Download - December Whats On dec 2015 copy.pdfOperation Christmas Child ‘HTM Shoebox Appeal 2015’ St. Luke’s C of E school was the collection

Page 1: December Whats On dec 2015 copy.pdfOperation Christmas Child ‘HTM Shoebox Appeal 2015’ St. Luke’s C of E school was the collection

What’s on in

December 2015

Our verse of the year

“….through Christ,

God changed us from

enemies into his

friends and gave us the

task of making others

his friends also”.

2 Corinthians 5:18

Page 2: December Whats On dec 2015 copy.pdfOperation Christmas Child ‘HTM Shoebox Appeal 2015’ St. Luke’s C of E school was the collection

Keeping Advent - Press the Pause button!

Advent Sunday, 29th November this year, marks the beginning of the season in the church’s year we call Advent. This is the season of waiting with eager anticipation for the coming - adventus - of Christ. Our thoughts are drawn to remembering his first coming as a baby born in the most humble of circumstances, and preparing to celebrate. And our thoughts are also drawn to anticipating his second coming in glory and our readiness - or not - to encounter Christ in all his glory. So how should we keep the season of Advent when distracted by the business of preparing for Christmas present buying and wrapping, card writing, food preparation, and so on and so forth? How should we prepare Spiritually to celebrate the incarnation of our Lord? How should we prepare to meet Him face to face? It seems to me that the run up to Christmas is like watching a fast paced action DVD - but we all know that the pause button on the DVD player works no matter what the film is - so this Advent why not press the pause button on Christmas preparation and spend some time in quiet reflection with the Advent readings and reflect on the question “where is Christ in all of this”? and spend some time in prayer and praise. We can do this privately - or with friends - and across the churches of the Hanley Team ministry there are lots of opportunities to join in keeping Advent together at our regular daily offices. Even if it is not your usual practice to pray the daily office why not come along to one or more of the daily services during Advent (see page 8) as a way of pressing the pause button on practical Christmas preparations and engaging with the season of Advent? All of these services will have an Advent theme. At morning and evening prayer we gather in one of our churches, pray the set prayers of the day together, hear and reflect on the set bible readings, join together in the canticles for the day and spend time praying together for the parish and the world. All are welcome to attend any of these services and it would be wonderful to see lots of people from across the parish take up the challenge to keep Advent in this way this year - to grow together in faith and fellowship as we prepare to meet with Jesus, and to wait upon the Lord and seek his will for our lives in this busy season.

God bless you Christine

The Rector Writes

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Worship Times:

Sunday 9.30 am Sunday Service

(Sunday 20th Dec 9.30 am family service)

Monday 9 am Morning Prayer

Thursday 10 am Eucharist

Church Wardens: Vacant Contact A. Paterson (07890833176) or R. Smith (07718648934)

Tuesdays from 12.30 to 2 p.m. Luncheon Club.

No luncheon club on 22nd or 29th December.

The Church is open for prayer, companionship,

and craft on Wednesdays from 11 a.m.

til 1 p.m. Not 23rd or 30th December.

Thursdays after the Eucharist, the community of St. Chad prayer

group meets from 11 a.m. til 12.30 p.m. led by Gloria. No group

on December 24th or December 31st.

Every Friday 10 a.m. til 12.30 p.m. Open Door

group. Everyone is welcome to drop in for a

chat and a cuppa. Not 25th December.

Sunday 13th December 6 pm. Carol Service

Thursday 24th December 4 pm. Crib service

First contact minister: Revd. Sally Smith Tel: 01782 266066 [email protected]

Songs Of Praise at Camoys Court

Sunday 29th November 3 p.m. til 4 p.m. Songs of Praise at Camoys Court

Everyone welcome. Please note there is no service on December 27th.

Members of Christ Church are sad to announce

the passing away of Elsie Brammer at the age

of 101. Elsie was a regular member of the

church until illness prevented her attending.

May Elsie rest in peace and rise again in glory.

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Worship times:

Sunday: 11 am Sunday Service

Wednesday: 11 am Eucharist (Reginald Mitchell Court 16th Dec)

Saturday: 9 am Morning Prayer (check with minister)

Contact ministers: Enquiries to Revd. Christine Broad (852280) or Revd. Sally Smith (266066)

Church Wardens: Norman and June Tatton Tel: 01782 657060

Prayer Gathering. Please join us for prayer before the Sunday

service at 10.45 a.m. Contact Mary (271262) with prayer requests.

Every Tuesday (not 22nd or 29th December) Jet Club

after school.

Tuesday 1st December 1.20 pm. Y1 and 2 advent service in church.

Friday 4th December 7.30—9.30 a.m. Coffee, cake and chat

Friday 4th December 3.15 pm School fair in school

Saturday December 5th Please join us for our last coffee morning of the

year from 10 a.m. until 11.30 am. Please join us for coffee, biscuits,

raffle, goods to buy, and good company.

Thursday December 10th 7.30 pm Carol Service at

Reginald Mitchell Court

Sunday December 20th 3 pm Candlelight Carol Service

followed by refreshments in church.

Thursday December 24th 3 pm Crib service led by JETs

Thursday December 24th 11.30 pm Solemn high midnight mass

Friday December 25th 10 am All-age Holy Communion for Christmas Day

Sunday 29th November 6 p.m. Solemn Mass with

carols for Advent Sunday, followed by buffet.

Preacher Fr. Jack Noble, Curate at St. Martin of

Tours, West Ruislip. Please join us.

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Worship times:

Sunday 11 am Sunday Service with Sunday School

Tuesday 9 am Morning Prayer 10 am Eucharist

Thursday 5.45 pm Evening Prayer

Every Thursday at 5.45 p.m. Evening prayer. All welcome.

Monday 30th November 7 pm prayer 7.30 pm DCC meeting

Sunday 6th December 11 am Christingle service

followed by baked potato lunch.

Monday 14th December 7.30 p.m. The Beta group

meets for fellowship, prayer and bible study. De-

tails from Rev’d Karen.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to and supported

our record breaking fayre. Despite a damp day, the happy

atmosphere ensured the sun was shining in Church

Monday 21st December 11 a.m. Northwood day care centre carol

service. A short service including songs of praise and bible

readings. All welcome.

First contact minister:Rev Christine Broad(852280) [email protected]

Church Wardens: Brenda Hughes 01782 212198 Nick Broad 07795 683686

Sunday 13th December 4 p.m. Carols for Christmas

with the LORNA SPODE CONSORT followed by

mulled wine and mince pies.

Thursday 24th December 5 p.m. Crib Service

Thursday 24th December 11.30 p.m. Midnight Mass

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Operation Christmas Child

‘HTM Shoebox Appeal 2015’

St. Luke’s C of E school

was the collection point

for the boxes donated by

the Hanley Team

Ministry. Here some of the

children are preparing to

take the parcels to the


In this picture some of the

children are carrying the

Operation Christmas Child boxes

to the van under the guidance of

Signal 1’s Jonty Sargeant. Jonty

spoke to some of the children and

the interviews were aired on the

breakfast show on Monday 23rd


Over 200 boxes were sent

from St. Luke’s School,

180 donated by the Hanley

Team Ministry. Here are

some of the boxes at Holy

Trinity, Northwood.

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Advent Services

Sunday November 29th 6 p.m. St. Luke’s Advent Solemn Mass

Sunday December 6th 11 a.m. St. Matthew’s Christingle Service

followed by baked potato lunch

Sunday December 6th 6 p.m. Advent Prayer and Praise. Northwood Parish Hall

with Viv Jones—local Christian author

Christmas Carol Services

Thursday December 10th 7.30 p.m. Reginald Mitchell Court Carol Service

Sunday December 13th 4 p.m. St. Matthew’s Carol Service

(with Lorna Spode Consort)

Sunday December 13th 6 p.m. Christ Church Carol Service

Tuesday December 15th 3 p.m. St. Mark’s School Carol Service

Wednesday December 16th 6 p.m. St. Mark’s Business Community Carol Service

Saturday December 19th 7.30 p.m. Holy Trinity Carol Service

Sunday December 20th 3 p.m. St. Luke’s Carol Service followed by refreshments

Crib Services for Christmas Eve

Thursday December 24th 3 p.m. St. Luke’s

Thursday December 24th 4 p.m. Christchurch

Thursday December 24th 5 p.m. Holy Trinity

Thursday December 24th 5 p.m. St. Matthew’s

Christmas Eve and Midnight Mass

Thursday December 24th 9.30 p.m. Holy Communion at Holy Trinity

Thursday December 24th 11.30 p.m. Holy Communion at St. Matthew’s

Thursday December 24th 11.30 p.m. Solemn High Midnight Mass at St. Luke’s

Thursday December 24th 11.30 p.m. Holy Communion at St. Mark’s

Christmas Day

Friday December 25th 10 a.m. All-age service of Holy Communion at St. Luke’s

Hanley Team Ministry Christmas Services 2015

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16th March St. Matthew’s, 6th April APCM at Parish Hall

15th June St. Mark’s 27th July St. Luke’s

14th September Christ Church 23rd November Holy Trinity

Special Advent Services

29th November 6pm at St Luke’s Solemn mass for Advent 6th December 6pm Northwood Parish Hall. Advent Prayer and Praise 2nd December 10am Holy Communion for Advent at Etruria Locks 16th December 11am Communion for Advent at Reginald Mitchell Court

Regular Daily Prayer Monday 9am Christchurch Morning Prayer for Advent Tuesday 9am St Matthew’s Morning Prayer for Advent. 10am Eucharist Wednesday 9am St Mark’s Morning Prayer for Advent Wednesday 11am St Luke’s Eucharist (16th Dec at Reginald Mitchell Ct) Thursday 9am Holy Trinity Morning prayer for Advent. 10 am Eucharist Thursday 10am Christchurch Eucharist Thursday 5.45pm St Matthew’s Evening prayer for Advent Saturday 9am St Luke’s morning prayer for Advent

The Hanley Team Ministry

were asked to lead the

remembrance day service

in Hanley again this year.

Here Rev’d Tommy

addresses the gathering

with Rev’d Karen alongside


The Mother’s Union has a quiet lunch on Thursday

3rd December from midday til 2 pm. An advent

reflection by Kath Boyce will be followed by a

soup and cheese lunch and cakes at Fr Tommy’s

house (18 Cromer Road). All are welcome including

men. Let Fr. Tommy know if you intend to go.

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This giant chalice was created

for the Goodness of God

celebration and is currently on

display at St. Mark’s Church. It

provides a real talking point

when people notice it on

entering the church. Jack, the

grandson of Keith and Ann

Harding, stands alongside the

chalice to give us a real

appreciation of its size. If you

haven’t already seen it, why

not pay a visit to St. Mark’s


At the Parish ‘all Praise service in

November, we were delighted to

welcome Kate Marshall to the HTM as

children and youth worker for St. Mark’s

and Sanctus. Kate is married and has

three children. An ex-teacher, she was

led to ministry with young people in the

Church and is enjoying her new role.

Over 70 people, including

many members of the public,

came to St. Matthew’s Church

to hear about the ‘man in the

picture’ on Remembrance

Sunday. The coloured

‘stained-glass’ window looks

fantastic thanks to Frank and

his team of helpers.

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Worship times:

Sunday: 9.30 am Sunday Service

Thursday: 9 am Morning Prayer 10 am Eucharist

Many thanks to everyone who donated a

Christmas box to the Samaritans’ Purse appeal.

Monday 21st December 11 a.m. Northwood day

care centre carol service. A short service

including songs of praise and bible readings. All


Saturday 5th December 7.30 p.m. Christmas

Themed General Knowledge Quiz £3 including buffet

Sunday 6th December 6 p.m. Advent ‘all Praise with

the return of local author Viv Jones. Don’t miss it.

Monday 7th December 7.30 p.m. Cash Bingo

Wednesday 9th December 3.30 p.m. til 5.15 p.m. Messy Church

Monday 21st December Christmas Cash Bingo at 7.30 p.m. £140

will be won including a £50 jackpot. With Christmas raffle and

mince pies.


First contact minister: Revd. Christine Broad 852280 e mail address on back page Church Wardens: Paul Sherratt Tel: 01782 868157 Claire Harmon Tel: 07979 776203

Saturday 19th December 7.30 p.m. Carol Service

Thursday 24th December 5 p.m. Crib Service

Thursday 24th December 9.30 p.m. Holy Communion

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Church Wardens: Mark Sherratt Tel 07968 300484

First Contact Minister: Rev’d. Sally Smith Tel: 01782 266066 [email protected]

Worship times:

Sunday: 9.30 am Sunday Service with Sunday School

Wednesday: 9 am Morning Prayer

Wednesday 2nd December 10 a.m. The midweek Eucharist at the

Locks Sheltered Housing Complex, Etruria as we meet with the

residents in Holy Communion for Advent.

Tuesday 15th December 3 pm. St. Mark’s School Carol Service

Wednesday 16th December 6 pm. Business Community Carols

Saturday 19th December 2 pm. SANDS memorial service. A

reflective service to remember stillborn or early years deaths

Wednesday 23rd December 12.30 p.m. Sanctus crib service

Thursday 24th December 11.30 pm. Midnight mass

Friday 25th December 12.30 pm. Sanctus Christmas lunch

Every Monday Open Door 10 a.m. til 12.30 p.m.

Please drop in for a drink and chat.

Every Wednesday 10.30 a.m. til 12.30 p.m.

Sanctus St. Mark’s Support for asylum seekers.

Saturday 12th December Midday until 2 pm.

Sanctus on Saturday. Please join us at our new

Winter time to pray, worship, share, then eat a

World Café meal.

Please note that the Mother’s Union will only meet on

special occasions and festivals from now on. See page 8.

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Rector Revd. Christine Broad 19, Widecombe Road, Birches Head, ST1 6SL

Phone 01782 852280 email [email protected] Day off Friday

Team Vicar Revd. Sally Smith (Diocesan Advisor for vulnerable adults) Day Off Friday

35, Harding Road, Hanley ST1 3BQ Phone 01782 266066 email [email protected]

Parish Creative Missioner Frank McGregor Phone 07952 318685 email [email protected]

Assistant Curate Revd. Tommy Merry 18, Cromer Road, Northwood, ST1 6QN

Phone 01782 267828 email [email protected] Day off Monday

Assistant Curate Revd. Karen Petherick 80, Birches Head Road, ST1 6LQ Phone 01782 865240

Day off Saturday

Assistant Curate Revd. Shelley Billington Phone 07411 992565 e mail [email protected]

Day off Monday

Readers: Roy Smith, Marg Collin, Kath Boyce

Local Lay Minister for Pastoral Care Mary Chanot

What’s On editor Nick Broad (07795683686) [email protected],

assistant editor Revd. Tommy Merry

web address

DATE FIRST SECOND THIRD 6th Malachi 3:1-4 Philippians 1:3-11 Luke 3:1-6 13th Zephaniah 3:14-20 Philippians 4:4-7 Luke 3:7-18 20th Micah 5:2-5a Hebrews 10:5-10 Luke 1:39-55 27th 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 Colossians 3:12-17 Luke 2:41-52

If you, or anyone you know, would like to speak to a member of the

staff team, or would like someone to visit them, please let us know.

At the end of a year where a lot has

been achieved and where everyone has

worked hard to continue to develop the

Hanley Team Ministry, the staff would

like to wish everyone a