Download - Defense Mechanism - Anzures

  • - develop out of strong feelings of inadequacy

    - used to support yourself

    - negate the perception the person has about his deficiencies

    - symptoms of INFERIORITY

  • An exaggerated attempt to achieve in one area to make up for failures in another area.

    EXAMPLE 1:

    Imagine a young boy who cannot make as many baskets as his peers do when they are playing basketball. Because of these

    feelings of inadequacy, he pushes himself to overcome this weakness.

  • He signs up for basketball practice and start practicing on his own everyday after school. Eventually he becomes an even better

    basketball player than many of his friends.

  • EXAMPLE 2:

    Let's imagine a young college student who feels inferior because she has few close

    friends. Everywhere she goes, she sees her peers engaging in animated conversations with their friends. She compensates

    for this feeling by saying to herself, "I may not have many

    close friends, but I have excellent grades!"

  • It is blindness to the evidence at hand thus causing the person to reach conclusions that he wants to

    believe in; or simply, MAKING EXCUSES.

    EXAMPLE 1:

    A person who is turned down for a date might rationalize the situation by saying they were not attracted

    to the other person anyway

  • EXAMPLE 2 & 3:

    "I didn't get the job that I applied for, but I really didn't want it in the first


    I can not make the homework for my self

    because it is very difficult.

  • The act of attributing one's own feelings or traits to another person and imagining or believing that the other person has

    those same feelings or traits.

    EXAMPLE 1:

    A mother assumes that her children only like the same

    food that she likes.

  • EXAMPLE 2 & 3:

    Having failed in elections, the candidate would

    suspect his opponent of massive cheating.

    Having failed in examination, the student quickly responds that the

    instructor was biased.

  • In this attitude, you try to convey the idea that someone has or possesses is not important.

    EXAMPLE 1:

    It is a beautiful car; but it will keep him poor running it.

  • EXAMPLE 2:

    Let's say you really wanted to win an award for

    something and you didn't. Youll

    say, "I never wanted that

    award anyway"

  • It is identifying yourself with those who have already achieved that which you desire/.


    joining any sports team or clubs in school

  • - disbelief in oneself


    1. Cruel remark made by someone about you

    2. Strict and sarcastic teacher

    3. Physical defect

    4. Discouragement from family or peers

  • 1. Begin to think that you are UNIQUE; that there is NO ONE in the whole world like you.

    2. You must now accept the fact that the humiliating experiences that happened to you are now part of your PAST.

    3. Believe in yourself.

    4. Start with small accomplishments and work steadily to greater ones.

  • Giving faith in yourself, in your

    strength, and in your talents.


    1. Stop distrusting yourself.

    2. Strip off your mask. Being yourself is so much easier.

    3. Stop thinking about your liabilities. Remember, everyone

    has it.

    4. Emphasize your strong points.

  • hortens your life

    hreat to your health

    peeds up aging

    educes our ability to think properly

    levates blood pressure

    leeping would be a problem

    1. Focus on happy and beautiful thoughts

    2. Cultivate positive attitude.

    3. Develop spiritual side.

    4. Reserve some quiet time for yourself.

    5. Recognize that physical health affects mental health.

    6. Seek professional help if you cant handle the problem.