Download - Day Camp VBS 2020 Footsteps of the Disciples


Day Camp VBS 2020

“Footsteps of the Disciples”

Week 3: Transformation of Paul

“Glorifying God, loving our neighbor, and strengthening urban families.”

By: Dylan Adams

Transformation of Paul Monday

Big Idea: God uses the most unlikely people to share his good news.

Overview: The students will be introduced to Paul’s life.

Memory Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Worship (10 Min)- At least 3 People

Preparation: The VBS team should practice the songs at least the day before the

week of VBS. The curriculum and songs will be available online. Worship preparation is best when the whole VBS team is familiar with the songs.

Students will worship as a group. There will be at least 3 leaders to lead each song. There should be a total of three songs sung throughout the week. The first

two days the students will get familiar with two and learn the final song on Wednesday.

Connection (5 Min): 1 Person

Week Introduction & Memory Verse

Preparation: Create/use a PowerPoint Slideshow to display the memory verse.

Alternatively, you can create a poster or posters displaying the words.

Say: Hello kids! This week is going to kick off our Soccer Camp VBS theme! Throughout this summer, we are going on an epic journey to learn how God makes the impossible possible! Some of you may be familiar with these stories of Jesus & other biblical people but I guarantee that you are going to learn

something new!

Before our lesson, we are going to learn our memory verse together. Here is this week’s memory verse:

Memory Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Explore (10 Min):

Introduction to Paul

Preparation: Set up chairs on one side for the Interviewer and Paul.

Characters (2 Leaders): Interviewer, Paul

Enter Paul and the Interviewer.

Interviewer: Good morning everyone! Welcome to our show! Today we have a special guest who you may know as an important writer in the Bible. Can you introduce yourself?

Paul: Hi, I am Paul. I am a disciple of Jesus. It’s good to be here today to share with all of you about my story.

Interviewer: Let’s get right into it! Paul, have you always believed in Jesus? Were you taught about him as a child?

Paul: Haha, that’s an interesting question. No, I haven’t always believed in him.

In fact, there was a time when I hated him and his followers.

Interviewer: Woah, you hated him?? Why?

Paul: I didn’t believe in who he was. I am a Jew and was taught the Old Testament since I was born. Ever heard of the Torah?

Interviewer: Isn’t that the first five books of the Bible?

Paul: Yes, I was taught to memorize all of it and eventually became a Pharisee.

Interviewer: A Pharisee?? Weren’t they the group of Jews were plotted to arrest Jesus?

Paul: Well, not all Pharisees were bad but we were very strict when it came to the Law of God. As I look back now, we focused more about “how” of obeying the Law rather then understanding God’s heart behind it.

Interviewer: It sounds like you were the opposite of the original disciples. Even though you believed in God, it sounds like you did not really know him or Jesus.

Paul: Yeah, although my past self may not agree to that. I persecuted Christians. I was harsh to them and believed firmly that they were spreading false truth about God.

Interviewer: Why would God choose you as a disciple?

Paul: It’s a long story in how it all happened but as of why God choose me its only because he loved me. He did not love the things I did. In one of my letters, I describe myself as a “Hebrews of Hebrews” and knew the law better than anyone. You could say I was the best candidate to be righteous in my eyes. As

much as I knew about God, I did not know his heart. This is what God wanted me to know, his heart behind why he sent Jesus for my salvation.

Interviewer: That must have been a big transformation. A person who once hurt

the church became one of the biggest influencers to build the church. I’m excited to hear more about your life!

Paul: Thanks, there is a big swift in my life that I will share tomorrow.

Interviewer: Thank you for your time and we look forward in learning about your life this week!

End of Skit-Transition into Small Groups

Response (15 Min):

There can be at most 8 people involved with each group. There should be 2 people from each team responsible for knowing the questions.

Christ Connection: Jesus wants everyone to know him, no matter who and what

they have done.

Big Picture Question: How did Paul learn about who God truly is?

Big Picture Answer: Paul had a dramatic change in how he sees God in that he loved him and want Paul to know him, despite his past.

*Notice- The reason for this time is to stir conversations and thoughts in the children’s

mind about who God is to them. Encourage the kids to dialogue what they have heard about God and what He means to them.

Deeper Discussion Questions: Red & Black Team (K-2nd)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson? 2. What do you think of Paul? 3. Do you think he deserved God’s love even though he hurt others?

4. What can you learn about God from Paul’s life today? 5. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he

is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Deeper Discussion Questions: Blue Team (3rd-4th)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson? 2. What do you think of Paul? 3. Do you think he deserved God’s love even though he hurt others?

4. If God wanted Paul to follow him, what does that lead us to think about others that hurt us?

5. What can you learn about God from Paul’s life today? How can you apply it to your life today?

6. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he

is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Deeper Discussion Questions: Green Team (5th & Up)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson? 2. What do you think of Paul? What was his character before and after he

knew God’s true character? 3. Do you think he deserved God’s love? 4. Does anyone who does bad things deserve God? Why or why not?

5. Do we deserve to know God? Take a minute to pause and reflect. This may be a moment for kids to think about their faith in God.

6. What can you learn about God from Paul’s life today? How can you apply it to your life today?

7. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he

is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Transformation of Paul Tuesday

Big Idea: God uses the most unlikely people to share his good news.

Overview: The students will learn about Paul’s conversion.

Memory Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Worship (10 Min)- At least 3 People

Preparation: The VBS team should practice the songs at least the day before the

week of VBS. The curriculum and songs will be available online. Worship preparation is best when the whole VBS team is familiar with the songs.

Students will worship as a group. There will be at least 3 leaders to lead each song. There should be a total of three songs sung throughout the week. The first

two days the students will get familiar with two and learn the final song on Wednesday.

Connection (5 Min): 1 Person

Week Introduction & Memory Verse

Preparation: Create/use a PowerPoint Slideshow to display the memory verse.

Alternatively, you can create a poster or posters displaying the words.

Say: Hello kids! This week is going to kick off our Soccer Camp VBS theme! Throughout this summer, we are going on an epic journey to learn how God makes the impossible possible! Some of you may be familiar with these stories of Jesus & other biblical people but I guarantee that you are going to learn

something new!

Before our lesson, we are going to learn our memory verse together. Here is this week’s memory verse:

Memory Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Explore (10 Min):

Transformation of Saul

Preparation: Set up chairs on one side for the Interviewer and Paul.

Characters (6 Leaders): Interviewer, Paul, Saul, Jesus, Travelers (2)

Enter Paul and the Interviewer.

Interviewer: Good morning everyone! Welcome to our show! Today we have a

special guest who you may know as an important writer in the Bible. Can you introduce yourself?

Paul: Hi, I am Paul. I am a disciple of Jesus. It’s good to be here today to share with all of you about my story.

Interviewer: Let’s get right into it! Yesterday, we learned a little bit about you.

Can you sum up what you shared?

Paul: Yeah, so I used to be a Pharisee (or a teacher of the Law). I did not like Christians and hurt them. One thing I did not mention is that my name used to be Saul! That will be important later in my story.

Interviewer: Wow, so your name used to be Saul? I guess we will see why later.

Can you share the story about how you made the big change into believing in Jesus?

Paul: Yes, its quite a dramatic story. Please note that this is after Jesus ascended into heaven and left the disciples. It starts while I was on my way to Damascus…

Enter Saul (sits on ground) and Jesus on opposite sides.

Dim down the lights if possible.

Jesus: Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?

Saul: Who are you, Lord?

Jesus: I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting, Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.

Saul acts like he is blinded. Two Travelers enter to help him exit.

Paul: I became blind! I could not see for 3 days! While this was happening, God showed another disciple named Ananias a vision.

Enter Ananias.

Jesus: Ananias!

Ananias: Yes Lord!

Jesus: Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. In a vision he has seen you come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.

Ananias: Lord, I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem. And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.

Jesus: Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he

must suffer for my name.

Exit Jesus and enter Saul praying.

Ananias: Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Saul gets up and begins to act like he can see. He looks overjoyed.

Exit characters except Interviewer & Paul.

Paul: It was in this moment I could see. I began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God.

Interviewer: I’m sure people were like Ananias at first who knew about how harsh you were to Christians right?

Paul: It was tough to prove myself even to the disciples like Peter! I changed and was a whole new person. I eventually changed my name to Paul to show that I had a new identity in Christ. My Jewish culture is not what defined me, it is Jesus that makes me who I am.

Interviewer: Wow, thank you for the story! I hope we can all learn about how

Jesus can transform our lives too!

End of Skit-Transition into Small Groups

Response (15 Min):

There can be at most 8 people involved with each group. There should be 2 people from each team responsible for knowing the questions.

Christ Connection: Jesus wants everyone to know him, no matter who and what they have done.

Big Picture Question: How did Paul learn about who God truly is?

Big Picture Answer: Paul had a dramatic change in how he sees God in that God loved him and wanted Paul to know him, despite his past.

Icebreaker Question (ALL GROUPS): In the last year, what is the biggest change

in your life?

Deeper Discussion Questions: Red & Black Team (K-2nd)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson? 2. What do you think of Saul’s change of heart? 3. What does God think about his past? His past did not matter to him, what

mattered is that he wanted Saul to know him and teach others about him. 4. What does the word Gentile mean? Someone who is not Jewish.

5. How might being a Gentile influence Saul? Many Jews believed that Gentiles did not need to know God or at the very least had to live like a Jew to know him.

6. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Deeper Discussion Questions: Blue Team (3rd-4th)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson?

2. What do you think of Saul’s change of heart? 3. How did Ananias respond to God? He was not too happy and told God

about Saul’s actions of harming Christians. 4. What does God think about Saul? His past did not matter to him, what

mattered is that he wanted Saul to know him and teach others about him.

5. What does the word Gentile mean? Someone who is not Jewish. 6. How might being a Gentile influence Saul? Many Jews believed that

Gentiles did not need to know God or at the very least had to live like a Jew to know him.

7. Should we share the good news with others who are different from us? Why or why not?

8. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Deeper Discussion Questions: Green Team (5th & Up)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson? 2. What do you think of Saul’s change of heart? 3. How did Ananias respond to God? He was not too happy and told God

about Saul’s actions of harming Christians.

4. What does God think about Sault? His past did not matter to him, what mattered is that he wanted Saul to know him and teach others about him.

5. What does the word Gentile mean? Someone who is not Jewish. 6. How might being a Gentile influence Saul? Many Jews believed that

Gentiles were unclean and could not know God. Some early believers

made Gentiles be circumcised (which is a part of the Law) in order to

know God. God wanted Paul to share with others that this isn’t necessary for them to know Him.

7. How can we apply what we learned about Paul to our life today?

8. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Transformation of Paul Wednesday

Big Idea: God uses the most unlikely people to share his good news.

Overview: The students will learn about Paul’s conversion.

Memory Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Worship (10 Min)- At least 3 People

Preparation: The VBS team should practice the songs at least the day before the

week of VBS. The curriculum and songs will be available online. Worship preparation is best when the whole VBS team is familiar with the songs.

Students will worship as a group. There will be at least 3 leaders to lead each song. There should be a total of three songs sung throughout the week. The first two days the students will get familiar with two and learn the final song on


Connection (5 Min): 1 Person

Week Introduction & Memory Verse

Preparation: Create/use a PowerPoint Slideshow to display the memory verse. Alternatively, you can create a poster or posters displaying the words.

Say: Hello kids! This week is going to kick off our Soccer Camp VBS theme! Throughout this summer, we are going on an epic journey to learn how God makes the impossible possible! Some of you may be familiar with these stories of Jesus & other biblical people but I guarantee that you are going to learn something new!

Before our lesson, we are going to learn our memory verse together. Here is this week’s memory verse:

Memory Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Explore (10 Min):

Paul Escapes Damascus in a Basket (Acts 9:15-16)

Preparation: Use the PowerPoint/Pictures attached to the curriculum to give the students visuals while describing the story. You may have more then two Speakers if you would like to break up the speaking parts more.

Characters (2 Leaders): Speakers (2)

Show Picture 1.

Speaker #1: Last time we talked about Saul. He was putting people in prison for telling others about Jesus. Then as he was on his way to find more Christians, he was blinded by a light from heaven.

The other people with him could hear a voice, but they didn't see anyone and the voice said “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?” Jesus told Saul to go into the city and he would be told what to do. The other men helped take him the rest of the way to Damascus. He couldn’t see for 3 days. He didn’t eat or drink for 3 days. Then God told Ananias to go find Saul.

Show Picture 2.

Speaker #2: Ananias was nervous about going to find Saul of Tarsus because he

asked God, “Isn’t he the one that is putting Christians in prison?” In Acts 9:15-16:

But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name

before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many

things he must suffer for My name’s sake.”

Ananias did as God told him to and he went and laid hands on Saul. Something

like scales fell off Saul's eyes and he could see. Saul immediately went to be


Saul ate and spent time with other disciples. He left and spent time in Arabia for

about 3 years. Then he went back to Damascus. He’s returning as a very

different person. Before he came to put the followers of Jesus in prison, and now

he is returning to tell everyone he can about Jesus.

Show Picture 3.

Speaker #1: Our Bible scripture for today is Acts 9:19-31. Saul immediately started

to preach about Jesus in the synagogues. Everyone who heard about Saul preaching were amazed! (Acts 9:22) But Saul increased all the more in strength, and confused the Jews who dwelt in Damascus, proving that this Jesus is the Christ.

Show Picture 4.

Speaker #2: They said, “Isn’t he the one that put people in prison for doing the very same thing?” But Saul kept preaching and the Jews that lived in Damascus couldn't believe that Saul kept talking about Jesus.

Show Picture 5.

Speaker #1: Now the Jews planned to kill Saul! They watched the gates day and night to try and kill him.

Show Picture 6.

Speaker #1: The disciples heard about their plans, so, one night, the disciples let Saul down the city wall from a window of Damascus inside a large basket.

(window is in 2 Corinthians 11:33) Saul left on foot and went to Jerusalem. Which again was about 140 miles and took 5-6 days. Walking.

Show Picture 7.

Speaker #2: When Saul had first come to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were afraid of him. They didn’t believe Saul had really changed so fast and so much! But Barnabas took Saul to the disciples and told them about Saul being blinded by the light on the road to Damascus and how he had been preaching at Damascus. So Saul preached boldly, but more people wanted to kill him. So he went to Tarsus, where he lived as a boy. The churches in Judea,

Galilee and Samaria grew and were peaceful.

Lesson from:

End of Skit-Transition into Small Groups

Response (15 Min):

There can be at most 8 people involved with each group. There should be 2 people from each team responsible for knowing the questions.

Christ Connection: Jesus wants everyone to know him, no matter who and what they have done.

Big Picture Question: Was there a dramatic difference in Paul compared to him in the beginning of the last story?

Big Picture Answer: Paul had a dramatic change in how he sees God in that God loved him and wanted Paul to know him, despite his past.

Icebreaker Question (ALL GROUPS): Have you ever been scared?

Deeper Discussion Questions: Red & Black Team (K-2nd)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson?

2. Do you think Paul changed as a person compared to his life before meeting Jesus? Yes!

3. What did Paul do after seeing Ananias? He was baptized and

immediately started telling others about Jesus. 4. How did people react to him? Many were confused that Paul, someone

who hated Christians, now believed in Jesus and was amazed at his preaching. Some did not like Paul and his teaching,

5. What did those who did not like him try to do? They tried to hurt him and

Paul escaped. 6. Did Paul quit sharing the Gospel because of these people? No, in fact he

went to other places and boldly proclaimed Jesus’ name. 7. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he

is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Deeper Discussion Questions: Blue Team (3rd-4th)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson?

2. Do you think Paul changed as a person compared to his life before meeting Jesus? Yes!

3. What did Paul do after seeing Ananias? He was baptized and immediately started telling others about Jesus.

4. How did people react to him? Many were confused that Paul, someone who hated Christians, now believed in Jesus and was amazed at his

preaching. Some did not like Paul and his teaching, 5. How were you feel if you were Paul? What would you do? Afraid for our

life, trust in God that he would protect, seek out others for help. 6. Did Paul quit sharing the Gospel because of these people? No, in fact he

went to other places and boldly proclaimed Jesus’ name.

7. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Deeper Discussion Questions: Green Team (5th & Up)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson? 2. Do you think Paul changed as a person compared to his life before

meeting Jesus? Yes! 3. What did Paul do after seeing Ananias? He was baptized and

immediately started telling others about Jesus. 4. How did people react to him? Many were confused that Paul, someone

who hated Christians, now believed in Jesus and was amazed at his preaching. Some did not like Paul and his teaching,

5. How were you feel if you were Paul? What would you do? Afraid for our

life, trust in God that he would protect, seek out others for help.

6. What can we learn from Paul’s response in this situation? We don’t have to be afraid when others disagree and hurt us for what we believe. We can look at Paul as an example and boldly live out our life for Christ.

7. How can you apply what we learn to your life? 8. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he

is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Transformation of Paul Thursday

Big Idea: God uses the most unlikely people to share his good news.

Overview: The students will learn about Paul’s conversion.

Memory Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Worship (10 Min)- At least 3 People

Preparation: The VBS team should practice the songs at least the day before the

week of VBS. The curriculum and songs will be available online. Worship preparation is best when the whole VBS team is familiar with the songs.

Students will worship as a group. There will be at least 3 leaders to lead each song. There should be a total of three songs sung throughout the week. The first two days the students will get familiar with two and learn the final song on


Connection (5 Min): 1 Person

Week Introduction & Memory Verse

Preparation: Create/use a PowerPoint Slideshow to display the memory verse. Alternatively, you can create a poster or posters displaying the words.

Say: Hello kids! This week is going to kick off our Soccer Camp VBS theme! Throughout this summer, we are going on an epic journey to learn how God makes the impossible possible! Some of you may be familiar with these stories of Jesus & other biblical people but I guarantee that you are going to learn something new!

Before our lesson, we are going to learn our memory verse together. Here is this week’s memory verse:

Memory Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Explore (10 Min):

Paul Preaches in Antioch (Acts 13:14-50)

Preparation: Use the PowerPoint/Pictures attached to the curriculum to give the students visuals while describing the story. Ask kids to be Volunteers and make index cards which has their lines on them. You may ask other Leaders to say the

longer lines.

Characters (1 Leader/ 7 Kids): Speakers (1), Volunteers (7 Kids or Leaders)

Show Picture 1.

Speaker #1: Today's lesson is found in Acts 13:14-50. They went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and listened to what the rulers had to say. When the rulers

were finished with their readings, they always chose a rabbi or important person to speak. That day, the rulers said, "If there were any men that had anything to say, then to talk." Paul stood up. He started with “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, LISTEN.”

Then Paul talked about the God that took the Israelites out of Israel. I’ll need some assistance to show us to the stories Paul talked about!

Invite Volunteers to come share the Stories of God. Line them up towards the audience and give them their lines.

Show Picture 2.

Volunteer #1: (1) Remember that God helped Moses take the Israelites out of

Egypt. They were slaves and there were 10 plagues to encourage the pharaoh

to let them leave. God watched over them for 40 years in the wilderness.

Show Picture 3.

Volunteer #2: (2) Paul said that God had given the people judges for about 350-400 years, because they asked for them and then...

Show Picture 4.

Volunteer #3: (3) God sent Samuel the prophet.

Show Picture 5.

Volunteer #4: (4) Then they asked for a king, so God sent Saul for 40 years.

Show Picture 6.

Volunteer #5: (5) Then they had David as a king. Paul said that God proclaimed that David was a man after God’s own heart and from him, a Savior would come.

Show Picture 7.

Volunteer #6: (6) That is Jesus. John came first and he baptized Jesus. John didn’t think he was good enough to baptize Jesus, but Jesus asked him to. John and Jesus were cousins.

Show Picture 8.

Volunteer #7: (7) Paul went on to talk about how the people couldn’t find a reason to put Jesus to death, but Pilate allowed it anyway. After Jesus died on

the cross, they put Him in a tomb and God raised Him from the dead. People saw Him for many days after He rose from the dead.

Show Picture 9.

Speaker #1: Paul said this was all done to fulfill what God said He would do. Paul said that through Jesus, we could have the forgiveness of sins. But the people

that hate God, will perish.

When the congregation left the synagogue, many of the people followed Paul and Barnabas. They asked if Paul & Barnabas would come again the next Sabbath and speak again. When they arrived the next week, almost the whole city was there to hear them preach! (vs. 44) Paul & Barnabas stayed in Antioch for a time. Read today's Bible verse again in Acts 13:49: And the word of the

Lord was being spread throughout all the region.

The Jews rejected what Paul was teaching and they encouraged the chief men of the city to make them leave. The Gentiles heard and were glad to listen to Paul. So, Paul and Barnabas told everyone that would listen about God, but not all people wanted to listen or believe. It’s the same today, not everyone wants

to hear about Jesus. And everyone that hears will not believe.

Lesson from:

End of Skit-Transition into Small Groups

Response (15 Min):

There can be at most 8 people involved with each group. There should be 2 people from each team responsible for knowing the questions.

Christ Connection: Jesus wants everyone to know him, no matter who and what they have done.

Big Picture Question: What do we do when we encounter people who respond harshly to us living for Jesus?

Big Picture Answer: Paul shows that we can be encouraged to stand firm in our faith and keep seeking God throughout hard times.

Icebreaker Question (ALL GROUPS): What is your favorite Bible story?

Deeper Discussion Questions: Red & Black Team (K-2nd)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson?

2. What were some of the stories Paul told to the people? Moses & the Ten Commandments, The Prophets Deborah & Samuel, King Saul & David, Jesus Baptized & Ascends

3. Why did Paul tell these stories? These stories of the Bible built up to Jesus who gives us hope and saves us from our sins.

4. Did the people believe in Paul? Yes, many people followed Paul and believed.

5. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he

is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Deeper Discussion Questions: Blue Team (3rd-4th)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson? 2. What were some of the stories Paul told to the people? Moses & the Ten

Commandments, The Prophets Deborah & Samuel, King Saul & David, Jesus Baptized & Ascends

3. Do you recognize these stories? Do you remember any other stories in the

Old Testament? 4. How might these stories be connected? 5. Do you think Paul had a reason the tell these stories? These stories of the

Bible built up to Jesus who gives us hope and saves us from our sins. 6. Did the people believe in Paul? Yes, many people followed Paul and


7. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Deeper Discussion Questions: Green Team (5th & Up)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson? 2. What were some of the stories Paul told to the people? Moses & the Ten

Commandments, The Prophets Deborah & Samuel, King Saul & David, Jesus Baptized & Ascends

3. Do you believe in these stories? How might they all connect to Jesus? 4. If these stories all build up to Jesus, what do we do with them? 5. Do you want to follow Jesus? If so, what might be some next steps? Pray

for the kids and ask how and why they would want to follow Jesus. 6. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he

is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Transformation of Paul Friday

Big Idea: God uses the most unlikely people to share his good news.

Overview: The students will learn about Paul’s conversion.

Memory Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Worship (10 Min)- At least 3 People

Preparation: The VBS team should practice the songs at least the day before the

week of VBS. The curriculum and songs will be available online. Worship

preparation is best when the whole VBS team is familiar with the songs.

Students will worship as a group. There will be at least 3 leaders to lead each song. There should be a total of three songs sung throughout the week. The first two days the students will get familiar with two and learn the final song on Wednesday.

Connection (5 Min): 1 Person

Week Introduction & Memory Verse

Preparation: Create/use a PowerPoint Slideshow to display the memory verse. Alternatively, you can create a poster or posters displaying the words.

Say: Hello kids! This week is going to kick off our Soccer Camp VBS theme!

Throughout this summer, we are going on an epic journey to learn how God makes the impossible possible! Some of you may be familiar with these stories of Jesus & other biblical people but I guarantee that you are going to learn something new!

Before our lesson, we are going to learn our memory verse together. Here is this week’s memory verse:

Memory Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Explore (10 Min):

Paul Heals Man in Lystra (Acts 14:1- 23)

Preparation: Set up chairs on one side for the Interviewer and Paul.

Characters (7 Leaders): Interviewer, Paul, Young Paul, Barnabas, Crippled Man, Townspeople (2)

Enter Paul and the Interviewer.

Interviewer: Good morning everyone! Welcome to our show! Today we have a special guest who you may know as an important character in the Bible. Can

you introduce yourself?

Paul: Hi, I am Paul. I am a disciple of Jesus. It’s good to be here again to share with all of you about my story.

Interviewer: Let’s get right into it! Paul, we have learned some dramatic events in your life so far. After you chose to follow Jesus, you boldly preached the

Gospel and performed miracles, correct?

Paul: That’s correct. Today’s story is about my time with Barnabas in Lystra. We healed a man and the people started to worship us instead of God! This really upset us and I told them that they are just normal men teaching others about God that created everything!

I talked about Jesus, and God’s plan of Jesus being raised from the dead. The

old laws were done away with and the new laws since the death of Jesus are God’s plan for us.

Interviewer: Wow, that sounds great! I’m sure I’d be in awe if I saw you heal someone. How did you heal the man?

Paul: Well, the story goes like this…

Enter Young Paul & Barnabas. They start walking and talking until they noticed the crippled man sitting on the ground.

Barnabas: Whew, that was a rough time in that last city. We were able to tell others about Jesus but we almost got really hurt!

Young Paul: It’s all for the glory of God.

The Crippled Man starts praying.

Young Paul: Barnabas, this man looks like he has been paralyzed from birth. Looks at the Crippled Man. Stand up straight on your feet!

The Crippled Man jumped up and walked! Enter Townspeople (2).

Townsperson #1: Praise Zeus! For this man is healed!

Townsperson #2: Praise Hermes! What kind of godly power you have!

Young Paul: We are just normal men preaching about God Who created the heaven and the earth and everything in them.

Townsperson #1: What? Who is this God you are talking about? If not Zeus, get out of our city!

Exit Young Paul and Barnabas being chased by the Townspeople.

Interviewer: Wow, that was amazing that you healed that man who has never walked! But I’m sure that was hard getting ran out of the city like that.

Paul: There are many trials to enter the kingdom of God. When we had

preached the gospel to that city and made many disciples, we returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, strengthened the disciples, encouraged them to continue to be faithful.

Interviewer: Well it’s about time to end our show. Thanks for coming on the show Paul and tune in tomorrow!

Lesson from:

End of Skit-Transition into Small Groups

Response (15 Min):

There can be at most 8 people involved with each group. There should be 2 people from each team responsible for knowing the questions.

Christ Connection: Jesus wants everyone to know him, no matter who and what they have done.

Big Picture Question: What do we do when we encounter people who respond harshly to us living for Jesus?

Big Picture Answer: Paul shows that we can be encouraged to stand firm in our

faith and keep seeking God throughout hard times.

Icebreaker Question (ALL GROUPS): Imagine if you did not have one of your

senses (sight, touch, hearing, tasting, and touch). How would that make you


Deeper Discussion Questions: Red & Black Team (K-2nd)

1. What did we talk about in today’s lesson?

2. What happened to the crippled man? Paul healed him! 3. How did the people around of him react? They thought the man was

healed by the power of a god like Zeus or Hermes. 4. How did Paul and Barnabas respond to those people? He told them that

they are just normal men teaching others about God that created

everything! He talked about the old laws were done away with and the new laws since the death of Jesus are God’s plan for us.

5. After the people ran Paul and Barnabas out of town, did they quit telling

others about Jesus? No! They continued to tell others about Jesus! 6. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he

is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Deeper Discussion Questions: Blue Team (3rd-4th)

1. What happened to the crippled man? Paul healed him! 2. How would you respond if you saw this? 3. How did the people around of him react? They thought the man was

healed by the power of a god like Zeus or Hermes. 4. How did Paul and Barnabas respond to those people? He told them that

they are just normal men teaching others about God that created everything! He talked about the old laws were done away with and the new laws since the death of Jesus are God’s plan for us.

5. After the people ran Paul and Barnabas out of town, did they quit telling others about Jesus? No! They continued to tell others about Jesus!

6. Would you quit if you were them? Explain why or why not. 7. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he

is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Deeper Discussion Questions: Green Team (5th & Up)

1. What happened to the crippled man? Paul healed him! How would you

respond if you saw this? 2. How did the people around of him react? They thought the man was

healed by the power of a god like Zeus or Hermes (Greek gods) 3. How did Paul and Barnabas respond to those people? He told them that

they are just normal men teaching others about God that created everything! He talked about the old laws were done away with and the

new laws since the death of Jesus are God’s plan for us. 4. After the people ran Paul and Barnabas out of town, did they quit telling

others about Jesus? No! They continued to tell others about Jesus! 5. How can we relate this story to our life today? Are their people who

believe in other faiths that we can share the Gospel to?

6. Do you remember the memory verse? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Transition to Prayer

Conclude in Prayer (ALL GROUPS):

• Ask all the kids to close their eyes. While praying, ask if anyone would like

to know more about Jesus and how they can be saved from their sin.

• Keep track of those who raise their hands. Write their names down and

report to the Camp Director for one-on-one conversations.

• Be sure to ask any kids if they would like to receive a Bible in English or


• Sample Prayer: “God, we thank you for making the impossible possible.

We could not deal with our sin, so you sent your Son Jesus to die for our sin.

We believe that Jesus did not stay dead but came back alive three days

later! You made a way for us to have a relationship with you. Thank you,

God. Amen.