Download - Dec NL for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · The memories are the best part – the ever-resourceful Laika ralliers made the good use of the four days with visits into Arles by

Page 1: Dec NL for Eric - Laika Club of Great Britain · The memories are the best part – the ever-resourceful Laika ralliers made the good use of the four days with visits into Arles by



December 2015

Chairman: Mark Snowden

Vice Chairman: Gill Stevens

Treasurer: Charles ChodkowskiMembership Secretary: Jacqui Chodkowski

Rally Co-ordinator: Richard Moss

Newsletter: Katherine Elliott

Web Master Eric Gould

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Welcome to New Members

Chairman’s Chat

Well, another year comes towards an end as indicated by our AGM and Christmas Rally and where is yourChairman…AWOL again! Thank you Gill, for taking over my AGM duties. I will be thinking of you all and theambient temperatures you are enduring?

I will miss the opportunity to try and offload a garage full of seemingly (at the time) essential motorhomeaccessories, putting the whole site in darkness as we try and illuminate our sites with 20amps of festivelighting and sampling the delights of new found beverages acquired from far flung places. Have a great time –I know you will.

Thanks to Eric and Dee, Richard and Ruth, Elaine and John, David and Wendy, Ian and Lesley and Peter andKath for stewarding Rallies throughout the year. In some cases, more than one Rally and in one particularcase, stewarding the Christmas Rally and having to deal with all sorts of administrative nightmares butsoldiering on regardless – Kath, I love you!

Towards the end of my professional career, when I was considering retirement, my better half would oftenquestion my intention, claiming that I may as well carry on working as I was getting paid very well for doingvirtually nothing. This was, of course, totally untrue and a vicious slur tinged with a grain of truth as I hadskilfully managed to surround myself with a team of extremely competent colleagues who were only toowilling to allow me to further develop my delegation skills.There is somewhat of a parallel here in that I havebeen lucky as Chairman of the Laika Club to inherit a committee who quietly and efficiently go about theirbusiness keeping everything together and moving forward. There maybe the odd occasion of the swansyndrome where the exterior serenity masks the mad flapping below the surface but serenity quickly returns.I really appreciate all your efforts as, I’m sure, everyone does. Kath, Richard, Charles, Jacqui, Gill and Eric,thank you all.

Although there will be more details later in the Newsletter I can report that the September 2016 Rally aroundTuscany in Italy is definitely on. I have recently managed to secure a date for a visit to the new Laika factory -Tuesday 20th September, which will be towards the end of the Rally which I foresee starting on Monday 5th

September. There will also be the option of a further week in Sardinia after the factory visit, for those who areinterested.Places will be limited – if you are interested let me know by letter, phone or preferably email.

Have a lovely Christmas and I hope to see as many of you as I can in the New Year.(I did think of sending you a video to the AGM in my absence as we had last year but I understand thetelecommunications in Cuba are still steam driven and it might be a bit like rubbing salt in the wound).


The Committee wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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How heartened we were to have 10 unitsbooked for this Rally following a slow initialtake-up. All but one turned up on theMonday. Two arrived one minute past 12(you know who you were!). The other sevenfollowed during the afternoon with the laston Tuesday morning.

What a fantastic location this site boasts,with only a very short walk to the centre ofthe City. No matter how warmly theWardens greeted us, for £30 a night the sitefacilities were, to say the least ‘tired’ andmany of the assembled rally goers madecomment.

Following the excellent weather we hadbeen having at home, Cardiff proved wet,wet, wet! It was so wet (and chilly) that onthe first afternoon we could not have a Meetand Greet and most of us ended upentertaining or being entertained for eveningmeals in the various van hostelries.

Tuesday was a ‘get to know Cardiff’ day.Some of us went to the fantastic Castle andenjoyed a good tour. Others did their ownthing. Strangely, many of us ended up andmeeting in the same pub for lunch!

With all now assembled and ready for a get-together, the heavens then opened and we assumed it wouldbe a complete ‘wash out’. To the rescue, came the ever-practical Peter Elliot (retired Architect) and thegenerous Concrete Richard. The latter lent us his canopy and the former made a make-shift extendedawning between our van and that of John and Jill’s. What a result! Although wet, most of us stayedreasonably dry on the outside and David cooked up a dim sum treat to keep out the cold. Prawn crackers,prawn and pork dumplings, duck and spicy spring rolls with prawn toasts – all served with oodles ofChinese sauces and a generous quantity of alcohol.

The rain eventually stop and someone suggested a BBQ. It never ceases to amaze at how much food andwilling chefs suddenly arrive at these impromptu LAIKA gatherings and how much of everything getsconsumed and swallowed.

The cycle ride was arranged by Richard for the Wednesday morning which turned out to be a reasonableday and many of us ended up at Cardiff Bay with its numerous bars, restaurants, shops and of course, theWelsh Assembly Building.

How many people can you get under an awning?

Not bad for ‘oldies’

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On Thursday, many of us caught the Open TopBus and had a guided tour of Cardiff. On arrivingback at the site, we prepared for a meal and adrink in what was billed ‘The Third Best Pub inWales’. As it turned out, none of us shared thisview and we were very disappointed at both theservice and quality of the food. Ah well…. youcan’t please all of the people all of the time.

On Friday morning everyone dispersed to eithergo on to the Iron Bridge Rally, home or else-where.

Thank you to all who attended, the companywas great. Just a shame about the weather!

Wendy and David Futter


Camping Des GorgesThursday 3rd to Sunday 6th Sept 2015At St Martin d’Ardèche

Unlike previous years where one co-ordinator was responsible for organising one or more sites, this year wehad three organisers each responsible for organising a site in Provence area. The timing between organisedsites was arranged so that club members could do their own thing.

Les and I, were pressed to get to the site in time as we had issues with our new van, which meant we had topostpone our departure by more than a week. However, after a dash through France we arrived on theThursday morning to find the streets blocked off by a bicycle race! After a tortuous detour through the narrowstreets of St Martin we arrived at Des Gorges.

Des Gorges is a well laid out site, with good facilities, good sized pitches, lovely heated pool, clean toilets andhot showers and for a camp site an excellent restaurant. The camp site leads directly onto the Ardèche Gorgeand is about 1km from St Martin. There are plenty of opportunities for sports including Kayaking.We were all able to park along one of the site roads so we were nearly all together. In the evening when allhad arrived we had the Meet and Greet.

We didn’t organise any specific event for the few days so everyone was free to do what they wished. Somewent with Doug and Myfanwy in their car along the whole of the Gorge, some walked along the path by theriver to St Martin which is a charming little village and some cycled.

On the opposite side of the Gorge from the campsite isthe old fortified village of Aiguèze, the ramparts ofwhich overhang the gorge.

At night these are illuminated .. a dramatic sight.


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On Friday evening we had a group meal in the camp site restaurant. The mealwas very good and the highlight appeared to be (for those that had it) thedessert. It was the Café Gourmand, a selection of small desserts in cups servedon a small board.

On Saturday a few of us walked toAiguèze which turned out to be ascharming as the views from gorge.On Sunday some of us walked upthe gorge to see the rapids.Unfortunately the path becamemore and more difficult and therapids no nearer, so we cut ourlosses and returned just in time forlunch.

Here is Pete and Kath on one of the easier sections. Although the track became challenging, the views werespectacular.

All too soon the few days came to an end and we were off to our next destination Arles, and over to the capa-ble hands of Eric and Dee.

We would like to thank all the folks who attended for making this a successful and enjoyable event.

Ian and Lesley Dewey

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Camping L’Arlesienne 7 to 11 Sept 2015Arles

This leg of the Provence tour was a case of the three M’s, not the motorhome magazine of that name butmoney, mosquitos and memories.

The money item was due to an oversight by the site manger who did not properly record the groups advancepayment and therefore claiming that the whole party’s fee had to be paid upon arrival. A dash to be first atthe site and a tense hour or so while the matter was resolved did nothing to calm our nerves. Relations withthe site managers did not improve when refunds for two vans unable to reach the site were refused. So thegroup had the use of these “free “pitches.

The mosquitos were persistent and for some their bites were more than just irritating. A lot of euros werespent in the town on repellents and soothing lotions – none worked. The claimed powers of Avon Skin SoSoft spray were tested too and found distinctly wanting. The last evening get together saw the majoritydressed as for a British winter evening in balmy Provencal temperatures. And still the little blighters wereable to find a way to bite!

The memories are the best part – the ever-resourceful Laika ralliers made the good use of the four days withvisits into Arles by bus, bike and even walking. There was so much to see in the nearby old town with theRoman remains of the amphitheater and arena top of most peoples list. Also the newly opened Van Goghmuseum in a stunning building with new additions to an old manor house was a frequent choice. However,the lack of classic Van Gogh works was a disappointment though maybe real students would have found theearly black and white pencil studies interesting.

So does Arles live up to its tourist office claim “Arles is the largest city in France with a surface area being758km2. It is encircled by an environment of exceptional beauty: the banks of the Rhone river, the arid plainsof Crau, the Alpilles and the untamed land of Camargue”? Our advice is go and see if you can but beprepared for those little m’s. They will get you.

Dee and Eric Gould



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Selection Camping16 to 21 Sept 2015At La Croix Valmer near St Tropez

We arrived on site a day early in order to organise things and imagine our surprise when we found that most ofthe Group were already there ahead of us, so they were able to give us a welcome meeting!

The facilities were excellent for a coastal resort, including pool, restaurant, clean toilets and helpful owners.The official meet and greet was on Thursday when Phil and Gill Cooke were able to join us after sufferingmechanical problems.

Friday we visited St Tropez where we made a dramaticentrance into the Town in two black mafia stylelimousines, and were deposited onto the Quay next tomillionaires’ yachts. A boat trip was organised so that wecould see the area from the sea and we saw famouspeople’s residences with a little history about thedevelopment of the port from a fishing village.A lot has changed since Bridget Bardot starred in ‘GodCreated Woman’ which was a major influence on meduring my youth.

Saturday we cycled or walked according to our style, toCavalier Sur Mer where a jet ski event took place in hotsunshine.

Sunday we visited the largest outdoor market in theRegion in our local town and in the evening we had anexclusive farewell meal in the Camp Restaurant.

Many thanks to the Owners for helping toorganise our stay, and the Laika Members being sofriendly and taking part in everything offered. The threeCamp Sites had a different emphasis with a newapproach for the major Laika Club rally of the Season.

Many thanks to Ian Dewey and Eric Gould for their en-thusiasm and ideas. We have combined our efforts toattempt to provide adventure, culture and coastalexperiences.

Richard Moss


WANTED FOR A LAIKA ECOVIP 200i, YEAR 2001, a drop down dining table which alsoserves as a bed support when lowered, plus does anyone know of a damaged one where partsare available as I have had my van from new and one or two things are starting to wear out butthe table is the important item.Any help would be greatly appreciated, I can be contacted via email or by 'phone onMany thanks, Bill.

Two members have kindly responded to this ad but more help is still needed.

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What is MiFi and what will it do for me?

Definition: it is a portable broadband device that allows multiple end users and mobile devices toshare a 3G or 4G mobile broadband Internet connection and create an ad-hoc network

More simply it is a little device that like your mobile phone connects you to a mobile phone servicethat in this case it is data only and only accessible via another wifi enabled device. So using ittogether with either a phone, tablet or pc you can now access the internet from any location thathas mobile phone signal. Depending on the sim you buy for your mifi that internet access can be athome and/or in Europe and at relatively affordable cost.

In my case I bought a Huawei E5330 for about £30 and for a further £20 or so a Three mobile datasim. The sim came pre-loaded with 3Gb of data useable for 90 days. So long as you register anduse the sim in the UK beforehand you can use it in most of Europe for up to 60 days. You caneither, when the allowance runs out top the existing sim or simply put another one in.

Why another? Well you might find a better deal or even a local sim, if abroad. Just be sure that themifi you buy is not locked to a network provider, as that will tie you to one particular suppliers sim. Ishould also point out that the Huawei mifi will allow up to 9 devices to be registered with it and runconcurrently. Obviously if all are running at the same time it will slow the service down and runaway with your data allowance but with two I found no delay.

In my case I used my mifi in France for about 35 days to look at emails, check on prospectivecampsites; find the local weather forecast and other general web surfing. I used about 1.8Gb andrarely found I could not get a mobile signal. So even when there was little or no wifi from thecamps own system or it was pay to use I could surf the web. In France Three has a sharingagreement with two carriers, Orange Fr. and Free and I think this is why there is always a signal.If you want to know more there are two helpful websites:this one Frank’s website and a site calledMotorhome Wifi Both have very helpful step-by-stepinstructions. And Motorhome Wifi also has kit for sale that covers the full range of wifi for those onthe move. Among it is a system called Fon that allows you free use of domestic wifi hotspots inreturn for allowing that on yours. Too much to go into here but there is a full explanation on theMortorhome Wifi website. I tried but failed to pick up any usuable signal with this system but I didnot have a wifi signal aerial so no surprise. But as they cost around £100 to £160 I felt my mifiinvestment was justified.

Eric Gould

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Laika Representative Report

Representatives at Laika maintain their enthusiasm to promote sales in the UK. They were pleased with theresponse they received at the Motorhome Show at the NEC although I am unaware of the actual salesfigures from the Show.

The two Laika Dealers in Bristol and Ashbourne that was Laika’s attempt to increase Dealerships in the UKhas faltered. Both are no longer selling new Laika vans although Peak Leisure in Ashbourne are stillregistered to carry out habitation checks for Laika vans still under warranty (I don’t know how long this willlast). My understanding is that Laika are expecting dealers to buy the motorhomes they display and then,hopefully sell which few dealers can afford to do.

A new Dealership has been established – Emm Bee Motorhomes in Manchester

There is no doubt that Laika are producing high quality motorhomes. Their 2016 ranges appear exciting andappealing but they are ‘high end’ and are competing with many other manufactures that are cheaper andappear to be spending far more on publicity.

I am hoping to learn more when we visit in September but the conversations I have had with the Italianrepresentatives have been fairly one sided in so far as I hear a lot about their enthusiasm for the UK marketbut see little evidence of things improving without a vast input of cash to better publicise their product.

I see this as the main reason why our membership is falling. We regularly scour the second hand salesadvertised and make contact re membership, we supply dealers with leaflets but I know these are notpassed onto all new buyers as a matter of routine.

If anyone feels they would like to take on the role of Rep I would be more than happy to relinquish the job.


Latest update on Puy du Fou rally 2016

Camping La Bretêche (1km North of Les Epesses)

Anyone who has booked for Puy du Fou and is not going to La Bretêche beforehand, please let us know aswe have booked pitches for everyone in the group so we can all be together. There is nothing to pay beforearrival. ACSI price last year (2015) was 16€ a night including 10 amp electric.

The Puy du Fou Experience

The 3 days in the Grand Parc at Puy are booked and paid for and I have received the tickets.There is some good news and some bad news!Bad news first. We cannot go to 'La Cinéscénie' on Saturday 18th June as it is fully booked up, even though Icontacted them just 14 days after booking opened. Sorry!However, the good news is we have booked for the 2230 performance on 17th June, and we have gotpreferential tickets as well.

Here's looking forward to 3 exciting and interesting days.

Ann Lister/Brian Shaw

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MARCH17th to 21st

4 nights

Apps Court FarmWalton on Thames

Rally StewardsDenise and Jim Ledgerwood

See further on fordetails, depositrequiredMore support needed

April14th to 18th

4 nights

Kings Lynn C and CKings Lynn

Rally Stewards See further on fordetails. £10 depositrequired.

May9th to 14th

5 nights

Dunstan HillAlnwick

Rally Stewards See further on fordetails. Depositrequired

June Puy du Fou Rally Stewards Booked and paid for,see update on page 9

July7th to 11th

4 nights

Burton Hill C and CMalmesbury

Rally Stewards required See further on fordetails, deposit of £10required

September8th to 22nd


Rally Stewards See further on fordetails. Deposit required

December AGM/Christmas In planning


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March: Walton upon Thames, Thursday 17�� to Monday 21�� March 2016 (4 nights)

Apps Court FarmHurst RoadWalton on ThamesSurreyKT12 2EG

The site is next to the Sunbury Lock on the Thames. There are nice level walks and biking along the Thamesto pubs only 10 minutes away or a longer two and a half mile walk to Hampton Court. The bus stop is abouta mile away but will take you to Kingston or beyond. You can catch a train from Hampton into London or wecould organise a coach trip to pick us up from site and drop us off at the London Eye and take us back to siteat an arranged time. The cost for this would be approximately £11 with 20 seats booked. We will also takeour car for any lifts required to bus stops etc.The cost is £14/night including electrics, toilets and showers. If you are interested in going to this rallyplease send your cheque by 1st January 2016 and at the same time let us know if you are interested in acoach trip to London.Rally StewardsDenise and Jim Ledgerwood

We need more support for this rally. A deposit has beenpaid to the site so come on and make the decision toattend. Should be good as all our rallies are! Those thathave expressed an interest could you please send yourdeposits. Many thanks.

April: Kings Lynn, Thursday 14�� to Monday 18�� April 2016 ( 4 nights)

Kings Lynn Caravan and Camping ParkNew RoadNorth RunctonKings LynnNorfolk PE33 0RAThe site is set in 10 acres of beautiful mature park land so come and join us, brushing the winter away andwelcoming spring We have booked a hut for the Meet and Greet. A local bus service operates hourly from the

site so bring your bus passes!

The cost is £13 per night with electric, on a Rally Field, with excellent toilet block with showers and wash upfacilities. A small shop on site selling basics, and within a mile is a pub selling excellent meals so we can do agroup booking if required. There is also a Fish & Chip Shop in Kings Lynn that will deliver if required.Sightseeing in the area includes Sandringham Estate, Caithness Glass, and Thursford Collection.Rally StewardsGill and John Stevens

May: Alnwick, Northumberland. Monday 9�� to Saturday 14�� May 2016 (5 nights)

Dunstan Hill Camping and Caravanning club siteDunstan HillAlnwickNorthumberlandNE66 3TQ10 places provisionally booked. The site is just north of Craster on the Northumberland coast. It is not farfrom the beaches and there are good coastal walks to Dunstanburgh Castle and Craster. There is a regularbus service which stops outside the site running from Newcastle to the south and Berwick in the north andthe approach to Holy Island en route. Cost not yet finalised.Rally StewardsAlma and Keith Pitcher

When booking please state whether you want ameal and/or fish supper.

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The information and opinions in this newsletter are those of the contact name or names given. The Laika Club ofGreat Britain does not necessarily agree with nor endorse their comments and/or views. It is a totally independentClub, governed by its constitution giving no preference to any Publication, Dealer or other club. This however, doesnot prevent, with Committee approval, the fostering of mutually beneficial relations.

Please, please let the rally stewards know as soon as possible if you have to cancel and make sure

when you book that they have got correct email addresses and mobile phone numbers in case they

have to contact you.


July: Malmesbury, Thursday 7�� to Monday 11�� July 2016

Burton Hill Caravan and Camping

MalmesburySN16 0EH

A friendly camping park on the edge of the beautiful market town of Malmesbury, Wiltshire. This is a stunningriverside location, 10 minute walk along the river Avon to this thriving market town. Malmesbury, the oldestborough in England, is a bustling medieval market town with shops, supermarket, pubs and restaurants. Whynot visit the 12�� Century Abbey and Abbey House Gardens?

Facilities: grass field, level and clearly marked, shower and toilet block including family and disable facilities, 28hook up points, wash up and laundry area, recycling. Dogs welcome. Price without hook up is £15 for 2persons, hook up extra £3.

We have to restrict the number to 15 and ask that you send your deposit of

First applications receive priority and please state if hook up is required

Rally Steward

If anyone would like to volunteer for this event I would be pleased to offer any assistance. Ruth and I havestayed previously on this site and we are fortunate to secure this booking at reasonable cost for this time ofyear.

September RallyThursday 8th September – Thursday 22nd September, with an option of a further week in Sardinia

The Tuscany region of Italy has many attractions. The aim will be to use 2 or 3 ACSI sites wherever possibleand move onto a different site every 4/5 days to take advantage of the beautiful beaches, the countryside andthe architecture, as well as the new Laika factory visit on 20th September. I am currently communicating with anumber of campsites and will have all venues confirmed in the March 2016 Newsletter.The Sardinia leg of the trip will be purely optional and has been deliberately left until the third week becauseof possible refugee implications. Foreseeing what will be happening in almost a year’s time is obviouslyimpossible at the moment.Currently ferry charges for the 6 hour return trip from Tuscany to Sardinia is just over £200 and there are 18ACSI sites on the island, mainly around the coast.Places will be limited and those choosing to visit Sardinia will be expected to book their own crossing andisland campsitesThe first 12 to send me a £50 deposit will secure a place and I will communicate regularly with membersthroughout the year.
