Download - December 2011


God has an amazing way of verifying and authenticating His call and

commitment in and to our lives. Amazingly, the divine obligates Himself

to the human in covenant relationship.

In essence, through covenant, God expresses allegiance beyond failures,

mishaps, mistakes, and errors on our part.

This is the essence of covenant relationship.

It is my prayer that the casual believer and nominal members of the body

of Christ will really understand and commit to relating to the body with a

covenant mentality.

No more shallow relationships predicated upon comfort and convenience,

but, rather true connection to the beautiful body of Christ.

The year 2011 is almost over. As we

approach the new year, VOM Newsletter will

continue with the vision of reaching partners and

the community. We will continue to evangelize,

encourage, build & lift up. We pray that the Holy

Spirit move among each page, touching the lives

of the readers.

It's our desire to go across the country

and around the world spreading the gospel. We

speak to the listening audience that has an open

heart; hungry for the Word of God. Many go

door to door; but VOM Newsletter travels

through e-mail.

We believe that each page is designed to

touch a life. We give all glory and honor to God

in everything we do.

December is the month where families

and friends come together to celebrate Christmas.

Additionally, do not miss Dr. Jones‘ Words of

Reflection. The spotlight article highlights Sister

Chiante Price.

Also, this month‘s newsletter highlights

the answers to ―Where in the World Is….‖; the

page whereby Teacher Eva Johnson challenges

us with bible questions.

Be sure to check out Dr. Wendell Norton‘s ―The

Art of Cooking‖ page.

If you are a parent, please read

―Teaching Champions‖ page. Sister Felecia King

provides parent's tips to help our children during

the school year.

Lastly, we invite you to visit page 10,

―Redemption‖, where a simple prayer accepting

Christ as your Lord and Savior will lead you to

receive eternal life. Also, you can reconcile your

life with Him. God desires intimacy with the


VOM Newsletter encourages you to be

part of this great work by sharing with your

friends, coworkers, & family. Simply email the

newsletter link, it FREE!!

...And remember; someone plants, someone wa-

ters and God gives the increase.

Till the next time, Manifest!!

Yesmin Negron

VOM Newsletter Dept Leader

The greatest gift of love

Sent from Our Father above

Clothed in humility

Stepping outside of His royalty

He has no doubt or resentment

Giving us peace and contentment

In abundance, His love unmeasured

Revealing our hope unshattered

Casting no fear on tomorrow

Healing our pains and sorrow

Giving us a purpose to live

Teaching us, others to forgive

Today to us true love is born

To save us from all harm

In this season to glorify Him

Born as our Savior, Lord and King

Written by Sis. Jennifer Cole




The Person- He was Jacob‘s 4th son by his first wife

Leah. (Genesis 29:35; 35:23)

The People – The name of the Israelite tribe descended

from Judah. (Numbers 1:27)

The Place – The name of the Southern Israelite King-

dom that consisted of the tribes of Judah, Simeon and

½ tribe of Benjamin. (They were known as Judah.)

Note: Use a Bible Dictionary to find background his-

tory of Jacob’s 12 sons whose descendants became the

12 tribes of Israel. The Northern Israelite Kingdom

consisted of the other 10 tribes. (They were known as

Israel.) Also check out a Bible Atlas to find out where

both kingdoms actually were.

The Verb - Judah comes from the root word Yadah

which when used in the context of ―praise‖ means to

confess or declare the attributes of God – who God is

and what He does. (Psalm 105:1; 106:1- Look for other

scriptures in Psalm with the word praise in it or that

state the attributes of God.)



We actually have no certain information about his

life except for what is written in his book.

(His name is mentioned in other literature but it is

not reliable information.)

He identifies himself as a prophet.

His name is a very unusual Hebrew name and is

derived from the verb in Hebrew Habaq

which means ―embrace‖ or ―cling.‖ Another

meaning is ―wrestler.‖

He prophesied to the nation of Judah right before

they were invaded and captured by the Baby-


In the 1st and 2nd chapters , he has a dialogue or

burden (complaint) with God. He questions

God back and forth but by the 3rd chapter he

has a psalm of prayer and praise. It is because

of this psalm or song it is supposed that he

was a temple worshipper or singer or even

played one of the stringed instruments.

(Habakkuk 3:19b)

The book of Habakkuk holds many key verses we

quote often today such as are found in Habak-

kuk 2:1-14; 3:17-19. (Habakkuk 2:4” Behold,

his soul which is lifted up is not upright in

him: but the just shall live by his faith.”) (See

also Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews


The key word of the book is Faith but note the

word salvation mentioned 3 times in Chapter

3:13,18. (Note: The Hebrew word for salva-

tion is Yeshuwah and in Aramaic Yeshua is

translated Jesus)

Habakkuk ministers during a time when the nation

of Judah refuses to change their sinful ways,

even with repeated calls to repentance. The

prophet asks God how long can this continue

and God responds with an announcement that

they will be punished by a people more

wicked than they. This is shocking to the

prophet but God assures him that He knows

what He is doing. Habakkuk then realizes who

God really is and prays and praises God for


The book of Habakkuk is a very small but a sig-

nificant book for today.


Ugggggggggh- Have you ever heard this?

“There will come a time when you won’t know the sea-

sons but by the budding of the trees!”

Did you find the key scripture that solved this mis-


Read Genesis 8:21-22. God speaks after the flood and

makes this declaration. Genesis 8:21-22

“And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the

LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the

ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of

man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again

smite any more every thing living, as I have done.

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and

cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and

night shall not cease.”

Next Month – Interesting Facts in the Bible.


poem and song by Gil Scott-Heron. Scott-Heron first recorded it for

his 1970 album Small Talk at 125th and Lenox, on which he recited

the lyrics, accompanied by congas and bongo drums.

This was a time of revolution and revolt, a time when every

day people rose up against ―The Man‖ and ―The Machine‖. Al-

though I was just a baby at the height of this epic drama in America,

I couldn‘t help but to look back and familiarize myself with the is-

sues and challenges of that day in the light of what‘s currently taking

place all across the globe, and now on our shores again. Change is

coming. The spirit of revolt is here once again, and his trusty side

kick anarchy is right beside him.

Occupy Wall Street is the new face of revolution in this

country. I wondered what it was all about. Because I hated all of the

negative news and outright lies in the media, I hadn‘t followed the

current trend of events. But I had to pay close attention this time.

The Holy Spirit beckoned me to be watchful. Governments are fal-

ling and new ones being created right before our eyes. There are

rumours of a soon coming economic collapse in America. Even na-

ture itself seems to be in revolt.

Are we ready for change? The main idea of people involved

in any type of revolution is the fact that individualism isn‘t a luxury

for those trying to make change. This is the one thing we as Chris-

tians can learn from revolutionaries. As a body of believers, we have

to see ourselves as one whole unit in order to make a change in our


The song by Scott-Heron meant that the thing that‘s going

to change people is something that no one will be able to capture on

film. It‘s an invisible, but detectable change (in the mind) that will

change the way people live and behave. Revolutions have come and

gone, but the only movement that has made any lasting changes in

the lives of men is the invasion of Jesus Christ in the heart of those

who‘ve accepted His offer of eternal life. Do something revolution-

ary today! Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. Encourage your

fellow man to do the same.

Hello CFM family—class is in ses-

sion! As an educator, I know that the wider

the spectrum of opportunities that I allow my

students to apply the content they have been

given, the more likely they are to internal-

ize—remember—and ultimately, apply it.

Thus, this session of Teaching Champions

will give you practical ideas in the content

areas of reading and math for you to either do

with your child or for you to do as the leading

example for your child.

Reading literacy is vital to your child‘s

success in school as it encompasses every

subject area. In grades K-2 children learn to

read and in grades 3 and beyond, students

read to learn. There is a very specific line of

demarcation between the two; however, suc-

cess on both levels runs parallel. Following

are some practical tips that will help your

child become a better reader—they include:

have books, magazines, and newspapers in

your home [all can be obtained free from your

child‘s school or neighborhood library], pro-

vide opportunities for your child to see you as

a reader, read to and with your child daily,

show an interest in what your child is reading

[ask questions], encourage your child to read

for pleasure, get a library card, and make

regular trips to the library.

Math is all about relevance.

Know what is being taught—simply ask your

child or review their homework. Ensure that

your child is completing their math homework

nightly. Generally speaking, homework is

given to provide the additional practice

needed to address the topic that was covered

in class. Ask your child to explain their home-

work—then, take it a step further and ask

them to show you the strategies they used to

solve a specific problem. Most importantly,

seek out and provide teachable moments that

show your child the relevance of math in day-

to-day activities [i.e. cooking, shopping, pay-

ing bills.]

The tips given to you only require

time and commitment on your part and I pray

that each of you make a decisive decision to-

day to start doing at least 1 thing—

consistently! So…from Him—through me—

to you, may each of you walk away with a

greater understanding that you are your

child‘s first [and best] teacher.

Point to Ponder—Children learn far

more from what we do than what we say. Un-

til next time…

Best Regards,

Felecia L. King

1 Chronicles 16:34

O give thanks unto the LORD; for

he is good; for his mercy endureth

for ever.

Congratulations to

our December


Three ways Children Ministry

Benefits Our Children>>>>

1. It promotes their eternal

happiness. Do you want

your kids to find an over-

whelming joy in Christ. –

Children’s Ministry Tip:

Constantly work to intro-

duce them to Jesus. Make

the good news plain in

everything you do.

2. It helps them make sense

out of life. Only under-

standing who made the

world, what went wrong

and God‘s plan to fix it can

explain this world we all

experience. –

3. Children’s Ministry Tip:

Teaching the simple truth

of the Gospel of Jesus

Christ...line upon line.

It’s their best chance to ac-

cept Christ. A desire to want

Through The Bible, We Teach

Our Children The Power Of

The Word Of God… The words of God, through ancient

prophets and the many teachings, stories

and lessons that are recorded in The

Bible, can and will become a source of

personal strength and reason for our

children to have faith in Jesus Christ.

The Holy Bible is given to us as parents,

from a loving God, as the foundation by

which we may most effectively teach

our children to... "Look to God and


And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your

heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when

you lie down and when you rise up (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

Our Children are Developing the Our Children are Developing the Our Children are Developing the Keys to the Kingdom!!!Keys to the Kingdom!!!Keys to the Kingdom!!!

December is the last month of the year, it is a time where must cul-

tures celebrate Christmas where families and friends come together exchang-

ing gifts to express gratitude among each other. It‘s the time where many

families prepared their favorite meal/recipe to welcome their love one. Pic-

tures are taken for good memories. And others begin to think about the reso-

lution for the new year to come.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begot-

ten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever-

lasting life.

God gave the best gift, ―Everlasting Life‖. The only thing whosoever

have to do to receive the gift is to believe. Who is whosoever? Any body, it

is offer to all….. God so loved the world, so you are included in the offer.

Best of all the offer is know, today, at this time. This resolution can begin

now! There is nothing to wait for or change, He said, Whosoever believe in

Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. It begins with a simple


Father, I believe. I recognized that I am a sinner and that I have sin

against you. Father I repent, forgive me. I believe Jesus Christ died for me.

Come into my heart. Wash me, show me your ways, teach me your status. I

want to be like you, fill me with your Spirit, make your ways my life, In Je-

sus name, Amen

Now, give God thanks for His gift, this is the beginning of your new

resolution, for you are no longer perish but now you have everlasting life.

Stay focused and find a Bible teaching church where you can be developed

for the purpose of God.

If you need prayer, call 813-325-5730. For more information on

how to study the Word of God or to watch CFM Monday Night Manna or

Sunday Services on line, visit our web site:

The word of the LORD came to her, saying, ―Before I

formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were

born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the


If there is one scripture in the Bible that our very own

sister Chianti Price can relate to, it has always been

Jeremiah 1: 4 -5. For many years, she would ponder

why this scripture stuck to her like grits to the stomach,

but now she fully understands the reason. It is that she

finds herself in this scripture.

Sister Chianti has been a partner at CFM for a little

over a year and she describes this experience as THE

defining moment of her life. As she describes her life‘s

journey, the ups and the downs, her final conclusion is

that being at CFM and being under the spiritual cover-

ing of her spiritual father and mother, Apostle Mark T.

Jones and Lady Lisa Jones, is where she was designed

to be even from the beginning.

The impact Apostle has had on her life as a spiritual

father is clear. ―He genuinely cares for you and your

salvation. That is definitely clear to me. I didn‘t come

in guns blazing and looking to join ministries because I

needed time to heal and time to detox spiritually. I

remember telling Apostle that I needed to sit and re-

learn God. He simply said, ‗I understand.‘ What is

unequivocally clear to me is that Apostle has the heart

of God. Though he understood my need, that never

stopped the word from going forth with the implication

that there is a time when you need to rise up and take

your place. He has a gifting that makes you want to

become engaged and apply the practical word of God.

And because he has the heart of God, God has a way of

filtering information to him about us that is amazing to

me. For instance, on so many occasions I have had

conversations with God and friends discussing the

things of life. I kid you not, the very moment we come

to service, Apostle speaks on things that were men-

tioned in those conversations. I knew from the onset

that he was one who positioned himself at the feet of

God to hear from God, because only God could reveal

such things to him. It is amazing to experience true

counseling from your spiritual father every time you sit

in a pew and receive the Word of God.‖

―I was a part of a church for sixteen years and when

God released and transitioned me to CFM, I was like

no way, now this is ministry. I was like a kid in a

candy store. In seeing the flow and operation of our

partners and leaders, I was like okay God, where do I

fit in because this is the joint! Everything God had been

preparing me for in regards to the next level of my life

and my anointing was here. And then I literally felt as

though I was a child going into school for the first time

after being home with my momma my entire life. I

was happy and scared all at the same time. I would

say, God, I know this is the right move because you

spoke to me loud and clear, Center for Manifestation,

but are you sure? I can sincerely say that so many of

our partners and leaders have made me feel so wel-

come and so part of the family. I remember being on

Facebook and updating my status stating ‗Never under-

estimate the impact your church family can have in

your life. Being in the right place in your life affects

your entire demeanor. I‘m thankful for my CFM fam-

ily. I know my boss truly appreciates the impact you

have made in my life. I remember Apostle chiming in

with these words, ‗Impact is intentional. We do not

accidentally help people.‘ ―

Sister Chianti has been a product of a bible based home

for almost her entire life. With Chianti‘s parents being

young and in college, they sent her to live with her

grandmother in Miami, Florida, at an early age. The

truth of the matter as Chianti reflects on her early life

as told by her grandmother, was that even from birth

she immediately clung to her grandmother. Conse-

quently, when her grandmother moved to Miami, she

would literally cry all the time. There came a point

when her parents and her grandmother decided it best

to allow Chianti to move to Miami.

She recounts the years of growing up with her grand-

mother, who was a pastor. Chianti‘s early life con-

sisted of church and all night prayer meetings at peo-

ple‘s homes. Her grandmother did not drive because of

the heart attack that caused her to retire and move to

Miami. So, Chianti and her grandmother could always

be found taking the bus or hitching a ride with church

members. She remembers her grandmother opening

churches and pastoring the churches until male pastors

from her country would come to America. The sole

intent was to pastor the church her grandmother opened

for them as shepherds.

What she enjoys sharing most is her daily defiance as

her grandmother would call her into the home in the

middle of her playtime with her neighborhood friends

and tell her to open her Bible. As Chianti would have

the look of ‗here we go again and, not while I am play-

ing kickball‘, her grandmother would always use the

line, ‗read this chapter for me and tell me what it means

because I don‘t understand the English translation.‘

Chianti would simply sigh, read, and give her best in-

terpretation. What she did not realize, but realizes to-

day is that her grandmother was only setting her up for

her future. As Chianti became an adult and today, one

of her greatest joys is when she is studying the Word of

God and gets that revelation. She says that devoting

herself to the chronological bible study this year has

changed her life like nothing has before. ―I spend most

of my studies shedding tears and apologizing to the

Lord. I have never cried so much.‖ She then points

out that her next joy comes through sharing the word

and revelation of God with others. Yeah, she gets a

real high out of that. She laughs and reflects on the

days when she would go on the back porch of her home

as a child and get the broom and speak the Word of

God to the make believe people in the make believe

church. She would pray for them at the point of their


Additionally, Chianti has a heart for the youth , which

began when she was in high school. Her grandmother

appointed her to teach the children‘s Sunday school

class. Chianti states, ―Now that was funny. I would

make sure I would study on Saturday because I had a

duty to teach those kids right. But the best part for

them was when I finished teaching and would take

them on a field trip to the nearby store to buy candy.

They loved me just because of the field trips.‖ She

shares that she gets so excited when she sees the youth

of today operating under the anointing of God because

she understands all of the temptations that are pre-

sented to them. ‗Making that decision to defy what is

popular for the One who designed your destiny‘ does

something to me inside and I can jump through the

ceiling when I see our young people doing just that.

When Chianti‘s parents moved from New York, the

obvious decision was that she would have to leave her

grandmother‘s home and live with her parents. This

became a defining point in her life because her parents

were not saved, but were still young adults and had

their own ambitions. So she was faced with two reali-

ties: Christ or the world. Well, not even being a teen-

ager, she chose Christ. Her identity and imprint in life

was already established in Christ through her grand-

mother‘s lifestyle. She says that caused a lot of friction

in her parent‘s home because she was so used to a

spiritually led home life. When things were done con-

trary to what she knew was right, she felt obligated to

say something. Well it always got her a smack in the

mouth and remembers that is one thing she has learned

through the years: to think before you speak and when

you speak, word things to attempt to avoid offense.

Chianti fast forwards and tells us that she took her best

shot at living in the world during her college years.

Going to church had a no checked by it. Reading her

Bible had a no checked by it. Praying had a no

checked by it. Anything to do with God during those

four years had a no checked by it. She tried different

things, although each of them felt uncomfortable. She

knew that she was always different and unique. Never

one to follow the crowd and creating her own path, she

recalls that it was about a week after she graduated

college that knew that this life of living like the world

was not for her. She called a good friend of hers who

had invited her to go to church several times. It was on

that Sunday that she gave her life back to Christ and

joined the church. She says, ―It was like I woke up

from a dream and reality said ‗welcome back‘. And

then it said to me, ‗you were conceived and birthed to

live for Christ and nothing else.‘ That is when

Jeremiah 1:4-5 began to resonate in my spirit.‖

Chianti shares that the one thing in life that was so dif-

ficult for her to overcome was rejection in the sense of

being told ‗no‘ and unforgiveness. ―The truth of the

matter is I never had people close to me tell me no and

I think the first time I heard it I went into shock. This

of course was years ago.‖ as she laughs. ―And then I

found a stream of nos begin to surface both personally

and professionally. God has a way of breaking you. It

ain‘t fun at the time, but I look back at every no today

and look at the results of what a yes could have poten-

tially brought into my life and I am thankful. Then

God had to break me down about unforgiveness. But,

what I can say today is that God knew the appointed

time in which I would be released from an unforgiving

heart and it‘s nice to say that it began when I became a

partner here. I finally realized that this thing was

breaking when I was able to be in the presence of the

ones that hurt me the most. Wow, I was like ‗whoa‘.

Even a good friend of mine said, ‘I was watching how

you handled yourself the entire time with them and I

knew God was doing something.‘ I was like, ‗yes, I

recognized that too.‘‖

I remember telling a group of young girls a few months

back that this past year has been the best year of my

life and I would not change one thing about the deci-

sion I made. I thank God for what He is doing in my

life and what He is bringing me into here at CFM.

Proverbs 23: 26 My son, give Me your heart, and let your eyes

observe My ways.

Philippians 4:8 - 9 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true,

whatever things are noble, whatever things are

just, whatever things are pure, whatever things

are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if

there is any virtue and if there is anything

praiseworthy-meditate on these things. The

things which you learned and received and

heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of

peace will be with you.

Colossians 3: 1- 3 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those

things which are above, where Christ is, sitting

at the right hand of God. Set your mind on

things above, not on things on the earth. For you

died, and your life is hidden with Christ in


We all know that our natural eyesight is an ex-

tremely precious gift, and our spiritual eyesight

is also a very valuable gift. I believe that what

you focus on you will become, and what you

fear you will empower. Faith and fear are both a

belief that something is going to happen.

In the bible, a dove is symbolic of the Holy

Spirit and also represents purity. Having dove's

eyes indicates the possession of a spiritual

awareness and commitment. A dove does not

have peripheral vision, which is vision outside

their central area of focus, therefore it could

only see straight ahead. This is why "Dove‘s

eyes" are used in a love relationship in the Song

of Solomon. The Lord delights in those who

have a single eye toward Him. When you ac-

quire singleness of vision, Jesus will be able to

say to you "Behold, you are fair, you have

dove's eyes." (Song of Solomon 1:15)

Many of you have lost your spiritual focus. You

have allowed other things to dominate your

thoughts, which produced fear and confusion

and caused double vision. I encourage you to

readjust your focus to things that produce

wholeness. Meditate on the word, which brings

life. Put aside anything that would hinder your

walk with God. As you do this, your thought life

will align with His will and peace will once

again rule in your heart and mind. Hear me, do

not be led astray by anything that produces

death and discouragement. Stay focused and be

careful not to allow anything to impair your vi-

sion and obstruct your focus.

Beware of cunning people that would take you

off course and cause you to walk into an un-

godly proposition. As you seek God for wisdom

and guidance, He will lead you with compassion

and guide you in peace in the proper direction.

Never lose focus of the dream that God has once

stirred up on the inside of you. Allow Him to

take residence in every area of your life, and as

you walk in this Covenant that He has provided

for you, you will be able to rest in the assurance

knowing that He will truly watch over His Word

to perform it.

As always, thanks for reading; until next time be

empowered to be all that God created YOU to


Have you ever sat to think for a moment, at what point in His life Jesus realized that He was the One…You know “The Only Begotten”. Everything in our faith says there was only one begotten Son (John 3:16) and Jesus is it. So at what point did he realize He was “It”; “God in the flesh”; the “Word made manifest”; the “Son of God”. Yes, yes, sure He al-ways knew He was different. At the age of 12 he stayed behind in the temple and said to his parent’s “Why were you looking for me, don’t you know I have to be about my father’s business?” (Luke 2:49) But he was still born as a human by a human and had human experiences. He had siblings, worked as a carpenter and so forth. When his parents heard him talk about his father’s business, they heard him but not with insight. Also, at that age it probably sounded cute that He thought God was his father. His confession did not change, and what was once cute at 12 was no longer cute at 30, instead it took on a new name –blasphemy and with it came many enemies. The Jewish religious leaders were not offended be-cause Jesus said He was the Christ, they were okay with that, just tell us you are the Christ and that’s fine (John10:24), but what they could not stand was who He said he was…The Son, God in the flesh! That was Blasphemy! And the spirit of tradition and re-ligion rose up in them to stone him because He said, “I am the Son of God”. (John 10:33) But how many times in our own lives has this hap-pened? Tell me you are a lawyer or a doctor or a teacher, but don’t tell me you are someone of sig-nificance or great supernatural worth. For an exam-ple, If I got up today and said God called me a prophet, most would probably say, right on sister. Go on with prophetic power. But if I said I am Sophia, the Spirit of Wisdom, which was with God at

the beginning and said I helped create the world. (Proverbs 8:22-31) Not only would I be contra-dicted, but I would most likely spend the rest of my natural life in Chattahoochee mental hospital, baker acted. Why? Because to accept that I have come from God means that the Kingdom of God is truly here and I am a manifestation of its existence. And that is too much for our natural minds. Let’s look at another example, a popular personality that we all know; President Barak Obama. What if 40 years ago when the president was 10 years of age, God appeared to him in a dream and said, Barak you are the 44th president of the United States of America. Do you honestly believe that his family members, close friends, class mates or even teach-ers could have come in agreement with the revela-tion of who he was? Given the overt racism present in this country at that time. I think we can all agree the answer is a resounding “no”. Before Jesus asks the disciples who they thought He was, he already knew who He was. (Luke 9:18-21) And we owe it to ourselves to arrive at that place of revelation of our own identities before asking any-one else “who do men say I am.” When I know who I am it makes me aware of my audience with God. It causes me to realize by how much I still have to change to actualize the true me; which is the God me, which further causes me to desire, allow and endure the crosses and crucifixions necessary to bring the transfiguration that has already been re-vealed. So the question then is not “Who do men say I am?”

neither is it “Who do You say I am?” but it is “Who

do I say I am?” And if you don’t know, or you’re not

sure, all you’ve got to do is ask God.


4 slices of bacon

1 large onion, finely chopped

1 clove garlic, minced

2 pounds (about 7 cups, halved) fresh Brussels


1 1/2 cups milk

1 cup chicken broth

1/4 cup (4 tablespoons) unsalted butter

5 tablespoons flour

3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon dried thyme

Freshly ground black pepper to taste

1 1/2 cups grated sharp white Cheddar cheese

Paprika, for garnish (optional)


1. Heat a large skillet and crisp-cook the bacon.

Transfer it to a plate and set it aside. Pour off all

but 2 tablespoons of bacon fat from the pan. Add

the onion to the pan and saute over medium heat

for 6 to 7 minutes; add the garlic for the last min-

ute. Scrape the onions and garlic into a large, shal-

low casserole and spread them around evenly. Set


2. Trim the Brussels sprouts, then cut them in

half (or quarters, if very large) lengthwise. Bring a

large soup pot of well-salted water to a rolling

boil. Add the Brussels sprouts. Return to a boil

and cook for 5 minutes. Drain immediately in a

colander for 5 minutes. Transfer to the casserole,

spreading the sprouts evenly in the dish. Set aside.

Heat the oven to 375°.

3. Combine the milk and chicken broth in a

small saucepan. Bring to a simmer, then remove

from the heat.

4. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a large sauce-

pan. Add the flour and cook, stirring over medium

heat, for about 1 minute, until the flour is light

golden brown. Whisk in half of the hot milk and

broth. Heat and whisk for a minute or so, until

thick. Add the remaining liquid and cook for

about 5 minutes, whisking frequently.

5. Whisk in the Parmesan cheese, mustard, salt,

thyme, and pepper. Pour the sauce evenly over the

Brussels sprouts. Mince the bacon and sprinkle it

over the sauce. Sprinkle evenly with the Cheddar

cheese and dust lightly with paprika, if desired.

6. Place the casserole on the center oven rack

and bake for 30 minutes, until bubbly and golden

brown. Cool for about 5 minutes before serving.

Our Vision

Proverbs 29: 18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish”

Our vision is to teach the end-time church of the essence of Kingdom life, and

to communicate deep, spiritual truth in a simplified manner.

The Center for Manifestation was released from the heart of God to be a

refreshing force to the body of Christ. While the central theme and essence of

this ministry is to prepare the way for the second coming of the Lord Jesus

Christ, in part, this purpose is accomplished by retraining the saints as to what their

God-given roles and responsibilities in the church are. It is also the vision of this

ministry to bring healing and deliverance to those who have been hindered

from moving into position for the latter rains.

This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!

3102 E. Lake Ave, Tampa, FL 33610, Ph: 813-241-6919, Fax: 813-217-5460