed to punishPakistan for harboring terrorists needsto be put into context. To move forwardon Kashmir, the two states may need an"all-weather-friend" such as the UnitedStates, an ally to both countries at various

    stages of their political trajectories. AWestern partner could enable India andPakistan to redesign their ambitions forKashmir, modifying their current plan fortalks to ensure a longer time-table forprogress. An outside negotiator has thepotential to allow New Delhi andIslamabad to stitch together a politicalmodel that involves the people, namelycivil society actors, political activists, aswell as local residents with no affiliationto a specific group. Absent a Western

    collaborator, India and Pakistan riskreducing Kashmir to symbolic gestures,sensationalized by the international pressas disingenuous and dishonest.

    (Farhana Qazi is a senior lecturer on Pakistan and

    Islam for the US government. She publishes widely on

    conflicts in the Islamic world, including the conflict in

    Kashmir. She can be reached at [email protected]

    or her website,


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    The Smiling Chief Minister

    The definition of a smile is athunder in the heart produces alightning on the face. Smile and

    the world smiles with you, is a motto thatthe present Chief Minister of KarnatakaDevargunda Venkatappa SadanandGowda, is dutifully following and he hasreasons to smile for destiny has smiledupon him for having landed the most-

    The Chief Ministership came to him, and he is never known to haveThe Chief Ministership came to him, and he is never known to haveThe Chief Ministership came to him, and he is never known to haveThe Chief Ministership came to him, and he is never known to haveThe Chief Ministership came to him, and he is never known to have

    lobbied to become one. In the struggle for supremacy among variouslobbied to become one. In the struggle for supremacy among variouslobbied to become one. In the struggle for supremacy among variouslobbied to become one. In the struggle for supremacy among variouslobbied to become one. In the struggle for supremacy among variousfactions within his own party, he trounced Lingayat leader Jagdish Shettar,factions within his own party, he trounced Lingayat leader Jagdish Shettar,factions within his own party, he trounced Lingayat leader Jagdish Shettar,factions within his own party, he trounced Lingayat leader Jagdish Shettar,factions within his own party, he trounced Lingayat leader Jagdish Shettar,

    and emerged as the consensus candidate after an epic struggle which hadand emerged as the consensus candidate after an epic struggle which hadand emerged as the consensus candidate after an epic struggle which hadand emerged as the consensus candidate after an epic struggle which hadand emerged as the consensus candidate after an epic struggle which had

    its share of drama and was a nail-biting finish.its share of drama and was a nail-biting finish.its share of drama and was a nail-biting finish.its share of drama and was a nail-biting finish.its share of drama and was a nail-biting finish.

    Manjunath Shresthisought after job in the state. He is thesecond ethnic Tuluva Chief Minister ofKarnataka after Veerappa Moily. He firstcame into national prominence in June2007 when he was one of the key playersin the BJP forming their first government

    South of the Vindyas. He began his careeras a member of the erstwhile Jan Sangh,and has made it to the top by being afoot-soldier of the party, endured thegrind of the grass-roots and has come tooccupy the coveted post after waiting forhis turn. He has been the KarnatakaPresident of the BJP since the year 2006,and also a two-time MP representing

    Mangalore, and Udupi-Chickmagalur LokSabha seat in the 14th and 15th LokSabha beginning 2004-2009, and 2009respectively. The Chief Ministershipcame to him, and he is never known tohave lobbied to become one. In the

    struggle for supremacy among variousfactions within his own party, he trouncedLingayat leader Jagdish Shettar, andemerged as the consensus candidate afteran epic struggle which had its share ofdrama and was a nail-biting finish. DVSadanand Gowda, was the chosen onefor he emerged as the Chief Minister,for he enjoys the confidence of all


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    communities and cannot be bracketed asa member of any one community. Thepredictions that made the rounds whilewe was being sworn in, that he would beremote-controlled have all turned out tobe baseless rumours. For he is the onewho is in control of all that happens. DVSbecame the 26th CM, after B S

    Yeddyurappa dug in his heels and hadhis final say before bidding adieu to theoffice of Chief Ministership.

    There is now a semblance of sanityin the working of the affairs of thepresent dispensation for all infightingstands quelled, and with competitivepolitics taking a back seat for themoment, the journey ahead is a smooth

    ride for DVS as he is known. There wastremendous opposition to BS

    Yeddyurappa, from the day he took oathas the CM. For the burden ofexpectations were high, newly inducted

    legislators considered himself akingmaker, and the upstarts worked intandem with guidance from their centralpatrons, whose one-point agenda was todestabilize their own government, andnever letting B.S. Yeddyurappa settledown in his post. A leader to governneeds cooperation from his supporters,and if pilloried on a daily basis it becomesa nuisance, and thus ended the reign ofthree years of the former CM. But thestart of D V Sadanand Gowda, is on apositive note, for the legislators haveknown the adverse effects of a mid-termelection, it will be their undoing if theyraise the banner of protests again. Thekingmakers with wide and diverse

    interests and their hangers on have beensilenced by the long arms of law. Theyare under a vice-like grip of the CentralInvestigating Agencies, their modusoperandi busted, and their invincibility

    Spectrum Raja) who are cooling theirheels in Tihar for their prime role in the2G spectrum case. The duo have foundit difficult to seek bail, in spite of hiringtop notch legal eagles in the country. Whensuch a calamity has felled the DMK,which even now supports the UPA-I I.

    Then one can but imagine what lies instore for Reddy & Co. In the mine richdistricts of Karnataka, there was openlooting of natural resources withoutfollowing the rule book, and devising waysand hoodwinking the government byavoiding taxes, bleeding the economywhite by their brazen plunder to multiplytheir wealth has been one lesson withdisastrous consequences for the economy

    of the resource rich state. The high gradeiron ore (red gold) which feeds the steelindustry across the length and breadthof the state, and also its neighbouringstates. The industries have been cryingfor lack of the raw material to increasethe production of steel which is a mustfor further development. D V SadanandGowda, is known to be in the good booksof the central leadership of the BJP, forhe is seen as an amicable man who has agood working relation and a smiling face,

    makes his job easier.Karnataka along with six of the

    southern states is reeling under a severepower crisis, and is overworking toincrease the production of electricity, andalso borrowing power from all availableplaces at exorbitant rates hasn't helpedtheir cause. The power shortfall hasaffected all sectors and is more glaring inthe rural areas.

    But the picture is not all gloomy, forthe Metro project has a grand

    inauguration on October 20thand wasopen to the public. This will makeBangalore, the third city in India afterKolkata, and New Delhi to have themetro chugging along and making lifemore easy and convenient for theresidents of Namma Bengaluru a high-tech city.

    (Email : [email protected])

    MLAs under 'Operation Lotus' extractedtheir pound of flesh, and the adage manycooks who spoilt the broth seemed apt.

    The factions within the party were many,and every leader with a handful of

    torn to shreds. They have finally beenincarcerated in their rightful permanentabode. The CBI has been unsparing onthe kin of DMK patriarch, K Kanimozhi,and family trusted aide A.Raja, a.k.a. (2G


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    Revisiting the master

    planning methods in India

    Master planning large patches ofland is not new to India.Perhaps, with its colossal

    recorded history, ancient India knew whatshould be done to a particular piece of

    land, when, and how, for the larger good.Post I ndependence, there weregovernment authorities set up in India(or rather continued to exist as the Britishexited) both at the center and the statelevel. They looked into the physical andeconomic planning affairs. The physicalplanning concentrates on Density, TransitPatterns, Land-Use, Bulk-Mass, Bye-Laws and Statutes. It is the economicplanning that translates into all of theabove mentioned. But, as India is

    progressing into a new era with its globalbusiness tie-ups and a renewed zest; it isabout time that urban planners andarchitects working on projects in India,start looking into the subject of masterplanning with an additional new lightbesides the existing ones. This new lightcould be simply named as the Quality ofUrban Spaces, Technologies Used In The

    Connectivity is the most important aspect of human habitation todayConnectivity is the most important aspect of human habitation todayConnectivity is the most important aspect of human habitation todayConnectivity is the most important aspect of human habitation todayConnectivity is the most important aspect of human habitation today

    because of the way amenities are placed on the master plans. Unless, we trybecause of the way amenities are placed on the master plans. Unless, we trybecause of the way amenities are placed on the master plans. Unless, we trybecause of the way amenities are placed on the master plans. Unless, we trybecause of the way amenities are placed on the master plans. Unless, we try

    newer lifestyles as proposed by New Urbanism or Work From Homenewer lifestyles as proposed by New Urbanism or Work From Homenewer lifestyles as proposed by New Urbanism or Work From Homenewer lifestyles as proposed by New Urbanism or Work From Homenewer lifestyles as proposed by New Urbanism or Work From Home

    concept, we will continue to need physical connectivity. For physicalconcept, we will continue to need physical connectivity. For physicalconcept, we will continue to need physical connectivity. For physicalconcept, we will continue to need physical connectivity. For physicalconcept, we will continue to need physical connectivity. For physical

    connectivity we shall need wider Motorways corresponding to the car count.connectivity we shall need wider Motorways corresponding to the car count.connectivity we shall need wider Motorways corresponding to the car count.connectivity we shall need wider Motorways corresponding to the car count.connectivity we shall need wider Motorways corresponding to the car count.

    Mayur NaikBuilt Environment, SustainabilityQuotient In Urban Infrastructure, andCrime Prevention ThroughEnvironmental Design (CPTED).

    Density:Economy and populationof a particular region decides the densityor rather the building stock per unit acre.

    This is differently poised in Tier I, TierII, and Tier III cities in India. That isfurther governed by Floor Space Indexin many cities of India; and in some other

    cities by the height restriction set by theaviation and fire fighting authorities. Also,there is minimum set back from the plotboundary expected at different floorlevels. But, largely its intention is torestrict a certain size of population in anassigned area.

    Transit Patterns andMethods:Connectivity isthe most important aspectof human habitation todaybecause of the way

    amenities are placed on themaster plans. Unless, we trynewer lifestyles as proposedby New Urbanism or WorkFrom Home concept, wewill continue to needphysical connectivity. Forphysical connectivity weshall need wider

    Motorways corresponding to the carcount. We also need adequate numberof Walkways, and Bikeways that promotepollution free living. There can also belayering done in cities where one layercan be dedicated to Motorways while theother can be dedicated to Monorails runon alternative energy. Also, withAerotropolis becoming a new buzz wordin some new cities being designed acrossIndia today, it is important to research

    into how airplane centric cities can be wellaccepted by the Indian users in a moresustainable manner.

    Land-Use:India's economy beinglargely based on agriculture, it isimportant to see that we do not end upexhausting all arable land at the hands of


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    housing demand. Urban Sprawl isdefinitely going to be a new challenge to

    Indian cities in the upcoming decades.Thus city limits need to be defined whileat the same time, bye-laws & emergencyfacilities have to be revised to addressbuilding height restrictions. And in orderto keep pace with industrial productiondemand in India today, industrial land hasto be well placed on urban plans so as toreduce all kinds of pollution and increasetheir efficiency simultaneously.

    Bulk-Mass:Massing is yet anotheraspect that defines the skyline of any city.

    Hence, architects and planningdepartments have to be sensitive to keepthe skyline at appropriate level; so thatone neither feels claustrophobic noragoraphobic while on the street. A masterplanner should ideally in my opinion, lookat the overall feel and look of a civicspace when built.

    Bye-Laws and Statutes:These arethe state and local municipality ordinancesthat define set-backs, building heights,sewage disposal, signage conditions or

    requirements, and every other aspectconcerning a healthy living in anyadministered neighborhood. It is abouttime we start researching into theoutdated laws and revising the laws for aglobal lifestyle challenge. Although, it isvery true that people live locally and notglobally, yet it is wise to keep pace withtime and think ahead.

    Quality of UrbanSpaces: This is oneaspect completelymissing in many of ourexisting Indian cities.Inconsistent shop signageand hoardings bigger thanthe surrounding buildings,unmaintained publicparks, dirty and litteredstreets, lack of seatingoptions on street edges,lack of adequate numberof public toilets, lack ofsufficient garbage

    collection points, broken barrier railing,inadequate street lighting, inharmonious

    streetscaping are just a few among themany problems that all Indian cities facewithout exception. It is about time aneffective civic commission at national andstate level is established, that will lookinto the beauty aspect of city makingprocess. Along with a citizen's charter thatinvolves public into how they want to seetheir cities to be; and what could they doin that to maintain it when built. Lastly,care should be taken to make all spaceshandicap accessible.

    Technologies Used In The BuiltEnvironment:Today, CCTV camerashave shown on many occasions, howthings change for good when thenotorious in the street know they are beingwatched. Also when we start designingmaster plans laying more focus onalternative energy for our neighborhoodenergy needs, we can help India not onlygrow faster but with lesser burden onstate coffers; and that saved money couldbe implemented into some larger good

    cause. Master plans can reserve aminimum of 30% land for alternativeenergy production either through windfarms, solar farms or anything else thatsuits the site best. Also, building integratedalternative energy solutions will be afantastic option additionally.

    Sustainability Quotient In UrbanInfrastructure:Today, Indian city

    managements have begun upgradingurban infrastructure looking at the foreigndirect investment opportunities acrosssectors. This is a wonderful opportunityfor the population to interact with globaltalents right in their neighborhoodseventually. However, the issue ofsustainability looks somewhat neglectedwhile conceptualizing or implementingthese projects. Subjects like adaptive re-use of existing infrastructure can be aboon if it is well thought in advance. Plus,landscaping based on native floraselection can be a viable option. Insummary, sustainability can be veryexpansive and it needs to be takenseriously on our urban infrastructure

    projects.Crime Prevention Through

    Environmental Design (CPTED):Looking at terrorism, vandalism, theft,etc., in today's scenario, our cities needto be made safer. This is possible byapplying the concepts of CPTED wherethings like porous fences that don't blockvision should be made a municipal dictumfor all properties. CCTV cameras shouldbe installed on all streets at appropriatelocations. As far as possible, large windows

    with clear glass should be encouraged forall building in the neighborhood block.

    That helps keep a vigil on the streetactivity and discourages the criminalminds from illicit engagements. Street

    junctions should be well designed withleast visual obstruction to help drivers andpedestrians see each other clearly from asafe distance. Things like cross walks,sidewalks should be done at places thatare undone. Adequate street lighting isanother remedy to increase public activity,

    hence less deserted urban spaces. (A bout the author: A rchitect Mayur N aik

    is an expert on Sustainable Urban Planning

    and A rchitecture. He has work ed closely with

    Detroit Planning Department, USA on urban

    revitalization projects; and in the Sultanate of

    Oman on many townships. H e cur rently

    practices from Mumbai and has earned Master

    of A rchitecture (H ons), from Michigan, USA .)


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    the betterment. I underlined the need tostart TI. After listening to me, he wasconvinced, but he said that we need tofind the Director of TI. I then took amajor risk, and told him that the Directorof Traffic India is sitting in front of you.And the fact that I'm still working, it isdue to my love for the forests and towild animals. I go for long walks and Ihave no fear of the animals. I gounarmed, all the artificial props will harmyou than help. In fact this is what I learntfrom the experienced people in the field.I also got to know one of the famousnames Saroj Rai Chaudhari, he was aforest officer in Simlipal. He had raiseda tigress from a cub in captivity and let

    her to go wild. He is the person whostarted the Wildlife Institute of India, andwas its first Director.

    About the state of our forests, theirstate today and where do things standas of date? What is the percentageof area under forest cover?

    Jungle is a Hindi word which theBritish also adopted, but when theybrought in scientific forestry, they calledit Indian Forest Service. And the first

    Director of the India Forest Service wasa German citizen. He had a forestrybackground in Germany, and the Britishcalled him to start social forestry in India.His photograph still hangs in the Ministry.

    The forests are deteriorating all over India,the government is doing what it can do.

    There are different kinds of pressuregroups, representing local people, timberoperations - legal as well as illegal. Thearea of forest cover is shrinking; thefigures are inflated as it happens with all

    government departments.

    What are the pressures on the eco-system that have become a cause forconcern and worry, and the remediesyou have suggested.

    The biggest pressure is growth in thehuman population of India. The poorera person, the greater his dependence on

    resources from the forest if he lives neara forest. In Western U.P & Bihar, thereis virtually no forest left but people theresurvive through agricultural produce. Butthose who live in the forest, find it easierto access their needs like fuel wood,fodder and timber from the forest. Andin some States of India, mainly MadhyaPradesh, a huge amount of money ismade from the beedi-patta trade (tenduleaves). This cause tremendous strain onthe forestry and forests.

    protection Society of India and servedas a consultant to the Ministry ofEnvironment and Forests.

    While I was in Traffic India, one ofmy colleagues there was Vivek Menon.So when I left TI, he also resigned, andwandering around thinking of whatshould be done. Menon was a prolificwriter dishing out articles, short stories,and books. We got together and decidedto start our own organisation WTI in1998. We three friends got together. Thethird person is Mohit Aggarwal, who isinto wildlife tourism. He owns propertiesnear wildlife sanctuaries and hisorganization is Asian Adventures. He hasoffices all over I ndia, arranges

    accommodation and is involved in thelogistics of wildlife tourism.

    What is the deterrent that you wantto send to poachers, and those whothrive on illegal trade of wildlifeproducts, in spite of the wildlife laws?

    The poachers are of two types, thefirst one's are some people who do thisfor fun like Salman Khan and Late MAKPataudi. Others are professionals who killto sell. They kill tigers, leopards, and other

    wild animals for profit. They do thegreatest harm. When I started as the headof Traffic India, not a single copy ofWildlife Protection Act (WPA), wasavailable in any shop of India. I went tothe Ministry and got a photocopy of thesame from their file, and then got itprinted. I started distributing free copiesto all the Forest Departments and startedtraining them how to use it.

    The deterrent is sending them(poachers) to jail and ensuring a conviction

    order. In India, a wildlife crime case cantake 8-10 years in trial courts. I have heldseminars and workshops with judges ofHigh Courts and trial courts. We enthusedthem about WPA and also prodded themto have a first-hand account of Sariskaand Jim Corbett Parks.The tenure ofcourt cases in India is long because ofthe backlog of cases. Salman Khan's five-

    You are a well traveled man, whichpart of the Indian jungle fascinatesand excites you the most?

    I go to the Corbett quite oftenbecause it is closest to me. I have drivenall over Northen India, but I now avoid.I have built a jungle house in North ofCorbett Park at Sona Nadhi sanctuaryentirely for friends and family, and visitthere at least once in a month. When thepark is open, all I have to do is walk up

    to the gate, take my car, pay an entryfee, no hassles about getting a guest housepermit. I just wander in the jungle forthe full day and come back home in theevening.

    How did the idea of Wildlife Trustof India (WTI) evolve?

    I was also Vice-President of Wildlife

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    year sentence has been upheld by theSession's Court. Now after the death ofPataudi, case will go on with the otherco-accused. Every time there is a hearing,be it Salman Khan or Pataudi case, a WTIlawyer stands there assisting the court andthe public prosecutor.

    How can the nexus between thetribes-dealers-middlemen and theend consumer be broken? Does thegovernment have the foresight toprotect our flora/ fauna, and howcooperative is the bureaucracy?

    For breaking the nexus, seizure andarrest is must. Consumer awarenesscampaigns through print and electronic

    media is very crucial. I was in the remotestpart of Northern Bihar on Nepal borderwhere I got news that Salman Khan was

    jailed, and the people there said, if anactor could be jailed, then anyone foundguilty will be punished. Now killing ofanimals has become dangerous. Thisdeterrent has been conveyed to thecommon man because of mediacoverage. Salman's case is going to beheard soon now in the High Court. Hemay not have to come for the HC

    hearing, for there he used all diversionarytactics. We are absolutely certain that HCwill hear his petition and send it back tothe session's court. And in the Session'scourt there will be a day-to-day hearingfor five days and a final order will bedelivered.

    Help from the government is by andlarge increasing by virtue of the awarenesswhich has been caused by the media. Weare now getting some government money,but our source of funding is mainly from

    Western NGOs from all parts of theworld. Our main donor and partner isInternational Fund for Animal Welfare(IFAW), with offices in 16 countries. Theyare next to WWF, and are the second largestInternational NGO in wildlifeconservation.

    About your new book "The Tigers

    of North Kheri". what is the messagethat you want to deliver to thelayman? And where is your proudpossession the .375 Rifle today?

    The message is that anybody cancontribute in some way or the other. Thebook was written in the 1970s. The .375Rifle Magnum is now heavily wrappedin tissue paper and grease. It is a Hollandand Holland bolt action rifle. My latebrother-in-law to whom this book isdedicated had H&H Double BarrelBreech Loading (DBBL) Rifle. I will giftmy rifle to one member of the familywho will keep it as a relic. H&H is likeRolls-Royce of weapons. And one reasonwhy I don't want to sell it, is that somebody

    may misuse it and may stealthily poachanimals, you never know.

    The numbers and status of theTigers today? What is their future?

    The numbers game is a very difficultquestion to answer, because theGovernment has now changed from thepug mark method to camera trappingenumeration. WTI has done enumerationin several parts of India and we havepeople who have been trained to use

    camera traps and there is a whole scienceof enumeration. My personal hunch is thatthe Government figure of 1411 is notcorrect. I think that the number probablywould be much higher. There are lots ofplaces where there has been no tigerenumeration of any kind. Tigers can befound in all kinds of small jungles as well.In South India, the tiger numbers areincreasing. In my younger days when allthese books were written, South India wasnever thought to be an important part of

    India for tigers. We never saw beyondCentral India, even literature on tigers andother wild animals is limited from theSouth. The reason for this is that theBritish hunters/writers focussed on the

    jungles of North India. The book 'ThirtyYears of Shikar in India', was written in1870s. It had reached the library of theCongress. This book was written keeping

    in mind the area around Dudhwa,Northern part of Bengal, and CoochBehar. But the bulk of it is written in theregion which is now on the Nepal border,the Terai region. The author describes thathe shot 18 black bucks in a day.

    How do you rate our forest policy.How one can help in wildlifeprotection?

    Our wildlife policy has become tootiger centric. We forget that there arehundreds and thousands of species ofbirds, reptiles and other animals. Thereare people who have devoted theircomplete life time for birds. After Dr.Salim Ali, there are people like Asad

    Rehmani whose subject of interest is onRaptors - Birds of Prey, and books havecome out from him which have beenacclaimed all over the world. There areother species, one must take interest in.

    Tiger mania takes away the protectionfrom all other species and sometimeseven from the forests. City based wildlifeconservationists, especially from theMetros hold functions in five-star hotelsfor wildlife protection. Reality is that notiger or nor any wildlife species needs a

    banquet in a five-star hotel, where 20-30lakhs are spent. This is the sheer wastageof money. People who are walking in theforests like forest guards, very often don'thave proper shoes. In winter they don'thave winter jackets. Instead of spendingmoney on frivolous events, it should gointo field. One can start a smallorganisation somewhere and assist theforest department. The forest departmentneeds the assistance. People working inthe forest department are very committed

    people. At the bottom of the forestdepartment, there are daily wagers whoused to be forced to buy their ownuniforms. Just imagine if a person spendshis own money to get the uniformsstitched before doing patrolling, nobodywill get scared of him. Governmentshould make all efforts to make theground staff capable and effective.


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    Big Rip


    Race for


    of India

    The next battlefieldThe next battlefieldThe next battlefieldThe next battlefieldThe next battlefield

    is the forthcomingis the forthcomingis the forthcomingis the forthcomingis the forthcoming

    election for theelection for theelection for theelection for theelection for the

    President in July,President in July,President in July,President in July,President in July,

    2012. UP and Punjab2012. UP and Punjab2012. UP and Punjab2012. UP and Punjab2012. UP and Punjab

    Assembly electionsAssembly electionsAssembly electionsAssembly electionsAssembly elections

    are tactical conflict.are tactical conflict.are tactical conflict.are tactical conflict.are tactical conflict.

    The next PresidentThe next PresidentThe next PresidentThe next PresidentThe next President

    will have to play awill have to play awill have to play awill have to play awill have to play a

    vital role in avital role in avital role in avital role in avital role in a

    challenging fluidchallenging fluidchallenging fluidchallenging fluidchallenging fluidpolitical situationpolitical situationpolitical situationpolitical situationpolitical situation

    when the publicwhen the publicwhen the publicwhen the publicwhen the public

    protest has addedprotest has addedprotest has addedprotest has addedprotest has added

    new dimension tonew dimension tonew dimension tonew dimension tonew dimension to

    popular democracy.popular democracy.popular democracy.popular democracy.popular democracy.

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    The first Post-Anna Movementelection results have exposed theruling coalition to multi-pronged

    attack. The Congress and its alliance wasrouted 4-0 and this has emboldened theOpposition to take on the governmenton territory of misgovernance,corruption, price rise and loss ofconsensus at the top. The next battlefieldis the forthcoming election for thePresident in July, 2012. UP and PunjabAssembly elections are tactical conflict.

    The next President will have to play avital role in a challenging fluid political

    situation when the public protest hasadded new dimension to populardemocracy. The politics of nation isalready fragmented with two alliances andmany new permutations andcombinations among parties andpersonalities. In every likelihood, nopolitical party has the wherewithal to gaina majority on its own in nextparliamentary elections. There is stronganti-incumbency against the Congress,but the appeal of the BJP is not pan-

    Indian. It will be the responsibility of thePresident of the Republic to maintain theConstitution framework in non-partisanmanner in the emergent scenario. Whoshall be the President will define thepolitical contours of the nation for nextfew months?

    The probables are being speculated.N.R.Narayan Murthy has responded tomedia reports and clarified that he is notin the race for the President. AnnaHazare has shot off a 8-page Open reply

    to Digvijay Singh and stated that he isnot in the race for the next President ofthe Republic. Digvijay Singh had earlierwritten that the BJP intends to projectAnna Hazare as the next Presidentialcandidate. Anna clearly stated at page 6of his letter that only few days ago, somemedia in Maharshatra had reported thatCongress has offered Anna the

    Niraj Kamal Presidentship on the condition that heshould stall the anti-corruptionmovement. President Pratibha Patil hasearlier declared that she is not interestedin another term. Her term expires on24th July, 2012. The nomination processwill be notified on 24th May, 2012,merely six months later from now. ThePresidential election is going to be a photofinish and the next President holds thekey for the next government in a fluidpolitical condition.

    The race has already begun withinthe ruling Congress party and mightimpact the stability of the governmentitself if the same is not managedeffectively. It is widely believed that

    though PM being a stickler to positionof authority is finding himselfconstrained by the failing health, age andloss of credibility. There is pressure overhim to demit office for the family scionas early as feasible so that the governmentdoes not lose the control over powerstructure and the job of successor doesnot get difficult further. He wants to get

    over the PM ship, but he is aiming forthe highest Chair of Presidency of theRepublic. This will safeguard him fromimplications in various scams like 2Gwhich has shattered the nationalconsciousness. If the reins of the powergo into the hands of young leader likeRahul Gandhi, the PM is afraid that thenext incumbent in order to build charismaand to win popular support might targetthe predecessor PM for all the scams,inflation, fiasco in Kashmir, Bangladesh,misguided foreign policy etc. PM wouldlike to have a PM of his own choicebefore moving to the office ofPresidency on 25th July, 2012.Chidambaram fits his scheme well as

    Chidambaram is ambitious, a rebel againstthe Congress leadership and opportunistto forge new alliances for the sake ofgaining power. The Congress Party is waryof the plan and itself has unleashed acacophony against Chidambaram andPM. One can see a deadly pattern inDigvijay Singh and Keshav Rao attackingChidambaram on one hand and on theother "honest" and elbowed out seniorleaders like Mani Shankar Aiyar andNatwar Singh attacking the PM himself.

    The cover story of the current issue ofCaravan magazine against ManmohanSingh has all the handiwork of this teamof "non-alignment" crusaders of theforeign policy. Similarly, this week writeup in foreign Affairs magazine on "thegrooming of Rahul Gandhi" is part ofthe pattern to get the chair immediatelyto the dynasty. The Party has brought themost veteran leader Mukherjee into thepicture who has vouchsafed for youngRahul's leadership at this juncture. Pranab

    Mukherjee has compromised with hisdestiny of never becoming the PM inspite of being the most potent candidatein contemporary India, and he seems tohave settled for catapulting into the roleof head of the Republic in July, 2012.

    The party can support him only when hesupports ascension of Rahul Gandhi asthe next PM. To do this requires

    The race has alreadyThe race has alreadyThe race has alreadyThe race has alreadyThe race has already

    begun within the rulingbegun within the rulingbegun within the rulingbegun within the rulingbegun within the rulingCongress party and mightCongress party and mightCongress party and mightCongress party and mightCongress party and might

    impact the stability of theimpact the stability of theimpact the stability of theimpact the stability of theimpact the stability of the

    government itself if thegovernment itself if thegovernment itself if thegovernment itself if thegovernment itself if the

    same is not managedsame is not managedsame is not managedsame is not managedsame is not managed

    effectively. I t is widelyeffectively. I t is widelyeffectively. I t is widelyeffectively. I t is widelyeffectively. I t is widely

    believed that though PMbelieved that though PMbelieved that though PMbelieved that though PMbelieved that though PM

    being a stickler to positionbeing a stickler to positionbeing a stickler to positionbeing a stickler to positionbeing a stickler to position

    of authority is findingof authority is findingof authority is findingof authority is findingof authority is finding

    himself constrained by thehimself constrained by thehimself constrained by thehimself constrained by thehimself constrained by thefailing health, age andfailing health, age andfailing health, age andfailing health, age andfailing health, age and

    credibility loss. There iscredibility loss. There iscredibility loss. There iscredibility loss. There iscredibility loss. There is

    pressure over him topressure over him topressure over him topressure over him topressure over him to

    demit office for the familydemit office for the familydemit office for the familydemit office for the familydemit office for the family

    scion as early as feasiblescion as early as feasiblescion as early as feasiblescion as early as feasiblescion as early as feasible.....

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    downsizing both the PM as well as Mr.Chidambaram. This is the exact natureof the game under way. It is also learntfrom reliable sources that Rahul Gandhiwas supposed to be handed over the reinsof power in mid-August. He returned toIndia on 14th August with same intentleaving his mother back in New Yorkrecuperating from operation. But, thesame was politely refused by the man inthe chair. This has aggravated the civilwar among the top functionaries of thegovernment and the party. The comingPresidential election may cause the 'BigRip' for the government and the party.

    Election of President in India

    In India, the election of President isindirect. There is a uniformity in the scaleof representation of different states aswell as parity between the states and theUnion as a whole. Moreover, the systemof proportional representation by meansof single transferable vote is done. Thisrequires complex calculations.

    Article 54 of the constitution says:"The President shall be elected by

    the members of an electoral collegeconsisting of -

    (a) The elected members of bothHouses of Parliament and

    (b) The elected members of theLegislative Assemblies of the States(including National Capital Territory ofDelhi and the Union Territory ofPuducherry vide the Constitution 70thamendment Act, 1992)."

    To secure uniformity in the scale ofrepresentation of the different States asfar as possible, it is provided that everyelected member of the Legislative

    Assembly of a State has to cast as manyvotes as there are multiples of onethousand in the quotient obtained bydividing the population of the State bythe total number of elected members ofthe Assembly, and if, after taking the saidmultiples of one thousand, the remainderis not less than five hundred, the votesof each member referred to above are

    further increased by one.Let us take upexample of U.P., the biggest State. Censuspopulation of UP (2001) is166052859.The multiple of thousands inwhole number will be 166053. The total

    number of elected members of StateAssembly in UP is 403. The value ofeach member of UP Assembly will comeout to be 412, after ignoring the fractionsas in earlier calculations. Total value ofvote of UP comes out to be 403 seats x412(value of each Legislator)= 166036.

    Thus, the total value of vote from UPcomes out to be 166036. Each elected

    member of either House of Parliamentshall have such number of votes as maybe obtained by dividing the total numberof votes assigned to the members of theLegislative Assemblies of the States by

    the total number of the elected membersof both Houses of Parliament, fractionsexceeding one-half being counted as oneand other fractions being disregarded.

    Thus, the total value of vote of statesand Union are equal which maintainsbalance between centre and states. Totalvalue of votes of all State LegislativeAssemblies, as per the calculations, is

    Cover Story

    State Population Seat in Value of Total(2001) Assembly Each value

    legislator of vote

    J &K 10069917 87 116 10092

    H.P. 6077248 68 89 6052Punjab 24289296 117 208 24336Uttarakhand 8479562 70 121 8470Haryana 21082989 90 234 21060Delhi 13782976 70 197 13790Rajsthan 56473122 200 282 56400UP 166052859 403 412 166036Bihar 82878796 243 341 82863Sikkim 540493 32 17 544Arunachal Pradesh 1091117 60 18 1080Nagaland 1988636 60 33 1980Manipur 2388634 60 40 2400

    Mizoram 891058 40 22 880Tripura 3191168 60 53 3180Meghalaya 2306069 60 38 2280Assam 26638407 126 211 26586West Bengal 80221171 294 273 80262

    Jharkhand 26909428 81 332 26892Orissa 36706920 147 250 36750Chhatisgarh 20795956 90 231 20790M.P. 60385118 230 263 60490Gujarat 50596992 182 278 50596Maharashtra 96752247 288 336 96768Andhra Pradesh 75727541 294 258 75852

    Karnatka 52733958 224 235 52640Goa 1343998 40 34 1360Kerala 31838619 140 227 31780

    Tamil Nadu 62110839 234 265 62010Puducherry 973829 30 32 960

    4120 1025179

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    1025179. Now, this will be the total valueof vote the Parliament, maintaining thebalance. There are 776 M.P.s in bothHouse of Parliament (excludes the

    nominated Members). The total valuesof states is divided by the number ofelectors of the Union and whole numberis obtained. It comes out to be 1321.

    If a candidate obtains the quota infirst count, he will be declared thewinner.If it happens that no candidateobtains the quota in first count, the singletransferable system comes into play. Thesingle transferable vote system throughsecret ballot works in a unique way inwhich the bottom most candidate iseliminated to obtain the quota.Sometimes, it may be possible that inactual voting, a candidate gets maximumvotes, but because he is not able to achievethe quota fixed, the transferable votesystem comes into operation and thesecond candidate may become winner.

    It can be explained in following ways:The total number of valid votes is 10,000

    and there are four candidates, A, B, Cand D. The votes polled are as follows:A- 4800, B- 4600, C- 400 and D- 200.In ordinary system of election by simplemajority vote, A would be electedforthwith since a voter in this systemmarks only one preference and as suchno question of counting any furtherpreferences, the second or the third,arises. In the case of the "alternative votesystem" it is, it may be that the secondbest candidate may be declared elected,

    as against the candidate who might havesecured the majority of first preferencevotes. In the above case the secondpreference has to be taken into accountas no candidate has obtained the quotaof 5001.

    A candidate who secures less than5001 votes can, in this case of electionthrough the system of proportionalrepresentation, be elected. In this case thesubsequent preferences have to becounted, until a candidate securing the

    prescribed limit of votes is found out.The Presidential and Vice-PresidentialElection Rules 1952 prescribe theprocedure for counting up the subsequentpreferences as follows: "If at the end ofthe first or any subsequent count, the totalnumber of votes credited to anycandidate is equal to, or greater than, thequota, or there is any one continuing

    Total Number of electors in both Houses of Parliament=776 (543 in LokSabha + 233 in Rajya Sabha)Value of vote of each elector in Parliament =1025179/776= 1321(withoutfraction)Total value of votes of Parliament=776 x 1321=1025096Total value of votes of State electors(4120 MLAs)=1025179Total value of 4896 electors for Presidential election in 2012=2050275Quota=2050275/2 +1= 1025138

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    candidate, that candidate is declaredelected.

    I f at the end of any count, nocandidate can be declared elected -

    (a) exclude the candidate who uptothat stage has been credited with thelowest number of votes;

    (b) examine all the ballot papers inhis parcel and sub-parcels, arrange theunexhausted papers in sub-parcels

    according to the next availablepreferences recorded thereon for thecontinuing candidates; count the numberof votes in each such sub-parcel andcredit it to the candidate for whom suchpreference is recorded; transfer the sub-parcel of all the exhausted papers; and

    (c) see whether any of the continuingcandidates has, after such transfer and

    credit, secured the quota. I f, when acandidate has to be excluded under clause(a) above, two or more candidates havebeen credited with the same number ofvotes and stand lowest on the poll,exclude that candidate who has securedthe lowest number of first preferencesvotes, and if that number also was thesame in the case of two or morecandidates, decide by lot which of them

    shall be excluded.All sub-parcels of exhausted papers

    referred to in clause (b) above, shall beset apart as finally dealt with and the votesrecorded thereon shall not thereafter betaken into account."

    It would, therefore, be seen that incase where no member has obtained thequota votes fixed for election, the

    The selection of candidateThe selection of candidateThe selection of candidateThe selection of candidateThe selection of candidate

    by the NDA & otherby the NDA & otherby the NDA & otherby the NDA & otherby the NDA & other

    opposition parties willopposition parties willopposition parties willopposition parties willopposition parties will

    mattermattermattermattermatter thethethethethe most. Supposemost. Supposemost. Supposemost. Supposemost. Suppose

    they opt for Anna Hazare.they opt for Anna Hazare.they opt for Anna Hazare.they opt for Anna Hazare.they opt for Anna Hazare.

    This may galvanize evenThis may galvanize evenThis may galvanize evenThis may galvanize evenThis may galvanize even

    the NCP & the Congressthe NCP & the Congressthe NCP & the Congressthe NCP & the Congressthe NCP & the Congresslegislator of Maharashtralegislator of Maharashtralegislator of Maharashtralegislator of Maharashtralegislator of Maharashtra

    to support Anna support Anna support Anna support Anna support Anna Hazare.
