Download - December 16, 2008

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Sleep Equals HealthFREE Sleep Disorders SeminarMONDAY, JANUARY 12, 6:30 P.M.See back page for more details.

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relAtionship / p6

TUESDAYDecember 16, 2008


GeorGiann Linnemeier bLends the responsibiLities of scientist and physician as the executive director of Word / p2

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net(tops)? / p25

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By Brandie BohneyCurrent in Carmel

Serendipity. If you ask Dr. Georgiann Linnemeier how she came to be the direc-tor of chemotherapy for Indiana Women’s Oncology (IWO) and later the executive director of Women’s Oncology Research and Development (WORD), that’s the word she’ll use.

Linnemeier’s resume is a long and varied one, and one that might not naturally lead to work in women’s oncology. Although she is an M.D., much of her career has not centered around oncology. But when her mother sought treatment for uterine cancer, Linnemeier discovered an op-portunity to use her background to make a difference for women suffering from repro-ductive cancers.

“When they were interested in doing chemotherapy in their office, they asked me if I would be willing to set the program up and get it running, and I had plenty of time to become edu-cated and informed in this area,” Linnemeier said.

What started as a way to be involved in helping women suffering from cancer later evolved into the not-for-profit organiza-tion WORD. She explained, “It doesn’t take too long when you’re involved in treating patients to realize that there’s a tremendous amount of need, and I think frankly it’s a matter of being able to offer hope to women who are suffering the dev-astating effects of this type of cancer.”

The need Linnemeier saw was one of both research and education. WORD is the brainchild of Doctors Linnemeier, John Geisler and Kelly Manahan, all of IWO. They have formed partnerships with Purdue University, the Department of Defense and other MDs around the coun-try for research. And although Doctors Geisler and Manahan are relocating to Ohio, WORD will stay firmly planted

in the knowYoung Women:• Get the HPV vaccination for cervi-

cal cancer if you are 11-26 years old.

• Have yearly gynecological exams, including a pap test.

Older Women:• Report any bleeding after meno-

pause immediately to your gynecologist.

All Women:• Know your family history. A history

of ovarian or breast cancer is a risk factor for ovarian cancer.

• Control your weight. Being over-weight is one of the greatest risk factors for female reproductive cancers.

• Pay attention to your body and know what is normal for you.

• Report even vague symptoms like bloating, fullness, fatigue or back-aches to your gynecologist.

• Be persistent with your physician if you feel something is wrong.

• If you are diagnosed with a gy-necologic cancer, see a gyneco-logic oncologist – a doctor whose specialty is cancers of the female reproductive system.

GeorGiann Linnemeier bLends the responsibiLities of scientist and physician as the executive director of Word

in Indiana. The ultimate goal of the organization

is not only to provide research for better treatments or even a cure for gynecologic cancers, but also to educate women regard-ing the risk factors and warning signs as well as spreading the word about preventa-tive measures like the HPV vaccination.

“A recent study showed that women are concerned about the health of their repro-ductive organs, but yet they really couldn’t name symptoms or risk factors involved, so there’s a tremendous need for more in-formation to be delivered and delivered in an effective way,” Linnemeier explained.

Linnemeier serves as a translational or bench-to-bedside scientist for WORD: she bridges the gap between researchers in the lab and physicians and patients in the office. That gap, she explains, is actually quite wide. With one foot in the clinic and one in the lab, however, she notes that “we have the ability to provide the clinical in-

formation to say, ‘this type of cancer is the one we want to look at, this is the one we have the most trouble treating, and this is the one that causes the fewest symptoms.’ ”

The position with WORD is one for which Linnemeier receives no paycheck. The reward, however, is great in terms of hope for the future: “I am hopeful because I think we’re on the really steep part of an upswing. I think we’re there with the science and that when we find a break-through we’re going to shoot up really fast. The pieces are going to start to fall into place very quickly.”

And her work with patients, work that some might see as somber, is also a source of great inspiration for her. “On a purely personal and spiritual level, this type of work is inspiring,” she explained. “These ladies are amazing. They are so resilient and positive and supportive of each other . . . they don’t give up easily, so it’s inspiring in that sense.”

wAnt to help?WORD is a 501(c)3 non-profit

organization committed to creating a network of physicians and scientists committed to conquering gynecologic cancers through catalyzing new and expanded clinical, scientific and educational research.

If you would like more information about WORD or would like to make a contribution to further their research and education capabilities, you can visit or write to

WORDP.O. Box 40849

Indianapolis, IN 46240





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Tuesday, Decem

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, Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN

Vol. III, No. 9Copyright 2008. Current Publishing, LLC

All Rights Reserved.1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220

Carmel, IN 46032


Publisher – Brian [email protected] / 414.7879Executive Editor – Steve [email protected] / 847.5022Associate Editor – Terry [email protected] Editor – Mike [email protected] / 730.4833Art Director – Zachary Ross [email protected] / 787-3291Associate Artist – Stefanie [email protected] / 340.1836Reporter – Brandon [email protected] / 489.4444Reporter – Bryan [email protected] / 489.4444Cartoonist – Tim [email protected]

Advertising Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’[email protected] / 370.0749Carmel Sales Executive – Lara [email protected] / 409.1418Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin [email protected] / 513.4359

Business OfficeBookkeeper - Deb [email protected] / 489.4444

The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.


CURRENTOON by Tim Campbell

To comment on Tim’s currentoons, contact him at: [email protected].

our constitutions matter stealing calmIt is our position that American citizens

should read and understand the constitu-tions of the United States and Indiana. We all can use a refresher course on what the founding fathers intended for the gen-erations that followed the launch of this nation.

Continuing this week, we are running an excerpt from an article of the Indiana Constitution. Today, we offer Article I, Section 1: “WE DECLARE, That all people are created equal; that they are endowed by their CREATOR with cer-tain inalienable rights; that among these

are life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap-piness; that all power is inherent in the People; and that all free governments are, and of right ought to be, founded on

their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and well-being. For the advancement of these ends, the People have, at all times, an indefeasible right to alter and reform their government..”

To view the U.S. Constitution and the Indiana Constitution in their entirety, go to and, respectively.

It is our position that the spike in burglaries recently reported through-out Hamilton County is unacceptable. The largest growth over last year in the number of burglaries is actually in Carmel, which has experienced an increase of 29 percent. Our Hamilton County neighboring communities are experienc-ing a similar problem, but not to the same degree as we are in Carmel: burglar-ies are up 23 percent this year in Fishers and up 17 percent in Noblesville when compared to last year. It could be that the tightening economy, holiday spending and cold weather ap-proaching is behind the disturbing trend. Or it could be that rings of “professional”

thieves are expanding their business into our communities. Both are likely correct.

But even as our good law enforcement officials are reminding us, and appropri-

ately so, that we need to be vigilant and on the watch for criminal

activity, we are opening our hearts and minds for the hol-iday season. How can it be

in this time of cheer and good will towards men, that we need to invest in

alarm systems and deadbolts? We must pay attention to the

travel plans of our friends and neigh-bors. Watch their homes and property. And call the police if something seems amiss. This community is ours – not the criminal’s.

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Editor:Of the three American automakers,

Ford was able to obtain credit, $19 billion before the banks froze it. Ford is still sit-ting on that money; they’ve done little to innovate or retool, the product is the same they’ve been offering for 60 years. Chrysler recently sold the rights to their successful mini-van, closed much of their produc-tion line and has been stockpiling vehicles around the country. Their assets are in overstocked steel.

Ford and Chrysler still have assets to draw from. GM is the only American automaker moving ahead in the field of hydrogen-powered cars. They have begun to retool factories to produce efficient, smaller, hybrid cars that Americans don’t want. Because gas prices are back down, GM is once again selling their behemoths to Americans who want to be bigger.

American automakers’ biggest sin is that rather than create a fuel-efficient vehicle that was affordable and reliable, they’ve perpetuated America’s addiction to fossil fuel by offering buyers of trucks gas for a year at $1.99 a gallon. Like a success-ful drug dealer, they’re keeping the user strung out. All three automakers have been producing small, efficient cars in other

nations; most of those vehicles are not of-fered in the United States.

Much of this should rest squarely on the shoulders of the American consumer. What do you drive? A nice hybrid, an elec-tric car or a NGV? Or are you set on em-powering your image with a vehicle that’s so big it has its own zip code, or a luxury import with an unreadable logo?

That the UAW is a source of the failure of the American auto industry, may be justly stated; it is estimated that it costs GM upwards of $74 an hour, full com-pensation, per UAW worker. Taxpayers shouldn’t be tapped to keep UAW workers flush. Yet that retired UAW worker might be your own dad. For every single, active GM employee, 15 retirees are supported

with their UAW benefits. The economic fallout from the collapse of the auto in-dustry will impact every single American family. Does that mean that our tax dollars should come to the rescue? Only if the automakers consent to building what they should have been manufacturing for the last 30 years.

Many folks, if they remember the era, did not like Jimmy Carter, and will dis-agree that if America had addressed the issue of pollution and fossil fuel dependen-cy in the 1970s when Americans faced gas rationing, we wouldn’t be in the economic, environmental and social upheaval that America is experiencing today.

Jody KucharCarmel

Vehicular homicide

Wanna write us a letter? You can do it a couple ways. The easiest is to e-mail it to [email protected]. The old-fashioned way is to snail mail it

to Current in Carmel, 1 South Range Line Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Keep letters to 200 words max (we may make exceptions), and be sure to include your home zip code and a daytime number for verification.


The Employee Free Choice Act is inap-propriately titled. While it portends help-ing our working families improve their standard of living, among other benefits, our take is this: We don’t want Congress passing any additional intrusive legislation telling businesses how they can operate.

It may be true that workers in unions earn 30 percent higher wages and are 59 percent more likely to have employer-provided health insurance, but wage-and-benefit decisions (absent minimum-wage guidelines) must belong to the companies that make this economy. Congress helping to bring about more unions in the work-place is a direct threat to letting the free market reign. When we use that phrase, we do so with everything connected to a business in mind. That means internal and external workings and initiatives.

Would we support a union in our orga-nization? In no way, shape or form. We’ve worked for unions in our industry, and they’ve been limp-wristed organizations that have done very little of what many members believed they were getting upon signing the membership card and paying the dues. Too, a preponderance of union membership in this industry seems to be-

lieve that “if I’m with the union, you can’t fire me.” Wanna bet?

We’re vehemently opposed to unfair labor practices – none of which you’ll find under our roof, so we don’t feel as if we need a watchdog salivating on our heels. Besides, we have the types of relationships with those with whom we work that foster a family atmosphere – and that never will change.

Jobs for life, decent wages and benefit packages of which only some can dream are counterintuitive to what makes this nation run. Ask yourself this: Would the Big 3 automakers be asking for huge bail-outs if their management hadn’t allowed unions to choke the life out of some ave-nues of the company? Remember, custom-ers pay those costs, and that has brought the industry to its knees. Are you willing to pay higher prices?

Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg

Every December some news-caster, columnist or town crier proclaims that we should look at the holidays through the eyes of a child. Thus, we must step

back from our usually jaded (and often exhausted) adult point of view and consider the wonder, sparkle and joy associated with being at home with family, snuggled safely in the bosom of hearth and home. While I’m not one to long for the days of yore – I’ve earned my years and the wisdom that goes along with them, and have little interest in returning to some ideal-ized and romantic view of the unpolluted thoughts of youth – it might be worth consider-ing why we adults work so hard to remove all of the fun from our lives.

Every few years our family makes the trek to the Magic Kingdom or some such Mecca of elementary-aged indulgence. And with each visit we seem to encounter as many cranky, over-sunned and under-funned adults as we do ones with the

beaming smiles depicted in the brochures. We excuse the behavior with references to tight budgets and divided families. But in truth, many of us have forgotten how to relax and enjoy life. Kids spend almost

every waking minute looking for laughter, entertainment and joy. And as they age, the serious weight of pop-quizzes and entrance exams begins to focus their energies. That in itself is not a bad thing. But, so many of us forget to cling to the legitimate search for amusement.

With few adult role models in fun-maintenance, teenag-ers often mistake destruction or drinking or irresponsible dating for fun. What hap-pened to a late-night game of pinnacle with goofy grandma?

Didn’t that used to be fun? Isn’t it still? If we don’t laugh enough – we should actively seek fun. In the process we might teach our kids (and ourselves) that joy is all around us. We simply need to accept it.

Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current in Carmel. You may e-mail him at [email protected].


Free choice act:threat to Business

through the eyes oF a child

F R E EWhiteningNew PatieNts ONly.

with complete new patient exam, cleaning and X-rays. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Only valid in the absence of gum disease. expires Dec. 27, 2008.

Now accepting new patients!

Dr. Andrew R. Lane, DDSFamily Focused Dentistry

proudly serves the Carmel. Community

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el.comTuesday, D

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How was your Thanksgiving? I enjoyed a lovely turkey dinner with all the fixings (including canned jellied cranberry, my fave) and some side entertain-

ment to boot. Watching my sis-ters and brothers-in-law tag team throughout the meal to take care of diapers, spilled milk, tantrums and feedings filled me with a kind of perverted joy because my kids are now old enough to take care of themselves and theirs aren’t. Suckers! The years of demanding dinner at a cer-tain time to accommodate naps and packing it up early because little Cindy Lou Who dirtied her back-up pair of red tights are officially over for me and my family! Ah-lleluia! Ah-lleluia! We’ve made it to the Promised Land and can once again look forward to and savor the holidays.

Because let’s be honest, Thanksgiving and Christmas are so not fun with little ones. They need routine and schedules and daily Dora viewings. They don’t want to hang out at the grandparents for nine hours watching football and dog shows and the wine supply dwindle. They don’t understand that even if you didn’t get a good night’s sleep and have a cold that you’re supposed to be cute and happy and not wipe your nose on your new snow-man sweater. They’re kids, and unless you keep the sugar and presents coming, they’re going to behave like ones, with all the crying and fighting and emotional col-lapses suitable to their ages.

So if you happen to be the parent of one these precious little darlings, don’t kick yourself when you can’t find any Christmas spirit. Holidays are stressful enough, but throw in a newborn who isn’t sleeping through the night, a potty-train-ing toddler and consecutive roast beef din-ners at both sets of in-laws, and you’ve got the prefect recipe for a mommy-on-the-edge (shaken not stirred). I bore witness to two such transformations just recently.

At our Thanksgiving this year, my youngest sister (happily husband- and kid-free) had dreams of post-dinner conversa-tion and games. Silly, silly little girl! Before the pumpkin pie had even been brought

to the table, another sister (whose 2-year-old had just left a holiday surprise for all of us on the dining room floor; I have pictures!) was packing up her sons and dashing for the car, red with embarrassment. Two minutes later, the other sister (whose husband was working and whose toddler was screaming from diaper rash) followed suit, trying desperately to keep from crying herself. She also has an infant and literally has not slept in something like eight months. Needless to say, no one was in the mood for

Scattergories after the mass exodus, al-though I did get my butt handed to me by my 7-year old when we rumbled on Wii’s High School Musical III Dance! (I still cannot land the poses).

The next day, both sisters said how dis-appointed they were with Thanksgiving and how much they are dreading the next round of holiday cheer. Their kids won’t get the idea of “sleeping in” on Christmas morning, they won’t “rise to the occasion” after missing their naps and they sure as sugar cookies won’t “behave themselves” just because it’s Jesus’ birthday. So my sisters will either have to miss out on all the forced family fun or endure the chaos of sleep-deprived, gum-drop addicted children.

Like I’ve said before, life will get better as your kids get older. As soon as your youngest hits four, you should be back in business. Until then, you’ve got to roll with the snowballs and remember to laugh. At least from my perspective, it’s pretty darn funny. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and con-tributing columnist. You may e-mail her at [email protected].

holiday cheer has diFFerent meaning with little ones


PFirst MErChAnts BAnK PArtiCiPAtEs in FOOd Fight - Mayor Greg Ballard of Indianapolis has teamed

up with area banks to help refill Central Indiana’s food banks in this season of giving. First Merchants Bank has proudly accepted the challenge. Six banks are competing against one another to win bragging rights by collecting and donating more food than their competitors. Key, First Merchants, Fifth Third, National City, M&I and National Bank of Indianapolis are all participating throughout the month of December. The five losing banks are all required to make a donation of $500 to a food pantry of their choice, in addition to their collected goods. Monetary or non-perishable food donations can be dropped off at any of First Merchants four Hamilton County locations. Let the food fight begin!

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7226 E 550 S$1,200,000

Elegant dream home on 10 beautiful private acres. Lg kitchen w/keeping room. Master bedroom w/sitting room. 6 bedrooms, LL walk-out, pool, pond. DAWN KENDRICK, 329-8535, 846-7751

17123 BluEStoNE DR$429,500

This Precedent-built home boasts an airy, open floor plan designed for the modern lifestyle. Featuring 3BR/4BA & a huge bonus room. You can’t miss! ANgElA RAAB, 317-735-9610, 846-7751

12974 tREAty lINE St$525,000

Amenities abound! Granite countertops, hdwds, archi-tectural detailing, designer, cabinets & built-ins. Don’t miss this opportunity for a Kent Shaffer home. ANgElA RAAB, 317-735-9610, 846-7751

5531 N DElAWARE St$424,900

Heart of Meridian Kessler. 4 bedrooms, 5 baths. Gorgeous kitchen & baths, formal dining room & living room. Large family room, one bedroom on main. DAWN KENDRICK, 329-8535, 846-7751

5561 DovER CIR $389,900Fabulous 2-story in sought-after Carmel location! Feat: fantastic .63 ac lot w/mature trees, 9’ ceilings, 3-car gar, finished bsmt & 4BRs plus den! BRADlEy DoNAlDSoN, 432-1775, 846-7751

7240 HAmIltoN CR$1,375,000

Almost 10 acres! Fab kit w/FP, mstr w/FP, unbeliev-able mstr BA, wrap-around porch, elevator, custom etched windows & custom cabinetry! Spectacular home! DAWN KENDRICK, 329-8535, 846-7751

www.TalkToTucker.com1221 tuRNER Ct

$165,000New construction townhome in Home Place.Carmel Clay award-winning school district.4BR/2.5BA close to Monon Trail & Monon Center.No assoc fees, appl. incl. ANgElA RAAB, 317-735-9610, 846-7751

BOOK signing With ChildrEn’s AuthOr AdAM sEiF - On Dec. 20 from noon to 2 p.m., Adam Seif will be signing his latest book, “Tacos, Beans and Rice” at Simply Sweet Shoppe, 30 N. Rangeline Road in Carmel, with profits going to help kids’ wishes come true. Each book is only $5, and there is no other charge. For more information, contact Bernie Szuhaj at 317-818-9866.

CArMEl studEnts Win At hOlidAY CArd dEsign COntEst - Two students from Carmel were big winners of Bright House Network’s annual Holiday Card Design contest. Clay Middle School student Sarah Bruns, a seventh-grader, won first in the contest’s middle school division. Her winning entry featured a happy snowman dressed in a top hat and Bright House Networks scarf with brilliant green evergreens as a background. Winning first in the elementary school division was Alex Brinkman, a third-grader at Orchard Park Elementary in Carmel. His winning entry featured his family - chased by their pet dog - traveling in their mini van to deliver a Christmas tree and presents to the Giving Tree Charity. They will receive a $500 educational scholarship from Bright House Networks and a plaque.

gEtting CrEAtivE - A time to create with Adam Seif, newest instructor at Simply Sweet Shoppe and Second Story Playhouse, will be Dec. 20. He’ll be offering 3-D, illustrating and cartooning for ages 6 and up. Free with a donation of a canned foot item. Time is from noon to 2 p.m. Also there are Indyprov shows from 3-4 p.m. and later from 6-7 p.m. ($3 in advance, $5 the day of ) and an Indyprov workshop from 4:30-5:30 p.m. (free with canned food donation).

KEYstOnE lAnE ChAngEs - Traffic shifted lanes last week along Keystone Avenue at 106th Street. Construction crews need to shift traffic to set the bridge beams for the elevated roundabouts that will carry traffic east and west across the road. The beams have already been set above the southbound lanes, and when crews are ready to place the beams above the northbound lanes, the traffic traveling southbound, which has been using the northbound lanes, will move to the southbound lanes and continue to use these lanes through the remainder of the project. After the beams have been set above the northbound lanes, the northbound traffic, which has been traveling on the ramp system, will move down to the northbound Keystone lanes and continue to use those lanes through the remainder of the project. Sometime in the next two weeks, the same lane shifts will occur at 126th Street.

DISPATCHESBy Brandie BohneyCurrent in Carmel

Joe Buckel and Ty Albers met when Ty moved to Carmel in 1983, their sixth-grade year. What began as a friendship then has developed into a business partnership across the country.

Both Buckel and Albers eventually went to Indiana University, Joe in the pre-med program and Ty in the busi-ness program. Albers moved to the west coast shortly after graduating from college with his wife, Sarah Ruch-Albers (also from Carmel), and strongly encouraged Buckel to make the same move five years ago when Buckel’s interest in wine piqued. The friends col-laborated with Alex Wilkens, who is described on their website as “an expert in wine making operations” to create TAJ Cellars.

Buckel serves as the winemaker; Albers is the sales and marketing expert.

Buckel’s interest in wine began at home. He describes his father as a wine collector. “Most of our vacations were to wine coun-try, whether it be in the United States or Europe,” Buckel explains.

After working in various other indus-tries, he discovered that his science degree would work in the wine industry: “It was the only thing that interested me with the background I have that I didn’t get real tired of real quick,” he said. “It made it really easy for me to get into the industry.”

Albers, on the other hand, hadn’t the

same inclination toward a career in wine until Buckel approached him with the idea of entering into the venture with him: “With my having a strong interest in wine, but no experience in making wine, and with his having limited knowledge in creative design and market-ing technology, (the business partnership) it kind of was a good fit for us to work to-gether on it,” said Albers.

TAJ Cellars doesn’t pro-vide full-time work for either partner. Buckel now works as the winemaker at a small winery in Colorado while acting as the winemaker for TAJ remotely. Albers works full-time for NexisLexis, a research tool primarily for legal professionals.

The launch party for the brand was Nov. 11, and Albers hopes to arrange a tasting in Carmel in the near future. Currently the wine available from TAJ is their Syrah. It is available at in quanti-ties of three, and the website describes the wine as “tasting of dark fruit, spice and hints of caramel” and “smooth with a long finish.”

wining allowed

Carmel high school graduates ty Albers, left, and Joe Buckel are two-thirds of the success behind tAJ Cellars Winery.

Sheri Ann Ballard, who holds a Masters of Public Administration degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, will oversee staff and pro-grams and assist with fund development, organizational planning and facility opera-tions for this Carmel based not-for-profit agency which serves Hamilton and con-tiguous counties.

Ms. Ballard, who began her career as a Community Agriculture Extension Agent while serving with the Peace Corp in Mauritania, Africa, has since acquired extensive experience, and achieved great success, in community development and human services with a variety of not-for-profit, as well as for-profit organizations.

Executive Director, Sandy Stewart, states: “I am thrilled to have found such an experienced, multi-talented individual for this vital position, and know that Sheri Ann will bring many exciting innova-tions to our continuously evolving agency. Along with all agency staff, I look forward to working closely with her to better serve the older residents of our community.”

Ballard new assistant director

at PrimeliFe

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el.comTuesday, D

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At this same time each year, the Carmel Chamber of Commerce hands out the hardware during their December luncheon to high-achieving members of the

business community. Joe Lazarra of Joe’s Butcher Shop took the stage and hoisted his new Applause Award Trophy high into the air. Given to a standout Carmel business, it is the Chamber’s version of Business of the Year. To catch the attention of those responsible for doling out the bling, Joe had to demonstrate superiority in key areas, some not related to just making a profit. However, one area that Joe’s Butcher Shop & Fish Market excelled above the rest is overall contribution to the community.

The Civic Pride Committee of Alana Shane, Joy Stafford, Diana Schmid, Ron Carter, Mike Hollibaugh, Celest Higgins, Nick Kestner and Mo Merhoff were impressed with Joe’s will-ingness to support local charities, school groups and civic organizations with free product and monetary donations. For a young business trying to get on its feet during the tough start-up years, Lazarra should be proud of his generosity and satisfied with the impact he has made in our community by helping others. Way to go, Joe!

A tradition since it started, the final award of the Images Of Excellence lun-cheon goes to an unsuspecting person who

does not even know they have been nomi-nated. The exciting finish to the afternoon is always the closely guarded surprise an-nouncement of who will be named the Chambers eighth recipient of the Most Valuable Volunteer Award. To the crowd

assembled and those who know her, it was no surprise to hear the name Barbara Eden pro-claimed as the winner.

Making a difference in Carmel for over 30 years, Barbara tends to willingly give her support to educational causes and initiatives where hard work and little recognition go hand-in-hand. An interior designer by trade with a long list of clients and successful projects to her credit, Barbara is willing to help students looking for a mentor. She works with immigrants in our community

who don’t know where to turn for basic services and business information. One of her many passions is horses, and she has been able to parlay her love for equines into helping Children’s Theraplay help kids with crippling diseases.

It was an honor to watch everyone in the room rise to their feet as Barbara made her way to the podium to accept her award. Her 30 years of giving were well received.

Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at [email protected]

Jeff Worrell

awards only Part oF the story

Kelly HindmanFinancial Advisor1717 East 116th StreetSuite 104Carmel, IN 46032317-846-8775

To make your college-savings gift in time for the holidays, call or visit today.


These are the holiday cookies I make every year for Hanukkah. They have bunches of different names. We call them Tadaleekos. They are best known as Sephardic Ring Cookies. They take awhile to make, but they are so good you can eat them real fast.

ingredients4 cups plus 2 tablespoons flour1 tablespoon baking powder1/2 teaspoon fine salt3 large whole eggs, at room temperature2 large egg yolks, at room temperature1 1/4 cups sugar1/4 cup tahini (sesame paste)1/2 cup vegetable oil1 tablespoon pure vanilla extractSesame Glaze1 large egg white, lightly beaten1 teaspoon honey1/2 cup hulled raw sesame seeds

directionsPreheat the oven to 375 degrees. Line

two baking sheets with silicone mats or parchment, or coat them with nonstick cooking spray.

Whisk the flour, baking powder and salt together in a medium bowl.

Beat the eggs and yolks with the sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer until very light and fluffy, about two minutes. Beat in the tahini, oil and vanilla. Stir in the flour mixture until combined to make a soft dough. Cover the dough and set aside for five minutes before forming into rings.

Pinch off a walnut-sized piece of dough and roll it into a rope that is about five inches long and 3/8-inch thick. (Dust your hands and the parchment lightly with flour if the dough is sticky). Pinch the ends of the rope together to form a ring. Repeat until all the dough has been formed into rings.

To glaze the cookies, put the sesame seeds on a small plate. Whisk the egg white and honey together and then brush each ring with the mixture. Then imme-diately dip the ring into the sesame seeds. Place the rings seeds side up, on the pre-pared baking sheet at least one inch apart.

Bake rings until lightly browned, about 15 to 20 minutes. Transfer from baking sheet and cool on wire racks. Serve.

By Sydney Melrose

sePhardic ring cookies

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FREEGive the Gift of a briGht white smile


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Too busy during the day?

3520 e. 96th st., suite 5


By Bryan unruhCurrent in Carmel

Grand Boulevard is open, and it’s under budget.

In stark contrast to the widely reported Keystone Avenue, Regional Performing Arts Center and Monon Center shortfalls, the new boulevard arrives about at about $500,000 less than originally projected.

“That’s actually how the majority of our projects turn out,” Mayor Jim Brainard said.

Brainard and At-Large City Councilman Ron Carter were on hand last week to celebrate the Grand Boulevard’s opening. The new road, which connects Guilford Avenue and Old Meridian Street, was esti-

mated at about $2.3 million. It cost about $1.8 million.

The road begins on Guilford Avenue, just south Main Street, and ends at an Old Meridian roundabout north of the Providence at Old Meridian townhomes.

“This is an important road for traffic flow,” Brainard said. “It’s going to help reduce traffic on adjoining roads.”

The road will also impact Carmel Middle School, which sits just to the north on Guilford Avenue.

“I think it’s a great road to have by the school connecting the east to the west,” said Chris Johnson, CMS student council president. “It will be very beneficial to the school.”

good news on road Project

Mayor Jim Brainard, Councilman ron Carter and members of the Carmel Middle school student government cut the ribbon on the new grand Boulevard.

Page 9: December 16, 2008

Over the past 30 days, the Big Three asked for $34 billion to pay for their mistakes, a person was trampled at Wal-Mart, Plaxico Burress “ac-

cidentally” shot himself in the leg, and the Governor of Illinois tried to auction off a seat in the United States Senate. What has happened to common sense? Lori Borgman wrote a piece in 1998. Now an Internet classic, here is a portion of it for you to enjoy:

Common Sense lived a long life, but died in the United States from heart failure. No one really knows how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He was credited with cultivating such valued lessons as: when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, and life isn’t always fair.

Common Sense lived by simple credos: don’t spend more than you earn, the adults are in charge, not the kids, and winning isn’t everything. He survived trends like body piercing, whole language, and “new

math.” But his waning strength proved no match for the ravages of overbearing regu-lations and self-serving lawyers. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate wors-

ened his condition. It declined further when schools had to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student, but could not inform the parent when a female student was pregnant or wanted an abortion.

Common Sense lost his will to live as the Ten Commandments became con-traband and when a person too stupid to realize that a steam-ing cup of coffee was hot was awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion;

his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.

Kent Burns is a Carmel resident, investor and co-founder of CrossConfirm. He is also a professional speaker and author of What’s Your Why? He can be reached at [email protected].




Tuesday, Decem

ber 16, 200


Christmas Eve ServicesWednesday, December 24

4 pm – Children’s Worship

7 pm – Contemporary Worship

9 pm – Carols & Scriptures

11 pm – Christ-Mass

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Kent Burns On Success

the death oF common sense

CindY WhitE nAMEd BusinEss PErsOn OF thE YEAr - The City of Noblesville and the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce held their annual Enterprise Awards Dinner to honor standout businesses of 2008. Cindy White, Vice President and Regional Manager of First Merchants Bank, was given the Business Person of the Year Award. Cindy’s outstanding dedication to her career as well as the City of Noblesville is what has earned her the award. Cindy is a lifelong resident of Hamilton County and is deeply integrated in the City of Noblesville. In addition to all of her community involvement, Cindy has contributed to the growth of the Indianapolis Division of First Merchants Bank through her excellent leadership ability and sales experience. Her division has grown more than any other division of First Merchants in 2008, growing deposits by 20 percent, and increasing revenue by 12 percent. Her division’s deposit base has grown by $32 million in 2008 alone.

it’s PAYOut tiME – Here are five stocks that you might want to consider. All are debt-free and as of last week were yielding strong dividends as indicated below:

American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) – 4.1 percentBiovail (BVF) – 17.8 percentgarmin (GRMN) – 4.3 percentlorillard (LO) – 6.0 percentnutrisystem (NTRI) – 5.1 percent

- Wall Street Journal

lAtE-sEAsOn PriCE Cuts? If recent news from Target Stores is a larger economic indicator, tardy shoppers who are just waking up to the fact that Christmas is next week may wind up getting the best deals. In a press release, Target said it will aggressively cut prices late in the holiday season after third-quarter sales fell 24-percent. Apparel and home offerings were especially weak. Chief rival Wal-Mart reports a 10-percent third-quarter profit increase, but Wal-Mart shoppers tend to buy more necessities, while Target draws more discretionary spenders.



I was sitting in my second interview wondering if there was any way pos-sible I would land this job. It didn’t seem like the job would be a perfect fit, but still I really

wanted it. After all, you have to start somewhere. The people seemed nice and it looked like a fun place to work. I was of-fered the job and quickly found that the people were nice and the environment was fun, but there was no path for growth and the people there weren’t very engaged.

It was 1991. By 1993 I knew a career change was inevitable. One day in the office I realized I was considering cutting corners and thought to myself, “Have I become one of them?” That’s the exact moment I knew it was time to go. And this time, I was going to be more selective about where I worked.

Being more selective is harder than it sounds. When an offer presents itself, too often you become invested to the point

that you feel you have to take this job. It’s like dating and marriage. Have you ever met anyone that dated or married the

wrong person? I bet they don’t think they settled. Chances are they just selected based on the less-relevant criteria.

The story of my first job can’t be too unfamiliar. You work somewhere that doesn’t seem to provide you the growth op-portunities you need and you’re stagnate. But worse than that is work there long enough and you will find you will become more than stagnant, you’ll become like the others there. It’s an old saying, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future,” and it transfers to

the workplace easily. Show me your co-workers and I’ll show you your career.

David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at [email protected].

David CainMarketing

getting aligned


“shoW me your friends and i’LL shoW you your future.”

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MONEY MATTERSWhat is the first thing you saved your money to buy?

“It was books for college. I saved my baby-sitting money so I could buy the textbooks I would need at Purdue.”

Marcia CoxCarmel

“To pay off my wife’s college loans.”

Michael Wells Carmel

“Perfume when I was in my 20s.”

susan voit Carmel

The U.S. Senator from Tennessee, Bob Corker, may be the only person in the U.S. Congress that is capable of saving our coun-try from this economic mess.

President-elect Barack Obama has a good strategy of invest-ing in infrastructure to create long-lasting improvements to our country. Maybe even Carmel can get a bailout for Keystone Avenue. However, Corker under-stands the nuts and bolts of the situation. He clearly proved that GM’s president along with the other CEO’s and the UAW lead-ers were on another planet as the auto industry came apart.

The auto companies can blame the current recession, but this has been in the making for over 25 years. Corker explained to the other senators that the auto industry debt is too great a burden and they could not survive under any plan. He also explained the unrealistic deals that management had given to the unions. Clearly, no company can make a profit paying their workers while they do not work. Corker used a Nissan, Toyota and Honda model to show the wages, debt structure and other financial blueprints that needed to turn

these other auto companies into profitable entities.

The next year will be terrible for American workers and companies. Let me repeat, 2009 will be awful from an eco-

nomic point of view. The stock market will eventually realize the new efficiencies. The well-managed and financed compa-nies that have not diluted their stock will prosper. However, as we adjust to the new cost structure in America, we will be more competitive and, hope-fully, Obama keeps his promise of energy independence. The work force will be paid less, but we will be able to sell more products worldwide, which will create more wealth for the whole system. Corker probably put a dagger into the union and

executive pay scales, but he probably saved our nation in the long run. Remember, these fat cat CEOs do not have any money at risk in their company. They did not per-sonally sign on the dotted line.

Brian Shapiro is a Carmel resident and con-tributor to Current Publishing. You may e-mail him at [email protected]


a real corker oF an answer

type: RanchAge: Built in 2006location: Cape Coral, FL. Cape Coral offers over 400 miles of Canals, nearby Gulf access and is a short drive to Sanibel Island and Fort Myers Beach. square footage: 2,578rooms: This three-bedroom, two-bath has an open floor plan with high ceilings, tile flooring, neutral carpeting, two-car garage and master bedroom with French doors to the screened lanai, garden tub and separate shower. The home has a screened lanai and pool and backs up to a fresh-water canal for added privacy.Background: This is a bank-owned

property and is being sold as is. Due to recent changes in the real estate market in Florida, the price of this home has been substantially discounted, further than it has been in this area in years. Homes in this area are down 40 percent from a year ago and this house has been assessed at $197,000. The bank paid $170,000 for this property.

John Pacilio and his team specialize in Westfield real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or [email protected].

net headsOwner: William Noël

Address: 1017 W. Main St. Carmel, IN 46032

hours: Sunday-Thursday, 11 a.m. – midnight;

Friday ,11 a.m. – 2 a.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. – 2 a.m.

Phone: 317-815-6635Website:

E-mail: [email protected]

At 54, William Noël isn’t your average gamer. But despite a target demographic less than half his age, his business, Net Heads, has carved out a sizable market in the Indianapolis area. The company – founded nine years ago in Broad Ripple – moved to Carmel in November. Its new

location features 28 computers, 16 Xbox 360s one Nintendo Wii and a boatload of competitive spirit. “Gaming isn’t just about

games,” said Noël, who owned a software com-pany for 18 years. “It’s about competition. It’s about having fun with your peers.” Gaming isn’t the only option at Net Heads, either. It offers food, drinks and regular

internet access, and it plays host to every-thing from corporate Christmas parties to rehearsal dinners. “A lot of people say, ‘If I could do this at home, why would I want to do it here?’” Noël said. “I say, ‘You can stay home and drink beer in your kitchen, but it’s a lot more fun to go out and do it with friends.’” The business will host an open house on Wednesday from 3 - 8 p.m.


DEAL OF THE WEEK By John Pacilio,rE/MAX Ability Plus

Price $148.8K


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8OstEOPOrOsis drugs MAY suPPrEss BOnEs’ ABilitY tO hEAl - The long-term use of osteoporosis drugs known as bisphosphonates can actually weaken bones by impairing their ability to heal, leading to fractures, according to a study conducted by researchers from New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Researchers reviewed the files of all 70 people who had been admitted to the hospital’s Level 1 trauma center between 2002 and 2007 for fractures of the thigh bone (femur). Fifty-nine of the patients were women, and 25 were taking the bisphosphonate drug Fosamax, known generically as bisphosphonate alendronate. Of the 20 people who had suffered a stress fracture due to very little or even no trauma, 19 were taking Fosamax. The other individual had cancer. The researchers also found that Fosamax patients with this type of fracture had been taking the drug longer by an average of 6.9 years, compared with an average of 2.5 years in those with other kinds of fractures. The correlation between Fosamax and stress fractures was found to be independent of age, race, weight or osteoporosis history.


squAsh YOur sPAghEtti - Cut the carbs and keep the spaghetti by combining the squash with pasta.

ingredients• Four ounces

of uncooked spaghetti broken in half

• ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley• Two tablespoons grated Parmesan

cheese• One tablespoon melted margarine

or butter• One tablespoon chopped fresh or

one teaspoon dried oregano leaves• ½ teaspoon garlic salt

instructions• Prick squash with fork; place on

microwavable paper towel in microwave oven. Microwave on high for eight minutes; turn squash over. Microwave eight to 11 minutes longer or until tender. Let stand 10 minutes.

• Meanwhile, cook and drain spaghetti as directed on package; return spaghetti to saucepan.

• Cut squash lengthwise in half; remove seeds and fibers. Reserve one half for another use. From other half, remove spaghetti-like strands with two forks; reserve shell. Add squash and remaining ingredients to spaghetti in saucepan; toss. Return spaghetti mixture to squash shell to serve.


DISPATCHESBy dr. david sullivanCurrent in Carmel

An often-joked-about diagnosis of foot pain is the bunion. What is a bunion? Well, to many people this is no laughing matter. A bunion is not a callus or corn, but rather a bony prominence on the inside of the joint where the great toe and foot connect. It is typically caused by a combination of poor biomechanics and commonly worsened by ill-fitting shoes. Many people have large bunions that cause them no pain, whereas many suffer from bunions that are not that big at all. So, you may wonder, ‘Why is this and how do I treat mine, if I need to treat it at all?’ Conservative treat-ment options should always be exhausted prior to surgical intervention. These include:

• Proper shoes with adequate width, depth and support.

• Orthotics, which often slow or halt the progression of the deformity.

• Corticosteroid injections which calm inflammation and/or associated nerve-type pain.

• Padding/splinting which, when used alone, seldom works effectively.

If one is still in pain and their activities are hampered, then it is time to consider surgery.

There are many ways to surgically cor-rect a bunion, but all involve the removal of the bony prominence and should also involve a proper repositioning of the in-

volved bones and soft tissue structures.

It is important that patients not be talked into surgery. While the vast majority of pa-tients do very well with bunion surgery, the ones who don’t were typically either poorly educated prior to surgery or not in that much pain to begin with. New technologies and techniques have

helped to improve outcomes significantly over the past few decades, but it is still im-portant to realize that when bone is being cut and repositioned, there is going to be pain afterwards. Make sure that you are thoroughly educated prior to having any elective surgery.

Dr. David R. Sullivan is a board-certified foot surgeon and certified wound special-ist with Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC. He can be reached at [email protected] or 317-896-6655.

do i need surgery on my Bunion?

Lemons and other citrus fruits con-tain chemicals that can help prevent against the development of kidney stones, says John Milner, a urology expert from the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. “Lemons are very high in citrates, which inhibit the growth of kidney stones,” Milner said. “(Real) lemonade, not the powdered variety that uses artificial flavoring, actually slows the development of kidney stones for those who are prone to the development of kidney stones.” Drink plenty of water, too. “Dehydration is a leading cause of kidney stones.“


lemons shrink kidney stones

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Tuesday, Decem

ber 16, 200


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10% off all wipers with This offer!

Try this easy holiday appetizer, a fun and inexpensive way to serve a cheese plate:

4 ounces cream cheese, softened1 (4-oz.) container crumbled feta cheese1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce2 teaspoons finely chopped onion1/4 teaspoon black pepper1/2 cup chopped fresh parsleyCucumber slicesGrape tomatoesKalamata olivesWhole almonds

Beat first five ingredients at medium speed with an electric mixer until well combined. Cover mixture tightly, and chill at least one hour or until firm (can chill up to three days).

Roll cheese mixture into 3/4-inch-round balls. Roll each ball in parsley. Serve immediately, or cover and chill until ready to serve. If chilled, let stand 30 minutes before serving. Serve with cucumber slices, grape tomatoes, kal-amata olives and whole almonds.


Feta cheese truFFels

Nearly two million American jobs have been lost in the past year, and hundreds of thousands of people will likely be laid off or have their hours scaled back in 2009. Here’s what you need to do within . . .…One hour

Take a few minutes to collect yourself and relax as much as possible. In the coming days and weeks you’ll have to make a slew of decisions regarding your health care and personal finances, and you’ll need to stay calm.…One day

Whether security is waiting to walk you out the door or you have time to clean out your desk, grab the paperwork related to your employer-issued benefits. Carefully read over the fine print on your contract and the terms of your health-insurance plan. Then ask someone from human resources:

Am I entitled to a severance package?When exactly will my health benefits expire? Is there any room for negotiation? Do you have any advice for me?Don’t leave without asking for acertificate of creditable coverage. This

document includes the dates that your health insurance began and ended, and proves that you were covered during that time.


laid oFF? here’s what to do

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Beard’s Barber shop at 12 W. Main st. this building now houses Funnel studio, located between Chapman state Farm and serendipity.

Photo courtesy of Carmel Clay historical society




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Call 317.575.8993



birthsClAriAn nOrth

november 24Boy - Barnum, Andrew & Brittany; Wilson, Stephen & Susan

samuel James Flickinger (sam) was born at 9:38 p.m. at St. Vincent’s Carmel Hospital. He weighed 4 pounds, 11 ounces and was 18.5 inches long. Parents are Brian and Allison Flickinger. Paternal grandparents are Jim and Marti Flickinger of Carmel, while maternal Grandparents are Jeanne Horton of Lake Tahoe, NV, and Ron and Colleen Discher of Beavercreek, OH. Big Sister is Nora vincent CarmelFriday 12/05Boys- Spencer, Joel and Amysaturday 12/06Boys- Rayle, Benjamin and Julie; McGovern, Stephen and Kathryngirls- Santhosam, Jabakar and Rooban, Aruna sunday 12/07girls- Bauer, Steven and Elizabethtuesday 12/09girls- Slane, Matt and Kristina; Greathouse, Dustin and Megan; Lee, Simon and SheenaWednesday 12/10

Boys- Roberts, Darrin and Tania; Siekmann, Cole I and Combellick-Siekmann, Carissa; Hyndman, Kristopher and Mary; Walla, Jonathan and Amie girls- Slinkard, Alexander and Kristinathursday 12/11Boys- Oboukhov, Alexandre and**Oboukhova, Elena; Destefano, Philip and Michelle

poliCe runsdecember 1012:51:23 a.m., security check, 945 Mohawk Hills Drive12:54:00 a.m., security check, 13500 N Meridian St12:58:18 a.m., security check, 150 W 96th St1:01:46 a.m., security check, 1424 W Carmel Drive1:00:52 a.m., prowler, 910 E 104th St1:04:30 a.m., security check, 10201 N Meridian St1:08:20 a.m., security check, 13610 N Meridian St1:09:58 a.m., security check, 300 S Guilford Road1:13:27 a.m., security check, 2700 W 116th St1:19:44 a.m., security check, 9601 College Ave1:21:20 a.m., security check, 1661 Sierra Springs

Page 15: December 16, 2008





el.comTuesday, D

ecember 16, 20


Two weeks of martial artsplus a uniformfor $19.95!

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5. Nutritional Coaching to help keep you on track.

6. Two Reassessments.

99 East Carmel Drive Suite G

FROM P141:22:31 a.m., security check, 725 E 106th St1:23:48 a.m., security check, 4140 E 96th St1:24:42 a.m., security check, 10101 N Meridian St1:26:48 a.m., security check, 10598 College Ave1:29:35 a.m., security check, 1400 S Guilford Road1:31:14 a.m., security check, 3210 E 96th St1:35:15 a.m., security check, 11711 Pennsylvania St1:41:34 a.m., security check, Shakamac Drive / Illinois Street1:43:35 a.m., security check, 820 City Center Drive1:45:35 a.m., security check, 445 S Rangeline Road1:48:39 a.m., security check a.m., 1423 Chase Court1:49:08 a.m., security check, East 126th St / Gray Road1:52:03 a.m., security check, 508 W Carmel Drive2:00:04 a.m., security check, 2620 Mae Circle2:23:02 a.m., suspicious activity, 14598 Clay Terrace Blvd2:41:14 a.m., security check, 2140 E 116th St3:56:49 a.m., traffic hazard, Keystone Avenue North / East 116th St4:27:08 a.m., investigation, West 116th St /

Shelborne Road6:14:16 a.m., alarm burglar, 14599 Clay Terrace Blvd6:29:00 a.m., security check, 10290 N Meridian St6:35:53 a.m., security check, 10201 N Meridian St6:39:24 a.m., security check, 251 Pennsylvania Parkway7:04:25 a.m., driving complaint, Gray Road / East 126th St7:14:55 a.m., security check, 1350 S Rangeline Road7:21:44 a.m., security check, 275 Medical Drive7:33:10 a.m., investigation, East 116th St / Keystone Avenue South7:41:16 a.m., alarm burglar, 14300 Clay Terrace Blvd7:46:43 a.m., investigation, 2450 E 136th St7:48:29 a.m., investigation, East Carmel Drive / Cambridge Court8:11:38 a.m., abandoned auto, Danbury Drive / Dublin Drive8:27:14 a.m., theft, 3210 E 96th St8:29:22 a.m., driving complaint, North Meridian Street / West 116th St8:50:09 a.m., alarm burglar, 12525 Old Meridian St8:55:20 a.m., investigation, Hazel Dell Parkway / Tryon Drive

scott sharp and stefanie Werner were married on August 30, 2008 in Waltershausen, germany.

Stefanie is the daughter of Petra and Adalbert Werner, of Fröttstädt, Germany. Stefanie graduated from Berufsakademie Villingen-Schwenningen University in Germany with a major in Banking and Finance. She is employed by Volksbank Lahr eG, Regional Bank, in Lahr, Germany.

Scott is the son of Kay and Tom Sharp of Carmel. Scott graduated from Carmel High School in 2001 and earned his undergraduate degree in Aviation Technology from Purdue University in 2005. He is employed by Chautauqua Airlines as a regional jet pilot in Houston, Texas.

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CrEEKsidE invitEs FiFth-grAdErs tO tOur sChOOl, WAtCh gAME - Creekside Middle School has invited current fifth-graders who will go to Creekside next year to attend a basketball game and learn more about the school. Fifth-graders will be met by members of the school’s Student Athletic Board. They will be joined by sixth-grade and electives teachers who will give students a tour of the building and answer questions about clubs, extracurricular opportunities and athletics. Pizza and drinks will be provided for the students prior to the game. Fifth-graders from College Wood will visit Creekside on Jan. 14. Orchard Park’s fifth grade activities night will be Jan. 22 with West Clay’s night scheduled for Feb. 2. Parents are asked to drop off their fifth graders at 3:50 p.m. at the cafeteria entrance on the east side of the middle school. Students may be picked up at 6:15 p.m. at the same entrance.

CrEEKsidE studEnts AWArdEd - Creekside’s sixth-grade Team Mariners was recently awarded $10,000 for being named one of 16 winners in the Lexus Eco Land Challenge. Select students on Team Green, led by teacher Mrs. Tamisa Lush, increased recycling at Creekside by providing plastic and aluminum bins in the cafeteria and classrooms, created “no idle zones” in the transportation areas, created an informational Web site, and will be stimulating awareness for protecting the environment with “green tips of the week” after Winter Break.

Chs PrOduCEs tWO MOrE grAduAtEs - Ronda Eshleman, an assistant principal at CHS, and Tony Willis, a CHS English teacher, have graduated from the NSDC Academy for Staff Developers. Eshleman and Willis were among 46 other professional educators who were members of NSDC’s 18th Academy. These educators began their work in July 2006 and were honored during graduation ceremonies during NSDC’s annual conference in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 7.

CAMP Built FOr Building sPEEd - The Carmel Speed Development Camp coaches will conduct a mini-camp for all K-8 Carmel students who are interested in improving their speed in any sport. The camp will take place Dec. 29-31 at the Carmel High School Field House from 2:30-4 p.m. Please direct any questions to coach Karl Knerr at Clay Middle School at 317-844-7251 or [email protected].










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Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men. These words do not dis-criminate, are not gender spe-cific, have no class distinction, yet have a profound effect on

all of our children. We know that all life begins with us. We know, too, that this precious life begins with a responsibility to fulfill that life with all the goodness we have within us. We are the catalysts for living in peace on this earth and showing goodwill toward men. We know that children live through us. We are the backstop, the re-bounder, and the brakes for all of our children’s choices.

We refuse to neither make excuses nor point the finger of blame for our children’s indiscretions. Nor do we take credit for their successes. We know that we will help our children understand but not allow external validations to negatively influence their choices. We know that we will make many sacrifices for our children and we will help them through sacrifices of their own. We know that sacrifices build good character and good character is the backstop for all good things. We know that we are making sacrifices for our children - not for their indebtedness, but

for their appreciation of good will. We know how we feel when we voluntarily do a good deed for someone and we want our children to know that volunteer spirit. We’re privileged to live in a peaceful coun-

try and we want our children to be hopeful enough to carry on the privilege.

We know that our generous heart is not measured by what we own, but who we give it to. We want our children to know that generosity within their own heart. We are the adults our children look to for peace and goodwill. We are our children’s shapers. We are the cornerstone for shaping the life of a human being; how we shape our chil-dren is how we shape the world.

During this spiritual season it is incumbent on all of us to

reflect on who we are, how we want our children to know us, what we value, who and what we trust, what shape our chil-dren are in and how we can perpetuate Peace on Earth . . . goodwill toward men . . . for all seasons.


Have a parenting topic or question? Submit it to Ask Yiayia, aka Becky Kapsalis, Certified Parent Coach, at [email protected] or call 810.9358.

Becky KapsalisAsk YiaYia

conjunction junction, what’s your Function?






By Brandie BohneyCurrent in Carmel

Remember that School House Rock short about con-junctions? I loved that one. “Hookin’ up words and phrases and clauses . . .” Okay, I’ll stop singing and dancing in order to move on to the grammar. I do enjoy singing and dancing, though. I’m just more skilled with grammar.

There are several types of conjunctions, and I’m not going to try to cover them all in 400 words. I will, however, rescue the comma from certain doom when it comes to coordinating conjunctions. There are seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so. My students always had to commit that list to memory, and I didn’t force my students to commit many lists or dates to memory, so it is an important list.

Why is it so important? Well, coordinating con-junctions are the only conjunctions that can link two independent clauses (read: groups of words that can stand alone as their own sentences) with only the addition of a comma.

Punctuation in general is widely abused, but no mark is so greatly abused as the comma. People tend to either throw it into their writing with reckless abandon, populating sentence after sen-tence with needless commas, or they use no commas at all, creating run-ons that would make a timid grammar teacher expire on the spot.

I can’t correct all the comma abuse in a single column any more than I can cover every conjunction, but I can help you avoid a critical comma error: the comma splice. The comma splice is such a terrible error, in fact, that one

of my favorite grammar teachers used to tell her classes that creating run-on sentences, sentence fragments and comma splices were all indications of being barely literate. I’m not quite so harsh, but it is pretty bad.

The comma comes just before the coordinating conjunc-tion (CC) when connecting independent clauses. Check out the first and last sentences in the second paragraph above. Do you see the CCs and commas? All correct. Easy enough, no? The problem isn’t using the commas with the CCs in this case, it’s avoiding using them with non-CCs

like however or although or though and thereby creating the dreaded comma splice. Try this example:

I am literate, however he is not.Ugh. Just typing that is awful. The correc-

tion here is either the use of a semicolon and comma (a topic for another column) or the substitution of a CC (but) for however: I am

literate, but he is not. Using a non-CC, you can’t make that connection with just a comma. That’s

why the list is so important.Finally, having a coordinating conjunc-

tion in your sentence is not enough to necessitate a comma. Make certain what you are joining are independent clauses

– they can stand alone as their own sen-tences. You don’t need to throw a comma in just because a coordinating conjunction shows up; use a discerning eye.

Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher who developed a mastery-learning system of teaching grammar to high school seniors. If you have a grammar-related question, please email her at [email protected].

PerPetuating goodness

Page 19: December 16, 2008




Tuesday, Decem

ber 16, 200


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the furniture in this room is all versace, which is some of the finest quality furni-ture made today. interior designers on the project were Jacquelyn Bilbrey, owner of the tenth & Cherry galleria in noblesville, Jaclyn dunn and laura smith. this project was part of the 10th annual home for the holidays show sponsored the Circle City chapter of links. Bilbrey can be reached at 317-776-7880.

A hoMe For the holiDAYs

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, D






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tAilgAting with the Coltsthe indianapolis Colts Women’s Organization (iCWO)

provides volunteer activates and community outreach. its “tailgating for the Colts”, held at the indianapolis Westin, united fans with players and cheerleaders for three hours of autographs, pictures, eating, drinking and bidding on jerseys and other items to raise funds to support local organiza-tions including the Julian Center, the villages, Breast Cancer research and iPs school #88. At right, Carmel resident dennis neary and a friend challenge find a challenger, left, in the game of corn hole. Below, neary is happy to pose with all of the Colts cheerleaders.

Page 21: December 16, 2008




w.currentincarm Tuesday, D

ecember 16, 20


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By Barbara E. CohenCurrent In Carmel

During three decades with IBM, Cherie Piebes never imaged that one day she would own a gift shop and art studio on Main Street in Carmel.

“I traveled regularly in my job, and I was always visiting areas where arti-sans were busy making the local crafts,” Piebes said. “Part of the pleasure of traveling for business was taking time to learn more about the local crafts and culture.”

Over the years, Piebes observed Mexican artists making pottery and mosa-ics, Chinese weavers and metalworkers, African wood-carvers, the Parisian artists of Montmartre and more. Each place in-spired her to take classes to understand the techniques and the cultures that shaped different art forms.

After retiring, Piebes returned home to central Indiana planning to start a second career in handicrafts. Today, she owns Artisan Masterpiece, which she runs with the help of her sister-in-law, Beth Haley.

For both women, the prime goal of the shop is to display a wide range of finished handicrafts in the artist’s gallery on the main floor, with a women’s boutique on

the second. But an equally im-portant passion is nurtured on the company’s third floor, where the studio space is usually abuzz with the sound of people of all ages ex-ploring their creative potential.

In the studio, Piebes and Haley teach class-es and host workshops. It’s as much an excuse for them to learn about making the items as it is about adding classes to their repertoire.

“I’m especially interested in techniques good for workshops and quick projects,” Piebes said. “We focus on mastering fast and simple projects rather than offering in-depth art lessons.”

Artisan Masterpiece’s workshops are popular for children’s birthday parties, ladies’ and church “night out” gatherings, neighborhood association events and cor-porate team-building exercises. Summer arts and crafts camps are especially popular with young artists-in-training.

Barbara E. Cohen covers the arts for the Current community newspapers. Please send comments or story ideas to [email protected].

owner oF artisan masterPiece insPires art making


What: “Our Land: Contemporary Art from the Arctic”When: Through Feb. 15.Where: Eiteljorg Museum of Native Americans and Western Art, 500 W. Washington St., Indianapolis.regular admission: $8 adults, $7 seniors, $5 children 5-17 and specials: Through Dec. 31, the museum is waiving general admission for all kids 17 and under. Furthermore, on Sunday as part of the 12 Free Days of Indy Christmas hosted by the Indianapolis Convention and Visitors Association, admission and parking are free for 317-636-WEST (9378),

rEsErvE AirPOrt PArKing in AdvAnCE - To ease holiday-travel hassles, book an off-site parking spot with shuttle service in advance through a site such as or If you live far from the airport and have an early flight, consider a hotel-and-parking combo from


singlEs gAthEring - Current columnist Rachael Noble will host the Current in Carmel Dating Column singles gathering on Jan. 16. The event will begin at 6 p.m. at Woodland Bowl, 3421 E. 96th St. At 7:30, the gathering will move to Bistro de Paris, 11 W. Main St., for complimentary appetizers. The cost is $7, and dress is casual. RSVP with Rachael at [email protected] by Jan. 9.

hOP intO thE hOlidAYs With Ati - Actors Theatre of Indiana, the future resident professional theatre company of Carmel’s City Center, is reaching out to moms and dads by offering a special gift to help ease the cost of a fun night out with the family. During these difficult economic times with so many twists and turns, Actors Theatre of Indiana invites children 12 and under to participate in its “Art–4–Art” exchange program. Go to ATI’s website at, download and color a picture of Frog and Toad. Then, when they bring their finished art with them to the theatre, they will receive a free child’s ticket to any performance of “A Year With Frog & Toad”, which runs through Dec. 21.

2009 MAstEr gArdEnEr CAlEndAr - The Purdue Master Gardener calendar, sponsored by the Marion County Master Gardener Association, is a terrific fundraiser for MG programs all around the state. The MGA naturally urges us to order one for ourselves and also everyone on our gift list. Cost is $10 per calendar, available at Marion County MGA pays shipping. If you have specific questions, contact Kathy Hull at 317-996-4380.



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om T





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, 20



$1 Off Kosher-style Franks and Shapiro’s Beef Burgers$2 Off Turkey Sandwiches

Monday - Friday, all day • Dine-in or carryout • Carmel location onlyingredients:

1 part Starbucks Cream Liqueur1 part Starbucks Coffee Liqueur1/4 part DeKuyper Peppermint Schnappsfresh mint sprig for garnish

Preparation:Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice.Shake well.Strain into a frozen cocktail glass.Garnish with a sprig of mint.


Ice-rink resurfacer or stuffed pig’s trot-ter with lentils? While both are ap-propriate this time of year, “Zampone con lenticchie” is a wonderful holiday dish featured all over Italy.

Those of you who have traveled the winter pilgrimage across the back roads of Italy, through mountains and coastal regions, would know this dish served in cafes and restaurants featured during Christmas and New Year’s. Zamponi for New Year’s on the Italian table is what turkey and stuffing is to us for Thanksgiving.

If you were to inquire, you would hear different stories for the origin of the dish, how-ever, they all revolve around Modena in the 1500s. One legend is that it was invented out of neces-sity as the city of Modensi was under siege by the Pope Giullo II who had choked the city from all supplies going in. The people starving, down to the last scraps of foods, took the pig forelegs, removed the bone, and then stuffed them with all the scrap pieces left, serving them with dried lentils made into ragout. This was enough to sustain the city until the war had ended.

Another story I heard is the dish is symbolic of wealth. In some parts of Italy lentils have an Italian name meaning coins. Each lentil represents a coin earned during the year, the pigs stuffed leg represents a full purse overflowing with wealth. No matter the origin, it really is a method to preserve meat. Prior to refrigeration this allowed it to hold for longer periods of time, espe-cially into the winter months when meat was scarce.

All through the winter, you will find Zamponi available in all areas of the Italian peninsula along with Italian mar-

kets in all major cities through out the world. It is a difficult meat to make from scratch, as it takes great charcuterie skills, a dying art these days. There are two types

of Zamponi you can find in an Italian store, butcher or specialty shop, the fully cooked, and the raw, each having different prepa-rations and presentations. Most native Italians buy and use the pre-cooked, gently boiling it for 30 minutes, slicing it, and serv-ing it right away with the stewed lentils. It is not a dish that re-heats well and is not considered tasty served cold. The following is a great authentic recipe for the lentils. If you try it, you will have a prosperous new year, something we all need:

2 cups dried green lentils rinsed2 quarts chicken stock11 tsp minced garlic1 medium white onion small dice2 stalks celery small dice1/3 pound Italian bacon [regular bacon

will work] small diced1 TBL olive oil2 bay leaves1 tsp heaping dried basilSalt and pepper to taste

Pre-heat a sauce pan, add the olive oil and bacon, cook the bacon until fully cooked, remove and set to the side. Add the garlic, onion and

celery, cook until translucent. Add the lentils, stock, leaves and herbs, simmer for approxi-mately 45 minutes until the lentils are soft. Skim the excess fat from the top of the liquid, then drain the excess liquid so lightly soupy, add the cooked bacon back in and adjust the seasoning with the salt and pepper.

Chef Michael R. Vlasich, CEC, AAC, is a Carmel resident and the executive chef at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown. You may e-mail him at [email protected]

Chef Michael Vlasich

Culinary Explorer

ZamPoni or ZamPone

Zamponi for neW year’s on the itaLian tabLe is What turkey and stuffinG

is to us for thanksGivinG.

Sam Thatcher Server at Arni’s Restaurant

Where she likes to eat? The Cheesecake Factory

What she likes to eat there? The oriental salad is very good. I also like their raspberry chocolate cheesecake.

What she likes about the Cheesecake Factory. They have a really extensive menu, so there is a lot to choose from.

the Cheesecake Factory 8702 Keystone CrossingIndianapolis, IN 46240

hours: Monday – Thursday: 11 a.m. – 11 p.m.; Friday – Saturday: 11 a.m.

– midnight; Sunday: 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Dragon House116th and Allisonville Road

(7260 Fishers Crossing Drive)Fishers, IN 46038

Phone: 317-594-8663hours: Monday - Thursday, 11 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.; Friday, 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Saturday, Noon - 10 p.m.Sunday, Noon - 9 p.m.

At Dragon House, they take pride in preparing and serving authentic Chinese food. Each dish is prepared from the best ingredients sourced from local providers and made ac-cording to traditional recipes. Without a detail being overlooked, hand-bat-tered and marinated meats, fresh-cut vegetables and sauces are all brought together. Dragon House strives to deliver the quality you expect in a timely manner. Under the direction of Indianapolis restaurateur Barry Sin, highly-skilled chefs from Hong Kong create their culinary delights only after your order is placed. This guarantees the freshness and authenticity of each item on the menu.

Page 23: December 16, 2008




w.currentincarm Tuesday, D

ecember 16, 20


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thEAtrEthe Wizard of OZIndianapolis Civic Theatre brings this classic 1939 film to life in a wild and wonderful musical journey to that magical place where dreams come true. Dorothy, a wistful, little Kansas farm girl, gets caught up in a tornado and whisked off, far over the rainbow, to the marvelous Land of Oz. With the help of the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion, she battles the Wicked Witch of the West while trying to reach the great and powerful Wizard in hopes that he can help her get back home. There are plenty of adventures along the way as Dorothy and her three faithful friends follow the yellow brick road in search of the heart, knowledge and courage they’ve always had. Featuring a large children’s chorus and an array of special effects, including a full-blown tornado, this is the musical favorite for all ages. The production runs to Jan. 4 with 7 p.m. show times on Thursdays and Fridays. Saturday shows are at 2 and 7 p.m. with Sunday shows

starting at 2 p.m. Signed performance is Dec. 27 at 7 p.m. and the audience sing-a-long is Jan. 1 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $34 apiece and available at

‘Peter Pan’ at Carmel high Carmel High School’s performing arts department has announced the cast for its upcoming production of “Peter Pan.”Tickets, priced at $7 and $10, will go on sale Jan. 6 in the high school bookstore, which is open on school days from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Tickets also may be ordered on line at To become a patron, which includes two tickets and a listing in the program for $30, contact drama director Maggie Cassidy at 317-846-7721, ext. 7477 or [email protected] cast includes Miranda Rivas, who will play the role of Nana; Christy Thao as Michael Darling; Julia Bonnett, Mrs. Darling; Mike Gospel, John Darling; Bethany Arrington, Wendy Darling; Phil Kirk; Mr. Darling; Alex Peck, Peter Pan; Karaline Feller, Liza; Ben Mueller, Slightly; Jowi Estava, Tootles; Austen Guevara, Nibs; Angela Tauber, Curly; Ashley Neif, first twin; and Ben Claus, second twin.The play will open in the high school’s Dale E. Graham Auditorium Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m. Other productions are scheduled for Feb. 6 at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 7 at 2 and 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 8 at 2 p.m.

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, 20


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And the Word became flesh … John 1:14

The flesh and blood arrival of Jesus Christ on earth as a human being – the Incarnation

of Christ which we celebrate with Christmas – brought something brand new to the human experience: divine light and divine truth.

And something else: com-munion with God.

Think back for a moment to Genesis 1. Consider that God, with His spirit hovering over the darkness of the deep, both created light and separated light from darkness on the first day. He didn’t get around to creating the sun and stars – the sources of physical light – until Day 4.

Now jump forward to John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The “Word”, of course, is Christ who became flesh, that part of the Holy Trinity which animates Creation, gives us life, breath, and freedom, and en-ables faith, hope and love.

What Genesis and John are saying is that Christ and the Holy Spirit are, from the beginning, with God. John 1:4-9 goes into some detail about light, and – read it again – is defining Christ as the Light of

God we learn about in Genesis.The light of goodness, the truth of

knowing and our very lives are a great start to the infinite and eternal list of things God gives us in Christ.

Regarding our holiday season, I love Christmas lights. I think they are cheerful and poignant and sentimental and a wonderful expression of love. Christmas lights we put on our trees and houses are a bright reminder of the light and truth Christ brings into the world.

Sure, the date of Christmas is keyed to pagan festivals that celebrated the lengthening of the days after the winter solstice Dec. 21, not to the (likely) October birth of Christ.

But think … Who created the days? And who is the source of light and truth? The date doesn’t

matter, because the gift is eternal.Christ’s arrival showed us that God

would come for us and show us a way to be in communion, despite our sins, with a God who is good, righteous and unchang-ing. That is a truth that deserves to be put up in lights.

Bob Walters ([email protected]) rolls his eyes when he hears anyone suggest there is a more important symbolism of Light at Christmas than Jesus Christ.

Bob WaltersSpirituality

liFe, lights and truth

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Page 25: December 16, 2008




Tuesday, Decem

ber 16, 200


* Not valid with other offers - Expires 12-31-08

A Netbook is a small, inexpen-sive computer that is designed primarily as a communication device on the Internet. The introduction of the Internet as

a means to access, process and store information started a development trend that reduced the importance of what we used as a computer and what operating system it was running.

The most common uses of a computer these days include browsing the Internet, e-mail and word process-ing, all of which can

now be done with virtually any computer of any age and completely online (no need for specific software on a specific computer to accomplish these tasks).

A Netbook is a new way of accessing those online resources. A traditional laptop has more features such as CD-DVD play-ers and special video displays, has more processing power, is larger in size and weighs and costs significantly more than a Netbook.

A Netbook is de-signed to be a small (usually 8- to 10-inch screens), light (usu-ally under four to five pounds) and inexpensive alternative (usu-ally under $500) to traditional laptop computers. Netbooks tend to run on older or non-traditional operating systems such as Windows XP Home or Linux.

Think of a Netbook as a device that is positioned between Smartphones such as the iPhone or Blackberry and traditional laptops.

For a growing number of folks who are mobile users, having something more powerful and more capable of storage than a Smartphone, but less costly, smaller and lighter than a traditional laptop makes sense.

If you want to be able to watch DVD movies, play today’s most popular video games or need to install special software

(like corporate VPN programs, etc.) in order to function while on the road, then a Netbook is not likely a good fit.

If you only want to surf the Net, check your web-based e-mail or access other online only services, a Netbook may be the perfect solution.

Gary Hubbard is Owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - Have a technology question? Send it to [email protected]

netBooks Vs. laPtoPs

Gary Hubbardtechnology

lg FlArE lX165 CEll PhOnE - Not everyone feels the need to have the very latest smartphone. Some prefer their mobile phones to possess the basic tools such as making and receiving calls. Of course, such basic phones would not stand out if they do not offer something else. One of these top basic phones is the LG Flare LX165, which is sold exclusively on Virgin Mobile. Although the name may sound flashy at first, in reality the Flare is anything but eye-catching design-wise. It may have a sleek minimalist appearance, but its construction gives off a little bit on the cheap side. However, the Flare does make up for its “lack of flare” by having a very colorful display on the outside, which can support up to 65,000 colors. Flip the phone open and you can also see its 1.75-inch, 262,000-color internal display.


tOP lAPtOPs undEr $600• lenovo ideaPad s10

The Bottom Line: Lenovo’s “me, too!” entry in the Netbook

sweepstakes, the IdeaPad S10, gets

the price and features right, but falls

behind on battery life. Cost: $349.• samsung nC10

The Bottom Line: The Samsung NC10 is a completely average Netbook in every way, but we like its keyboard and love its long-running battery. Cost: $478 to $520.

• Averatec Buddy The Bottom Line: Two hours of battery life is simply not enough for the otherwise unobjectionable and basic Averatec Buddy Netbook. Cost: $429 to $465.

• hP Compaq Cq50-215nr The Bottom Line: Despite its upscale looks, the 15.4-inch Compaq

Presario CQ50-215nr is marred by pokey

performance and abbreviated battery life. Cost: $599.


Everyone’s looking for a point-and-shoot camera fast enough to catch Sally making the winning goal or Fido catching a Frisbee in midair. There are two main factors that impact your camera’s speed: the time it takes to lock focus, which af-fects how fast the camera captures an image after you press the shutter button; and processing and write speeds, which affect how fast you can shoot the next image after you’ve just taken a picture. In our reviews, we refer to the first factor as shutter lag and measure it in both high-contrast and low-contrast situations. We call the second factor shot-to-shot time. Here are six of the fastest we’ve seen, with shot-to-shot times (in good light) of 1.5 seconds or less and shutter lags of 0.5 second or shorter in high-contrast conditions and 1.2 seconds or less in dim conditions.• sony Cyber-shot dsC-t200, $238 to

$383.• Canon Powershot sd1000 digital ElPh,

$144 to $350.• sony Cyber-shot dsC-W90, $160 to

$250.• Kodak Easyshare v1253, $155.• sony Cyber-shot dsC-t-70, $225 to $280.• sony Cyber-shot dsC-W130, $169 to


cameras with a short shutter delay

Page 26: December 16, 2008














, D






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overWhelmed?Feel like it’S all too much?

Guys, have you ever dated a nice gal, all is going well and all of a sudden, BAM! Just like an interception at a Colts game, within three dates, she brings

up the “L” word? Yes, while kiss-ing your cheek, she tells you she loves you and nothing makes you want to drop that corndog you’re eating at Bub’s Burgers and run off down the Monon more than hearing that.

Well, men are not the only creatures who get scared off. Here are some surefire ways to lose a good woman within the first few dates:

By being too analytical. It takes all the fun and romance out of a date if a guy starts analyzing every tiny little thing. Just relax and don’t try to figure everything out right away.

By being pathetic. Do not under any circumstances talk about your past rela-tionships (no matter how recent) and how hurt you feel. For now, just tell us she wasn’t the one for you and you’ve moved on and are ready for something special.

By not being confident. Now some people get “bad boy” confused with “confident boy”. Women are drawn to confidence. But sometimes we accidentally choose the bad boy because we like his

“confidence” (which is actually arrogance).By telling us you have been rejected

a lot. For some reason, we want to think that we’re with a highly sought after fellow. On the other hand, don’t tell us you’re

sought after. You’ll seem pomp-ous and insecure.

By telling us about your financial troubles right away. Call me a cave woman, but I don’t want to think that the guy I’m on a date with can barely afford the burger I’m chomp-ing on. Look. You don’t have to be Mr. Money Bags, but in the beginning, you don’t have to tell us about your credit card debt and repo on your minivan.

By talking about getting drunk all the time. If you’re the type of gal who is ready for a rela-tionship, the last thing you want

to hear is, “Dude I got so wasted last night”. Enough with the drunkenness, dudes. If we wanted a fraternity boy, we’d go get one.

So in the beginning, let’s keep the con-versation light and fun! You will both learn the good and bad eventually. But for now, enjoy a corndog and some good ol’ fash-ioned friendship!

Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and contributing columnist. She can be reached at [email protected].

men: how to lose a gal in 10 days

Rachael NobleDATING





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S i Johnson , V i ce Pres ident /Rea l tor /Manager

Carme l F.C . Tucker Of f i ceS i Johnson ,

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Carme l F.C . Tucker Of f i ce

Page 27: December 16, 2008




Tuesday, Decem

ber 16, 200


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stYlish giFt idEAs? Shopping time is getting short, but hey, you still have another week. If the problem isn’t shopping, but that you’re out of ideas, here’s a can’t-miss website with in-style gift ideas galore: All categories of gifts, all manner of recipients, all occasions and latest trends. Ideas are the easy part. If you’re still entertaining the thought of actual online shopping, better hop to it. Every day after Dec. 15 (which includes today!), shipping starts getting dicey and often more expensive.


virtuAl YulE lOg - The first video fireplace aired on New York’s WPIX TV in 1966 – just a picture and sound of a crackling fire with Christmas carols as a soundtrack. It was an instant holiday hit. Today the virtual yule log is making a comeback – as a portable. Record label EMI has come up with a $1.99 download you can play on your iPhone or iPod Touch. No, it doesn’t work as a hand-warmer, but it’s a way to take a little piece of home with you anywhere. Take a look on YouTube, Virtual Fireplace.


divittO sPECiAliZEs in uniquE giFts - Have you ever seen a five-foot slice of key lime pie? How about a royal blue octopus or a life-sized shark with pink polka dots? If not, then clearly you haven’t been to DiVitto Kelly’s gallery ( DiVitto does things with papier mâché that you wouldn’t know were possible. In all uses of the term, he is a papier mâché artist. “I can make all types of sculptures, from 12-foot sharks to six-foot pop tarts,” he said. “If it walks, runs, slithers, crawls, flies, swims or jumps, I’ll make it.” “Most of my sculptures range from two to seven feet in length, DiVitto adds, “but my largest was a 13-foot shark. It was so enormous I needed to rent a U-Haul truck to move it.” While most of the sculptures are large, and in some cases very large, they are in fact only a few pounds in weight. And because they are so lightweight, you can hang them from most ceilings and walls. Prices start at just $50.


Just like diamonds paired with holiday attire, crystal is the perfect accessory to dress a home for the holidays in 2008.

A holiday party is the ideal time to open the china cabinet and gather crystal pieces and allow them the honor of center stage. The dining room is the natural place to appoint a home with such radiance.

Remember those cast-off crystal pieces that have kept vigil in the depths of the china cabinet? Every home has an inventory

of clear glass candlesticks. Orphan crystal goblets can be given a new opportunity to serve. These simple elements, paired with an abundance of white candles, can serve in the new role of holiday jewels.

A crystal table-scape can be used as a grand holiday decoration or as the focal point for a holiday feast.

If the table will be used for food presen-tation, begin by protecting it with a solid white table cloth. White is the only sup-porting color since it projects purity, clean-

liness and neutrality. It is white that will allow candle light to flicker and dance through the crystal without interference.

Follow the table-cloth with the place-ment of a lift for varied height. Try using a solid piece such as a silver ware box at the focal point of your table. If the table is to be used for serving rather than dining, select a focal point other than the predictable center and build forward.

A second white table cloth should be allowed to gently fall and twist naturally over around the “lift” with gentle folds. A generous sprinkling of artificial snow on the cloth will provide a delicate bed-ding for the crystal ornaments, bowls and candlesticks that are to come next.

Look through holiday decorations for clear glass or crystal reindeer or trees. The varied sizes and shapes will provide even more opportunity for the candlelight to dance across the table.

The sizes and shapes of the candlesticks are best if varied from votives to pillars. Mixing old with new creates an even richer

play of light. White tulips and greenery flocked with white are perfect organic ele-ments to add to this scintillating presenta-tion without detracting from the play of light.

As with diamonds, crystal has the qual-ity of unleashing the pure essence of light so include an abundance of candles. When artificial lights are dimmed and the candles are lit, this well-dressed home will be ready to welcome the holidays.

Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact [email protected].

Vicky Earleydesign

DISPATCHES dress your home in crystal

Page 28: December 16, 2008








om T





r 16

, 20



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By John MikesellCurrent in Carmel

Don’t be too quick to dismiss your old dog’s inactivity or stiffness as normal for his age. He may have an acute condition that requires treatment. Have your older dog examined by your holistic veterinarian twice a year; discuss your dog’s diet and supple-ments with the vet at that time.

Try an improved diet and natural, gentle treatment before using prescription phar-maceuticals. Vitamin C helps many dogs with arthritis. Use sodium ascorbate, rather than ascorbic acid.

Good quality protein – based on its digestibility and completeness of its amino acid composition is at the nutritional core of arthritis prevention. However, many com-mercial dog foods (especially the in-expensive ones) are

made with poor quality ingredients.Whether you care for an arthritic elder or

are planning long-term prevention strategies for a new puppy, start feeding the best food you can afford right now food that is made with top-quality, whole-meat protein in-gredients. At the very least avoid foods that utilize by-products (meat and grain) as their main ingredients, and those with chemical preservatives or artificial flavorings.

It is also important to optimize the diges-tive and final elimination of the good food you feed. This is easily accomplished with a sprinkle or two of a digestive enzyme and

probiotic supplement with each meal.Supplement each meal with

an essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement that is balanced to meet the nutritional

needs of dogs. The best will contain both vegetable

oils and whole body fish oils. If, like my dog Isabelle, your companion is already experiencing the effects of old injuries or chronic arthritis, you should consider a few other supplements, as well. At the top of the list is glucosamine. As a bare minimum, most dogs will need at least 350 mg of glucosamine per day to realize the benefits of the supplement, but those with preexist-ing joint problems may need considerably more.

You might also consider adding a few herbs to the mix, to help your canine pal heal and find relief from his aching. Yucca root (Yucca Schidigera), alfalfa, licorice root and other herbs that contain rich con-centrations of phytosterols and other anti-inflammatory compounds are among the most popular of the herbal anti-arthritics.

John Mikesell, owner of Love of Dogs Bakery in Carmel, can be reached at [email protected].

Molly is a 4-year-old female yellow Lab mix. Molly is an absolute doll. She is very well mannered and she knows the commands “sit”, “down” and “beg”. Molly arrived at the shelter when her previous family no longer wanted her. Despite losing her home, Molly is keeping her spirits up, hoping the right family will see her and decide they can’t live without her. She is gentle and friendly with everyone she meets and she just wants a chance to have a forever home with a family.

ladybug is a 3-year-old female tabby with white DSH. Ladybug is a sweet and petite little girl who adores people of all ages. She is very affectionate. You might even call her a love bug. Ladybug arrived at the shelter on June 4 when she was picked up by a nice animal control officer, but she is more than ready to move into her forever home. She is spayed, and she even has received her rabies vaccine, so she is ready to go home with her new family today and start her new role as official lap cat.

For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-773-4974 or go to

AlMAnAC PEt BlOg - Canine cookies? Cat Canapes? Avian Appetizers? The Old Farmers Almanac has begun a pet blog featuring stories, advice, lore and tasty pet food and holiday treat recipes. It’s at The blog reminds that even while we often share holiday treats with pets, only share foods that are safe for them by remembering that even normal human food is generally too rich for dogs and cats.


lOW-COst PEt CliniC - Information about a low-cost spay-neuter clinic and low-cost vaccinations is available at, or call 317-706-0537.

nEW PEt inFOrMAtiOn - Any information you need regarding pets – and there are a lot of pets who find new homes during the holidays – can be addressed through, the website of the Hamilton County Humane Society (317-773-4974). For animal control issues (strays, aggressive breeds or non-domestic) in Carmel, contact 317-571-2580, and in Westfield call 317-773-1300.

- Hamilton Co. Humane Society

things tO COnsidEr WhEn ChOOsing A PEt

Are you a morning person -- or willing to become one? Dogs and cats are early risers - you’ll need a good sense of humor about the morning wake-up call, even on weekends.

do you keep a regular schedule? If you are thinking of adopting a dog, you’ll need to adopt a regular schedule, too. Young pets, like their human counterparts, need quality play and cuddle time from you.

Are there children in your home? Different pets are appropriate for different ages. Children under five can’t often tell if they’re being too rough with pups or kittens.

- PetSmart

Page 29: December 16, 2008




w.currentincarm Tuesday, D

ecember 16, 20


initiAl situAtiOn: This custom home on the east side of Carmel was built in the mid 1980s and featured a spacious master bathroom. The previous owners had updated the room with new floor tile and granite vanity countertops. The current owner wanted to continue the remodel by focusing on the outdated shower, tub and plumbing fixtures.

dEsign PhAsE: The challenge was to design the new shower, tub and fixtures to blend in with the salvaged vanity cabinets, granite tops and existing floor tile. The exist-ing floor tile and cabinetry was fairly neutral in color, allowing a seamless integration with the new upgrades. The new porcelain tile for the shower and tub imitates natural stone which ties in nicely with the existing stone countertops. The final decision was to select a satin nickel finish for the plumbing fix-tures, shower door, vanity lights and mirror frame.

PrOJECt sChEdulE: The design phase for the master bathroom remodel included several meetings with the project designer and visits to local plumbing fixture showrooms. The design phase lasted three weeks while the construction phase spread out over approxi-

mately four weeks.

FinAl PrOduCt: The existing tub was removed and a new drop-in corner soaking tub was installed in a

fresh white finish. The new shower includes a new satin nickel shower head and faucet with matching handheld. The new shower mud pan floor was covered with 2 x 2 mosaic stone tile sloping toward the drain. The shower walls include porcelain tile installed on a run-ning bond pattern to the ceiling. The shower walls also include a new listello decorative border around the perimeter of the shower with two wall niche cavities for soap and shampoo. The shower is enclosed with a new frameless glass surround and door in clear glass. The tub deck and front is tiled with porcelain tile to coordinate with the shower including a new tiled back splash around the tub area. Finally, the room was updated with new vanity faucets, towel racks and vanity

light fixtures.

Have a remodeling question? Ask Larry Greene, owner of Case Handyman & Remodeling. You may e-mail him at [email protected] or call 846-2600.

master Bathroom remodel in carmel

Larry Greene


[email protected]

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Page 30: December 16, 2008

my contention regarding the superiority of a toaster versus a toaster-oven was not delusional, but a fact borne out of years of experience with breads of all types from white to pumpernickel. And that even if you throw in an occasional craggy English muffin or a pudgy bagel, the toaster always reigns supreme.

We decided to run a time comparison. I went downstairs and placed bread in the toaster, then ran upstairs and put bread in the toaster-oven. Then I scrutinized the clock. After a minute, the bread in

the toaster had sprung to life, tanned and eager to be part of my morning repast. The bread in the toaster oven was simply lukewarm.

“Can’t you see, the toaster-oven is taking forever, Mary Ellen?”

“What’s the big rush? Don’t you have things to do? You are not supposed to stare at the toaster-oven while it works. That’s why we have a microwave.”

Here are the results of my analysis: Toaster-oven: 185 seconds to


Toaster: 90 seconds to perfection.In all fairness, I should probably add the

two minutes it takes me to go down to the basement to use the toaster and come back upstairs because that is where the toaster is apparently going to stay for the rest of my life. So if you add it all up, I guess they both take about the same amount of time.

Maybe my wife was right all along.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at [email protected].


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, D






Bridge the gaP hoosier hodgePodge


Use logic to fill in the boxes so every row, column and 2 x 3 box contains the letters C-A-R-M-E-L. Answer below.

Answers to briDge the gAp: Bull, army, denVer, ice, check, masterPiece, hair, Bill, well, Pigeon

Answers to hoosier hoDgepoDge: capitals: austin, Boise, doVer, helena, Pierre, salem; mascots: Bulldogs, hoosiers, irish, jaguars, sycamores; tea types: chai, green, herBal, oolong; holidays: christmas, hanukkah, kwanZaa; designers: Blass, halston; coach: galloway

The most common questions I get each day as I mingle with the public are: What does it take to get into the Humor Columnist Hall of

Fame? and Do you have what it takes to be a member?

OK, these are not the most common questions I get. The most common questions are:

Why doesn’t your wife divorce you?

Isn’t that a handi-capped space?

You think you’re so funny, don’t you?

I’m not sure that last one is a question.

But many do ask what distinguishes the great from the near-great writer when it comes to composing a column. First, all columnists must have the ability to drone on about totally benign and meaningless subjects.

Over the years I have written about worthless drivel: dome lights, goat cheese, aerating your lawn, dollar stores, pants with 35-inch waistbands and leg cramps. For hack writers like me, once we’ve writ-ten about goat cheese, limited creativity requires we move on to new rubbish. The true gauge of innovative brilliance is the ability to go back for a second bite of the lemon to write a second time about some-thing that hardly deserved attention in the first place.

This brings me to the superiority of toasters over toaster-ovens, a topic I first tackled last year in this column when my wife and I locked horns on the issue of whether a toaster was really necessary, or if a toaster-oven was a more efficient and practical alternative. Unlike my friend, Josh, who revealed his mid-life crisis by purchasing a $60,000 BMW, I boldly went to Wal-Mart and bought a $12 toaster. There are lots of ways to measure audacity.

Breakfast time had been glorious. I had toast in the twinkling of an eye, perfectly prepared with nary a burnt crust. Life was good. But the Wolfsies recently had a holiday party and we moved some of the kitchen gadgets to the basement to temporarily save counter space. Later that evening when the guests cleared, my wife cunningly replaced all the counter appli-ances except the toaster, leaving my $12 chrome beauty in the cellar.

“Where‘s my toaster, Mary Ellen?” I asked the next morning.

“In the basement. Couldn’t you just pop down there and use it?”

It was time to prove to Mary Ellen that

Dick WolfsieHumor

toast oF the town

Page 31: December 16, 2008



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I am about to make a statement some will consider Holiday Heresy. So be it. I don’t care. I’ve held it in for years and I just can’t do it anymore. Batten down the hatches and get

the kids out of earshot, be-cause here it comes:

I cannot stand “It’s A Wonderful Life.”

Really. Whenever I watch it I get this feeling of, well, you know how your stomach gets when you go one piece of fudge past your limit? That feeling.

Now, before you brand me as a cynic, let me assure you I am not. I’m the guy who takes six hours to decorate his Christmas tree because I have to sit and recall every story behind every ornament I own - all 500 of them. I’m the guy who walks down the block every night to gaze in wonder at the neighbors’ spectacular display of Christmas lights and sings (quietly, mind you) on the way back. I’m the guy who gets teary-eyed at the end of “Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol.” A cynic I am not.

And while we’re on the subject of things I am not, I am not a Frank Capra hater, either. I think “Meet John Doe” is

one of the greatest films ever made, and I feel pretty much the same about “Mr. Deeds Goes To Town”, “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington” and “You Can’t Take It With You.”

But “It’s A Wonderful Life?” Pass. Too sappy, Pappy.

It could be that I’ve seen it too many times. Remember, it spent several years in the public domain and as a result, used to be aired about 7,000 times each December. In my case, make that 7,000 times each December on the only channel that came in clearly on the black-and-white Zenith portable that was my mid-1970s entertainment center.

It might also be a certain, well, let’s call it a quirk of my personality that has me swim-

ming against the tide a good deal of the time. If everyone else in my family likes something, I automatically take the op-posing side. Well, everyone else in my family loves “It’s A Wonderful Life.”

Then again, we all love “A Christmas Story.” Although I have to say I’m not impressed with all the Ralphies-Come-Lately who have glommed onto that movie in the last 20 years. Where were you guys when it was playing in the

theaters?I saw it at a mall movie house in 1983

along with my date and six other people. We all laughed ourselves silly (sillier, in my case). However, if you had said then it would someday be among the most popular Christmas movies of all time, we would have thought you were off your medication.

The real question, I suppose, is why these things matter. Of course, I have an answer: I’m not sure.

But matter they do. It just wouldn’t be the season without “The Bishop’s Wife” or “The Man Who Came To Dinner” or “Christmas In Connecticut” or any of about a dozen versions of “A Christmas Carol” (including the Magoo). They bring us together, inspire us, fill our hearts – you know, all that nice holiday stuff.

Even that Capra movie, for most people. Just not me.

Although I must admit, especially at this time of year, he sure got the title right.

Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at [email protected] or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244. For information on speaking fees and availability, visit

Mike RedmondHumor

‘it’s a wonderFul liFe’ not all that wonderFul

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Page 32: December 16, 2008

Approximately one-third of Americans have a sleep disorder that may make sleeping and waking hours difficult. The lack of a good night’s rest cannot only affect your ability to rejuvenate your body, but could also make you more susceptible to serious health conditions like hypertension, memory loss and obesity. Many people do not recognize symptoms of a sleep disorder and do not talk about them with a physician. Take the following quiz to find out if you might be at risk:

My spouse/partner says that I snore or hold my breath when I sleep

I have steadily gained weight over the past two years I often wake up with a headache I have a problem staying awake while reading,

attending meetings or watching television I feel tired all day regardless of how much sleep I get I wake myself snoring, choking or gasping for air I have night sweats I have high blood pressure I sleep better upright or elevated on pillows I fall asleep while riding in a car I experience a crawly, aching or restless feeling in my legs or am unable to keep them still

If you answered yes to two or more questions, you may have a sleep disorder. Call 688-5644 to learn more about sleep disorders and treatment options to make a great night’s rest a reality.

Sleep equals health.FREE Sleep Disorders SeminarMONDAY, JANUARY 12, 6:30 P.M.The seminar will be held at the Clarian North Learning Center.To register, please call 317-688-5644 or go to