Download - Deciphering Google+

  • 1.Deciphering Google+ July2011 Bill Balderaz Webbed Marketing #WMwebinar

2. July 2011

  • Agenda
  • What is Google+
  • Google+ and SEO
  • Google+ Cheat Sheet
  • This is just the beginning

#WMwebinar 3. What is Google+?

  • Real-life sharing, rethought for the web
  • Already one of the fastest growing social networks one estimate says the network reached 10 million users in just one week and now has 18 million

July 2011 #WMwebinar 4. Isn t it just like Facebook? July 2011 #WMwebinar While the Google+ stream looks awfully similar to Facebook s wall there are some key differences:

  • More sharing/privacy options
  • Can share a post, link, video or photo right from Gmail
  • Google+ updates appear in search results

5. Circles July 2011 #WMwebinar

  • Allow you to organize people into groups of your choosing (family, friends, coworkers, etc.)
  • You can share any post publicly, with one or many circles, or with just one person
  • You can add anyone to a circle and vice versa. It doesn t have to be reciprocal
  • Circles are private. People in your circles do not know which circle they have been placed in.

6. Sparks July 2011 #WMwebinar

  • Receive timely articles relevant to your interests
  • Interests in Sparks are private your circles can t see them unless you let them
  • If you've found something other people you know might want to see, you can chose to share the Spark

7. Hangouts July 2011 #WMwebinar

  • Hold live group video chats
  • Hangouts will be broadcasted on your stream. Click thejoin this hangout button to participate
  • Connections can also send a URL to join a hangout
  • Anyone in a hangout can invite anyone else
  • Only 10 people can be in a hangout at once

8. Mobile July 2011 #WMwebinar

  • Each post will give you the option to share your location
  • Instantly upload photos and videos from phone
  • Hold live group chats orhuddles
  • App currently available for Android ,
  • iPhone and on mobile web

9. Google+ and SEO

  • Google Realtime Search was suspended on July 4
  • Public posts from Google+ will be indexed, along with the comments made on those public posts
  • Google+ updates will appear in search results
  • Companies seeking to ensure their content makes it into Google+ Sparks

July 2011 #WMwebinar 10. +1 Button July 2011 #WMwebinar

  • The +1 button appears in search results and on websites
  • Your +1 is your public recommendation of a site
  • While you can control who sees your +1 tab on your Google+ profile, anyone on the web can see a site you +1 d.
  • Your +1 s and your social connections also influence the content you see in Google Search.
  • Google definessocial connections as:
    • People in your Gmail (or Google Talk) chat list.
    • People in your My Contacts group in Google Contacts
    • People in your Google+ Circles
    • People you re following in Google Reader and Google Buzz

11. Google+ Cheat Sheet

  • Use +username or @username to mention/tag someone in a post
  • To share a post from Gmail, click the newshare icon on the toolbar (There is also a notifications iconin Gmail that will let you know if someone added you, +1d a post, etc.)

July 2011 #WMwebinar 12. Google+ Cheat Sheet

  • Items you +1 on the web appear on your +1 page. Posts you +1 in Google+ do not.
  • To prevent people from sharing one of your posts, click the arrow at the top right of the post and selectdisable reshare. (You may also want to use disable reshare when sending a private message.)
  • You decide who sees each post, by selecting public, specific circles or specific people before sharing.

July 2011 Source: #WMwebinar 13. Google+ Cheat Sheet

  • Don t want to receive a notification every time someone comments or +1s a post you commented on? Click the arrow on the top of the post and select Mute this post.
  • To add a picture, link or video, you can use the icons on the bottom of the share box or drag the item from your desktop and drop it into the share box.

July 2011 Source: #WMwebinar 14. Summary

  • This is just the beginning
  • Google+ is still brand new and will evolve just as the other social networks have. It s impact on social networking, SEO, ecommerce and mobile is not yet clear.
  • While there has been a great deal of buzz around Google+ many are still not sure exactly how to best utilize it and where it fits in the social spectrum.
  • Despite the uncertainty surrounding Google+, its growth suggests that it will be around for a long time to come

July 2011 #WMwebinar