Download - Dec-Jan Trinity Trumpet

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Trinity Trumpet Trinity United

Methodist Church December 2013/

January 2014

Inside This Issue

Health Outreach Ministry 2 Parish Nurse 3 Recipe of the Month 3 Youth News 4 Christian Education 5 Confirmation Information 6, 7 ASK the REV 7 Bible Studies 7 News and Notes 5, 8, 9, 17, 19 Christmas Eve Services 8 Church Calendars 10, 11 Birthdays 12,13 Missions 14 Boards/Committees 15 Leadership Development 15 16, 17 Membership News 18 Thank You Notes 18 Poinsettia Order Forms 19

Dear members and friends of Trinity United Methodist Church:

The Christmas season can be a hurried and hectic time, often prohibiting us from embracing the true spirit of this special time. It is a time to remember that God came in human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, to bring peace to all people. It may be helpful to return to the original scene and discover once again the beauty of simplic-ity that surrounded that Baby in the manger. An unknown author writes:

It was no regal couple God chose to hold and rear His Son. They were, in fact, obscure and poor and unpretentious, simple folks from Galilee, not bluebloods from Rome.

It was a carpenter from Nazareth, and his Jewish teenage bride who made their way to Bethlehem alone.

Bewildered, she must have wondered why? And he? Who can imagine his thoughts?

But in simple obedience, they came.

They needed a place to stay that night but there was “no room in the inn” you will recall.

Think of it! After centuries of waiting the town of Bethlehem had “no room” for the Messiah.

So the pressed earth became their bed and a simple feeding trough His crib.

Labor came hard that lonely night. While Mary writhed and Joseph paced, God served as midwife and safely delivered

His son, precisely as He had promised. These simple folks from Galilee were the first to see God’s human face.

No bells rang, no trumpet fanfare followed, no banners were waived by cheering crowds,

“just and ill-timed birth” mumbled a few whose sleep was disturbed by the baby’s cry.

But while Bethlehem slept, Heaven celebrated as God, in understated majesty, kept His Word.

No one hailed Him “King” that would come much later. His name was to be Jesus … Immanuel, “God with us.”

He was born to die, and become the Savior from sin, to all who come in simple faith, accepted, forgiven, and free.

This is a simple yet profound message each Christmas brings. From the staff and our families to yours, and may you have a Merry Christmas and a blessed and healthy new year.

Grace and Peace, George R. Patterson, MDiv. Senior Pastor

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Handwashing Habits: Your Gifts to Your Family

and Yourself

Health Outreach Ministry

Dr. Dot Baker

Check your “handwash” IQ – Choose True or False for these items.

1. A sneeze travels at 200 miles per hour & carries germs. 2. Germs are everywhere & can make us

sick. 3. We should “catch” a sneeze or cough in our hands. 4. Dirty hands spread colds & flu and other

diseases such as Hepatitis A, meningitis, and diarrhea. 5. It’s ok to touch my face, nose, & mouth any-

time. 6. Soap & water are our best handwash friends. 7. I’m safe if I wash my hands a couple of times

a day. 8. I can make other people sick if I touch them or their food with my dirty hands. 9. Hand gels/

sanitizers take the place of handwashing with soap and water. (see answers at bottom of page)

WATCH OUT – DIRTY HANDS WITH GERMS CAN MAKE YOU sick! Cold & flu season is here. Our food needs to be safe. So-o-o BEWARE! Germs are spread by our hands,

through the air, and on surfaces. They are on door handles, countertops, computer keyboards, phones,

water cooler handles, personal products, soiled clothes, gyms, grocery carts, toys, infected cuts, etc.,

etc. Our hands pick up germs from whatever we touch. We just need to be aware that germs are EVE-


Did you know that handwashing is “the single most important thing” that we can do to keep from getting

sick? Ever lose sick time from work or school or play? We might not get sick as often if we do what?

WASH OUR HANDS more often! WHEN to WASH OUR HANDS? 1. Before we eat or handle food

2. After use the toilet 3. After blow or wipe our nose 4. After cough/sneeze into a tissue 5. During

work/school/church day & when you get home 6. When you get to work/school 7. After petting ani-

mals 8. Before/after you touch a cut 9. After visit a sick person 10. After play inside or outside or

garden in soil 11. ANY time that you think that you need to wash your hands

HOW to wash our hands? 1. Wet your hands and apply liquid or clean bar soap. Place the bar soap on a rack and allow it to drain. 2. Rub your hands vigorously together and scrub all surfaces (back of hands, wrists, between fingers, under fingernails). 3. Continue for 20 seconds or about the length of time to sing the alphabet song or Row Your Boat. Soap PLUS scrubbing dislodges & removes germs. 4. Rinse well. 5. Dry your hands. 6. Turn off the faucet with paper towel you use to dry your hands (do not want to touch germy faucet with your clean hands & get germs on your clean hands).

Your Trinity Health Outreach Ministry

wishes everyone a blessed & healthy

Christmas season and a good New Year!

True/False answers: 1=True, 2=True, 3= False (should use tissue or sleeve for cough), 4= True, 5=False (can spread germs that make you sick), 6=True, 7=False (see list of times when you should wash your hands OR any time that you think that you need to wash your hands), 8= True 9= False (hand sanitizers do not take the place of handwashing with soap & water, particularly if your hands are dirty or soiled. Resources: CDC, Mayo Clinic, Henry the Hand (information, games, music, videos, & posters for kids, family, school, food safety) @

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By Carolyn Lewis, RN

Christmas is the most exciting time of the year for young and old. Children look forward to Santa’s visit and for the older group, it is a time of holiday gather-ings and parties and special events at their place of worship. I start out each holiday season with a firm convic-tion that I will not be stressed this Christmas; yet, as each week comes and I have not met my goals, I loose my sense of control and have to stop and rethink what I can do and what I will have to let go of this year. I know for me, I forget that my mind thinks of many more things for me to do than my body will al-low me to complete. Make a list of things that are im-portant to accomplish and make that a priority, and then if you have extra time, then do some of the extra things you had listed. I hope that each of you have a very bless Christmas holiday.

LUNCH BUNCH Our December Lunch Bunch gathering is Decem-ber 11, and once again our guest will be the Wicomico High School Concert Choir under the di-rection of Dr. Jeff Baer. Please let us know if you will be attending by Decem-ber 9.

ALTAR GUILD Our next meeting will be January 9, and it will be our luncheon meeting. Please make reservations with the church office by January 6. Wishing each of you a happy holiday and saying what a blessing our members are for the time and tal-ent they share with the congregation to keep the church beautiful all year long, but extra special during the Christmas and Easter seasons.


Holiday White Chocolate Macaroons

1 pouch of sugar cookie mix (1 lb 1.5 oz) ½ cup butter

1 egg 1 cup coconut

1 2/3 cup white vanilla baking chips ½ tsp coconut extra

1tsp. Shortening

Heat oven to 375. In a large bowl, stir cookie mix, butter, egg, and coconut, and add 1 cup of white baking chocolate chips and add extract. Drop dough by rounded teaspoons 2” apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 9-11 minutes or until golden brown around the edges. Cool 1 minute before removing from cookie sheet. In a small microwavable bow., microwave the remain 2/3cup of baking chips and shorten-ing on high for 30-60 seconds or until mix-ture can be stirred smooth. Drizzle over cookies; sprinkle with color sugar as de-sired.

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Christian Education

by Janal Walton Director of Children’s Ministries


FAMILY FUN NIGHT! Come and join us for a fun family Friday night in January. Dinner will be served, and then the fun begins with music, dance, and cheer. What talent could you and your family members share with the group—dance, sing a song…or do you just want to watch? Our special Reverend Dean DeFino will help lead the fun. Dates and times will be promulgated in the bulletin.


Please attend the 7:00 p. m. service and see the play, The Tale of the Drowsy Shepherd, written by Michael and Jill Gallina. There will be lots of sheep, angels, and shepherds sharing the story of the birth of Christ. The message is hope. Our singers and speaking part children and youth have been busy for weeks. We would like to thank all the parents, children, and youth for all their hard work. Thanks!


! WE ARE MILLIONAIRES! Trinity continues to “spectacularly” support this program. Since July 2009, we have exceeded ONE MILLION dollar value of

coupons. We mailed October 2013’s coupons to U.S. Navy, Yokota, Japan. HELPFUL TIPS: Please do not tear the coupon booklets apart. Leave the booklets fastened together – just like they arrive in

the newspaper. If you do cut out the coupons: cut them into single coupons – not in strips. Please do not staple or roll the coupons with a rubber band.

As always, thank you for your response to support this mission to military personnel and families who serve our country.

Report for the Program

Year Month(s) Number of Month’s Coupons

Dollar Value ($) of Month’s Coupons

Grand Total Number of Coupons for year

Grand Total Dollar Value ($) of Coupons for year

Grand Total Number of Coupons (July 2009 –Oct 2013)

Grand Total Dollar Value ($) of Coupons (July 2009 – Oct 2013)

2009 July-December

66,790 $94,226.83

2010 January-December

175,747 $271,660.93

2011 January – December

155,434 $234,841.97

2012 January – Dec

136,103 $206,300.62 534,074 $807,035.35

2013 October 16, 342 $25,715.26 121,392 $193,696.80 655,466 $1,000,732.15

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Confirmation Class Schedule

All classes (except orientation) are from 9:15 – 10:45 room 303 of JMB Please Don’t Miss more than 1 class

Sunday, January 19 Orientation with Students and parents 9:30-10:30 JMB 303

Read and do Exercises 1-4 Sunday, January 26 Class # 1 Creation/Sin Start Learning the books of the Bible Genesis through II Chronicles) Read and do Exercises 5-12 & 15-18 of text Homework pages 13 & 19 of text and pages 8-15 of Journal Sunday, February 2 Class # 2 Redemption/Holy Sprit Learn the books of the Bible (Ezra through Daniel) Read and do Exercises 21-23 & 25-29 of text Homework pages 24 & 30 of text and pages 16-23 of Journal Sunday, February 9 Class # 3 Church/New Creation Learn the books of the Bible (Hosea through Malachi) Read and do Exercises 31-36 & 39-42 of text Homework pages 37 &43 of text and pages 24-31 of Journal Sunday, February 16 Class # 4 Way of Discipleship/Way of Salvation Learn the books of the Bible ( Matthew through Colossians) Read and do Exercises 45-50 & 53-57 of text

Homework pages 51 & 58 of text and pages 32-39 of Journal Sunday, February 23 Class # 5 Wesleyan Quadrilateral/Worship Learn the books (I Thessalonians through Revelation) Read and do Exercises 59-64 & 67-75 of text Homework pages 65 & 76 of text and pages 40-47 of Journal Sunday, March 2 Class # 6 Sacraments/Holy Life Start learning the Apostles Creed Read and do Exercises 77-80 & 83-86 of text Homework pages 81 & 87 of text and pages 48-55 of Journal Sunday, March 9 Class # 7 Reject/Accept Finish learning the Apostles Creed Read and do Exercises 89-93 & 95-99 of text Homework pages 94 & 100 of text and pages 56-63 of Journal Sunday, March 16 Class #8 Confess/Believe Read and do Exercises 101-104 & 107-110 of text Homework pages 105 & 111 of text and pages 64-71 of Journal Study Confirmation Review Questions pages 127-130 of text Sunday, March 23 Class # 9 PPGSW/Going Forth Read and do Exercises 113-117 & 119-123 of text Homework pages 118 & 124 of text and pages 72- 80 of Journal Read pages 125-126 of text and continue to study the Confirmation Review Questions pages 127-130 of text Sunday, April 6 Confirmation Sunday 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary.

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Confirmation Activity Schedule

Every Sunday, we have UMYF that meets at the JMB from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. All confirmands are required to attend 6 of these UMYF during the period from January 26 through March 23. Other Activities Wednesday, March 5 ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE 7:00 p.m. Friday, February 21 Friday 7:15 p.m. meet at Beth Israel parking lot 600 Camden Ave.. Service begins at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 15* Barrett’s Chapel Meet at Trinity U.M. parking lot 7:45 a.m. Depart 8:00 a.m. ; return 1:00 p.m. Saturday, April 5 Confirmation Retreat & Dinner 12:00-2:00 p.m. JMB Tuesday, April 15* Seder/Passover Celebration 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

* Dates yet to be confirmed

Ask the Rev. Many people who have committed terrible crimes against humanity become Christians while they are in prison. What is God’s position on this?

There is no sin that is too great that cannot be forgiven by God. The Bible teaches that anyone that transgresses the smallest part of the law is guilty of the entire law. James 2:10 (For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.) This shows that we all are sinners equally under the law. God can and does forgive the vilest criminal (sinner) who has truly repented and asks Christ into his heart. Such an individual is saved and on his way to heaven regardless of where he or she might be. It is true that some criminals seeking mercy may pretend to be spiritually, but God looks upon the heart and knows the sincerity of each and every one of us.

Ask the Rev is a Trumpet newsletter feature where Rev. DeFino will answer your questions on the Bible, doctrine or religious beliefs and events. Send or call your questions into the church office and they will be answered in future issues.

John: The Life of ChristJohn: The Life of ChristJohn: The Life of ChristJohn: The Life of Christ We continue our study of the Life of Christ through John’s Gospel each Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. December 11 will be the last study for this semester; however we pick it up again on February 5.

The Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study continues every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. and the Berean Adult Sunday School class continues at 10:45 a.m. every Sunday. In both of these classes, which meet in room 303 of the JMB, we are exploring the nature of ancient mid-east poetry and the fascinating prophetic words from a variety of authors in this popular yet often misunderstood book of Psalms. Our last Tuesday session for the semester will be December 10 and our last Sunday session December 15. We will resume the Tuesday Bible study on February 4 and the Sunday School class on February 9.

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SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship


4:00 p.m.4:00 p.m.4:00 p.m.4:00 p.m.---- Christmas Eve Carols & Candlelight Christmas Eve Carols & Candlelight Christmas Eve Carols & Candlelight Christmas Eve Carols & Candlelight

ServiceServiceServiceService Trinity’s traditional Candlelight Service will

feature a soloist. Our early service will be led by

Rev. George Patterson and Rev. Dean DeFino.

7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ---- Christmas Eve Carols & Candlelight Christmas Eve Carols & Candlelight Christmas Eve Carols & Candlelight Christmas Eve Carols & Candlelight ServiceServiceServiceService

Trinity’s traditional family service with children’s program.

Service will be led by Rev. George Patterson and Rev. Dean DeFino.

9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. ---- Christmas Eve Communion & Candlelight Christmas Eve Communion & Candlelight Christmas Eve Communion & Candlelight Christmas Eve Communion & Candlelight

ServiceServiceServiceService This service will be led by

Rev. George Patterson and Rev. Dale Vroman.

11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. ---- Christmas Eve Lessons, Carols , & Christmas Eve Lessons, Carols , & Christmas Eve Lessons, Carols , & Christmas Eve Lessons, Carols , & Candlelight ServiceCandlelight ServiceCandlelight ServiceCandlelight Service

This service will feature the Sanctuary Choir and

soloists. The service will be led by

Rev. George Patterson and Rev. Dale Vroman.

The United Methodist Women of Trinity Church are to be congratulated on another job well done. Our luncheon on October 30 was a huge success. We worked, we typed out our plans to improve from before, we stewed, we wondered, and we succeeded. It wasn't quite that easy, but every-one worked so hard. The kitchen help with Carolyn Lewis at the reins worked and worked, and it really paid off. The Bake Table was out-standing with so many varieties of goodies from which to choose. Everyone there did a wonder-ful job in helping make our Fall Luncheon a suc-cess. When Fran Hastings accepted the posi-tion as Luncheon Chair, she took charge with Beryl Whaley right behind her doing the outside orders, and both of them did an outstanding job. So CONGRATULATIONS LADIES for helping make this luncheon a success. We get so excited about these luncheons because the money we make stays here in Salisbury helping do mission work for a lot of organizations that need help. They count on our contribu-tions each year, and we do not want to disap-point them. Two important UMW Christmas projects are the Salvation Army Christmas stockings and the bell ringing Salvation Army kettle program. Come say , “Hi” to some of the volunteers from Trinity in the front entrance of Boscov’s on Sat-urday, December 7. To those who came to enjoy their lunch and even take a carry-out home, we thank you.

Jane Bowers, Pres.

LUMINARIES – Weather permitting, luminaries will again light the walkways around Trinity this Christmas Eve. You can contribute to the lighting of the side-walks by purchasing and dedicating a luminary to a person who has been a light in your life. Luminaries will be $10 per bag and will be available in the back of the sanctuary before and after the 8:00 and 9:30 a. m. and before the 11:00 a. m. wor-ship services on December 15 and 22. All proceeds will go to the Trin-ity Disaster Relief Team.

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Trinity United Methodist Church Christmas Door Wreaths

The Christmas wreaths for the doors on the Trinity

buildings were donated as follows: The Sanctuary: In memory of Jim and Elizabeth (Lib) Betts by their granddaughter, Tracy Shannahan and family.

In memory of Bill Phoebus by his wife, Estelle and children: Howard Phoebus, Ellen DiCintio and their families.

In memory of Nelson and Tom Berry, Jr. by their parents, Tom and Betty.

In memory of Mr. and Mrs. William Eugene Bounds by Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mengason.

In memory of their parents, Evelyn and James Parks, by Billye Sarbanes, Peggy Sheeran and their families.

In memory of Spyros and Matina Sarbanes by Tony and Billye Sarbanes and family.

In memory of Mary W. Thomas by Mr. and Mrs. James R. Thomas, Jr., Andy, Tricia and Betsy.

The Jackson Memorial Building: In memory of our dad, W. Booth Grier, with love from Lesley Grier and Abigail Grier Custis. In memory of our loved ones by Alex and Wilma Azar and family.

The Palmer Building: In memory of Harry Palmer by his wife, Mildred.

Be an angel! Angel Tree Ministries is fast approaching! Look for the white tree in the back of the sanctuary beginning Sun-day, November 24. Select your Angel Tree tag while they still are available from the tree. Each child receives one fun gift, such as a toy, and one clothing item. We are also going to provide each family with a $25 gift card to Wal-Mart, so you may choose to purchase a gift card by selecting a Wal-Mart gift tag from the tree. Please prayerfully consider these children and their care-givers. If you remove a tag, please fill out the “tracking card” and place it in the box provided. This will allow us to contact you if there are any issues regarding your child. Your wrapped gift should be returned to the back of the sanctuary no later than Sunday, December 15. Please be sure that the angel tag you took from the tree is affixed to the gift so that it can be properly identified. How else can you help? We really need volunteers to help deliver the gifts. The delivery date(s) are Saturday and Sunday, December 21 and 22. We only deliver dur-ing daylight hours. It generally takes about 15 minutes to complete this volunteer project. Delivery times are gen-erally from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p. m. This time is flexible, based on your availability, but the time must be called in to the receiving family in advance. A delivery volun-teer sign-up sheet will be in the back of the sanctuary, next to the Angel Tree. If you have any other questions, please contact Katie Mason or the church office.

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December 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 8, 9:30, 11am Worship


4pm Youth Group




11am UMW


7pm Financial



11:45am UMW


1pm Bible Study

4 12pm Pastor’s Advisory

1pm UMW “Joy” 1pm UMW “Ruth”

6:30pm Bible Study

7pm Charge Conference

7pm Moms in Prayer

5 9am Prayer Group

6:15pm Handbell


6:30pm MOPS 7:30pm Sanctuary




11am Newtown

House Tour

8 8, 9:30, 11am Worship

4pm Youth Group



7pm Financial



1pm Bible Study


11:30am Lunch Bunch

6:30pm Bible Study

7pm Moms in


12 9am Prayer Group

6:15pm Handbell


630pm MOPS

7:30pm Sanctuary Choir

13 14

15 8, 9:30, 11am


Youth Christmas Party





Joseph House


7pm Moms in



9am Prayer Group

6:15pm Handbell


630pm MOPS

7:30pm Sanctuary


10am Pine Bluff




8, 9:30, 11am


No Youth Group





4, 7, 9, 11pm






Church Office


Mom’s Morning

Out Closed



9am Prayer Group

6:15m Handbell

Choir 630pm MOPS

7:30pm Sanctuary





8, 9:30, 11am


No Youth Group





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January 2014

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Church Office


Mom’s Morning

Out Closed

7pm Mom’s in





9am Prayer Group

6:15pm Handbell


7:30pm Sanctuary





8, 9:30, 11am


4pm Youth Group


1:30pm UMW



1pm UMW


5:15pm SPRC

7pm UMW “Ruth”


11:30am Lunch


7pm Mom’s in


9 9am Prayer Gr

11am Altar Guild

Luncheon Mtg.

6:15pm Handbell


7:30pm Sanctuary



OC Youth Rally


OC Youth Rally


8, 9:30, 11am


No Youth Group

OC Youth Rally

7pm ASP Meeting

13 14

5:15pm Trustees


Joseph House


7pm Mom’s in



Articles Due


9am Prayer Group

6:15pm Handbell


7:30pm Sanctuary




19 8, 9:30, 11am Worship

9:30am Confirmation Orientation

4pm Youth Group


Church Office


(Banks Closed)




5:15pm Finance



7pm Mom’s in



9am Prayer Group

6:15pm Handbell


7:30pm Sanctuary



10am Pine Bluff




8, 9:30, 11am




4pm Youth Group

27 28





7pm Mom’s in



9am Prayer Group

6:15pm Handbell


7:30pm Sanctuary



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PLEASE NOTE: If your name does not appear on this list it does not mean that we do not have you as a Trinity member. It only means that we do not have your birth date. Please give the church of-fice a call with any addi-tions to, or corrections of this list. DECEMBER 1 - Judy Beck Jessica Kostelac Gail Parker-Layfield Estelle Phoebus Larbet Tull 2 - Mac Bellamy Theresa Kenney Lyndsay Mooney Larry Saywell Bill Shockley, Jr. Beverly Tull Marley Webster 3 - Haley Howard Barbara Kohler Juliette Kostelac Theresa Titus 4 - Matthew Laws Rosemarie Leonard Omar Lowman Hanna Pusey Sara Ryman Kendal Snyder

5 - Howard Culver Barbara Dix Michael Dunne John Freed Katelyn Menzel Lindsey Menzel Hannah Richardson Helene Richardson 6 - Jessica Agnew Quintin Gordy Steven Hearne Kole Heberle Anne Peacock 7 - Stacie Dees Robin English 8 - Vicki Corbett Richard Culver Louise Hartman Will Hedger Chuck Lankford Andrea Martin David Mellone Sarah Renshaw Joleen Roe Ryan Townsend Jack Williar 9 - Bill Hortsman David Phippin Frances Pitsenbarger Julia Taylor Marge Violetta-Ropko 10 - Andrew Chandler Hunter Hammond Chris Menzel Barbara Phillips (425 Pine Bluff Rd) Leah Wilson 11 - Regina Ahtes Zachary Graves Joey Kitzrow Laurel LaVorgna Katherine Vorhis Joyce Webster (120 Glen Ave.)

12 - Rosemary Gallis Tom Holder Phyllis Oldham Megan Walter Bob Wheatley 13 - Kelly Chandler Leona Collins Joanne Esham Samantha Rozaieski Robert Snyder Barbara Webster 14 - Alaina Kiser Lauren Mann Adam Meeks Kaitlin Sande 15 - Roger Follebout III Shelby Holland 16 - Katelyn Dunsten Mary Anne Ferrand Cali Fletcher Tres Pelot Mike Purkey 17 - Susan Banks Liz MacFarlane Mark Thomas David White Sharon Zockoll 18 - Matthew Doyle Max Guy Kyle Kohler 19 - Jeanne Dwiggins Charles Kriegisch Herb McCoun 20 - Heath Collins Erica Howard Cheryl Parker Caleb Ritchey Rachel Wood

21 - Awbree Caton David Douse Jeff Merritt Catherine Stevens Grace Thorpe Phyllis Vinyard Randy Wootten 22 - Stephen Wheatley 23 - Tony Gilkerson Joseph Hannemann Holly Hawkins Tom Wieland 24 - Irene Dayton Dale Dwiggins Paige Mitchell Andrew Morris 25 - Chris Ashcraft Chris Barnes Ginger Culver Sandy Robinson Amy Shetler Kim Washington Heather Yesko 26 - Jean Beach Robert Rickards 27 - Donald Bailey Becky Gregory John Herweh Robert Merritt II Richard Snyder 28 - Lindsay Lloyd Lauren Ross 29 - Margie Bendler Kathleen Bryson Daelyn Gregory Naomi Powell 30 - Kathleen Abercrombie Jenny Davis Jim Wilce Julie Winslow William Young 31 - Andrea Dunsten

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PLEASE NOTE: If your name does not appear on this list it does not mean that we do not have you as a Trinity member. It only means that we do not have your birth date. Please give the church of-fice a call with any addi-tions to, or corrections of this list. JANUARY 1 - Lenny Kutchen Dave Rossi Richard Webb 2 - Phil Eberspeaker Barbara Shoemaker Robyn White 3 - Brenda Hearn Laura Hill Sean Howard Tammy Kantzes Gabrielle LaVorgna Joan Manzini Lori McCoun John Psota 4 - Tom Becker Steven Groves John Merritt, Jr. Edward Shoemaker 5 - Edna Moore Amy Mulford Ethan Richardson Dylan Warwick Heather Wieland

6 - James Ford, Jr. Joe Pitsenbarger Jo Washburn 7 - Patricia Bragg Kenna Fleming Amanda Moore Kristyn Snyder 8 - Susan Bailey Virginia Dulany Annette Huddleston Norma Phillips Patricia Poore 9 - Carol Carey Olivia Hamilton Jill Hussey Gregory Nay Brian Parsons 10 - Terri Collins Jeremy Knopf Elliana Long Brittany Mauzy Bill Mengason, Jr. 11 - Richard Dunn Susan Dunsten Dylan Kenney Billye Sarbanes Terri Wattay 12 - Brooke Benedict John DeMott Jennifer Heinicke Rachael Meeks 13 - Sylvia Chiofolo Patrick Dix Clarice Dodd Greg Hollland Terri Hussey Dexter Lunsford Viola Moore 14 - Christjon Huddleston Jakob Mahon Karen Quillen Allen Riggins

15 - Carolyn Chandler Drew Chandler Steven Chandler Gabriel Davenport Izabella Howard Tristan Howard Zenden Howard Guinn Paxton Hailey Ritchey Robert Todd 16 - Alan Hogg Valerie Stevenson 17 - Hayley Carey Timothy Emge II Carly Layfield Evan Psota 18 - Wilma Azar Olivia Cook Marie Hussey John Nelson III 19 - Don Coffin Joe Harmon Aaron Jones 20 - Rebecca Banard Kelly Shannahan Jessica Terrell Samantha Titus Nancy Turner 21 - John Ericson, Jr. Leslie Follebout Allison Hickman Steven McGrillies John Mitchell Ed Pascarella 22 - Lindsay Elder Patrick McGrillies Melanie Meeks 23 - Sophia Elburn Paul Ennis Ted Graef Jackie Kutchen Cody Moore Olin Shockley

24 - Philip Desjardins Edna Ely Isabella Hooper Paul Jones Kelsey Reichenberg Daniel Ulm Graysen Wright 25 - Sue Andrews Elizabeth Becker Michael Charlton Vaughn Wimbrow 26 - Christina Dickerson Corey Haldeman Aiden Nelson Jennifer Rayne Joe Seagraves Edmund Yesko, Jr. 27 - Linda Downes Marcus Henderson Joyce Hickman Gary Mackes Parker Savage Luke Smith 28 - 29 - Heather Charlton Margaret Harkins Jared Terrell 30 - Kern Briele Joyce Dunn Peggy Layton Lenora Smith Noah Thomas Walter Webster 31 - Ryan Kenney Gene Malone Tenley Pelot

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Let’s Crunch for Christmas: Our food request—CEREAL! All donations will be welcomed by the Lazarus Food Pantry. Trinity gives more than food: We give help for the hungry and a message sent with love and hope.

The food themes for the Lazarus Food Pantry in the next two months are as follows: December 2013: Cereal January 2014: Soups The Lazarus Food Pantry is serving a large number of people at this time of the year. In addition to cereal and soup, the food pantry still needs certain foods to supplement its government food, which includes: peanut butter and jelly, tuna and chicken helper, pasta and sauce, ready to eat snack and meat items. There is an ongoing need for large diapers: sizes 3, 4, and 6, as well as men’s and women’s personal hygiene items. They also have a need for the plastic grocery store bags that are used to line the brown paper bags before packing with the food items. Trinity volunteers will serve a hot meal to the hungry and homeless at the Joseph House, on Wednesday, December 18 and Wednesday, January 15. The recipients are always very grateful. Save this date February 15. The Salisbury Urban Ministries is once again having an “All You Can Eat Buffet Breakfast” at Uno Chicago Grill in Fruitland on Saturday, February 15, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The Buffet will include eggs, sausage, bacon, seasoned potatoes, biscuits, coffee, tea and juice. In the next newsletter, we will have more information regarding ticket sales. We hope you will support SUM, whose programs include the Lazarus Food Fund and Pantry, God’s Kitchen, Kid’s Café, and the Saturday Welcome Center for homeless men. Enjoy a wonderful breakfast and help these programs. Another date to save is Saturday, April 12. Trinity volunteers will be preparing and serving a hot meal for God’s Kitchen at Grace United Methodist Church. If you are interested in helping please feel free to contact me. Thank you to everyone who signed up for the Trinity Missions Projects on the volunteer ministry menu in November. I will be using those names as I schedule for the different projects throughout the year. If anyone did not sign up on the ministry menu and is interested in volunteering for any of the mission projects, please call me or the church office. Thank you for all your support of Trinity’s missions projects! Praying for a Blessed and Beautiful Christmas season for all, and a Healthy and Happy New Year too!

Kay Hopkins Missions Chairperson 443-944-0698 [email protected]

Salisbury Urban Ministries Monthly Report

Food Pantry Data: We saw 267 Families 28 Families requesting financial assistance 34 New clients We distributed 308 Bags of food

God Bless

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For those who serve on Boards and Committees of Trinity UMC please note the tentative meeting dates for 2014:

Staff Parish Relations Committee:

January 7, 2014 5:15 pm JMB Fellowship Hall April 8, 2014 “ “ “ “ “

July 8, 2014 “ “ “ “ “ October 7, 2014 “ “ “ “ “

Board of Trustees:

January 14, 2014 5:15 pm JMB Fellowship Hall April 15, 2014 “ “ “ “ “

July 15, 2014 “ “ “ “ “ October 14, 2014 “ “ “ “ “

Finance Committee:

January 21, 2014 5:15 pm JMB Fellowship Hall April 22, 2014 “ “ “ “ “ July 22, 2014 “ “ “ “ “ October 21, 2014 “ “ “ “ “

Administrative Board:

January 28, 2014 5:15 pm JMB Fellowship Hall April 29, 2014 “ “ “ “ “ July 29, 2014 “ “ “ “ “ October 28, 2014 “ “ “ “ “


Lay Leader: Tony Sarbanes 16th year Administrative Board Chairperson: Chuck Dix 3rd year Administrative Board Vice-Chairperson: Lynne Smoak 3rd year Administrative Board Secretary: Rosemary Greenwood 1st year Administrative Board Youth Rep.: Amanda Moore 2nd year

Ryan Shannahan 2nd year Stephanie Mason 1st year

Staff-Parish Relations Chairperson: Bob Moore 2nd year Board of Trustees Chairperson: Jim Thomas 6th year Board of Trustees Treasurer: Beth Nichols 6th year Finance Chairperson: Carl Vincent 3rd year Nominations & Leadership Dev. Chairperson: Kelly Shannahan 3rd year Treasurer: Ellen DiCintio 11th year Financial Secretary: Mildred Palmer 17th year

(Vacant) 1st year Membership Secretary: Vickie Blades 4th year Annual Conference Member: Tom Hopkins 9th year Alternate Conference Member: Adam Corry 2nd year Native American Ministry Representative: Leigh Ann McGee 3rd year

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2014 2015 2016 Beth Nichols – Treasurer Kim Miles Betty Berry

Bill Turner Bill McCain Donnie Drewer Jim Thomas – Chairperson Dick Collins Jim Hearn

STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE 2014 2015 2016 Chris McCabe Bill Hetherington J.R. Lloyd Vonda Rossi Alan Hudson Bill Lankford


2014 2015 2016 Alex Azar Bob Moore – Chairperson Barry Tull Ron Boltz Jennifer Berkman Tina Vincent

John Terrell Jill McCabe Donna Thompson


2014 2015 2016 Susan Pitsenbarger Carl Vincent – Chairperson Brenda Hearn John Long Mary Farrelly Glenn Marvel Mary Nelson Pyda Sterling Karen Albright Doug McCabe

Ex-Officio – Ellen DiCintio – Treasurer Mildred Palmer – Financial Secretary (Vacant) – Financial Secretary Tracy Shannahan – Church Accountant


Laura Robertson – Chairperson Janal Walton Zac Wheeler George Patterson Mary Lou Townsend Jim Thomas Sharon Corry T. A. Phillips


2014 2015 2016 Guinn Paxton Herb McCoun Steve Mason Ellen DiCintio Chris McCabe Kelly Shannahan - Chairperson Wilma Azar Ashley Delgaudio Maureen Williams


Pyda Sterling - Chairperson Terry and Barbara Dix Chris & Kim Miles Larry & Karen Albright – Vice Chair Ric and Marsha Bloodsworth TJ and Fran Mumford Brian & Laurie Webb Jim and Kaye Thomas Jason and Sheila Loar

Herb & Lori McCoun Suzy Benedict Gene and Krista Warfield John and Elizabeth Nelson Bonnie Walston John and Martha Usilton Chad and Lindsay Hill

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2014 2015 2016 Gerry Farrelly T.J. Mumford Mildred Palmer John Usilton Fran Mumford Ward Lambert Ric Bloodsworth Ken MacFarlane Barbara Webster Marsha Bloodsworth Dick Meeks Steve Mason

Katie Mason Terry Greenwood Clay Thompson Suzy Benedict Leann Mah Linda Townsend


Ernie Bailey Tom Hopkins Ruth Ann Savage

Adam Corry Jeff Merritt Zachary Wheeler


Youth Zac Wheeler Middle & High School Children’s Ministry Janal Walton 14th year Missions

Kay Hopkins 3rd year

Salisbury Urban Ministries Parish Council Jennifer Doyle 7th year Jill McCabe 4th year Congregational Care Carolyn Lewis 16th year

Trinity UMC Group Membership with the Blood Bank of Delmarva Health Outreach Ministry

Individual Blood Bank membership: (1) Covers member, spouse, all tax dependents (2) Begins benefits after 30 days (3) Has unlimited services within area of the Eastern Shore of MD & Delaware and Cecil County, MD (4) If outside of this service area, has $400 limit for expenses at any U.S. hospital that charges for or requires blood replacement Group membership with Trinity UMC: (1) Covers member, spouse, all tax dependents (2) Begins benefits immedi-ately (3) Has unlimited services within area of the Eastern Shore of MD & Delaware and Cecil County, MD (4) If outside of this service area, has Unlimited $ for expenses at any U.S. hospital that charges for or requires blood replacement What do members have to do? (1) Pay $5 dues per year if under 65 years of age ($2 if 65 years of age or older after first year) (2) Donate a pint of blood about once every 18-24 months, have someone else donate, or pay $30. You do not have to take a turn to provide blood if you are 75 years or older or are 70-74 with 25 years of Blood Bank membership. If you are an individual member or are not a member at all – join the Trinity UMC group. Obtain a group member-ship application at the usher counters in back of the church or call the church office 410-749-5562. BECOME a Blood Bank member and PROTECT yourself & your family

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Membership News

BIRTHS October 24, 2013 John E. Terrell Son of Jared and Jessica Terrell

October 27, 2013 Alexandra Ayd Daughter of Tom and Katie Ayd

BAPTISMS November 3, 2013 Griffin James Moore Son of Charles and Brynne Moore Maternal Grandparents: James and Gianni Hayes Paternal Grandparents: Bob and Susan Moore Godparents: Mitchell Curling; Andrew and Maria Trice

November 10, 2013 Vincent Frank Calabrese Son of Nicholas and Rachael Calabrese Maternal Grandparents: Frank & Susan Megargee Paternal Grandparents: Frank & Kathleen Calabrese Great Grandparents: Mafalda Calabrese & Albina Brooks Godparents: Daniel & Lauren Calabrese

DEATHS October 25, 2013 Maryellen Hichman

Peninsula Delaware Conference Salisbury District

Rev. Peggy Johnson

Peninsula Delaware Conference Bishop

Rev. Frederick W. Duncan

Salisbury District Superintendent

Church Staff

Rev. George R. Patterson, Senior Pastor Rev. Dean DeFino, Associate Pastor Rev. Dale Vroman, Associate Pastor Mr. Zachary Wheeler, Youth Pastor

Mrs. Phyllis Oldham, Sanctuary Choir Director Mrs. Sarah McCabe, Children’s Choir Director

Mr. David Lawson, Organist Rev. Harry Gray, Handbell Choir Director

Mrs. Janal Walton, Director of Children’s Ministry Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, RN, Parish Nurse

Mrs. Tracy Shannahan, CPA, Church Accountant Mr. Wayne Tull, Sexton

Mrs. Sue Posey, Office Manager Dr. Dorothy Baker, Riverwalk Organist

Mr. Scott Albright, Video & Sound Technician

Church Leaders Mr. Chuck Dix, Administrative Board Chairperson

Mrs. Lynne Smoak, Administrative Board Vice- Chairperson

Mr. Tony Sarbanes, Lay Leader Mr. Bob Moore, Staff Parish Relations Chairperson

Mr. Jim Thomas, Board of Trustees Chairperson Mr. Carl Vincent, Finance Committee Chairperson

Mr. Kelly Shannahan, Nominations Committee Chairperson

Mrs. Ellen DiCintio, Treasurer

Committee Leaders Mr. Tom Hopkins, Annual Conference Member

Mrs. Kay Hopkins, Missions Committee Chairperson Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, Congregational Care Committee Chairperson

Mrs. Laura Robertson Safe Sanctuary Team Chairperson

Mrs. Vickie Blades, Membership Chairperson Mrs. Jane Bowers, United Methodist Women President Mr. Ed Freshwater, United Methodist Men President

Dr. Dorothy Baker, Health Outreach Ministry Mr. Ron Moore, Trinity Trumpet Editor

Mrs. Becky Blizzard & Mrs. Karen Albright, Video Ministry

Thank you! Thank you so much for your prayers and all of the cards and words of encouragement. Words cannot express our gratitude. Your cards and prayers offer us such comfort dur-ing this difficult time. While we belong to a wonderful Meth-odist church here, Trinity will always be my church home!! With gratitude and in Christian love, Mike and Holly Spire Sincere thanks to the members of Trinity for your cards, calls, and prayers relative to my recent surgery. Your thoughtfulness and support are very much appreciated. Helen Burns Thanks to all of my friends at Trinity for the cards, the calls, and prayers that have come my way. Trinity must have the greatest group fo verythoughtful people in Salisbury. A special thanks to Rev. Patterson and Rev. Broman for the calls and visits and to Caroyn for the calls and cards and visit s when I was starying with Par and Chris. At this time I still can’t get out and the nurse is still coming to my house. May all of you have a blessed thanksgirfinv. Fondly , Haroldine Shaner

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NOW !!!

We will have order forms in the pews for poinsettias beginning Sunday, November 24 through Sunday, December 8. The cost of the poinsettias will be $12.50 each. Check on the order form if you wish a

flower, or just want to make a donation. Please note that there are only two categories, “In Honor Of” and “In Memory Of.” The list will be in the church bulletin on December 22. No orders will be honored after Monday, December 9 in order that the list can be compiled and typed. The poinsettias may be picked up after the 11:00 p.m. service on Christmas Eve or on Thursday, December 26, by 4:00 p.m. Any flowers not taken by December

26 will be distributed to nursing homes. REMEMBER: All orders are due in the church office no later than Monday, December 9.

Christmas Poinsettia Order Form

In Honor of: ______________________________________________

In Memory of: _____________________________________________ Given by: _________________________________________________ Please Check One: I wish to have a flower I wish to make a donation


Join us Saturday, December 7 for the Newtown Christmas Tour. Five churches will be open and four will be presenting music. Six of Newtown's finest homes will be splendidly decorated for the holiday season and open for viewing from 11 a.m. - 7 p. m. They have three new homes that have never been open for the tour in the past. Five churches will be open and four will be presenting music at selected times. The tour begins at the historic Poplar Hill Mansion.

You may attend the churches at NO COST. Tickets to tour the homes are $15 on tour day or $13 in advance. Advance tickets can be purchased by mail and picked up at the Poplar Hill Mansion on December 7. Mail checks to Newtown Association, P.O. Box 543, Salisbury, MD, 21801. Music at the churches will be presented between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. for approximately a half hour. The music schedule: 1:00 Korean Presbyterian 2:00 Wicomico Presbyterian 3:00 Trinity UMC (handbells, soloists, instrumentalists, and audience sing-along of Christmas Carols) 4:00 Bethesda UMC

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Thank You

November Bulletin Folders

Betty Baker Jackie Bounds

Warren and Joyce Boyce Judy Briele

Dolly Burkett Jack and Ann Calloway

Allison Freshwater Bonnie Gibson Linda Nelson

Sarah Renshaw Laura Twilley

Barbara Webster

Newsletter Staff

General Editor: Ron Moore

[email protected]

Mailing Coordinators: Warren & Joyce Boyce

Proofreader: Karen Long



PERMIT NO. 19 Salisbury, MD 21801

Return Service Requested

Trinity United Methodist Church 112 High Street

Salisbury, MD 21801

Visit us on the web at

Church: 410-749-5562 Fax: 410-749-8830

E-mail: [email protected]

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday