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Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development


Edwin B. FlippoRecruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner. The recruitment process includes analyzing the requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring, and integrating the new employee to the organization.

Recruitment is the process of hiring talented employees for certain jobs by motivating them to apply for those jobs which are available in organization.

Leopold (2002)Recruiting is seen as a positive process of generating a pool of candidates by reaching the right audience, suitable to fill the vacancy

The recruitment is the essential part of building the competitive advantage. HR has to define the needed profiles (skills and competencies). The profile of the ideal candidate has to be aligned with the corporate culture and corporate values. The profile has to support enhancing the organizational capability.

The recruitment is one of the best opportunities to enrich the organization, and it is the way to build the learning organization. HR Recruiter has to be skilled to identify the right profile of the best candidate, and they have to be promoted to managers as the best hiring option.

Recruitment is a positive function in which publicity is given to the jobs available in the organization and interested candidates are encouraged to submit applications for the purpose of selection.

To understand recruitment in simple terms it is understood as process of searching for obtaining applications of job from among from whom the right people can be selected. To define recruitment we can define it formally as it is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment.

Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.

Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected

The recruitment is the most sensitive HR process. The changes on the job market are visible in the measures almost immediately. The excellent process learns HR Professionals to be flexible and being innovative. The competition on the job market is tough, and the company has to be winning the best talents.

A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected.

It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.


The recruitment process is the value added HR Process. It is about attracting, interviewing and hiring new employees. The perfect recruitment includes the adaption of the new hire. It is about the definition of the job vacancy, designing the appealing recruitment text and offering the competitive package to the winning candidate. The recruitment process is managed by the recruitment strategy. HR should always find the right position on the job market as the candidates flow smoothly through the organization. The recruitment is not just external; the internal recruitment has a enormous impact on the performance of the company and increases the satisfaction of employees. The recruitment is not just the operational HR process. The definition of the recruitment is not easy, and the whole process can be extremely complex.The recruitment is the essential part of building the competitive advantage. HR has to define the needed profiles (skills and competencies). The profile of the ideal candidate has to be aligned with the corporate culture and corporate values. The profile has to support enhancing the organizational capability. The recruitment is one of the best opportunities to enrich the organization, and it is the way to build the learning organization. HR Recruiter has to be skilled to identify the right profile of the best candidate, and they have to be promoted to managers as the best hiring option.

The recruitment strategy is a key success factor for the process. It defines the competitive advantage of the organization on the job market. The company has to choose the right mix of the recruitment sources, recruitment agencies and recruitment messages. The company has to choose the target groups, and the underlying analysis has to identify the right ways to reach them.The recruitment supports the marketing activities of the organization. The hiring of new people is a strong communication topic for the social media. HR can start building the engaged social community around its recruitment activities. All marketing specialists should focus on the close cooperation with Human Resources. The HR Marketing is a strong topic for discussions in the company. The HR Marketing can build a strong competitive advantage.The recruitment is the excellent opportunity for the internal promotions and talent identification. The HR Recruiter interviews many internal candidates and he or she can pass information to the career development specialists. The recruitment strategy should align the recruitment function with the career development specialists. The internal recruitment is not the isolated process. It should move the best talents of the organization to the challenging job positions. The internal recruitment needs a strong support from the top management. It can be a conflicting process and it needs clear rules, and procedures defined by Human Resources.The recruitment process contains many interactions. It is the most difficult HR process with the value added for the company. The process involves managers, employees, Human Resources, recruitment agencies and candidates. All participants have the same goal filling the job vacancy and they have to cooperate smoothly to reach the overall goal. Many organizations make a mistake of forgetting the candidate. The candidate makes the final decision. The company offers the job, but the candidate decides. The recruitment process has to be measured, and main recruitment KPIs have to set. The unmeasured recruitment process cannot support the success of HR in the organization.The recruitment is the most sensitive HR process. The changes on the job market are visible in the measures almost immediately. The excellent process learns HR Professionals to be flexible and being innovative. The competition on the job market is tough, and the company has to be winning the best talents. The recruitment has to be smart.Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organisation so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process.Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.

RECRUITMENT NEEDS ARE OF THREE TYPES PLANNEDi.e. the needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy. ANTICIPATEDAnticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can predict by studying trends in internal and external environment. UNEXPECTEDResignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.Objectives of RecruitmentRecruitment fulfills the following objectives:1. It reviews the list of objectives of the company and tries to achieve them by promoting the company in the minds of public.2. It forecasts how many people will be required in the company.3. It enables the company to advertise itself and attract talented people.4. It provides different opportunities to procure human resource.

Methods of RecruitmentRecruitment is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs. Companies can adopt different methods of recruitment for selecting people in the company. These methods are:1. Internal sources2. External sources

The sources can be further explained with the help of following diagram:

Internal Sources of RecruitmentInternal sources of recruitment refer to obtaining people for job from inside the company. There are different methods of internal recruitment:1. Promotion Companies can give promotion to existing employees. This method of recruitment saves a lot of time, money and efforts because the company does not have to train the existing employee. Since the employee has already worked with the company. He is familiar with the working culture and working style. It is a method of encouraging efficient workers.2. Departmental examinationThis method is used by government departments to select employees for higher level posts. The advertisement is put up on the notice board of the department. People who are interested must send their application to the HR department and appear for the exam. Successful candidates are given the higher level job. The method ensures proper selection and impartiality.3. Transfer Many companies adopt transfer as a method of recruitment. The idea is to select talented personnel from other branches of the company and transfer them to branches where there is shortage of people.

4. Retirement Many companies call back personnel who have already retired from the organization. This is a temporary measure. The method is beneficial because it gives a sense of pride to the retired when he is called back and helps the organization to reduce recruitment selection and training cost.

5. Internal advertisement In this method vacancies in a particular branch are advertised in the notice board. People who are interested are asked to apply for the job. The method helps in obtaining people who are ready to shift to another branch of the same company and it is also beneficial to people who want to shift to another branch.

6. Employee recommendation In this method employees are asked to recommend people for jobs. Since the employee is aware of the working conditions inside the company he will suggest people who can adjust to the situation. The company is benefited because it will obtain.

Advantages of Internal Recruitment1. Internal methods are time saving.2. No separate induction program is required.3. The method increases loyalty and reduces labour turnover.4. This method is less expensive. Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment1. There is no opportunity to get new talent in this method.2. The method involves selecting people from those available in the company so there is limited scope for selection.3. There are chances of biased and partiality.4. Chances of employee discontent are very high.

External Methods/Sources of RecruitmentExternal sources of recruitment refer to methods of recruitment to obtain people from outside the company. These methods are: 1. Management consultant Management consultant helps the company by providing them with managerial personnel, when the company is on the look out for entry level management trainees and middle level managers. They generally approach management consultants.2. Employment agencies Companies may give a contract to employment agencies that search, interview and obtain the required number of people. The method can be used to obtain lower level and middle level staff.

3. Campus recruitment When companies are in search of fresh graduates or new talent they opt for campus recruitment. Companies approach colleges, management, technical institutes, make a presentation about the company and the job and invite applications. Interested candidates who have applied are made to go through a series of selection test and interview before final selection. 4. News paper advertisement This is one of the oldest and most popular methods of recruitment. Advertisements for the job are given in leading news papers; the details of the job and salary are also mentioned. Candidates are given a contact address where their applications must be sent and are asked to send their applications within a specified time limit. The method has maximum reach and most preferred among all other methods of recruitment.

5. Internet advertisement With increasing importance to internet, companies and candidates have started using the internet as medium of advertisement and search for jobs. There are various job sites like and etc. candidates can also post their profiles on these sites. This method is growing in popularity.

6. Walk in interviewAnother method of recruitment which is gaining importance is the walk in interview method. An advertisement about the location and time of walk in interview is given in the news paper. Candidates require to directly appearing for the interview and have to bring a copy of their C.V. with them. This method is very popular among B.P.O and call centers.

Advantages of External Recruitment1. There is influx of new talent in the method.2. The method encourages more and more competition.3. There is lesser chance of partiality through this method.4. If options like campus recruitment have been exercised we get a chance to employ fresh graduates, thus increasing employment.

Disadvantages of External Recruitment1. The method is costly because it involves recruitment cost, selection, training cost.2. The method is time consuming.3. The method reduces loyalty to the company.


Disruptive Technology and Strategic Disruptive RecruitingGoogle, through its branding, PR, and recruiting efforts, has made itself so well known and attractive to professionals from every industry and university that they have essentially changed the game of recruiting forever. If you know anything about technology, you know that people in the field use the term disruptive technology for technologies like Apples iPod, which has almost overnight changed the entire technology and entertainment marketplace to the point where everyone must pay attention to what that firm is doing. Google has created the same phenomenom in the form of a disruptive approach to work and recruiting, an approach so different and so compelling that if you dont pay attention and attempt to emulate some of the things theyre doing, you might soon lose some of the very best employees you have. I urge you to read on and to see some of the disruptive and breathtaking things Google is doing.

The Worlds First Recruiting CultureGoogle has accomplished something that no other corporation has ever accomplished. In less than a handful of years, they have developed what can only be categorized as a recruiting machine. They still have a ways to go, but what they have done so far can only be categorized as amazing. Now, Google still doesnt have the best sales and marketing strategy (FirstMerit Bank does), nor are they the best when it comes to the use of metrics (Valero Energy is). But what they have done better than anyone else is to develop the worlds first recruiting culture (see my previous writings on this subject). What that means is that recruiting and the need for it permeates the entire organization. Not just the recruiting function or the HR organization, but the entire company from the key leaders on down to the entry-level employees. As a result of this culture, not only does Google fund recruiting to the point where the function is in a league by itself, but they have also gone to the extraordinary step of changing the way employees work in order to attract and retain the very best. (Note: It might be credible to argue that Cisco in the late 90s had the worlds first recruiting culture but since the exit of Michael McNeal, Janel Canepa, Randall Birkwood et al, that function has long since been dismantled to below K-Mart levels, so its probably a moot issue.)

Google Has Changed Work Itself With 20% TimeMany organizations have changed their pay or benefits in order to attract better workers, but no one has changed every professional job in the company just so that the work itself is the primary attraction and retention tool. Rather than letting work, jobs, and job descriptions be put together by the out of touch people in corporate compensation, Googles founders (Larry and Sergey as everyone calls them), HR director Stacy Sullivan, and the leadership team at Google have literally crafted every professional job and workplace element so that all employees are: Working on interesting work Learning continuously Constantly challenged to do more Feeling that they are adding valueThe key element of changing the work so that the work itself becomes a critical attraction and retention force and driver of innovation and motivation is what Google calls 20% work. There is no concrete definition of what 20% work means, but generally for professional jobs it means that the employee works the equivalent of one-day-a-week on their own researching individually selected projects that the company funds and supports. Both Google Groups and Google News products are reported to have started as a result of personal 20% time projects. Other firms, like Genentech and 3M, have utilized similar programs, and although Ive spent time at both firms, I find the Google approach to be clearly superior. Despite not being clearly publicized on their website, it is so easy to understand and so compelling that just the mention of 20% time excites applicants and current employees like no other program Ive ever come across. In addition to being a phenomenal attraction tool, it also keeps their retention rate at, as one HR executive put it almost nil. But its greatest value is that it drives innovation and creativity throughout the organization.At Google, innovation is expected of everyone in every function, not just product development. The 20% time, along with the expectation of continuous and disruptive innovation, has driven the companys phenomenal success in product and service innovation. Yes, in this rare case, HR activities and policies are actually driving corporate business success.One Thousand MillionairesI find that most people who have never visited Google think that the primary attraction tool and driver of retention at Google is the phenomenal income derived from employee stock options. Yes, it is a fact that Google created an estimated 1,000 millionaire employees when they went public (they could be billionaire employees by the time you read this case study, if the stock price keeps growing and its current rate!). But rather than driving success, I have found (as I also found at previous stock-growth powerhouses like Charles Schwab, Intel, Cisco, and Microsoft) that rather than contributing to success, the money also has negative impacts. The public awareness of such widely held wealth among employees actually brings in a volume of resumes from people who want to work for the money rather than the joy of being at the firm that celebrates innovation more than any other company on the planet. Other ways that the wealth is distracting include the difficulty of motivating and managing individuals with sudden wealth and the almost inevitable us versus them mentality that is caused by the significant wealth differential between people hired before and after the IPO. My conclusion is that stock options are not the primary attractor of top talent at Google. Instead, its the work.The Worlds Largest Recruiting BudgetGoogle recruiting is the best-funded recruiting function in any major product-driven corporation. This is not in a misstatement. Arnnon Geshuri, the head of recruiting, and Stacy Sullivan, the director of HR, have done what can only be classified as an unbelievable job in convincing senior management to fund the recruiting effort beyond that of any corporation in history. My own calculations indicate that, at times, Google recruitment has a ratio of 1 recruiter for every 14 employees (14:1). That ratio surpasses the previous record of 65:1, held by Cisco during the first war for talent in the late 90s. If on the surface this ratio doesnt impress you, I might suggest that you compare it to the typically much larger ratio of employees to all HR professionals, which is about 100:1. Because building a business case is an essential factor for building a recruiting culture (or even for having a strategic impact), their funding level puts Google in a class by itself!

The Benefits Are BreathtakingBefore I highlight the extraordinary benefits that Google offers, it is important to note that although these benefits are certainly so breathtaking that they do in fact get almost every potential applicants attention, they are not designed just for recruiting purposes. Instead, these benefits are also designed to encourage collaboration, to break down barriers between functions, and to stimulate individual creativity and innovation. These benefits do attract some of the wrong people, that is, talented individuals who are seeking benefits rather than an opportunity to do their best work, which creates a screening challenge. In addition, some also argue that such a wealth of benefits and opportunities to play distracts less-focused workers from their jobs. The take away for other firms is that, even if you do match Googles non-work benefits (as firms like SAS have almost done), you are not automatically going to attract the very best and the most innovative. To do that you also need a strong employment brand and jobs that are designed to continually challenge and grow employees. A partial list of Googles I bet you dont have that where you work benefits include: Flex hours for nearly every professional employee Casual dress everyday (and this goes well beyond business casual) Employees can bring their dogs to work, everyday On-site physician On-site dental care Health benefits that begin as soon as an employee reports for work Free massage and yoga Shoreline running trails Stock options everywhere Free drinks and snacks everywhere (espresso, smoothies, red bull, health drinks, kombucha tea, you name it) Free meals, including breakfast, lunch and dinner (some have described this as a feast with multiple locations and world-class chefs, including one that cooked for the Grateful Dead) Three weeks vacation during the first year Free recreation everywhere, including video games, foosball, volleyball and pool tables. Valet parking for employees Onsite car wash and detailing Maternity and parental leave (plus new moms and dads are able to expense up to $500 for take-out meals during the first four weeks that they are home with their new baby) Employee referral bonus program Near site child care center Back-up child care for parents when their regularly scheduled child care falls through Free shuttle service to several San Francisco and East and South Bay locations (San Francisco is 45 miles away from the main campus) Fuel efficiency vehicle incentive program ($5,000 assistance if you buy a hybrid) Onsite dry cleaning, plus a coin-free laundry room A Friday TGIF all-employee gathering where the founders frequently speak A 401k investment program A no tracking of sick days policy Employee interest groups (formed by Google employees, these are all over the map and are said to include Buffy fans, cricketers, Nobel prize winners, and a wine club) An onsite gym to work off all of the snacksNote: These benefits are not all available to employees who do not work on Googles Silicon Valley main campus. So what else drives the excellence of Googles recruiting efforts?


Direct Recruitment by Interview is made for filling up vacancies that are not covered by the competitive examinations conducted by the Commission. In this process, requisitions for various posts are received from the Ministries/ Departments. Requisitions are also received from statutory organizations, local authorities or public institutions for which recruitment is made by the Commission in terms of Article 321 of the Constitution.

Number of Requisitions ReceivedDuring Commission the year 2006-07, the received 338 requisitions involving 1,661 posts from various Ministries/Departments compared to 495 requisitions involving 2,242 posts received during the previous year. Taking into account the number of requisitions/posts carried over from the previous years, the Commission, in all, processed 707 requisitions involving 3,710 posts during 2006-07 compared to 832 requisitions involving 3,739 posts during 2005-06. Of these, 199 requisitions involving 998 posts were treated as closed due to want of clarifications from the Ministries/ Departments.The number of requisitions and the posts involved, during the last three years are shown in Diagram 1.

Diagram 1 depicts that there was a significant decrease in the number of requisitions and posts posed by the Ministries/Departments to the Commission during the year 2006-07 compared to the previous year. Ministry-wise break-up of 1,661 posts for which requisitions were received during 2006-07, is given in Appendix XVII.

Number of Applications Received, Candidates Interviewed and RecommendedDuring the period under report, the Commission issued advertisements for 157 cases involving 928 posts calling for applications. Ministry-wise number of posts which were advertised during the year 2006-07 are given in Appendix XVIII.However, 4 requisitions involving 10 posts were cancelled and in one requisition, one post was reduced after issue of advertisements, on the request of the concerned Ministries/ Departments. Further, in one requisition, four posts were reduced after advertisement as four surplus officers sponsored by Division of Retraining and Redeployment, Department of Personnel and Training were recommended for redeployment. Details of cases in which the requisitions were cancelled/ modified after issue of advertisement during the year 2006-07 are given in Appendix XIX. Taking into consideration the carried over advertised pending cases from previous year, 504 cases involving 2,697 posts were processed by the Commission during the year 2006-07. The Commission received in all 44,744 applications during 2006-07. During the year 2006-07, 5,954 candidates were called for interview and 4,089 candidates were interviewed. Further, 264 cases involving 1,205 posts were finalized by the Commission recommending 1,059 candidates for various posts during the year under report. It would be seen from Diagram 2 that the number of candidates recommended during 2006-07 have significantly increased compared to the previous year.

Position, at a glance, on the number of requisitions received, sent back to the Ministries for clarifications, effective cases for action, cases finalized etc. by the Commission during the year 2006-07 is given at Appendix VIII.During the year 2006-07, recruitment was finalized in respect of 264 cases for 1,205 posts involving 79,969 applications for which 6,531 candidates were called for interview, 4,519 candidates were interviewed and 1,059 candidates (including four surplus officers) were recommended for various categories of posts.Broad discipline-wise number of posts finalized, candidates recommended, applicants to post ratio and recommendation to post ratio are given in Table 1.

Specialization and community-wise number of posts finalized in each of the broadcategories of engineering, scientific and technical (excluding engineering), non-technical and medical and the number of candidates recommended thereto by the Commission during the year 2006-07, are given in Appendix XX, Appendix XXI, Appendix XXII and Appendix XXIII respectively.

Recruitment TestsRecruitment Tests are conducted mostly in bulk recruitment cases entailing more than 500 applications for short listing. These tests enable short-listing of suitable number of candidates whenever the number of candidates is very high compared to number of vacancies. In such cases, some weight age is assigned the performance of the candidates in the test for final assessment. Further, such tests are also occasionally used in case the essential qualifications lay down minimum skill standards. In both the cases, each recruitment test is followed by interview for final selection. During the year 2006-07, recruitment tests were held in four recruitment cases involving 101 posts as detailed in Table 2.

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