Download - Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful … › 2015 › 01 › drews...Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year! Family news: As many of you already know,

Page 1: Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful … › 2015 › 01 › drews...Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year! Family news: As many of you already know,

Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year! Family news: As many of you already know, Heather is pregnant! Baby Drew is due around 10 March 2015. Much to the frustration of several friends and family, we are going to wait until birth to find out whether the little one is a boy or a girl.

Eliya and Themba are a joy. Themba turned 4 in November and Eliya turned 3 a couple weeks ago. They definitely keep us on our toes! Eliya is convinced that the new baby will be a girl. She loves purple, the movie “Frozen” (like just about every other little girl, right?), and animals, especially elephants. Themba loves to dig in the dirt, create trailers, trains, and boats out of boxes, and wrestle with Donovan. Eliya and Themba are great friends. We are “dog-sitting” for our friends and co-workers, the Clarks, while they are on furlough, and the kids are loving having “Sammy” around – Eliya in particular (we are trying to teach her not to let Sammy “kiss her on the lips!” Not much success so far…)

Page 2: Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful … › 2015 › 01 › drews...Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year! Family news: As many of you already know,

Housemates: We’ve been blessed with a variety of wonderful housemates this year: Newton, Vanessa, and Aya stayed with us for a few months before moving to Lilongwe, Malawi as church planting missionaries sent out by Living Hope Church. We loved having them stay with us! They are settling in well in Malawi. Donovan’s sister, Kerry and her new husband, Vinson, stayed with us for 6 weeks before they were offered a lengthy house-sitting opportunity (followed by another lengthy house-sitting opportunity! God has provided for them incredibly!). They will be here in Pretoria until at least early February (they are praying that the paperwork they need for Kerry to live in the States will be finalized by then). They have really plugged into our church and are serving and seeking to be a blessing in a number of ways, both official and unofficial. It’s been a joy to have them with us! Bovard and “Dady,” who are a part of our church and our Gospel Community group, are our current housemates. Dady is studying engineering at a nearby college, and Bovard is a chauffeur for one of the international embassies in Pretoria (he’s also the primary “chauffeur” for our church van! ). These men love the Lord, and His work in their lives is evident. Living with them is a pleasure!

Interns: Alyssa Powell (left photo, next to Donovan) and Abbie Caple (left photo, next to Heather) left us on November 9 after having served with us for 10 months. Alyssa is from Bethel Grace Baptist, our sending church in California, and Abbie is from Ohio. Lord willing, Abbie will be returning to serve as a Caregiver in the Baby Home for at least a year! Janelle Witmer (far right photo) was with us from 14 August to 9 December, and Sarah Sensenig (below) was with us from 1 November to 9 December. Both these young ladies are from Crossway, our home church in Lancaster,

PA. Sarah is our sister-in-law, or something along those lines (she is Vinson’s sister, and Vinson is married to Donovan’s sister ). All 4 of these ladies were a joy to spend time with and a huge blessing to us, the Baby Home, and Living Hope Church.

Above: A farewell dinner for Newton, Vanessa, and Aya.

Right: Kerry and Vinson

Above: Bovard with Themba. Right: Dady with Eliya.

Page 3: Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful … › 2015 › 01 › drews...Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year! Family news: As many of you already know,

We have loved overseeing the 1Hope interns over the last 2½ years. It has given us the opportunity to get to know some wonderful believers very well, and they have enriched our lives and our kids’ lives too. One of the greatest pleasures and privileges of this role has been the “front row seat” to observing God’s work in the lives of interns during their time here, especially when they come and serve for longer periods of time. There is nothing sweeter! But we are transitioning away from overseeing interns now. As much as we have loved this ministry, it is very time-consuming and we are looking forward to having more time to invest in the lives of people who are a part of Living Hope Church long-term. Lord willing, Sarah Ray, a godly lady from the Bible Church of Little Rock, will be joining our team next year, and overseeing 1Hope’s lady interns will be part of her responsibilities.

Team Members: Randy and Susan Clark (and their 5 kids) originally committed to serving with our team for a year. One year became two… They have now taken the plunge to serve with us long-term: they sold their house in California, bought a house here, and their belongings are currently on a ship en route to South Africa... We are very thankful and excited to have them with us for the long-haul! Abi Van Kampen joined our team in July and has been a huge blessing.

She is a qualified nurse and serves as the baby health manager at Muphamuzi Baby Home. She also co-teaches two ladies’ Bible Studies for our church, and is involved in outreach in both the Sunnyside and Salvakop communities. She will serve with us for at least another 6 months, but we are hoping she will stay on longer! Church News: In our last newsletter we shared that both the Macks (pastor Josh and his wife, Marda), and the De Wits (Andre and his wife Karlien, who are key members of the 1Hope team) would be away for a couple of months. God graciously saw us through those daunting months without incident. In our last newsletter we also shared that a number of key people in our church were moving on for a variety of good, gospel-forwarding reasons. It has been a huge blessing to see how God has sustained our church even without these leaders who played such an integral role in the life of our church. We recently held a “5 Year Celebration” to commemorate God’s faithfulness to the church since it began gathering in November, 2009. It was a wonderful night of testimonies, special music, and corporate singing, marked by joy and genuine celebration throughout. One of the most encouraging things to me was the “repetition” in the testimonies: Living Hope has been a church where people

Left: An afternoon nap while on a game drive in Pilanesberg Game Reserve. Centre: Alyssa and Janelle with lion cubs at “The Lion Park.” Right: Abbie and Janelle playing with play dough with our kids.

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have been fed God’s Word and come to love it (for many, Living Hope was the first church where they had heard unashamed teaching on sin and a clear explanation of the gospel of grace), and where they had experienced the church as a family centered on Christ (in the warmth and love they had been shown, in relationships that cross many worldly divides, and in true biblical fellowship that purposefully seeks to spur people on in their walk with the Lord). These are things we have hoped our church will be marked by and our people will genuinely appreciate, and it was wonderful to hear so many testify to God doing that work in our midst! One more, very tangible praise: Thanks to many generous donations, 1Hope was able to purchase a 12 passenger “Toyota Quantum” van that we are able to use in a wide variety of ways. One of the biggest ways this van is a blessing is in its use as a “church bus” every Sunday. Most of our congregation do not own cars, and many of them live a substantial walk (especially if little children are in tow!) from where our church meets, so this van has been a huge help!

Our Gospel Community Group (Home Group) enjoying a meal together.

Members of the church youth group that we host and lead on Friday evenings.

Most of our church family in front of our new Toyota Quantum!

Nickson Pasipanodya preaching. Nickson is an “Elder in Development” at Living Hope Church. He starts his 4th and final

year of seminary in January.

Page 5: Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful … › 2015 › 01 › drews...Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year! Family news: As many of you already know,

Muphamuzi Baby Home news:

Muphamuzi Baby Home has been through some ups and downs related to changing governmental policies, but by God’s grace, the ministry continues to flourish. Due to abuses in other baby homes, the government decided to enforce some strict policies across the board. One of these policies was that the official, screened “house mother” of the Baby Home has to be a South African national. We didn’t have anyone living on property who fit that bill. We were just about to hire someone, a godly young lady from a sister church, when we heard that the policy had changed again and that there now had to be a South African national married couple overseeing the Baby Home… While this was all going on, we were not able to take in any new babies to fill the openings left by babies who had been placed with families, and we were down to just 2 babies in the home (instead of the usual 6) for a couple months. We have now invited Sibu and Sihle Mlotshwa to be the houseparents of the Baby Home. We know Sibu very well: he is a pastor of a good church in the city that we seek to partner with in a number of ways and we meet with him weekly. His wife, Sihle, had also volunteered quite a bit in the Baby Home beforehand. They are a very godly couple and a great fit for this role! We praise God for working things out the way He has! Since May, 4 babies have been placed in adoptive families (1 boy and 2 girls), 1 little boy who was being cared for by the Willoughbys (fellow co-workers) for about 6 months finally found a longer-term foster family (praise God!), and 2 other babies were placed in other places of safety (temporary foster homes). Due to some photo restrictions we are not allowed to show you all the adoptive families. We currently have 4 babies at the Baby Home: 3 boys, ages 7 months, 2 months, and 2 weeks; and 1 girl, age 8 months. Including these 4 little ones, Muphamuzi Baby Home has now provided care for 26 babies!

Sibu and Sihle, in traditional garb at their wedding

Left: The children’s choir Heather conducted for the Living Hope 5 year celebration. Middle: A Bible Study that Heather lead every Thursday for young ladies from Living Hope Church (and the 1Hope interns). Right: Another Living

Hope ladies’ bible Study that Heather lead every other Tuesday.

Page 6: Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful … › 2015 › 01 › drews...Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year! Family news: As many of you already know,

Muphamuzi Baby Home is closed for Christmas, with the 4 babies currently in our care being taken care of by individual families during this period. Our sister and brother-in-law, Kerry and Vinson, are watching over one of the little boys.

In September we said goodbye to Jeanne Mambo (centre, in the maroon shirt), one of two lead caregivers whom we have had on staff with us from the very beginning of Muphamuzi Baby Home. She and her family have moved to another part of the country where the cost of living is lower and there are more work opportunities for her husband. Jeanne was amazing with the babies, and a joy to work with. She will be hugely missed at the baby home and Living Hope Church!

Our Ministry Support: We have received $4,900 less in ministry support over the last 11 months (an average of about $450 a month) than what we had budgeted for (our “ministry support” includes our salary, funds for ministry expenses, necessary admin fees charged by our Missions Facilitators, and savings towards furlough expenses). We have covered this shortfall by lowering our salary for a season and drawing from reserve funds (saved from “excess” ministry support received

Page 7: Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful … › 2015 › 01 › drews...Dear Friends, We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year! Family news: As many of you already know,

before this year). We still have over $10,000 in our reserve funds, which is a comfort and relief, but we are fairly steadily depleting these supplies. Ultimately, it is God who provides for us through His people, and He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He has provided for us in the past, and we are confident that He will provide for us in the future. In the new year we will begin contacting several churches about the possibility of receiving ministry support from them. Please pray with us for God’s provision. A huge thank-you to those of you who have donated towards our ministry! Every dollar is helpful! We’d appreciate your prayers:

Praise God for His faithful provision for and work in and through Living Hope Church over the last 5 years! Please pray for continued gospel fruit.

Praise God! Alan Lester, one of our elders who had 2 heart attacks within a few weeks earlier this year, is doing very well now. He is back to preaching and leading worship on a regular basis, and celebrating the completion of his oldest daughter, Chyreece’s home schooling! God is faithful.

Please pray for the ongoing process of training and establishing new leaders within Living Hope Church.

Please pray for Newton and Vanessa Chilingulo: for their church-planting efforts in Lilongwe, Malawi, and that the adoption of their daughter, Aya, will be finalized soon.

Praise God for His ongoing provision for Muphamuzi Baby Home, both financially, and in quality staff, volunteers, and interns. Praise Him for the care we have been able to provide for needy babies through this ministry.

Please pray for the futures of the babies in the care of Muphamuzi Baby Home. Please pray for godly adoptive/ foster families for the babies who need them, and for our ministry to the families of babies who have family still “in the picture.”

Please pray with us for an increase in our ministry support, and praise God with us for His provision to date.

Heather has now been waiting for 9 months for her visa to be renewed (it was supposed to take 1 month!). Her old visa has expired, and there are several complications while we wait, the biggest one being that Heather is not able to access her South African bank account until she has the new visa. Please pray that this will be resolved soon!

Please pray that we will trust God continually, rest fully in His perfect plan, and be anxious for nothing.

Thank-you very much! God bless you,

Donovan and Heather Drew

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Information for those who would like to contribute to our ministry: Donations towards Muphamuzi Baby Home or Mission Malawi: You can make a tax-deductible donation to Muphamuzi Baby Home and/or Mission Malawi (Newton Chilingulo church planting in Lilongwe, Malawi) at The online form will give you the options of donating once, or of making automatically recurring donations either once a month or once a year (you can cancel recurring donations whenever you’d like to). Under “Select a Cause” there is a drop down menu from which you can select either “Muphamuzi Baby Home” or “Mission Malawi.” Checks should be made out to “1Hope Ministries International”. If you would like to specify that your gift be directed to Muphamuzi Baby Home or to Mission Malawi, please do so on the check’s memo line. Send your check to:

1Hope Ministries International 1 League, #60277 Irvine, CA 92602

Sponsor-a-Cot is an opportunity to contribute towards the ministry of Muphamuzi Baby Home on an ongoing basis. Your donation of R500 ($50) goes towards helping us care for the baby sleeping in your sponsored cot. When that baby is placed with a family, your donation helps us care for the next baby to sleep in your sponsored cot… Donors receive regular updates and prayer requests for the baby sleeping in their cot. For more information, please visit or click here.

Donations towards Donovan and Heather’s ministry support: Donations towards our ministry support are tax-deductible. You can make an online donation towards our ministry support at Select “Donovan and Heather Drew” from the drop down menu. The online form will give you the option of donating once or of making automatically recurring monthly donations (you can cancel recurring donations whenever you’d like to). If you’d like to donate by check, please make your check out to “Shepherd’s Staff Mission Facilitators” and write our missionary account number, 5518, on the memo line. Mail your check to:

Shepherd’s Staff Mission Facilitators PO Box 53640 Albuquerque, NM 87153-3640