Download - Deforestaion



Gabriela Carrera

Julia Ponce

Alejandro Tost

Francisco Rios

Index • What is deforestation? • Causes and effects • Solution • Photos • Editorial • Photos • Bibliography

What is deforestation?

Deforestation is the overcutting trees in jungles,

rainforests, tropical forests and other environments. It is

also clearing trees excessively from any place.

Deforestation has caused the world to lose 50% of its

forests and it has resulted in extinction of many species of

plants and animals. Deforestation is so big that every

minute the size of 20 football fields of forests are lost.

Deforestation occurs when the population grows and

humans need more resources like wood and space to live.

Also because of material needs like beds, wardrobes,

chairs, tables, doors, etc. Finally, deforestation is affecting

everyone and it will worsen if we don’t do anything about


Causes and Effects

Most of the causes of deforestation are:

Urban construction: most of the people in the world use woods from trees to make furniture and houses. Also forests are getting cut because people need spaces for houses to build.

Agriculture: Most of the people who live in small villages or cities cut down forests to use the space for agriculture, to get space for their crops or for farming.

Commercial purposes: forests are getting destroyed because of human needs like oil and mining exploitation, for roads and high ways and construction.

Also trees are used for paper al around the world.

Effects of deforestation

Forests and trees are very important for humans, animals and for the earth. Trees give human and animals’ oxygen and they clean the air we breathe; they help us be healthier by breathing clean air. Also many animals live in forests and in trees start getting disappeared the animal change will get destroyed and humans could die. Also when it rains in forests trees retain water because when it is a dry season and it hasn’t rained for a long time trees let the water go trough their roots and the lands maintain healthy.


Deforestation is a global issue that has been affecting the world by a large amount of time now. It’s a problem that is happening all around the world and that it has to be stopped as soon as possible. There are many solutions that could be put in practice but the people don’t commit to it and they just let it go as if nothing happens. There are campaigns and organizations around the world that have made this issue public for people to get warned and for them to have the knowledge about this. Everyone can make a difference even if it is small. We could make campaigns at school, talk with your friends about it, make a trip to go and plant trees where it’s needed, there are many possibilities to make a difference but the one that

really matters is you the one who can start making a change. The solution that everyone knows is recycling that at least most of the conscious people are doing is helping a lot to this problem, the loosing of trees and the burning it doesn’t seem so serious but when it will star affecting us in a major way, we will be hopping for it to never happened. We need to make a change and fast there still hope for our planet, we can make it every idea will count, we should make this public and help stop deforestation.

Editorial Deforestation is a big problem in the world. Over half of the once great rainforests of the world are now only dry dusty soil, large farmlands, or cattle grazing lands. Everyone is complaining about global warming and a whole in the ozone layer but no one seems to notice, or want to notice for that matter, that the only preventable cause of this is deforestation. The people cutting down the forest seem a little bit more preoccupied with the status of their wallets then care for the world and the people in it, and the politicians take this major problem for granted to fatten up their back pockets. Areas of land of a very big size are ripped or burned down every year, with the rate were going at right now within 50 years there will be no rainforests, no atmosphere, and no life on the planet Earth. In conclusion deforestation affect people and world.

Proposal 1. You should be able to apply this proposal at our school.

We are going to make a project that will involve 9th and 6th graders to go to ¨El Bosque¨ and plant trees that were cut down to make the new parking lots. It will involve planting pine trees in “El Bosque” and also around the soccer field in the stadium. Each children and teenager will plant a tree each

2. Objective of the proposal

To teach the future generations the problem with deforestation and how to prevent it and make a cause to recuperate at least a little nit of trees that are being lost.

3. Description or action plan

We will go on a Monday to tell the 6th graders and on Tuesday we will buy the trees and finally on Thursday we will plant the trees and in Friday we will explain them the purpose of doing this important activity to the world.

4. Conclusion where you explain why your proposal should be applied at school.

This should be applied to this school because younger generations should learn the importance of conserving trees that will help the environment and also to concern the future generations about the problem happening these days.

5. Include the time it will take to apply your proposal

This proposal will take 1 week to do it but for 6th graders it will take 3 days and for 9th graders it will take 4 days. It will take about 1 hour of class 2 days and 2 hours of class the day of planting the trees.

6. Include the materials you will use.

We will use shovels and young trees to plant the trees. If the school provides us with some extra money or the employees of the school lend us we will use gloves.


• "Deforestation." National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.

• "Solutions to Deforestation." Greenpeace. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.

• "What Are the Causes and Effects of Deforestation? | Environmental Studies | Knowledge Hub." What Are the Causes and Effects of Deforestation? | Environmental Studies | Knowledge Hub. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.

• "What Is Deforestation?" What Are Rainforests? N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.