Download - DECEMBER 25 The Nativity of the Lord · PARISH ADMINISTRATION Spanish Speaking Ministry, *Fr. Luis Pulido Parish Bookkeeper, *Tara Dahill Program Manager, *Colleen Glazer Parish Secretary,


PARISH ADMINISTRATION Spanish Speaking Ministry, *Fr. Luis Pulido Parish Bookkeeper, *Tara Dahill Program Manager, *Colleen Glazer Parish Secretary, *Catherine Jestice Parish Plant Manager, *Victor Zambrano PARISH ADVISORY COUNCILS Pastoral: Charles Casiano (Singles) Peter McGhee & Jeanne Dennison (Marrieds) Ramona Garcia (Spanish speakers) Carol Joyce (Seniors) Felicity McKenna (Teenagers) Financial: Michael Donofrio, Vincent Pascal Norma Ytuarte, Sheila Mullan (Trustees) WORSHIP Acolytes, Kevin McKenna Devotions, Private, Adoration / Daily Evening Rosary, Ellen Valko Legion of Mary, Blanca Bulit Sagrado Corazon, Yolanda Pardo Lectors, Stephanie Miller Floral Decorations, Mia Kravitz Sacred Music, *Andrew Yeargin, Director Cantors,*Andrew Yeargin Contemporary Ensemble, Phelder St. Germain Misa in Espanol, *José (Cheito) Guevara Schola Cantorum, *Andrew Yeargin Sacristans,*Victor Zambrano III,*Charles Haskell, James Hulak COMMUNITY BUILDING Bulletin, Parish Weekly, *Catherine Jestice Calendar, Master Parish, *Catherine Jestice Concert Series GUEST, Andrew Yeargin PARISH, Andrew Yeargin CRC (Contemporary Roman Catholics), James Hulak Scouting Programs, Bob Deaver Trinity Counters, JoAnne Pollio FORMATION / EDUCATION Adult Faith Formation, *Colleen Glazer Lectio Divina-Young Adults, *Fr. Gary Mead Christian Meditation, Donald Main RCIA (Christian Initiation), *Gary Cushing Religious Education,*Colleen Glazer OUTREACH Blood Drive, Catherine Jestice Breakfast Line, *Colleen Glazer Food Pantry, Colleen Glazer Guest Clergy Hospitality,*Msgr. Sandi Homeless Shelter, Mike Griffin Making All Things New (MATN), Kenneth Craig Twelve-Step Programs, *Catherine Jestice * indicates parish employee * * * * * * * *

Please keep our sick in your prayers: Lois Mazzitelli, Kate Concannon, John Muratori, Anthony DeFrancesco, Regina & Joe Rywelski, Steve Manfredo, Ralph Asher, Jorge de Armas, Jr., Marie DeTullio, John Melaney, Pat Stinchi, Dianne Mastrorocco, Alice Mayer, Graziella Piciulo, Kelsey Kruse, Shannyn Craig, Karen Murphy, Kit Gill, Anne Lia, Brennan Strovink, Maria Alvarado, Edouard Tiger, Jane Lyons, Edward Haggerty, Matthew Escobar, Keira Maloney, Ellen Blackwood, Antoinette Durso, Alexandra Leake, Marge McKay, James Shed, Ralph Esposito, Tom Chestaro Names will remain on our prayer list for one month. If you would like us to carry a name longer, please contact the Rectory.

DECEMBER 25, 2016

The Nativity of the Lord

“God’s sign is that he makes himself small for us. This is how he reigns. He does not come with power and outward splendor. He comes as a baby – defenseless and in need of our help. He does not want to overwhelm us with his strength. He takes away our fear of his greatness. He asks for our love: so he makes himself a child.” – Pope Benedict XVI


5:30 NO Mass 7:30 Vigil Mass-All Parishioners 12 M Midnight Mass-All Parishioners

SUNDAY 12/25 Christmas Day 7:30 All Holy Trinity Parishioners 9:30 All Holy Trinity Parishioners 11:15 All Holy Trinity Parishioners 12:30 All Holy Trinity Parishioners 5:30 NO Mass MONDAY 12/26 Stephen, martyr 9:00 Renée Elizabeth Kaplan & Marina & Angel Suárez Fernández

5:30 NO Mass TUESDAY 12/27 John, apsotle 9:00 Ethelynn Swan 5:30 Eileen Smythe (living) WEDNESDAY 12/28 The Holy Innocents 9:00 Joseph & Lucy Pollio 5:30 John Prizo THURSDAY 12/29 Thomas Becket, martyr 9:00 Ron Moss 5:30 Sandra O’Donovan & Family (living & deceased) 7:00 Children of the Parish FRIDAY 12/30 Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 9:00 Kevin Meaney 5:30 Brendan O’Donovan & Family (living & deceased) SATURDAY 12/31 Sylvester I, pope 9:00 Families of Holy Trinity

* * * * * * * * MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The Pastoral Staff and all those who are Holy Trinity Church wish you and your families a Holy Christmas. ALL Masses, last might and today, are being offered for YOU, Holy Trinity Parishioners. BTW, TODAY, the 5:30 Mass will NOT be celebrated.

What a Parish! Thank you! On this day blazing with the Christmas beauty we can see (and what we cannot see), we express our gratitude to all the people who selflessly contribute to the beauty of our Church, including YOU. We especially highlight those who bring to life our Worship, Education, Community Building and Enrichment and Community Outreach. Thank you, liturgical ministers (how about that Schola Cantorum!), decorators, custodians, sacristans, the Pastoral Staff, the Parish Administrative Staff, and other faithful parishioners and professionals who work and pray quietly, day by day behind the scenes. AND, please, don’t’ forget those who fed the poor at our rectory door this morning, and at the Food Pantry last Saturday and those who participated in the annual Abraham House children’s gift drive. Wow! Thanks!

Pastor Away Monsignor departs later today to spend the week with his younger sister’s family in Holliston, Massachusetts. He returns late Friday night, December 30th.

Divine Murmurs Many Minds, Many Sources; Same God

Anyone can build and altar; a flame requires God. Anyone can build a house; we need the Lord to create a home. John Henry Jowett * * * * * * * *

Joint Parish Mission for our Cluster Ascension Church, January 30th – February 1st

With the sponsorship of Cardinal Dolan and the Archdiocese, our Cluster of Five Parishes (Notre Dame, Ascension, Corpus Christi, Holy Name/ Saint Gregory, and Holy Trinity) has arranged a three-evening Mission to help ALL “People of Faith” (steadfast faith, wavering faith, and even those just curious about the faith) re-engage with the Church. “REVIVE FAITH EVERY DAY,” is scheduled to be held, in late January, at our northernmost Cluster parish, Ascension Church, 107th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. The effort is meant to deepen our faith; pray for its success. Stay tuned for more information.

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MONDAY FEDERAL HOLIDAYS December 26th and January 2nd

It is our custom on federal holidays, to close the office and omit the 5:30 Mass. We do this to give our Pastoral Staff time to be with their families. Thank you for understanding. This year, the federal observance of Christmas Day and New Year’s Day will be observed on MONDAYS, there will be NO 5:30 Masses on Monday, Dec. 26th OR on Monday, Jan. 2nd.

Welcome, Visitors! Are you visiting your family or friends for Christmas? And you came to celebrate the Eucharist with them? Thank you for enriching the Liturgy with your presence and prayers. We hope you found our Church family, gathered in the magnificent, basilica-like home, friendly and inviting. We wish you and your family a very warm and Merry Christmas.

All Second Collections Accommodating Your Prayer Time

As of the first of January, all second collections in our parish will be taken up immediately after the regular [first] collection at the Offertory part of Sunday Mass. We are making this change to accommodate parishioners who feel disturbed by the taking up of another collection (important as it may be) during their communion meditation time.

Sophia, ChurchMouse

I accompanied the pastor to the exercise in good citizenship, known as “jury duty,” on the 13th. It was so interesting to see such a wide swath of Manhattan humanity seated in the large, double room Jury Assembly Room at 60 Centre Street! Three hand-written wall signs greeted us: “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Chanukah,” and “Happy Ramadan.” There you go … include everybody, and we not only can live together in peace, we can probably grow in appreciation of other “People of God.” Understanding THAT helps us really celebrate the time when Almighty God was born into our world as the Light of the [whole] World, and almost nobody was looking … beyond themselves and their cares.

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THIS WEEK AT HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY NO Religious Ed. Classes MONDAY NO DA Meeting NO Rosary NO Religious Ed. Classes NO NA Meeting NO Legion of Mary TUESDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM Lectio Divina (Spanish) – Center – 7:00 PM Christian Meditation – Rectory – 7:00 PM Fr. Gary YA Lectio Divina – Rectory – 7:30 PM WEDNESDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NA Meeting – Rectory – 5:30 PM NO R.C.I.A. THURSDAY Al Anon Meeting – Rectory – 12:15 PM Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NO Cub Scout & Boy Scout Troop 1 AA Men’s Meeting – Rectory – 7:00 PM FRIDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM AA Women’s Meeting – Rectory – 8:15 PM SATURDAY Eucharistic Adoration – Church – following 5:30 Mass * * * * * * * *

YOUR DONATIONS Last week’s collection: $5,056.00 Music Program Collection: $3,000.00 THANK YOU!

Nacimiento de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo Diciembre 25

El Hijo de Dios se hizo hombre por amor al hombre. El misterio del nacimiento de nuestro Señor Jesucristo no tiene otra explicación que la del amor de Dios por el hombre. “Tanto amó Dios al mundo que entregó a su Hijo único para que todo el que crea en Él tenga la vida eterna” (Jn 3, 16). Habiendo caído en el pecado y perdido la comunión con Dios el hombre fue desterrado del paraíso terrenal, de ese estado de amistad, de paz y comunión con Dios en que fue creado. Era necesario, pues, un redentor que nos reconciliase con Dios. En este sentido san Gregorio de Nisa afirma que “nuestra naturaleza enferma exigía ser sanada; desgarrada, ser restablecida; muerta, ser resucitada. Habíamos perdido la posesión del bien, era necesario que se nos devolviera. Encerrados en las tinieblas hacía falta que nos llegara la Luz; estando cautivos esperábamos un salvador; prisioneros, un socorro; esclavos, un libertador” (Oración catequética 15). Y Dios que ama al hombre por encima de su pecado prometió un redentor. Él, dice san Juan, “nos amó y nos envió a su Hijo como propiciación por nuestros pecados” (I Jn 4, 10). Es ésta la verdad fundamental que desde un inicio ha confesado y no deja de proclamar con gozo la Iglesia en cada celebración de navidad: Por nosotros los hombres y por nuestra salvación, bajó del cielo (Credo niceno-Constantinopolitano). Jesús es, en efecto, la epifanía del amor del Padre. Jesucristo es verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre. “El acontecimiento único y totalmente singular de la Encarnación del Hijo de Dios no significa que Jesucristo sea en parte Dios y en parte hombre, ni que sea el resultado de una mezcla confusa entre lo divino y lo humano. Él se hizo verdaderamente hombre sin dejar de ser verdaderamente Dios. Jesucristo es verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre” (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica 464). Una verdad que la liturgia natalicia pone bien de manifiesto. Por una parte la genealogía del nacimiento de Cristo que presenta san Mateo quiere acentuar esta verdad profunda y misteriosa del acontecimiento salvífico: Jesucristo es verdadero hombre. Se trata de un hecho histórico, de un verdadero nacimiento colocado en un determinado momento de la historia. Se trata de una verdadera encarnación, de una auténtica inserción por parte de Dios en el género humano, de una verdadera muestra de solidaridad del nuevo Adán con todos los hombres tomando la misma condición humana para redimirnos. Pero al mismo tiempo, afirma que es un nacimiento que se lleva a cabo por intervención especial de Dios, por “obra del Espíritu Santo”. Él es el Dios-con-nosotros que ha venido al mundo como Salvador. * * * * * * * * New Year’s Eve! Before you start your festive activities, why not spend part of the evening in quiet contemplation in the presence of Our Lord in a very special way – give yourself an hour for Eucharistic (Nocturnal) Adoration.