Download - DC10plus NAVCA

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Local Connections for a Big Society!

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most

adaptable to change.”Stephen DodsonNational Director – DC10plus Network &Independent Advisor on Inclusion and Innovation

Paul WebsterICT Champions Project Co-ordinator - NAVCA

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The DC10plus collaboration grew out of the UK Governments Digital Challenge competition 2008 -2010The network links urban and rural authorities and their partners

DC10plus Founder Members:

• Birmingham & Shropshire

• Bristol• Ealing• Hull• Manchester• Milton Keynes• Norfolk• Nottingham• Stratford-upon-Avon• Sunderland- The

Winners !

• Now 3,500 subscribers

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Focus of DC10plus has not been about the IT

EducationJobsHealthcareCivic ParticipationCarbon Reduction

Five core work-themes:• Capacity Building• Next Generation Connectivity• Worklessness• GreenICT• Digital Switchover & Convergence• Independent Living

And 25 Products....

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The drivers for new approaches to using technology at a local


Economic Opportunity

Social Inclusion

Service Delivery

Environmental Opportunity

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Aston Pride - Computers in the home

Families Learning & Working

A lone mother of two who is fluent in English, Somali, Dutch and Swahili has begun working from home as an online interpreter

“I deal with between ten and 20 calls a day and work for a variety of organisations – from local authorities and job centres to immigration offices, the police and doctors’ surgeries. I also work in the evenings for companies in the USA and Australia.”

Designed to improve children’s education prospects and to help adults enhance skills and employability

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“We aim to support local people, using media as a tool, to develop sustainable (balancing environmental, social and economic factors) campaigns, projects and initiatives within the local community”. Through: Neighbourhood Carbon Makover & DEHEMS

Digital environment – Bristol a Carbon Makeover

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Connected City – Connected People

• East Manchester experience

• evidence that 60%+ of households no longer have landlines

• micro-credit loans by Credit Union

• 5,000 households with kit, connectivity and training

• wireless broadband (not for profit)

• community based helpline/helpdesk

• Impacts

• increased social contact and networking

• increased take up of training

• increasing interest in entrepreneurship

• increasing aspirations

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Ealing Community Engagement

•The Ealing Digital Challenge programme has facilitated using digital technologies for new approaches to community engagement and consultation between service providers and hard to reach communities.

•There has been wide VCS engagement in IT Innovations Events (70 delegates from 45 VCS organisations).

•The programme has addressed LAA/Community strategy targets around resident involvement in decision making, improved community cohesion, independent living and thriving third sector and environment and climate changes.

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Social Inclusion through Independent Living

Interactive broadband TV access to telehealth and telecare services

Information about local services and communication tools - facility for booking services and email

Broadband enabled set-top box - access to free to view digital channels and on Sky and Virgin through ‘Looking Local’

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…. and many others you may know too?

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Growing network of informal volunteer led sessions.

Help local community organisations explore how they can use the internet.

Relaxed and informal

Social Media Surgeries

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Provide …• friendly one to one technology training and support,• tips and guidance

To help using …• standard desktop software,• social media,• simple website creation and promotion,• computer maintenance and support.

Sessions are flexible and cover content relevant to the individual.

Digital Mentoring

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• Shared understanding and intelligent application of technology

• Grass roots collaboration & social innovation

• How to embed sustainability, innovation & environmental issues

• Increased capacity building across sectors

• More effective and efficient use of shared resources

This approach gives us.....

A way forward to meet the Localism Agenda

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Product Search Capability• Work stream• Product Title• DC10plus member• Local Authority Indicators• Beneficiary category

DC10plus Online Product Catalogue

Potential for growth ...New initiatives and working ‘products’ can be added and shared

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DC10plus Online Product Catalogue – Product Details

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DigitalSwitchover & Convergence

Flexible Working &Worklessness

Next GenConnectivity


Digital Environment

The capacity to build localism nationally

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• A fully interconnected community - identifying their own needs and aspirations

• Greater choice of service and how those

services are delivered

• 24/7 service response

• Learning and creative individuals and communities

• Active civic engagement and good governance

• A cleaner, greener, safer environment

• Not just a Big Society – but Our Society

A locally connected community builds the Big Society

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“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

Thank You

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But let’s do IT together so that we can adapt to the changes ahead.

So, now IT is the time