Download - December 2012 Newsletter

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December 2012

Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Inc. wishes you a happy holiday!

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Surplus funds generated by all Cal Poly Pomona Foun-dation operations go back to the University to provide

financial and facility resources to benefit

students, faculty and staff.

Cal Poly Pomona Foundation. Inc.Ph: 909-869-2912Fx: 909-869-4549

On Tuesday, November 6, Cal Poly Pomona’s Staff Council presented the 2012 Amelia Hammond Staff Council Scholarships;

and Management and Staff Emeritus Awards.

During the ceremony, Sharon Fradella-Stuewe of Foundation Employment Services, who retired earlier this year, was a

Management and Staff Emeritus Recipient.

Sharon Fradella-Stuewe is a Management and Staff

Emeritus Recipient

Congratulations, Sharon!

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Sandy Becomes a Professor for a Day

For the second year, Real Estate Director Sandy Vaughan-Acton went to Mihaylo College of Business and Economics at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) to participate in Professor for a Day 2012.

Professor for a Day is an event where numerous business leaders visit the CSUF campus as guest professors to speak to students about their experiences and expertise.

“I was one of about 40 people who participated in the event this year, which included some pretty interesting people from all walks of life, including Mr. Mihaylo who the business building is named aft er,” states Sandy.

Sandy initially got involved with this program because she is a CSUF alumna, and she sits on the Real Estate Land Use Institute advisory board.

She thoroughly enjoys the experience and the fulfi llment it provides her.

“It is an opportunity to tell the story of the ups and downs of my career aft er graduation and the lessons learned … It is also cathartic in that my story spans a time period that also follows the progress of computers in the workplace; as I tell them, I got my fi rst job through an ad in the newspaper (remember those?), and I couldn’t research the company on the Internet—I had to go to the library! (Yes, I’m old!)”

Sandy notes that she enjoys interacting with the students and tries to assist them however she can.

“I enjoy speaking to the students and hearing what questions they have,” refl ects Sandy. “Th e students seem to get something out of my presentation and I oft en hear

from students in the weeks following my presentation. I try to connect those who are interested in the fi eld of real estate with mentors that can help them where I can. I also sit on the Board of Directors of the Orange County Chapter of the Institute of Real Estate Management as their Student and Academic Outreach Advisor; I try to get the students plugged into this professional association so they can network and start career exploration in the fi eld of commercial real estate management.”

Shortly aft er her participation in Professor for a Day 2012, Sandy received a letter from CSUF, thanking her for her time and eff ort.

Th e letter states, “As you shared your experiences, insights and expertise, you served as both a role model and mentor. Mihaylo College students, faculty and administration truly appreciated your time and consideration.”

Great Job, Sandy!

Sandy visited the CSUF campus to speak to students about her business experiences ...

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2012 Holiday ClosureTh e Foundation Administrative offi ces located in Building 55 (Financial Services, Grants and Contracts, Employment Services, Dining Services, Real Estate, Marketing, and Administration) will be closed for two weeks for the holidays from 12/17/2012 through 1/1/2013. To help you plan, we want to make you aware of the following timelines:

Accounts PayableAll submissions for payments need to be received in Foundation Accounts payable by NOON, Wednesday, December 12, 2012. All Purchase Order Requests should be submitted to Foundation Accounts Payable, no later than NOON, Tuesday, December 11, 2012. (Attention: Carrie Hampton)

Accounts ReceivableIDTs, requests for invoice, journal entries, spreadsheets, adjustments, and month–end reports for December closing are due January 4, 2013.

Grant and ContractsDisbursement vouchers and other payment documents must be submitted no later than Friday, December 7 until 5:00 p.m.

Employment ServicesTo cover the last pay period of the year, payroll will be processed twice during the week of December 10th. Th is means the December 27th Payday will be on December 14th, resulting in two paychecks and/or two direct deposits during the week of December 10th. For time worked between November 25th through December 8th, the normal payday is on December 13th. For time worked between December 9th through December 22nd, the hours will need to be estimated. Th e Kronos approval deadline for both of these pay periods is NOON on Monday, December 10th. Any time adjustments to either pay period aft er the deadline should be done in January 2013. Th e fi rst payday in 2013 is January 10, 2013.

Th is closure allows the Foundation to provide greater resources at times when all students, faculty, and staff are on campus, and we are hopeful that by providing advance notice, there will be little or no impact to our customers.

Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Inc. wishes you a safe and joyful

Holiday Season!

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‘Tis the season to enjoy the various selections offered by Kellogg West Catering. With our quality and convenience, we can help make your holiday party an event to remember. Whether you are planning a grand feast or smaller celebration, we offer both full-service catering and value pick-up.

We look forward to making your holiday season a little bit brighter (and tastier)!







Let Kellogg West Catering Bring Joy to Your Holiday!

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After working as Cal Poly Pomona Foundation’s Dining Services Director for 12 years, Brett Roth will be retiring this December.

While he has been preparing for a happy retirement with his wife, Sharon, his Foundation colleagues have been reminiscing about the great times they have shared with him.

“[The fi rst time I met Brett], I was intimidated,” admits Real Estate Director Sandy Vaughan-Acton.

Despite this daunting fi rst impression, Sandy and Brett eventually developed a great friendship, and she notes how much she will miss his company.

“I’m going to miss sitting next to [him] in our weekly Director’s meetings! I’m at a loss to decide just who I want to sit next to now.”

Einstein Bros Bagels Manager Jennifer Waggener had a similar experience when meeting Brett for the fi rst time.

“I met him at La Verne University. First impression—I’m scared!”

Nevertheless, Jennifer wishes Brett nothing but happiness after his retirement.

“Good luck in whatever you do. Enjoy your work-free life and live like there’s no tomorrow.”

Throughout the years, Brett has shared countless, memorable moments with other Foundation colleagues.

While reminiscing about all the great times she has shared with Brett, Franchise Manager Joanne Casey recalls a particularly comical story.

“Long story short—I had accused Brett of loaning our microwave to another department. I saw him take it, so I knew it was him. For six months Brett racked his brain trying to remember where he had put the microwave. One day, I found it under the back kitchen table. Then I fi nally remembered that during graduation, the microwave blew up and Brett had moved it off the counter. (We planned to have it fi xed at a later date.) So, now when something is missing, we just say, ‘It must be with the microwave.’ We still laugh about it.”

Joanne also claims that Accuracy is his middle name, as they often need to check and recheck everything before he’s satisfi ed; but she also considers him “sympathetic and a true friend.”

Denny’s Manager James Dial remembers a time when Brett gave him helpful advice and assisted him through a challenging catering experience.

“I was new to catering and I had four caterings that all began at the same time; he decided to help me through it. He made me draw up diagrams of each catering so I could be better prepared for the day … then he told me if I screw this up, he was going to fi re me.”

Luckily, James “didn’t screw it up.” He also acknowledges their everlasting baseball rivalry, and the fact that Brett “loves to remind [him] about every Dodger loss and Angel win.”

With these kinds of comical comments, Brett has always carried a reputation of being a humorous and sarcastic individual.

According to Sandy Vaughan-Acton, Brett has a way of bringing people into a conversation with playful remarks.

Dining Services Director Brett Roth retires this December ...A Bittersweet Farewell

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“He will simply say something in his conversation like, ‘And then there is the Real Estate Department. They think they walk on water.’ Or something like that.” Chief Financial Offi cer and Senior Managing Director David Prenovost also recognizes Brett’s amusing personality.

“I will remember the times he jokes around or gets your attention as [you’re] walking by, and he makes a comment to whoever he is talking to that seems to pull you in—only to discover again that he is just ‘yanking your chain’ to … get a reaction from you in his kidding and jovial ways.”

Brett isn’t the only one who can “yank a chain.”

Marketing Director Edwin Santiago playfully declares, “Marketing has won countless prestigious awards for Dining Services, but Brett likes to tease us that other design companies are much better. When Poly Fresh opened at BSC, he was bragging to employees and vendors about the great job that this outside design

group did on the Poly Fresh logo. He went on and on about how great the logo looked and that he wishes Marketing can do as great a job. So weeks after, imagine the joy I had when I fi nally told him that this amazing design group who designed the logo was me … He has never mentioned the logo after that.” Furthermore, Executive Assistant Anne McLoughlin, whose offi ce is right next door to Brett’s, recalls a humorous moment.

“[There was] a blonde cookie saleslady in Brett’s offi ce with her samples spread all over his desk. He [was] partaking liberally; I have the photo,” Anne teases.

Brett’s departure is bittersweet. While many colleagues are going to miss his infectious character and strong work ethic, they are also glad to see that he has fi nally made it to his well-deserved retirement.

Th ank you for your years of hard work, Brett. We will miss you.

At the November Board of Directors meeting, they approved a resolution honoring Brett Roth for his 12 years of service to the

Cal Poly Pomona Foundation.

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A Few Personal Messages to Brett ...“It has been a privilege, honor, and a wild ride working with you, though we didn’t get to work on much together. Th ank you for being a supportive colleague and friend. It just won’t be the same around here without you!”

- Sandy Vaughan-Acton

“Brett, … take care of yourself and don’t think for one minute that you can disappear from us as we will hunt you down and fi nd you—only to have another laugh or to tell a good story. Th anks for all the great work you have done and the legacy you have left . I have been honored to have had the privilege to work with you. Take care of yourself [and] the family; cherish the ones with you and the ones that want to be with you; pay attention to the small stuff ; depend on each other; take the time to connect because no one is promised tomorrow; and remember that family is everything.”

- David Prenovost

“You’re not rid of us yet—we know where you live!”- Joanne Casey

“Have a great retirement with Sharon—you deserve it.”- James Dial

“How will I get any work done in my offi ce with all that quiet now that you are not next door?”

- Anne McLoughlin

“I will miss you! I have enjoyed working with you!”- Sue Chiazza

“I can’t believe we have been working together for over 11 years. For over a decade, I don’t know how many times you have come to my offi ce with your ‘brilliant’ marketing ideas. And when I ask you, ‘Do you have a budget for this idea?’ you say, ‘Not really. But I bet we can go to Home Depot and create it for under $10.’

I know that through the years, you have been waiting to unleash your creativity. I hope that during your retirement, you get to do creative projects that you are passionate about. Make sure you share them with me (so I can critique them). Ha ha …

Seriously, I have high respect for your dedication, creativity, and hard work. I will defi nitely miss your intensity around here.”

- Edwin Santiago

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We also wish a happy retirement to ...

Dave Matheson

Jack Ferrero

Dave Matheson has worked for the Foundation for nearly 19 years. He is a maintenance technician for the Foundation facilities department, focusing most of his duties as an electrician, although he is oft en involved in a variety of building maintenance projects throughout the university. Because of his many years of hard work and dedication, Dave received the Career Center’s “Outstanding Partner” award earlier this year.

Th ank you for your years of commitment and enthusiasm, David. We all hope you enjoy your retirement!

Jack Ferrero is the Shipping and Receiving Manager for the Bronco Bookstore. He has been working for Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Inc. for ten years.

Jack will be retiring this December, and we wish him a very happy and fulfi lling retirement.

Th ank you, Jack, for all your hard work and dedication!

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asser MohamedEmployee Profi le

Title: Bronco Bookstore Customer Service Rep

Job Description: I provide customer service to students, faculty, and staff by processing returns, exchanges, etc.; and managing customer problems and questions. I also oversee cashier store processes.

Length of Employment: I have worked at the bookstore for a little over 2 years.

Length of commute: From my house that I rent with fi ve other roommates in Covina, CA, my commute is about15 minutes.

What I like about my job: I love being able to work with students my age and being able to work at one of the main centers on campus where virtually all students come through to buy their books and other school accessories.

Career goal: I hope to fi nd a niche within architecture that leads me to a job where I love going to work every day and leads me to be fi nancially comfortable.

My biggest challenge: As of right now, my biggest challenge is fi nishing my last year of architecture at Cal Poly Pomona, (which includes my senior thesis project), while working two jobs: one at the bookstore as a customer service rep, and another working at an architecture fi rm internship in Newport Beach.

My biggest achievement: By the end of this year, hopefully it will be that I completed my fi ve-year Bachelor of Architecture degree at Cal Poly Pomona.

I have a talent for... keeping a balance in my life between school, work, friends and family.

Favorite childhood memory: My favorite childhood memory is when my brother and I were growing up in Kansas and Colorado, and my dad would take us out and teach us how to golf as little kids.

Favorite food on campus: I hate to say that I do have a weakness for Carl’s Jr., but I try to eat Subway as oft en as possible when eating on campus.

No one would ever guess... that I am a fi rst-generation-born in the United States and my family is from Egypt. Most people think I look Hispanic or some other race.

On weekends, I love to... go out to movies, sports events, and other social spaces while spending time with my family, friends, and girlfriend.


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SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGNSs cialageBy: Lily Ly & Darren Isomoto

As 2012 winds down, we’d like to look back on the year in social media. What were some of the biggest trending topics? Which companies or brands moved forward over the last 12 months with their social media strategies? While there’s plenty of strides that companies and brands have taken, we’d like to take a moment and look back at some of 2012’s most notable social media blunders.

#McDStories -- McDonald’sOur fi rst featured social media blunder happened earlier this year in January. McDonald’s launched a Twitter campaign with the hashtag #McDStories. Th e intent was to share heart warming stories about McDonald’s experiences around the world. Instead, out of personal distaste for the company or purely for fun, Twitter users turned the hashtag into a “bashtag” by sharing some horror stories about McDonald’s and its products. Th e negative remarks quickly outpaced the heart warming tweets and McDonald’s quickly pulled the campaign in less than 24 hours.

#Aurora -- CelebBotique.comIn July, the Aurora shooting tragedy stormed news headlines and quickly became a trending topic on Twitter. Unfortunately, U.K. based online retailer,, thought the trending “Aurora” hashtag was in reference to the name of a Kim Kardashian-inspired dress found on their website. Th ey publicly (and proudly) boasted about the Aurora hashtag without knowing the real reason why it was trending and were undoubtably met with angry attacks from the online community. issued a public apology within a couple of hours.

#SandySale -- American ApparelFinally, just last month, retailer American Apparel decided to send out an email blast off ering 20% off to customers for 36 hours “in case you’re bored during the storm.” Th e email featured a map showing the states aff ected by Hurricane Sandy as eligible participants for the sale. All they had to do was enter the code SANDYSALE upon checkout for their purchases. Of course, the internet lashed out against American Apparel for their off ensive email. While it can be creative or clever to reference real world events with your own store or brand promotion, it has to be done in good taste.


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Kellogg West’s dining room and lobby are currently under construction to enhance their modernity and overall ambiance. The two pictures below reveal their renovation plans. With their neutral color palette, polished fi xtures, and new artwork, their updated look is sure to be a fresh surprise. Check out Kellogg West when its renovation is fi nished in 2013!

Kellogg West is Getting a Makeover!

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Los Olivos Gets a New Look and Wellness Information SectionLos Olivos has recently upgraded their main lobby with a fresh coat of paint, new storage compartments, and digital signage. In addition to their improved appearance and functionality, they have also introduced their innovative Wellness Information section, which offers an array of useful dietary information.

After going through Los Olivos’ main entrance, the Wellness Information section is located to the right-hand side. Among the various nutritional brochures and fl yers available, there are two touch-screen computers with a digital dining menu. This menu displays the numerous food items that are served each day of that particular week. Guests can scroll through the several options and check off the ones they favor. After completing a personalized list, visitors will be given a complete nutritional fact report of the items they have selected, including calorie count, sodium, carbs, and more. Guests will then be able to print out their comprehensive report and use it when getting their meal.

To view a step-by-step video on how to properly use the new Wellness Information system, please visit

Be sure to stop by Los Olivos to check out their enhanced look, explore their new Wellness Information area, and of course, enjoy a meal.

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The Cal Poly Pomona campus community observed Veterans Day on Monday, November 12, 2012. In honor of this day, Los Olivos offered free meals to all veterans, active duty military, and Cal Poly Pomona’s Reserve Offi cers’ Training Corps (ROTC).

After noticing that many nearby restaurants were planning to offer free meals to veterans on Veterans Day, Los Olivos’ Operations Manager Patrick McCoy was inspired to participate. With a little help from outside sources, Patrick and the rest of the Los Olivos team were able to organize the event.

“Elke Azpeitia, CPP Veterans Services Coordinator, was very helpful and encouraging,” acknowledged Patrick.

On the day of the event, around a dozen veterans enjoyed their free meal at Los Olivos.

Although the outcome was slightly slim, Los Olivos’ efforts did not go unnoticed.

“The people who [attended] were very appreciative, and quite frankly, surprised because this has never been offered anywhere on campus before that I am aware of,” stated Patrick.

The Los Olivos team hopes to increase next year’s participation, and make this an annual event that all veterans and active duty military can look forward to.

Veterans Day 2012Los Olivos off ered free meals to veterans, active duty military,

and ROTC members ...

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Trash Talk

Los Olivos recently submitted information about their composting program to the 2012 publication of National Wildlife Federation’s campus sustainability case study database. This case study highlights Los Olivos’ efforts in diverting food waste from landfi lls to an off-site composting program managed by Burrtec. These practices help save both money and the environment.

To view the entire case study, please visit

Los Olivos is recognized for their composting program ...

Giving on Thanksgiving

During the Thanksgiving holiday, Kellogg West Catering got into the spirit of giving, and prepared meals for the Salvation Army.

They prepared virtually everything that makes up the perfect Thanksgiving meal—from turkey to stuffi ng to mashed potatoes.

Kellogg West Catering has been participating in this for the past fi ve years, and plan on preparing more Thanksgiving meals in the future.

Kellogg West Catering prepares food for the Salvation Army ...