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    Dattatreya Ashtottara Shata Namavali

    108 names of Dattatreya

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    Om aukrtattvarpaya nama ||1|| Obeisance to God Shri Dattatreya of the form of the pure infinite Essence as advocated via the AUM; in the manner in which there is no difference between the name and the named, between the reading and the read about, such the non-dual Brahma in the Turiya witness state as has been depicted of in the Katha, Prashna and Maandukya Upanishad Texts as the form of the Support, the Divine Letter signifying the Brahma do we praise thus.

    Om divyajntmane nama ||2|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta of the form of the Knowledge related to the Divine that is known via repeated and profound deliberations of the Upanishad Texts, via which the intended Form of God is illuminated.

    Om nabhottamahdhmna nama ||3|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta of the form of the Beyond and whose mighty divine Abode is beyond the firmaments, is above the three attributes of Nature, thus beyond the skies.

    Om aidrydhy ojase nama ||4|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta of the form of the strength of the sense organs, also as the lord of heaven, of the form of the brilliance that is beyond the true and the untrue, ineffable, of the richness and force acting on his inert strength termed Maya, the means activity and the fruits thereof.

    Om naamatsaragamyya nama ||5|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta attainable in the above depicted Divine Form via those who has overcome their feeling of covetousness; who have overcome their feeling of being unable to bear the upliftment, splendor, knowledge, wealth etc. of others.

    Om agamycrtmavartmane nama ||6||

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    Obeisance to God Shri Datta otherwise unattainable, whose Path of the attainment of the Self the mode of experiencing intended non-duality else remains unknown.

    Om mo citme dhyaktaye nama ||7|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that has kept all those involved in impure sinful acts free of the conscious bliss known via those who attend to God.

    Om hr bjaritariye nama ||8|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta who via seeking as intended the Divine Seed hr has done away with the puffed-up way of Shri or wealth, made it unassuming.

    Om mohdi vibhramntya nama ||9|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that destroy delusions such as infatuation etc.

    Om bahukya dharya nama ||10|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta assuming the Forms of various Preceptors Acharyas thus showering grace on devotees, doing away with their erring perceptions.

    Om bhaktadurvaibhavachetre nama ||11|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that dispels all defiled wealth and riches of His devotees.

    Om kl bjavarajpine nama ||12|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that does away with impure riches of devotees via recitation of the best of the Seed Mantras, kl.

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    Om bhavahetuvinya nama ||13|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that destroy the very root of worldliness in His devotees.

    Om rjacchodharya nama ||14|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta becoming with His red lips and His entire Divine Form.

    Om gati prakampitatya nama ||15|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that caused trembling of the entire cosmos via His divine gait in the incarnation as the Divine Dwarf God Vmana.

    Om cruvyahatabhave nama ||16|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta with His beautiful long arms.

    Om gatagarvapriyyya nama ||17|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose beloved is without any haughtiness, obeisance to God Shri Datta who is very fond of devotees that are unassuming.

    Om yamdiyatacetase nama ||18|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that has restrained the consciousness with the first two portions of the Yogic Path, Yama and Niyama.

    Om vaitjtavayya nama ||19||

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    Obeisance to God Shri Datta that has overpowered all with the empowerment availed of the Yogic Path named Vait, that which subdues.

    Om muine nama ||20|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta of the form of Mundi.

    Om anasyave nama ||21|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is ever free of envy.

    Om varadvareyavgjlvispaavividhtmane nama ||22|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is the best of narrators, worthy of listening to and whose portion-incarnations are free from the net of words cast by Brihaspati, the preceptor of the Gods etc.

    Om tapodhana prasannya nama ||23|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta who gets pleased with the truly ascetic.

    Om ipatistutakrtaye nama ||24|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is eulogized via kings and whose praises are sung by the wise.

    Om tejomayantaragya nama ||25|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that resides within the solar orb, the lustrous body.

    Om admarasadmavihpine nama ||26||

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    Obeisance to God Shri Datta that considers the houses of gluttons not worthy of taking alms from since it is defiled via violence in the use of the broom, water-pitcher, mortar and pestle, flour-mill and the heat stoves.

    Om ntarasthnasasthyya nama ||27|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that resides within the pure intellect.

    Om aivaryarautagtaye nama ||28|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose grandeur and auspiciousness has been variedly sung in the Shruti Texts.

    Om vtdibhayayugbhvahetave nama ||29|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that frightens the outlook of duality with utterances such as: It is out of His fear that the wind blows etc.

    Om hetuhetave nama ||30|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta, the original cause of the 28 essences that bring forth the world.

    Om jagadtmtmabhtya nama ||31|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta, the Self of the Universe, the true form of all individual selves, the all-pervading Self Essence.

    Om vidviatakaghtine nama ||32|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that destroys permanently the six inner foes of lust, anger, greed, infatuation, vainglory and covetousness.

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    Om suravargoddhte nama ||33|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta belonging to the faction of the Gods whom He uplifts.

    Om bhty nama ||34|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is of the form of Divine Grandeur.

    Om asurvsabhedine nama ||35|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that destroys the staying places of demonic.

    Om netre nama ||36|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is the guide and the leader.

    Om nayanke nama ||37|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta, the eye of the eye, the vision of the vision in accordance to the tenet the ear of the ears the, hearing of the hearing.

    Om ciccetanya nama ||38|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the consciousness of the conscious faculty as per this tenet, the consciousness residing latent in all that is inert, all constituents of the body.

    Om mahtmane nama ||39|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta worthy of worship by being the Self of the mammoth elements such as the sky etc.

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    Om devdhidevadevya nama ||40|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the Overlord of the Lords, prayed to by all gods and deities.

    Om vasudhsurapline nama ||41|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the protector of the gods of earth, the realized twice-born.

    Om yjinmagragayya nama ||42|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta worshipped via those who perform divine sacrifices.

    Om drbjajapatuaye nama ||43|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta pleased via the recitation of the divine one-lettered seed mantra: dr.

    Om vsanvanadvya nama ||44|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that destroys the forest of subtle unacknowledged desires.

    Om dhliyugdehamline nama ||45|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is smeared all over with dust, the ascetic Avadht.

    Om yatisanysigataye nama ||46||

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    Obeisance to God Shri Datta the movement and state attained by endeavoring ascetics and monks.

    Om datttreyeti savide nama ||47|| Obeisance to God that has assumed and responds to the name Dattatreya.

    Om yajansyabhuje nama ||48|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that partakes of the portion of divine sacrifices.

    Om ajya nama ||49|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is ever beyond any distortion and modification.

    Om trakvsagmine nama ||50||

    Om mahjavspgrpya nama ||51|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is untouched by the general vagaries of the conscious faculty.

    Om attkrya nama ||52|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that assumes Divine Forms.

    Om virpie nama ||53|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta with varied forms and beyond the physical forms.

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    Om narya nama ||54|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta of the form of the individual self.

    Om dhpradpya nama ||55|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that inspires the intellect.

    Om yaasviyaase nama ||56|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose pious renown is itself well-liked and appreciated.

    Om hrie nama ||57|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta adorned with the pearl necklace that dispel sins and distresses.

    Om ujjvalgya nama ||58|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta lustrous in His entire Form.

    Om treyatanjya nama ||59|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the divine son of sage Atri.

    Om sambhave nama ||60|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta, the origin of all.

    Om mocitmarasaghya nama ||61||

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    Obeisance to God Shri Datta that grants liberation to the groups of gods.

    Om dhmat dhrakya nama ||62|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta, the effulgence of the entire intellect.

    Om balihavipralabhyya nama ||63|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is attainable via the advocated means such as celibacy etc. in accordance to the tenet: The Self is not attained by the weak and feeble.

    Om ygahomapriyya nama ||64|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta who is fond of Puranic Lore advised actions as ordained by the ruti and Smti Scriptures.

    Om bhajanmahimavikhytre nama ||65|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that brings about especially the renown of His devotees attending to Him.

    Om amarrimahimacchide nama ||66|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that diminishes any unworthy progress of the demonic.

    Om lbhya nama ||67|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose advantage is availed by the knowledge of the Essence.

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    Om muipjyya nama ||68|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is prayed by the Yati ascetics.

    Om yamine nama ||69|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is ever conjoined to the eight-fold steps of Yoga such as Yama and other portions.

    Om hemamline nama ||70|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that looks attractive being adorned with gold.

    Om gatopdhivydhaye nama ||71|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta who is ever free of mental maladies, physical ailments, religious worries, and who imparts such state to the devout.

    Om hirayhitakntaye nama ||72|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that has imparted its luster to gold.

    Om yatndracary dadhate nama ||73|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta, the Acharya Paramhansa Parivrjak, the preceptor wandering saint ever centered to the Divine.

    Om narabhvauadhya nama ||74|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that dispels rebirth as man (since the entreaty here is to be able to do away with repeated births and deaths).

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    Om varihayogipjyya nama ||75|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is worshipped by the best of yogis such as Sage Vashishtha.

    Om tantusantanvate nama ||76|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is worshipped in and as the Divine Sacrifice and that brings about the expansion of the lineage of His devotees.

    Om svtmagthsutrthya nama ||77|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose hagiography depicting Texts such as the ruti and Smti are akin to pilgrimage centers whereby one can cross-over, gain the sought upliftment.

    Om mariye nama ||78|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose beauty is akin to that of the Moon.

    Om akarya nama ||79|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose Divine Form has six arms.

    Om tejomayottamgya nama ||80|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose entire Form and head is full of brilliance; as is mentioned in the tenet: Bright is the head of his Self or that of the Vaishvanar deity.

    Om nodannodyakarmae nama ||81||

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    Obeisance to God Shri Datta that inspires ordained acts such as the Nitya, Naimittik etc. (those to be done daily, those to be done in special cases such as in time of eclipse etc.)

    Om hnyptimtivijtra nama ||82|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta especially aware of the fears associated with loss, death as well as the benefits of gain.

    Om okritasubhaktaye nama ||83|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta who accept devotion that is becoming; adorns Himself with it as he does the Om.

    Om rukumanakhedahte nama ||84|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that does away with mental fears such as grief, attachment etc.

    Om daranviaytmane nama ||85|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose divine form is not such that is visible to the plain eyesight; as per the tenet: That is not evident via eyes.

    Om rkavtatavastrya nama ||86|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that is adorned with a huge animal hide, dark in hue.

    Om naratattvaprakine nama ||87|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta illumining facts about life.

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    Om drvitapraatghya nama ||88|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta who has dispelled sins of those who have bowed to Him.

    Om ttasvajiusvaraye nama ||89|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta who has taken away the wealth of those who have won over the Self; who have brought fortune to the Self, in accordance to the tenet: They on whom I desire to be compassionate, their entire wealth I do take away.

    Om rjantrysyaikarpya nama ||90|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta who appears with His primary Divine Form with three faces.

    Om masthya nama ||91|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta residing in the center of the lunar orb.

    Om masubandhave nama ||92|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the brother of the Moon deity, Chandra.

    Om yataye nama ||93|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the ascetic ever engaged in endeavor.

    - Om codantta-pracraprabhave nama ||94|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the Overlord beyond the three attributes of Nature.

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    Om mnaroavihnya nama ||95|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta who is ever serene, devoid of the need, devoid of fury.

    Om iyasasiddhikrie nama ||96|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta ever desirous to bring about benefit to His devotees.

    Om gage nama ||97|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that has the head adorned by the River Ganges.

    Om pdavihnya nama ||98|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose form is without physical feet in accordance to the tenet: That who has no hands and feet.

    Om codancodittmane nama ||99|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta engaged in divine activity, who is known via those who act as ordained with the full fore-knowledge thereof.

    Om yavyase nama ||100|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta renowned as and non-distinct from God Upendra encompassing the three worlds.

    - Om alarkadukha-vrie nama ||101|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta that dispelled all sorrows of Alarka the son of the devout Madalsa and uplifted him.

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    Om akhaittmane nama ||102|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta enriched with the divine Rasa sentiments, undivided.

    Om hrbjyya nama ||103|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the purpose to bringing forth His strength Maya known via the seed mantra hr.

    Om arjunajyehya nama ||104|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the sought form of devotee Krtavrya Arjuna.

    Om darandarittmane nama ||105|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta whose form can be comprehended via the Scriptures.

    Om natisantuacittya nama ||106|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta who on bowing bestows contentment to the consciousness.

    Om yatine nama ||107|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the wandering ascetic.

    Om brahmacrie nama ||108|| Obeisance to God Shri Datta the ever pure and celibate.

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    These verses with 108 names are taken from the Mantragarbha of Dattatreya, a mantra that includes in itself other 9 famous mantra:

    1. Om namo bhagavate vsudevya 2. Om namo bhagavate rudrya 3. Om tatsaviturvareya bhargodevasya dhmahi dhiyo yo na

    pracodayt 4. Om digambarya vidmahe avadhtya dhmahi tanno datta

    pracodayt 5. Om namo bhagavata jneyya mahbalya svh 6. R ramya nama 7. Om ai hr kl cmuyai vicce 8. Dr dattatreya nama 9. Om nama ivya

    Below the version with mantras highlighted with different colors.

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    mantragarbha datttreyottaraatanma stotram

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    || mantragarbha datttreyottaraatanma stotram || okratattvarpya divyajntmane nama | nabhottamahdhmna aidrydhy ojase nama | naamatsaragamyygamycrtmavartmane | mocitmedhyaktaye hrbjaritariye | mohdivibhramntya bahukyadharya ca | bhaktadurvaibhavachetre klbjavarajpine | bhavahe-tuvinya rjacchodharya ca | gatiprakampitya cruvyahatabhave | gataga-rvapriyystu yamdiyatacetase | vaitjtavayya muine anasyave | varadvareyavgjlvispaavividhtmane | tapodhanaprasannya-ipatistutakrtaye | tejomayataragy-dmarasadmavihpane | tarasthnasasthyyaivaryarautagtaye | vtdibhayayugbhva-hetave hetuhetave | jagadtmtmabhtya vidviatakaghtine | surava-rgoddhte bhty asurvsabhedine | netre ca nayanke ciccetanya mahtmane | devdhidevadevya vasudhsurapline | yjinmagragayya drbjajapatuaye | vsanvanadvya dhliyugdehamline | yatisanysigataye datttreyeti savide | yajansyabhujejya trakvsagmine | mahjavspgrpy-ttkrya virpie | narya dhpradpya yaasviyaase nama | hrie ujjvalgytreyatanjya sambhave | mocitmarasaghya dhmat dhrakya ca | balihavipralabhyya ygahomapriyya ca | bhajanmahimavikhytre'marrimahimacchide | lbhya muipjyya yamine hemamline | gatopdhivydhaye ca hirayhitakntaye | yatndracary dadhate narabhvauadhya ca | varihayogipjyya tantusantanvate nama | svtmagthsutrthya mariye akarya ca | tejomayottamgya nodannodyakarmae | hnyptimtivijtra okritasubhaktaye | rukumanakhedahte daranviaytmane | rkavtatavastrya naratattvaprakine | drvitapraatghy-ttasvajiusvaraye | rjantrysyaikarpya masthyamasubandhave | yataye codantta-pracraprabhave nama | mnaroavihnya iyasasiddhikrie | gage pdavihnya codancodittmane | yavyase'larkadukha-vrie'khaittmane | hrbjyrjunajyehya darandarittmane | natisantuacittya yatine brahmacrie | ityea sat-stavo vttoyt ka deytprajpine | maskaro manusyta parabrahmapadaprada ||

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    Here one more list of mantras with the 108 names of Dattatreya

    1 Om r dattya nama

    2 Om r devadattya nama

    3 Om r brahmadattya nama

    4 Om r viudattya nama

    5 Om r ivadattya nama

    6 Om r atridattaya nama

    7 Om r treyya nama

    8 Om r atrivaradya nama

    9 Om r anasyya nama

    10 Om r anasysnave nama

    11 Om r avadhtya nama

    12 Om r dharmya nama

    13 Om r dharmaparyaya nama

    14 Om r dharmapataye nama

    15 Om r siddhya nama

    16 Om r siddhidya nama

    17 Om r siddhipataye nama

    18 Om r siddhisevitya nama

    19 Om r gurave nama

    20 Om r gurugamyya nama

    21 Om r gurorgurutarya nama

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    22 Om r garihya nama

    23 Om r varihya nama

    24 Om r mahihya nama

    25 Om r mahtmane nama

    26 Om r yogya nama

    27 Om r yogagamyya nama

    28 Om r yogdeakarya nama

    29 Om r yogapataye nama

    30 Om r yogya nama

    31 Om r yogdhya nama

    32 Om r yogaparyaya nama

    33 Om r yogidhyeyghripakajya nama

    34 Om r digabarya nama

    35 Om r divybarya nama

    36 Om r ptbarya nama

    37 Om r vetbarya nama

    38 Om r citrbarya nama

    39 Om r blya nama

    40 Om r blavryya nama

    41 Om r kumrya nama

    42 Om r kiorya nama

    43 Om r kadarpamohanya nama

    44 Om r ardhgligitganya nama

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    45 Om r surgya nama

    46 Om r virgya nama

    47 Om r vtargya nama

    48 Om r amtavarie nama

    49 Om r ugrya nama

    50 Om r anugrarpya nama

    51 Om r sthavirya nama

    52 Om r sthavyase nama

    53 Om r tya nama

    54 Om r aghorya nama

    55 Om r mhya nama

    56 Om r rdhvaretase nama

    57 Om r ekavaktrya nama

    58 Om r anekavaktrya nama

    59 Om r dvinetrya nama

    60 Om r trinetrya nama

    61 Om r dvibhujya nama

    62 Om r abhujya nama

    63 Om r akamline nama

    64 Om r kamaaludhrie nama

    65 Om r line nama

    66 Om r amarudhrie nama

    67 Om r akhine nama

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    68 Om r gadine nama

    69 Om r munaye nama

    70 Om r mauline nama

    71 Om r virpya nama

    72 Om r svarpya nama

    73 Om r sahasrairase nama

    74 Om r sahasrkya nama

    75 Om r sahasrabhave nama

    76 Om r sahasryudhya nama

    77 Om r sahasrapdya nama

    78 Om r sahasrapadmrcitya nama

    79 Om r padmahastya nama

    80 Om r padmapdya nama

    81 Om r padmanbhya nama

    82 Om r padmamline nama

    83 Om r padmagarbhrukya nama

    84 Om r padmakijalkavarcase nama

    85 Om r jnine nama

    86 Om r jnagamyya nama

    87 Om r jnavijnamrtaye nama

    88 Om r dhynine nama

    89 Om r dhynanihya nama

    90 Om r dhynastimitamrtaye nama

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    91 Om r dhlidhsaritgya nama

    92 Om r cadanaliptamrtaye nama

    93 Om r bhasmoddhlitadehya nama

    94 Om r divyagadhnulepine nama

    95 Om r prasannya nama

    96 Om r pramattya nama

    97 Om r prakrthapradya nama

    98 Om r aaivaryapradnya nama

    99 Om r varadya nama

    100 Om r varyase nama

    101 Om r brahmae nama

    102 Om r brahmarpya nama

    103 Om r viave nama

    104 Om r vivarpie nama

    105 Om r akarya nama

    106 Om r tmane nama

    107 Om r atartmane nama

    108 Om r paramtmane nama